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    1. Scarecrows and blackops!

      by , 10-12-2012 at 02:04 AM
      Well, where shall I begin.
      At first I had a nice series of dreams, and it came to a point where I was just outside my own home.
      I was looking out to the corn fields just below our house, and there seemed to be men, made of wheat.
      Scarecrows basically. But the weird thing was, our fields are clear at this time of year and we grow corn
      not wheat. The field was scattered with random placement of wheat plants. The scarecrows were all
      facing the same way and they were definitely alive, but not moving. I was alittle intrigued.
      I went inside and I was by our freezer. There was a package labeled "Shun". My name is actually
      Shaun, but I use Shun as a gaming name of mine. I opened the package, I suddenly became lucid and there lied Black
      Ops II? I looked on the cover and there was the title and two guys facing eachother. I decided
      not to waste my time looking at the game and to do something more productive with my lucidity.
      But my short lucid dream, ended with the sound of my grandma waking me up :/
    2. Baby Dream

      by , 10-12-2012 at 12:41 AM
      Baby Dream: Another regular Dream sign (I missed them all last night). I felt a funny movement in my abdomen. I wondered if I could be pregnant. I looked down at my tummy and suddenly could see these little baby hands pushing up against my skin. I was surprised and delighted that I could see so much detail. I felt very excited to be having a baby.
      Tags: baby
    3. T-Rex Dreams

      by , 10-12-2012 at 12:39 AM
      Dream 1 and 2:

      T-Rex dreams. Yes, my semi annual T-Rex dream, and I had it twice last night.

      These dream seemed to last forever. In the first dream there was a T-Rex on the loose in this big building/house that I was in. I'm already forgetting the details, but it was quite stressful. I was with family and friends and trying to gather up supplies so we could escape. We were loading it into a big car that was inside a parking structure.

      Part Two: This happened after I woke up from the first dream and then fell back to sleep. There was a T-Rex loose in the city. I was with some people and driving around. I thought I knew the area the T Rex was in and was driving as far away as I could from it. But then to my horror realizing that it was coming down the road right at us. Again, so many details are now lost, but it was a long and stressful dream.
      Tags: dinosaur, t-rex
    4. Brother; Father

      by , 10-11-2012 at 11:35 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)

      I don't remember the dream, but I dreamed about my brother, and as usual, he was being an asshole. I haven't talked to him for over a year and I still dream of him as being an asshole. I don't think about him IWL.


      I was with my father at The Pinnacle Peak Patio. It is my favorite restaurant, and is in Arizona. We were considering purchasing the restaurant, but the roof needed to be raised. This was going to be very expensive. I guestimated how much that would cost.
    5. 3 dreams about conquering land and war

      by , 10-11-2012 at 11:06 PM (Exterminate)
      I don't really remember the first two dreams, so I'll just summarize them. They were about a personal conflict of which minecraft server do I choose, as I have been playing two at a time recently. It involved slaves building materials, dividing land, etc. The second dream was like the first, it had the same basic idea, but was different.

      Dream 3

      I remember driving around town, and there was multiple fires, generally small, but still dangerous. One specifically was this shopping center that had 3-4 fast food restaurants in it. They all had smoke coming from them, but it just looked like ordinary machinery steam. After a bit, we realized the one restaurant was actually smoking, it was on fire. We then actually saw some flames. I remember there were a few other fires in the dream, and I was put into one of two groups. We mined, put fires out, explored the area, etc. At the end of the day all fires were put out, we had collected some materials from mining(Random, don't ask me why we did that), and got to know each other quite well. One of two teams decided they liked this place so much, that they wanted to live here. They made this shrinking device that they used on the whole team to shrink to about 2-3 inches in length. They lived in this bush, miniaturized in this huge forest. Our team checked back on them a week later by calling their cell, two of their team died, but the rest had been living life well, building, inventing, starting life over fresh. I then actually visited them some time later, and their number had multiplied, the team leader crossbred with some animals and had many children...We had food with them, which was pretty interesting, they were like their own nation. I saw some insect crossbreeds, and 2-3 others, then there was one more I was looking for but never found. It was like a creeper crossbreed or something like that. Turns out they were water dwellers. Tons of them were in the water. The dream ended around this time.
    6. First remembered LD!

      by , 10-11-2012 at 09:44 PM
      This happened a while back, a few weeks or something. It was a very important night since it was the first lucid dream I've had that lasted more than 2 seconds. The text below is exactly what i wrote when I woke up after the dream. Though it is translated. The dream figured a number of persons I know in real life, but I will change their names.

      " First Lucid Dream. 23/9 2012 Tonight I am going to Lucid dream.
      Lots of details.
      I was in a great hall when I performed RC, my fingers did not pass through my palm. But I could breath through my closed nose. Success! I asked a group of dream characters who they represented. Linnea said she represented my longing. And a person shifting between Alex and Mat represented my social side.

      Alex/Mat was very concerned about something ( Can't remember what). Everyone left except Martin. I asked straight into the air what my greatest desire of the moment was.

      There, in the round sofa we just had been sitting in lay a bouquet of roses that Martin picked up. In theme were a card that I noticed and then red once Martin had put the bouquet down again. A love full greeting that I can't remember word by word. It was signed "Sara/ maybe Hi/pi". Strange.

      Then I went on with Alex to the next room in which there were a bar. I rubbed my hand together and did another RC breathing through my nose. Then Alex muttered something about the fragility of life and I tried to make him push his fingers through the palm of his hand. But it was impossible for him.

      Finally we went trough a door and arrived at a bar with a Nordic theme(vikings and stuff). Around a table sat everybody. I sat down in the only empty chair next to a cute blonde girl. It was a VERY rickety chair which I pointed out. She smiled. Her brother asked loud and clear over the table if she didn't want to have my number. She did. While she got it she lost track of the number all the time as if she heard the wrong numbers from the brother all the time. Then I red the first six digits of my social security number. "

      End of dream.

      After this strange episode I haven't had another one. This due to the fact that I haven't tried. But tonight I will.
      lucid , memorable
    7. Short moment of lucidity

      by , 10-11-2012 at 09:41 PM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      So I'm in a dry spell again, and this doesn't really look like the salvation but I was lucid nevertheless.

      I woke up (in a totally different room than I ever woke up in before) and panicked because I slept over 12 hours (it was 19:45, so the math was legitimate), some undetailed stuff happened and then I suddenly got the though that this gotta be a dream. But just a second later a false awakening hits me, though I don't recall any details after that.
      Tags: 1st person
      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    8. Brother's late for school 10/04/2012

      by , 10-11-2012 at 09:33 PM
      My brother woke up late for school, it was at least an hr or two late. We decided that he could just skip school. I remembered that I had to the school to report his absence. Someone around us told us that if he goes to school now, no one would really notice. We were riding in the car, we got off next to the school. It looked like a drop off spot for trucks. There were diagonal lines on the ground. I wasn't sure if we can actually stop here. Once we were off, my dad drove away. We went in to a building, it was more like a tower with steep stairs and gaps. We went up thinking that the school's upstairs. Soon enough, I realized that we're in a fashion company and everyone was busy and running around. The platforms where the stair turns are open showers. We started back down stairs when we realize the school wouldn't be here.
    9. Bar, Phone, Random Words 10/03/2012

      by , 10-11-2012 at 09:16 PM
      I was sitting in a bar with 3 Benedict Cumberbatch. Each one of them is different, one was really put together, the other was really adorable and the last one was Sherlock. Sherlock sat on my left and the well put together one was opposite of me. I asked them if I can take a picture of them together, they looked at me and smiled really big saying yes! --- I was in a hallway leading to a room that looks like a YouTube video. It's called "Pyscholistic Lover" by Kanye West (wtf). While walking toward to room, I see the back of a creepy person. That person had paper like material for the face and a beak. It attacked me and wants me dead. I tried to slit its throat with a knife multiple times, it only leave dents for a sec with no mark or blood. I thought it was too scary and changed back to the bar scene. They were close enough and I could take a picture but something happen and the parted a little. I said I would have to move back a little to take it and they moved close again.

      (I woke up in rl and couldn't find my phone) I was in my bed and found my phone to the left side of my pillow.

      I woke up thinking about a lot of things, jumbles of words, words that I wouldn't use, words that are probably not words. They all made sense to me that moment.
    10. Plaza 10/01/2012

      by , 10-11-2012 at 09:00 PM
      I was in a familiar looking plaza. I went inside a gym, it looked pretty old in there. I started to lift weights that were near the front of the door. I begin with a little weight. A woman came in and stood there staring at me. I looked for heavier weights and found one half of a 21 lbs. Another girl came in and joined the woman in staring at me. I sarcastically asked them if I'm not using enough weight. They then told me that I'm being weak for using so little weight. I fought back saying that I'm not comfortable with heavier weight, and yelled at them some more.

      I was in the previous plaza, but in a restaurant this time. The owner was showing off pictures of celebrities that came to eat. I found it really annoying so I left my family there. I was in a car driving away, but decided to go back. It was night time and I couldn't see really well, couldn't remember if I was going on the right road or not. I thought I saw a familiar entrance so I switched 4 lanes at a go without a care. (The road was so busy, I could've die in real life). The plaza that I drove in didn't look familiar at all. I decided to just pick a restaurant to eat at and went in a small Japanese restaurant. It was crowded and I didn't know if I should stay or go. I took a sit at a table with an old lady, we started talking and I showed her a menu that I got from the previous restaurant. It had a lot of pictures with descriptions, she then said she want to order from that menu.

      I was in a fabric store following a lady, she told me she comes here whenever things are on sale. She was about to walk out but turned around and came back with a dark blue fuzzy fabric. She told me that the key to having long lasting fabric is to wash it really well before making anything. I was going to ask if that's actually necessary.

    11. 10/10/12 Jet fighter DILD w/ 2 DEILD re-enteries

      by , 10-11-2012 at 08:32 PM (Cities in the Astral)
      I had a long string of vivid semi-lucid dreams. At some point I became frustrated with the tedious nature of a sequence that involved carrying furniture. I made the needed change of mind set and became fully lucid. The lucid went on for queit a long spell. I do not bother to journal standard LDs, and much of it was very standard. I started to wake on two occasions, but pulled off the DEILDs by returning to my mantra 'Thank You.' The LD involved basic flying stuff, of interest was one case of getting hung up on a power line. It also involved walking around looking at/for pretty DCs. Scenes took place in both a icce cream shop and a coffee shop.
      The one truely interesting portion was while flying I decided to transform iinto a fighter jet with lasers. I did airal stunts and shot targets with the laser beam. I think this is the first time I transformed into a non-biological form that was capable of action (have been a river and so on). Great fun. Dur ~30 min.
    12. My Diary.

      by , 10-11-2012 at 07:57 PM
      I was on facebook. This seems to be a regular occurance in my dreams, it's quite strange, it's not like through my eyes watching facebook, it's as if Facebook IS reality, so that's all I can see, but it still applies to my real life. I was discussing pizza with someone, I decided that I would much rather have a 10 inch pepperoni pizza as opposed to a 12 inch beef pizza, as pepperoni is a much better topping and quantity < quality I think the pepperoni had green pepper on too (:

      I'm going to experiment with a new technique tonight, as my dream recall and lucid dreaming has been almost non-existant recently. A fellow DreamViews user MasterMind recommended I try it. The basis is that you keep a journal of the things you do in REAL LIFE as well as in your dreams. Loads of people replied saying it worked, so I may as well give it a go.

      Fell asleep at 10:30pm ish last night. Woke up at 6:00am. I decided to awake early this morning despite not needing to wake up until 7am, so that I would have time to play an hour or so of L.A. Noire on the xBox as I haven't had time in the evenings. I had a glass of orange squash, had a shower, went for a cigarette, had a coffee and my cereal, and started playing the game. I realized at about 7:30am that I needed to get ready for college. I put some music on a memory stick for my friend, got ready and left the house. On the way to my bus stop I had my last cigarette out of the tobacco pouch. I was also planning to quit smoking after this. When I got to the bus stop there was a man there waiting who was middle aged. My friend Rob.M crossed the road and waited with me. When the bus came, it was very cramped. We listened to two fat girls talk about their life drama on the bus. At the bus station Rob got off for a fag but I just waited with him. When we got to college my first lesson was Philosophy. We studied liberty and laws prohibiting homesexuality and prostitution, and whether they should be legal. After class, me and some friends when to the smokers pen. I was offered a menthal cigarette by a new friend but I turned it down. After a discussion about cigarettes, weed and LSD, I left for Music Technology. I did some work in this lesson which was recreating "The Look of Love" but after doing a bit of work I spent a lot of the lesson chatting to my mate James. I walked to town with Sam after this lesson. He offered my saves on a fag, I declined. After the cash machine and my headphones broke I was quite pissed off. I returned home with an uneventful bus journey. At home, my Mum and I had a very long, heated argument about my parents addiction to the TV and me always being miserable. I concluded that the argument was an over-reaction caused by me quitting smoking. After this, I played with my Dog for a bit, watched the news, had a nice fish and chips, used the computer for a bit, listened to a new album when my Mum and Dad went to work at 6pm, and wrote this

      non-lucid , side notes
    13. Dream Bits: Bookstores and Malls, Runescape and Being Sick, Warehouses and Harry Potter, Airports

      by , 10-11-2012 at 07:22 PM
      Last couple of days, some great, detailed dreams. For several days before then, closer to dream bits. So I'm going to post them here, where it will make for a long post, instead of in a bunch of short threads.

      10-11-2012 -- Very short bit where I am meeting Dale at Walt Disney World, with his whole family, including his mom, who has died. Problem is, they are only here for 24 hours, which leads me to asking why he would spend so much money to fly the entire family all the way across the country for a single day?!?


      10-06-2012 -- I am at May Company, riding up and down on the elevator in the back corner of the store like I often did as a kid. For most of the dream I am not being chased by managers or security, which is what almost always happened in this kind of dream when I used to have them frequently. At one point I am on the third floor, and somehow the doors open when the elevator is on the second floor, and I almost walk forward and fall.

      Somehow at some point I time travel, and I end up in Waldenbooks back in the late 70s, but as an adult, not a kid. I am looking over the kids book section and see an entire couple of shelves of Three Investigators hard covers, and I get so much pleasure in seeing them all sitting there available for purchase. I loved that series so much as a kid! Soon I find myself in one of the larger malls somewhere with B & C. It is near closing time, and there are a lot of very lovely ladies around, and some fun stuff might soon be happening, except that B is furious that I might ever consider letting anything happen while C is anywhere in the area.

      There was a lot more to this, but the whole point of dream fragments is that I can't remember the rest.


      10-07-2012 -- There are hints of offering bones on a gilded alter in Runescape, but not much. Soon I find myself in the Hickory house, and there are ladies everywhere. For some reason it seems there are something like 20 ladies staying here, sleeping everywhere. They have really made a mess, and there are clothes everywhere, too. Three or four are staying in Melody's room and I don't think she knows about it, and I am afraid she is going to be furious.

      She calls and I answer the phone in her room, and try not to let her know what is happening. Since there are a couple of the ladies talking about the things they can see in her room in the background, it is kind of difficult. Oddly, during the conversation with Melody I find we are discussing something in the Catholic Bible that isn't in the Protestant Bible. It might have been Bel and the Dragon?

      Soon I am off the phone, and Mike G. from high school is here, helping me to clear out the ladies and clean things up. I go to take a drink from a soda bottle, and I see there are all kinds of worms and tiny snakes and things in what I have been drinking, and I am horrified. I glance at the bottle again, and it is perfectly fine. Am I loosing my mind? "No," Mike tells me, "you're just feverish and sick." he tries to hose me down to cool off the fever, and in the process, he ends up ruining my clothes.

      So I find myself at Pine Castle, and Tom is the music minister, though I don't see him at first. Cheyanne sings a solo, but she is singing really, really low, and doesn't have a mic, so nobody can hear her. She seems to be almost chatting a song, instead of singing it. Kathy and Grace are here, and seem to have been forgiven, and Tom is even commenting on how nicely the hair is growing back on one of them who had cancer. They reveal that one of the brunettes who had been in my house was Cathy Lee Crosby, and I am amazed that I didn't recognize her at all without the blonde hair.


      10-08-2012 -- I am working in what almost seems to be the Courier Express warehouse, and they seem to have moved again, because there are hundreds of pallets of stuff on the floor and almost nothing on the racks, and I have no idea where things are supposed to go. I have two packages that have just arrived of small computer parts, and I know they are going to go out soon. I put the proper labels on them, but I don't even know where they are putting the just arrived stuff, and have to ask for help.

      One of the forklift drivers is going a little too fast, and manages to tip his forklift over on it's side, but he keeps flooring it, and is now tearing deep groves in the concrete floor. He is trying to get enough speed to flip the thing back up, but I think they are going to need to use another forklift to leverage it back up. Not good, and quite a mess.

      The whole place is turning into a kind of computer-related warehouse store, and some guy is buying a huge foam-padded helmet for some reason. Some little girl is going on and on about this place on the turnpike where there are a whole bunch of signs for exit 57, and I'm discussing it with her while Minerva Mcgonagall looks on. I think I am Harry Potter, and I find myself wandering around the warehouse with a bunch of other students, half of them from my real life high school.

      I end up talking with Steve K., Calvin D., Julie Davie, and Neville Longbottom, who is known by the nickname of The-Other-Boy-Who-Lived. Somehow the area we're walking around seems to be the lowest part of the vampire city in the Runescape Darkmeyer quest.


      10-04-2012 -- Visiting with Dale and his mom in a hotel room somewhere around the world, right at the end of our trip, preparing to go out and have some fun. Then suddenly we are at the airport, getting ready to fly home. I have been at this airport before in my dreams, several times, but it keeps changing.

      They are getting more invasive this time, and they are opening and searching every piece of luggage. I find for some reason I don't really mind. My laptop is in my main suitcase, which for some reason looks like a dish washer rack with all the prongs to hold dishes in place. I don't know why there are two large gallon bottles of urine in there. Amazingly enough, nobody asks about them. I seem to have very little stuff, and actually fold up my big backpack and stick it inside the suitcase.

      Suddenly they change our gate, and heading to the other gate we find we have to go through the security screening again. By this time I am getting hot, sweaty and tired, and I comment on how I can't wait to get through security and reach one of the bathrooms with a shower you can rent the use of, which I can remember from one of the previous dreams at this airport. The screener tells me that they got rid of those about two years ago, and I am very disappointed.
    14. Car Wrecks, Disney, and a Flesh Eating Plague

      by , 10-11-2012 at 06:24 PM
      10-10-2012 -- I think I am out somewhere on Disney property, perhaps around the general Pleasure Island area. I am being driven around in my new white car by Chris Bean, whose driving, unfortunately, has not improved. Within a mile or two, there is a car stopped in front of us that he hasn't noticed until too late, and he suddenly slams on the brakes. The car spins out like it was on snow in Omaha with no tread, (uncontrollable O-turn) then with a horrid crunch, the back of my car slams into the other car, doing great damage to both of them.

      Chris screams "Run!" and we both burst out of the car and run off. We seem to be in a downtown area that seems very familiar, and I think I remember it from other dreams. It might be London, it might not. Anyway, we are running three or four blocks to where I think I might have another car. The car Chris just crashed was an off-white, slightly bulky station wagon.

      Suddenly I find myself inside the Magic Kingdom, no idea why. I am on Main Street, kind of browsing the shops, and it seems a show has just gotten out, and I see some performers I know from the Adventurers Club walking past. One is Phil Card, another looks familiar, and might be the English Hathaway. Suddenly they are even dressed in Club costumes, though they weren't a minute ago. There are two female performers, but they aren't in Club costumes, and I don't recognize them. One is a white blonde who is really small, even smaller than the redheaded performer whose name I don't remember at the moment. The other is a big black woman who I think I know from TV, but in the dream I just can't place. In real life, it might have been Roz from Night Court.

      I seem to be being followed by a couple of people who are trying to get me to do a balloon gig, but are warning me they can't pay me enough. On the other hand, they are telling me they are going to pay me twice for the same job, since there are two guests of honor, and since the two payments add up to about $120, I'm quite happy with that for a two hour gig. Problem is, they want to keep talking about it, and are going on and on, so I eventually duck into the tobacco shop on Main Street just to escape.

      They follow me, but they turn into Joel and Cheyanne, a friend, and a couple of their kids. I am trying to avoid them, they are trying to catch up with me, and Joel is stumbling around because he is blocking his face with his hands. It seems the old tobacco ads in the store have too attractive of women on them. Joel has somehow gotten addicted to pornography, but is trying to fight the addiction off, so he refuses to see the posters.

      I sneak off, going up and down the escalators that sure don't belong on an old-time Main Street, and Joel & Chey give up and start to wander off. Moments later they have piled into a sedan, and are about to drive off when I show up to hitch a ride. Within a few moments the car turns into my old light green station wagon, which they now somehow own. They are driving me to a rental car place or something, but Joel can't drive, either, and is soon almost running down kids in a crosswalk. He fears he may have hit one, and we're soon out of the car and looking around.

      We're now back in the downtown area from earlier that might be London, and Joel & Cheyanne quickly disappear. I am looking for two of my cars which I know should be somewhere close. I pass the pale green station wagon that Joel was just driving, but keep looking. Soon I come across the white car, but I remember that Chris Bean crashed it, and it is now a wreck. Actually the car I want is the one that I just walked by a few minutes ago. So I turn around and try to find my way back to the green station wagon.

      I am walking down one street where some police suddenly burst into the street with a bloody looking woman who almost seems to be some sort of zombie. Unfortunately her head kind of explodes, and suddenly there are fumes in the air that seem to be releasing some horrible sort of plague that may kill off half the world population. I rush out of there, not wanting to be affected.

      I run around a corner and see some more police, and am about to stop and ask them some questions, when I realize I know them. It is Horatio and his crew from CSI:Miami. But I realize that is a television show, so they must be filming an episode, and they certainly won't appreciate it if I walk into the scene asking questions. So I just keep looking for my car. I finally find it parked next to a curb around another corner.

      I turn to look at something for just a moment, and when I look back, the car is moving, being towed away. I am horrified, and start running after it calling for the guy to wait. I catch up with him about 70 yards down the street, and beg him to give me my car back. He tells me I'll have to pay for it, and I am scared I won't have the money since I'm broke and unemployed, but he tells me he needs $5 to release it, and when I look in my pocket I have a $50 bill. So he lets me have my car.

      It is filled with tons of my stuff, and I am kind of glancing through it, but I climb in and prepare to drive off. I want to go back the way I came, but behind me there is some sort of parade going on, with tons of black people. So I have to go forward, instead. I turn off on a small street, figuring I will wait for them to pass, then go back, but they follow me, so I still have to keep going in a different direction than I want.
    15. Archive August 2012

      by , 10-11-2012 at 06:09 PM
      Still need to write down...

      August 5th 2012

      August 9th 2012

      August 10th 2012

      August 11th 2012

      August 18th 2012

      August 31st 2012