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    1. Movie Theater Gun Attacker

      by , 06-14-2014 at 10:45 PM
      Dream # 5

      Lucid Dream? - No

      Dream Topic - Movie Attacker?

      Dream Plot - I was in the movie theater seeing a batman movie. It was a full theater. I went to the bathroom and as I was walking back to my seat something didn't feel right. I looked towards the middle of the theater (This actually happened a long time ago in real life, I found out about it on the news I wasn't there) and a guy dressed up as the joker stood up and pulled out a gun. I wasn't back to my seat yet. Everyone was shocked and afraid, most people didn't move, they just looked at him in fear. At first I pondered whether I should run to the exit but figured he would shoot me if I tried. I kneeled down by my seat which a few people were doing to hide, and I decided to crawl under peoples legs towards the middle of the eil would hide me the best. I was able to roll under the seats and stay until the cops got the attacker but it was very scary. As I was leaving the theater, my friends mom called me and asked me if he was ok, I didn't even know he was with me so I had no idea where he was or if he was dead or alive. That's all I remember.
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    2. 6/14/14 Nice Early Fairly Lengthy LD Full of Sensations + Even Earlier DILD

      by , 06-14-2014 at 09:43 PM
      6/14/14** (Awesome waking life visuals and feeling the morning after these LDs). 1015-1am? Wake terrible indigestion. Sit up 30min or so. Look at Scarlett pics on my phone. Back to bed, interesting HI as I do my SSILD. Early LD I forget details of but must have lost lucidity at some point. I was in a strange apartment-like building and had sex with a woman in a bedroom off to the right. Straight ahead was a city view. We are 5 or more stories up I'd guess. Wake up trying to commit the details quickly to memory and go back to sleep. Later in an office building. Me and a woman are to go to some cool thing I'm looking forward to. She says we can't even call for the location until 3...seems like 3pm in dream (but I woke ~315am from this - to be described LD - that started around the time we left for this cool thing...maybe 3am...hmmm). It felt like noon when I heard the news we won't know anything until 3(pm). Dream skipped ahead. She is driving on right side of car, me in back seat, on right also...just us 2. We are entering a studio back lot and I think they must have these in many different cities. We begin to pass many sexy actresses, I notice especially. Some of the acting students are growing food along the road, and there is a produce market. I feel like an important actor being driven around. At some point I am driving...seems my waking life car and I get to a dead end with two security gates...something seems dream like here...gate reminds me of a dream....ah I'm dreaming. I start to phase up out through the roof of the car...scene turns dark...I reach for the car door and get out; dark still. I decide to just fly up, still dark I decide to do big loops way up in the sky (it feels like I went up fairly high)...very much like a real waking life roller coaster feeling!!! I also do some shots up into the air and then back down rapidly. After playing with this for a while, I decide to do some backward flips and quickly find myself hovering over land and then water very close below me. It feels I'm being led down into the water and decide not to fight it. It is shallow and I am "flying" slowly under the water now without effort. Simple round but colorful sea creatures growing from the bottom. This underwater exploring goes on for a few minutes, it seems, before I start being drawn toward the sand...I decide not to fight it either and start to imagine my go to beach scene (though with very little effort/intent) and I come out into a water filled room not well lit. I crawl up onto a ledge that is boxed in on each side and remember my LD adventure, exploring the toyland near the ruin wall by the beach with the grassy ocean and I want to find something similar here. I jump down from the ledge and start exploring, old picnic table benches, bed, and now my wife is calling out..."what are you doing?" Is this entering my dream from her IWL? I try to ignore her and continue exploring for a few moments more. Then FA with my DJ notes on the back if her notes and she hid from me and caught me getting them back...wait this is still a dream...but then I fade back to bed for real ~3:15am lay still recalling and then look at phone=3:17am. 161 & 162

      5am? Dexter alternate ending? No fear but gross...perhaps like watching the show...not involved except like a witness. Actor who plays Dexter goes on a bloody rampage in a house in a suburban neighborhood setting and also kills his wife the blonde lady though she looks more like a different actress than the one he liked in the final season, but very similar. He sneaks out through a back alley at the last minute as the police arrived. I see him through an open window with a thin sheer-white curtain blowing in the wind with a view as if I was in the house or the camera shot was from in the house (there were no thoughts of Dexter or the police seeing me and interviewing me. I knew the police would see everyone was there but him and he would be missing altogether and they would highly suspect he was a killer. Wake. Later dream I was trying to warn a woman that the guy she is she scared of busted down her door in my dream. I also said he is a made up creature so there's nothing to worry about. Some other guy sitting
      with her at a patio table was talking about supernatural creatures. 7am
    3. A comeback in my lucid comeback!

      by , 06-14-2014 at 09:20 PM (My lucid comeback!)
      After about 4 days of bad DR and blurry fragments (except the wizard dream and the super-agent one... Quality in exchange for Quantity... [10/06/14] - Dream Journals - Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views) I had some decent memories. And there's immidiatly some weird shit going on in them (especially the last one), PREPARE!

      1. Chaos

      I'm getting in the back of my car as my family is ready to leave the parking-garage. I notice my IPad and headphones are still in the trunk and my sister asks if I can take her's to. I climb out of the window as the car is already driving through the garage, I crawl over the roof and open the trunk. I stand in it keeping my balance and look for the headphones, after some searching I find them and throw them to my sister. (At this point the car suddenly had no roof) I jumped back into the passenger seat at the back. Now I'm not sure wether the next part was linked with this dream or an entirely different dream but I'll just put it here. As we're driving down the highway I notice that there's a cat in the central part of the highway. We stop and I think about how dangerous all of this actually is, cars are driving everywhere and my mother is suddenly on a bicycle riding towards the cat. I run after her and I see the cat run across the highway under a car, I close my eyes thinking it will hit one of the tires but luckely none of the tires run over the cat. After that the cat meets up with some kittens at the side of the highway and they dissapear into the scrubbery.

      2. The wrong party

      I'm sitting at my computer and notice noise coming from outside, I look out the window and see there's a party going on in the backyard with many people in suits and dresses. For some reason the level of the garden is at the same height as the bedroom and one woman sees me. I go downstairs and see that the door to the backyard is closed, like we didn't organised this party nor were we invited, yet it took place in our backyard... Suddenly I talk to my dad about how much the suroundings have changed. My view shifts to a satelite-view above the house and I see there's a thin stroke of beach behind the house, next to a lake. (IRL this isn't true, we live in a town near a city.) There's a date in the corner of the satelite-photo and every time the picture changes the date goes more and more towards the present day. I can see the beach slowly being build over with new houses and I say "I wish we could go back in time and have the beach again.".

      3. The WTF-film

      I see a young boy (10-12 years old) sitting on the street with some light summer clothing on. Then I see a group of naked guys walking to him, they pick him up and the boy shouts for help but nothing happens and they carry the boy away. Then I see the boy again crying (Now I know some thing bad happened to the kid but I don't think he got raped.) laying on the street, I know that he will talk to a grown man in some time and this man will take revenge on the group of naked guys but I don't see this happening, I just know. I remember a flash of the group of naked guys attacked by the man with a crowbar but none of them die. Then I'm the boy and we're years later, I'm in a group with a woman, a man and one of the guys from the naked-group, still with a scar from the crowbar he got smacked with. However this guy said he didn't do anything to the boy back then, he just happened to be with the group and actually tried to protect the kid. We walk through some hallways and it's dark but not too dark, so I could still see enough to navigate. We enter a room and there's a giant cobra, maybe 10 meters long and 0.5 meters thick. He attacks the man who took revenge years ago and kills him. Then he attacks the woman, the rest of the team including me run back through the door and close it behind us. We stop and one of the team members says "Shouldn't we check if she's okay?", I walk back to the door and open it just enough to stick my head out. I see the woman getting eating by the cobra, starting at her head, it crushes the skull with his jaws and I see her face losing structure. Somehow I manage to not scream, I calmly close the door and slowly look back at the team with a shocked expression. One of them says "And, how is it?" I shout "RUUUUUUUUUUN!!!!!!!!!". Here to stay!-2488501.jpg

      Updated 06-26-2014 at 08:43 PM by 69433

    4. The Astral Challenge

      by , 06-14-2014 at 09:11 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #325 – DILD – 4:25AM

      I woke earlier and attempted DEILD but fell non lucid. I later have a dream that I only remember the premise of. Basically, I was challenged to enter the Astral Plain and find several other dreamers in a type of spook house setting. Four or five of us had pitched in $20 each and the winner takes the pot. I quickly find a place to lay down and focus on my “third eye” area in a type of meditation. I have random thoughts of what the spook house would be like and I fear that my expectations would create a bad schema, so I put it out of my mind.

      Later... was it later? I notice my dream body feels odd and my hands are numb. I have the feeling that I lost consciousness briefly and woke to SP. Fully lucid now, I slowly get up and take labored steps around a dark room. My vision starts to clear and I see a wild haired version of my self cast on the wall from the moonlit window. I ignore it and search for a way out of the room.

      As the lights come on, the bedroom looks nothing like any place I have ever been and I see other people sleeping. The premise of the entire reason for getting lucid takes over and I fully believe it as reality. For some reason I thing of those people sleeping as the other participants. I remember that I am supposed to actually teleport to the spook house to find six people. I try summoning a vortex but that wont come. Then, I visualize a door but it's just a strange outline on the wall. Then, I see an open closet with a very small door in back. I try to fit in but the dream becomes unstable as I try to shrink myself. Finally, I give up and leave through an actual door in the room. I decide it will take me where I need to go using expectation.

      As I enter a dark hallway I see two guys lumbering toward me like zombies. I feel a little afraid but assume they are the two of the six. I point this out and walk away. My recall is a little hazy here but basically, I make my way through a large house until I find all six men in pairs. Suddenly, I remember to find an object to continuously stabilize though I probably didn't need this at this point. There is some sort of strange wire sculpture on an end table and I take it up. I feel it in my right hand and on my arm. It's light but sort of large.

      I am still completely sold on the idea of the Astral Challenge and start talking to one of the guys about it all. I am very chatty in this dream and don't remember all that was said but we pretty much decide that everyone completed the challenge. I make a comment that I guess we just each take back our own $20. I realize I am holding a beer and say, “And the beer...” I look at a box of Bud Light. “I should have brought an 18 pack...” The box suddenly shows “18”. “Er, I mean a 24 pack. I could drink 18 all by myself.” I laugh out loud.
      The guy I am talking to stays silent. I take a drink not paying attention to the feel or taste and set the can down. I remember I was holding an object and bring my attention back to it. The object has now sort of melted and morphed into something undefinable. I drop it and search for something else. We are in a kitchen with a sliding glass patio door. I see something like nails or screws on the kitchen counter. I take one and pause. Do I want a nail or screw? I decide it should be a screw since it has more texture and rigged to feel. I hold it in my right hand feeling it with my thumb as I continue the conversation. I say something about this spook house being in the “The Astral Plain” as I make quotation marks with my fingers. I say some other things and then, realizing I have completed my task, I should think of something else to do. I am amazed at how long this dream has been. I don't want it to end but I am afraid that I will forget parts of it. I think back a little and feel like I have a good grasp on things. I turn to the guy with me and ask, “Hey, do you want to go outside and play?” I am thinking of flying and figure it would be fun to have some company since I still believe this guy is another dreamer. He nods and we step outside through the patio doors to a back deck.

      The yard is fairly large and has a privacy fence. I can see a busy road just beyond that and pickup passes by. Together we jump off over the railing trying to fly but we both have trouble. We hover just above some thick brush with razor-wire on top. Though I know that I am dreaming and believe that if I just land I will pass through the brush, I fear the razor wire. I flap my arms furiously and comment that razor-wire is a good motivator for flying. As I slowly make my way around the obstacle I have thoughts of waking. I try to force it away as I know this will be enough to end the dream. As I push past my Astral buddy, the dream fade away and I wake up. My recall is exceptionally slow and it takes several minutes to remember this dream. Worrisome!

    5. Tree

      by , 06-14-2014 at 09:01 PM
      Last few nights...

      I dreamed about a tree.

      It was a huge tree with black bark and sprawling, twisted limbs... if anybody has seen a Live Oak, it was sort of like that, but much bigger. I know there is something wrong with it.

      It is outside of the fence. The fence is wooden and rickety. It encloses something, but I'm not sure what. It's always dark, always night. The world feels very "small", like the entire world just surrounds the tree and the fence but doesn't spread very far beyond them. I am trying to somehow stop the evil I know is infecting the tree's roots.

      Some sort of burrowing creature is inside of the fence, digging through the soft loamy earth. It's like a brown, short-haired dog sized ferret thing that can talk. Its tunnel reaches the "evil" roots. Once they are exposed, the evil is able to spread inside of the fence. It was an accident, the creature was just trying to create a "home" burrow. It apologizes and says it will make its home elsewhere.

      I have to attend a class. My homework isn't done because I've been spending all of my time and energy trying to contain the evil. The teacher knows this, and fudges my grade. I feel like my classmates resent me because of it. I'm overstretched, though. The class is for a cello-like instrument. Not only is my instrument damaged, but in order to make a passing grade, I still have to play some songs for an exam, and they're too difficult for me because I haven't had time to practice. I feel overwhelmed and depressed.


      I have vague recollections of a nightmare. There is some sort of evil stitched-together zombie child. It's gray. It's stitched to a man's hip. I am trying to protect some other (living) children to it but it keeps "absorbing" large, bloody chunks of them and the whole situation is horrifying. I wake up but am still sort of half-asleep and the feeling of horror lingers until I fall back asleep.
    6. Lucid dream: Holy ****, am I dying?!

      by , 06-14-2014 at 08:49 PM
      I'm standing in this big metal room that is very cold and looks pretty familiar, I start getting this de' ja vu feeling which causes me to become lucid. I have no body and I'm just a floating ball of awareness, and I start hovering around this room. All of a sudden one of the walls becomes magnetic and my awareness gets pulls towards the wall. The force is so strong I feel my awareness getting crushed, and I swear it's the weirdest feeling. I was thinking "It's okay, It's okay it's just a dream", but it felt to real. I then thought, HOLY **** AM I DIEING?!, i could feel my awareness getting crushed up against this wall even harder the more I panicked, I then woke up. This was my very 1st nightmare of a lucid dream.
      lucid , nightmare , memorable
    7. 14/June/2014 - Elephant Abuse Dream.

      by , 06-14-2014 at 07:43 PM
      Some people (Young men and women) tied an elephant's trunk in a tree limb, Pulled the elephant around the tree and let it go like a slingshot around the tree while it cried out in pain and the abusers were laughing at the abuse they were doing. Later, A woman in her 30s or 40s looked out a window at the abusers and started talking to get their attention. I get the feeling this woman wasn't very nice; she started screaming by the third time she tried and the abusers were nonchalant and ignored her. One of them wearing an orange shirt then sat in acid and burned his rear end, He got up out of the acid and then fell in the acid but I pulled him out and he was alive. Then, he fell in again and was either dead or didn't move and didn't burn (to my perception) but was face-down and floating in the acid.

      Consider the phrase "Pink Elephant in the Living Room" or "Looking at an Elephant through a microscope."

      Updated 01-06-2016 at 04:50 PM by 61868

      Tags: acid, elephant
    8. Mulan and the Man in the Purple Dress

      by , 06-14-2014 at 07:03 PM
      1. Mulan's chillin like a villain

      Mulan and Li Shang are trying to scale this wall. I believe they're on a balcony that's all bluish. They're trying to scale this wall that has ropes attached to it. I think they're getting attacked by the Huns. Mulan leaps from the balcony and is running perpendicularly along the wall and ignoring gravity. She reaches a rope and says don't look down. Li does the same on his rope, and they escape the Huns. (my dj here says go through something I think I could've shipped the whole suspensv) I believe Li turns into an Indian and I see a medallion of Mulan and a medallion of an Indian emerge from a building. I walk by this bluish grey clay building with ants on the ground. I'm swatting away red bugs, but one hits my hand and I feel the sting.

      2. The Man in the Purple Dress

      I'm exploring this tall building that's pretty similar to one of the buildings on campus. It's very tall. I believe I'm infiltrating it looking for water. I see a vending machine and it has some of those big Deer Park water bottles in it. I think I'm also riding around on a skateboard. At the top of the building, I sit down for my piano lesson. There's an Asian dude sitting on the bench to my right and The Man in the Purple Dress over my left shoulder with some sort of musical device in his hand. Further to my right, there's another asian sitting at another black grand piano, and he looks pretty mad. The dude immediately to my right says don't worry, we have every right to be here. The Man in the Purple Dress then tells me that I can play a full scale or something with my five fingers, and I"m like ooooh I understand (after messing around a bit prior). I then start playing some stuff starting at the far left end of the piano with my right hand.
    9. Big Outside

      by , 06-14-2014 at 06:15 PM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      jumbly bumbly..

      I have a vague recollection of being in a big beautiful place outdoors, riding a train.... Mountains, a field of wildflowers... I'm on the Moon! The Green Moon! We made a train that goes around the Moon!
    10. Lucid In A Nightmare (^ _ ^*'')・゜Wow...

      by , 06-14-2014 at 05:47 PM
      ^ w ^ Hi everyone. I was lucid again which is great but ran into some nightmares. First it started off with me messaging someone on dream views. It was funny cause the message said something about blowing someone till you hear them scream I. It made no sense. I than had a false awakening where I went to sleep in the dream. I started thinking about something than got off the bed and walked. I felt a portal open and someone came out of it into my room. The person asked if the guy on my bed was my boyfriend. I don't know who it was but for some reason I just said yes, I wuv him than hugged him. After that I had another false awakening but was sort of dum. There was a white carpet on my pillow and I was saying dum stuff. Than I saw images of a small boy with a big brown dog. Talking to his family about how he couldn't sleep.

      In my next dream I was...um...at my house with my family.(Semi lucid) Than suddenly the house became filled with water. I was drowning but than a giant appeared and saved me. After that I went to the next room and my dad,uncle and younger brother was there. My uncle said there was a boy laying there who looks like he forgot who he was a bit. My dad disagreed than try to touch me inappropriately. I screamed at him than ate a pumpkin pie and another sweet red thing. But than I saw it had white stuff on it so I left. Just when I was leaving my uncle gave me dishes to wash too. But I just left and appeared in a city. I was pretending to drive a car I think and ended up somewhere where a large machine thing was. I got fully lucid at that point.A boy was with his girlfriend and started to tease me about how they weren't going to fall to their doom . I was like whatever you say... than left. I pretended to drive again and dodged a few cars. A guy in the corner caught my attention but turned so I couldn't see his face. I went into a bus filled with middle school kids wearing white t shirts like they were going to school. They were singing happily and one was kind of too close to me. His dad pulled him away and the bus made a stop.we got out but than the bus driver said he made a wrong turn, the tracks were broken and that we were behind a building somewhere. A lady decided to go her own way and I followed her. It looked like a house mixed with a castle. I saw a hall and a lady standing near the front door. It looked scary so I didn't go there. The other lady showed me a big pipe sewer entrance and said we can escape through the sewers. That was a dum idea to me so I said no! We can just fly out of here. I flew out through a opening in the place and saw it was daytime, there were cars and people celebrating something. I went closer and also saw a commemoration place for a lady who died. The lady who tried to get me into the sewer came after me with a fork. I told her to stop and told her friends (while flying) that the lady was bothering me. Her two friends told her to leave me alone. That maybe they found a extraterrestrial. The lady said she wasn't trying to hurt me. She was trying to show her the secret recipe for the chicken was the fatty skin.Than I woke up.

      In the third dream I wanted to meet my guide Eye. I appeared in my house with a winter hat and knew I was dreaming. My mom was like I wasn't and than the dream began to fade so I started rubbing my hands. The dream was than stable and I asked my mom where was the phone. I found it in the bathroom and noticed the dream was fading again. I rubbed my hands and than dialed but no one picked up so I ran downstairs.I appeared in a different house and started calling Eye. I heard someone walking closer than the dream paused for a bit. I rubbed my hands just to see who would appear and it was a girl. She ran quickly behind me than she put her finger in my stomach.Like she was stabbing me. I woke up after that I think.

      My last dream was crazy...I appeared in a school classroom where the teacher was giving a spelling test. I didn't have a pencil though so someone gave me one. I don't recall what the questions were though. The test was than snatched out of my desk without me finishing and the class left into the hall. I followed and became lucid. I was happy so I screamed out to everyone "Guys! This is a dream! And to go on the website dream views if it was a shared dream experience. I shouted it a few times and the people started to snicker and joke about me as we left cause i looked stupid.When i was about to leave a random guy hurt a kid than used their finger to stab me. I felt it on my bellybutton area and i thought it was going to go through me. I stopped the person and ran away but fell. There was something about a knife about to cut me and a huge rock above my head but i used the knife to try and hit the guy than ran. That's when i appeared in a room with a good childhood friend who's older and my brothers. But they looked different. I walked out the room than heard a person crying like they were scared. I walked to the room curiously and saw a boy around my age on a bed shaking in the fetal position cause he was scared of something. i went up to him and said it was going to be okay, that there was nothing to be afraid of cause i knew it was a dream. Oh and that Jehovah and Jesus will protect him him from any scary demons or stuff like that and hugged him but not too close cause he wasn't wearing clothes. But he kept saying no, that he wasn't safe. When i looked at his eyes his eyes were light blue and kind of cute but he disappeared and that's when i felt someone grab me and use their finger to stab me again. I kept using will power to keep their finger from piercing me. But it felt really strong. Than the dream shifted and i lost my lucidity. I was on the mattress with two people and i was like i was happy to wake up from that crazy dream. Than the little boy or girl near me was like "what was that?". Than pointed to something on the mattress and it was a feet mark. Someone invisible was walking on the mattress. I took a step back than i was stabbed with the finger in my belly button again. It didn't break through me but i felt it getting stronger and stronger. I thought it was real life and a a demon was trying to kill us. So i started praying for Jehovah to help me. But it wasn't working. When it wasn't working I knew it was a dream but felt it get so strong i was like Okay...if you don't help me god or Jesus I'm going to die. Than i saw the scenery change and woke up.lol

      Updated 06-14-2014 at 06:12 PM by 67570

      lucid , nightmare
    11. Space Road Truckers

      by , 06-14-2014 at 04:34 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I am a driver on this TV show called 'Space Road Truckers' about a small group of people who drive (or fly) cargo trucks throughout the solar system. Also this does not feel like the normal solar system. I believe it was taking place in a binary star system. The planets I had to deliver to were moons of a large jupiter-like gas planet orbiting close to the star. Also, the trucks and futuristic designs to them. Rather than wheels, they had these blue glowing energy conduits running along the bottom allowing them to hover and fly into space, and the cab had some extra reinforcement to protect the driver from radiation and pressures.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:55 PM by 53527

      dream fragment
    12. 20 Cent Crossings

      by , 06-14-2014 at 04:04 PM
      Forgive the bad title- these dreams were kind of everywhere and a little hazy.

      1. I was watching a movie with a girl and my former roommate #645-30. I sat behind the girl, who I thought was very attractive, and noticed my legs were brushing against her butt. This made her uncomfortable, and I thought my roommate noticed, but immediately afterward my view jumped into a forum of some sorts, and I couldn't find her anywhere on the website.

      2. I was entering a contest with HorseLime, and had a meeting with a woman on the specifications of our product. She was thoroughly impressed, and, thinking HorseLime had my name as well, told the actual judges she was very impressed by "PonyLemon and PonyLemon." We pass first stage, and are taunted with a free trip to the beach (with this girl I was really into back in high school and her 3 friends), as well as a new house, and some monetary prize. It turned out we had to pass the second stage to win this though. Later on, HorseLime and I walk pass one of my other friends, #62-927, who was with someone I didn't recognize and reach a crosswalk. In order to pass though, we had to pay 20 cents. HorseLime agreed to this, but, thinking it was outrageous, I decided against it and met back with #62-927. I crashed at his place for a little while, and using the bathroom, remarking that I didn't care if the door locked or not when he asked. His place and bathroom reminded me very much of my freshman dorm.

      3. I was wearing a Jimmy John's t-shirt that had a catch phrase that changed a lot.

      4. There was a group selling sex to people who were unhappy, but phrasing it as a service to avoid any legal problems. A girl I liked recently was there when I walked in to complain about the service, which surprised me. As no one was speaking to me, I walked past the main door into a consultant's office. A man approached me before I completely entered, and was mad, as he explicitly said no one was allowed. I became extremely angry and told him no one talked to me, so shut up, which he did. I entered the consultant's room and sat down to complain to the rather large woman sitting behind the desk. I told her I wasn't against people having sex, or anything like that, but the principle behind this business was shady since it lied about its true purpose and took advantage of people when they were feeling low. She responded with a "I understand," and, as she spoke, became progressively quieter, but I nodded in agreement with her, especially at the end when she asked if I understood. I thanked her for her time and walked out.

      5. I was rooming with someone, and they were shrinking through the door (I actually don't remember this one, but I wrote it down sometime during the night).
    13. Three reality checks = non-lucidity!

      by , 06-14-2014 at 04:03 PM (Threecat's Dreamtime)
      I am in an auditorium with my friends, talking about lucid dreaming. One of them presents me with a pillow for light sleepers. The packaging says "cundams." I chuckle at this, look away and look back. It changes to something else, and I figure I read it wrong the first time! I explain to my friend what I thought it said, and laugh a bit. She says that "is gross, please stop."

      Another friend explains that he wants to increase the frequency of lucid dreams he has. He has only had one 20-minute experience (in the dream). I explain to him Waggoner's variation of Castaneda's stabilization technique (looking at your hands). I then proceed to hold my hands in front of me and stare at them. I am wearing black mesh workout gloves; never occurs to me that that is odd. I then repeat, "The next time I see my hands, I'll notice I'm dreaming."

      Then, finally, I am at work. A colleague comes in to stress about something. I do a reality check, then assure her that we are dreaming, and not to worry about it. I do not have a care in the world. She leaves.
    14. TOTM for Jun 2014: Kiss a dude!

      , 06-14-2014 at 03:25 PM
      Pre-bed - 5htp
      Wbtb - G, C, L-theanine
      Time - 445am after sleeping for 6 hours, stayed up until 5am

      I was really concerned I wouldn't get back to sleep since I felt pretty awake when I laid back down. I kept starting to fade off and catching myself. I think I had this dream around 6 or 630, was going to keep going but daughter was up at 7.

      This one started as a battle. Was really similar to the Normandy invasion it seemed. There was not any blood and I don't remember seeing anyone getting hit just people launching rockets and shooting guns. At this point I was watching it as a movie, there was one guy who got behind the lines and started launching missiles at the bad guys. The good guys down the hill started to advance and by the time the bad guys realized it was too late. They turned around and started firing again but were too late and were taken over. I was then interacting in the dream and remember being at a bench/table with a bunch of gun magazines behind it. This is where some of the bad guys were at firing on the good guys and now it was abandoned. There was another guy about 20 yards from me who asked if we were supposed to expend the rockets that the bad guys didn't fire. He was given a yes and he fired it; the rocket flew right down and hit the SUV that I guess all the good guys drove up in. It exploded and all of the bad guys that were left laughed. So back to where I was, I found a magazine with bullets in it and tried to put it in a gun I had, it went in but a couple bullets fell out and it didn't lock in place. I then took it out looked at it and then put it back in again and it fit. There was a young boy I thought was a bad guy so I racked the gun and aimed it at him. I was told he was good to go and then held my fist out for a fist bump, and the kid gave me a fist bump. We all began walking along, all the soldiers I was with. I passed a girl I guess I knew and gave her a fist bump (not sure why I was fist bumping everyone). I was walking still and there were alot of people walking down a hill. The landscape was pretty green and there were trees, I saw in the distance where everyone was congregating. I had a moment of clarity at this point and became Lucid: I continued to walk with the scene for a bit and thought I would just keep flowing with the dream, then I thought I would fly straight up and lastly I remembered I wanted to do a TOTM. There was a soldier walking next to me wearing camo and a helmet, I turned him around and he was a younger guy with I assumed blonde hair but I couldn't be sure because of the helmet. I pulled him to me and planted one on him.... I smooched for a bit and it was really just like kissing a piece meat or a piece of bologna. After a few seconds I let him go and he just carried on as he was before with no comments or reactions. I said something to the effect of "That was good stuff wasn't it?". I then thought of trying the repeat task but woke up. It may have been from the excitement of completing the task.
    15. Tyrant

      by , 06-14-2014 at 02:59 PM
      There is this girl that i like in the dream. We like each other but some guy took her and told her that he would kill me if she leaves him. We are in a very small house/hotel, it has one kitchen and living room and 4 rooms for rent. I was in the first room to the left and the other guy was in the 2nd room to the left. I went over to see the girl but then he saw us and told me that he would kill me if i come within 18 feet of him. I went back to my room and started drawing with these tubes filled with graphite powder. Then some people started to come and help with the drawing (it was a really big drawing of a waterfall). Then right before it was done the guy came in. I looked for my sword. I grabbed it and i was going to attack when someone drawing on the drawing used some graphite it went in front of him and it instead cut my sword. (my sword was literally about 1/4 its size and had a boxcutter edge (slanted)) He was flash stepping around me and he had his sword only a few inches from my face. I started doing some battle cry of anger and slashed at his stomach. He flash stepped to my left only a foot away. I stabbed him. He said he put his sword away and we didnt need to duel but then i grabbed him and stabbed him over 9 times (there was a set amount to kill, it was like sao only needed 7 hits to deal enough damage but i kept stabbing. when he died he exploded like in sao)
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