Had my first two shifts at work yesterday. I dreamed I was still working and that there was a basement where guests could visit too, getting offered drinks and such.
It was the last day of elementary school, a lot of festivities and performances were planned in the gymnasium, me along with three other kids, one being a girl I had a crush on during 5th - 6th grade, another being my current best friend I didn't even know back then, and I think the last one was the girl's best friend. We did a short skit, or performance that was maybe three minutes long or something followed by us dancing to either Barbie Girl or a song from the Dutch girlband K3 as ending/credits as the audience would give us an applause! However, we would just continue dancing for the entire song while they kept applauding. We would've done so for the entire 7(?) minute run of the song, but eventually decided to gather in front of the audience and bow, my theatre school instincts kicked in to say "Yes!" as we bowed. We then leave the gymnasium and decide backstage to hang out together instead of attending the rest of the event (considering it was primary school, it was literally early in the afternoon) We then decided to go to the city, my crush asking me where I live to see if it was possible. Although I was thinking like my current age self while supposedly being a prospective 7th grader, I was still convinced I lived in Utrecht rather than Berlin where I currently live so I'd be good. We went to a supermarket nearby to get some food, but I woke up. Curse you brain for finally letting me hang out with my crush ;_;
I dream that I am living with a family in an apartment on top of a big theatre/convention center. I exit the apartment and explore the theatre where everyone working there applauds for me; doormen, wardrobe workers, visitors, etc. my German family is there as well as it takes place im Berlin, It's raining and I start sprinting around the building in laps at a decent tempo, during each lap, someone joins me and we greet each other as we go around, during each lap they all grow and develop, for example one of the guys does the sprint on a unicycle. In the meantime, I'm still the same. Someone asks about my growth and then says it because they're following my journey as a rockstar. The music in the background then has someone grunt in metal style saying "that is a rockstar" as well as inaudible words repeatedly with a guitar riff in the background as some sort of intro. That's when I woke up!
I've been contemplating on sharing this but screw it lol I had a dream that I was at the third Island destination of Pokémon Ruby where the guy and his Pelipper Peeko bring you to with his boat. We then ship back to Dewford Town where a group of men came together at the cavern entrance to cause all sorts of trouble. As I walk towards the men I suddenly come to the realisation that I'm entirely naked, I hide in the local city theatre and put on a dress for the time being as I lock the glass door. A bunch of old girls I went to school with at some point in my life are all knocking on the door wanting to see me naked. A short girl whom I was classmates with in 5th grade enters to tell me about her birthday party where they're also getting naked. I go to the backstage area of the theatre and grab some shirt and pants to put on as I walk to my room (which is in the theatre for some reason) as I walk towards my room (which is my bedroom on my family home) I notice a girl on my computer writing down a questionnaire, she tries to run away but I angrily grab her and hold her as I ask her what's going on. She tells me about her bad experiences with her boyfriend and that she was writing a list with questions for me. I slowly let go of her and let her tell her story. We then chill as she's leaning her head on my shoulder, I them hear a voice telling us we should kiss so we do. I then ask if she wants to go further to which she consents, I lift her up and walk towards my door to lock it as I suck on her breasts and lay her on my bad, I'm about to go down on her when I hear the jingle of a gameshow with an announcer saying "And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a wet dream!" as the girl slowly disappeared into my bedsheets. I stare at my empty bed before waking up for real, minutes before work starts. Wet dream within a dream, how meta. Dream was in Dutch and English.
Updated 07-21-2023 at 12:07 PM by 81762
Spent the entire night wanting to party but instead ending up walking all around Berlin to see which clubs were open to not deciding to go clubbing anymore at all around 6 am. The dream We had rehearsals for a play at theatre school, quite similar to our first play, it was about a talent show, directed by the same teacher who was the director of the first play. I played one of the assistants. The set consisted of a stage as well as a river around the state, but upon having to play a scene where we save the lead from drowning and me doing a cannonball into the river, we discover that the river is actually not that deep at all, ow. In the river, we do a scene where we dance while the lead sings to Boom Boom Boom Boom by Vengaboys. I then have a solo scene where I sing Hello by Adele while the original song with vocals plays in the background. Partially as a joke as I cannot sing at all. The director said she liked it that way. Around this scene I wake up. This dream was in Dutch.
Archie from Riverdale tries to get with Veronica, in order to win her heart, she wants a photo of my Eastern European roommate and her girlfriend in front of a painting drawn on a hanging bed sheet hanging in our apartment (both of which aren't my real roommates but only exist in the dream) Archie asks me if I can get a picture, I come home and the painting is torn apart, but nevermind that, my roommate yells her that uee girlfriend has gone missing m, she wqs last spotted in Amsterdam. My roommate and I to a fashion school in Amsterdam fo check fody here. She's not here and my roommate keeps searching. A mysterious wonan holds my arm and starts guessing my sizes. After getting all sized correct, she asks if I wanted to last minute replace on of her models that didn't turn up. I accept and tell my roommate I have to quit the search aa I got scouted, she wasn't happy with the news. I go to the set, and am in a dressings room with different models. I get given w pretty normal set of clothes to wear; White shirt and black jeans, but then have to wear a Duck mask and weird flipper type of shoes with a aligned balls betheath it which makes it very hard to walk on those shoes in balance. After seeing the other "duck" models walk towards the set, I join them just to discover we're in some sort of theatre play/dinner show, and only on the first act of what's going to be hours worth of seasons (we were just at winter) After improvising to the model scouts singing scenes, I return backstage where a girl from theatre school asks how long it is until the summer act so she can finally have her singing scene. Meanwhile, my fictional Eastern European roommate found her girlfriend as she had her GPS tracker in her phone all this time gets closer to hear girlfriend and I can track her location through my job (not actually in real life) and tell her I know where she is but can't tell her due to data protection laws (This is like my job in real life). I then wake up. I watched the newest Riverdale season yesterday, didn't expect it to be THAT memorable lol This dream was in English, I think the part with my theatre school classmate was in Dutch, though.
Another nap dream which was longer than needed because I had two hours of sleep today and set an alarm for the nap, but fell back asleep. Glad I got my eight hours sleep anyways In my dream I spontaneously traveled to the Netherlands to go to the cinema with my best friends from high school (coincidentally asked me to go to the film today) we get to the cinema and joke around, there's this goth-alt looking woman who looks like a woman I worked with before at a tech festival as well as the woman who works at a bar in Berlin who's slightly disturbed and annoyed by our behaviour and takes me out of the group because she trusts me the most. We go to a private room and she tells me she's giving me access to the projectors in the building which are big television screens with her face on it, I get to access them when her eyes on the photo are at a certain position. I get on my phone and edit the settings of the projection, having access to a bunch of trip-hop music videos she's made. I walk back to my friends with a smug look on my face as if the woman took me to a room alone with her to make love to her, my friends all walk up to me like "What did you do???" before my friends are being brought home by a parent, around this time I got a bit aware that things weren't adding up as 1) my friends can drive and 2) it suddenly hit me that I traveled to the Netherlands from Berlin with lord knows what money and had no idea how to travel back. I go to my family home in the Netherlands where my mom meets me normally as if I still lived there saying "Where did you go??" Then moments before I woke up a "scene selection" screen appeared before my eyes that looked like like this: ----------cinema kinofamily home zuhause---------- As if I hadn't "unlocked" the other locations I then suddenly woke up and wrote all of this down here, that scene selection screen unironically is making me wonder if maybe we really are living in a simulation or matrix as it seemed like I was placed in a scenario, which I technically was lol Dream was in Dutch. Edit: this is what the "scene selection" screen looked like: https://soapdispensersalesman.tumblr.com/post/712976182053896192/today-during-my-depression-nap-i-had-this-trippy
Updated 03-27-2023 at 09:02 PM by 81762
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At mom's. The neighbors' right across the hall bring an injured dog and put him in front of our door. We pretend not to notice. So the poor dog is eventually taken by them to be treated by a vet, but again they lay him down in front of our door. We don't understand. Maybe they think he's ours? I look for blankets to make a bed outside for him. It's stormy on the street and very cold outside in the hallway. Watching a theatre play. A man and a woman in the 1900s meet and talk. Thet are both depressed as they both lost their spouses. She comes visit him regularly and he starts writing down what they talk about. Mostly about grief and rebuilding their lives. At some point she feels she healed and starts talking with him about closure and thinking of marrying again. He agrees with her arguments, but he thinks she is making innuendos towards him and she wants to marry him. He keeps writing about his grief although when they meet he is now looking refreshed just as she is. In the first occasions they met, they didn't care to look good and attractive, now they both are putting in the effort. But he keeps denying that he feels something for her and is feeling pressured by her conversation, although she never mentions anything romantic at all. She asks him when his he stopping writting on his notebook and he doesn't see why he should. He gets upset and starts avoiding her.
1/1/20 My friend V buys a restaurant with money he has saved. It seems to be an old run down chinese buffet. Has no idea how to run it because he has no real experience in restaurants. The whole building is very dirty with stains along the floorboards badly lit and broken ceiling tiles. All of the dishes they cook are baked whole chicken breasts with noodles and cheese. People are confused about the fare but I gather it's the only thing they know how to cook. At a certain point they run out of ice cream and people are getting pissed about the lack of chocolate ice cream. I try sampling the different foods they have set out and put the plates on the table I am eating at. I make a dessert bowl with three brownies and chocolate sauce two times in a row because I knock the first one on the floor accidentally. V is sitting with me asking me what I think about the whole thing and how the food tastes. I tell him having a recipe book is one of the most important parts to running a restaurant, to ensure everything they cook is standardized and reproducible. He is surprised and likes my advice, he asks me to come back tomorrow to look things over and help him get things set up better. My parents seem to choose to eat here so we are sitting together. They don't know my friend owns the place but are quickly somewhat let down by the overall layout of the place. We are talking about the dinner service later on and Jennifer Aniston is sitting across the table from me. She commends me for letting things crash somewhat when people get upset about the desserts. She tells me they made cream with ice and salt to make some homemade chocolate ice cream for the unhappy people and they enjoyed it. A Chinese server still working there is disgusted by the food and keeps pre bussing my table before I am done eating what's on my table. I am in a futuristic town/downtown walking around down the street. I am with a friend at first but end up alone eventually. It is a very crowded street with many colours and close packed shops of various shapes. At a certain point we are riding on the back trunk of a car for a while, then the car gets towed and lifted up at an angle so we jump off and go into an exciting looking building to the left. It is a large purple/crimson coloured walls with streamlined edges and various levels with seats and stand up games along the walls. I am in a sci-fi looking arcade type area. It is dimly lit with only the soft redish glow illuminating the walls and walkways. There are many people sitting around all facing a giant screen in the ceiling in one section of the room. I wonder if they are all in vr. I don't see the screen right away so I am unsure what they are l doing, but it feels like a theatre of some kind. I sit off to the side on a rounded couch/curve in the wall which is like a ledge at knee level. Someone comes up to me and attempting to bond with me talking about something I don't understand. They have small children with them who latch onto my legs like children do. I have a small cloth ball that has a bright light which is visible when I turn it inside out. I shine the light on them trying to get them all to go away. I get shhhh'd by someone in the audience. I attempt to walk to the doorway, trying to shake the children off my legs gently before walking through. The door slightly cracks and I see light and a crowded sidewalk outside. But then I come back into the theatre arcade. I wonder out loud what everyone is watching that could be so enthralling. Someone close to me tells me it is the feeling of forgiveness. As I look up to the ceiling/high wall rounded area where everyone else is watching I see a mass of screens appear. They are all different sizes with each side boxed together. They all have a different moment of tv or movies on them, both cartoons and live action. I recognize every scene. It imparts emotion to my insides when I watch. I feel a strong emotion just looking up for the few seconds I am standing there. I feel forgiveness. I then decide to leave the room and walk through the swaying doors into the brightly lit outside sidewalk. I continue down the sidewalk by the street. There are still many people wearing many colours. There are also stores I don't recognize. First I think I don't have my phone because I don't feel it. Checking again just to be sure I feel it deep in my pocket but don't take it out. No one to call anyway. I wander aimlessly for a while. Finally see a goofy sciencey party type store with flamboyant decorations on the outside. There are large long balloons of various colours on the walls in a gallery type fashion. I gather it is a balloon animal store. But they also have like science museum trinkets for sale, like balls floating on air and astrolabes and globes of the earth and kites ect. I notice the balloons are wider than usual. I know how to make balloon animals IWL and tell the person working, who looks like a middle aged woman who is dressed like a male clown. They are entertaining another customer flicking uninflated balloons at each other. I pick one up and begin to blow it up by mouth. It inflate to 5 times the width they usually are, but they keep popping on me. The person working has gas in tanks they use to blow them up for an order they are working on. I gather they do custom orders of oversized balloon animals for parties and such. It's really a great idea. I say 'hey man I really like your store'. The worker just gives me an annoyed look out of the corner of her eye. I gather I have mis-pronouned her. But I find it silly cause I call both genders man. They nod knowingly so I turn to walk back out to the crowded street. The sun is setting in a gleaming glow off the glass buildings and street lamps. The street is still filled with people hustling their own directions chattering indiscriminately. I am still walking down the street when the dream fades.
Updated 01-02-2021 at 11:20 AM by 51110
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Feels like the 30's. Some guy doing some street theater, a critique of society about how people buy clothes to show off instead of focusing on building a better society together. Me and a couple of other people are going to take part in the play, but we need to change outfit first in the changing rooms of a shop just behind. I go first. I have to use two dresses during the play, so I need to leave one ready to change later. I feel sweaty, would like to take a shower first but it is not possible. I am topless when I notice someone peaking over a curtain I thought had nothing behind. Actually the next changing room is only divided by this curtain and there is a guy with a small kid and they were surprised by my presence. The man apologizes and asks me if I want some compensation. I am ok, a bit outraged because he had seen me topless, but I tell him it isn't a big deal and he clearly just had been confused, wasn't a perv. With my uncles, aunt and cousin at my grandmas. Everyone is a bit weird. My cousin Ana brings baby toys and utensils and scatters them around. I ask if she pregnant again. She says no and offers no explanation. I grab a baby doll that is extremely dirty and ask her why. She says she is saving the toys and I see one that is a Japanese automated vintage toy and I agree it should be preserved. My cousin Duarte brought a friend, they are teasing me about something and then run away. I go after them. I find Zilla, and my uncle Fernando and his wife, doing a weird form of yoga and meditation, that makes me laugh. False awakening in my bedroom. I go to the window and I see my dog Hachi barking and some other dog like him in the front hill barking back. Then another large white dog, appears behind the other. Both are dragging a chain and one has a log at the end of the chain. I think that they must have run away from their owner. I feel like helping but it is so early dawn. I find something weird about this... But later I go with some friends to look for the dogs. We only find them in a village 10 kms away. Some aliens live among us and we live in an apartheid regime. Kids in school learn a language which is a mix of our own language with the alien language and is becoming the street language. I am visiting a creepy school kindergarten. At some point the kids freak out and start running to their places to look behaved. They say mother is coming, she is the director and a very creepy lady. She distributes quilts and linens, she throws two at me. I wonder WTF. Then she picks up some kids and makes them paint the walls in horrible weird colors while singing a creepy song echoing through the corridors. I meet a kid who has a hideout in an abandoned hallway in a different section of the building. He takes me there. He takes snacks to eat and leaves chunks of them rotting around, it is disgusting. When I leave him, I come back through the same place and I see the newly painted walls in tones of red and purple and with enigmatic numbers on. There is a creepy song playing in the background. The whole environment reminds me of The Shining. Strangely, some classrooms look absolutely normal, but all around I can spot kids in absolute stress and anxiety.
Updated 12-27-2018 at 11:38 PM by 34880
A few days back, there were two nights in a row where I was having dreams like Inception or something. Essentially, I knew that I was dreaming, but then I would have false awakenings inside of the dream. So I would think that I was awake, but I was actually still sleeping. In one particularly memorable dream, I was part of a laboratory experiment on sleeping. The idea was a bit absurd, now that I have my waking brain to analyze it: If I drank water during a dream, when I was thirsty, would I still be thirsty upon waking? I fell asleep inside of the dream, and took a nice long draught of water. I woke up inside the laboratory dream and found that no, I wasn't thirsty anymore! The scientists were all excited, and so was I. Then I woke up for real, and realized how cool that was. Unfortunately, I was still thirsty, so I took a drink of water for real. Experiment result: If you are thirsty during a dream, you should just fall asleep inside of the dream, and drink water within that dream. xD Or just wake up and drink water for real. In another dream, I think I knew I was dreaming and so I flew, but I wasn't conscious enough to think of anything more than that. -_- Last night is a bit more hazy, and I have an insane amount of homework to do today so this will be a quick summary: - A little girl who was left behind on a haunted island (with spirits and such) finally got found, rescued, and reunited with her loved ones. I think that I helped her somehow, but I honestly don't remember. I had a degree of lucidity in that one. - Another dream happened where I became lucid while driving a car through some mountains. Decent amount of city around me. I was singing and thought it would be a brilliant idea to practice my singing voice in my dream, where nobody could hear me. However my logic wasn't working too well and for some reason I thought I was actually singing out loud and was going to wake up my roommates. This caused me to wake up and realize I wasn't. -_- - I was in some sort of theater, and asked everyone in the room something like, "Hey! Who here knows they're dreaming right now?" My brother was there, too. I was hoping that someone else would remember, or maybe there'd be a shared dream or something, but I honestly can't remember what anyone said... - I was watching some sort of advertisement, and there was this girl in a swimsuit who was sort of attractive except she had one of those gross spray-on tans. - I have a vague memory of some sort of romantic/sexual dream, but I sadly can't remember it. Maybe I'll have a continuation of that theme tonight? :O We will see. That would be awesome! You know why this night was so successful, though? Affirmations plus sufficient sleep! The night before, I told myself I WILL lucid dream tonight, and I guess that determination worked its way into my subconscious. Plus Daylight Savings Time helped a TON. Woo!
There's a grand performance starting, but I've seen it all before, so I ignore the main plot, move past the crowds and deeper into the building where it's being staged, watching the parade of characters emerging to take their places. The very last to emerge is the witch queen, behind her two enchanted attendants. Since I'm the only audience member here, she takes me aside to tell me my fortune. As she talks, it becomes clear that she's mistaken me for a woman, and that she might not have taken me aside if she knew otherwise. When she pauses to give me a chance to respond, I keep my mouth shut to avoid spoiling the illusion; she's clearly not pleased with my silence but she goes with it. She takes a needle and draws lines of thread through the skin on the back of my hand, talks with thees and thous, and pronounces 'clan' like 'clin.' She asks whether I'll play the role of part of her 'clin', and I agree, which requires a verbal answer. Her attendants take out instruments to arrange the ends of the threads.
I'm in a garden, speaking in Russian with a very old human man in a wheelchair. We have an arrangement. I'm to kill him, but as he puts it, without ugliness. That he wants his death to be smooth, I have no problem with, but this ugliness he's referring to isn't about his own death, it's about preserving his image of me, or rather what I represent to him. He says I'm a man who should understand this, unlike that brother of mine - he uses a word that my dream doesn't bother to translate aside from noting that it's uncomplimentary. The old man wants to believe in the existence of a creature that's above all the things he dislikes in humanity, an embodiment of death without ugliness. I'm disgusted and feel illogically betrayed by hearing this from him, a man more intimately acquainted with violence than any human I've ever known - he of all people shouldn't have any illusions about this. It's hypocrisy. As he talks we move indoors, to a dimly-lit room that's kept very cold. He has a selection of alcohol lined up before a mirror, and I go to pour him a glass; as I do so I see a small portrait of a blonde woman, which I pick up. A woman who works for him, who's been pushing his wheelchair, urgently asks me to be careful with that. I recognize the image as his granddaughter - she's how I met him in the first place, years back. He laughs and corrects me, and he says this in English: "Vivian. Her mother." This startles me, and I examine the portrait again - I would never have guessed they weren't the same person. Her mother had died before I met her. (Woke up. Back to sleep.) While using a spell to pull out some relevant books and scrolls from a collection, one of the books that comes to me is titled "The Unbeauty of Life," by a Japanese author. I'm running up several flights of stairs, spiraling upward through a ruined building, piles of rubble around; I should have fled the building with the others when I reached the first floor but instead I kept going upward, thinking of the woman I'd originally come here to track down. As I reach the upper levels I find her laboratory, with her books scattered on the floor, sarcophagi in rows. The next level above that is devoted to "the theatrical vampire," complete with red stage curtains hanging on the wall, full of what I think of as romanticized images from stage and screen, and as I look at it I remember the sound of her laughing. There's one more floor above this.
Updated 02-27-2015 at 11:10 PM by 64691
I'm at a formal party midway through the 20th century, and everyone's talking about the mysterious disappearance of the leading lady during intermission tonight. I'm as baffled as anyone, though in a slightly different way - I killed her, but I left the body in her dressing room. Someone else removed the body, and I need to find out who and why. We pair off and start to dance, and I focus on a man who's not dancing, just watching the rest of us - he's in some position of authority in the theatre. I switch to third person, and now I see the scene as he does - he 'saw' that leading lady emerge from between two of the dancing couples, a pale woman dressed in red, black hair pulled back tight to her head, with a haughty and sort of mocking look on her face. That attitude doesn't square with the way I remember her at all; it's clear to me that the version of her he's seeing is his own hallucination, not an actual visit from her spirit. She puts a hand on his shoulder and begins to dance along to the song with the rest of us, though he's not moving with her. She circles around him, saying that she knew from the start that this wouldn't work. She sings along to the music: "-won't let me leave you, but amore, that's to blame."
A production of Faust, I'm going over a written list of the scenery needed for each scene. One scene is described as the Altar of Hell, and I have a mental image of Faust being pinned to a circular stone by two demons; that's the contract signing scene. The next scene is set in a field surrounded by trees, and my perspective changes so I see this as the audience would. Curtain rises on Marguerite and women of the chorus in the field; shortly afterward Faust enters from the right. In response to what the women had been singing, he sings something satirical about the dangers of love and the unfortunate fools who are caught up in it. This annoys Marguerite, and she turns away and pointedly ignores him. The women of the chorus exit, and Faust realizes how angry Marguerite is, so he jokes around in the hopes of getting back in her good graces, teasing her by singing a humorous song that starts with a verse about roosters and hens. She forgives him easily, and by the time he gets to the chorus she's joined in the song, flirting right back at him. The second verse is about deer and hunters, and she playfully leads him on a chase around the stage. As they exit, laughing, Mephistopheles strolls by in the background, keeping an eye on how things are playing out. (Woke up. Back to sleep.) There are four men, or people who were once men and are now weapons, kept chained up in their sleep. Two 'chains,' really - the collars around their throats, but also something much deeper that's never meant to be removed. I'm removing that second 'chain' from each of them. They wake up as I do so, and their first reaction is to moan about the pain, but gradually they regain a sort of awareness. It's interesting to watch - they're becoming aware of how much of their personality has been stripped away from them, but without actually regaining that personality they lost. Their master arrives then, and I expect them to attack him in revenge - that's the whole reason I freed them - but instead they cower in the corner, just looking at the pair of us. Memory gap. Next thing I remember, I've gone semi-lucid in order to pursue that master of theirs. He's closed himself off inside a tower where I shouldn't be able to follow, with an irritatingly arrogant attitude about it - he's essentially the god of this place, it won't allow me entrance if it goes against his will. Or at least it's not supposed to. The tower's a sort of futuristic art deco confection, lots of spheres and glowing purple lights, and I'm flying around it, demanding that it create an opening. With my next pass around the tower, I find an entrance has been created, opening onto a single room containing an elevator. It signifies that this place is as willing to depose its 'god' as I am. I take the elevator up to that man's private sanctuary - the elevator doors open to show me a vast pool lined with twisted white trees without leaves, and quite a lot of statues, including some of himself. This guy is unbelievable. There's a mansion at the far end of the pool, and I expect his mental trail to lead me there, but instead it leads me off to the right, to another body of water, and I focus on a light at the end of a pier.
Updated 01-31-2015 at 09:59 PM by 64691