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    1. 2/28/12 -Lucid

      by , 02-28-2013 at 11:15 PM
      I have two parts the one before the WBTB, and the Lucid afterwards.
      • I was playing some Black Ops 2 with some friends on cargo. I had the AN-94 with a scilencer. We finished and two people came up to me. One was Harry, the other Jonathan. We talked how the SWAT-556 should have been better than the AN-94, as it had a rate of fire at 1600 rounds/min and could shoot faster. I swung my katana sword at harry, missing purposefully. I then thought about a human heart.

      This is the WBTB dream:
      • So I was playing Black Ops 2, again, same map, same mode, except I had a gold plated light machine gun. I was talking with friends.
      • Some how I become Lucid I was on some sort of snowy farm. I looked up at the moon. I wanted to go there. The moon was a grey crescent and kept getting larger and larger. The next thing I know I'm on the moon. The gravity was lacking, and the ground looked puffy like Styrofoam. I also remember being on the farm but it having a lunar surface. So I got tired of the moon and wanted to go to earth. I looked around and found a very detailed earth, but It had little pixalated icons on it. Some how I was now on a computer screen and googled a place I wanted to go to. The auto suggestion said Londen*, UK so thats where I went. *Not to be confused with the large city London.
      • I guess I was teleported to London and was on a giant eleveated train station. It was very sunny out and I wanted to do two things. Find a cute girl for sex and have the best dream food ever. I was in 3rd person and was in a teal dress(WTF?). So somehow I went into a sims stlye main menu. I randomized It and became a black dude with dreadlocks and a freaky pair of reading glasses. They had a bright purple plastic that covered your forehead.
      • Some how i went to Spain next, to see if I could speak what I'v learned. It was dark outside and bombs were dropped in the backgound. I talked to this chef who was making spaghetti in a long wooden wheel barrow. He spoke spanish but I cant remeber if I understood him or not.
      • Some how I ended up in Flordia trying to help a poor dying robot-old-lady.

      That all I can remember, except that I did do RCs and I may have become lucid looking at a web page. I then tried googleing if I was ludid or not.
    2. Dream Journal

      by , 02-28-2013 at 08:35 PM
      Friday, 1st of March.

      -Sadly, I did not recall any dreams again last night, I need to work on my recall a bit harder.

      I awoke feeling fairly normal at first, this turned into frustration as I could not recall my dreams.
    3. 28th Feb 2013 Didn't worked out as well as planned

      by , 02-28-2013 at 07:21 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Fallen asleep during recall, again, oh well, i guess next time.

      Dream 1(fragment):

      I recall something about two games, also something related to ladders.

      Dream 2(fragment):

      Something about mecha of some kind.
      Tags: mecha, non-lucid
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. 28th February 2013 - 4th Lucid

      by , 02-28-2013 at 07:18 PM
      Sleep – 11:15pm
      Wake ups – 3:40am
      Finial wake up – 6:30am
      WBTB – 3:40am-3:50am


      - I was driving a car around a car park. The car park was pretty much full and I couldn’t find anywhere to park. As I was driving down a lane the car stops responding to what I tell it to do. It then starts to control its self. It then started to spin around on the spot. I noticed that this shouldn’t be able to happen as there definitely wasn’t enough room to do this a second ago as the nearby cars were too close.

      I figured that this was a dream and too check it I did the nose pinch RC. As I expected I could breathe through it and I became completely lucid. I tried to get the car to stop moving but I woke up as I was trying. I looked over to my alarm clock and noticed that I should have been up about an hour ago. I rushed up and went to go make a quick breakfast. As I was running down the stairs I woke up again. (I thought to myself that I thought I just woke up. I did a quick RC and found out that this wasn’t a dream and that must have been a FA.)

      - I was in my kitchen getting myself ready to go out as I was going to run a shop my dad had bought. I could hear my brother and sister arguing about something upstairs.
    5. 28/02/13 fragments

      by , 02-28-2013 at 06:11 PM
      still struggling to get any form of recall. but i just remember my brother bursting in, waking me up saying the police are here! and then i woke up properly. that is all
    6. The First Dream

      by , 02-28-2013 at 05:51 PM
      My little brother and I are at a state park looking at the snake exhibit the snakes are somehow odd looking, and my bro is talking loudly about the colors of their scales. (something he would do irl) then they act angry and agressive.

      suddenly I am in an episode of Naruto and the young team Kakashi (before sasuke defected) are confronting Orochimaru. everything goes dark and all i can see is someone is swinging a shiny blade on a string, then the light is back and everyone is a puppet. they fall and break, then I woke up.

      Causes: I am working on an eagle scout project at a state park. The second part is probably because Orochimaru often attacks with snakes.
      Tags: naruto, park, snakes
    7. a beginning

      by , 02-28-2013 at 05:38 PM
      my experiment with dreaming starts here. I will be writing any dreams I remember in this journal. When I start having lucid dreams, they will be written in blue.
    8. Frustrating Non-Lucid Dream - Explosions in my old house garden

      by , 02-28-2013 at 04:40 PM
      Well, I had this dream about 12 hours ago... when I woke I didn't really remember much I just smiled and knew I had a fascinating dream.

      Whilst driving to work I saw an oil tanker... and then my dream came flooding back to me! I can only remember parts of it and I wasn't lucid at all - so this dream description will neither be complete or make sense, but hey, it's a dream journal.

      The only major bits I can remember is that I was at my old house with my family and we was in my back garden which was like 100 times larger than it was. Annoyingly, I noticed this but I just accepted it as the norm... Furthermore, there was a very large machine/oil tanker in my back garden that my dad seemed to be particularly proud of.

      It comes to my attention that I have seen this garden before with these large objects in them - but once again, I accepted this as the norm and I didn't become lucid.

      I remember messing around with some of the oil tankers and it started to make a noise... my mum shouted "Ryan, not this again! Get away!" And we all run in to my house and all of a sudden a massive explosion erupted and shook the house. At the same time I bite my tongue from the force, yeah... it hurt!

      The house started to collapse so we rushed outside; suddenly a second and then a third explosion happened and the whole house just blew up, which then in turn, started to blow up the whole street. As we was running away I got this horrible feeling of dismay as I felt like I had betrayed my dad and the thought of how he would react to this situation... and then in my dream self (still not lucid) I remember having a similar situation like this before and my dad wasn't happy then either (but this still didn't prompt my lucid awareness - as I just accepted it as real life).

      There were some random car driving and running way at this point, can't really remember.

      One more thing that I remembered on my drive to work though, was that, when the house was exploding, I recall seeing a family of foxes (or close to foxes) two large ones and four to six baby ones sitting on some concrete stairs leading to a random house on the exploding street... the baby ones looked so cartoonish in design, however. The funny thing is... I remember seeing these cute animals and thinking to myself "awwhh, they're nice" .... then all of a sudden ... a big part of a house (from the explosions) came down and flattened the animals....

      Some crazy dream, eh?
    9. First Entry; New to the Lucid Dreaming Idea

      by , 02-28-2013 at 04:17 PM
      Top part is just the DJ for me to keep track. The bottom is a question I have for more veteran LDers

      In some sort of basement/holing cell with some crazy guy. I think we were being held captive. I know he was being held captive at least. He kind of looks like the main guy from Just Cause 2. We successfully escape (somehow) and steal white mustang with a black stripe from our captors and drive away from them while they get into a cargo truck. We drive recklessly down the highway a little ways and stop to get gas at Sheetz and the bad people catch up to us. Somehow their truck has turned into a small blue/grey hatchback… looks like an older maybe early 90s car.

      I then wake up to my alarm and go to work. Which is where I am now.

      I am trying to understand this entire lucidity while dreaming. I understand the concept of it but I want to know what the average time that people start experiencing LD's are.

      If anyone reads this if you could post and say how long you practiced your techniques before you had your first LD and which technique you used that would be great and very beneficial.
      non-lucid , memorable
    10. The Celebrity

      by , 02-28-2013 at 04:01 PM
      I wish that I'd asked this character what he represented rather than falling back so readily to fight or flight! My emotional control wasn't great in this LD but at least I guided myself toward a Task of the Year goal.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #70: The Celebrity

      I WILD into a wooded campground. There's a crowd of excited DCs nearby, all waiting to meet this one guy who seems to be some kind of celebrity. The "celebrity" is an uncharismatic, mid-40s, somewhat ugly guy with a dark mustache. In spite of this, all of the women in the crowd are swooning and the men are excitedly pushing past one another for a chance to shake his hand.

      In between handshakes, the celebrity keeps doing these loud, visibly moist sneezes directly into his hand... just before using it to shake the hand of the next starstruck DC. I find the whole scene repulsive, so I decide to hurry past.

      As I pass by the crowd, the celebrity turns to me and offers me a handshake. I think that I'm supposed to be honored, but I have no interest in touching his sneeze-hand. I politely pat his shoulder and turn to leave, refusing the handshake.

      There's a murmur of surprise from the crowd, but I try to ignore them, thinking instead of the tasks that I have in mind. The celebrity charges toward me and thrusts his hand in my face, insistent that I pay my respects. No, thanks. I turn away again, but when I do, the celebrity disrespectfully slaps me on the butt! I'm unbelievably offended at being treated this way in my own dream. My first thought is to turn around and just wreck this dude.

      I decide that escape's the better move, though, so I Hulk-jump away. Somehow the celebrity grabs onto my leg as I go, though, and ends up flying with me. We land in another part of the campground and again he wordlessly extends his sneeze-hand toward me for a handshake. I try another jump, but he keeps hanging on.

      I'm really angry that he's interfering with my LD and I think of the Colosseum Task of the Year ('Have a "fight to the death" with a DC in the Colosseum.') Yes, I think that I've found just the DC for killing. "I'm taking you to the Colosseum," I tell him, and grab him by the throat. His expression never changes, but his neck, arms and torso start rapidly expanding as if he were packing on slabs of muscle right before my eyes. Within a few seconds, he's transformed into a hulking, dangerous-looking gladiator.

      Still holding him by the throat, I jump again. The celebrity looks like he weighs about 260 now, but fortunately I can move him easily when I jump. I have a gladius in my hand, but I hold back on using it until the time is right. My enemy is wearing some kind of armor now, and he's no longer looking for a handshake. I give my gladius some practice swings and mutter some threats that I can no longer remember. The celebrity doesn't respond.

      Now we crash down on a floor of sand. I think that this is it! I can see a low stone wall all around us but above that it's just darkness where the crowd should be. I will the scene to come into focus, but the darkness just descends heavier and heavier until
      the dream ends...

      Lost Lucid Dreams and Fragments
      I also had a number of longer lucid dreams last night that were mostly wiped from my memory! My guess is that these were very low-level lucids where I lost lucidity. I'm a bit distressed to know that I am capable of losing LDs like that. I'm pondering what I should do to address this.

      Lost Lucid #1 - I'm flying high over a huge canyon near sundown, aware that I'm dreaming and holding a pile of dog poo in my bare hands. I am in a hurry to get somewhere.
      Lost Lucid #2 - An old man is in my kitchen showing me how to make gold out of simple household ingredients (including mud.) I know that I'm dreaming, but I watch in fascination.

      Also, one lucid fragment:

      Lucid Fragment #1 - I'm looking at a DJ entry on DreamViews. It has a single comment with a very long first paragraph. I become lucid when I see that the comment is from "BadArtemis" rather than "NewArtemis". Quickly wake up.

      Updated 02-28-2013 at 04:04 PM by 57387

      lucid , task of the year
    11. LUCIDITY, F**K YEAAAH !!! ... but c'mon, seriously ?

      by , 02-28-2013 at 03:57 PM
      I DID IT! Finally some real lucidity (DILD) !

      How can it be so random? I mean - I got the first one at about 6 am - (Non-lucid part) I was outside the block of flats where I used to live with my parents when I was a kid. I was actually just headed for the entrance, but I met 2 guys - they looked like some mafia types. The only thing I could think of was "pretending to be a werewolf" (wtf?! Too much Skyrim I guess). So I ran towards them, roaring. And what did they do? Started playing werewolves, too!! That was funny. Then they somehow disappeared. I proceeded towards a house ahead of me (It actually exists and even looks the same, so ok). Suddenly I heard my band mates talking somewhere above. I looked up and they were standing on a balcony, chatting about a chick that I know, but only actually met her once (she lives quite far away). They don't know her IRL, but I accepted it as logical anyway ( ). Then I went inside the house and upstairs to meet them. The guitarist said that my mother called and said she wants to meet us outside. So we went back out. Mom arrived by a car (the one she really owns IRL). Okay. But that person was somebody completely different, not my mom. She had black hair, she was tall and a bit over-weight (My mom is the exact opposite - short thin blonde). But yeah, sure, for some reason, it was my mom and I couldn't tell otherwise. The others acted as if it was right, too. And then someone else got out of the car - That chick I talked about earlier. The hell would she be doing there? Nah, no lucidity again. Anyway, we decided to go to the apartment where we used to live. So we all went inside the building, took the stairs... and as we reached the flat, there were about 30 more people with us, all headed inside with us. No idea who they were. But THAT was not what I was concerned with. 'Cos it sounds completely normal, right? What I WAS concerned with, though, was that the apartment normaly was on the 4th floor. AND NOW IT WAS ON THE 5TH ! Right under the roof! No way! This must be a dream! *pushes fingers through his palm*.. and it gave way ! Hah! Then I finaly noticed the other people aren't supposed to be there. I remembered to control myself - so I don't get too excited. I thought - let's make sure (of course I couldn't be sure whether that was a dream, with all the ordinary things happening around me ), so I levitated about 6 feet above the ground. I could see another guy in the crowd levitating, too. Really cool. I wanted to see a familiar face. I remember talking to the chick while taking the stairs, so I shouted "Hey, Annie!" (Her RL name). I though I could pull her up from the crowd. Too daring I guess, 'cos at that moment, it was over.

      The whole "lucid part" lasted about ...10 seconds? And as much as I tried to focus on the dream and be as calm as possible, I just saw a white screen appear and then it transformed into the wall in my room. I was awake.

      But, I remembered dutchraptor's DEILD guide I read yesterday, so even though I opened my eyes, I still felt my body taken over by paralysis. I gave it a shot. Well, more shots, probably.. . I was lying in my bed, motionless, for about 30 minutes. But probably due to my mind still going crazy about how I finally made it and also for being mad that I was kicked out so fast, I couldn't go back to sleep. So I thought "Screw it!", rolled to my side and just went to sleep. At least I got something, I thought.

      I thought I was still awake and that I should just get up, when I was still lying on my bed after quite a while. It was light outside, anyway. Who cares if the bedroom looked nothing like my real one and that there was my GF (okay) and my former classmate from elementary school, who was now supposed to live here with us (o... eh..? okay...?? NO! Not okay! ). Or so the GOD DAMN ANOTHER DREAM I WAS IN IMPLIED!

      But my dream self's dumb side was in full control again. My GF then said "There are some people in the hallway, lying on the floor, asleep". I thought "What? Oh yeah, it's probably that crowd of people that tagged along with us, with the levitating guy, my bandmates, Annie, etc. I remember them coming with us, so we probably threw a party or something (Are you kidding me? This is not that appartment and those people were dream characters! Oh boy... ). And then I said - What is John doing here? (That E. school classmate). My GF said: "He lives here with us, don't you remember?" (Oh yeah, of course I remember, since you said so ). So I got up and went to check the people in the hallway. I opened the door and there were a couple people lying right behind them. Or .. well. Human-sized wooden dolls, to be more accurate. And they were lying in wardrobes. Like - you know - when an illusionist is trying to slice someone in half and the people always hide inside those boxes, so you can only see their head and feet. But this actually looked like a wooden wardrobe. Sooo... I asked the first guy ... doll... what he's doing there. The wooden doll with red/blue hat looked at me and said: "Don't you see? I am STAN MARSH!" ....
      YES! Of course, you are a wooden doll of Stan Marsh, the guy from South Park, you are lying on my floor in a wardrobe! Nice to meet you!!
      Then I stepped over him and a couple more people that were lying on the floor (in ... wardrobes... ). The hallway was at least three times the size of the real one. And you know what? There was a bench. A friggin' bench in the middle of the room. THAT was the one single thing that made me LUCID ! I climbed up the bench, and as I stood on it, I thought "I made it again! This time, I'm not going to be disposed of THAT easily!"
      And I swear I could "hear the dream think": "Oh, you think so?". In a second, it started happening again, everything fading into white. "No, no", I said. I focused on the ground. I even started SPINNING around like an idiot!
      Bah. It got me again. Just you wait the next time!

    12. I can't make this crap up if I wanted to

      by , 02-28-2013 at 03:42 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      So I'm in the bathroom pressing the door tight as I can because there is a velociraptor on the other side trying to get in. I yell at everyone that we've been breached but everyone is asleep. Finally I lock the door and check the other rooms. The bedroom window is open and my brother starts climbing in. I just gave up. He said something about how news reporters were coming. My team lost but I was the best one on it.
      Tags: dinosaur, wtf
      dream fragment
    13. mario karts

      by , 02-28-2013 at 02:50 PM
      i drempt i was playing some mario video game on the tv screen in th e bsackroom. i anted it off te internet to steal and play and some how i got it. my sis got home on some lil plane and wanted to play and wnaqted me to skip career day

      then i woke up
    14. Kidnapped

      by , 02-28-2013 at 12:58 PM
      I was calm through out this entire dream and I would not classify this dream as a nightmare. I was walking into school one day. I looked back and I see three men get out of a white, windowless van. I started to walk quickly. They did the same. I began to run away from the school for some strange reason and one of them caught me. The next thing I knew, I was playing cards with one of the men with my two cousins in someones yard that was not a football field in length away. The man that we were playing cards with and that had kidnapped us had turned around several times. Each time I had signaled to people that were nearby. Nobody understood what was happening or no body wanted to help. The next thing I remember is walking with the man and my two cousins near the school. I saw a friend of mine that was looking at us through a giant window that my school has. I signaled to him that all was not right and he understood me but was turned away by another kid. That was the end of my dream.

      Updated 02-28-2013 at 01:10 PM by 59480

    15. Hef! Hef! Hefner Industries!

      , 02-28-2013 at 04:57 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Last night 2/26/13 Tuesday bed time 12:45am - 9am

      DR 7am
      I'm in a house in the canyon. I'm sleeping over with some other people. Trying to pick bedroom to sleep in. I think the rooms are haunted so I take my blankets to the sofa.

      Nap 12:15 - 2:30

      I knew it's gonna be good, because body started to relax in just a few minutes. Couldn't decide if to go for OBE or WILD, so kept mixing up the mantras. Did protection, tried to wiggle astral body. Finally fell asleep. Woke up to something later and got into a WILD.

      When WILD faded away, I thought to myself "wait a minute, I'm still lucid. I refuse to just lose lucidity. Have to get into another LD. I did this about 4 time.

      Details have faded away, because last attempt to retain lucidity failed and I fell into a long non-lucid.

      - As I'm floating through a arched corridor with some wires and lights on the wall, I decide to eat a lightbulb, because I remembered how others ate some. So I smash it in my hand and start eating. I was wondering how it will taste like. It didn't taste like anything, but slightly on the nasty side. Was crunchy as expected. It stuck to my fingers as if it was melted sugar. My finger hurt as I was biting the hardened sugar bulb off of it and I was worried that I may accidentally bite my finger off.

      - I float into a small grocery store. Stop by candy isle and decide to eat something else. I pick a small yellow baggy of gummy candy. Turn it around and start reading the ingredients. I don't like gummies from apple juice.
      These are the ingredience:

      Hef! Hef! Hefner Industries!

      I was laughing my head off in the store. I gave some of the candy to someone else.

      - I remember other exits, each one totally different than the other. When WILDing, I made a plan to stay in my room and explore. I remember one LD I'm in my room, looking around, thinking "ok, I explored, now lets get out of here"

      I'm in a van. Bunch of other people. We are stopped somewhere. Someone offended someones sister so bunch of angry girls come to car and try opening the doors. We try to shut them.

      Then I'm walking on a promenade by a huge lake in Mexico. I see hotdogs float by, nicely arranged. I wonder what the hell? Then I see a person grilling hot dogs, saying "finally they delivered the hot dogs". He ment the onse that floated to him.

      Looking for a place to sit inside the restaurant, then picking a table nicely decorated with small round vases with red flowers. I'm kinda not happy, I would rather try some authentic mexican food than food from turist trap restaurant.

      Walking through customs with lots of other people. The oficer is telling me that dollar is in the crapper, with 1 peso eqaling 1 dollar.

      Good feeling from the whole thing, had bunch of fun with exits. Gotta love them.

      Updated 02-28-2013 at 08:02 AM by 50242

      Tags: mexico, travel, water
      lucid , non-lucid
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