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    1. whaur wid ye be.

      by , 11-26-2014 at 09:21 AM
      no' much

      sitting on the floor in my kitchen. My son sitting to my right, a man I never looked at standing to my left. I had a Lego game or something. I poured it onto the floor, there was a bunch of white bricks in a pile to my left. The man said 'You'd be better to bag those ones up just now' I said it was OK. I then turned to some more lego meaning to build something, and was slightly confuse that there was already a black Lego boat sitting there...

      Two TV dreams

      Watching a man swimming under water to a door

      A narrator saying 'And then the viewers got a surprise', there was a black and white still of a lassie wearing unusual clothes.

    2. Planning trip through the Canal

      by , 11-26-2014 at 08:47 AM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      Although I cannot remember exactly, I have been planning to get from UK to France.
      Because somehow I was unable to fly or use a boat, the plan was to go in a truck. Some friend of mine had a father that could arrange that. The father was ill or disabled and would go too. I remember going to a boarder office somewhere at the harbour. I purchased some tickets and then returned to the loading bay where the truck was. Two builders were loading loads of bags with cement on the truck. There were bag everywhere.

      Then I when we were just about to leave, the gather got stubborn and decided that he didn't want to go. Without him it would be impossible. I was sitting by the door, doing something, I have a feeling that it was somehow spying on him or plotting something to trick him.

      thats all I know.
    3. in a bar...

      by , 11-26-2014 at 03:15 AM
      I was what seemed like in a bar. I remember a guy was smoking a cigarette. I got bad vibes from the place. I walked out.
    4. Humanoids and Space

      by , 11-26-2014 at 02:24 AM
      Outside the gym, parking lot right up against woods. Park my car on the edge. Right off the edge the woods goes downhill into sort of a giant ditch. Nighttime. There are random pumpkins throughout the woods on the ground. Friend goes to check it out, breaks a pumpkin. There was a humanoid trapped in the pumpkin. Kind of like a fetus, but it would have never hatched if someone didn't break it out. Once broken out of the pumpkin humanoid was normal adult size. They look different though, kind of fluffy, more teeth, etc. I break more pumpkins, friend leaves at some point. They're heavy and difficult to break, it's hard work. Suddenly they start coming uphill on their own and breaking out on their own. I'm a bit scared, they just keep coming out. I'm not scared anymore, they're greatful to me. Government shows up and starts fighting them for some reason. We hide, I am their leader. Lots of running around the woods, etc.

      Suddenly, I teleport to a different solar system. I fly over the outer planets (there are a few of them, then the two that are alike in color and size, then a small one near their sun. Their sun is a dull white color, as I fly into it, I become that star and I shine larger and more yellow (even though scientifically, the yellow is cooler, in the dream it feels warmer). Then I see from a 3rd person point of view, the sun and a moon hanging out in human form in a pool. They're in love, but for some reason it feels like it's wrong.

      Fast forward to the center of the solar system, I, leader of humanoids control the team of robots. There used to only be 450 of them, now there is a team of 1800. They're like robots or mechas (think japanese anime), they can also terraform, activated by me with the code 06. I experiment moving the terrain.

      Funny "WILD"-dj-solar-system-11.25.2014-smaller.jpg

      Updated 12-09-2014 at 09:43 PM by 71799

    5. Fragment - Nighttime Walk

      by , 11-26-2014 at 01:33 AM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      I fall into an icy river, and race a polar bear to a floating ice berg. We both get there at once, and climb atop to get out of the water. Floating for a little while, we approach a large waterfall. I suspect there are lots of rocks at the bottom, so I jump to shore before falling over the edge. Several people run over the edge of it, telling me to do the same. It is really far to the bottom, so I can't tell if they made it safely or not. I decide it's too risky, and turn from the cliff. Walking uphill, a young lady is next to me, quite short, and I can't see her face. Suddenly, I recognize her, and she's my age it turns out. She climbs on my shoulders and I give her a ride to a small cottage. No one seems to be home, but she wants to check first before we go inside. I take in the beautiful warm night scenery around me as she checks. Not much light, just a dim glow to the grass, the ground, and the cottage. There are some trees in the distance that all blend together into one blob of shape and color. The whole dream seemed rather surreal, and very fluid.
    6. Decapitation

      by , 11-26-2014 at 01:23 AM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      I notice I am seeing myself from the 3rd person now, I am tied to a lawn chair on the beach, next to someone else who is also tied to a lawn chair. My head is strapped to a palm tree behind me, and I have a cut in my neck. It doesn't look good. I appear to be having my neck slowly cut open. I don't want to scream because of the hole in my neck, but it seems like I only have one chance to get help. I let out a huge yell (still watching in 3rd person as I do this), and blood spurts out of my airway that has been cut open, not making much noise. The man behind the tree then swings his heavy knife, and in a few whacks, severs my head from my body. I feel sick to my stomach. As soon as my head is severed, my body starts pissing freely into the sand, no longer under conscious control. A guy nearby laughs at me because I'm peeing myself. My killer sneaks up to him, and shoves my head right in front of his face. Scared greatly, he now realizes why my body was peeing.
    7. Unexpected cemetery visit

      by , 11-26-2014 at 12:04 AM
      My driver's pulling the car over. He apologizes for this - stopping here instead of taking me home. It's on "her" request. (He didn't literally use the word "her," we're speaking Korean.) He'll of course be here to drive me home afterwards, if I don't decide to throw him out and drive myself (which has happened before.) He's bracing himself for a bad reaction - which he probably would have gotten, I'm pissed off and want him to explain himself, but then I'm distracted by the people outside the car. Among all the people on the sidewalk with black umbrellas, there's one umbrella in dull red. I know the woman carrying it. I get out of the car.

      I recognize where we are now - there are stone steps set into the white stone wall that runs alongside the road, leading up to a cemetery at the top of the hill. Someone I knew was buried there not too long ago. There are several people here with the woman with the red umbrella - they're dressed trendily, and I think of them as very young though I'm only a few years older than them. They're acting like they're going to a celebration, loud and upbeat. The woman with the red umbrella hangs back and takes my arm, watching my reaction to them. They're a part of the life of the person who was buried in that cemetery, but it's a part of his life that's completely foreign to me, something I never saw when he was alive.
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