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    1. A WILD-attempt and my experiences...

      by , 06-11-2014 at 01:07 PM (My lucid comeback!)
      After I was back home from the exam (French) and had sat on the computer for about an hour writing previous entry I had under estimated how tired I actually was... I was exhausted. I decided to lay in my sister's bed as it's better quality than mine and I decided to do a WILD. For the first time I decided to throw some breathing exercises into the WILD-mix and did that for 10 minutes. I was really relaxed after just 15 minutes, then I just let my mind wander around and sometimes fall back thinking "Don't fall asleep...". After 30 minutes I felt my body getting slow and heavy and my head started to tillt to the right, I didn't care and let it just happen but then something weird happened. Suddenly I feel like I get inflated like a balloon, my inner-ears swell like when you drive around in the mountains and for the very first time did I hear auditory hallucinations because previous attempts at WILD failed or I did them using Binaural beats. I heard a bee or wasp flying over my head which was mildly worrying but again I just let it happen. It happened two times but I never knew how to transition, my only succesfull WILD attempts were pretty much DILDs that happened after WILDs. Anyway at some point I fell asleep and I had many FAs and a bunch of dreams. Also my sense of time was completly distorted, I was worried when I woke up I had slept all day and tomorrow I have another exam, but in the end it was just 2 hours.

      I think in the future I will only use afternoon naps for WILD and keep night for SSILD or other techniques.

      Updated 07-03-2014 at 06:18 PM by 69433

      non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    2. Where did it go wrong? [11/06/14]

      by , 06-11-2014 at 10:20 AM (My lucid comeback!)
      Last night I was able to have a good sleep and my WBTB-alarm woke me up at 05:30, however the loud alarm shocked me and I moved to much. For some reason 2 nights in a row already do I decide to perform WILD instead of SSILD, I don't know why. I've had very rare succes with WILD so why am I so drawn to it? Is it the mysterious sensation I miss from the one time it worked? Anyway I've also been noticing my DR getting weaker and weaker combined with me getting more and more tired everyday I wake up, so I decided to temporarily stop my WBTB-alarm and sleep normal. Until my DR gets better I wont interupt my sleepcycle anymore.

      1. School profile

      I was waiting in a hallway for an exam to start when I noticed touchscreens hanging of the wall, the others seemed interested in them too. I walked up to it and pressed a screen, it displayed a picture of me with my name under it and which class I'm in. However the picture of me had some flaws, my chin was too large and I had a beard. (IRL I always shave myself.) My friend laughed at the photo and I said "Well, it's not that bad is it?", then another person pushed me away so he could operate the touchscreen.

      Chances of lucidity are low, need to get my DR back up and then I will do a WBTB with SSILD and NOT WILD!

      Updated 06-26-2014 at 08:43 PM by 69433

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. 00:00 Wednesday 2014-06-11

      by , 06-11-2014 at 10:02 AM
      00:00 Wednesday 2014-06-11

      00:45 bedtime


      + in a space ship that is a giant squid monster with a huge red monster mouth full of massive curved sharp teeth, i see the mouth from a few different views opening and closing, a toy is offered to the monster who accepts it with a tentacle, I see a room full of young people. The monster shapes its tentacle when accepting the toy in to the shape of a person?

      + (Palpatine?) is addressing the imperial senate (he calls it the "space senate") making demands, he is attacked by a force through the communication channel and starts flowing around through channels on the ground, "help him!" I yell

      + I'm part of a kidnapping gang, I'm given the job of interviewing our victim with a tape recorder (watched "1408" in the evening IWL), I don't want to do the interview, I can't figure out where on the recorder to talk and to listen. I ask a few questions a few times and the answers don't make sense. Someone (me?) speaks to the assembled group of family members of the kidnapped victims saying that he (me?) is no longer going to be pursuing solving the case, they get angry, some guy in our gang shows up with a sword.

      There's some sort of party in a multi-level restaurant, I see one gang member arrive and he comes up the stairs and it chatting with people at the tables.

      + filling a large clear bowl with water that I expect will turn dirty brown and it does, I pour it out and fill it again, I see there's a brown/bronze pattern on the plate under the bowl and wonder if this is coloring the water or if the bowl is just dirty

      + in bed touching my former girlfriend, it's dark,
      Spoiler for explicit:
    4. 10th of June -> 11th of June

      by , 06-11-2014 at 08:39 AM
      Preparation: The normal
      Products: Applejuice and a multivitamin pill (which had 4 mg of b6)
      Number of dreams: 3
      Sleep: 11.30 PM to: 08.40 AM.

      Dream:1 Lucidity:0
      Vividness: 7
      Recall: 4
      I start out on a shore, and walk around for a bit. I seem to have a sword (some kind of rapier). Eventually i see 2 of my friends riding on some type of strange fish down the river. I jump on. We eventually jump off when we hit a bridge, and cant go any further. Some girls are sitting under the bridge, I challenge 1 of them to a swordfight, if i win, she raises the bridge. This is all i can remember. But i know there was more to this dream.

      Dream 2 Lucidity:0
      Vividness: 8
      The earliest thing i can remember is me sitting on a crowded bus, one of the girls jump of the bus in speed, but the rest continue on. It seems we drove past our point on the bus, so me and a few friends want to get back up. We take an insanely hard way though. It is almost impossible to climb, with steep hills and long drops. We get to a very steep part, which has few parts go grab onto. But there is a car trying to get down. The road isn't big enough for both of us.
      My friends are about half way up, but i am lagging behind, as i got the hardest route. When they both get up the small, steep hill, Trym (one of the DC'S) tries to help me up. It is not enough, the stronger friend i have, tries to help me up, and he succedes. However he is cocky, and boasts of his ability to lift me into the air, we end up danglig at the end, and we both fall of.

      I cant remember if i woke up here, but i know the dream continues. My friend died, it seems, but i lived. And the mood has changed, i am half grieving for him and half pissed. For some reason i walk into some rich family's yard, and see a large amount of people playing and having fun. If i walk a bit further into the yard, a group of people are chatting. They bring up my climb, and asks me how it went. I say it didn't go very well, because Vetle died. I go out the mansion using a different door, but now some annoying kids are following me. They ask me questions as i slam the exit door and leave the mansion, only to see a beautiful city. I think there were 3 kids.

      Dream 3: Lucidity:8
      Vividness: 8
      Insanely short dream. I realize i'm dreaming somehow in the middle of my schoolyard. I see a few people i think, but i focus on the fact that i am lucid, really lucid. I first try to make a DC appear ahead of me, doesn't work. So i try to summon a teddybear behind me, and it works! I think i get pretty excited here since i wake up.

      Extra: In the second dream, the hill and place in general seems VERY familiar, so much i almost know i've dreamt something about it before. The city is inspired by Fredrikstad, the hill in dream 2 by engevika, and schoolyard in dream 3 by my school.
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. 6/7 & 6/10 TOTM Kardashian Impregnation KILD-DILD + FA

      by , 06-11-2014 at 12:11 AM
      6/10/14* (short version, though not a super long LD; KILD=Kiss Induced Lucid Dream) I am getting on a commuter train and feel very tired. I think to myself what if I can lucid dream on the train but it doesn't occur to me that I'm dreaming yet. Seem to doze off quickly and I'm standing in a hall and three ladies that I think are supposed to be the Kardashian sisters are standing on the other side of the hall across from me. The shortest one (seems to be Kourtney) is in between the other two and is changing her top and I could briefly see her breasts and the other two sisters are trying to cover her up while she changes. I move my head to the left and get another view of her right breast facing me. I believe that I am semi-lucid here. Khloe walks over to me like she is going to set me straight and I grasp her and kiss her and she is into it and I fully realize that this is a dream and I think of the TOTM bonus impregnation task. My original plan was to do it with Girl Friday (and I still can) and then to summon a meteor to mark the occasion (perform the meteor task) and visit the meteor landing site. We take it to the ground after some standing foreplay which includes my common reach down for moisture. Anyway, the main thing is we get down to intercourse. I start imagining exploding inside her and can kind of feel it (I think about how it has felt way more realistic on at least one occasion) and I pull up a little and say "look...your stomach is growing" and it does grow taking her up to what must be like 6 months pregnant or less with multiple babies or something...who knows. Anyway this blends into a very convincing false awakening where I think I hear my wife calling for me from downstairs as if I am making her late and I notice I am having trouble rolling out of bed and getting up and think that I hear her coming up the stairs. I try to reach over and bang the wall to let her know that I'm awake and getting up and I am finally able to fully wake myself and I wake up only to find that the last part was all just a false awakening. 159

      Craziness has been keeping me from doing much with my day practices and no night time practices this night due to needing a good night's sleep but going back over exercise 4a from the Open Beta exercises yesterday may have helped. The exercise gave me the sense that everything is a dream (at least for a more extended period than normal) and I found more exciting about my waking world.

      6/7/14* DILD involved me driving on what at first seemed like a familiar road and then realizing that I did not know this road at all - I am dreaming. I fly up out of the car and end up in the void where I patiently summon Girl Friday and have her strip which was very hot, turned into a false awakening of wife coming into the room and her being pleasantly surprised by my condition down there. 158
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