This is Day 42 because I noted some fragments during the competition, and forgot to send them in... Two dreams tonight! I'm inside a house, in a white dress, holding a baby. The front door opens and a man enters, he's wearing a hat and sunglasses and his expressionless, confident manner creeps me out. It seems I'm used to his entry, and I keep my head down and stand still while he walks up and down the living room before leaving. I don't remember arriving - I get the feeling I've been here for a long, long time. Sometime later, my parents have come to visit, and I break down. "I don't want to live here," I sob. My dad pats me on the back but they both have expressions of not knowing what to say. This house looks a lot like my own house. I'm outside, standing near the bottom level of a sort of Roman amphitheatre, a hand resting on the iron fence surrounding the arena. A soft shawl wraps around my shoulders. The theatre is sandstone-coloured and completely empty, weeds springing up through cracks in the stone. A man approaches from the arena and we talk for a while. I feel relaxed and peaceful, breezes are blowing. Then I am in the house once more. I go to open the front door and let my mother in. She is outside and a little way back, waiting, is the creepy man. I hurriedly usher her in and shut the door in his face - I don't want him here today. Through the peephole I can see his face peering boredly in. I show her into the lounge, and wanting to be far away from the man at the front door, suggest we go and stand by the far window. She agrees and we walk to the back of the room, gazing out. And then, the creepy man steps into view. He's come around the back of the house to the very edge of the window. I stand frozen in apprehension and he, too, is still - until he winds up his arm and smashes a wooden chair through the glass. Still expressionless, he moves to climb through the window. My mother and I seize another chair and use it to hit him and push him back. He doesn't yield. Suddenly my dad is here, and so are the police. They have a 'stun gun' - not a taser but actually a tranquilliser gun with very short darts - and start shooting rapidly towards the man, and us behind him. He's knocked out, but I feel and see a dart pierce my skin. I try to tell my dad that I've been hit, but no-one is listening and I feel my eyelids growing heavy. My eyes close as I'm babbling, grabbing at his arm. 2 I'm on a 'snowmobile'. No idea how those are actually supposed to look or what they do, but mine has a wide driver's seat and wheel, two seats behind and one on the back facing backwards. I drive it through the market street in the evening when who should I run into but a boy from my primary school (who I actually just met yesterday for the first time in ages) and his friends. We both exclaim at the coincidence and they ride on my snowmobile for a short distance. They drop off as I turn out of a narrow street onto the main road. Regarding the first dream, the setting was a sort of dystopian society under heavy surveillance. I don't know how to fit it into the journal, it was just a feeling I had; the creepy man was there to watch me and how I lived. The baby might not have been mine, either.
I love Sailor Moon. Does this count as a scary dream? I wouldn't call it a nightmare... I am Tsukino Usagi (the main character of Sailor Moon) - appearance-wise, at least. It might be better to say I'm alternately watching her and being her. She has one sister and a father who is very controlling and doesn't let her go outside. But one evening, somehow, she manages to leave. As I'm walking down the street away from the apartment, I see my father outside a pub on the adjacent street. He is talking and drinking in the warm light and doesn't seem to have noticed me, so I continue walking at the same speed, head down, to avoid attracting his attention. As soon as I'm past the street corner and out of his view I run as fast as I can into town. It's dark out, and there aren't many people about, however the night this time has a dark brown sky rather than a blue one. It reminds me of an old photograph and imparts a sense of finality. Some time later. I can see inside the apartment while not being there. Usagi's father is there seething over her disappearance while her mother frets, her younger sister (who looks a lot like another character) sits on the floor at his feet. I get the feeling that they are all afraid of him. He vows to find Usagi and bring her back. Usagi goes to hide in various places. I see her inside a closed shop, a single dim light overhead. Her wristband glows (when did that appear?) and some waves radiate downwards from the lamp. I know instantly that they are transmitted by her father and he now knows where she is. I feel a terrible foreboding. I don't remember much after that. I feel that she ends up being caught but continues to plan another escape. I'm not sure if this dream is scary so much as unsettling. It's been years since I had a proper nightmare.
Was on a vacation in china. I was super aware of the surveillance state and lack of freedom. There were cameras everywhere. Like seriously, every couple feet you'd see a tiny camera watching you, tracking you, reporting your every move to God knows who. First me and my family were taking a nice drive through the countryside. We saw some beautiful houses in the mountains. Very green, just great land. We saw some really weird animals we weren't used to seeing. I think we even saw some kangaroos, which is odd since I don't think they're native there. We came across what I assume was a private community. It had nice brick roads and was walled in, with houses surrounding the inside. We saw marquee display with red words and I at first assumed it would be telling us to leave, but it just pointed out a particular person who was 11 minutes late to work. I guess he was going to be receiving some punishment and they needed the community to know...Later on we went shopping, and I was interested by the variety of items at the store. You could find things you wouldn't find normally. Not sure quite how to explain it. They only had 1 kind of mac and cheese, or 1 brand of shoes, and stuff like that, but because of the lack of choice they were able to provide a much more dense selection of items to purchase. I noted how everyone kept to themselves and didn't talk. It was as if they were afraid to say something they should not. It reminded me of 1984, how even their thoughts were closely monitored. I had no issue recognizing other tourists, as they were all much more outgoing and willing to communicate. They didn't have the fear that the normal citizens had. At some point during conversation with the tourists we found ourselves in a restaurant. It was a buffet of some sort. I don't remember much here, but eventually the staff all quickly cleaned up, turned the lights down, and left. We took that as a sign to leave, but we weren't exactly in a rush. My brother and I had already made it to the car, but my parents were inside walking out talking to people. I guess it took too long, because something really bad happened. The tires on our car suddenly inflated, and the car quickly reversed a few feet. I looked over at a camera facing directly at us, and felt a sense of dread and helplessness. We went after the car, but it took off toward a mountain, drove off the parking lot and exploded into the hillside. I loudly shouted at the camera asking WTF, but quickly realized that it was not smart to question the government. I then heard over loudspeaker that I was to remain still while the authorities arrive. I start to run but then a turret started firing at me from under the camera. I dodged the bullets miraculously and hid behind a planter. Within seconds the planter was destroyed by the bullets and a man spoke over the speaker and told me they have plenty of bullets and I have nowhere to hide. The dream ended.
June 20-21 8:45pm 11:15 some fragment about dreamviews. Don't remember what about, but the post was by Sageous 5:00am Dream 1: Luckily not my job I was working in some company in an executive level position. I then was offered participation in a project that looked very promising. I at first accepted. Then a senior level executive asked for my involvement in a project that would have been a conflict of interest. I realized that I could not say no, but that I could not remain honest and agree. I started the paperwork to quit the job, filed a notice, but it had to go to the man who had put me in this difficult position for approval, and approval was being delayed. While at the cafeteria I was approached first by the wife and then by her husband who both worked for this company, and was told to make sure to involve the husband in this promising project I had been offered, and then I was shown a photo of my sleeping younger son: it was a threat, do this or else. They said, that I was in an enviable position. I differed but did not tell them. I went to the secretary if the executive to whom I had filed my notice, and asked for the notice to be put on hold. I then went either to the auditors or to law enforcement with a list of approximate times and places during which some inappropriate incident had occurred, and I suggested that they pull security camera footage for that time. I thought that once all was done there would be at least six people exposed. Could these auditors or law enforcement keep me and my son safe? I sure hoped so. I felt I had no choice, this was the only thing I could do. I woke up while they were showing the security camera footage to everyone assembled. 6:30 Dream 2: My job but not my office - wish file copy were as fast as a ninja A tech support person was moving files on C drive of server because it would run out of space. I had not realized that he was doing it, but was on a conference call with him and several others anyway. Someone asked "But would this prevent Outlook from working on the server?" His reply "I didn't know it needed to work there." In reality it does not, but in my dream I said "I use it there all the time." He started shuffling things some more to make this to work. I could see his actions on my screen. There was also a message box informing me that the tech was logged in and working. It said his name was Rory (like in Dr. Who TV series), it had an anime avatar showing for him, and a button allowing one to enter chat with him labelled "Ask Question". A coworker who walked by and glanced on screen and saw how fast things were moving (unrealistically fast), remarked "He is as fast as a ninja." I agreed. One other thing that was different than in reality was the office layout which was very open, with this monitor clearly set up to be visible by anyone passing by, and it was all in a large open space unlike my real office.
Morning of September 11, 1982. Saturday. Dream Series: The Experience of Prescience, the Inexplicable Dream State Phenomenon. Part 7 I seem to be living in the future though I am unsure of what the implied date is. At any rate, it seems to be (at least at first) an odd combination of the television series “Hogan’s Heroes” and George Orwell’s “1984” (as well as influence from “Logan’s Run”). There is a large room full of computers (reminiscent of NASA) where everyone is watched. It seems sad and strange that public surveillance is everywhere. Still, there is a focus on the question of who is watching the people who are watching everyone else. The group in control of the world government is called “The Delegates”. They mostly drive around in black jeeps and black limousines. The unfamiliar town in my dream is called something like Maryborough or Marlborough. I become aware of my “mystery girl” (precognitive wife-to-be character) over time. Photographs are somehow made by computers. However, it is illegal to keep photographs older than a certain date. There are barbed wire fences throughout “ordinary” neighborhoods. I want to be with my dream girl, but it seems we may have to find a region beyond the reach of these “Future Delegates” (the term being used in my dream relating to younger politicians who are training to control large groups of people). I discover photographs in a drawer of features of the past that the government does not want people to know about. Some of it seems Biblical. At this point I seem to be in a movie. Werner Klemperer (an actor from “Hogan’s Heroes”) seems to be in charge of looking for my “mystery girl” and me near a beach. A number of black vehicles are in the area. In the last segment, I am somehow standing atop an airplane (without any fear of falling) while hugging my “mystery girl”. In the distance is Manhattan. A tower of the World Trade Center is burning. It seems like “the sky is falling”. I perceive, on some levels that it may be the end of the world. However, I still think it may be possible to reach a livable region where government does not exist. In the end, we jump into the ocean, still hugging. Zsuzsanna was a fan of “Hogan’s Heroes” before we met though she did not know one of the stars (Bob Crane) had been murdered. (For some reason, I had a precognitive dream of Bob Crane’s death, which had similar dynamics as this dream).This dream had some influences from “Logan’s Run”. The precognitive dream about Bob Crane, I “cleverly” gave the title “Hogan’s Run” (before his death).When I went into a library for the first time with Zsuzsanna, in Maryborough, I saw the same edition of a book (right on the top of a stack of books on a cluttered table) called “Space Opera”. This had the story “Tonight the Sky Will Fall”, first seen on September 11th, 1966 (about a week after starting school for the first time in La Crosse). My father and brother-in-law used to get various books from a nearby landfill. This included science-fiction digests, “Outdoor Life” magazines, and adult cartoon digests, all of which my reading skills increased through. With “Space Opera”, I had “Friday the Thirteenth”. This included a story about a girl riding a white horse (and who had special abilities relating to telepathy and remote viewing). Zsuzsanna was born on Friday the Thirteenth and was photographed atop a large white horse as a child around the same time as another related dream.There is a redhead in “Tonight the Sky Will Fall” named Leila. Zsuzsanna has a red-haired half-sister named Lelia. A main factor of the story is that his dream girl turns out to be real and that his dreaming brought the universe into existence.The level of surveillance and items like webcams, I never thought could reach the level it was in my dream, yet it has gone eerily beyond that which was featured in my dream. Still surveillance as such supposedly lowers crime in at least some areas. This is probably more related to connecting to the collective unconscious than solely personal insight.
Updated 04-02-2018 at 12:25 PM by 1390