I’m at work and going to be reading a book aloud. I stand between listing and the CP counter, facing the warehouse. The book looks like a kids book, and there are people sitting in a few rows of desks. I prepare myself and also can’t find the beginning of what I’m supposed to read. I say something to them to stall and become self conscious of my voice being the only sound in the room. When I glance up, almost everyone looks disinterested in what I’m doing, which helps with the self-consciousness. I begin reading, stumbling over almost every word, apologizing and trying to continue on level-headedly. Again, nobody seems to care. There is also a shelving cart right in front of me.
I’m in what looks like Dad’s neighborhood with Melissa. We are walking Stella down towards Brown School. A person walking a small dog passes by and Stella does not react. We comment on this to each other. Now, we are going into the school. I think that it’s my childhood school. We walk through the hallways - it seems to have one main square of hallways - and I thought we’d be alone because school isn’t in, but there’s a group of kids in here. They seem to be some kind of program. We pass by a few different large rooms in search of the library. I think I’m planning on taking a book home. I don’t think we ever find it, but we end up walking past a lady or two, each holding up a few books. Others are here, walking past, grabbing a book as they do. Ben from work is here and grabs a Don DeLillo before I can. I thought the one I grabbed was also DeLillo, but I look at it and it’s a book of medium to longer length by an Indian author. I think it might be fun to read it without knowing anything about it.
…/I see a black and white drawing art of a modern house. The paper size is around an A2. It’s hanging on the outside of a building in front of a glass door I have in front of me inside of this building. I see the picture breaking into pieces with the wind while I open the door/… …/Some coworker pooped on his pants three times, there’s something spoiled in the work place because of it, I’m still confused about the incident. We’re working at night with very low illumination. I don’t get the new distribution of areas. There’s a lot of work taking place changing the distribution of items along the different aisles/… It’s a very recurrent dream scenario …/I’m working in a Sorter which is distributing the different media into its respective cells, it’s sort of huge warehouse with 4-5 story buildings inside. I’m getting close to one of the corners of the transport band which is being loaded by people on a platform some levels away to my front. I see the moment when a large thin book gets stuck at the end of one of the curves. The coming articles which are also large books, start to crash after it and get stuck in a chaotic way. It’s starting to be a mess. I run and pull the squeezed book out of its plate, to let the rest of the material flow again. It’s a large light blue book and is ruined on the corner. Looks like it’s a book for kids and it’s too large to be put on the plate of the sorter. I get angry because of somebody intentionally put it there in spite of it was way too large. I walk to the upper levels. I see an ex-girlfriend working there, she looks perplexed. I keep walking some levels up until I find my brother and ask him if he knows where to find our uncle who is one of the auxiliary teachers in the place. He has no idea where to find him. Somebody says he’s somewhere straight ahead, on the top office of one of the buildings which is close to a big yard, where a group of students in sport uniform forming a block are following the instructions of some trainer. I feel like I’m not going to be able to talk right now with my uncle, so I try to figure out who might be the person to talk with about the incident of this book/… I failed to realize because of the rush, this uncle passed away long ago and his DC sometimes uses to be a dream sign.
Pre WBTB - Winter Neighborhood There is some muggy jungle scene but I can't recall much else. I'm at a neighborhood street in the winter time. It reminds me of one I used to run as part of a route in college. Unlike how I remember, there are homeless people struggling to stay warm all across the street. The group I'm with don't have anything to give them so we feel bad. Post WBTB - Zoomin' Through Space and Fun at the Sand Shrine I take the Yuschak primary trigger supplement combo and get back to bed within about 10 minutes after reviewing WILD entry techniques. I lay down for sometime and wait for the vibrations. They eventually come and are fairly intense. I feel two waves of them, but no images ever form. I eventually slip off into normal sleep. I'm back at the same neighborhood but this time it is a warm summer scene with a thriving community. I'm living with some friends of S and I. Three couples. SP is sort of the mom of the group and we're following her. We are coming home from driving somewhere and get into the house. The inside reminds me of my Grandma M's house. Specifically the bar we sit down at is reminiscent. We start unloading bags and everybody gets something. I get a giant jelly candy brick. I get up to look around the house and use the bathroom. SP or one of the other girls nearly walks in on me while I'm using the toilet, but luckily I'm standing and facing away from the door. When I go back into the hallway, I do a nose reality check out of habit. I'm lucid now. Since a house isn't the most exciting place in the world, I decide to go outside. I leave the front door and the green grass is super vivid. I decide I should stabilize, so I rub my barefeet on the grass and the dirt. I lick the dirt for good measure and rub my hands. I do a few more nose RCs just in case. Well, if that check failed I would have looked really stupid. Oh well. Good thing I can breathe through my nose. I decided I want to fly, so I took off superman style. I hit a set of tree branches above me like a total chump immediately but it didn't hurt too bad. Flyin' high. Made with a combination of Bing and Nightcafe image generator AIs. I rose up into the sky and enjoyed the view of the neighborhood. I wanted to go explore more, but the world started to zoom out. Oh shit. It feels like I'm moving super fast. The world zooms out so far that I'm now in space looking at Earth. I think about the Outer Wilds Travelers' Theme song and laugh while saying the first few notes of acoustic guitar out loud. Naturally, the song starts to play. Zooming through space with music. Outer Wilds Travelers' Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR_wIb_n4ZU The vacuum of space. Made with Nightcafe AI. Into the universe I say "So, where are we goin'?" like Pippen at the council of Elrond from Lord of the Rings. As if in answer, a pale blue cloudy planet comes into view on the space horizon. I remark that this definitely isn't earth. It doesn't have any green on it. At this point I'm just super happy I have been lucid this long. As I'm sent closer to the planet I confirm it isn't Earth. This is a desert planet. My feet lithely (not a hint of my waking knee pain) land at the top of a shrine in a desert. There is a book with golden pages atop a pedestal. I see an attractive purple haired woman across the way near the top of the stairs leading down to the sand. She's wearing skimpy clothes, black leather with her chest showing. Her legwear isn't covering much either. No complaints. I get the sense that she is an experienced traveler, or she can guide me in some way. "Woah! This place is so vivid!" I say. "Yeah, it's pretty much always like that," she replies over the desert wind. I start to follow her down the stairs and then try to pull her closer to me. She doesn't seem into it so I back off. We continue walking down the shrine area. I look at her clothes again. Spoiler for Spicy Content: "Soooo are you into bondage or something?" I ask. "Well...yeah" she replies while turning a bit red. I pin her to one of the nearby walls and start to make out with her. I slowly slip my finger behind her and down her lower back...and further. "FUCK! I forgot how amazing this feels!" she says. The purple-haired guide. Made with Nightcafe AI. The dream gets unstable after that and I go into a false awakening. My body feels heavy. I try to rollover but still feel something like sleep paralysis. I have a few more false awakenings, but I eventually decide I really want to write down dreams, so I wiggle my toes and rollover. I wake up for real this time. Supplements: Yuschak Primary Trigger Combination (3rd Attempt) Galantamine: 8mg Choline Bitartrate: 250mg Default = Commentary Blue = Dream Dark Orange = Lucid
Updated 04-10-2023 at 07:15 PM by 99808
A vortex howls in the gray sky above. I'm standing on the ruins of a neighborhood. Behind the vortex is a dragon the size of a mountain. He is the time dragon. I'm running to a house nearby where I need to find a gold-plated book called the Domini. The dragon claims that change isn't real, and that all will return to the way it was. He is loud and commanding, like a god. I think about how a Pizza Hut building on my street had changed. The dragon doesn't like that, and comes closer to me. I'm transformed into a tiny dragon, and I'm now in a side-scroller type game. I had an abilities menu on the left side of the screen. I had a dash move. The vortex from before was on the right side of the screen, pulling me to it. I resisted. I used the charge ability to push back to the left but it isn't enough. I'm consumed by the vortex. I'm searching around a house that has two floors, vaguely resembling The Burrow from Harry Potter. The dragon tells me to find the Domini book. While searching I find a work-from-home math booklet. I have been dreading working on. It has thin-paper, and sub-booklets for at-home exams. I also notice a letter from my GF about bills.
Updated 03-08-2023 at 06:09 PM by 99808
I notice some pretty large stains in a couple places throughout the book I’m reading, In the First Circle. They seem to only be in the margins and along the tops of the pages. I feel dismayed that this will probably not allow the book to be sold at work.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP In a crowd gathered for some teachings. I see my teacher at a distance. He gets up with a book on his hand and calls my name, says it is for me. I get up and raise my hand. We walk towards each other and I feel awkward because I wanna hug him and I just can't. He says something like congratulations for winning that prize and everyone wonders what was the contest and when. I bow down with my hands folded and I receive the book while trying desperately to touch his hands briefly. We look at each other cumplicitly. After that he goes back to his seat and proceeds talking and I try to get a place closer to him better. Strangely a lot of people just get up and leave so I have lots of free space now in the front.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At the apartment I used to live in front of my mom, but it is my two vets who live there together (not as a gay couple, just roommates). I am staying as a guest in the office room, which is totally empty, except for a tent where I sleep. I bake them a cake for some reason but have to throw it away. They want to know why and I find it hard to explain. Later on inside the tent, it starts tumbling like pushed by a strong wind and I accidentaly find myself getting out in my old dojo. I recognize my Kenpo colleagues, but I don't see our sensei. I try to go away before he arrives, but instead some other sensei appears. He doesn't know me and is not happy to see me there. I sneak out and on the next room people are practicing yoga. Alicja is with them as well and a couple of her friends and some funny Eastern European lady who tries to do a headstand and hits me with ther feet on my face. I end up helping her and others follow my example and help each other. They invivite me to stay and practice with them, but I say I gotta go. Next room is a pavillion with some IT expo and it is so packed with people, I need to cut through stands and step over people totry to get somewhere. I get kinda stuck at a booth where some couple puts some half dozen boxes in my hands saying it's gift merchandise. I say it's inconvenient for me to carry it and they get offended, so they take it back and put it all in the trash. I beg them not to do it and that I'll take it gladly, but only when it becomes possible to talk away through the crowd with it. There is some kind of end of the world event and I am stuck in some cult that rejects sheltering from it and forces me to be part of some ritual where we wait for the shockwave (from a comet, maybe) tp hit us. The vibe is very surreal, it is circus like, or like a Terry Gillian movie. Everybody else is running for their lives and we are standing on top of a cargo train, in the middle of the night. But when the shockwave is coming, turns out they also start running in panic. But there is no escape so I stay in place and just repeat mantras, trying to clam my mind. Miraculously, the wave doesn't affect me. All of a sudden it is gone and all the crazies are also gone, just a couple friendly people around and everything in chaos. As if the world was purged. Then I start walking down towards where the others ran and I start finding only belongings that everybody left behind. There is furniture and smaller belongings. I find someone's jewelry collecttion and there is lots of gold and silver. I fill a bag. A friend points out that maybe that is now worth nothing, but I still treasure it. Ahead is an entire library and I pick my favorite books as I dance and sing happily Björk songs.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am going to some fancy school and some day there is a concert there. The singer who was invited can't perform, so a couple people are pushed onto the stage to improvise and I am one of them. I sing a little bit and I feel like I killed it, but no one applauds. Then follows a guy who just can't sing at all, but all his friends cheer him up. This event is recorded and later broadcasted, but the video was edited to cut me off while this guy is still in it. I feel extremely upset that they cut me out, because this could have been my chance to be heard by many and I feel that I am surely hated by those who did this. Then the school director calls me to her office and says that I'll be expelled, because I said I didn't like being hugged by random people and she contacted my psychologist who confirmed my aversion to being touched. I am appalled and tell her that makes no sense at all and they should respect my boundaries, not attack me over it. It seems everyone in school just wants to get rid of me, no matter what. I am a good looking, rich and spoiled girl, but hated by all. I live in a giant family mansion and have my own quarters in the attic. I like to mistreat the servants. I have my own cinema in the basement. My family is in the movies industry and I feel pissed that they don't make me a star. Some guests come over for some preview and I decide to make a scene, by walking around the house in just lingerie and an open silk robe. Some guy becomes crazy obsessed with me. But I don't really care and I ignore all his attempts to approach me. But later, one day I am feeling horny and have no one else, so I invite him over to my attic. Someone knocks on the door but instead of him some guy claiming that his loving wife died in this house. That she was a servant there and somehow got electrocuted. But most weird is he claims her was never retrieved because she fell into some tank and her body got stuck into some plumbing. He asks me to please help him empty the tank and flush the pipes, but that would cause some kind of flooding with seward water in the garden. At first my reaction is to shut the door in his face. But then I feel compelled to help, mostly because I love the idea of causing a mayhem with seward on the garden. I do it and there is water flooding all around the house. It is so much and so fast that I end up having to rescue the family dogs from drowning in it, as they unexpectedly run outside when it starts. I guess the guy retrieved his wife boy, because he is very thankful and then invites me for something he wants to show me. We join some of his friends and they take me to what appears to be an abandoned house. They touch a specific piece of carved wood on the door and the whole house exterior walls move like parts of a Rubik's cube and rearrange. A new type of door appears and opens up. Inside there is a large open room which looks like a museum, with ancient artifacts protected under glass displays. Then I hear a voice welcoming us. It is an alien, like a grey but human sized and slightly more human looking eyes. He wears long robes. He mentions some dagger, but before I even take a better look at it, he is already calling my attention to a giant book. The book levitates through the air and lands on my hands. He says it tells the story that explains it all. And the story is that Isaiah met an alien, who looked like this grey alien but had hair and some crown like thing like a cubic hat with jewels incrusted in the front, that was an actual part of her skull. And they had a son who looked like this alien without the crown thing and might actually be him. And he wrote this book, which has 14 volumes which are spread throughout the world, containing all the secrets of the universe. After we leave, I go on a lifelong journey with these guys, living a simple life, walking, hiking, living like nomads, in a mission to find the other books.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP A dream inspired by Loki the TV series. First I am just watching some scene with Loki. There are two of them, the main one and another who could be his younger brother and they are disagreeing on how to proceed about something and they almost fight. But then the younger one recognizes that he made some judgement mistake and turns around completely. As they follow the main Loki plan, I watch it unfold, Then I also have a mission in which I have to go with a colleague to the 50's, looking for an anomaly in the timeline. We enter a bookshop and I immediately spot a book on the display that does not seems to fit the time. It is a used book, illustrated, very damaged. I check it and it contains short stories with concepts way advanced for this time and even historical references that don't belong here. As I read it, a couple with kids comes in and I try to not interact with them, but straight away they get curious about the book I am reading. I try to deflect their attention, but they insist, so I kinda explain what it is while skipping the most problematic stuff and I say I am buying it, to see if they lose interest. And then the couple starts fighting or something over one of their girls running away. They ask for our help, They say she is a problem, lives in her own world. Ask me if I wanna take her. I find that odd. But then I meet her. I find her at a nearby beach, on a ruin in the sand. There is some kind of broken metal tower and she is sitting in a hollow space near the top. She has a small device in her hands, like a handmade radio and explains to me she uses it to capture the signal that comes from the moon. That signal is ours. She says there is a whole reality people don't know about and this transmission is proof and she wants to decode it. I understand we actually have to take her. She belongs with us.
4th August 2021 Poor recall, didn't feel particularly motivated to write initial notes either. Fragment: First I'm in some kind of hidden little place. It reminds me of a chapel. Arabesque. There's a woman and she helps me in some way? I stop some psycho in our midst from killing someone because I already knew he was going to try something, as I saw a hidden blade in his hand, but I wait until I can catch him in the act. There's some context of a cult. Cho'Gall makes a brief appearance, we speak or maybe I eavesdrop, not sure. At some point I'm getting ready to leave and everyone is wishing me goodbye. I have a lot of things to carry, two backpacks and some other items, plus my old boots to carry in my hand because I'd put away my newer ones in the backpack by mistake. I feel pressed so decided I should swap them later on. (gap) I'm outside, at the entrance to that place. It's a little secluded cove bit, with sand, water and so on. It's sort of below a bigger hotel complex that is on top of a reinforced hill. (certain aspects remind me of old home but details are gone) At some point, I start jumping from place to place, over the water. I find some secret collectible books and think that they are quite obvious finds and that they need to try harder. At the edge of town(?) or something, there are some ancient ruins, half Greek, half Elvish. On some level, I dismiss this as part of an asset mismatch or incorrect loading (as if this was part of a game). (another dream later on but recall was lost) Notes: - It's peculiar that Cho'Gall appeared in the dream. He's not a character I've ever had any particular attraction to but also not an unmemorable character for me. Considering his intellect in lore, I feel that his symbolic meaning may relate to brutish wisdom or some part of hidden wisdom, a concept a bit reinforced by the fact that he is a cult leader, both in this dream and during certain events in WoW lore (i.e. Cataclysm for one?). - There was something familiar to the architecture both of the hotel and the "hidden" chapel place, reminds me of some hotels I remember we stayed at when I was a kid.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At some book award, some guy wins with a book about old traditions and language of an almost extinct bantu tribe. He doesn't strike as the intellectual type but I guess he is eccentric and introvert. But something is a bit off. When they ask him to make a speech he declines. When they ask him very specific questions to elaborate on he just messes up with a conversation at the level of a 10 year old trying to talk about something they don't know. Meanwhile, there is an African lady who had been sitting in silence nearby, who storms the stage to claim he is a fraud and that she wrote the book. She goes through pages exploring topics and seems to know a lot about it. People are in shock but not doubting her at all. The other guy disappears sneakily and I go find him outside, by a river, just quiet and still, clearly ashamed. I go back inside and a lot has happened and they want me to partner with the writer and produce something.
I am at work when a guy comes up, looking for recommendations on a book about [something that didn’t seem like an English word - like Hua?] and houses. He sees me confused about the word and clarifies: sci-fi. I immediately think of House of Leaves and take him over there. He excitedly shows me the book already in his hands - House of Leaves. There are a few copies on the shelf, really slender hard covers that I’ve never seen before. I open one that is very new feeling. I don’t know much about sci-fi, so I plan on telling him what’s been popular recently. Now I’m back at the counter and see a brunette, middle aged lady come in without a mask. I go up to her and tell her she needs one in the store. She is dismissive and defensive, but does start walking out. She then comes back, first staying by the door, then coming all the way in. I go over again and the situation escalates to where I am calling the police on her for trespassing. This seems to scare her, as she hurriedly walks out. I follow her. I end up tackling her and holding her down until the police arrive. On the phone I said that I was calling from 660 E. Grove Streets, wondering why I said ‘streets’. I said there was a woman trespassing and start describing her, putting her weight at 180 pounds. They now arrive and handcuff her. I think she looks defeated. A woman officer says something about her being closer to 200 lbs and good thing she wasn’t bigger. I say yes, I just barely managed. There’s a white male officer and black female officer. They aren’t wearing masks and I wonder about it for a moment.
9th June 2020 Catching up on DJ again. Dream: (last part, my original notes sort of start at the end but cycle back to this point in some way) Was in a WoW-like game or reality. There was this nest on a cliff I had to reach from this insanely long ladder along another cliff face. I wasn't sure how high I had to climb before I'd be able to make the jump towards the nest. At some point I jumped and I remember sort of gliding a bit, eventually reaching the nest. I remember noticing a book covered in twigs and small bones. I looked this up on a popular WoW database to read comments on either the book or this location. Then I wiped it clean (from what? dust?) but don't recall what happened after that. Some guy riding a bear mount? Not sure. Then I remember myself, taking off the ground on a nether drake. I flew up a bit but not that much. There were Shattrath guards following after me through a forest that was not like Terokkar next to the city. The guards were throwing hammers of wrath at me as they pursued, most hitting me but doing little damage although this was whittling my health points away. I knew we were still in the Outlands because there was a cliff's edge, and nothing but void beyond and below; I remember the characteristic Nagrand-like sky. I rode my drake over this threshold of sorts and from past the edge, looped under the floating land mass, hiding there with my drake in some sort of underground cave area... I saw blood elves fly over and away on their bloodhawks toward the endless horizon and void. The distraction worked and I lost them. Then I left the bottomless "cave" underground and went much higher than before. Something was happening and a massive black dragon was appearing and the sky also dramatically changed to darkness and red tones. There was some NPC shouting something, but I don't remember what. I remember having passing thoughts about Deathwing and Alextstraza and how they looked feral with their "old/out of date" models. Then I remember flying toward the dragon and at some point jumping off the back of my drake and landing on a platform (on the dragon?). There, I found blocks like in Boundless. Interesting patterned blocks, like mosaic and celtic twist patterns on stone and they had red and black colour schemes. I began to "vein mine" the blocks the vein mining technique eventually stopped working and so I gave up on harvesting these interesting blocks. The next part I remember, I had ended up on a red dragon's back. We fly over mountains and cliffs and from here I spot the nest and jump off, gliding through the air somehow and trying to land on the nest. Instead, the winds lead me to the ladder. Notes: - I think it was in this dream; the area in which I found the bear mount rider was something like the WoW zone Grizzly Hills, with tall pine-like trees. - The way my original notes were made have altered my memory of how the dream's chronology worked out but at the same time it has created a nearly perfect cyclical flow of the dream which did lead me to remembering details I otherwise may not have recalled that morning. - The black dragon may have appeared before I thought of Deathwing, but I believe the two would have come in tandem regardless of which appeared first. - This dream involved a lot of flying or gliding and basically high altitude locations with little solid ground to speak of. In the dream and game worlds I don't typically ever have a fear of heights, despite the fact that in reality they make me feel uncomfortable as I become highly aware that a mistake could cost me, fatally so even. - Over the last few months I have had passing thoughts of the Burning Crusade and about nether drakes, so this dream probably came about as a materialisation of that or as a self-feeding experience.
4th June Dream: Me, H and some other hundred workmen were redoing tiles, mostly on walls, of some cathedral/palace place. There was a Lord Durnstam, who had a black and gold crown. He was king of the local region. During a break, which had no set time, I wandered the main where most of the workmen were. Many walls had enormous and ornate wooden bookcases and in some vaulted alcoves there were a number of great paintings all sort of a standard size. The themes were mostly random, but pertaining to Durnstam. They were all privately commissioned by him and I wondered who the artist was. When I started working on the tiles at the start of the dream, the place seemed moodier and poorly lit. There was this contractor next to me, a woman with faded blonde hair which was tied back, though her hair wasn't that long anyway. She had cream colour pants and a white tank top. I didn't know what to do for whatever reason, or I was confused; so she started sort of poking fun about it but in a playful way. In any case I left this small room and turned around the corner looking for H, finding H immediately. I asked for help and he sort of rolled his eyes but got up and followed me. We went back to that small room with the lady, who was still there and working. H gave me a bit flat screwdriver to remove the mortar with. I said it wouldn't do, and asked where the electrician's chisel was. H said it would be too vicious but I didn't believe so. In any case, I started to remove mortar. But it wasn't like proper mortar, it was brittle yes, but also sort of soft. Part of me wondered how it was working at all or how it had remained in place undisturbed. Then the hall scene, while walking around, I was holding the screwdriver or maybe a big steel crowbar. It felt heavy but both not enough and too much to actually be either of those items; I don't remember my clothes. By the end of the dream I was in some side wing of the place. There were modern windows, big and plain. But the light mood was again poor and dark. The worker woman had followed for some time but H wasn't around anymore, having returned to working elsewhere. Then my old friend Da replaced the woman at some point and he was eating a sandwich, which he then passed me and then I had one of my own. I tried doing work while eating but it wasn't going to do, so I stopped trying to multitask like this and just held his sandwich and ate mine. Then at some point there was a big black man, sitting somewhere on the other side of the room, by the windows. He got up and started singing as he did. It was Gregory Porter and in the dream I heard the lyrics clearly, but I don't remember them anymore. They were some sort of comment on society as a whole. Earlier I remember on this side wing hall there were miniscule 1cm tiles all along the wall, making one long continuous mosaic. I thought I'd start on that wall from the bottom and said I was wanting to do these. Some worker walked past and almost laughed. The woman was still with me and pointed out it would be a nightmare to redo because I'd have to do the whole lot once I started. I was confused and up to that point hadn't realised the mosaic was proper tiles, explaining that I thought it was vinyl (lino cover). Notes: - Although this dream wasn't super vivid, some of the recall was quite detailed. The whole dream was quite long and felt like it took a while. - In reality there is no such place as Durnstam so there couldn't possibly be a Lord Durnstam. - The guy that sang like Gregory Porter, I don't remember him looking like the actual person; I remember the dream character as being a bit bigger and more athletic. Curiously enough this seems to relate to something I read only recently about gymnasts and musicians. - Unfortunately, song and lyrics and generally speaking, harmony and music, tend to be some of the first things I lose memory of on awakening. - The whole dream probably came about as we had recently been doing some tile-related work in our home. - I seem to remember the Lord was present in the main hall, but I may have just seen a portrait of him.