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    1. Decapitation

      by , 11-26-2014 at 01:23 AM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      I notice I am seeing myself from the 3rd person now, I am tied to a lawn chair on the beach, next to someone else who is also tied to a lawn chair. My head is strapped to a palm tree behind me, and I have a cut in my neck. It doesn't look good. I appear to be having my neck slowly cut open. I don't want to scream because of the hole in my neck, but it seems like I only have one chance to get help. I let out a huge yell (still watching in 3rd person as I do this), and blood spurts out of my airway that has been cut open, not making much noise. The man behind the tree then swings his heavy knife, and in a few whacks, severs my head from my body. I feel sick to my stomach. As soon as my head is severed, my body starts pissing freely into the sand, no longer under conscious control. A guy nearby laughs at me because I'm peeing myself. My killer sneaks up to him, and shoves my head right in front of his face. Scared greatly, he now realizes why my body was peeing.
    2. Sniping & Ripping Someone's Head Off

      by , 10-12-2014 at 07:27 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Sniping & Ripping Someone's Head Off (DILD)


      This is a very disturbing dream simply because for the first time in a long time, there was something I did that would be very graphic, and maybe gore-y to some extent.

      I’m bending my knees at a hiding point within a train station of some sort. The atmosphere consists mostly of a milky sepia toned overlay, along with subtle hints of brown, and dark mustard gold components as well. There’s a contrast of very cool colors like blue, green, and violet to the left of me.

      But what’s really important is what’s located to the right of me. Based on my emotions, I felt as if I was having to mentally prepare myself for doing something very bold. Apparently, it was to assassinate an elderly man that’s onboard a speeding train, and I have to use a sniper rifle in order to kill him. It seems this was suitable for some reason due to how noisy the train may be, which would mask out the sound of the sniper rifle shots.

      I can’t recall what kind of clothing I was wearing in particular, but I presumed it had to be very light in order for me to traverse around the area quickly and efficiently just in case I needed another reference point to shoot form. And I believe there was someone right beside me that would be my backup/partner/comrade, but I didn’t pay too much attention to them, even when being aware of my peripheral vision on the right side.

      It made sense since all I could focus on was the target at hand. I wasn’t sure why I was doing this, and it felt as if I was just playing the typical video game where the character has to shoot down some grandiose villain who happens to be proficient in Black Marketing with Uranium, or some other atomically potent weapon of mass destruction.

      I noticed that I seem to be at a perfect angle in order to take several shots at once with the rifle. Imagine being aware right where you’re at now, and knowing you’re bracing your back against the intersection of two walls that would be going out in a “V” formation expanding away from you. Now imagine the scenery shifting from a sepia tone overly, to one consisting of cool colors (e.g., turquoise, violet, green). This will be crucial in distinguishing what would be an implied “actual time and space” setting with the cool colored overly, and the sepia tone that would imply that time would be put to a halt while I’m able to move freely at “normal speed” compared to the space surrounding me.

      I noticed what looked like your casual train going through a linear track system is coming very soon, and I seem to fluctuate between controlling time a little bit, and going through trial-and-error of how I would land my shots. As the train gets closer, maybe 50-100 feet away from my location, I prepare the rifle, and zoom into a first person perspective, and it seems I have auto-assist in the dream or something.

      Because it’s automatically shifting my aim sights to the head and chest region of the elderly looking man I’m here to kill. He’s fairly tall, maybe 5’9’’ - 5’11’’. He’s wearing a milky violet-blue dress shirt with some kind of dark blue-ish violet upside down triangle material in the interaction of the V formation his attire is exhibiting. He’s wearing a milky blue suit on top of that dress shirt that is covered up by the buttoned-up suit, and is wearing pants of similar color to the suit.

      He seems to be at least within his late 40s, early 50s, but his body composition was deceiving as it implied that he could be very flexible and agile, and yet still have a powerful existence at the same time. He’s just casually standing around inside of the train. Within the train, the lighting consists of watery-lime green overlays, and somehow the attire the old man is wearing makes it easier to track him down.

      Not questioning the weird logic behind this, I prepare to take a shot, and as I’m shifting my awareness to first person perspective, time is slowing down for me. I seem to be fluctuating in visuals of sepia tone, and the cooler color tone I mentioned recently for this dream. Everything seems to be connecting, and I have my sights dead-on at this guy’s head, and if not, neck and upper chest region.

      I make no hesitation, and made my first shot that creates a very linear white smoking stream that’s akin to what you may see in a Halo game.

      Just as I was expecting him to fall flat on the ground, it seems that I either missed, or he has an existence that seem impregnable to whatever damage is done to him, or he has a bullet proof vest that can withstand the impact of a sniper bullet coming straight at him at a high velocity.

      I almost panicked a little bit simply because he would now be aware of his surroundings, and try to find the location of where the shot came from. Fortunately, he was in his own state of shock, twisting his upper region along with his head, arms and fingers, left and right as he’s anatomically allowed to move to.

      And because the train is slowly moving into my limit of making a sniper shot, I somehow made time go even slower, and shifted myself quickly to another reference point to shoot from, and this time, I was able to fire 3-4 shots into the chest area of the man. But even with this ability to slow time down, and also how the gravity works as well when I’m moving, nothing is working.

      For some reason, I decided to do something very unorthodox, and I can’t remember how I did it exactly. Somehow, I threw away the sniper rifle altogether since its weight would probably drag me down tremendously. Then I made a very quick dash to the left side of the train, and found some way to get inside the train.

      From this point on, it seems I had better control of coordinating my dream body movements compared to the previous aiming that felt like I was just a spectator gently guiding the aiming for the dream body I’m looking from a third person behind the back perspective. Taking advantage of the time manipulation, I somehow get the old man to be pushed out of the train through the windows, or something to that effect.

      I immediately jump off just seconds after he’s thrown onto the left side of the train tracks. The environment turns back to a sepia tone overly once more, and I guide my hands towards the back of the man’s face.

      And then used as much centripetal force, along with making a downward curve that would end in me having my left knee bent in a tilted L-shape, and my right kneed on the ground, to decapitate the guy’s head off.

      The moment this happened, the scene shifts to people looking through the window, and a few taking their upper region and heads out of the window in surprise of what was going on. One dream character I seemed to have recalled decently had a weird M-shaped mustache that was very curly and long. He looked more like a pirate rather than a person with a casual shirt and pants attire. The main colors of his outfit consisted of red with gold trimming, along with a white dress shirt underneath the red suit.

      I’m surprised as well on what I did to this guy just now, and this reaction seems to prompt me to shift my awareness elsewhere.
    3. Lucid Dream - 513

      by , 06-03-2013 at 01:31 AM (KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different)
      May 31, 2013
      Lucid Dream 513: Criminals at Large
      Series: Fearless, Episode 7
      Technique: ADA

      Me, my dad, and brother are in an apartment. There is a dead guy on the floor. I'm shouting to them, "Ok, its time to go. Grab everything you need and lets get out of here now." My dad said, "Relax, he just now called it in, they won't be here for another hour or so." I replied, "They want us caught more than anything, just hurry up and lets go." I grabbed arm-fulls of documents and other things. I threw them in a trash can along with a small napalm bomb. I then lit the trash can and we exited the building. We jumped into the car and pulled out just as a cop was pulling in. I said, "I told you they would be here faster than 1 hour." Several cop cars pulled in and the police entered the building. Suddenly, it exploded into a fiery blaze! We cheered as we sped off into the sunset.

      The dream skipped and we were still driving and listening to the radio. They were talking about us on the radio. It said, "R3 has struck again. Their status as dangerous contract killers has been upped to serial murderers." A man along with 4 police officers has been killed. This ups the number to 30 victims in one month." We talked it over and made sure we were burned the evidence and left no tracks. It turned out that one of the officers survived and he had saw my dad's face.

      We had arrived at a city and Dad, who was driving, accidentally ran a red light. A cop turned on his lights in an attempt to pull us over. Dad said, "Just relax, he doesn't know who we are. I'll handle this." I cocked my gun and told him to hold on before he pulls over. I'll dive into his mind real quick. I focused my attention toward him and concentrated on the interior of his car (apparently I had super powers ). I heard the cop thinking, "The license plate matches. This is the big one!" I told dad, "He knows! Step on it!" We got into a high speed chase.

      The chase went on for quite a while and we couldn't seem to shake him. I shot out several cop car tires, but a new cop car replaced the wrecked one every time. Eventually, we gained some space and bailed on the car to get a new one. Suddenly, the cops came out of nowhere on foot. We took off running and ran into a shopping mall. As we were being chased, I suddenly became lucid.

      I told my dad and brother to stop and come join me. We sat down at a table nearby and a female cop came up to us with a gun pointed at us. She told us to get down on the ground. I laughed and said, "Who are you?" She told me she was a police officer and I replied, "I can see that, but that isn't all you are is it?" She looked confused, so I explained a bit more. I said, "Sometimes, I'm a Pirate, or a Ninja, right now, we are Serial Killers. Right now, you are a cop. I just wonder what you were dreaming of last night?" She blushed and smiled as she said, "I was a swimsuit model." I smiled and said, "Dreams are great aren't they?" She agreed and then joined us at the table. I jumped up and proceeded to summon a sword.

      I held my hand out and traced the sword with my fingers, it appeared, but looked like it was a drawing. I grabbed it, turned my head away, and turned it back several times until the sword looked real. I walked over to the nearest DC (right beside the cop lady) and swung for his neck. The blade went clean through, but his head stayed on his shoulders. I then grabbed him by the hair and lifted the detached neck from its perch. I then tossed it in the middle of a group of DCs at a table. The head landed in their food and they screamed and ran away. All the other DCs at the other tables didn't seem to notice or care. The cop lady pulled her gun on me and I said, "Remember? its just a dream. You are just playing cop." She laughed and said, "Oh yeah, I forgot." I then asked if I could see her gun and she handed it to me. I immediately slammed the barrel into her mouth and said, "You shouldn't have forgot." I then blasted her brains out. I then began slicing the heads off of random DCs in the area with my sword. I made a game out of it and tried to see how many I could slice with one swing. I managed to take off six heads with one swing at one table. Every now and then, I couldn't cut through some of the DCs. The sword would stop part way through and once I pulled it out, their wounds would instantly heal. Some laughed and said, "You almost got me!" After a bit of more slicing and dicing I woke up.

      Series Details
      Join all the action in the dream series, "Fearless." You never know what I may run into, but you can guarantee I'm ready for a fight. Stay tuned for more blades, guns, and explosions in this series!
    4. Smoking Joints and Knee Decapitation

      by , 08-02-2012 at 03:15 AM (...::: The Crazy Dreams of an Australian :::...)
      I found myself with 3 joints laying in bed and i smoked 2 of them, my mum suddenly came home with my geandpa and auntie while i was smoking them saying "You can smell him puffing down on joints, he'll light another one up soon!", I went out and said hi for a bit, this dream went on for alot longer but i can't recall anything else.

      Another dream i had went on for ages but all i can remember was picking on alot of people then having a vision that a face was in my knee so i grabbed 2 knives and started scraping at my leg until my knee ripped out, my knee and upper thigh was completely mutilated lol.

      There was about 4-5 different dreams, they went on for ages, i only remember 2 of them and this much of them unfortunately because i decided to sleep for even longer.
    5. running destiny; pop the transformers; transformer guilt

      by , 11-16-2011 at 02:50 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was out in a park, possibly as part of a school group. We all had to run a mile course around the park. For some reason this seemed like a lot to me.

      We started running on a narrow dirt path. There was a dense row of short trees or tall shrubs, like junipers, to our left. I didn't really see anybody, and I myself felt like I was disembodied and floating over the dirt trail.

      We worked our way up a hill and then turned left, out onto a wide lawn of dry, tan grass. To the right was a residential area. I don't think it was a part of the course, but I ran out there anyway.

      My sister may have been with me. We went up one street, then turned back down it and headed toward the park. We then turned up another street, which curved around to the right a bit.

      Just around the curve we saw a group of "gangsters" standing all the way across the road, blocking the street. The "gangsters" were a group of four or five tall, white boys wearing baggy jeans and t-shirts.

      I knew those guys were nothing but trouble, especially for some guy and girl by themselves. So I turned myself and my sister around. We were walking by this time.

      I was still afraid of the "gangsters" up the block, but I kept walking calmly. I was a little worried about whether my sister (who may also have been like my girlfriend) would think I was a coward for being so afraid.

      As we approached the park, where I saw a few of my classmates (?) milling around after the run, I heard some hip-hop style song that I knew was popular. It was called "Destiny." (I had the melody in my head for a while, but I can't remember it now.)

      I suddenly got really afraid. It was like I'd gotten so close to safety, I didn't want to lose it now by having the "gangsters" catch up with me. So I ran all the way into the park, and even past some small pine tree twenty or thirty meters into the park.

      Dream #2

      Two boys were driving a car on some road through the forest. The boys were both white, smart-looking, with kind of shaggy hairdos. One of the boys may have worn glasses. Some 1970s style song was playing on the car's radio.

      The forest outside looked fake, almost as if it were a slightly grainy or overexposed projection, like for a music video. The view of the forest then changed to a view of fields of some kind of red-purple, thistly flower (which I'm pretty sure I mistakenly thought of as poppies).

      The song also changed. It had previously been acoustic. But now, playing the same tune, it became electric.

      I knew that something bad was going to happen. The music had become too "fateful." And now the car crashed into a tree. I may have thought at first that the boys were dead. But they were now outside the car, standing as if hiding behind it, looking out for some place they could go for refuge.

      The two boys were on the outskirts of a college town. I may have thought it was Oxford. I was now in the scene, possibly as one of the boys or as myself. There was a tall church behind another, shorter building. The church seemed to be made of tan colored stone.

      An old man pointed the church out to us as one of the most famous buildings in this town. I mentioned another church, probably designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. The man sighed in disgust and waved me off. He may have made a comment about how modern architecture isn't any good.

      I was now in some different area, walking away from a different old man and a couple other people, possibly including a woman. The old man made a comment to the woman about how she should be careful, because it was going to rain today.

      I walked down a straight road with flat fields of tall, tan grass (?) on either side of me. I wondered if it really would rain. It was so sunny right now. I didn't see how it could rain.

      But suddenly it started raining. It was a pretty heavy rain, and there were no clouds in the sky. I thought that it would only get worse once the clouds got here. I knew that would be terrible. I had a long way to walk, and no umbrella. I'd be soaking wet when I got home.

      I decided to fly home. I simply levitated myself into the air. I got three or four meters above the ground. Soon after I started flying, it stopped raining.

      But I felt unstable, like I could fall at any minute. To stabilize myself I pulled off my backpack (?). I re-fit it to myself, so that I was now using some bottom flap and belt-like straps as a seat. I now had a a lot more stability.

      I was pretty excited that I was flying "in waking life." But I told myself it was nothing unusual, and that as long as I stayed calm I'd keep flying.

      I flew up toward a pretty thick intersection of power lines. I thought I'd fly over them, as "in the past" I'd always flown under them. It was tough, though, from this distance, to get a steep enough angle where I could fly over the wires.

      Suddenly my sister was with me. I now saw some insulating coils connecting the wires to the poles. My sister, apparently thinking the coils were transformers, cried out, "Pop 'em! Pop 'em!" It was like she thought I could explode transformers with my mind.

      I may have tried to explain to my sister that I wasn't trying to focus on that right now. But suddenly we veered away from the road and the power lines. We went off to the left over a field, but probably near another road.

      I could see that up ahead was an intersection with a few buildings and shops, like a kind of busy rest station out on a long highway. But I was suddenly afraid to get up there. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to see the place once I got there, as if I didn't have enough "imagination" for it.

      I may have tried to remind myself that this was waking life, not a dream. If this was waking life, I wouldn't have to "imagine" that busy rest area. It would just be there.

      But my fear was too much for me. And I landed in the field. My sister and I turned around and walked back toward the road we'd veered off from. There was now a big mountain on the other side of the road. The road itself may have been a little up on the mountain's face.

      Dream #3

      I was in "my family's bathroom" with my sister. My sister was telling me something about how to take a shower. It was pretty inconvenient, because there was something cluttering up the bathtub.

      My sister was now gone, and I was all by myself. But, in the place of a toilet, my sister had left something like a gigantic potty-training seat, which was blocking up a lot of the bathroom. On top of that, there was something like a big head from an almost life sized action figure on the toilet seat.

      I thought something to myself like, Isn't that just like my sister? To leave intruding signs of her presence, even when she isn't here? (My sister is *not* like that IWL.) But I decided not to be bothered by it. I'd just go take a shower.

      But as I was getting into the shower, my mom banged on the door. She said, "I've got some bad stuff on you! Now I know what you've done to those kids!"

      I thought, All my life I've been waiting for my mom to pin some kind of big thing on me. And I always knew it would have something to do with kids. There's nothing she could legitimately blame me for. But I'll find out what she's going to try and pin on me.

      So I left the bathroom. My mom was sitting in the living room with my nephews, who were all little. My mom said, "You bought those kids Transformers for Christmas! You know they can't transform those things. It's just too frustrating for them. Plus, the parts break off! That's too dangerous."

      My mom was playing with a little, yellow Transformer, about the color of a Caterpillar tractor. The Transformer had a little button on its chest.

      I agreed with my mom that I'd made a bad choice in toys for my nephews. But I couldn't see how that would make me a bad person.

      I looked up or over to a long set of drawers. On top of the drawers there stood a big toy. It was green and plastic, and it looked like a weird mix between a Venus Fly-Trap and a crane. The claw-scoop of the crane was connected to the rest of the toy by a black, elastic string.

      The claw-scoop was closed, but I saw out of the top of it some pieces of what looked like a gigantic version of the Transformer Optimus Prime. Put together, I guessed, this Optimus Prime toy must have been almost a meter tall!

      I got the idea that you could break apart the Optimus Prime toy. Then you could make the crane pick up the broken pieces. But -- somehow -- when the claw-scoop opened, it would actually move all the pieces together in such a way that the toy would be reconstructed.
    6. End of the World/Creation of Colors

      by , 06-27-2011 at 06:02 AM
      Okay, so I had this one a really long time ago, and only remembered snippets of it in the first place. But for some reason while I was reading my friends' latest dreams, I remembered this, and so I wanna record what I can so I don't forget it completely.

      It was a really epic dream, and it felt like it lasted a long time. At one point I think I was God, or something. All I remember is: 1) Something about being in a city and being decapitated by my friends, then being the friends and trying to hide 'my' body by wrapping it in plastic wrap and burying it somewhere. The city was like on fire/collapsing and everyone was dying. When it turned into a third person view, everyone turned on each other and started cutting off their friends' heads, like that would save them or something. 2) Eventually the view zoomed out so I could see the whole world. Like I said before, I felt all powerful, like I was the one ending the world. For some reason Earth had no gravity. I don't know how to describe this, but people were grabbing onto the edge of the world (even though it's a circle), holding on for dear life, but eventually they all fell off and died. Some people let go willingly. I remember one of the last people to fall off was a 'friend', one of the people who killed 'me', but she let go on purpose. (A good way of describing this scene: Titanic, when the boat is completely vertical. Except the boat is now the world. And some people want to die.) 3) Now I am most definitely God. I watch the city-world burn down. Volcanoes erupt and cover the world in magma. When it hardens the world is brown, then black and dark. Everything is on fast forward, so the time lapse here is like millions of years, but it goes by super fast. This last part there's no way of describing. It's like trying to explain to a blind person what a color looks like, damn near impossible. But, as God, I watched all the colors be created. At the end of this, the visible colors formed a rainbow (don't ask what I mean by 'visible'). Something happened with the rainbow that again, i can't describe, but afterwards everything was in color. 4) After the freaky color thing was over, water and plants came back. It was like I was starting the world over. I started to make an amoeba type thing (well, watch it be made, but it felt like I was doing it). Then the dream ended.

    7. beating up wooden figure

      by , 04-29-2011 at 11:40 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in a room like a bedroom. Something about the room seemed very stage-like. The room had concrete floors or floors like a stage. I sat at a table. There was also something in the room that looked like a bunk bed. It may just have been a wooden cube that was as tall as a bunk bed.

      I stood up and pulled something off of the cube. It was a mannequin without a head. It may actually just have been a torso. It was larger than life-size, maybe a lot larger. It was wood, with thick graining visible, and it was painted some kind of dark, but kind of transparent, shade of red.

      I lay the mannequin on the floor. I began whipping it and stomping it. Somehow it was a living thing, and I may have injured it terribly or killed it. I may have then left the room. I may have reflected on what I'd done. I hadn't ever thought I could be so cruel. I think I felt like I must have been directed into the cruelty in some way. The only explanation for my cruelty, I thought, was that someone else had made me do it.

      I was now back in the room, thinking the same thoughts. I began whipping the top of the wooden cube. The whip I used had a big, black, iron hook at the end of it. Eventually the hook pulled a wooden mannequin head into my view. The mannequin head apparently belonged to the mannequin body I had just beat and killed. I kept whipping the mannequin head, and I knew I would knock the head off the wooden cube pretty soon.
    8. Lucid Dream 218: Wandering Samurai

      by , 04-26-2011 at 04:00 PM (KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different)
      April 15, 2011
      Lucid Dream 218: Wandering Samurai
      Series: Fearless, Episode 5

      ....after a few brief moments, I woke and entered right back into the dream state. I stood up and noticed I was standing on a a narrow stretch of a beach. There were hotels on my immediate right and only seemed to be about 20 feet away. The water on my left was also about 20 feet away. I slowly walked down the beach and took in the scenery as I gave the dream time to establish itself (settle in). For some reason, the way I was walking reminded me of Rurouni Kenshin. I decided to act as if I were a samurai. I attempted to summon a sword, but I only could make the hilt appear. I held on to it and acted as if it were a full sword. I began slicing through clothes lines and other object as I walked around the buildings (which were now on the sand and water line). Moments later, I noticed I was now holding a long sword. I reached into my pocket and felt around until I found what I was looking for. I pulled out a dagger.

      Now fully equipped I just wandered around the beach area looking for something interesting. I got a sense that someone was following me. I looked over my shoulder and saw a ninja decked out in all black. The ninja saw me looking at him and pretended to be admiring a nearby bush. I laughed at his attempt to play off the fact he was following me (especially since he was a decked out ninja ). I walked slowly and could feel that he had gotten close to me. I spun around quickly and stuck my sword up to his throat in an instant. I noticed that it wasn't the ninja at all. It was now an old lady and she looked terrified. I let her go and told her to never walk up behind a samurai again. I could see several ninjas in the background walking in my direction. I turned and jumped up on the roof of the nearest building.

      I now saw that the ninjas were running toward me, but they were still a good ways off. I noticed there was someone standing on the roof with me. He spoke and removed his hood. It was Samuel L. Jackson. He said, "The syndicate has brought you some supplies. Now, you don't have to kill everything. You can use one of these bad boys." He handed me a smoke grenade and some rations. The rations looked like coaster sized pieces of corn bread. I stuffed them into my pocket and tossed the smoke grenade down on the beach below. I looked at Samuel L and said, "They will all die." I noticed a couple ninjas running into the smoke. I leapt off the top of the building and fell down on top of the two ninjas. I plunged the dagger and sword into the necks of the two ninjas as I landed on them (assassins creed style). I stood up and licked the blood off of my sword. It tasted like strawberry. Samuel L was still on top of the roof. I looked up at him, spread my arms wide and gave a smirk. He shook his head and said, "Now you've done it. The entire clan will be after you." I smiled and said, "It won't be the first time I've fought a bunch of ninjas." I noticed there was a large group of them approaching. I wanted a larger area to work in, so I ran away as they gave chase.

      I soon came to an open area. It was a playground, but it was on the sand. There were seesaws, merry-go-rounds, slides, swings, etc. The ninjas arrived and started popping out from all sides at once. I shouted, "Feel the wrath of the reverse blade!" I began slicing them up. I performed several neck plunges with my dagger. I also cut a few of the ninjas' heads clean off. I decided to make it more, "Jackie Chan style." I started using the playground equipment around me to fight. I pushed the marry-go-round and hopped on. I sliced up ninjas as I spun around the merry-go-round. I jumped off and the whole dream scene had scrambled a bit. We were still in a playground, but everything was in different places and there were some new equipment as well (those weird animal rocking things and some of those green plastic turtle sandboxes). I climbed up the slide and a the ninjas closed in around it. They were fighting like the foot clan in the old ninja turtles movies (they would wait their turns and come at me one or two at a time while the others stood in the background and moved around menacingly). I slid down the slide and sliced several conveniently placed ninjas (they were standing right beside the slide). I ran into the middle of a gang of them and decided to let them close in on me. I then held out my arms wide. One was holding the sword and the other, the dagger. I then spun real fast in circle and sliced them up with a helicopter like motion. The dream began to fade and I allowed myself to wake, so I wouldn't forget anything.

      Series Details
      Join all the action in the dream series, "Fearless." You never know what I may run into, but you can guarantee I'm ready for a fight. Stay tuned for more blades, guns, and explosions in this series!
    9. Lucid Dream 202: Harpy Hunting

      by , 03-25-2011 at 10:25 PM (KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different)
      March 21, 2011
      Lucid Dream 202: Harpy Hunting
      Series: Friends, Episode 8
      around 9:00am

      Category - Action

      I am on a small college campus with my friend Cliff. We were walking into the food court when he brought up an interesting subject. He told me that he could do things other men could not. He demonstrated by setting a napkin on fire with his hand. He told me, "The end of the world is coming and you should join forces with us." I asked what he meant by "us." He told me they called themselves the "Red Army." I asked who the leader was and he told me it was the coach of the football team, "General Maynor." We talked for a bit and I asked Cliff how much power he had. He told me he had the most power of all the army with exception to the general. I looked at him and said, "Ok, but if we do this thing...we do it big! F*** General Maynor! We will dethrone him and take command of the red army." I could feel my blood boiling. There was a weird energy rising in my body. I asked Cliff to teach me his power. I was soon lighting things on fire with ease. Within minutes my power level had risen far beyond Cliff's and we headed to the stadium to assassinate the general.

      We arrived at the stadium and walked through the bleachers. I saw Deej and Keith sitting there. Deej looked at my eyes and said, "They got you too? You are going to turn against humanity?" Keith and Deej looked sad as I dropped down and laid on the bleacher. I felt something inside me, release. I stood up and told Cliff that I would not join the Red Army. I told him that I had to fight for the sake of others and not myself. Cliff informed me that he was afraid of that. He told me he was going to have to kill me. Suddenly, four harpies swooped down and landed beside Cliff. Me, Deej, and Keith hauled ass through the bleachers as Cliff and the Harpies began throwing live stun guns at us. I dodged most of the stun guns, but one caught the back of my leg and it went completely numb. I hobbled out of the stadium and jumped into the bed of Deej's truck.

      Deej floored it and we took off toward the exit. Cliff and the Harpies showed up and began launching stun guns at us once again. One of them caught Deej in the neck and knocked him unconscious. I jumped around from the truck bed, through the window, into the driver's seat, and took the wheel. Deej recovered and said, "Man that hurt! Good thing this is a dream." I became lucid. I swerved toward Cliff, but he jumped clean over the truck and landed in the truck bed. I told Deej to take the wheel. I then melted up through the roof of the truck and started battling in the truck bed. The majority of his attacks involved stun guns that actually felt quite pleasant. I acted as if they hurt, so he would keep using them. Finally, I got into an ideal position. As Cliff thrust the stun gun toward my neck, I dipped down, opened my mouth and swallowed the stun gun. I then grasped Cliff in a hug, tensed all my muscles and then released built up energy. The stun gun I swallowed, electrified my whole body and I shocked the sh** out of Cliff. I noticed my body was flashing and letting off electricity in way that reminded me of Blanka (from street fighter). Cliff collapsed and I kicked his body out of the truck bed. I knew he wasn't dead, but I couldn't bring my self to finish him.

      We were now looking for Keith and the harpies who had been separated. I lifted the truck into the air with my mind and flew us out of the area. I saw the harpies hovering around an old building like vultures. I flew us over and the harpies scattered. We landed out in front and I called out to Keith. He was in the old building. Suddenly, a Harpy swooped down and busted through the window, entering the building. I heard a scuffle going on inside, but before I could enter the building, Keith walked out holding a huge pair of bolt cutters and the head of the harpy. He said, "Gather up the rest of those b****es. I'm collecting heads!" Two of the Harpies landed and tried to intimidate us by screaming in a menacing fashion. I used the flash step technique from the anime, "Bleach," and got behind one of the harpies. I grabbed her by her hair and walked her over to Keith. He applied the bolt cutters and snapped off her head. Blood gushed as I noticed Deej had easily caught the other one. Keith snapped off her head as well.

      Deej informed me that harpies have to swoop down at anything you toss into the air. He launched one of the detached harpy heads into the air. I shot off the ground and followed it, flying several feet below it. Sure enough, the third harpy swooped down and I wrapped my arms around her. We fell from the sky and slammed hard into the ground. The harpy was badly injured and started crying. She pleaded "I'm sorry! Please forgive me. I was possessed by..." Before I could do or say anything, bolt cutters flashed across my face and snapped off her head. I looked over at Keith who twirled the bolt cutters in his hand as he said, "You have to keep the pimp hand strong." I laughed and tossed the harpies body aside. We heard some sex noises coming from the building beside us and entered.

      There were two harpies in the 69 position in the middle of the room. I reached in my pocket and felt around for the object I was imagining. I then pulled out two stun guns and gave one to Deej. We sneaked up on the harpies and put the stun guns up to them. They started convulsing and couldn't get away. Keith sprinted up and in the blink of an eye, snapped off the final two harpies' heads. Cliff and Chris entered the building. They had snapped out of their trance/spell and were normal. I talked to them for a moment and asked Cliff how he could give in to the temptations. I asked about his family and he responded, "The general told me they would die peacefully in their dreams." I told all of them we were dreaming, but awoke as we were about to all take flight.

      Series Details
      In the dream series, "Friends," I join the DC counterparts of my waking life friends and tackle the dream world. You never know what we will be up to next, but I guarantee it will be one hell of a time. Stay tuned for more entries to the series!
    10. band of killers

      by , 03-01-2011 at 12:26 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      There were a woman and man in some dark area at night. The area seemed to be inside, like in some dark, abandoned factory.

      The woman and man were both strong and sexy in a comic book sort of way. They were both very pale. The woman had red hair and wore some kind of small outfit. The man may have had pale blonde hair and probably wasn't wearing a shirt.

      The woman was the leader of a gang of killers. Most of the members of the group were women. And, mostly, the aim of the gang was to kill men. The man may have led a group of men.

      The man had done something wrong, possibly to betray the woman in some slimy, underhanded way. The woman was very poweful. She had the man in her grip. She was strangling him and drowning him in some pool of water.

      Eventually the man went limp. The woman may actually even have cut off the man's head by the force of her grip.

      But I now saw that the man had just feigned death so the woman would let him go. He fedll deeper and deeper into the water, as if this were a big river in some city. He had his head. He had been falling with his back down. Now he twisted around so his stomach faced down. He swam away. I knew he was going to gather people to fight against the woman.

      There were two women in a car in a dark, deserted, alley-like street in the city. Both women were part of the gang of killers.

      One woman had gotten out of the car. She had been in the driver's seat. She walked around to the passenger side and got the other woman's attention somehow, letting her know she should get out of the car.

      The first woman knew that the woman in the car was young and naive. The first woman was taking the second woman to the leader. Apparently the second woman had done something wrong and was now going to be punished, probably killed.,