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    1. Let's do this! (LDman)

      by , 06-01-2014 at 10:52 PM (My lucid comeback!)
      Hi, I'm LDman or actually my name is Tommy.
      A short introduction for those who might accidently end up here:

      The time that I'm writing this I'm a 16 year old guy from Belgium who has his exams starting in about 5 days.(good moment to start a new DJ...)
      This might be my very first DJ on this forum but I'm not a rookie when it comes to LDing, I had my first LD about 3 years ago.
      From then on I did nothing for a year until I saw the film 'Inception' which sparked my motivation for lucidity.
      I started heavily researching and experimenting with every technique I've found on the net in the last 2 years, have had a DJ last year for about two weeks because it was more an experiment then a real DJ. However due to the EXTREME increase in Dream-recall and lucidity I decided after one year of school (almost, exams coming up... ) that I should start a new one.
      How effective the DJ last year was you might ask?
      Well at first I could normally remember 1 dream per night, the first week of keeping the journal that increased to 6... 6!
      The second week of me keeping the journal I had already gotten 2 DILDs, and I wasn't even trying to.
      Not only that but my waking memory exploded to the point where I could remember complete conversations from weeks ago... and THIS is why I decided to begin the journal now, using it as a hacking-tool for my exams which won't be that much a problem anyway but I'm always stressed for it.

      This year without me keeping a journal or doing anything I had 15 DILDs and 2 WILDs, could remember 2-4 dreams per night and still have an extremely detailed memory...

      That was quiet a long introduction comparing to most others starting a DJ here but that's the way I am and the way you will likely read my dreams.
      I won't be posting them the moment I wake up cause I really don't have enough time then, I will dot down some key-words and likely start writing them in the afternoons if I can remember something by then. Well actually it won't be that much of a problem, I can already remember a dream I've had this morning and it is nearly midnight now so... I might just tell it already:

      Black: Awake

      Blue: Dream

      Green: Other states (Sleep paralysis/Astral Projection/...)

      Red: Lucid

      I was in a gras-field somewhere in the England and there where some shelves scattered around like it was some open-air magazine, however the shelves were spread out like 50 meters each time. Of into the distance somewhere in the middle of the field there was a steam-train slowly coming to a stop. I was looking in a shelve for a noise filter that would stop the static noise from my headphones in my computer (real life problem) and behind some cables I found them, I was extremely happy to find them there. (still haven't found them IRL, I will order them online soon... ) Anyway, so I was happy and was ready to go to my family which I knew where near the steam-train... WHEN SUDDENLY I heard gun-shots coming from the steam-train and I panicked, I knew my family was dead by then which was depressing. I told myself "Shit, I need to get the fuck out of here!", by then a rocket was launched from the steam-train and quikly flew towards me, I dodged it and it exploded behind me, I filmed it with my Phone cause I thought it would be evidence for later. I started running towards some old bridge that went over some rails. (not those from the steam-train) There I saw a modern train was starting to leave, I knew it was my last chance so I jumped on the back while it started driving. It felt like I was in a game, I fell of and tried jumping on it again but failed. Then I woke up...

      So yeah you can see how intense my normal dreams can get, and then I haven't even talked about my lucid dreams. Prepare for stories about me being chased by bears wearing clown make-up that want to rape me... seriously that happened last week in a dream but I managed to run away so don't worry.
      My friends at school are usually amused when I tell them about my dreams and I understand why. I haven't had any childhood trauma's nor am I crazy so stay calm.

      Updated 07-17-2015 at 05:17 PM by 69433

      non-lucid , side notes
    2. Lucid dream: Awareness in the field

      by , 06-01-2014 at 09:30 PM
      I'm standing in the middle of a field of what looks to be the high school I use to go to. Theirs not much going on which leads me to have extra self awareness, I then become lucid but it isn't very vivid at all, it's almost completely black, I then say "Narity Clow" when i meant to say "Clarity now" but sure enough, it worked! The field then came into focus and I was very lucid I started hovering up above the field, nearly getting into the clowds I then awoke from exitement, I then performed another reality check and I found I was back in this reality, or AKA 3rd demention.
    3. #1. The Invisible-Making Water and the Dorito

      by , 06-01-2014 at 08:16 PM
      In bed: 2:39 AM - 9:38 AM

      #1. I. 8:00 AM
      I am with a few other people who seem to be slightly younger than me and it almost seems as if I am leading them somewhere. We go to this short outdoor building that you might find on the side of a school. We walk into a short room that reminds me of a standard dining room or a meeting room with a long table in the center of the space with chairs around it. There is a door diagonally on the other side of the room that is open which I can see a group of 8 or so people in there in a similar room meeting. I recognize 2 or 3 of the people in the room. They are part of a competitive eating team of some sort. They see us and seem to be finishing up their meeting before they come out to greet us. One of the people that I am with is holding a plastic cup filled with what seems to be water. But there is something special about the water, as the person takes a Dorito and puts it in and shows me. I watch as the Dorito almost seems to turn invisible as it submerges in the water. This liquid makes it transparent and see through, though you can still sort of see the outline of the Dorito in the cup.

      Updated 06-06-2014 at 08:15 PM by 51715

    4. Diving in water, a goal completed!

      , 06-01-2014 at 06:58 PM
      Supps: G, C and 200mg L-theanine.

      I think I had more lucids than this last night but I cant remember them. I only remember 2 of them and they are pretty cloudy right now. I looked at my clock after one of them and it said 7 then I woke up for the day at about 10, I usually don't get to sleep in this long.

      So both of these revolved around work and I may have the dreams scrambled a bit but I think most of the information is there, a lot of detail is missing though.

      Dream 1: I was part of an inspecting team and me and another were doing an inspection on a girl over some paperwork she had. As I was looking on I held my hand in the air and observed more fingers than I should have, I then brought it closer and saw yay 8. Lucid: I found my way outside and this might have been either dream so im not sure if this lucid went with this DILD or not. Before I opened the door to outside I cleared my mind and tried not to think of anything, since I was curious what it would look like outside. I opened it and I was right in the middle of a river, this river was really flowing and it was very rocky, pretty cool looking. I saw a boulder and levitated it, just for fun I guess. It seems like every dream I have had lately had some sort of telekinesis in it. So after I did that I flew upward. Again I may be mixing dreams but I flew straight up as fast as I could and got very high, the surrounding got very dark all of a sudden and now it was night. I stopped in the air and looked around. I saw a city with lights all around it and flew toward it as fast as I could. When I got to a tall building I flew straight down to see what was going on on ground level. As I touched down the dream started to fade. I saw the two buildings (or one building that had two separate bases), the street was lit by street street lights, but that is the last thing I remember.

      Dream 2: I was at work once again and I was in an area I wasn't supposed to be in that was for the higher ups, I kind of cut through there. I was walking down a hall way and ran across a section that was flooded with red water and there was a rubber duckey floating on top of it. Did a RC Lucid: I got outside as quick as I could but was kind of lost in a maze of inside. As I headed up stairs I pictured a door to the outside and bam there it was. I got outside and I was in the wilderness I guess. There wasn't anyone around at all. I saw a hill and flew up it to the top, just gliding along the slope upward. I got to the top and I was kind of curious as to why there was no one around anywhere. This has been a theme in some of my most recent dreams, there have been no DCs really in them. At least my fully Lucid ones. I was kind of looking for some but could not see any, anywhere. So at the top of a hill I saw a lake, or maybe I thought of the lake and when I turned around there it was. This was one of my goals last night was to go in the water. I did some kind of weird dive into the water that was quite a ways below me and had my eyes closed when I hit. I felt the coolness of the water and it was very invigorating. It was almost as exciting as the first time I flew in a lucid dream. This excitement along with my eyes being closed woke me.

      I did have another non-lucid vivid very memorable dream after these but wont type it on here. It had something to do with an underground bunker, mission impossible style I was invisible and trying to infiltrate. I remember thinking that it would be cool to set off an ICBM in a dream, so this one was semi-lucid.
      non-lucid , memorable , lucid
    5. That's Impossible

      by , 06-01-2014 at 06:52 PM (balban's Dream Journal)
      I was on a large plateau over looking a city scape. It was night time and I remember looking out over the lights of the city. I was performing intricate drum beats on a rather large, rectangular drum. It kind of looked like a bed with a tightened bed sheet. I was so focused on my part that I could see the bed sheet vibrating with every strike and it producing the amazing low tone. It was hypnotic in a sense watching the vibrations of the sheet match the vibrations in my chest.

      I looked across from me and I noticed FL beating a drum as well. He was smiling and looking right back at me. Then he brought a joint up to his lips and inhaled deeply. Grinning as he exhaled, he told me that I shouldn't be performing without it. I just chuckled in disbelief that FL was smoking pot. It was/is unimaginable. (I would think this should have made me lucid, but alas... no)

      Suddenly, I was kneeling in MD's room whispering to him that FL was smoking pot and how damn funny it was. We both laughed.

      Updated 06-20-2014 at 05:37 PM by 69350

    6. Castle Crashers

      by , 06-01-2014 at 06:43 PM (balban's Dream Journal)
      Dream Fragment
      I don't recall much other than the environment was like a top down, 2D castle maze that I was moving through. And the whole time, I kept hearing South Park's Cartman screaming "GO, KINGS! GO!"

      I woke up a little annoyed. I felt a sense of urgency in the dream and hearing that over and over was really irritating.

      Updated 06-20-2014 at 05:38 PM by 69350

      dream fragment
    7. 6/1/14 - Drunken Sailor

      by , 06-01-2014 at 02:24 PM
      The first dream is a blur. All I remember is my mom and myself looking at a cat lying outside our window. He fell, but we heard him land on his feet. Another, smaller cat came up to us afterward.

      I was half in a video game and half in real life. I was on a trip somewhere with my class. A couple of things happened. I rode a tiger in third person. When the trip ended, we had to go home on a boat, but it was a bunch of platforms that came one at a time. While I was waiting, I started singing "Drunken Sailor" and a few people joined in. Eventually, everyone was singing and dancing, but my feet kept acting like they do in dreams and didn't do what I wanted them to do.
    8. Telekinetic Endeavors

      by , 06-01-2014 at 12:01 PM
      Morning of June 1, 2014. Sunday.

      My dream opens in an unusual variation of our present home with some rotated or altered structures of our Barolin Street house (including the inside back steps over the bare ground in a larger enclosed porch-like area, but which continues southward into a more internal house-like area) as well as my sister’s old house on Loomis Street in America. The staircase area of the Barolin house is oriented in a different direction; to the south rather than the west; and there appears to be several bunk beds. The environment is somewhat like a boarding house for older ex-convicts with a slight prison atmosphere. I am not familiar with any of the males, and curiously, there is an Australian essence to the setting, which is fairly rare in my dreams even though I have lived here since February 9, 1994.

      At one point, I am aware that the boarding house has a strange secret related to a potential local development of personal paranormal power of some sort. It seems that Ned Kelly was buried under the wooden staircase within the area of the boarding house that is enclosed but which has a dirt floor (similar to the enclosed back porch and utility area of the Barolin Street house). The beds are near that area, aligned west along one wall. I talk with a few other males. At another point, I look at the ground under the staircase to determine what could be there. There is an eerie association with the seeming story regarding the remains. There is evidence that a coffin is just under the ground’s surface as there is a very slight elevation of the dirt of one area. However, the story also may be that just the remains had been buried there with no coffin.

      In another part of my dream, either a policeman or a convict serving as an in-house policeman and wearing a gun holster arrives. This area appears to be the back entrance from Loomis Street at first. He dismisses the idea of there being a body in the ground under the stairs and seems a bit annoyed by the apparent myth or “convict gossip”. There is also some sort of shift or “reset” where the man’s name is John (John Kelly?) instead of Ned Kelly. It may just be a man named John who has no infamy or history of anything notable. The other male denies anything unusual about the boarding house or the ground beneath it.

      Over time though, I do develop a telekinetic power supposedly related to my being in the area; a common ability in dreams (but not previously associated with longer-term attainment or being in a certain location). This recurring dream act is done by mentally willing something from across the room straight into the palm of my hand with a sort of rubber-band-like effect. At a later point, there are unknown females in the boarding house which does now seem more like some sort of prison or supposed rehabilitation venue. They are all seated at a large picnic table inside the main area. One reminds me of a somewhat unkempt female factory coworker from years ago. She asks me if I can prove something regarding my abilities and I comply by willing a large object which is some sort of larger purse or oversized pencil bag (or for art supplies) across the room and into my hand in a swift manner. She then mentions of how her faith in the existence of benign spirits or angels has grown but I am not exactly sure why this act helped her. This may have something to do with the potential to escape from the scene by one person taking something from a guarded area, such as a key, perhaps.

      There is some sort of awareness that the telekinetic ability also has something to do with magnetism and wearing some sort of magnetic bracelet (that was buried in the ground under the stairs?) even though the items I will into my hand from other areas of the room, including a glass of orange juice, are not actually magnetic (although the pencil-bag-like items do have a metal zipper).

      Eventually, I am on my own, wandering around outside. I end up at a residential area with another unknown male but who may be a version of my brother Earl at a much younger age, as the house is vaguely like the one he lived in in Florida. He seems interested in my telekinetic ability but does not quite believe in its full potential. In one area outside near a patio and shed, he tests me with selecting a chosen item and sailing it quickly into my hand from a fair distance. These items seem mostly related to male cosmetic products, mostly all of the same brand, perhaps Avon, I think, because of some sort of play on “nova”.

      I end up drawing a larger item into my hand which slides on its own across the table’s surface of which I think may be a piece of plywood. The fact that it slides somewhat instead of just leaping into my hand is somewhat frustrating, but not a dominant issue. It seems like a plastic pencil bag for school but about twice the size and may be some sort of travel kit. The indicated goal, however, was actually a smaller bottle of shampoo or something similar immediately to its left. I do not feel as if I have failed in the task, but may need to try a bit more to discern individual items for more telekinetic manipulation. The other male is still impressed and interested.
    9. Another short LD

      by , 06-01-2014 at 12:49 AM (A Dreamer's Dreams)
      Journal Entry Lucid #45-47 Dream,Lucid, (Comments)

      Lucid Dream #45, day: 05/29/14, time: 3:23-5:06am" shortest lucid":
      I was in the bathroom taking a bath, which I normally don't do. And a girl walked in. I didn't want to be seen naked so I told her to close it. She didn't want to close it. I realized it was a dream. I did a RC, first the finger count, but since it takes time, I did a nose plug. I got out without a care in the world. As I was walking, she followed me, then somebody bumped into me and said that she is a fraud. I woke up.

      Lucid Dream #46, day: 05/30/14, time: 4:02-5:42am"":

      I became lucid as I was on the internet watching a video where a man tells the crowd that we all can fly and that we are amazing. We all started flying and I became lucid. As I look up at the clouds floating up. I thought about death and how wonderful it would be if it was as beautiful as this. I heard music play in the background. The wizard man made fireworks and I see colors blend in the sky. I wanted to rub my hands to prolong the lucid dream but I couldn't. I just accepted things as it is and I flew.

      Lucid Dream #47, day: 05/31/14, time: unknown"":

      As I daze away in sleep. I am in my kitchen. I thought about how real it feels. I start rubbing my hands. I thought, "Wow where imagination hits dream". I went down at the ground and felt the texture and marveled at the details. I got up and felt the table. I started getting excited. I wanted to leave. I tried to control the anxiety that I have because I know it will wake me up. I see my grandmother in the house. Nothing could calm me down better than family. I walked towards my grandma and she kept getting shorter and shorter. I hurried towards her and I hugged her. She stopped shrinking. I told her I love her. I woke up soon after as I became excited about doing telekinesis.

      Updated 06-07-2014 at 10:15 PM by 65865
