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    1. Another lucid dream last night!

      by , 06-24-2013 at 08:04 PM (TheSpiderSilva's Dream Journal)
      It's apparent to me that I'm getting A LOT better at realizing when I'm in a dream.

      I had several dreams before I became lucid, most of which involved me and my friends doing shit.

      When I realize I was lucid, I was in my yard, naked, and drinking a drink from a Parker's gas station. Before I realized I was lucid, I was trying to think about how I would sneak in my house without my family noticing that I'm naked.

      Suddenly, I don't know what it was, I realized I was dreaming. When I first became lucid, I was very tired for some reason, so I just kept rubbing my hands together furiously and yelling "Increase lucidity!".

      The feeling of sleepiness went away pretty quickly. I didn't do what someone else told me to do in a lucid dream though, I didn't touch things around me or get acclimated to the dream, and I wish I would have.

      I did look at my backyard and notice that everything was bunched together in one spot.

      I asked my subconscious if this dream could feel like it was 6 hours long, but that didn't happen, lol.

      In my front yard, I noticed a big wooden post lying on the ground. That's not usually there. I got the idea to telekinetically throw it into the air, just for fun. It worked, and it went VERY high, and landed in my yard again. I threw it in the air again, but for some reason while it was in the air I tried to pull it apart with my mind and make it transform into Godzilla (made more sense in my dream).

      That didn't quite work out the way I wanted it to.

      I started flying after that, using my "Up, up, and away!" trick, although at one point I feel on my face (didn't hurt).

      Can't remember much else, except the parts where I lost lucidity and some weird stuff happened.
    2. Survival Montage

      by , 06-17-2013 at 05:07 PM
      Yesterday, I got a post apocalyptic game called The Last of Us, and played it for 12+ hours until I beat the story. The following dream was inspired by the game.

      So in the dream, I was turned back into a kid again, I was in my teens like 13 to 14 years old. I was trying to survive on my own from the infected until I find this family. This family consisted of a mother, and her two children; a brother and sister, I did not get their names though. The family took a liking to me and let me join their group to survive with them. While I'm helping them with their travels I talk to the brother and sister, I found out that the sister who is the older one of the two is teaching her younger brother to survive. After this the dream went into a forest setting, and the brother, sister, and I do a training montage. The sister taught her brother close quarters combat, then we teach him how to properly throw hatchets, then finally how to sneak, via capture the flag. The flag was in an open area of the forest, next to a sand pit. The brother was moving silently through the brush to see if there was an opening. I hid behind a bush that was overlooking the flag, until I saw him. I immediately went in to catch him, but got beat to it; his sister tackled him next to the flag. After, we all laughed and I woke up.
    3. More Fragments: Sean was naughty

      by , 10-01-2011 at 12:04 PM (The first foothold of Arch.)
      Vividness: 4
      Recall: 2
      Overall: 6 (because of last dream lol)

      Non-Lucid Lucid Comment

      Terrible recall, when will this phase end, I'm going to stop listening to music whilst sleeping, see if that works.
      Dreams were very blurry tonight.

      False awakening where I am with my two friends Zak and Alex and have just woken up after the previous disappointing night. Fade.

      A rather rude dream where I am with a beautiful girl, I then proceed to the forums and start making topics about this experience. Was quite scared once I woke up that I had actually done it.
      Tags: alex, forums, naughty, post, sex, zak
    4. My Dream Journal

      by , 09-29-2011 at 07:08 PM
      My dream journal is kept on my website you can find it in my profile i don't know if i can post it here but I may record some things here in the future !
    5. Moderator Title: Processing...

      by , 06-05-2011 at 01:50 AM
      Type: Regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      A not-so-vivid dream involving me on the computer. I only remember a very small portion of it - what was on the screen. I don't even remember where I was, or what kind of computer I was using. Maybe I could only see the screen in the dream and nothing else?

      The computer screen was set to Dreamviews. I was on a thread page, and while I cannot remember the title, I had one of my own posts in the center of the screen. It looked relatively normal; the user titles and info was on the left, and the post content was on the right. My signature was missing, though, and I don't even know what was written in the comment section of my post. I had my attention on my username to the left of the post. The staff had surprised me by making me a Moderator on Dreamviews, and I was looking at my username, seeing if the processing of the change from Dream Guide to Moderator was complete. Apparently it wasn't an instantaneous change.

      If someone is a Dream Guide, their username is green. If they are a Moderator, their username is blue. To indicate my account was still in the middle of processing its new status as Moderator, only two letters in my username were blue. The other letters were still green. More letters were supposed to become blue as time elapsed. Essentially, it looked like this:


      Updated 05-16-2023 at 07:47 AM by 28408

    6. Bookstore Heartbreak and The Postal Facility

      by , 05-10-2011 at 06:22 PM (Brainy Vapours)
      I'm in a used bookstore, and as I'm browsing the titles I come across a book that my dear friend and I bought together in waking reality. I am disturbed to realize that this is the self same book, still inscribed with our names inside the front cover. Upset, I continue looking around, getting more distraught to see that two or more of our old treasures are also here, things we bought together, like the Spirit Cards. It breaks my heart that she would give these things up, and my mind races, thinking maybe she doesn't want any reminds of me now that I am living so far away. I resolve to call her.

      I am back at my Grandparent's old house in North Vancouver, that my dear friend and I nicknamed "Spider Palace". I look out the front door to see a very very large post sorting facility kind of wall thing. Kind of like over sized post boxes. I see an old man who looks like he's had a rough life and realize that I don't live in this house anymore, he's the tenant now. He checks his post at the strange post wall.

      I notice now that in the drive way that he is walking up, I've placed some signs, one of which says "Open for Business". I go to get them wondering how I can change them to read "Closed for X-Mas holidays". The postman arrives and he's sorting the post. The over sized post boxes have huge pictures of cartoon characters on them, like Tweety Bird and Sylvester the Cat. I open one and put something specific into it for... my son?

      Dream skip and I am talking to my man. I plan to ride a horse north for some reason, and I am asking him if he thinks the horse will run too fast.