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    1. Lucid Fragment, Tooth Ache, Rope Swinging, Improved Teleportation, In a Painting (February 16, 2012)

      by , 02-18-2012 at 09:28 PM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      I used my daydream awareness technique again before bed. I didn't feel like daydreaming about anything in particular. I just wanted to focus on the idea of becoming lucid.

      Lucid Fragment

      I was in Loudonville standing behind my grandmother's house. I'm not sure but I think I was Claire or seeing things through her eyes in this dream. I was trying to hide from an army of little kids who wanted to eat me. They found me and they charged at me. I tried shooting them with an LMG I had been carrying, but it was out of ammo. So I picked up a gold sledge hammer leaning against the house. I swung it around in a circle hitting all of the kids around me. It was quite comical until I woke up.

      Tooth Ache

      This dream started out with me in my grandmother's house (Mansfield). It was a flase awakening and I was lying in the bedroom. I got up and put my clothes on for the day. I walked towards the kitchen to get some breakfast. I got a really strange feeling in my one tooth though as I walked to the kitchen. It then started hurting really bad. I poked it and felt it with my tounge. It hurt even more and tasted like bood, so I figured it was about to fall out. I started panicking because I don't think you're supposed to lose adult teeth. I poked at it with my finger and really knocked it lose. My mouth suddenly started to fill with blood. I ran into the bathroom and spit it out into the toilet. I started questioning why I had a bad tooth and how I could fix it. I became lucid after remembering that I had a similar dream a few days ago.

      I still wasn't sure how I was going to fix my tooth. After spitting more blood out I decided to call out to my sister for help.

      "Miki...Miki...Miki..." I moaned holding my head over the toilet.

      I didn't get any response from her. It seemed like she just decided to leave. So I decided to rely on a dream guide.

      "Claire!" I shouted to bring her to me.
      "What?" She said walking into the bathroom.
      I turned around to face her and said, "Look at this tooth ache!"
      "So?" She said thinking it was normal.
      I then spat out more blood onto the floor and yelled, "This isn't normal! Fix it!"
      "Alright, follow me." She said.

      I followed her outside of the house. Even though I had just woken up, it was oddly night time. We walked across the street into a field. We were walking towards a huge statue. I think it was the head of the Statue of Liberty half burried in the ground. I then stopped walking and thought about my real life tooth. I thought the tooth pain in my dream could be related to my real life tooth. If so then it would be a good idea to wake up and check on it. I grabbed the fabric of my dream with my hand (if that makes sense) and started pulling on it. I pulled and twisted it until it ripped open. I let myself fall into the void and woke up.

      When I woke up my tooth was completely fine. That made me a little upset that I woke up for no reason. I got up to get a class of water and then sat there for a while using my daydream technique.

      Rope Swinging

      Kind of forgot some of this dream because I put off writing it. I was standing on a platform built around the top of a very tall tree. I tried to see how far from the bottom I was, but there was only a thick fog below me. I was standing there with my cat. My cat looked as if he was about to jump off of the platform.

      "No kitty! No kitty! No kitty!" I yelled.

      He jumped off and I looked down to see had jumped to another platform. As high as it was, it looked like it should have killed him.
      I became lucid after thinking about how the fall should have killed him. I saw ropes hanging from the tree branches and decided to play with those. I ran foward, grabbed a rope, and swung towards another platform. To reach the next platform I had to curve around the tree with the rope. Oddly when I did this I had a quick gust of hot air blow at me for a few seconds. After I landed on the next platform there were no others to swing to. I ran and swung on the last rope anways. After I let go of the rope I fell far through the fog until I hit the ground. I did a roll when I landed so I wouldn't break my legs or anything. More happened after this, but I forgot it.

      Improved Teleportation

      I can't remember the moment I became lucid. I was standing in my grandmother's living room (Mansfield) in the middle of the night. Oddly everyone us up and walking around even though it was the middle of the night. I decided I would try teleporting somewhere. I don't like walking around the dream world at night or places that seem very normal to me. I had a little bit of a new idea on how I would teleport this time.

      I swiped my hand down to create a rift in the wall above the couch. I jumped off the couch and dived into the portal. I fell and crashed into the void like I was expecting. Now that I was in the void and the previous dream scene was erased, it would be easier for me to teleport to a new one. I swung my arms out in a tearing motion to rip a hole in the void while thinking of a place full of snow. A rift opened up and I could see a bunch of snow through it. I stepped through the portal and I was in the middle of a forest covered in snow and ice. I also saw Chris just standing there watching the snow. The place was amazing, but it felt too cold there and I wanted to leave. I waved goodbye to Chris and walked back through the portal into the void.

      I did the same thing as before when I was in the void, except I thought about the summer and the beach. I saw sand, water, and the sun materialize as I opened the portal. When the image was complete I walked through the portal. Unfortunately the exit portal was a little high up in the air and I fell out of it. I hit the ground pretty hard, but I at least landed on sand. After groaning in pain and complaining to myself I got up and looked at my surroundings. I was on a beautiful island with a bunch of trees and flowers behind me. I looked back to the beach and saw someone just lying there on the beach. As I walked towards her I realized she was Claire. I wanted to ask her a few questions, but she was sleeping. I poked her belly a few times to try to wake here up. I then decided that waking her up would be like waking an angry bear. I sat next to her and waited for her to wake up, but she never did. I looked around a little bit and admired this new world. One odd thing I saw though was the Statue of Liberty's head burried in the ground again. The dream faded away as I waited.

      In a Painting

      It was a false awakening and I was actually in my own room for once. I was packing my bags for yet another road trip. As I was packing I saw a picture on my wall. It was a picture of the Statue of Liberty. I walked over to it and stared at it for a moment. I don't have a picture of the Statue of Liberty on my wall. I became lucid after realizing that the statue was in the previous dreams. It meant that this one was likely a dream too.

      For some reason I felt like I should go into the painting. I pushed my hand through the picture. It looked and felt like I had stuck my hand into a bucket of water. After pushing my whole arm into it, I was sucked into the painting. Next thing I know, I'm falling high above the buildings of New York City. I then felt an energy above me and turned towards the sky. Two seperate portals had opened in the sky. Out of one fell Chris, and out of the other fell Claire.

      "What the hell are you guys doing?!" I asked them.
      "Trying to save you!" Chris said.
      "You're doing a pretty bad job at it!" I yelled at him.
      "There wasn't much time to plan!" he yelled back.
      "Shut up and morph into a dragon already!" Claire yelled.

      I transformed into a full dragon real easy and spread out my wings. Claire grabbed onto my back and I grabbed Chris with my four legs. I was about to crash into a skyscraper, but Claire grabbed my horns and steered me to the right. I was about to hit another building, so she steered me to the left just barely missing two buildings. I nearly lost my grip of Chris and was barely holding onto him anymore.

      "You guys are too heavy" I yelled.

      Claire got mad at me and purposely steered me into the side of a building. That was a painful hit on the head.

      I growled at her and asked, "What the hell was that for?"
      "Watch what you say." Claire said.
      "This too much weight for me to carry!" I yelled back.
      "Maybe you just need to build some muscle" She said.
      "Look out!" Chris yelled.

      I looked back in front of me and saw the Statue of Liberty. I crashed into the crown thingy on it and gripped it with my claws. I grabbed Chris with my tail and and Claire held onto my shoulders. After some struggling I finally pulled all of us up. All of that craziness destabilized my dream and I woke up like 5 seconds later.

    2. 18/02/12 - Unfaithful nightmare

      by , 02-18-2012 at 09:17 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Had extremely long and weird dreams last night, I can't be bothered to write them down really. Did a small WBTB and after that it started with a LD in which I was going to have sex, this led to the "unfaithful schema" being active and it all turned into a nightmare when I lost lucidity.

      23.30: Sleep
      Spoiler for 18+:

      The dream slips from me and I end up in SP. I lie still and visualize a scene in which I'm having sex with the girl. I almost end up in a dream before I black out.

      I wake up in a bed next to a girl. I know I'm on a boat cruise. I position myself ontop of the girl who just woke up. I slowly start to realise what I've done last night. I drank myself stupid and ended up having sex with this girl, cheating on Monica. I get up and get out of there. I almost throw up from the anxiety. 'Fuck fuck fuck! What the hell have I done?!'

      11.00: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 12½ hours

      Supplements: Galantamine + Choline at WBTB.

      That's it! Well, on G+C you're in for an extremely long dreaming period. That can be good or bad, unlucky me this time the unfaithful schema took like an hour to go away, it stayed there for a few dreams.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
      Tags: sex-related
      lucid , dream fragment
    3. 18th February 2012

      by , 02-18-2012 at 09:12 PM
      Last nights dream fragment

      All I can remember is that I wore my 7 year olds pyjamas, they fit me perfectly and then I think "what's J going to wear for bed now"
    4. The 12 planets...17th February 2012

      by , 02-18-2012 at 09:09 PM
      I'm in an apartment quite high up. I look out of the window and I see a planet go past, it's in the sky and I panick. I go outside and there are loads of people looking up into the sky and they are just watching, I stand still for a moment and watch too. I see more planets come into our atmosphere, they come one at a time about every 5 minutes. All the planets look different, we all realise something is quite wrong about this and then the last planet comes. They now all circle earths atmosphere and we can see them all. I hear a man shout "the 12 moons have now come to a stand" I now think "ohh shit" and I now begin to run...I wonder where I can hide so I don't die but I can't think of anywhere!!!
      Tags: fear, man, planets, run, sky
      nightmare , non-lucid
    5. New Emoticons, Mario And Yoshi

      by , 02-18-2012 at 08:47 PM
      My dreams from this night were kind of hazy, I went to bed mildly hungover and still have a bit of a headache. -.- But I did manage to get something down.

      #1 - New Emoticons [Non-Lucid]

      I was talking to FancyRat, who had apparently just become rich and famous for some reason I can't remember, with Facebook messages but still using DV emoticons. There were a lot of really strange emoticons on the list and I was distressed because they had removed the panic one. But I did find one that whenever you looked at it it made your screen get sucked through some crazy psychedelic tunnel with dragons flying around. Meanwhile, I was at a restaurant with my dad (I had my laptop with me) and we had some snooty butler guy as our waiter, and he asks if we want an appetizer or anything and my dad starts telling him about how we HATE appetizers so we never get any and how could he even ask that... to which I'm just like what the hell? Let's at least get some chips or something. >.> After that I woke up.

      #2 - Mario And Yoshi [Non-Lucid]

      It starts out with me watching K play a Mario game where there was a side story which was like a copy of Luigi's Mansion, so I was telling him how to get to that. Skip forward, I go back to high school for some reason to play an online Yoshi game with D in the lunch area and and up seeing a bunch of annoying people but also this guy E who was a grade below me and pretty fun to hang out with. I don't remember much about the game, except that nothing we were trying to do was working correctly but we kept unlocking a bunch of random Yoshi colors anyway. After that I get complemented on my game skills by Dianeva who's in a chat room and logged into the game in a way that just lets you watch other people play. That's it for that.
    6. The Green Rooms

      by , 02-18-2012 at 08:40 PM
      I run into my ex-girlfriend. She is walking so fast I have a hard time keeping up. I ask if she is avoiding me. She says yes. I say one more thing and then leave her alone.

      A series of rooms. In each one, there is a challenge involving fighting (or possibly fishing) before the next door will open. More than one room has a stream with eels. A lot of these rooms are quite large and have natural type features- streams, animals, trees, plants, etc. The room I'm in now has giants. The lights go out. Fighting in the dark is difficult and scary.

      I journaled in my dreams again, so I missed writing down the other part of my dream because I thought I'd already written it. I've forgotten it now. I hate when that happens.
    7. 70th Shared Dreaming Attempt- Cay's Dreams

      , 02-18-2012 at 08:33 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Cay's Dreams

      Dream 1
      The lower end of my county, the more "rural" of the two, was now filled with lavish mansions. My cousin, a teacher and his wife, a bank teller had somehow moved into one of these. They only had enough furniture to fill the front few rooms. I slipped out at one point to explore a dilapidated turn-of-the-century hotel which exists nearby in real life. I ended up accidentally causing a cave-in somehow.

      Dream 2 was a nightmare and rather personal.

      Dream 3 gets +5 awesome points for cohesiveness and clarity, but I didn't get lucid.

      It started with a limousine depositing myself, my two sisters and Azra outside of what seemed like a hotel, with black glass and a gilded awning. It was nasty out, and a flash of lightning and sudden downpour hurried us inside. The lobby was warm and well-lit, with a bubbling fountain and a black marble-topped desk from behind which a pretty young receptionist called out this greeting: "Reo! So glad to see you back!" Reo is a name a lot of dream characters have taken to calling me. I didn't recognize it, though, and I definitely hadn't been here before, so I was quite perplexed as I was ushered to a podium bearing a sign-in sheet and instructed to sigh for "Reo, party of four". An elevator door opened to the right of the podium and we filed in next to a bearded young operator in a stiff beige uniform. "Going up," he murmered in a thick accent as he pulled the lever.
      The doors opened on a damp concrete hallway with a few flickering lights, one of which illuminated a metallic door at the end. A girl stood up out of a folding chair to guide us further. She wore a tight charcoal-colored jumpsuit with red accents. She had a round face, soft features and lots of curly flaxen hair. Her name was Crystal. Soon, we were all outfitted in similar jumpsuits and given what seemed to be Star Trek TOS phasers in black.
      Behind the door we met the sixth member of our party, an android with a long, segmented tail and catlike face which spoke in an annoying series of "nya" sounds that Crystal could somehow understand.
      It turned out to be a similar concept as my "Sacred Games" dream, where each stage is either a combat situation or a puzzle. The Sacred Games was fantasy-oriented, and this was futuristic, but that was about the only difference. We'd only gone through two stages, one a confrontation with those creepy soldier bots from Portal ("...Are you still there?") and the other a maze within which was a key to the exit, when I woke up.
    8. In Which I Have a Mighty Fine Hat

      by , 02-18-2012 at 08:14 PM
      I'm going to my friend's house. I have a small flat box containing a piece of furniture that I bought for myself, but it was my friend's birthday recently, and I feel guilty about not getting him a present. I realize he would like this furniture, so I give it to him. See, their old comfy chair broke, and the furniture I got is a recliner. It's kind of cheap though. I'm worried it won't be sturdy. It turns out to be a very comfy, squashy blue recliner, and my friend likes it. We rearrange the furniture to make room for it.

      I'm playing Minecraft with a friend. We're at the surface, and there is a gap leading down into a cave. We put ladders and torches on the edges (it's a vertical drop down into the cave). We also put burning rope (it's a sweet new light source). I want to play with this burning rope stuff because it's new. I walk onto the hole with the ladder, so I'll drop slowly down, and then I hang onto the burning rope by pressing shift. I hang from the rope for a few moments, but then I lose my grip and fall into the cave below.

      There are a lot of bookshelves here. We quickly place torches throughout the room. I go down a tunnel to explore alone. I am attacked by skeletons. I defeat them with some difficulty. I realize my health is extremely low. More skeletons attack. I fight cautiously, retreating. I make it back to the main room with the bookshelves, but the skeleton is still on my tail. I weave in and out of the bookshelves, now running more than fighting. The skeleton charges at me. I can't run fast enough. I die. I respawn nearby and hurry back to collect my stuff.

      I'm riding the trains, but I end up somewhere I didn't want to be. I get on the train going back the other way and go back a station.

      I have a mighty fine hat. It's brown with a wide brim and has a string under my chin so I can slide it back and it will rest on my back. I somehow know that Minecraft mechanics are (still) in place, but not everything is cubes. These people are building a submarine with shopping carts and chairs. They start by digging out a few cubes of dirt, and putting some lava in the hole. Now they're building the craft on top of that. They're going to add on a 'candy chair', so I'll have a place to sit. Apparently it's really cute. I'm a little apprehensive of something that cute- it might end up being pink and kiddy and horrible. I wonder how we are going to be able to breathe underwater in this contraption, but I figure it must just take advantage of some sort of glitch.

      I'm putting my backpack in one of the spaces for luggage at the back of this 'submarine'. My backpack is pretty full, but it's squishy, too. It takes a bit of fiddling to get my backpack in the luggage space, but I manage it. We've started moving while I was busy with the luggage. I'm stuck hanging onto the back instead of having an actual seat. A woman and the kid are sitting in the shopping cart shaped main area of the 'sub'. Another woman is hanging off the side and steering. There's an extra chair hanging off the other side that unbalances the craft a little.

      We're moving at high speed over land and little ponds. Presumably we are going to go underwater when we reach the river. I'm looking forward to seeing how it works (although I'm a little afraid the answer will be 'it doesnt'). But I wake up before we reach the river. I'm so disappointed we didn't get to go underwater.
    9. Dream Saturday 18th February 2012

      by , 02-18-2012 at 07:37 PM (Lucid Lore ~ The Afterlife ~)
      I had a dream were I was in New York city, At time square and I was flying, The world was ending and building were collapsing, And I remember wanting Time Square to be destroyed. Rocks or chickens were falling from the sky and I think a song in the back ground said "It's raining men" I wish I wrote down the dream when I woke up, But I didn't Because I didn't have enough battery life on my iPod, And I was being lazy.

      Well I only had enough battery life for listening to music for a half hour.

      I will be more committed next time ^_^
    10. Epic Recall Fail

      by , 02-18-2012 at 07:36 PM
      I wrote down my dream in detail and then a while after I woke up I realized that my dream journal was completely blank. Now I can't remember anything about my dream because I didn't write it down or mentally review it on waking because I thought I'd already done so. I hate when this happens. I'd have so many easy lucids if I could just remember to RC every time I write in my dream journal.
    11. Baseball.

      by , 02-18-2012 at 07:22 PM

      I was on a baseball team it seems like. I climbed on one of the huge, tall fences that are behind the batting plate on a baseball field. I climbed up and down it multiple times with only my arms trying to build upper body strength I guess.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Books.

      by , 02-18-2012 at 07:19 PM

      I was walking through a mono-colored, all blue building with books displayed on the walls like paintings. There were two dark-skinned men talking to me about something; I vaguely remember. I don't know why I didn't do a reality check within the dream, it was really abnormal. I read one of the many books on the wall and I started crying.

      Updated 02-18-2012 at 07:31 PM by 53316

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. Real life Call of Duty?

      by , 02-18-2012 at 07:18 PM

      All I remember was a couple of friends and I in what seemed a run-down village with guns and my vision had indicates of information like ammo, the radar and everything else that you would find while playing a Call of Duty game. My memory of this is less than 3 seconds, mainly just the picture of what it looked like.

      Updated 02-18-2012 at 07:23 PM by 53316

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. Magic Castle/Fortress

      by , 02-18-2012 at 07:18 PM
      Dream starts off with 5 City kids (based off of that 70's show) waking up, and walking around a destroyed city. There's nobody there, but they see a large portal (white, but looks like the one behind Taerar) inside of a building, 1/2 of the building smashed to pieces. They decide to go in, and find themselves in a large, demonic castle. The ruler of the castle and the realm, (name not remembered) approaches the kids (he looks like a badass timmy turner villain when he wants to beat his parents, venom/black/red mix in that form) the kids see that they got transformed into adults, fit with robin hood-ish gear. The ruler says "Hello and welcome to the GAME. My name is (?), and we're going to have some fun (half smile-sneer). If you want to escape this nightmare realm, you have to defeat me. Now minions, ATTACK!" So the kids run, they still have no clue what to do with weapons. They go somewhere outside of the forest (looks like your HUGE backyard. Neighbor that has a yard really far down is an endless prairie. south neighbors are a forest. Other neighbors are a continuation of the giant fortress. This is all around the castle, so south = forest, east = prairie, west = more forest). The kids end up in a small camp somewhere in the forest. At this point in the game, you switch from playing the robin hood guy to a starter in the fortress. He is sitting out by the east wall of the yard, (everything is HUGE by the way), watching the birds. He tries to speak to them in any way he can. He speaks in a hushed tone, and manages to command the birds to poop on a place he pointed at. In the dream, this was called the language of Yeshmin, but... no, just no. At this point, another guard comes to him and says that the master needs him, fast. ATTENTION: At this point, i'll say that the demons use all spells, and the kids use weapons like bows, arrows, etc. Once outside the gate of the fortress, they see some demons that are trying to destroy the fortress. They resemble dark Illidan/lock metamorphosis forms, while the guards resemble Daedra from Oblivion. Your character uses a mind flay type spell, but the yeshmin language just before. the demon is destroyed in a melting way, and the guards are whispering behind you saying "he spoke the language of yeshmin.." Your character knows this is not approved by the master, and runs into the forest. Some time later, he meets up with the kids, and throws up his hands to say "dont shoot or attack! i'm not going to hurt you!" The kids ask him about why, and he tells them the story. The kids ask him to teach them the language of yeshmin, and he tells them that he only knows the basic "poop" word.. I WOKE UP

      Updated 02-18-2012 at 07:20 PM by 53359 (needed to categorize)

      non-lucid , memorable
    15. Bomb in the Candy

      by , 02-18-2012 at 07:14 PM
      I'm in a combination of an office building and a camping center. Someone has done some sort of mischief and I'm trying to find what together with a couple of employees. I want to try find something by going trough what has happened on the company servers, and L lets me use his desktop machine. I find some 3D animations of atoms and have a feeling there is something hidden in the files, which are actually folders with a special file type.

      Later, we know that there is a bomb in the building, and it is in a certain type of candy. We are outside on the porch opening the candy, trying to find the bomb. I eat some of the candy, they are something like halva with some peanuts inside. Then I find one with a few black bars inside. I throw a piece of one on the yard and it explodes. Someones promises to take care of the explosives and I contemplate eating a bit more candy.

      I notice that it's already 17:35 and I haven't had lunch. Later I'm downstairs where I've just had dinner. There is something on the ground and since everyone is still eating, I clean it up with a rag.