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    1. Lucid dream: False awakening

      by , 05-27-2014 at 10:41 PM
      I am lying in my bed and I am in my old house that I recently moved out of. I get up out of bed and I sit down in my chair and something feels "off". I looked all around me and I then gained lucidity. I then started wandering through my old house. Everything looked much different. As soon as I was going to decide what I should do I started to wake up. I was loosing lucidity and I forgot all about dream stabilization. I then awoke in my bed and performed a reality check. I was back in reality and I decided to get up.
      lucid , false awakening
    2. 5/25 & 5/27 I'm Scared Placeholder DEILD, WILD, DILD, +DILDx2 During 2 Part Nap

      by , 05-27-2014 at 09:01 PM
      5/25/14 DEILD, WILD, DILD between clear awakenings ~4am 7am 8:30am

      5/27/14 2 Nap DILDs between awakenings and NLDs- day off wake from each around 10am & 11am; shutters in odd place, good waking awareness

      I think the return of multiple LDs in a night is due to the self-hypnosis script that StephL posted and so far I have used only once but I think it was more effective for me due to the over 1 year of background work on self-awareness and other lucid dreaming fundamentals...I guess we'll see.

      I hope to fill in the details later but Girl Friday was there a lot.

      I'm scared that I may start to nap too much. I never had much success with naps and to have 2 DILDs in one 2 hour nap session this morning could draw me in to more naps.
    3. Instant Lucidity and Guides? (/O w 0)

      by , 05-27-2014 at 05:04 PM
      I couldn't sleep last night and ended up falling asleep at 6am. But I got lucid as soon as i entered the dream. I was on my bed and decided to go outside because the house was empty and the quiet surrounding was kind of creeping me out. I got outside the house and saw the world was filled with trees and the ground was covered in bright grass and orange colored leaves. It was really pretty so i went out to explore it. But suddenly a anime guy with a gun appeared and tried to shoot me. I ran calling for help and he cornered me in a house. Eye came out and stopped the guy from killing me but he disappeared quickly. I decided to leave that place and found my dad in the street. We were walking to a party but he pointed to a sign that showed the people changed it from 12 to 1 to 3pm. But out of no where I lost my clothes and covered myself with a curtain i found. There were other girls too. They were naked and one was kissing this guy in a bathroom stall. I thought she was kissing someone i knew so i told them to stop. But when I opened the stall they disappeared. My nephew than appeared and i told him this was a dream. He was just playing around but i told him to follow me cause we were going to go on a lucid dream adventure. We ran,appeared on the stairs of my house and kept running to the door entrance but when i opened it my nephew disappeared and there was a fat girl with a white mask, small blue lights around her and in the corner of both my eyes i could see creepy black creatures smiling. The girl looked like a spirit. She started to speak to me but i couldn't hear anything she was saying. It was so low so I told her to speak up but she just kept talking and talking about something. I than got a little scared so i told her I believe in Jehovah. I think she said "oh you believe in" than kept on talking. It was annoying but i woke up after a little bit.

      In my second dream I appeared in a random place in front of a entrance to a huge basement. There was a dark skinned lady who i met in my other dream about the ointment in the basement. She seemed really nice and welcoming as she was preparing for a party in the basement. I had a feeling she was going to tell me something about someone I knew though. I asked her is this about [insert name here]. She said yes. I than asked her if he was evil and she said yes. She told me to come down because she wanted to show me something. I was scared I was going to get bad news. I walked into a room with her that took us into a hospital. I told her I was scared but she reassured me it was going to be okay. We walked into a room and there were fat people being checked by a female doctor. The lady guide told me to sit down so i did. She said If I kept talking to this guy my skin will get paler, I'll gain more weight and stress in my life.Like the people who were old and fat in the room. She even showed me a patients arm there who was really light. I told her ok and saw she had a chicken in a black plastic case. I was like Ooo~ chicken~ Than took it and bit it. But it was really nasty cause the meat was like a squishy ball of fat, so i spit it out. Than we left the room together. I saw the cookie monster a few other people there. I was going to get some chips but i decided to wash my hands first. I started to wash my hands but i woke up.
      Tags: dream, guide, lucid
      memorable , lucid
    4. Bunch of fragments

      , 05-27-2014 at 04:44 PM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Last night, bed after 10pm

      DRs remembered at 3:40am

      - I'm on an airplane. Seats are at comfortable distance from each other, more like on a bus, than an airplane. There is a disruptive passenger, and someone I know finally said something to him, but others are telling him not to bother.

      - Somebody wants me to cut some watermelon for kids

      - My cousin R is developmentally stunned, and we just noticed

      - Going with someone to a small town by car, stopping along the way in some grassy area

      - My department manager hands me a check for 3700 dollars. I think it's because the computer that sends checks to my account for direct deposit is broken. But he says "you deserve it" and the amount is more than my weekly pay, so Im not sure what it is for.

      DR 1 at 7am

      I'm on a street. I see some bad people running towards me. I quickly run into first door, which happens to be an abandoned restaurant or food shop. I'm trying to find an incospicuos place ot hide. I think that a closet with some shelves will do. I open the closet door, that's made out of light colored polished wood. There are 3 large shelves. I start moving some items from the middle shelf, so I can get in there. I climb in, and as I do, I can see through some opening, that the enemy fighters have entered the room.

      So I don't have time to close the door, or they would see me do it. Now one of them is looking inside the cabinet and I squint my eyes, as if that helped so he doesn't see me. When he steppes away, I see more of them walking in the room and every time I'm about to close the door, I hear or see someone in the hallway. I finally manage to close the door.

      DR 2

      I'm in a one story, long building. Has a feel of a school. I'm telling someone to clean up before they leave. So we are pulling weeds from vegetable gardens and picking vegetables into a shopping cart.

      There is a ghost there somewhere, in some of the rooms, but I can't see him. Some others can. I'm asking them to tell me how it looks like, or where it is.
    5. It's All So Real

      by , 05-27-2014 at 04:28 PM
      I initially didn't intend on posting this because it wasn't that exciting, but I figure since I started this journal to keep track of my experiences I should include the small accomplishments too. This dream happened yesterday morning after going back to sleep around 8 or 9.

      Normal Lucid

      I'm on campus in some building, I don't recall what I was actually doing. I'm on the second floor looking outside a large window down at the people below and I see my girlfriend, E, exiting from another building across from me. I think about how it's rare to see her on campus and that I should go meet up with her, so I start going down some stairs nearby. I end up outside on the wrong side of the building and somehow get on a bike (I don't own a bike, but sometimes use my roommate's). I think about which way to go to more easily get to her, looking left I realize that the buildings are blocked off so it would be hard to go that way, so I head to my right. I'm biking around the side of the building, dodging some people, and end up riding through a muddy patch, a bit worried about splatter on my clothes but not thinking about it too much. I see E up ahead standing in a group of people and start biking quickly towards her. As I get close, close enough to almost hit her with the bike, she looks up at me with a startled expression and I realize that it's not her.
      Somehow this immediately makes me realize it's a dream. I just know it is and don't need to reality check but I want to practice it anyway. I quickly go over my mental check and realize I don't recognize my location and remember falling asleep recently so I know it's a dream. My vision starts fading (possibly from thinking too much? may need to work on that) and I'm afraid that I'm waking up, but remember to just stay calm and focus on my surroundings. I touch the handlebars on my bike and start looking at my hands, then quickly my vision returns (this was really cool for me because it's the first time that's happened and I'm glad I could stay calm and present in the dream ). I start to observe my surroundings, I see my bike is blue and the handlebar grips are black with a ridged rubber texture. The large building in front of me is made of brick, some people standing around in front of it and trees nearby. To my left is a big open patch of really lush green grass and I see an old man sitting cross-legged and meditating in the grass, which seems really enjoyable. I'm amazed at how real it all feels, like I'm really there, and almost in disbelief that it's actually a dream. I don't have an intended goal set up yet because for the first few dreams I just want to practice getting used to the dream scene and exploring, and there just seemed like there was so much to take in I didn't know what to do. I stood in awe for about 30 seconds and then woke up.

      This was a really amazing experience even though it's so short because it showed me how real the dream can feel, and how in the moment I can be in it. I felt like I had had lucid dreams before but looking back after this experience I feel like what I had were mostly false lucid moments, like dreaming that I'm lucid dreaming and waking up with the memory rather than actually being present and experiencing it. I really think the way I'm going about practicing now is a huge improvement over the last times I got into trying to lucid dream. My meditation and present moment self-awareness exercises are making my dreams (and waking life) feel more in control and not as much on auto-pilot. I am able to stop and think before I act a lot more and actually pay attention to what is going on in my mind and body rather than just letting my thoughts control my actions. I think this is having a major impact on my dream quality as well since I can step back and observe my thought process and see what is going on.

      Also as a side note, looking back over my journal since starting LDing again in February, I had about 1 lucid moment a month, but after this dream I had 2 lucid moments for May. Slowly but surely improving!

      Updated 05-27-2014 at 04:39 PM by 53121

    6. not dropping in

      by , 05-27-2014 at 03:51 PM
      at a gymnasium on the penny board in bunch of a front of people. i was going to take my seat and i had the oppurtunity to drop in on the half pipe and i bailed out. igor was playing the main roll in the play.

      later i was helping my sister write a letter to our dad
    7. Four Stacks

      by , 05-27-2014 at 02:24 PM
      Night of May 27, 2014. Tuesday.

      My wife’s younger sister Judy has come to the house (though she has not been here in real life very often at all). We are all in the main part of the front room. Instead of a sofa, there is a bed oriented east to west. It seems fairly dark in the room, though the television is on giving enough light to see a little.

      I am spending most of the in-dream time trying to stop four stacks of magazines from falling to the floor (as well as possibly falling more towards me and getting messed up or spread over the bed). They could possibly be my wife’s craft magazines (which seems most likely, although there may also be one stack of old Warren magazines such as “Vampirella” or “Eerie”). I am partially lying down but have my arm up across the four piles so that they stay relatively balanced on the soft mattress.

      As Judy is talking to my wife (Judy on the right facing my wife and closer to the front door), I notice a number of red marks and bruise-like patterns on her face; around her eyes, nose and mouth - very similar to the seemingly fake infomercial that promotes some sort of skin cream, where women have a similar look - but where the “skin problems” seem mostly done by makeup. I recall this in the back of my mind and how “fake” it looks, though I suspect that Judy may actually have some sort of skin problem at this time.

      As she talks about her various problems (likely mostly with her mother and how she let her ruin her life), she talks about “going back to Manuel”.

      I find this somewhat intriguing as there are at least four ways to look at it - the usual multilayering of authentic dreams over bland conscious constructs passed off as “dreams” - or faded residual memories of a dream where the multiple layers or important “plays” are lost…

      One being that Manuel could be her (fictional) old boyfriend, which is my first impression…

      Two being that she is talking about “manual control” (rather than being intimate with a man in a relationship),

      Three being as opposed to “autopilot” in paying more attention to things as should be the case in her abusive (over many years) situation.

      Four in reference to a paperback “instructional” manual (since my dream featured four stacks of magazines) in needing to study one to gain more critical thinking skills and “advice on life” relative to her problems.

      It also turned out to have the usual precognitive layer (relative to my own perspective anyway - or a form of postcognition), as the first thing I saw after waking was the line “Former heaviest man Manuel Uribe dies aged 48” as an Internet news headline I had no way of knowing about (which actually only ties in with a news show regarding a different man who was Australian and could not get out of bed).

      The “typical” shorter nightly nap dream - several layers of potential meanings or complex associations, and immediately resolved precognition. It is what it is.
      Tags: magazines
    8. Brief flying lucid

      by , 05-27-2014 at 02:22 PM
      I've had a brief, yet curious lucid tonight. I had set an alarm 4.5h into sleep to do a WBTB+SSILD. I got up and read a few pages of one of LaBerge's books, which I started reading a few days ago. Then I went back to sleep and did the SSILD normally. I managed to be more focused than other times, so I was quite sure I would succeed. Some hours afterwards I was woken up by my mum, who was trying to get my sister out of bed. The awakening was quite confusing and I lost details of the dream as a result. But anyway, I think I remember the important part.

      In the dream I was having a drink outdoors with someone, I think it was my brother. I even remember the position I was sitting in. It hit me right away... "I am dreaming". Unlike other lucids, I didn't do any RC. Instead, I thought to myself: "if this is a dream, then it means my body is fast asleep in my bed, which means I can do anything I want". I felt I had a high level of awareness and the dream was quite vivid and stable. The sky was a bright blue and I remember clearly the moment of the realisation. Then I recalled what I first wanted to do in a lucid, following LaBerge's advice to have a clear goal, and I went shooting up the sky, flying vertically and gaining height quickly. Unfortunately, that's all I remember. I assume at that point the dream transitioned into a non-lucid, because none of the other dreams I recalled after this were lucid. But it's the first time I was aware of the actual state of my real body at the time of dreaming, so I find this satisfying enough.
      Tags: awareness, lucid
    9. Foundation of the World - Another Flat

      by , 05-27-2014 at 12:53 PM
      I wish I could remember it properly, but the first dream was about me and an old woman, searching for the foundation of the world at the shore of an ocean. And we found it - we dammed off the water in certain places, and dug into the sand, and after a while we found something like an iron-plate in the shape of a cut-out skyline.
      Something with it was not in order, and we were there to put it right - I can only remember helping her to keep it free from the sand and the water to analyse. I think, we did something to repair it - but I can't remember what.

      And one more Steph moves into a new flat dream.
      Man - meanwhile I'd like to know, what that is supposed to mean.
      I like our flat - must be something else behind it.
      Again a shared flat and again I was in my early 20s and there was a dream with talking to the people - one woman showed me pictures of a model-campaign of hers in a magazine, and I adored her figure. I remember details - but they are boring.
      Like us discussing, how deep down the windows should reach for it to be nicer and more light - then about at which height people could fall out - and if it costs more heating with more window space.

      Uups - now I remember it!!
      I was thinking, this is a dream - I looked out the window, and saw a quite indistinct street, expecting to see Munich - and then I thought - ah - this is okay, that's usually a bit mixed up in my dream-flats!!

      How could I forget that - how could I not react to that!!??

      People came in to visit - some guys, too - we who lived there were 3 women.
      There was also a sexual episode, me with somebody, but only harmless, and two guys started making out with each other somewhere, too. And stupid me later mentioned that - to find out that the girlfriend of one of them was present meanwhile, and not amused to hear this particular piece of information at all. I feared to have to leave the flat for that indiscretion - but it was forgotten, when we visited the neighbours:
      Like it was in at least in two other dream - one story above us was a mega flat, directly under the roof, the whole story of the house, and almost all one room, with columns and the walls a bluish tinged white. A couple lived there with small children - the guy was also the same, and I can't properly remember her. They were obviously quite rich, and we talked about that a bit and about how I miss Bavaria.
    10. Dream about friends I don't actually know

      by , 05-27-2014 at 08:29 AM
      I dreamed of waking up to a regular , sunny day. In the dream , I got up and moved through my usual morning routine and then went to get food.
      On the way out , I found a folder on my mail. In it there was a letter with words of gratitude , from 5 people I had never met before , about the time we spent together and how they hope we'll meet again one day.
      At the top of the paper , a picture of each person was stitched. I didn't recognize any of them.
      I remember myself feeling excited and being anxious to write back to them , so I dropped everything and ran off to do just that. Then , I'm sitting on my desk and trying to piece together what I wanted to write to them , only to realize I don't know (or remember) their names. A sense of despair filled me and then I woke up.
    11. A friend dies and reborn as a baby

      by , 05-27-2014 at 07:52 AM
      I was in a place where two of my close friends were also available. They both fell from the third floor, the first one (a girl), then the second one shortly after (a guy). Then I noticed was in the building my apartment is in (3rd floor) but the other side of the floor. All were saying that the girl died, and as far as I remember, the guy didn’t. And I remember seeing his face in the dream, but not the girl’s face, though I knew it was her.
      I also remember feeling her blood flow through the vein in her neck. Tried to tell the people around that she’s still alive, but no body answered, as if they didn’t hear what I was saying. Then they took her, and I tried my best to get to her body to reassure and tell others that she’s still alive. Tried to get to her home, in case they took her there, which happens to be not so far from mine. I don’t remember reaching there, but I remember entering a room where her coffin was, and two men, one on each side of the coffin.
      I was waiting for her to knock on the coffin to alert that she is still alive, because for some reason I believed she is, but that didn’t happen.
      The men opened the coffin, but there was another cover covering her.
      I went to remove her from the coffin, and when I held her in my hands, I noticed I was holding a baby. And went to everyone saying that she is still alive, but she was reborn, and she is now a baby.
      After that I remember hoping that it would be a dream.
      Tags: baby, coffin, dead, fall, reborn
    12. Black Snake with yellow circles

      by , 05-27-2014 at 07:47 AM
      I had this dream few days ago, where I was driving slowly and 2 black snakes with yellow circles were moving in the opposite direction in which I was going. Each of the snakes was moving while its body was in spiral position (is it called “coiled snake”?). But the second snake was much longer than the first one. It was clear since it had several, maybe 4, spirals, each equal to the spiral made by the first snake.
      Once I reached beside them, the shorter snake hissed at me and aggressively moved across the street towards me. The other one followed it but slowly. Then I accelerated in the same direction I was going, until I passed them, and kept going afterwards.
    13. Found egg, and green snake staring

      by , 05-27-2014 at 07:44 AM
      I had a dream couple of weeks ago, where my Aunt told me that she found an egg in the basement where we used to have in a hen house. So, I went to the basement and found the egg. When I picked up the egg, I saw a green snake beside me, just staring. I stared back, and then woke up.

      Few days after I had this dream, I was at that same house (in real), and my Aunt told me she found an egg, and I picked it up and threw it away, since it was too old (several months).

      How can that dream be interpreted? And does finding the egg in reality have anything to do with the dream (or even throwing away that egg)?
    14. 00:00 Tuesday 2014-05-27 -- missed it by thaaaat much

      by , 05-27-2014 at 06:43 AM
      00:00 Tuesday 2014-05-27 -- missed it by thaaaat much

      00:38 bedtime. Fall asleep really quickly, I have a great deal of drowsiness, barely have time to set any intentions about remembering dreams before falling asleep

      remee on

      08:30 wake up and recall, no recording during the night

      + I see a naked girl's below the waist spread-leg view sliding towards me, she's sliding on the ground. She's from a family so poor they can't afford toilet paper so they must wipe their butts by sliding in the snow. I'm DO following this family on a car trip, we come across an intersection where the road branches off to the left, down a gently sloping mostly straight snow-covered road. The kids whoop and get out and all slide on their butts (clothed this time) down the hill, I see them weave around a few cars, I'm following behind them DO. At one point we come across a big steep hill to the left, covered in snow, we go over and start to climb in order to slide down, a few boys are at the bottom of the hill having slid down. At the top of the hill is a playground swing set where some girls are standing around, I go there and start flirting.

      + I'm walking outdoors among separate small external school rooms, it's dark/night, I'm thinking about dreaming, I say out loud "I'm dreaming" (and didn't get lucid, that's an unfortunate first), I think I even nose pinch but I think I couldn't breathe (but I'm not sure), I may have checked my hands, two young men overhear me and are asking me if I can fly when I'm dreaming, I say "yes, watch this!" and jump about 25 feet straight up into the air and hover there for a while before coming back down, after that we all go in to the class room.

      + talking about higher math with a young woman math student. We're walking towards a building it's dark outside. We're talking about all the math lasses one should take in University, we're naming them, and simultaneous say "real analysis." Complex analysis is too hard, you can't make real-world models to study them. She made hundreds of 3-d models to help in studying real analysis, I think she made representations of parabolas/hyperbolas/saddle points. I think about settings some of the variables to 0 and then drawing the cross section of the shape in the resulting plane projection of the equation.

      + in a motorcycle club (IWL yesterday saw a guy with a t-shirt that had "MC" on it and I thought this meant motorcycle), the leader of the club has painted huge stripes/emblem on his parking place. He has placed markers in the spots to the left and the right of his parking spot to make sure his spot is marked and reserved. I see briefly what I think is a set of motorcycle scales (to weigh them) in a parking spot just next to his.

      In daylight there is a large "butcher block" full of knives, axe heads, and sharp instruments embedded into the wooden block, one falls down I pick it up and try to quickly jab it back into the block, but it bounces out again. I try this a few times it won't go in, then when I try again all the knives fall to the ground. I think that's ridiculous and think about just walking away but no I don't want to leave that mess so I pick them all up from the ground (where they got wet/dirty) and spread them out on a table to the right, someone comes by and it's time to go for lunch

      + in twilight some guy has found my packs of leftover chinese food that I'd forgotten. They are flat packages of dumplings covered in plastic wrap, the first one I see is pot stickers (about 1+ square foot, 20 or more potstickers), another one is larger (pork bows?), he breaks the plastic wrap on one and I think that's going to be really nasty since I forgot to put them in the refrigerator, they're spoiled for sure, anyone who ate those would get sick.

      I'm already awake when I see remee's lights at some point in the night.
    15. 27-5-14 - The (panic inducing) Challenge of a (very long) Lifetime.

      by , 05-27-2014 at 05:02 AM
      I was visiting a friend’s house (someone I don’t actually know in RL) and he opened a door to his bathroom and there was a big flash of fire when he opened a door in the house. A man coalesced from the whirling flames and he walked out into the room we were in. He calmly explained that he was immortal and that he would grant immortality to whoever could defeat him in combat. For some reason everybody knew who this guy was and everyone believed him. I, all of a sudden, had prior knowledge of people who had fought him and lost (even though this guy had only just appeared) and I knew how dangerous he was.
      We were going to fight, there seemed to be some unspoken agreement that this was going to happen. The first rule was you had to go to him in handcuffs as a symbol of your limitations in relation to your life span. You were to arrive fettered and were you to leave you were then a free being without the limitations of death.
      There were five of us arriving at a large house all in handcuffs and we lined up in a semicircle around him at a table in a small dark room with a single hanging light fixture that slowly rocked back and forth throwing shadows around the room like they were dancing. He walked to each of us and touched the chain between the actual cuffs and as I watched they glowed orange and melted off. We were to fight, all of us against him at the same time. I knew from some heretofore undiscovered fount of knowledge that he had previously defeated three men in combat at once.
      We discussed that it wouldn’t be a fight to the death for us but we may die, I remember that that had made me nervous and that I suddenly needed to pee. So I shot my hand up and inquired as to the location of the bathroom. He walked me to a room beyond a hallway behind him and before going to the toilet, I asked “If it isn’t too much trouble can you try and not hit me in the mouth, don’t want to lose my teeth, after all.”
      “Oh, I’ll see what I can do.” He replied as he walked back towards the other room without looking back.
      I finished my business and I put the toilet lid down and I flushed and when it flushed the water sprayed everywhere onto the floor and I remember thinking ‘Oh great, how am I going to explain that I didn’t pee on the floor and it was the flushing toilet making a mess’ I quickly set to cleaning it up with a nearby mop and then washed my hands before heading back out into the small room.
      Everyone had gone, a lady there escorted me into the backyard and I saw that everyone was ready to fight and they were only waiting on me, I took off my jacket and went in stood in line. I then looked down and noticed that I had only removed the right half of my jacket (must have looked like Frank Stallone). I made my apologies and went and removed the other half before getting back into the semi-circle.
      I made a quick suggestion to my fellow combatants, “Let’s not make the same mistake that they always make in movies and let’s surround him and all attack him at the same time. In the movies they surround the guy and then attack one at a time, it’s ridiculous.”
      I got a few nods and then we all set ourselves to commence fighting when I heard a commotion going on behind us. I turned my head slightly so I could see what was happening behind us yet still see my foe in my peripheral vision. There was a girl crying in a tree house. I overheard that her name was Louise and that she had been attacked by somebody, some other people were trying to comfort her. I don’t know who she was but I knew that I had to find out who had done this.

      I suddenly woke up on a bus full of people and all the seats around me had people sitting in them. (A situation I find terrifying in RL) There was people arguing around me and I knew that I had to get off of the bus. I went to press the button but I wasn’t wearing long sleeves and I don’t like touching the buttons with my bare skin. I had to wait for someone else to press it and then get off when they did. A girl sitting next to me had a bowl of green jelly, she wanted to dump it on some guys head who was sitting a few seats in front of us. I don’t know why or how I knew it but it didn’t seem odd that I did. For some reason I was holding the jelly for her when somebody pressed the button and I went to get off of the bus as it stopped before I realised that I was still holding the jelly bowl. I quickly ran to the back of the bus to give it back to her and the guy stopped me and took it off of me because he somehow knew that the girl wanted to empty the contents onto his head. I didn’t have time to care and I ran back to the door to debus and it shut in my face and felt like everyone was looking at me, I didn’t have the guts to actually see if they were because I was so afraid that they would be but something inside me just knew that people were looking at me and it made me so scared and I just wanted to sink into a hole and die.
      The bus pulled up somewhere and I quickly got off as fast as humanly possible, I have never seen it but I somehow knew that it was meant to be Marion shopping centre even though the North Adelaide Aquatic centre was there as well. I looked around in utter confusion when two police officers approached me and slammed me to the ground. They lifted me up off of the ground and asked me what I was doing at the shopping centre wearing only underwear. I hadn’t realised this until he said it and I knew that I had actually awoken like this and that I had actually been robbed of my clothing by someone on the bus while I was sleeping.
      I tried to explain the situation and I tried to reason with them saying that I had been robbed and that I would immediately get a taxi home and that they didn’t need to worry about me because I was going to go straight home and they wouldn’t see me again. They didn’t care. I tried to plead with them that I was on parole and that I would never do anything like this on purpose, I had been robbed!
      They still didn’t care, especially when they saw the remains of the handcuffs still on my wrists that hadn’t been melted off.
      He walked me over to a police station and I sat down and spoke with a woman there and I asked her how long did she think they could hold me for being undressed in public, she just asked how long my parole was, to which I replied that it was four years. The woman just looked away and shook her head. Officer not-so-friendly was talking to someone on the phone, he hung up and sauntered over with a swagger that bespoke arrogance and some deluded form of self-righteousness and said, “Well, it looks like you will need to spend the night in the prison cells, not the police cells.”
      “What?” I replied with incredulity, “The law is that I won’t be breached for any offence with a sentence that has a cumulative punishment of less than three months. I know the law, you can’t do this.”
      The Officer just laughed, it was a menacing laugh, leaning in close and whispering, “Isn’t it just a bit odd that a girl named Louise got attacked yesterday and here you are, almost naked and walking around the area where she was accosted? Rather convenient if you ask me.”
      Everything was happening so fast, my anxiety skyrocketed and I was starting to have a panic attack, All I could think was ‘how am I going to explain this to her, she is going to hate me.’

      Then I woke up all tangled in the sheets and breathing so heavily I had to force myself to stay calm and breathe.
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