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    1. And so the quest begins... [20/06/14]

      by , 06-20-2014 at 11:26 PM (My lucid comeback!)
      The exams are over!
      Now all there's left to do is await the results and focus on the dreams.

      I was so tired this evening though from all the work I had the last two weeks that I had to take a nap.
      No DR this night but tomorrow I will restart my quest for lucidity!

      Updated 06-24-2014 at 09:02 AM by 69433

    2. Basement

      by , 06-20-2014 at 08:09 PM
      I'm lying in my parents' bed. I look through the window and see a corridor with people walking through it and gain lucidity. I use verbal commands and touching the walls to stabilize the dream which seems to work. I end up in a dark room with various brown doors. I try to open some of them but they stay closed. One door leads to an elevator but I don't want to enter it because I have the idea that entering an elevator in a lucid dream is bad (?). Then I'm in a basement. I touch a plastic bag which is filled with pasta and nails. I try to keep the pasta from falling out. I decide I need to touch an object to stabilize the dream. I grab a package of iron cables but they feel weird so I pick up a paint brush. I decide to walk upstairs and I hear my uncle talking on the phone about my grandfather. He says he has the "old sore" and the "old width"'. I continue walking upstairs until the stairs before me suddenly start descending and I have to turn around to continue climbing. I arrive at my old room and there is some anime playing on the tv.
    3. Fighting "another dreamer"

      by , 06-20-2014 at 07:46 PM (My Lucid Dreams)
      I was trying to chill down, you know, stop fighting in my lucid dreams... but damn can DCs be convincing !

      Lucidity: 6/10
      Control: 8/10
      Vivacity: 7/10

      I'll skip most of the non-lucid part of the dream... basically, I was a video game "testeur" testing the "all new" Xbox one. I was to test a really cool game combining Attack on Titan and Resident Evil; it was even more awesome when realized that the Xbox one was actually a hovering platform with a few buttons on it.

      I somehow become lucid in the streets of my hometown (I think). There are two guys in front of me. I think one of them was Lmrhone, a guy from open gym, an old friend of mine or my brother. I tell them that it's a dream and they answer something like "Oh, he found out. So what do you wanna do?". I answer that I want to fly (I haven't had a good, vivid flying session in ages).
      I notice one on the left thinking about it for a second, but then he looks back at me and goes "No. I want to fight you."
      I remember that I've had a lot of fighting LDs lately and I really don't feel like having another fight now.
      "You're not real. You can't fight me if I don't want you to," I say.
      ... He's real? Mmm.. I guess I could give him a chance then.
      The two guys transform into small Titans and so do I, and we start fighting. I remember sending a tronadoe kick in the angry dude's face and throwing them over my shoulder.
      I transform back into my normal human size, and throw fireballs at the angry guy's face "DBZ style." Then, I switch to telekinesis to throw the other guy onto the wall at my right (they're still in Titan form). The angry guy tries to punch me but I use telekinesis to send him through the wall of a building about 20 meters away. He's not giving up, though. He crawls back up and tries to punch me again, but I grab his arm and throw him on the floor. The dream keeps going with four or five throws to the ground until
      I have a false awakening and loose my lucidity.
      Tags: fighting, titans
    4. 6.20.14

      by , 06-20-2014 at 07:29 PM
      The back of my car is packed full of random things. Behind the passenger seat is a stack of about 20 books. A few of the books are about lucid dreaming; two are about kids growing up with out a mom or a dad. My stepdad is here and I want to tell him about the books about the kids but realize it might be awkward since he grew up without a mother. He does notice the dream books and tells me he thinks I've been doing drugs in order to have lucid dreams.
      Tags: books, cars, dreams, drugs
    5. 20th of June.

      by , 06-20-2014 at 06:32 PM
      Date:20th of june.
      Total sleep: Not sure.
      Daytime Techniques: RC's, dream yoga, awareness.
      Lucid Techniques: Memory.
      Recall Techniques: DJ, lying in bed remembering.
      Fell Asleep: Unknown
      Dream Title: The magical ring.
      Dream: I am in a tower. It is a long way down in a spiraling staircase. I am a lower ranking person of sorts. I go outside the house, i find a lake, and i dive downwards into it. I find 2 silver rings, a green ring, and a gold ring. The green ring can crush anything that is hit by it, into a thousand pieces. The gold ring makes me invisible. The silver rings are just pretty/valuable. With closer inspection, i find that the tower is my house, just very altered, and that the outside with the lake, is simply my yard, slightly altered.
      Vividness: 9
      Awareness: 2
      Length: 4
      Emotions: Surprise, temptation.
      Dream Signs: My house, magic.

      Dream Title: The cluttery mess of the long-road city.
      Dream: This dream was an INSANE mess, with parts of the dream scattered in my memory, and the dream constantly evolving and changing. I start out in the normal world, it seems like my ''person'' in the dream grows. Eventually i am somehow teleported to a different universe, the universe in new or something, since i am much higher ''level'' (level 13 to be exact) than everybody else. My friends were baffled how i was oneshotting every enemy. I eventually tell my friends in the new universe how i am actually from a different place. It seeems the new universe does not have the word remove or anything similiar. I was very popular in the old universe, but now i have to rebuild my relationships. I see a beautiful girl, we start flirting for a bit. She then takes something that is mine and run off (cant remember), i chase her and pin her to the ground. I give her a long kiss. I get up and jump over the brushes, i gain lucidity (actually i may have been lucid earlier, cant remember). I look at my hands for a second, and try to feel the ground. However i quickly lose lucidity since i was not paying attention. I end up in a house, where some man brutally murders this girl i knows' familiy. He doesn't kill me or her, however. We give him some eggs, and he passes out somehow (did i hit him?). We escape upwards using bikes
      Awareness: 1-9
      Length: 9
      Emotions: Happines, disgust, temptation, pride.
      Dream Signs: My city, friends, games, supermarket.

      Dream fragments/parts of the dream i cant pinpoint: -I am biking with a large group of my friends.
      - I am in car
      - I buy GoT in a supermarket.
    6. Weird Planes and Geraldo Rivera

      by , 06-20-2014 at 06:22 PM (balban's Dream Journal)
      Dream #1
      I was standing on the tarmac of a small, mountaintop airport waiting to board a 6 seated plane. There was a man, whom I assumed was the pilot helping the few of us on the plane. He wore a WWII styled US Army hat (the kind they would wear in boot camp), the drab olive Army fatigues pants, and a deep red Hawaiian shirt. His beard, though cut really short, was nearly all gray. He had an unlit, 3/4 smoked cigar in the corner of his mouth.

      The door to the small plane was at the rear of the craft. It opened, rather than from the rear midsection of the plane, from the back toward the side (hard to explain, this is more for me to remember I guess). I thought it was an odd configuration since the props were on the back of the plane as well and we were walked around the blades to get into the plane. My seat was in the back right next to the door, oddly just across from where the pilot's seat was.

      Once we all got on, the pilot latched the door closed, took his seat and started up the plane. We taxied to the runway, he spooled up the engines and we took off. I got really nervous when the attack angle started to rise above what I have normally experienced (it was damn near 90°, if not more!). I looked over at the pilot and he seemed unphased by the weird angle, which made me feel better and I just assumed that it must be normal for props that push the plane rather than pull it.

      After having that though, I suddenly felt gravity tugging on me. So much so that it moved me from my seat and pushed me against the door of the plane. I heard a click and the door flew open. I quickly grabbed onto the back of the seat that I had been sitting in and held on for dear life. My heart in my throat, I looked at the pilot, as if silently pleading for him to do something. He took one look at me and said, "Alright... Hold on a second. I'll take care of it." He seemed really calm, which confused me a little.

      The next moment I was standing in a small mountain village with everyone that was in the plane. The pilot was making suggestions as to what we could do there and reminded us that we would have to continue on with wherever we were going in an hour. He also said that he would leave without us if we were late.

      Dream #2
      I was buying an old beat up truck. SM was with me. After the purchase, I was driving it home. We reached an intersection and stopped at the red light. I was watching the left turn traffic in front of me move when their light turned green. There was a gray Honda Accord looking car that had just broken it's turn when a white BMW looking car passed me in the lane next to me, obviously running the red light. The white car attempted to skirt around the gray car, but failed when it struck the gray car. Both cars stopped. My light turned green and I moved to drive around the accident. As I passed the white car I saw Geraldo Rivera looking back and me. He was shrugging at me as if he was trying to say, "Help me out. You saw what happened." At first I was just going to ignore it, but I figured that Geraldo is kind of a douchebag, so I will help the other guy out. Yeah... I saw what happened alight.

      The white and gray car moved to the side of the road. I turned around and parked my new, beater truck behind the gray car, which was parked behind the white car. I got out of my truck and headed passed the gray car. This is when the driver of the gray car got out of his car. He was kind of staggering around. I grabbed him by the shoulders and asked him if he was OK. He looked at me and I instantly knew him. It was WL, but he didn't seem to recognize me because we haven't seen each other since I was in my late teens.

      I was totally surprised by this turn of events and I asked him if he recognized me. He seemed really confused and said that he didn't. I walked him over to the curb and sat him down. I asked him again if he was sure that he didn't recognize me. I just shook his head. I sat on the curb next to him, which is when I had the thought that he was drunk or high. He was acting so weird. He was struggling to keep himself upright and kept trying to lay down. I asked him if he was hurt, but he just shook his head no. I asked him if he was drunk or high. He said that he had taken some medication recently. He said the name, something like peralitan(?). I asked him if that was some kind of barbiturate and that maybe he shouldn't say anything. I told him that I would handle Geraldo for him (because Geraldo is a douchebag and I didn't want him to win this one!).

      WL laid down when Geraldo walked up to us. I again asked WL if he recognized me. This time, he took a long look and I could tell that he finally realized who I was. After a brief moment of recognition, he gave me this "oh shit" look. But I told him not to worry. I will take care of this for him.

      Geraldo gave me the folded paper and asked me to fill it out. I sat down on the curb and looked at it. I began filling it out, but at some point I realized that it was some order form for CDs. Geraldo had gone back to his car as I was filling it out, so I went up to him and asked him what this form was. He took it from me and agreed that this isn't what he meant to give to me. I reached over to his glove box and opened it.
    7. 6-20-14; Demon

      by , 06-20-2014 at 05:35 PM
      Had this dream this morning:

      I am in a car with my boyfriend, A, and we are driving on the road to the barn. Once we are there, we see his mom, and an ambulance. There is screaming and someone is crying. I don't see her, but I know A's sister is in the ambulance. There is a general feeling of oppression and fear around the place. The EMT's figure out that A's sister was possessed by a demon, and they "fix" her.

      The scene switches to the inside of a large building. Everything is dimly lit by a source-less, blue light. A has disappeared, and now there is a blond-haired girl with me. She has a very sinister look to her, and I know right away that the demon found a new host. There are some other people around, and the demon-girl tries to convince us that we're safe here, all we have to do is listen to her. I argue otherwise, and say outright that she is a demon. Everyone gets really scared, but the demon-girl keeps her cool.

      The scene changes again, and me and the other people are standing in front of the girl. We're in a very similar building, but it looks more ominous, and older. She is explaining something to us; a challenge of sorts. She tells us that we can leave if we can find a way out. I don't think she mentions what will happen if we can't find an exit. It seems pretty obvious.

      I go off with one or two other people, looking for a way out. The two others with me disappear after a short while, and I find myself in a underground tunnel system. It looks eerily like the inside of some giant monster's intestines, but I feel confident and reassured now; I know the exit is near. No one else is near me, and I haven't seen the demon girl for some time. I'm safe.

      I wake up just as a purplish light comes into view at the end of the tunnel.

      Updated 06-20-2014 at 11:07 PM by 69342

    8. Walking in the desert and Yeo-Wool blindfolded

      by , 06-20-2014 at 05:25 PM
      I'm walking through a desert at night, heading south. I was traveling with someone before, and we're meant to be meeting up again later, but she's driving and I'm on foot, and there's a lot of territory between here and where we're going. We've been heading south along the west coast, and I'm thinking of the area I'm in now as Butte County, and also the northern edge of the desert in California. This desert is incredibly beautiful by night, and there are walkways cutting through it, no roads. I come to the top of a little hill and see a large city in the distance; the walkway splits to run north and south around the edge of the city. There are a few other people walking here, and I'm putting serious thought into just walking along these paths forever. (Similar theme came up in an earlier dream this week - a girl impatiently waiting for me to wander the world on foot with her, me pointing out the reasons I couldn't just drop everything and start walking this instant.)

      Yeo-Wool's blindfolded herself with this white cloth I think of as a veil - it's transparent, but it's folded over and over so she can't see through it. She's sworn to wear this until (a certain thing I can't remember is accomplished). She and some guy she travels with are stopping at this fortress, and in the halls they meet a man, someone important. Kang Chi's with the important man - Yeo-Wool, blindfolded, isn't aware he's here. Without letting her know it's him, one or the other of them (can't remember which) says something to establish that it's still not time to take the veil off yet, much as they'd like to. He's smiling as he watches her - the majority of the dream just consisted of me, 3rd person, looking at her. I wondered something about the school - it was clear she wasn't associated with it at the moment - and the dream switched over to show Gon eating in his room at the school, which he's inherited from her father.
    9. The Heist

      by , 06-20-2014 at 04:44 PM
      [Warning- this involved someone eating my crap. Actually, this was a major point in the dream. So....]

      [10: 30 PM]

      I was with someone, possibly HorseLime, and another guy I can't remember, but who I'll coin Bob. Bob was a big guy- not so much wide but tall, white, and with a very lackadaisical personality. His voice seemed to draw a bit, into a not quite southern accent. Nonetheless, he chose his words very precisely, and, though I didn't feel like it at first, he was very intimidating.

      I'm not entirely sure where we were initially, but we ended up going around different jail cells as "guests," and talking to some of the inmates. Of particular note, there were these large, marble (?) tables in each of the cells. At a certain time of night though, the jailers would grab these tables and stow them somewhere inaccessible. The heist that we were going to perform required a table similar to this, and we tried coming up with a plan to grab one.

      Though the table wasn't our end goal, but rather a means to an end, I don't remember what that end was supposed to be. I was being driven by HorseLime at one point (as a side note, I only remember one instance of me ever driving a car, and that resulted in a terrible crash), and he brings up the need for this table, and how we would steal it. I asked him why it wouldn't just be easier to purchase a similar table, and he realized that made a lot more sense.

      Some time passed, and we must have successfully completed the heist, as we were sitting in Bob's home, and, since he helped us with the steal, we now had to help him in return. His payment was our feces... He wanted us to crap for him, so that he could eat it . (At this point, my dream cut really quick to an image of Burnie Burns eating feces, and saying, while laughing sarcastically, "This is great."). I told him this was fine, but I didn't need to use the bathroom immediately, to which his response involved pulling me towards the middle of this apartment complex, pointing to the ground, and saying, "Do it there."

      Like I said, he was pretty intimidating, so I wandered outward a bit for a moment, took a whiz on a tree, in which my stream seemed to bounce off the roots which were out of the ground partially, and then returned to take said crap in said location. Unfortunately, as mentioned, I didn't need to go. After a while, I returned back to a home, and sat on the toilet (which was very reminiscent of designs I had in mind) , hoping this would induce some bowel movements and I had a tiny piece of crap come out, to which I panicked, considering he probably wanted that as well. I wiped my ass, with the toilet paper being bloody red when I pulled away, and returned back to the spot, where, again, I couldn't go.

      I tell him I can't as of now, and he gets mad, thinking I'm trying to short change him (as if I wanted to keep my crap...). I end up returning back to my house and am wandering around my backyard. The backyard was completely flooded except right by the deck stairs, and I didn't want to walk around too much and get dirty. There were two people walking in the far corner towards me though, wearing a dress and suit respectively. I can't picture the guy, but the girl, who I didn't recognize, seemed to recognize me. The couple went up the deck and started knocking on the back door. My father came in through the garage door, and also seemed to recognize her. The girl then turns back to me, and says, "Now do you remember me?" I claim she is #59-942, and I guess I was right, though she didn't look quite like her.

      I make/wade my way through the backyard further and reach the other side of our yard where it was less dry. Looking beyond the fence (since our backyard is slightly inclined), I see all the trees have staircases that spiral around them leading upward to platforms that are surrounded by smaller trees. I conclude one of those places would be a great place to crap, as it would be hidden, and I could then pay Bob back.

      I woke up at this point and fell back asleep as follows:

      [5:00 AM]

      I was at school, sitting (again) next to this girl I used to like (I realized its been more than 5 years now since I've seen her so I have no idea why she keeps cropping up). Another girl approaches the table we're sitting at, and states to #04-90207 that there are ways to improve herself. #04-90207 says she would like to fix a bump on her nose, which resulted in it being slightly crooked, to which I laughed and said I liked that about her. She responds with "I know" and we discuss how school is unfair. She ends with, "You'll do well in computer science."

      Across the room I notice Bob from earlier and Jack Patillo. I don't know if I crapped or not in the tree earlier, but I make my way back to Bob's. Jack also made a deposit near my crap. I tell him that I am nearly able to pay him and he goes to where I crapped, and sees two piles, plus a third (though I don't know where this originated from). He apologizes for doubting me, and presumably goes to town .

      [ Fragments ]

      - I may have gotten into a fight at some point as I remember looking into the mirror and seeing some of my teeth out of place. I put in my retainer and hoped for the best.
      - Someone told me to clockout of their online system
    10. Little Girl, Escalator machine setting and the Dream Invader

      by , 06-20-2014 at 04:25 PM
      * I don't recall the non lucid parts so i didn't write it down.

      1st Dream
      I was in a apartment I don know trying to get iced cubes for my drink. I opened the fridge and tried to get it out but the cube tray fell from my hands and ended up touching the bloody meat in the fridge. I emptied the cube try and poured new water in it than closed the fridge. After that I appeared in a school with my mom and younger brother. I looked at my mom and said I was dreaming and that its possible that we could be sharing a dream. I'm always open minded about it even though I know it can't be true. She was like okay and just went with it. I saw a little girl from the tickling feet dream and said she looked like a mix of these young girls i use to know but the dream character was more younger looking. I told my mom that the girl dc was a character i enjoyed and I like being in the dream with them. I hugged the girl than left to the auditorium where my brother was with a group of people. They were about to take photos. The little girl held my hand and we sat next to each other near my father. My father told me to get in the picture and I was like just for the fun of it I'm going to yell that this is a dream. I did yell it out but than the little girl covered my mouth and whispered to me to be quiet. One of those people could have jumped me after i started yelling that. I was like oh...I forgot. Everyone started leaving and i started to yell if anyone wanted to be my fighting buddy just in case i ran into some trouble. No no one volunteered though. The little girl shrank so i carried her outside the auditorium. I left outside and saw my brother waiting outside in the rain with a black umbrella. I was like aw man...its raining. He wasn't covering me with the umbrella and just said lets go home. I told him to cover me with it and i woke up.

      2nd Dream
      I was in a house with a few people. I don't remember if I know them or not but we were all hanging out and they were about to leave. I was going to stay with a guy who I thought was Eye but I don't think he was. Cause he didn't have his appearance but I ended up appearing at my house after a while and there was a group of people taking pizza out of the toaster and from the plates. I took one but i saw others getting two so I was like heyyyyy. Than I was like whatever because there was no more to go around. I left the place and ended up in a park where i saw a old friend from middle school. He was talking to others about how he got a blond girl pregnant when he didn't mean to. The other guy kept asking why and i was like if you keep asking him why your going to make him go crazy. Than I noticed the ground was up and it felt like I was going to fall down. I tried to get myself comfortable enough so i can trick my mind. I jumped down I think and was walking in a building where there were machines that looked like escalators. AS I walked something invisible came up to me and started tapping me in between my neck and shoulder. I thought they were trying to annoy me by tickling me. I grabbed the person's finger and said i was going to break it if they don't leave me alone. The person ran again and i noticed that the person looked like a old lady. I lost her and noticed my nephew and another little boy fall into the escalator machine. I grabbed both of them and pulled them up. I knew it was a dream but i don't like those violent scenes and decided to save them. I appeared home with my nephew told my sister to check her son cause he fell in the machine. She checked and we saw his head was dented. She said it was going to be hard to show his father this and I woke up.

      3rd Dream
      In the last dream I was in a house with my cousin. We were talking and something was odd so I said I would call her dream friend Shrunt. I said hi and he asked who I was. I told him who i was and that i wanted him to come. As I was walking I appeared in my yard. There was a really really tall boy and my mom there. Something happened there and i left and appeared in the streets again. I saw people flying on gates and being blown by a strong wind. It reminded me of my other dream where the ground was facing up. I was waiting for the person causing the strong wind as i was told by a dream character and someone came out. I tried to grab or punch them but it didn't work. I don't really remember this part of the dream so i might have missed a lot. I recall we ended up in the escalator place again and as i was chasing the person i got stuck in a machine. My legs were getting crushed but it didn't hurt cause i knew it was a dream. My legs came out just fine as i kept going up.I was imagining myself as a person with the ability to go through things like a ghost. I got up just fine and confronted the person causing the chaos. I asked if they were in the other dream with the escalators and i think he confirmed it. He said he didn't know I uploaded youtube videos and showed a video of my character from my original story kissing another character of mine.[That does not appear on my youtube videos though xD lol] I was surprised and thought about how weird the kissing looked too. I said how did you know that I uploaded youtube videos. Than i thought about how its not that hard to figure what my youtube is since this is a dream world from my mind. I asked him if he wanted to meet my dream guide. He said " yeah, who wouldn't want to meet a dream guide if their destroying the person's dream world". [ I really just wanted to see him spar with Eye]I grabbed his arm and started walking with him. I took a phone and he said he would call for me. He typed a few numbers and gave it to me. I said no that wont work and he gave me a are you stupid face and so did other dream characters next to him. I guess it could work but when i answered it there was a girl and she said Eye was around but talking to someone. I was like oh than i heard a sound like the world just paused and woke up.I don't know if the guy was real or not but I found it a cool dream nonetheless. I also need to be more confident with my dream abilities. I couldn't even catch up to the guy. : P I'm pretty good at defending myself though.
      Tags: dream, lucid
      lucid , non-lucid
    11. Boring Dream

      by , 06-20-2014 at 03:10 PM
      It was night and my little sister and I walked out of the house to watch the bus come, which was supposed to be filled with money. I was also holding the trash can that we were supposed to take down the hill. Then we heard dog barking. Morgan took off running into the backyard and I saw it follow her up and down the hill and through shrubs, but it was like the trash can was holding me down and I couldn't stop her. My mom came out and opened the garage and I started yelling for her help. For some reason, the dog hadn't bit my sister. In my dream, I thought this was because she wasn't filled with anxiety like I was when she was being chased. She was simply determined not to get bit. I let go of the trash can and picked her up bride-style, and I ran her through the garage and into the house.

      I was following Kelcy down airline road, and he was on his way to get some strawberries. I decided I could get a free lunch. I somehow got onto this spiraling stairway that led down to where a bunch of lunch ladies were working in a condensed, layered, factory setting. The bottom of the stairs were touching a window from which Styrofoam boxes of food were coming, each box made by a machine and lunch lady I could see through the window and brought by the conveyor belt. A lunch lady spotted me and told me to leave, but I didn't leave until I stuffed one of the boxes up my shirt.
    12. Missed high school form

      by , 06-20-2014 at 12:20 PM
      It was the end of college like it is now but I was in my form that I was in in high school, In our form room with miss Bentley and in uniform. When speaking to Libby I found out they had been there once a week for the whole year whereas it was my first time. I found out they had done my timetable wrong and where I had a free Friday first I should have had tutorial with them. I was gutted of course because I loved my form. Molly Crawford came round with a piece of paper where we had to write 1 thing we liked 1 thing we wanted to improve, I put performance family for what I liked and I didn't get round to the other bit. Miss Bentley was asking me for an essay which I hadn't done but it was for EPQ which I dropped then she was asking me for other forms and stuff none of which I had. There was another boy Ben who's timetable had missed it off as well so I was trying to talk to him but everyone was talking over each other. Me char and lib were saying how weird it was that we were in uniform and we asked miss Bentley whether to call her miss Bentley or Sara.
    13. Major Threats from Two Directions

      by , 06-20-2014 at 12:20 PM
      Morning of June 20, 2014. Friday.

      In the first part of my dream it seems as if I am in a region where there are several isolated temples. The people who look after these temples and surrounding area (who are possibly the ones who built them) are of a fictional race and culture (though somehow related to Bangladesh) and mostly do not mind our presence in the area. A few other people are there including my wife and children as well as classmates from many years ago, including Steve J and Steve W. There is some sort of upcoming threat, seemingly an expected nuclear attack, and so we have to evacuate the area (to a city to the west).

      A bus comes and when we are almost ready to go to the bus, I have an odd in-dream “premonition” that we need to either stay where we are or even all go in the opposite direction than the direction the government claims we will be safer, thus I send my wife and children in the other direction - because now I somehow “know” that the attack is more likely to occur where we are going. Even though almost everyone is getting on the bus to evacuate, I refuse to go. I am chased by a couple people, including Steve J and Steve W as they want to force me onto the bus (for my own good, supposedly) but I manage to escape through a combination of running, leaping, and flying. Eventually, the bus leaves. At one point, a large dog attacks me and I feel its teeth in my hand but then I am able to swing my arm around and lose the dog over a hedge. I end up going to the city anyway after this.

      After a short time of a few events and conversations about the supposed war and terrorist threats, some sort of unusual nuclear explosions occur. It is almost like a series of several smaller bombs going off in the sky (all at the same time, almost like fireworks) in an odd matrix-like pattern a little farther to the west, yet it is still seemingly the result of a nuclear missile. I turn away to feel a forceful energy sweep over me and most people are killed by it. However, I and a few others start running as fast as we can away from the shockwave, down the main street and over bridges. The area reminds me of Gillette Street in La Crosse in the eastern area where there are not many man-made features; mostly sparse trees, tall grasses, and wild shrubs.

      Eventually, I end up in the area where my wife and children had gone. There is an unusual large building which seems to be part of a resort covering a large area and a very large lake and small island in the direction opposite to where the earlier nuclear event had occurred. There is a point at which I decide to go outside again from one larger room. I try to go down a staircase but the second open area past the doorway to the staircase is too small for me to fully fit in and turn around in the cramped stairwell to go to another floor and then outside (recurring) so I pull myself out with a little difficulty and go out through another area, which leads me to the lake’s shore. I still sense danger, so my wife and I and an unknown girl (and I think a couple others) fly into the air and then fly, with great joy and happy harmonious interactions, easterly to the small isolated island in the center of the lake, which is covered mostly with ice and snow. It is exhilarating and very enjoyable and the most vivid part of my dream.

      Later, we seem to be in a different town (smaller than the city where the bomb was dropped). There are more random conversations and uneventful scenes, but then the side of a large apartment building begins to collapse. It turns out that terrorists, for quite some time, had somehow managed to build missile silos in a number of different buildings inside a secret area just inside the outside wall. This seems hard to believe, but everyone is running around now in chaos as the threatening events unfold. I watch the extraordinarily clear detail of the outer brick wall collapsing (but almost as if in slow motion), the revealing of one missile as it is taking off - and I also notice large business buildings farther away partially collapsing with missiles lifting off from hidden areas inside the walls. There are at least six or seven missiles that are now airborne. Oddly, instead of going a fair distance, they actually start exploding fairly close to where we are.

      Again, I feel the sweep of the destructive nuclear energy from the explosions, as I and only a few others survive. I am not sure where my wife and children are at this time, though I assume they escaped quickly as before. I eventually sit down in a park-like area on a bench facing west, after running west again and seem to be the only immediate survivor after a time - several bodies lying about, some still on fire - and yet I feel quite healthy and well. The city I ran from was completely destroyed. I look on the bottom of my left foot and notice two numbers that seem to be some sort of organic “computer display” but possibly using some sort of semi-organic or inorganic implant to show the values. One number is twenty-seven and on its right, the number one - both in “portrait” orientation - that is, upright across the narrow area in the middle of my foot. This is some sort of “built-in” display showing my health and vitality (or life energy) or how many minutes (27) I have left to live, perhaps. (J. Boehme supposedly called this number “the death”, though there are other myths about it.). Because my life energy is only at one, it likely will not take much more to destroy me, although I am confident that this could not happen even if it read zero later.

      However, there is a transparent plastic bag of blueberry muffins to my left and I then realize I had not eaten for some time, and so, as I start eating, the numbers on the bottom of my foot increase more and more, just as with a character in a video game (of which I have never been much of a fan of even when young).

      Updated 09-21-2015 at 05:17 PM by 1390

    14. Battling monsters

      by , 06-20-2014 at 11:37 AM
      In this dream I who was not myself battled all kinds of monsters. There was one that I had trapped in an air tight container except that my best friend was in there too. I tried to real ease him but released the monster instead. In another part of the dream I was a man and was married. I was fighting a monster that looked like a woman. I could not kill her, but then figured out to keep cutting her with scissors until she was a bloody mess. Then my wife came and the monster revived. I realized that I was married to a monster.

      There was also a part of a dream where I saw a spider army approaching and had to stop them.
    15. 00:00 Friday 2014-06-20 very early recall, felt temperature/air/nausea, saw clouds 1st time

      by , 06-20-2014 at 09:52 AM
      23:30 bedtime

      00:00 Friday 2014-06-20

      02:00 really early recall, woken from music playing outside

      + car chase in B hills, police cars chasing my team, we're driving muscle cars (Camaros) trying to evade them, up and down roads, while driving I'm trying to put a plastic stencil with a round hole on to some console around the console/gearshift to the right and having trouble doing this. We're listening to the police scanner. Heading down A ave. two cars pull together to block the road. Go DO at this point and one of the drivers (man) is trying to convince the other (man) to have sex with him, who resists the idea.

      + walking through dark hallways I enter an (elevator? entry room?) and open the door on the far side leading to a pitch black hallway, I'm hesistant to enter since it's absolutely dark and I may not find my way back. Then a guard comes out from somewhere and asks "who opened the door?" I say something like "oh is it disallowed?" he comes to me at the door and the entry room is then lit and we're fiddling with a mechanism on the wall the guard wants to turn some key in the mechanism, I think I have my own key just let me use it.

      + in hallway with SB, leaning forwards against a strap attached to waist, laughing and "remembering" (false memory) how we used to do this, and say funny words (said a few)

      + walking through dark hallways, I'm drunk / drinking / nauseous almost throw up, decide to stop drinking. Look forward to meeting with girlfriend and getting drunk because we'll probably "get down to business" afterwards.

      + in a place like a big science museum, I noticed the temperature (first time ever!) and it's really hot. I go into a copy center / administrative office and it's cool in there because I think that they have A/C, it feels much cooler in there, and I feel a strong wind in there. I say "dang how do you guys deal with this heat?" There are some girls inside this office, and I have to pee. There are some guys, there's a car windshield separating me from the office girls, the guy says "just pee here" indicating the windshield, I'm resistant since I think it will splash everywhere, but he says "she likes it, she likes to look at it afterwards."


      + night-time driving get separated from dad go back meet up again on a corner S2 is there talking about how some people were in a car with a big couch on the roof and he couldn't get on it because it was full of people.

      + album story two women: walking outside in the daytime in a quiet suburban neighborhood, I see what I think is a sign for a memorial, I think this is for NB my old scout master who passed away (true IWL), I enter and speak with them and see the album. Then I'm outside, I'm looking at the neighbor's gate, and see multiple pool payment notices on the ground red/pink/white, I think they're really behind on their payments. I see the landlord, and I speak to him briefly. Then I'm talking to a young man outside, we're talking about how so many people leave to cheaper places (New Jersey?) (I think we're in California). I look up and see the blue sky with light/whispy cirrus clouds and gesture with my hands and say "yeah, but here you get this blue sky all year round. You won't get it in places like Seattle which has grey heavy clouds all year round." The guy agrees with me.


      I visit TZ in her room, she's younger than now, thin, wearing a beautiful dress, she's happy to see me and she gives me a long warm hug. She's having a big party in here room there are lots of kids there, everyone's having a good time, she seems really happy. TZ hands me her dress/underwear at some point and I'm reluctant to take it, she's still fully dressed.

      Standing in that outdoor neighborhood area with a group of people talking about the two album women, someone says they're (the women) immensely fat. I/we peek over a fence and see the women for a quick glimpse sitting down right on the other side of the fence. I imagine one of the two women is evil because there's a cloud/vapor covering her face when I see it.
      non-lucid , side notes
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