User Error: I'm getting ready for work and my smartphone's alarm is going off. I turn it off, but it doesn't stop making sound. I get very frustrated. My girlfriend tells me it must be user error. The phone is a Samsung Galaxy, which isn't the one I have in waking life. Fragment: Something about Spongebob Squarepants.
Went to bed around 1AM. Fragment I'm at the airport. My Grandma P, Uncle J, and brother are there to pick me up. I'm angry with them about something and I storm away with my bag, outside, and across the street. Zones I'm at a football game at my highschool field. It's nighttime, under the lights. A cheerleader girl bumps a microphone boom on the sideline and apologizes. Initially I'm on some bleachers on the endzone side of the field. DTP. There's a football game on a screen, and I see the cheerleader bump the boom and apologize exactly the same way. I'm in a bar that looks like a Pizza Hut with my girlfriend and my friend J. J is having a rough time from too much weed. The bartender looks like Ryan Reynolds and he is making us a series of strong looking drinks. The bartender also lays out some joints and calls them 'enchiladas'. I realize that I need to be able to drive home so I take it easy. There's another guy here (seems to know the bartender), and I'm concerned that if I get sick, he will try to get with my girlfriend. All recorded on waking around 8:30AM.
Updated 10-09-2023 at 05:22 PM by 99808
I'm in a house full of strangers staying over even though I'm the one actually living there with my family. I go to my room and there's a bunch of blonde Dutch boys I don't know, I angrily scream from the bottom of my lungs that they need to get out of my room. I then feel guilty. Meanwhile I'm preparing to get ready to work from home when two guys get back in the room and have the nerve to start a discussion with me about getting to stay in my room to which I angrily tell them to get out. I then stare at my room questioning my life as I just got raging mad at two strangers over a job I don't really enjoy doing but have to because I need to pay my bills. Guess what I had to do when I woke up Dream was in Dutch
Accidental house demolishing Apparently I seem to have accidentally ordered a house demolishing. A very small (human size) crane appeared in the corner a sort of room where apparently I and my father live and started hitting the walls and the walls slowly crumbled. I told my father what I had done and he got really angry and I ran to the crane and tried holding it off, and, apparently, it worked. Then, later, another one appeared and started hitting the walls, but this time they didn't crumble which apparently meant it was there for a different purpose. Strange that I remembered a dream on a school day. But I'm not complaining.
Dragon dream I transform into a dragon at some point, it seems like an ability I have in the dream. I was getting mad at somebody. It was sort of in this like special bar like area, that seems to be becoming a recurring location. There are some of my friends there, I think. Sadly I don't remember having any sensation of my form in the dream, which would've helped in shapeshifting in a lucid dream. Also, I have been totally forgetting to use my mantra so that I'd get lucid; it works nearly every time, but my memory is horrible. School has also been destroying my recall. I know I remembered more of the dream in the morning, but firstly, I don't want my parents to see what dreams I have, idk why but it's embarrassing, and on school days I can't get myself out of bed so I wouldn't even have time to write down the dream.
Non-lucid – Notes – lucid – Interpretation "Awakening in C's room with grandmother leads to dad fixing the cellar" I awake in C's bedroom. It is still dark outside. We get out of bed and she heads towards the toilet, handing me some boxer shorts on the way there. They look like my Finding Waldo boxers, but I am in doubt as to whether they are mine or hers. Sensing a brief glimpse of excitement I look down, but find that she is wearing a pair of rather boring black panties. As she heads towards the hallway and the toilet I look down and find that I have all my clothes packed up in blue Ikea bags, as I would normally use for my washing clothes. The clothes are clean though, but I think to myself that I need to move this out of here. Her Ex boyfriend gets out of bed and walks towards the hallway as well. He is a short, scrawny and little man and I wonder what she has ever really seen in him anyway. a small skip... I awake in the same bed. I am lying next to my grandmother on my mother's side. I find it weird to be sharing a bed with my grandmother, but at the same time I find nothing wrong with simply sharing closeness and intimacy. She leans in closer to me and I accept the embrace. She smiles and laughs as the she initiates the following dialogue: “You know you grandfather was such a devil.” She says. “How so?” I reply. “Well he actually woke up one night and asked me this - “Maybe the reason you can’t sleep at night is because I keep stealing the duvet at night”” “Wow he actually said that?” I respond. “Yes” she responds, also indicating that he didn’t do anything about it at all. I get up and I walk into the living room. My grandmother is in there, but she has gained a lot of weight. This is a good thing as I see that she no longer looks scrawny and too slim, but has gained some roundness and looks like an older version of my mother and aunt combined. She is talking, even flirting, with this man on the right side of the living room. There is an element of school gym about the room and the man – whom is unknown, but maybe middle aged – is standing by some wall bars. I find it good that she has gained weight and are interested in men again. The scene shifts. I am now outside. It is early morning and still darkish. I want to go up to C’s room again to find my cigarettes and get my clothes out of her flat. I look up and am encouraged as I see that there are lights in her room. But on a second look I see that the light is lit in the room above hers. This is a challenge as I don’t want to wake her up to get my stuff, but I quickly think that the cellar door will be open in my own house and I can probably find some cigarettes there. I walk back to the house. I find the cellar door open and as I walk inside I see that the entire room is drenched in water and insulated all around the walls. The insulation is white and it gives the entire room the look of a rugged and very large rubber cell you would find in a psychiatric ward. I say to myself “This is a problem”, as I see the insulation being drenched and almost as big as mattresses hanging from the ceiling. My dad walks in. I tell him “surely we can’t fix this by putting up a bit of plastic?” He responds “I’ve got this, I think it should be sufficient”. I crawl out of the door again, which is now a small square hole in the south east corner. I notice that the terrace and lawn outside are also insulated. I think to myself “How is this going to work when the snow comes around?”. I walk up the stairs to the main floor. I look out into the living-room and kitchen area and proclaim “wow you have really done a fantastic job with the floors” as I see that the wooden floors are totally spotless, indicating he (my dad) has spent a lot of time cleaning them. I walk into the entrance way and wipe my feet, which causes the small pebbles and dirt I have under my feet to scatter all across the floor. My dad enters the room and is furious at me for making a mess. I feel somewhat guilty and see that it isn’t entirely fair what I have done, but I also feel hurt at his attack. He gets out a mop and starts sweeping the floors. I wonder why he does that as it would be better to hoover before using the mop, but guess that he doesn’t want to waste time doing it again and will settle for just using the mop to sweep the mess I just made. When he is done he packs up the mop and puts it on the shelf in the entrance, behind a candlestick up against a large painting in the entrance. I ask him why he is putting it there and that surely there must be some place better to put it. He seems to agree, but also seems frustrated at my remark.
Updated 09-26-2018 at 08:03 AM by 35291
I have parked in a parking garage, in a spot either outlined in red or with a red sign. I think I am cognizant of the fact that I’m not able to park here without repercussions, but proceed to do so anyway. When I come back, there is a boot on the tire with a red wire that kind of looks like a bike lock. There is a middle aged man here who sees it and jokingly says he’ll clip it for me. I laugh along with him, silently wishing he actually would. Abby is here too, and she points out some damage on the front of my car. (For a moment, the car is a bike?) These little scrapes in the paint make me fairly angry, especially because they were done by whoever put the boot on. I think we discuss taking pictures, so we can negate my legal incurrence or reprimand the authority that placed the boot. Now I think I’m briefly in a movie theater - to see a Dead and Co show? Many have tie dye on; we’re all excited. Somehow, the band is ‘tied’ with someone else, 4 to 4, so whoever ‘wins’ tonight wins it all. This only increases the anticipation and excitation. I am now at what I think is Dad’s (though it looks different). The living room is long and low, cool and dim, feeling almost subterranean. There is seating and some pillars, almost maze-like. There are kids here, as well as a few guys my age. Those guys are in dark green and earth tone tie dyes that suit their look well - not over-the-top tie dye. We are here celebrating the concert and periodically checking the ‘score’ (on a TV?) There is food out on the counters. Alex is here, on a reclining chair. I go over and crouch down, propping my elbows on the armrest. I am going to express my excitement, but he’s talking with someone else, so I never get the chance. I now go outside and begin turning on many light switches. The lights that come on are small and not very bright, but are warm, with a nice effect on the dark yard (it feels like the side with the barbecues). I hear some people talking just up around the corner, and I think I hear Melissa’s voice. Sure enough, I catch a glimpse of her pale skin and kinky hair. She is sitting on a bench with a few other girls. Before she or they can see me, I sneak up around the corner and in front of Melissa. This is the first time I have seen her since I’ve been back, so I give her a big hug for a long time. I kiss her too, and sense some hesitation, probably because we’re in front of those others. I’m with Melissa, Alex, and one other in a car. We’re going to get chicken nuggets. Alex is wearing grey sweats and a brightly colored shirt/long sleeve. He’s asleep in the seat behind the driver’s. When he wakes up, we tell him what we’re doing. This causes him to become extremely angered, yelling, and red in the face. I begin to laugh as I find it comical, because I think he’s kidding, but quickly stop myself when I realize he is not. He wanted to use a coupon or something, it being the sole reason for wanting to go. It becomes very silent, intrusively so. Everyone looks shocked and almost a little sad. I see Melissa’s eyes in the rear view mirror (I think I’m in the back). I am in what I can only describe as some other land. The area is fairly wide open and brown. It doesn’t seem like a dry brown, but more of a muddy brown. There is a large, languid river and surrounding boulders. It has a prehistoric feeling to it. Some others are here with me. We climb up the brown rocks (mostly a scramble) that seem to be made of an odd material - rubbery but firm. Each rock is a different letter? and parts of the rock seem to be made of that letter. The rocks are also huge, ancient turtles? I think they’re speaking. Now, we have made it back and are approaching a house on a hill. It looks like twilight or just thereafter. I think we’re having a family dinner here, and I want to order a glass of wine with it for a change.
Fell asleep at: 11:30 PM Woke up at: 6:30 AM Dream 20: Damn QTE's... Laying on my bed during the daytime, early morning I'd guess. I'm playing a sort of Heavy Rain styled game on my 3DS with a zombie apocalypse setting. My character is limping away from a horde of zombies as both of his legs are broken. The button prompts are faded and move around on screen, obscuring my vision as I try to determine what button it wants me to press. For some reason, I had a really terrible time trying to get past the QTEs. I distinctly remember my character getting chomped on by zombies two times because of failed/missed button prompts. I got real pissed off and just turned the game off afterwards. This is one dream I really wish I had gotten lucid in, honestly. The morning sky, vivid imagery, and near life-like setting would have been an amazing world to play around in. It could have very easily turned into a level four lucid dream if I tried.
I went to bed early last night on 3 glasses of wine (yeah I know) and mild depression. I woke up around 2am with memories of a dream where my brother was very angry with me. I have these dreams fairly regularly, where either my brother, my mom, or my husband really seem to hate me and I can't figure out what it is that I have done that has made them feel this way, or to this extreme. I also had memories of being near a black dog -maybe a lab/mastiff mix?- who was viciously defending her puppy from my dog Cayna and I. I was trying to slowly back away and keep my dog from interacting with the angry dog mama, and my fingers were very nearly bitten off several times. When I woke up with these dreams still on hand, I felt too sick and too apathetic to write them down. I read for about an hour before I laid back down to attempt sleep. WILDs were on my mind, they almost always are in the early morning hours because I've had so many in these circumstances. I usually know I have to lie on my back and remain very still until I feel myself getting sleepy, then the buzzing/synthesizer noises come and then I feel myself push out of my body and float away from the bed. I tossed and turned and slept for minutes at a time until I returned to lying on my back and feeling really sleepy. I heard loud discordant crashing sounds instead of the more usual buzzing/synth sounds. I felt myself rise out of my body, and I floated to my right and up until I was against the wall. Where my face was touching the wall, I could see an Iggy Pop poster hanging there in the darkness. I don't actually have this poster or any poster hanging there, but I didn't think much of this, and I continued to float, but towards the ground at the foot of my bed. My dog's bed is there, and when I landed I saw her; her face slightly distorted like it has been in other lucid dreams, sort of snarling and scared. I tell her it's ok, I'm dreaming. As usual, I worry if I am really at the foot of my bed and talking out loud. I get up and try to fly. It works, and I start wondering around my house. The clarity wasn't the best I've had. My house was dim, somethings were normal, and others weren't. As I approached my front door I thought, 'Wait! I should experiment here. Should I meditate? (I've done this before with strange effects) Then I decided I would try to reinvent the interior of my home, because as I was trying to fall asleep earlier in the night I have visualized a fantastic treehouse/hobbit-hole house in a forest of giant trees. I closed my eyes and told my self that when I opened them, my house would be amazing. It didn't really work. My kitchen had expanded and looked different, but my old rotten house was still mostly there. From here I lost lucidity or my memory of what happened next. New dream: I was with my Mom and Step-Dad in an upscale department store/hotel. They were trying to exit the store by climbing up some rocks that were part of a display, and I was trying to explain that all they had to do was walk through a couple of hallways back to the hotel and exit from there. They didn't seem convinced, and anyway, had already managed to mostly slip through a crack in the wall to the outside sidewalk above. Then I was with my brother in McDonalds (!!! I haven't eaten fast food in a long time). We each had our laptops and it seemed like we were having a meeting. I was just going to order some coffee. At first we were trying to squeeze into a booth with 4 other people, and then I noticed all of the other empty booths around and suggested we use one of those. The dream gets even less cohesive here—my brother's wife was there, then we were either at their house or my Mom's. Dialogue happened but I can't remember much of what we talked about. A portion was about Shepherd puppies, and people breeding them, and how one guy had a web-cam on his to help sell them. I was trying to share my knowledge of Shepherds but no one wanted to listen. Then I was in a car, maybe in the backseat but someone else was definitely driving. My mom and her husband were saying things about me that I found really out-of-touch, like laughing about how I love certain things/celebrities that I haven't been into since i was a teenager. I tried to correct them but they just smiled like they knew better. Then my Dad called. (he passed away last year) He told me Happy Birthday (not my birthday, but maybe I was thinking of Father's Day?) and was his usual excited and goofy self. He also joked about me liking a certain celebrity and things I used to like when I was a teenager. I turned to the woman driving, who I could now see (and I seemed to be in the front passenger seat now) and I knew she was my dad's girlfriend(dream only, not IRL). I tried to tell her that I wasn't the same person they thought I was, and she seemed to pay more attention, but still didn't really believe me. Last, I was walking and talking to a vague someone and explaining to them how it seems that I must come off as stupid to everyone because it seems like everyone treats me that way. The look on their face told me that they also thought I was stupid, but was trying to placate me. Thoughts: I gave a lot of exposition throughout, so there isn't much extra to add. I think I have self esteem issues, anxiety, and guilt over not seeing my family much nor feeling very connected to them.
Updated 06-20-2016 at 06:43 PM by 91019 (grammar)
Dream - Lucid I was in the house I grew up in. Everything had a Walking Dead/apocalyptic feel to it. I was watching my old friend Tori's dog, in the dream I believe her name was Jasmine. I had her in the play room. My old cat Pounce was inside of a "baby jail" (those fenced in areas you buy for babies so they don't escape an area IWL). I later moved the dog to the baby jail too. I noticed that the floors were starting to bulge, even though we were on the 3rd floor (a nod to my 3rd floor apartment IWL). I knew it meant there was an impending earthquake. Later, I saw Tori and I told her that Jasmine and Pounce got along. I then started thinking about needing to pack and condense items to only necessities for the apocalypse. I pictured my family and I in a restaurant sitting and me having to condense some items I had into my daughter's diaper bag. ~ I was about to go somewhere with my husband. We were doing something online. I'm not sure where we were. It wasn't anywhere that I know, but what seemed to be a completely different place. I remember seeing houses everywhere, like it was a neighborhood. My husband and I were going to go on a date, and he started to mention something about some other woman being there. I didn't know why that mattered since we are married. I asked him about how pretty she was, expecting him to tell me that she wasn't as pretty as me, but instead, he said she was prettier than me even though I was pretty still. o_o Really?! Of course this pissed me off. I stayed mad at him for the entirety of the dream. I don't think he quite understood why I was so mad. There were other parts involving going places and talking to other people, but I can't remember any specifics right now.
Dream - Lucid I'm not sure where I was. It seemed like a classroom, for some reason I wanna say it was an art classroom. I feel like I was at some thing where you stayed over night or something. There were many others there as well, I think mostly women. There was this group of black girls who had it out for me for something I had said. I had been very angry earlier and spouted some things off, but I don't remember what they were. They kept giving me hell for it, writing me notes telling me off but never really telling me off to my face. I don't remember what they said other than they were very angry at me, and I was very angry too. One of them said something in a note regarding depression or something maybe? Like trying to tell me I needed to stop going on about being sad and I didn't have it bad or something. I wrote back a nice response, saying that unless you've been where I've been, in the darkness of depression, then she couldn't say a damn thing because it's that bad. You don't know unless you've been there. After that, the notes stopped. I remember bits of being in the house I grew up in, something felt like Christmas there but that's all I recall. Also, something about my daughter. It also involved the black girls. I think the thing I was angry about had to do with her, actually, or at least that was part of it. I know I dreamed more and I may remember more later but this is all I have right now. I'm lucky I got to type this out this morning; my girl usually gives me a run for my money in the mornings, but she's just finished her bottle as I'm typing so I had a minute.
I was texting my sister to see if I should order flowers for my landlord and what type of flowers the would like. I could see the phone and the text clearly and could see my thumb typing out the text. I got the flowers and brought them to my landlords. They were not my landlord anymore but I was trying to make up with them because I left the house and not the best terms. I brought the flowers and the father of the house was delighted. They had loads of flowers there already and he added them to the collection. My flowers were a big enough to not be shown up by the rest of them. I had a chat to the father about a mutual friend we have who is now working for them. He was saying how our friend does not believe in himself enough or enough to match his capacity. He was saying that he just wanted that job to stay out of trouble. All of a sudden the wife of the house arrives and asks me do I want to have dinner. I say yes even though I am over staying my welcome. I feel a bit out of place and am served bacon dinner which I do not eat because I am a vegetarian. After the dinner I am talking to the wife as she is going out to the garden. I end up shouting at her that she could have done more for my ex-wife. I am then in a scene where I am being consoled and calmed by the daughter of the house.
Woke up at 5.10, not remembering a dream. I stayed up for 35 minutes but when I went back to bed I felt it was useless to go for a WILD, I turned to my side, used a mantra about remembering my dreams and fell asleep. At the 7.10 alarm I remembered nothing, still wasn't motivated for a WBTB and slept some more. Woke up at 8.50: This is not about you My dad called me (he doesn't live in the same country as I do) and told me how he'd had a letter/message of a friend of mine (he didn't say who). He was very worried about it. I asked him to tell me more, because I can't really help when the information is that vague. He told me that my friend had described the problems he has with his wife and how this was all quite problematic for him (my dad). I insisted... what do you mean... how is this a problem for you? In the meantime I was also wondering why my friend would tell my dad about this, how did he manage to find out where my dad lives? We weren't on the phone anymore by now, we were walking in between big greenhouses. I was getting angry with my dad, why can't he just be straightforward and say what is on his mind, and .... how could he be so egocentric thinking this was about him? It finally came out: Because my friend told my dad about his marriage problems, my dad thought that I was having an affair (with my friend)! And that would be very difficult for him. Steam was coming out of my ears! I'm not having an affair, I'll never leave my husband, my friend has big problems and has a really difficult time, why do you always think that you are the victim... this is not about you!!!! I woke up feeling angry.
Non-lucid – Notes – lucid – Interpretation I find myself in a lounge like area of a restaurant, that has more of a private living room vibe to it. The illumination is quaintly dark, looks like it is illuminated by torches on the wall or dimmed lighting. I am sat in a sofa setting, two square coffee tables in front of me, with someone one my side I am unfamiliar with or can't remember. The sofas are rather large and comfortable, made of dark brownish leather. On the opposite side in the other sofa is my mother, and she is holding the menu. We are laughing at one another, but it is a laugh of irritation and irony. The menu is rather limited – and their certainly isn't any vegan options. We look for the wine list, but find out in some manner, maybe just intuitive knowledge that there isn't anything to select from. The manager comes over, he is also our waiter or maybe a waitress has called him over because we have complained. He starts explaining that of course there are options and that this is the menu he is running, completely ignoring our complaints. At the same time he is making an obvious pass at my mom, and I think “cheeky fucker” - reading that he is using his sexual advances to avoid dealing with our problems. He is your typical short, hairy and somewhat greasy Italian or Greek stereotype, speaking in an Italian accent. He starts out being stocky and somewhat round but over the course of the dream turns extremely skinny, though he maintains his open and deep cut shirt and full dark moustache. After a short while with him constantly leaning in towards my mother trying to get close to snatch a kiss and overload her sensual senses I have had enough. I get angry. I stand up knock the menu off the table with a backhanded slap, so it goes skittering across the dark redish/ochre tiled floor, towards the entrance where real dining tables are placed. It comes to a halt by one of these tables. There are two or three waitresses standing over there looking anxiously towards me, if not quite in shock – they are dressed in a typical white blouse, black skirt and apron outfits. The manager gets up and he is now much thinner and smaller than I. I go and grab him by the throat and pull him towards the area with the dining tables. I start strangling him, anger rushing up through my stomach like a volcano spewing out Lava. I don't recall if I say anything to him, though I have a feeling that I tell him of my dissatisfaction with him using sexual/romantic advances in order to avoid dealing with the valid complaints about the place we have. I let him go briefly and pick up one of Karens's t-shirts – a light purple coloured one – and wrap it around his throat and pull tightly together. I notice that none of the people around me are trying to stop me despite me being in the process of killing the owner. Immediate Interpretation: Killing the waiter, who is making a pass at my mum could represent that I am frustrated with my own preoccupation with engaging in a sexual and romantic relation with Karen, which I have seen have the capacity to pull me away from writing my thesis. Alternatively it could be representing an intuitive fear I have that she is somehow “playing” her sexuality at me instead of dealing with the emotional problem I feel she is experiencing, when she is simultaneously pushing me away and also want me closer. It could also represent that I am aware of a manipulative aspect within myself, where I am using my own sexual advances in order to avoid dealing with an emotional issue I am experiencing myself – which makes sense as this 2 day non-communication deal has stirred up some anger and confusion.
Little fragments: - Being made to feel very insignificant by my wife, then yelling at her and feeling bad. - In a queue of people going into a shop, I tried to help my wife up some steps but she just brushed me off and told me to leave alone, I felt awful. - Running up a steep path with a friend from many years ago, I playfully raced him, he seemed very angry with me and walked off. - Somthing to do with skiing, looking a brochure