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    1. Flying Again

      by , 05-25-2014 at 09:01 PM
      Morning of May 25, 2014. Sunday

      I have gone to a second-hand bookstore again and then back to my Cubitis home, which actually seems to be in the area where our Barolin Street house was. An unknown male shows me a book which I “remember” having when younger, though this is a false memory. It is something about myth and magic and has a light brown cover with a few panel-like areas that almost remind me of the arrangement of windows on a Windows computer. A couple areas have writing and another has images. Even though I am “certain” I saw and had the book before in my dream, it is not one that I had actually seen at all in reality. There are also aspects of shiny copper on the cover and the pages’ edges. This may be very loosely related to a memory of when I was sitting with my mother on a bench in Arcadia and reading from a humor magazine (I also had the first volume of a set of encyclopedias called “Man, Myth and Magic” that we had gotten in the mail from the post office). I was reading a line aloud (fairly loudly) “…a member of the jet set” when a fairly unkempt male walked by, slouching, with his hands in his pockets. I had hoped the male did not think me to be referring to him as a joke or sarcasm (as I felt my face get hot), but he kept walking. The idea of “jet set” seems to be related to people who fly in the in-dream association with the real event when I was about ten.

      This seems to remind me somehow about my own flying ability - as I seem to recall the textbook-style “key points” that are listed in a panel and call-out boxes on the pages’ borders that ask certain things related to the steps you have done. I go outside and do a sort of fast walking and sort of thrust myself upwards and fly with no real effort (in most flying dreams I seem to be jumping into a “cushion of air” that just allows me to go farther, little different than “inverse swimming” - where the water “swims you” - but with less resistance and more control). I go on flying maneuvers several times and eventually go fairly high and go over water. I land near a beach that has a lot of junk along the shore - an area that people had used to dump larger things like bicycles and appliances, some half in the water. Another younger male is there who is interested in flying (I think he had been trying to retrieve a junk bicycle to fix up) and we fly around for a short time before I see a larger gathering of people. I am wondering why other people are not flying to get to their destination more quickly. Even if you have something heavy to move or take with you, it seems that there is no gravity to the object when touching it and beginning to hover and then moving forward - you could probably even move a house (at least the free-standing kind on stilts common to this region) that way, which I explain. My flying position is the same as it is in many other dreams, sort of leaning forwards a bit diagonally, but sometimes in standing position (rather than like Superman).

      This dream does not become fully lucid (as with many flying dreams), but it has the usual lifelong in-dream knowledge of how easy it is to rise up and hover, and then fly fairly fast (although sometimes it is more like teleportation). Some of the other people have success in rising and hovering but not flying that much.

      Over time, it becomes more of a mystery that people bother to walk around on the ground than it does to just hover or fly, not that it is more difficult to walk, but why walk when you can get somewhere more “smoothly” and more quickly? All of the people are friendly and there is no aggression from anyone to anyone else. In a way, this may be related to my “orb” form, especially in early childhood dreams - where I often had that form in dreams - I guess because flying does not really require legs, or even a body for that matter - and as I noted before, may be related to being carried around as a toddler in longer periods where you did not have to walk to get somewhere.

      This is probably another possible interpretation of flying to add to the others I have studied - in a negative sense, flying can mean “not having support” or a viable income at the time (which one dream years ago revealed directly in actual words) but can also relate to “performing well” or a higher level of success. On the other hand, my flying dreams were more often in “orb” form as a child as I “did not need legs” (or so I seemed to directly reason). So again, it is reasonable in my opinion that some flying dreams relate directly to very early childhood, even infancy (and being carried - or pushed in a baby pram - to wherever you need to go).

      On the other hand of course, it is still relevant to the fact that “movement of thought does not require legs”, as well as being of a higher level of freedom.
      Tags: flying
    2. United States Vs. Italy

      by , 05-25-2014 at 06:38 PM
      The government was at war with..I don't remember...italy? At that time, for some reason, the government was moving huge skyscrapers with helicopters. At that time, I was in one of them, so I accidentaly fell off. The building was collapsing, but for some reason when I hit the ground I was alive. I ignored that (lol) and then the building was collapsing behind me. I was stuck in rushing water, and I had to jump between tight bars and debris platforms. This jump was huge, and as I jumped everything wen't in slow motion. Everything got REALLY vivid. Then it went back to normal as I grabbed the bar and the building was so close to crushing me.

      After that, I guess the government was switching out newer flatscreens with older TV's. They weren't TV's though, they looked like computers. I dunno.

    3. The Wave

      by , 05-25-2014 at 04:50 PM
      I can't remember exactly when I had this dream. I had it on three seperate occasions, but by the last time I'd learned what to expect and I woke myself up before anything happened.

      The dream: I'm at a water park. It's on a sandy cliff beside the ocean. There is the entrance building, and then you see the main pool. Behind the main pool is a really interesting structure; thin wooden stilts hold up other pools, water slides, diving boards. The diving boards and water slides lead directly into the ocean. The pools are all full of people, some with floaties and some just swimming. There are even more people down below, on the thin beach at the bottom of the cliff and in the water. A set of wooden stairs is built into the sandy cliff wall. I find myself on the beach, and I go into the water with some friendly DCs. We swim out as far as we can, and we lose track of time. Our attention is abruptly brought to the water by one of the DCs. A massive wave is visible in the distance. It's like looking at a mountain, and it is getting bigger. The DCs around me are swimming frantically towards the shore, some of them shouting. We can see people streaming up the stairs to get away, but we're still ten or so yards out in the water. Things seem to fast forward then, and the DCs I had been with were in front of me, pulling themselves onto the stairs. I look back for the first time, and the wave is right there. The water is electric blue with tinges of green. It slams into us. I make a grab for the stairs, and my fingers brush the wood, but it feels slimy, like it's been underwater for a long time. I can't hold on. I feel the water surging me around violently for a few seconds, and then I wake up.
    4. Regina's Cathedral and Apple's Car - AP?

      by , 05-25-2014 at 04:47 PM
      The dream began with something incredibly strange and ineffable, mainly because the memory is so faint it's hardly there. I have this vague recollection of a feeling of pleasure, beautiful moment of some kind, perhaps the feeling I was searching for earlier in the night of my soul leaving my body (I was attempting an OBE). Worth writing down for future memory's sake.

      I was at the gym at the college by my house running around the track. A co-worker told me to slow down. I did, and it felt great. I raced a friend at one point, then stopped and talked to another guy. He lent me a couple video games, a strange version of Guitar Hero and another. When I tried to play them at my home, on my computer, they wouldn't work. Guitar Hero required a birth certificate. So I went on a drive and stopped for a long time at an intersection. I might have smoked a bowl, I dunno. I journeyed forth down the road. I live on top of a hill, so I came to the dead end and found a large cathedral, a cemetery and other stone-wrought creations.

      This is when the dream took a turn. I got out of my car, and there was Regina Spektor! One of my favorite artists, her voice is angelic and her musicality unparalleled. I followed her into the cathedral and we adventured a bit, making small talk. I asked, how long have you lived here? She told me she had just moved to this side of town, but she had always lived in my city. I was surprisingly cool, calm and dispassionate, likely because I was ignoring the warning bells ringing that told me this was a dream. We got back into my car, she was driving now, and she drove back down the road to my house. She needed to borrow pants, I think hers were cold and wet, as it was snowy. It hadn't been snowy before.. I tell her to let me off at my house, it's where the snowmen are. There was a large, sad looking snowman right out front. I walked inside and told my parents, Regina is here. My mom goes outside to talk to her, there's an intense, watchful man inside, perhaps a hobo, who my parents had taken in.I considered making hot cocoa, but that would take too long.

      I woke, slept, dreamed, forgot, woke, slept, dreamed, forgot. Next dream I remember, there was a car wreck near my house that people were running to. I was curious, so I decided to get on my bike. Then I decided, nah, I'll just buy a car. So I bought a car online, from Apple, for $2400. It was remote controlled, because I wasn't in it (dream logic, I was definitely with the car the whole time, but it was a third person view). I couldn't find the accident, so I drove to a theme park. I was not on the roads, my car was small, like a Smart Car, and it could hop up and down. I got past some people in my way and voyaged about. There were various levels and missions I was completing, though really I kept trying to use its GPS to get back to the wreck. At one point, I talked to a boy and said, don't be like me! I spontaneously bought this car, it was a bad idea, I'm too broke to buy a car! I picked someone up, escort mission status. A large lady, she kept us safe from attacking wolves later on whenever they jumped on the car. I used the car to climb up a small mountain that had steps. We went into a city. Cars kept wrecking into me, and my car was taking severe damage, at one point catching fire. Cops came, but didn't arrest me. What a waste of a couple grand!
    5. Yakuza

      by , 05-25-2014 at 12:49 PM
      Fragment: Yakuza
      I'm on some sort of mission, with a list of tasks to accomplish, but I need help for some of them. I ask various groups to help me in exchange for favors. One group I ask is just 4 Japanese men in business suits. We help each other out and I move on.

      Later in the dream, one of the more powerful factions tries to get in my way by interfering with those 4 Japanese men, but they have grown stronger. Their organization is now large like the Yakuza, and it works out in my favor that this evil woman has pissed them off.

      Hmmm... Might take some time to get my recall back up to par
    6. 00:00 Sunday 2014-05-25

      by , 05-25-2014 at 11:52 AM
      Gotta record during the night, running through the list of accumulated dreams every waking works OK but so much detail is lost. Several on the list forgotten entirely (it's late afternoon now).

      0:00 Sunday 2014-05-25

      01:00 bedtime

      A number of wakings during the night, lazy to record, try to build up a mental list of dreams throughout the night to last until morning, run through the list every time I find myself awake adding new dreams to the list.

      + barbecuing, the coals are round black discs with grey ash around the perimeter

      + something about racquetball

      + getting down into a rowboat with someone

      + Larry David asks me to go golfing with him, I'm suspicious since I'm not a good golfer, a tiny toy car falls to the ground I pick it up, look at it closely, and think how in the old days kids would be so happy to have such a toy and to play with it for hours

      + I'm in a smart-girl's sorority event standing at a table, the adult female counselor stands up next to me and says something, someone calls out to everyone "what are you thinking!?", I raise my hand and declare "I was thinking something to myself!" I think this is a really clever/funny comment but the room is silent in response, I think "oops...", we unroll some scrolls and read them.

      + Me and my friend are hastily trying to prepare a weapon against the coming evil/powerful guy, we do not make it in time, I implore the evil guy just to kill me and my friend, not the whole group, I think later why should I die for this evil guy I think my friend and I should double-cross and ambush him.
    7. DJ In The Club

      by , 05-25-2014 at 11:34 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #319 - WILD – 4:18AM

      I had two DEILD vibrations in SP but there was lingering fear from the previous dream and I didn't get far with it. It's close to WBTB to time so I go ahead and get up and take galantamine

      I am in a place much like Braum's or Dairy Queen. I am in line at the counter and I need to order a cheeseburger for my son. My phone rings and I answer. It's the restaurant asking what my complaint was. I tell them I have none... yet. The woman on the other line is talking nonsense and I eventually hang up. I see that I am being skipped over by the employee at the counter. I jump in and tell the young lady that I want a Jr. cheeseburger. I realize that I had been drinking a soda while on the phone and want more. I reach for one and the lid looks jacked but I drink it anyway. It tastes really good. I see a Jr. cheeseburger on the counter with the lettuce and tomato spilled out. There's no wrapper. I hope that wasn't mine because I'm not paying for that. I hear snoring. I'm not lucid but I wonder if it's really someone sleeping in the restaurant or if it's coming from.... somewhere else. I focus on the sound and wake up.

      It takes some time to get situated and I into WILD mode.

      After awhile the vibrations start. I feel stuck but I slowly manage to get up. My body feels weak and falls back on the bed. I force myself to get up again and fall to the floor. I don't understand this and feel frustrated. There's a sensation of water and I focus on it.

      I am in the bathtub. The water is running and there is a faint sound of it. It's dark in the room but some moonlight is coming in the window. I slide on my bottom back and forth intensifying the water sensation and letting the sounds fill my ears. The dream is pretty stable; it's just dark. I shout, “LIGHTS!” but nothing happens. Then a little less enthusiastic, “A little light in here please.” Nothing. The water stops. I reach and turn the knob. It's cold but the feeling of 'wet' is so vivid. I adjust the knob and the water is warm. I note how realistic this all seems.

      I become bored and recall the music TOTM. I drop all dream sensation and willingly enter the void. I announce myself but as I start speaking it turns into another voice. I see Arsenio Hall speaking into a mic but his voice sounds a little off.
      I realize I am walking in a club but not on stage. I am heading to the bar. There are green and pink neon lights on the walls and the room is sort of small. I take it all in a little shocked at my creation. I remember my part and keep on walking. I reach the bar and feel all eyes are on me. Not knowing how to play this off, I say, “Hey! I'm DJ M.I.K.E. To the C!!! Ya'll ready to paaaarrtty?” (lame I know but it was on the fly )
      I am answered by a whooping from the audience but it sounded like not very many people joined in.
      “ Hey bartender I'll take a 5th of vodak. Oh ya'll have to be more excited than that. That was kind of weak.” The bartender gives me a look but reaches under the counter for something. I laugh. “Nah nah I'm just kidding. I just want one drink. Like a beer.” The bartender gives me a polite nod.

      I suddenly wake but stay calm and DEILD back in. I tell myself the dream beer doesn't matter. I wasted time when I should have been getting busy.

      I blindly reach for a mic and a turntable and the physcial sensations are immediatly vivid. I make a basic beatbox into the mic and set it to loop. It sounds really weak at first but I turn some knobs and flip some switches and some techno music fills in. It sounds really good now and I hear the crowd cheer. I am encouraged by this and get really excited. My vision is still dim but I can now see the mixing board. I continue on, adding various sounds with the mic to the overall sound of the music. It becomes very much like dubstep and sounds really amazing and vivid. I enjoy this for quite some time and begin to dance, jerky and spastic. I wonder how the audience would react but I don't care much; It matches the beat and feels good. This doesn't last long though. I eventually jerk my physical body waking myself up.

      Does anybody like "Hot topic?-images.jpeg

      Updated 05-25-2014 at 11:42 AM by 5967

      Tags: totm
    8. 5/19 & 5/24 Time Stopping DILD & Romantic Girl Friday Session WILD

      by , 05-25-2014 at 05:21 AM

      WILD! Very nice love making session with Girl Friday. I wake up after about 6 hours and I'm very tired but try to wake myself up more first with a little weirdness induction and then just thinking about lucid dreams & my recent boldness initiated lucid dreams. It takes me a little while 2 get back to sleep partly because I tried without my earplugs thinking I was still plenty drowsy and then put them in after a while. Yesterday I start to re-read the open beta exercises but didn't quite get to exercise 2 and I also did the self hypnosis script from Steph's posting about 30 minutes before bed. This is supposed to be quick notes. Anyway the WILD. I am doing my version of SSILD and periodically break off from it to attempt to drift toward sleep but returned to the cycles several times. Eventually I get the feeling of my wife moving in to cuddle from the back and not sure if it is HHs but I feel like I'm close and try not to engage with her physically IWL and I start to get vibrations, I was wondering where the vibrations have gone. I guess I haven't been focusing on WILDs. Anyway I start to nudge on the vibrations but then remembered my plan to remain patient through them and I can tell that they are the stronger kind, the pre-dream kind. At first I get the sensation of being in an ocean again and there is a light blue glowing all around me kind of like the ocean but more floating in the air than anything else with slight ocean sensations. It is quite nice! Like last time I decided I did not want to be in the deep part of the ocean away from shore but instead the scene fades back to my bedroom but I can still tell I am in dreamland. A female outline starts to appear and patiently watch as she materializes but she takes a couple of different forms of different women before finalizing on Girl Friday. At one point she looks like my wife and I went to caress her and start to remove her clothes with foreplay etc and I could see that she
      started changing again at first she look like generic version of Girl Friday and I think that's when Girl Friday started to materialize as I realized it looked kind of like her. We start to kiss passionately and slowly remove one item of clothing after another. When we get to removing our bottom underwear the excitement intensifies but I continue to take it slow and enjoy this realistic interaction...nothing else exists for the moment! I reach down and caress her moist flower. After enjoying that for a few moments, I insert while looking deep into her beautiful brown eyes and kiss her some more. She has a look on her face like she thinks I am too large and I ask if she is okay as I want to keep this realistic and romantic. She looks half worried, half excited. I say that it is okay if she is sore the next day as long as nothing and I stop myself from saying anything more or visualizing it lest it happens. We continue on and I think about my
      conversations about kissing and looking at the face at the same time during a dream and it is working just fine and enhances the experience as usual but this time I really think about it as I am doing it. As we are going at on the floor I can hear my wife back up on the bed moving around and I think about a dutchraptor style lucidity test and consider calling out to my wife to tell her what I'm up to and maybe have her join us...who knows, she might be excited by the idea...at least in the dreamworld...probably not advisable anywhere else. I then think, what if I end up talking in my sleep so I tell GF to tell my wife what we are up to and she does...she says "We are making love" in a shy voice with a look of love on her face. I feel a rush of romantic love-like feelings. Not long after I
      find myself back in bed and smiling big and my wife notices and I turn my affection towards her. 148

      5/19/14* Short version: walking in a hallway I have a boldness initiated lucid dream (DILD where I get the urge to be bold with a passing woman and realize that it is a dream). I immediately think of my time stopping pocket watch idea from a Twilight Zone episode and I commence to use it to do various depravities to various women. It only freezes the DC's in the immediate vicinity of me and sometimes I have to press down on the pocket watch twice for it to work. I also comically expose myself while flying by some of the ladies. Two ladies turn into like Barbie dolls with no features down there. I run into a family and the mother is only one that won't freeze with my special pocket watch and she chastises me and asks are you really going to do this and I do, pulling up her shirt and feeling on her breasts but I did feel kind of bad afterwards even though this is all a dream, it felt like she had a point. Perhaps I should just enjoy exploring like the two wonderful recent dreams I had but I feel like I should experiment with this time stopping technique again...maybe in preparing for a fight or deciding what action to take...hmmm... This one lasted maybe 5 minutes. 147
    9. Short Lucids 2

      by , 05-25-2014 at 02:15 AM (A Dreamer's Dreams)
      Journal Entry Lucid #43-44 Dream,Lucid, (Comments)
      Background:I meditated and then said mantra as I went to sleep.

      Lucid Dream #43, day: 05/23/14, time: 3:03-4:33am" Adapter car":
      I was with some friends. We were hanging out, they had a little dog, everybody just hanging out. I left their house and laid on the ground. I wake up and I look around the dog is all grown up. My friends still looked the same. It has been over a year since I saw them. I see a hover aircraft. We were at war. I thought war that is ridiculous, why am I dreaming about that?

      I became lucid. I see a car coming towards me. I used TK and launched it with my mind. It went over me. I went down a snowy hill, which quickly became dry hill. I see a freeway. I went in front of some cars. It was strange a car without a driver. As I was going to sit on it, I realized that the car was just a big giant adapter. I got on it and I thought how will I use this as a car. I wanted to go forward and it went forward. It was done with will. I went extremly fast. So I didn't do exactly what I wanted but it is ok I will get it.

      Lucid Dream #43, day: 05/24/14, time: 2:15-4:04am" chicken head":

      I became slightly lucid while looking at a fridge. It had math problem, simple math problems like division/fractions. The numbers kept changing. I did a RC early in the dream that failed so I was skeptical to believe. I then told myself to confess it is a dream and I became fully lucid. I rub hands to stabilize the dream. I turn around and I see my grandmother making food for us. She was talking to my sister.I turn around and turn back. She had a chicken as a head still talking. My sister is talking to her very seriously. I couldn't stop laughing because she couldn't see the reality. I became haunted with the thought that maybe we are dreaming in the day and we don't see it. I decided to leave because they were both distracting and creepy. As I was about to walk out I woke up.

      Updated 06-07-2014 at 10:08 PM by 65865

    10. Telekinesis Test: No looking

      by , 05-25-2014 at 02:13 AM (A Dreamer's Dreams)
      Journal Entry Lucid #41-42 Dream,Lucid, (Comments)
      Background:Finally finals are over and I can relax.

      Lucid Dream #41, day: 05/19 time unknown "":
      I became lucid and I wanted to stabilize the dream. I thought about how tirelessly I rubbed my hands or touched the floor and I decided not to. I was walking and I found a book that said that it could tell the future. Instinctively I wanted to read it. I opened it and then I woke up. I fell asleep shortly and had a dream about me telling a friend about the short Lucid.

      Lucid Dream #42, day: 05/22/14, time: 3:15-5:07am" Telekinesis Test: No looking":
      Me and this girl sat next to the trash area in my house. It was much bigger than it is in waking. She was telling me about her superpowers, and how I was becoming too obsessed. I looked at her and looked around

      I jumped as I became lucid. I landed on our roof. I felt like I was a villain. I see Danny phantom hiding. I tried to grab him. He turned invisible. I tried my hardest to get him with telekinesis but I failed. He ran around house and entered another house. I went along. It was supposedly my aunts house. It was a huge mansion. she asked me if I wanted cereal. I said no and I levitated it. She acted so casual about it. The cereal fell and cheerios went all over the floor. I saw BS, and I tried to levitate him along with the cheerios. He went up in the air, but he just shook off my control and walked past me. In shock the cheerios fell.

      I then put my concentration on the cheerios. I tried to levitate them one at a time. It felt so difficult. My aunt was walking by me with gallon of milk. I levitated it off of her and I wanted to see if I could TK(telekinesis) without looking, like in the movies. I then put it on a circular path and I levitated it behind me. It didn't show up, so I turned to see if it followed my trajectory but it was just going in a straight line. I turned around and brought it back to me. I let it go and gravity took it down, but I grabbed it. I saw a doughnut and I really wanted a doughnut so I levitated one and the other was stuck to it so I put it back. After enjoying the doughnut, I went to the kitchen where I see more donuts. My uncle and my father started talking about me saying, "how could he eat her donuts like that. I looked around and I saw so many donuts and wondered who I am eating from. I was getting a little angry that they talked about me. I kept saying to myself not to get angry because lucidity is lost, but I didn't listen to myself. I am losing lucidity. They tell me that I have to follow them up the stairs. I went. I see my self in 3rd person perspective. I then see someone put some sort of code on me. I was thinking I could do whatever I want. They hacked me and controlled the dream. My uncle said, "tomorrow will never be".Time stopped. I see a battle from medieval time, suspended in time. I woke up.
      So I didn't do exactly what I wanted but it is ok I will get it.

      Updated 06-02-2014 at 05:58 PM by 65865

      Tags: telekinesis