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    1. 13 jun: energy burst and mystery objects

      by , 06-13-2014 at 09:52 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I am looking through my bedroom window and notice that all the trees on the street are burnt. Then I see a thunderstorm moving away, but a lightning could not have burnt all those trees. I search the landscape for some clue and I see that instead of the regular houses that exist in my village, the hills are covered in green grass and lovely country houses, almost like the hobbit's shire. So I get lucid. Then thinking of what to do: fly outside the window, stay indoors? Then realizing: what outside? What indoors? So instead I turn “inwards” and all the images disappear. Instead I float in this blackness, splattered by an occasional shine like of distant stars. I just focus on the moment, the sensations, the absence of everything. Until I regain some sense of my body, by starting to feel a warmth n my second chakra. It grows and spreads out, energizing my entire body. It is in fact so much, that I feel the need to shoot out some through the palms of my hands. I get back to my home and I see my 3 cats approaching me curious. I shoot this energy towards them, wishing them many blessings. But they jump and run away as if they receive an electrical shock. Oh well, maybe it was too much for their little bodies

      I am with a couple of friends and we go meet my teacher. He opens up a vintage drawer and shows us some items, like old photos and postcards, decorative objects, some older, some newer. He says they belonged to the great teacher J.K.W.R., but I feel that he is hiding part of the story. I look at each and every object and I know that some of them actually belonged to his consort, like a small wooden engraved box and an incredible sculpture of a baby in blue stone with his arms around a silver lion. I wonder if this is some kind of test. Try to memorize all the details of the objects.
    2. Slow and steady... [13/06/14]

      by , 06-13-2014 at 08:30 PM (My lucid comeback!)
      Last night was the first night in I think a week that I was able to fall asleep quickly, I got atleast a good 7 hours of sleep and it also seems like I'm not that tired throughout the day. Vividness is slowly returning as I had 1 dream tonight and I'm hoping on getting more. I'm also glad that I'll be able to sleep a bit longer tomorrow.

      1. A herring-thief!

      I was in the storage room of a supermarket and it seemed like in the store itself a party was about to start cause the first herring of the season would be presented. Infront of me was the herring on a plate, I took a bite and felt like I was a thief and had ruined the whole party that was about to commence. It was then when a woman of the store walked into the storage room with a crowbar and violently smacked me on the head. As the crowbar made contact with my skull I didn't see it through my own eyes but suddenly I looked through a camera that floated infront of me filming my face. I could see a lot of blood coming out of the deep cut the blow carved into my forehead. I fell to the ground in agony and partially paralysed, she ran away and I laid there looking through my own eyes again at the herring on the ground. I could barely move and was very disoriënted but knew I had to run away before the police came. I stumbled across the room and pushed a door open, suddenly I'm in my backyard which is surounded with high fences. (IRL too) I thought about quickly climbing over them and felt a strong sensation of stress, fortunatly my alarm went of at this point waking me up.

      I might try a WBTB tonight with a MILD or SSILD technique.

      Updated 06-24-2014 at 09:01 AM by 69433

    3. Neflon

      by , 06-13-2014 at 08:28 PM
      I was in the bottom of a building, similar to the first place I was lucid in. Around me was a lot of rubble, and I remember people walking around working on construction. I was looking for something, though I'm not sure what it was. As this was happening the area I was in transformed into my garage, and I had a sledgehammer. I was upset with my parents, as I didn't feel they tried talking to me, and was using a sledgehammer to hit the ground. To my surprise, despite hitting the ground as hard as I could (and even trying a different hammer), the ground would hardly buckle. It was as if something was underneath where I was hitting.

      My sister was nearby and decided to kick the side of the ground I was buckling instead, revealing a chest. Inside this chest was a thing I called "Neflon" though I have no idea what that is. I remember grabbing it though and running away from my house to get back at my parents, as I felt like this was something they really valued. I began running through my neighborhood, cutting through the houses of my neighbors, and heard my sister at a distance tell my mother what I grabbed. My mother immediately began pursuing me, and was faster than I was, though she had less endurance. Regardless, as I entered a tunnel, she caught up to me.

      Surrounding me was a field of many flowers surrounded by a wall (I seemed to have entered a ceiling-less, cylindrical room). There was a large gate on the wall. I felt a community of some sorts must've been behind this gate but I wasn't sure, and could not see. My mother asked for the Neflon back, though she looked like one of my male friends (#0262-26), and I returned the object. It was an orb of some sorts with blue lights emitting out of it I think.

      In any case, I wake up at this point to attempt a WILD and as I fell asleep I started dreaming of falling asleep. In the dream I was tossing and turning in bed, in first person, and was feeling really hot. I decided what I wanted to do was astroproject (a word HorseLime introduced to me earlier yesterday). For some reason there was a satanic vibe surrounding this notion, but I decided to proceed. In my thought process there were 6 ways to induce astroprojection, each of which required a different configuration of the body and some sort of chemical stimulus. I chose one method which had a high probability of disease and damnation, but decided it would be worth it.

      I turned in bed and contorted my body to the left, sliding a syringe into one of my buttcheeks. I remember getting this weird feeling, and I "sat up" though I knew I was lying down. I believe this was the start of an astroprojection (and my first semi-OBE) but my dream self got too excited and I lost the feeling. I realized I needed to go to work soon anyways (still in my dream) and walked into the bathroom where I placed my computer in the shower. I was glad I closed the computer lid, as I was worried about damaging it.

      I believe at this point I woke up in reality, feeling incredibly hot, and got up to take a shower (without my computer though ).

      Updated 06-13-2014 at 08:30 PM by 69459

      Tags: neflon, obe
    4. Keeping lucidity during transitions

      by , 06-13-2014 at 07:08 PM
      It all started with a false awakening. My bedroom looked weird and I became suspicious at once. I had a look at the corridor and I knew something wasn't right, that had to be a dream. I went back to my bedroom and closed the door behind me. I did a nose-pinch RC, but I couldn't breathe through my nose. "This can't be possible, I'll try something else". The room was quite dark, so I put my left hand up towards the only source of light (the window) and I counted my fingers. Six in total. Okay, I'm dreaming. As I was heading for the door to leave the room, a fat man with a yellow T-shirt opened the door and jumped on me. My bed is quite close to the door, so he easily pinned me down to the bed, holding my wrists by my head. I quickly reacted and said "you are just a dream". My voice sounded very weird and it didn't make any effect on him, so I shouted "clarity now" twice (this seems to be the magic sentence for me to bring vividness and awareness to my dreams). I then closed my eyes to calm myself and decide how to deal with the situation. I am reading one of LaBerge's books and the chapter I'm in right now is about how to treat violent DCs. Since his advice is to approach them friendly knowing they can't hurt you instead of trying to flee from them or make them disappear, I did just that. I opened my eyes and told him: "this is a dream, so you can't hurt me". He looked surprised and let go of my wrists. Ideally, I would've tried to engage in some kind of conversation, but the dream transitioned into another one.

      I then found myself walking into a very nice living room or dining room, sort of. Many things in it were made of wood, including a table at which three people were sitting in silence. It looked like a fairytale house, and the whole setting was brigther than the first dream. Still lucid, I went near one of the round windows and looked outside, to see other fairytale-looking houses surrounded with flowers, trees and grass. The colours were extremely vivid. I then went to the table and sat down with those people. I was curious as to what level of lucidity I might be experiencing, so I asked the DCs to see how they reacted: "I'm very curious, were you guys already here before I entered the dream or did we all appear at the same time?". A girl answered me: "since this is your dream, you created it all at the same time, the fact that we were already sitting here is because you appeared outside the room and then came in". Nice, high level of awareness, I thought. I then sensed the dream was about to change again, despite there weren't any vibrations or anything. I wanted to keep lucid, so I focused on this.

      The transition was neat. I was at a street walking with my boyfriend. I wanted to know if I was still in a high level of awareness (for some reason, I seemed obsessed with this, maybe because I had never experienced transitions like these before). I thought of how to approach him properly and I finally said "hey, do you know this is a dream?". He looked around surprised and said "I didn't know... but it could be, I guess". Before I could word anything else, he proceeded: "and you, have you ever thought that in waking life you could be part of a big dream and unaware of it?". "Yes, I have", I told him. In fact, I've been toying with the idea of the so-called 'collective consciousness' for a while, so he basically voiced my thoughts.
      I wish this conversation would've gone on for a bit longer, but I transitioned into another dream and finally lost lucidity.

      It was a pretty interesting experience. Specially because these last two weeks my dream recall has fluctuated quite a lot and I haven't once come close to lucidity. Yesterday night, I did a WBTB along with SSILD without results. Today, I involuntarily woke up at the same time the alarm had gone off the day before (very like me). It was the early hours of the morning and I had a hard time falling back asleep, so I just watched my breating to have something to focus on (this helps me with my insomnia sometimes). So, Breating Induced Lucid Dream, maybe? (Does that even exist?)

      Well, regardless, I'm very happy to have been able to have such an experience. Looking forward to the next.

      Updated 06-14-2014 at 10:32 AM by 64401 ("T-shirt" sounds a lot better than "T-shit" :rolleyes:)

      Tags: layer 4, lucid
      lucid , memorable
    5. # 71, 72, 73

      by , 06-13-2014 at 06:06 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      I have been really out of this whole thing for a while, but I recently had a few lucids that I am going to jot down very briefly. I have forgotten most of these, but they were all really long, so I was happy with all of them.


      I was trying to strip a girl. At this point in the dream she was like a manikin from the waist down. She had no torso.

      I was trying to get her pants off, but she had layer after layer of jeans on. I really can't remember what ended up happening.


      I ate a girl out well. I had a nice mouthful of her vagina until I started getting hair in my mouth. Eventually I started eating her ass.


      I flew up. I didn't want to get heavy, so I focused above me and just flew. I made it to the top of the tree line. It was night time.

      I ended up seeing a man. I started to fly. I asked him if he knew how I did it. He didn't answer. I asked him if he knew something about the logical part of your mind being off when...?

      He responded, A tornado! (how I was flying)
      Another DC told him, "You would know if there was a tornado!"

      I finally said, "I'm dre-eaming! I'm lucid dreaming!"

      The End

      Each of these dreams were much longer than the salient points I can remember. I enjoyed all of them quite a bit, and I'm really happy to have some success again.
      memorable , lucid
    6. Dreamception

      by , 06-13-2014 at 05:03 PM
      So this happened on June 13, 2014, Friday. I was at my auntie's house and it was 12 in the afternoon when I fell asleep. It was a strange, creepy dream because I remember that I was dreaming within a dream that I'm on a bed slightly facedown but I can see my left side and there was a girl facing me, she was dressed in black but i can't see her face, it was like just an empty space, just all black. In my dream, within a dream, I feel like I couldn't move my body like I was restrained and she was just there staring blankly at me and I was forcing myself to wake up, when I finally woke up in my dream, I immediately ran outside to my mom(I was still in my "main" dream) I don't know how I woke up from my my main dream though, all I remember is me dreaming about dreaming of me on a bed forcing myself to wake up and a girl staring at me(even though I cant see her face) and my body feeling heavy.

      Strange thing is the night before that dream within a dream, I was also in the very same house of my aunt. We were watching a movie when I looked at the window beside the tv and saw a white thing passed by. I know it isn't just an imagination because I really saw it passed by and i dont know what it looks like but Im sure its a girl wearing all white(just my instincts) i cant determine it really though, it was just a blur of something white and its not a reflection because if it was it would not look so bold. So I looked at the other window at the left side because I thought it was just a relative or someone we know of but no one passed by. So I told my cousins and aunties who were with me immediately and my other cousin told me he sometimes see it too just passing by and he couldn't determine what is it because it's just a white blurry thing. I was slightly freaked out and shocked because it was my first time seeing something real and not just my mind making it all up. I'm sharing this experience because I think it has a connection with my dream. I think it made me dream like that because of that experience and I'm really sure my mom will be sleeping with me tonight.

      I hope I didn't confuse you lol. English is just not my first language :) so all in all I dreamt of me dreaming and it has something to do with my experience, somehow.

      Updated 06-13-2014 at 05:05 PM by 69631

      nightmare , false awakening , memorable
    7. Random Dream?

      by , 06-13-2014 at 04:52 PM
      I did a WBTB after 4 hours of sleep at about 2:30 in the morning. I woke up after this dream at about 5:15 or so and didn't remember a dream before it, so I'm going to try WBTB again a little later. This was my most vivid lucid dream I've had so far.

      I'm at my house and it was early in the morning. My stepmom was going to the store so I went with here. While she was filling up the car with gas, I went in to a coffee shop to get some food. I ordered a crossoint? with cream cheese. It took a really long time because the workers kept asking me questions about it. There were a ton of people in line, but the cashier kept bothering me about getting a rewards card. Eventually, I just said no and left. My stepmom was still doing stuff so I guess I walked home and went to my room. It was pretty dark. I played on my computer for a bit, then decided to go downstairs because it was too dark. As I was going down the stars, my pants belt loop got stuck on the railing and I couldn't move. I started freaking out because it was dark and I got scared, but I was able to get my pants off and run downstairs.

      As I was running to the garage, I realized this couldn't be happening. My pants wouldn't have gotten stuck and I wouldn't have freaked out that much normally, so I did a RC to confirm I was dreaming. I went over to my sliding glass door out-of-breath, and I told myself there wasn't actually anything to worry about because it was just a dream. I actually started laughing about it. I decided to try and summon something, so I said something (don't remember what) was behind me and I turned around and it was there. Then, I went outside and tried to summon a guitar for some reason, but it didn't work.

      There were no DCs around, and I wanted to do some ToTM challenges. I decided I would fly over to the nearest city to find some people. At first, I just tried jumping with the intent of flying, but I just floated up a little bit and then came back down. I tried to jump and yell fly, and I went higher, but I still came back down. Frustrated, I had an idea. I said out loud, "Well, these rocks here have powers and if I eat them I will be able to fly." I reached down and grabbed some small rocks and put them in my mouth. At first I was a bit skeptical, but then when I bit down the rocks came apart easily and dissolved in my mouth. They didn't taste like anything. I tried to fly again, and this time I went above the trees, but then I got stuck floating there. I saw a bird flying around and making noises and for some reason I thought that would work for the ToTM, so I repeated its tweets back to it. After, I woke up

      Updated 06-13-2014 at 04:57 PM by 52394

    8. A Little Piece

      by , 06-13-2014 at 04:17 PM
      I was with my friend (dream sign) and another friend, they were planning on skipping school (school is another dream sign) they finally left and I think I remember some sort of portal gun.
      Tags: non lucid, short
    9. Ha! It rained lucid meteors last night! With damage!!

      by , 06-13-2014 at 02:17 PM
      It rained meteors last night! With damage!!

      After I first got lucid, in a building, I had to go up stairs to get out. So I flew up them, maybe 30 cm above the floor - and the quality was soo great - super-realistic.
      I touched and tasted things - the carpet on these stairs, the metal-rods, which were proper cool and I even licked them. All great - until a guy comes flying down the stairs in the opposite direction. I knew, I should better not look at him - but I did - and so forth.
      So I needed a DEILD, but this worked great - I just looked at the back of my eyelids and waited, till a dream came back optically.
      I had even moved about a bit - worked anyway. Then I imagined swimming motions - and flupp - I was back in.

      Being outside already - I took aim at a high lamp-post, and wrapped myself around it, not to be on the ground for the following action.
      It was night - I looked at the sky and commanded meteors - goddess-style - METEORS ARE COMING DOWN NOW !!
      First I thought nothing happens, but after a couple of seconds - I saw the first one.
      Then came more. All fiery balls speeding down without a sound and with the impact sites out of my sight.
      Next to my pole was a swimming-pool, and I wanted one in there - this somehow didn't happen.
      There was a telephone on the mast I clung to - and on a whim I took up the receiver and sung into it.
      Yepp - I found it sounded great - and the apparatus seemed to work as superb amplifier - that went on for a bit - I really liked my voice...Name:  redface.gif
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      But then I remembered, that I need to inspect the impact sites.
      So I flew to where I had seen earth being spat up in the sky from afar.
      What I found was a longish hole in a garden, maybe some eight by two meters, and about three meters deep.
      Now I regret not having climbed down to retrieve the meteor and marvel at it. Na well.
      But the owner of the place came out of his house, lamenting about how he had just put out seeds for new flowers...Name:  cheeky.gif
Views: 164
Size:  1,003 Bytes

      Updated 06-13-2014 at 02:20 PM by 66050

    10. Finally Remembering Things

      by , 06-13-2014 at 12:20 PM
      SO excited that I woke up and remembered like 4 parts to my dreams from last night.

      First, I am in a public bathroom with a girl who is not my wife. She's younger, I dream a lot about being in high school, but I don't feel like *this* girl is that young. Anyway, we're in a pretty large bathroom stall and I'm taking my clothes off. I don't remember talking much. When I take my pants off, I'm wearing a strap-on, and the girl is so excited about that. I can't lie, I'm pretty excited, too. But the shitty thing is that's all I remember.

      Next, I'm at some sort of high school play. Then it turns into a trial. My first girlfriend is being charged with something that would result in the death penalty. They find her guilty and she is hanged. Above a pit of fire and sharp wooden stakes. Then I'm in a cafeteria and she's there, but she doesn't realize that she's dead. There are all these different backpacks on the lunch table and I start picking them up and putting them on. There are three other kids at the table with me, and I yell at them, accusing them all of being nerds, and why do they have so many damn backpacks?

      Next I'm in bed with a girl I dated briefly. It was nice and romantic, and I felt safe. We were laying together comfortably. Then she's gone and I am taking my cat for a walk on a leash outside. My parents are there and then the cat's gone. I look for her and she starts running away, so I grab the leash and in the process it tightens around her neck. I scooped her up and took her inside.

      Then I'm in a pool. Like at a swimming event. I'm with a girl who is not happy that I'm married. I look at her, and she's smokin hot. But she's way too young. I remember thinking, but not telling her that she's too young and probably immature and I don't think I could handle that. She looked kind of like Spencer Hastings from Pretty Little Liars. Then there's a swim meet and there are boys racing. One kid isn't paying attention and he starts late. He ends up coming in second. We were all amazed at how fast he was when he was under water.
    11. 00:00 Friday 2014-06-13 saved a no-recall night with a nap, near-epic alien invasion adventure

      by , 06-13-2014 at 10:16 AM
      22:33 pre-betime, yay on time for once

      00:00 Friday 2014-06-13

      03:17 no recall
      2 remee 45-minute nap settings hit
      can't sleep: noisy / moving wife

      05:20 got up, cleaned the kitchen, went shopping, made pancakes for everyone

      08:30 (?) back to bed for nap & hopefully the 2nd half of the night's sleep!

      12:00 yay, recall!

      + tender moment sitting with a pretty blonde girl on a bench indoors. She sits down, I slightly touch her, almost accidentally, feeling her skin through her blouse, we're in public so I'm a bit tentative, we get closer, I think she knows Chinese and we're holding a book with Chinese writing in it and I ask her to translate some words, and ask "what's <xyz> in Chinese?", she doesn't answer, we end up sitting very close, cheek to cheek, and she puts her hand on my other cheek. The sort of dream where you despair of waking because it was such an awesome moment.

      + I'm on a subway car and one girl standing a little bit away moves out of the way to reveal her beautiful friend who was standing behind her

      + get on to strangely decorated train car with wife, we start moving, 3rd guy appears, we're not on the right tracks. Entering the car: there are actually 2 cars standing side-by-side on 2 different sets of tracks, we enter directly into the first car from the outside, there is another group just sitting down in the first car, they've taken all the seats. The 2nd car is visible through the wall, there's a door connecting to it, it doesn't look as comfortable as the first car, there's a strange little couch with a small coffee table and 3-4 shaped stools opposite the couch, none of them look very comfortable. We enter that 2nd car since there's no room in the first, wife says "this is the car where (in the old days) they came to (make love)". We start moving, without the main train, I'm a bit concerned that we're getting separated. We're on different tracks. It's sort of dusk/dark out, I'm looking ahead to see the tracks and ours are barely visible under a lot of dust, but the "main" tracks are clearly visible as normal raised RR tracks to our right, I think we won't be able to lift our train car on to the real tracks.

      + in the water, aliens/zombies from a collapsing huge ghost-cruise ship come for me under the water, I'm not concerned at first but realize later I can't get away. The ship is about 50-100 meters away, it is very large and moving slowly, it seems to be large and blocky and made from large rusty parts, it is slowly moving from left to right and slowly turning slightly towards me. I'm sitting/treading water with a group of other people, the ship seems to be slowly falling apart and beings are entering the water. They're coming for me, I'm not concerned at first I think I can get away but they get close and start grabbing at me, I move away and am a bit pissed that the others aren't helping me, and I realize they're going to get me.

      + near epic (with better memory it would be epic), long, alien invasion adventure: I'm fighting for the resistance.

      A scene on a set of large open hills, the resistance fighters (hundreds of them) are all swooping around the trees holding on to chains in one hand and a chainsaw in the other, as they swoop around the trees they cut down the trees, opening the landscape, I think this is advantageous for the resistance.

      Some aliens left and returned with a lot less food than it should have taken, I realize they went to visit the "time-keepers", aliens set in lonely space stations observing, they took samples of food (made from humans), the time-keeprers chose their favourite.

      I'm on a bus with humans, I declare strongly under my breath, "DEATH to the bugs!" and everybody on the bus quietly and intensely responds "DEATH to the bugs!" I say again "DEATH to the bugs!" and look around to see who's responding, there's one person to my right who doesn't respond, I wonder if they're a bug in disguise, or an agent for the bugs, or just shy to respond.

      Flying DO through the air over an urban city scape I notice that in the carnage, the rooftops are filled with piled up bicycles and tricycles (IWL my building's entrance has a pile of stuff by the door, including a bicycle and a scooter). I enter a room with aliens, they like to play ping pong. One is playing hitting the ball against the walls in a corner.

      I and a young accomplice have snuck into an alien teleportation device, we have to hurry to use it, the alien may come back soon, too late, it returns, and starts constructing a net/web/construct around us to prevent us from using the machine. I remain firm and confident that I can activate the device and still be able to take my friend with me, I think this has been done before.

      I'm approaching a group of people/building outside, there is a huge clear punch bowl the size of a pond, you're supposed to take a drink and get in a car that moves along an elevated track. Farther along there are humans who are trying to escape the aliens by moving to (islands?) out in a very large body of water, visible in the distance. I think what's the point, the aliens will just come and drain the water and then go get everybody.

      There's more but it slipped away...

      Updated 06-13-2014 at 10:22 AM by 65364

      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    12. Kai's hub.

      by , 06-13-2014 at 10:14 AM
      If you are reading this you have arrived at my ''hub''. I plan on using this to keep myself more structured, and link projects that i could be interested in viewing another time. If you are a mod/admin and this thread is in the wrong place, feel free to move it.

      - Dream yoga: http://www.dreamviews.com/dream-yoga...-notebook.html
      - Newbie lessons/ intro class: http://www.dreamviews.com/intro-clas...-workbook.html Questions? http://www.dreamviews.com/intro-clas...o-class-q.html

      Projects to look into
      Dream yoga: http://www.dreamviews.com/dream-yoga...esson-1-a.html
      ADA: http://www.dreamviews.com/induction-...kingyoshi.html
      Dream incubation: http://www.dreamviews.com/general-dr...-tutorial.html
      Night-time preperation: http://www.dreamviews.com/attaining-...-lucidity.html

      Projects currently doing: Dream yoga: http://www.dreamviews.com/dream-yoga...esson-1-a.html

      Current RC program: Ask myself;- ''Am i dreaming?''
      - Look at/ feel the sorroundings
      - Examine my hands. Any abnormalities?
      - Push thumb through left palm
      - Nose plug
      - Mantra: ''Next time i RC, i realize i'm dreaming.'' Do this 3 times.

      Dream journal: http://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/kaiern9999/

      Non-lucid dream count: 5.
      Lucid dream count: 3.
      PS. Number from when i joined DV.

      Sleep patterns.
      Sleep: 11.00-12.00.
      Wake: 08.00-10.00.

      Supplement reward system.
      3 LD's= supplements for 1 night.
      Take melatonin 90 min before bed.
      Take b6 right before bed.
    13. Shortest LD record contender!

      by , 06-13-2014 at 08:45 AM
      I woke up around half four with a vague memory that I had dreamed, so I paused to think about it and remembered that I had become lucid and was walking through a sunny scene. I remembered that I wanted to try out as many RCs as I could remember. I tried to push my fingers through the palm of me left hand and it felt like walking life. I pushed harder and tried a twisting action. Eventually I managed to get half a finger through by wiggling.

      That's it, about four seconds!

      After that I decided to try WILDing but got memorable NLDs.

      1. Playing tennis mixed doubles, our opponents make a tactical error by coming to our side of the net as I deliver a return. I congratulate my partner with a bottom spank. I note that that's not really appropriate but think that it would be OK if I was a girl, so I was. Then the idea of playing not-tennis excites me awake, boo! :-(

      2. At a drama / history workshop, roleplaying with fake beards and moustaches, reliving some historic famine situation. I climb up a step valley side to the top of a cliff where I spot a mirage effect on one of the rocks. I shout down to some people at the bottom of the cliff and then reenact a daring rescue attempt of a girl stuck on the cliff face. Then I go back down to help tidy up the props.


      Updated 07-31-2014 at 02:49 PM by 69407

    14. 12th of june -> 13th of june.

      by , 06-13-2014 at 08:42 AM
      Only small dreams/fragments. Here we go.

      1: I was in the gym with my friend, and his mom, when we found it closes early because of summer times :/

      2: While dreaming, i was watching an episode of: ''Top ?(unknown number) Plays'' for lor league of legends.

      3: I was in a league of legends game, playing renekton. Only strange thing i noticed was that i didn't have smartcast. I was dumb, and should have realized i was dreaming from that.

      4: I was at my school, when i found a book i had not returned. It was math, and had a blue cover. I returned it to the person sitting in the library.
    15. At My Aunt's Place

      by , 06-13-2014 at 04:08 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      June 12, 2014

      Literally all I remember from any dreams I had last night was one fragment about being at my Aunt's house in Indiana, talking to my cousin. I have no idea what we were talking about or what we were doing.
      Tags: cousin
      non-lucid , dream fragment
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