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    1. Vague suggestions of lucidity.

      by , 11-06-2016 at 05:12 PM (Awake to take in the view...)
      A few days back, there were two nights in a row where I was having dreams like Inception or something. Essentially, I knew that I was dreaming, but then I would have false awakenings inside of the dream. So I would think that I was awake, but I was actually still sleeping.

      In one particularly memorable dream, I was part of a laboratory experiment on sleeping. The idea was a bit absurd, now that I have my waking brain to analyze it: If I drank water during a dream, when I was thirsty, would I still be thirsty upon waking? I fell asleep inside of the dream, and took a nice long draught of water. I woke up inside the laboratory dream and found that no, I wasn't thirsty anymore! The scientists were all excited, and so was I. Then I woke up for real, and realized how cool that was. Unfortunately, I was still thirsty, so I took a drink of water for real.

      Experiment result: If you are thirsty during a dream, you should just fall asleep inside of the dream, and drink water within that dream. xD Or just wake up and drink water for real.

      In another dream, I think I knew I was dreaming and so I flew, but I wasn't conscious enough to think of anything more than that. -_-

      Last night is a bit more hazy, and I have an insane amount of homework to do today so this will be a quick summary:

      - A little girl who was left behind on a haunted island (with spirits and such) finally got found, rescued, and reunited with her loved ones. I think that I helped her somehow, but I honestly don't remember. I had a degree of lucidity in that one.
      - Another dream happened where I became lucid while driving a car through some mountains. Decent amount of city around me. I was singing and thought it would be a brilliant idea to practice my singing voice in my dream, where nobody could hear me. However my logic wasn't working too well and for some reason I thought I was actually singing out loud and was going to wake up my roommates. This caused me to wake up and realize I wasn't. -_-
      - I was in some sort of theater, and asked everyone in the room something like, "Hey! Who here knows they're dreaming right now?" My brother was there, too. I was hoping that someone else would remember, or maybe there'd be a shared dream or something, but I honestly can't remember what anyone said...
      - I was watching some sort of advertisement, and there was this girl in a swimsuit who was sort of attractive except she had one of those gross spray-on tans.
      - I have a vague memory of some sort of romantic/sexual dream, but I sadly can't remember it. Maybe I'll have a continuation of that theme tonight? :O We will see. That would be awesome!

      You know why this night was so successful, though? Affirmations plus sufficient sleep! The night before, I told myself I WILL lucid dream tonight, and I guess that determination worked its way into my subconscious. Plus Daylight Savings Time helped a TON. Woo!
    2. Clever Climbing Device

      by , 04-24-2014 at 02:00 PM
      April 24, 2014: Dream three of three: I am in a high-school sized gymnasium with hard wood flooring, like a basketball court. I am standing with one or two other men, facing a row of approximately ten young student athletes standing shoulder-to-shoulder who hold the hard plastic handles of some kind of clever climbing device with a slot at the top. There is a strong, non-stretch nylon-like ribbon about 12" wide which descends from its attachment at the ceiling and enters the slot at the top of the handle, which each man holds at chest height in front of him. At present, there are no markings on the ribbon, which is plain and dark (purple?) colored.

      By raising first one side of the handle, then the other, the men can ascend in unison to the ceiling. Once there, they push a button on the handle and some kind of cam-like device inside the handle causes them to be lowered slowly and safely back to the floor, again, in unison. Now, as the ribbon unfolds, it reveals its slice of a larger picture, which, when viewed from the audience some distance away, is capable of revealing an American Flag, or corporate logo or advertisement. Evidently, I am there to try to sell the notion of this device to the school administrator(s), the other two men who are present. When the athletes meet the floor, I awake.
    3. Almost Had It

      by , 08-23-2012 at 12:48 AM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      I woke up fairly early this morning, so I went back to sleep. I soon found myself taking a shower but realized I didn't know how I'd gotten there, as I'd been in bed a moment ago and hadn't gotten up yet. Immediately upon realizing this, my vision faded to black, and I could feel myself back in my bed. I could still hear the shower, though (which led my clearly-not-yet-awake mind to formulate some crazy theory about how sounds in dreams are formed, though I can't remember it now).

      I opened my eyes, and the shower noise stopped, leaving my ears ringing for a few moments.

      Having just woken up, I decided to check the time. In place of my clock, however, was an advertisement for a site called lucidkids.com, advertising their "memory games to play before you wake". Despite missing this obvious hint, I decided to visit the website anyway. Conveniently, my laptop was right there on my bed. However, I woke up (for real this time) before I had a chance to get to the site.