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    1. 18-01-18 War PoW

      by , 01-18-2018 at 07:03 PM
      There was a kind of war going on. It was the modern day, and I was in a trench of sorts with other people of my 'side'. At some point, they were all gone and I was surrounded by enemies. I had my chest pressed against the side of the trench, which was odd because I wasn't being restrained or anything. I was surrendering, I guess. I still had my pistol in my hand, and for a second a tried inserting a fresh magazine (presumably to kill some of the enemies by surprise) but I decided against it because I knew I'd undoubtedly get killed myself. So I surrendered, but I still had my gun in my hand, and I couldn't drop it because my arm and hand were stuck between the wall and myself. To release the gun and show them my hands, I'd have to move. And I knew the slightest unexpected movement might cause them to shoot. Anyway, after a lot of shouting, eventually they got my gun and I showed them my empty hands. Curiously, they didn't restrain me or tie me up. In the next scene, I was at a large round/oval table where the enemies who had defeated us were seated. All of their head honchos were there, but everyone was dressed like regular people. Even more bizarrely, they gave me my gun back, loaded and everything. I laughed at their naivety. I think they realized and took it back? Not sure. Anyway, I sat down next to one of them, and made the finger gun gesture to their leader sitting across from me. I guess I could have blown him anyway, but I like living so I didn't. Both 'sides' had a colour. Mine was orange, theirs was blue. The 'meeting room' was bathed in orange light, which I thought was odd. At some point I heard reference to a Professor X, who I think was our leader. I think my side was into developing super-powered mutants, or something. The blue guys opposed it. They said something like 'Professor X won't succeed". My plan was to escape at some point and rejoin my own side. I really despised the enemy and would not let them win.
      Tags: glock 19, trench, war
    2. [The Dried-Up Trench]

      by , 09-02-2012 at 01:25 PM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Tuesday, August 21st, 2012]
      I was in a multiple faded dreams that were set in a labrynth metropolis city of stone and metal that was built into the side of a supercliff, an empty ocean trench. I could see the sky most of the time, and it was the deepest blue you could imagine. Me and a group of friends were exploring the city and trying to find treasure. The funny thing is, the city wasn't abandoned. One fragment I remember was being on a flat metal surface with patterns of criss-crossed steam lines that went on and off... they were dangerous so you either had to time it when you were to walk, or jump over them carefully. I tried timing my walk and burned myself... Frustrated at the rest of my group's ease of travel over the steam, I tried jumping and somehow managed to do it perfectly...

      The very last thing I remember, was crowding around an elevator that led to an off-limit room. We were debating whether or not to go in, since it was probably off-limits, but I pushed myself in without hesitation. Me, two girls, and two guys. On our way up, the guys vanished. Suddenly the elevator reversed directions and headed down... I said, "Well... we can just tell them we were looking for the bathroom." One of the girls agreed, knowing that it was a half-joke. Once out of the elevator, I sprinted ahead to the left saying, "I'll just use that bathroom over there! BE RIGHT BACK." I followed the open labrynth toward a bunch of rusty-white metal platforms, suspending high up against the rocky wall. There were ladders, but I jumped up and scrambled myself up the side of the platform. (I really had to pee...) The guy who had dissapeared earlier was sitting lifelessly to the right. He phased in and out and appeared as colored metal rings for a moment. I think he had stolen something... or hurt himself... Just then, the other guy appeared, and he was muscular and shirtless and resembled my WL friend, Nathan... he picked up the injured man and began walking the direction I was headed. "Hey, I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick, when I get back, I'll carry him for awhile."
      My dreamscape faded to reality. (I was in an extremely uncomfortable position in WL and had to pee REALLY BAD. I emptied my bladder and here I am. I'm not skilled enough to jump back in my dream.)*

      *(I'd like to add, that around 7:00PM, me and my friend Nathan [the buff character from the dream] were sitting on a bench around town in WL, after smoking some weed stuff... I looked up at the sky and saw the EXACT blue sky as in the dream. It was impossibly blue, and was getting dark fast. Just as I mentioned all of this to Nathan, another friend of ours called and asked if we could give him a ride. Come to think of it, the lifeless guy from my dream looks strikingly similar to the one we were about to give a "ride" to, his name was Kyle. Kyle's a pretty weasley/stingy guy sometimes... Maybe he did steal something too!)
    3. friend doesn't want to see me; soldier symphony

      by , 09-30-2011 at 12:05 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was walking out on a sidewalk, near the top of a hill. It was daytime, and the sun was bright. I was walking past the stone gates of some kind of professional center. The gates had an arched entranceway.

      One of my old friends, PD, walked out from the gates. PD was apparently dressed as a business professional. But she looked kind of horrible. She wore a grey skirt and a green blazer, with a white blouse that had some kind of old-style bow-tie on the front of it. Everything looked like it was from the 1970s.

      PD's hair was also weird. It didn't look quite real. It was curly or crimpy. It looked wet, like after a shower, when a person's hair looks damp and a bit disarranged. But it also looked dry and dead, like the stringy hair of an animal that had been laying on the road for a while.

      PD's face looked about the same, except that she may have had a tan, and that her face may have been a bit worn with age.

      I called out to PD, kind of gently, since we were so close, and I was so awe-stricken at seeing her. PD said, "What makes you think you can just come up and talk to me after all this time? I don't want to see you anymore."

      PD either got onto a bus or got into a white SUV, driven by some rich guy who had been waiting for her. I respected PD's desire not to speak to me.

      I walked down the hill and found myself under a bridge, like a bridge for a highway overpass. The sunlight curved down under the shade of the bridge, making a warm little quarter-circle of light in a small space.

      Some kids may have been skateboarding in that space of light. One of the kids may have had a red and white skateboard, with a design almost like the Coca-Cola logo.

      Dream #2

      I was watching an old film. The main thing about this film was actually the music. Some great composer from the early twentieth century had made this music. The film may have been a documented performance to accompany the music.

      But what the film was was living footage of an actual event. The footage was from one of the World Wars, possibly WWII. The scene was some torn out space of land. The upper right area looked like a trench or a foxhole. But the whole area before the foxhole was a blasted out cavity in the ground.

      Two or three men sat slumped on the ledge of the trench and the blown out space. Behind the men was a bright light. Some thick cloud of gas spewed out from behind the men and into the blown out space.

      The way the men were slumped against the trench and each other, it was obvious they were dead. I assumed that the gas clouds I was seeing were poison gas, and that the men had been killed by it. I assumed their deaths had been very painful.

      At some point the music built up to an ominous crescendo. I was trying to figure out why the composer of this music wanted us to watch the actual deaths of soldiers on the battlefield while we listened to his music.