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    1. Old Dream: Crane Game

      by , 05-28-2004 at 03:20 AM
      May 27, 2004:
      I had a dream that I had to go back to middle-school, and my class schedule was sort of the same, only they had changed certain classes. I had to take art class again. So anyway, my friend A___ sent some MP3s of music that he had composed, and W___ was waiting tables somewhere in Australia... and then I got in trouble in class because I was supposed to have this book of stuff I had written and some files and stuff, but I had forgotten it at home, so I asked the teacher if she would let me call my mother. I had to talk to the teacher through an intercom because she was actually inside one of those crane machines where you put in a quarter and try to get a stuffed animal.

      Anyway, the teacher said yes, and was even nice enough to say that she'd give me full credit. So I went to call my mom.

      Instead, we wound up going to R. Museum, where I enrolled in art classes. We walked through the gallery and there were some really weird ceramics there (like half a pot that would hang on the wall and stuff). Then all of the sudden I was in this simulator thing, even though I was still in the gallery it turned into a simulation of a gallery. And I wasn't myself, I was actually playing as Torg from Sluggy Freelance. This statue of this one alien thing kept coming to life and zapping me... it was actually Riff with dreadlocks and a face like one of those aliens from Aliens... and it had magical powers... and then this gigantic life-sized blue whale that had been in a case in the gallery came to life and grew legs and started chasing me. It shot lasers out of its eyes. Then this other golem-thing came to life and tried to kill me. I fought them all by beating them flat with a pillar of stone that I grabbed from the gallery. But they kept killing me, which was not very nice.

      Then I dreamed that we were driving through south florida... to go to college... and it was a really dry autumn, and I was glad that there were no wild fires... but then all of the people in the back seat got all Rocky Horror Picture Show in a large cardboard box that they had back there, which was just creepy.
    2. Seeking to Recognize and Know the Dream

      by , 01-01-2002 at 07:01 AM
      Morning of January 1, 2002. Tuesday.

      Dream #: 12,797-05. Reading time: 48 sec.

      I am in the northeast corner of the Cubitis living room listening to records on a gramophone of surreal appearance. The scene does not trigger any sense of wrongness. I see it as “mine.”

      I am later looking at a map of the Aleutian Islands, though I am unsure of what I am doing. I know what I am looking at has significance. The region is incorrectly above the northwest area of Australia, though I do not see it as incorrect. The world does not have much land. Most of the eastern hemisphere seems mainly small islands. (The scenario has occurred in other dreams.)

      While outside, I see an unusual light in the sky. It is eventually clearer. It is a piece of the moon, shaped like a jigsaw puzzle piece. It is returning to the moon like a “spaceship.” I see cracks on the moon’s surface that define the shapes of standard jigsaw puzzle pieces. There is a sense of both peace and puzzlement.

      The main dream state indicator was “The Aleutian Islands,” “Aleutian” sounding somewhat like “illusion” (as a dream state reference). Jigsaw puzzle patterns occur when a dream causes puzzlement in ambiguous liminal space between dreaming and waking.

      Updated 10-14-2019 at 04:58 AM by 1390

    3. Singing Accordion

      by , 10-24-1981 at 04:24 PM
      Morning of October 24, 1981. Saturday.

      I am in a music store that is similar to one in real life (in La Crosse). At one point earlier on it seems I am having two dreams at the same time (not all that uncommon for me when considering the different types of parallel dreaming and ambiguous “junk” composites). My alternate dream solely involves Toby T urinating outside against the outer wall of an old brick apartment building (of about four storeys) seemingly in the early afternoon in an area where people see him from the windows of the second storey. No drama unfolds, though this causes me to see him as eerily disrespectful and possibly even perverse for some reason.

      Meanwhile, my main dream involves trying out new electronic keyboards in the store, including electric pianos. I do most testing while standing and trying the ones near the counter. The ones I try are not really suitable. Mostly, I continue to test with Beethoven’s “Für Elise”, but in every case, there are not enough keys to play the full range of the song (though I seemingly try to adapt in some cases). Some of the keyboards are not even made correctly. For example, the black keys go all the way across (or with too many in a row) instead of having the C# and D# two-black-keys sections as apart from the F# to A# three-black-keys set, thus making it impossible to tell what notes you are playing - note the wrong keyboard design with this entry that apparently actually exists (I did not change the image). With a couple of the keyboards, the keys are just too small, rendering it unplayable (as with some portable ones in real life - unless played by a child). One keyboard does not actually seem electric, just like an odd miniature piano with only about a two octave range. A couple products seem fake, or at least not feasible as a usable instrument.

      I say to no one in particular (though likely more directed at the cashier or perhaps the manager if he is nearby at the time), “How do you expect me to play Beethoven on a piano like this?”

      At one point, I pick up an accordion and my dream starts to become more and more vivid. When I attempt to play some keys on the accordion, it actually starts “singing” in layered human voices, somewhat like a barbershop quartet. All it sings is the musical phrase “strawberry fields forever” and I am filled with awe and enhanced perception. However, even though I am becoming lucid at this point, I soon wake.

      This dream was precognitive (though solely from my personal perspective) as it was some time before I ever actually saw or learned more about digital sampling keyboards.

      Updated 08-24-2015 at 10:22 AM by 1390

    4. Beh-beh-beh Bumblebee (Fence Autosymbolism part 2)

      by , 09-29-1981 at 03:29 PM
      Morning of September 29, 1981. Tuesday.

      A seemingly shorter dream (after a series of unrelated dreams), deemed shorter in conscious afterthought (which consequently probably seemed much longer than it was, almost “timeless” at the time) involved a boy’s spirit (a young boy, Scott R, who my sister was watching in real life at the time, as his mother had abandoned him) somehow becoming part of a bumblebee, yet also moving about in an invisible “cloud” of some kind at the same time. He is singing a melancholy song about being a bumblebee. One line is “Beh-beh-beh-bumblebee” (which is not a stutter but a slow musical intonation). It almost seems like a sort of prayer as well as a “cheerful” yet somehow mournful inference.

      At the waking stage, he lands on the top of the south fence of the backyard of my sister’s house on Loomis Street, which divides her backyard and the neighbor’s backyard.

      This is part 2 of a random but extensive set of dreams pertaining primarily to fence autosymbolism (which means it is inherent to the dream state, not waking life). A fence is rendered as a metaphorical barrier between the dream state and the waking world, though can also serve as induction and dream state revivification in some cases (though not as often as doors do in my case).

      In addition to liminal space autosymbolism, the very common dynamic of vestibular system correlation is present, with a bee as representing synaptic gating (due to the association with a bee “buzzing” and loosely associated with electricity as such). Thus, the bee is the preconscious factor of this dream. (The preconscious is often personified, and because the bee seems to have Scott’s essence on one level, it is partial personification here.)

      An additional but inexplicable factor is that the boy (Scott) also had the same dream during the same time period (though from his viewpoint as actually seeming to be a singing bee). Most people do not accept shared dreaming (or in fact anything they cannot explain) even though I have experienced it continuously since earliest memory, especially with Zsuzsanna. However, this series is for explaining fence autosymbolism and to help rise above the deception of “interpretation”. People will believe whatever they want regardless of someone else’s knowledge and experience. After all, each life is unique.

      In part 1, I wrote a little about the relevance of the rabbit. In that dream, it was a factor of returning to deeper sleep (even though it occurred during what would otherwise be the waking process), while this dream is a factor of closeness to waking (and was the last dream of my sleep cycle). (The rabbit goes under the fence but is stuck for a time within the fence itself. The bee in this dream lands on the fence with the assumption it will keep flying. Neither dream relates to waking life, but the dreaming process itself.)

      Updated 06-02-2018 at 05:41 PM by 1390

    5. False View of the Holly and the Ivy

      by , 12-23-1979 at 06:23 PM
      Morning of December 23, 1969. Tuesday.

      Sometimes a wrongful association stays with you as a sort of symbolic memory that is triggered by later recall. Dreams have a lot of “power” (or rather influence) at times, especially childhood dreams that seem “practiced” into a new (distorted) idea. In this case, the Christmas song “The Holly and the Ivy” is portrayed as something completely different than what the song is about - and this is likely unique to my own personal view and way of thinking. Instead of about plants, it is about a bloody battle between the lion and the unicorn.

      The reasons for this are not entirely illogical in my opinion. There is a line in the song that is “the holly bears the crown”, which makes me think of “king” and of course the lion (especially as it seems impossible for me to associate a plant with a crown - even “crown of thorns”, sometimes changed to “crown of nails” depending on which story you go by, is something that does not immediately come to mind), and as there is also the line “and the running of the deer” which probably aided in creating this fictional representation of the song, as a deer is an animal with a very vague association with a unicorn. The fact that I did not understand hardly anything in the song (and the fact that it is somewhat meandering and incoherent as it is) at the time did not help either. Thus, dreams often “experiment” with potential interpretations of real life - just as in real life, you interpret aspects of dreams. A full circle, it seems. The inside and outside “worlds” are always trying to resolve things not yet understood. Dreams seem a large part of that cycle, which means some aspects of dreams are far less meaningful than conscious learning, contrary to what some people seem to believe, but there are many different types and states, of course - and dreams resulting from meditation, affirmation, and projection have different properties than those trying to resolve something not understood from real life.

      The words themselves are also tricky. “Holly” can be altered to “holy” and “ivy” to “ivory”, thus adding to the idea that a mythical unicorn is more along the concept of an “ivory tower” which I have also associated with “castle in the air”. At any rate, this incorrect association is probably with me for life, even now in August of 2014.

      Updated 12-13-2015 at 06:00 AM by 1390

      side notes
    6. Ghost Town

      by , 07-02-1978 at 11:58 AM
      Morning of July 2, 1978. Sunday.

      There were a few different versions of this dream (including a couple “resets” during the same sleeping period) which was likely influenced by the television series “Gunsmoke”. I make my way to an old, smaller (unknown) ghost town on my own. There is a skeleton hanging from an old noose that had never been taken down. I had understood the town to be “cursed”, yet it also has some sort of secret.

      It turns out that the town is some sort of portal to the past. As I am walking along, I see an upright oval portal (higher up) in another area that is looking into the past. It is a man (about thirty) who still seems to be alive (but dying) and hanging from the noose. The “vision” soon fades. The town had been “cursed” because of his wrongful death - by the tavern entrance being turned into an active portal and the people being “pawns” of time itself.

      Later on, when I walk through the batwing doors of an old tavern (wooden floor), I am transported into the past, into the time when the town was at its peak in population and prosperity. Someone is playing the song “There is a Tavern in the Town” on a newer (and properly tuned) piano.

      I talk to a few people, including the man who had been hanged. Apparently, he had been hanged for murder. However, he seems very friendly and claims he did not do it. Eventually, a knife is thrown into someone’s neck from behind, just as they are leaving the tavern, and the friendly man I know is blamed. I go in and out of the batwing doors and back to the same time portal entry point. The song “There is a Tavern in the Town” keeps repeating (a thin man in a dark purplish vest and a white shirt and with a mustache and smoking a smaller cigar - is playing it), as I do this a few times, so the scenes repeat. Finally, I am able to see who actually throws the knife (an older, chubbier man of about forty with a black beard and dressed in ragged clothes). Eventually, as the cycle repeats, I am able to warn the other person. The villain gets away, though, but promises to do harm at some point in the future.

      Soon, I am in my own time; there is an unserviced player piano (originally thought to be a ghost involved by some visitors) playing “There is a Tavern in the Town”, but it is very out of tune (or in an unfamiliar minor key) and playing very slowly (similar to a particular Johnny Bond recording I used to own in real life - not sure, but it may be from the “On the Wagon” narrative - have not heard it in many years). It seems that the town was eventually made into a tourist attraction for a short time, prior to it finally being abandoned.

      I see a very eerie in-dream vision of an empty noose swinging in the wind (it was the same noose that had originally been used to hang the innocent man but is now empty). I had saved the young man from the hanging. He comes out from the portal and thanks me, but then tells me that time may eventually reset itself and he may have to face the idea of “being hanged again” and he then returns to his own time. Still, the skeleton and noose are gone when I make my way home. The “resetting” may not occur in my lifetime.
    7. Corea’s House

      by , 10-22-1977 at 04:22 PM
      Morning of October 22, 1977. Saturday.

      Steve J, Steve W, and possibly Tina L, and others and I are visiting what is supposedly Chick Corea’s house. There is something very special about the house and it has some sort of “magic” as well as being haunted. This has something to do with the jazz fusion group Return to Forever. We go up a flight up steps which seem to be fairly narrow and along the wall (and with no railing). Later, the area looks much like my boarding house on King Street before I lived there or saw any of the inside and there was a very clear precognitive sense.

      There is some minor ambiguity at one point which is related to a book or movie called “Korea’s House”.

      There is a point where we are all leaning back against the wall slightly to stop ourselves from going over the other side of the staircase and it also appears I am watching the scene (including seeing myself) from another perspective. We look as if we are slightly distorted from fun-house mirrors. There is also something about lightning (or a bolt of lightning) moving around inside the house as if it was a “pet” of some kind.

      There is the idea that someone hanged themselves on a chandelier in one room (which turned out to be related to something the pinhead Leonard S told me later on when I lived on King Street and thus also precognitive, though the story was only his fantasy).

      Last updated in 1980 with regard to the precognitive validation.

    8. The Legend of Tony Karoni

      by , 06-27-1976 at 01:47 PM
      Morning of June 27, 1976. Sunday.

      Dreams are sometimes known for providing supposedly worthless and ridiculous poetry that often has non-words or very odd variations of known (real-life) poetry. Here is an intriguing example:

      Don Grady, the actor (who starred as Robbie Douglas in the television series “My Three Sons”), stars in an epic Western - “The Legend of Tony Karoni”. He was from Virginia (associations with “The Virginian” Western television series, I suppose) and sometimes rode in a group of many other cowboys. After many adventures, gunfights, and stopping rustlers, he ends up in a small jailhouse in an area in Southern California or possibly Mexico, to meet the local sheriff (and possibly to rescue a friend who is being held wrongfully). Two Mexican bandits are standing inside, leaning on the bars of the jail. One of them says, “Well, gang, look who’s back!” (There only seems to be the two men, no actual “gang”.) They then sing in a perfect, layered, somewhat metallic voice:

      “It’s TOny KaROni!”

      “All the way from NEAto’s cell!” (or “All the way from Needles’ cell!” - Needles is a place in California at any rate).

      At this point, I am not certain if “Neato” was a play on the reversal of the “To” and “ny” of “Tony” or if they were actually singing “Needles” in reference to the town, though it does sound like “knee - toes”.

      There are some possible plays here, one being from hearing “macaroni” in real life as well as possible associations with the “Frito Bandito” song (1967-1971?).

      Updated 08-03-2015 at 11:45 AM by 1390

      Tags: cowboy, music, singing
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