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    1. Will Ferrell and Guns

      by , 07-14-2014 at 11:49 AM

      I was with Will Ferrell and that old woman he had sex with in the movie Granny's Boy. I was trying to get into a mine, and I had a sniper rifle. Ferrell and her friend were supposed to help me with that, but most of the time they kept having sex. I killed a few guys in a field, then I set up a trap for some Norse guards. I placed a mine around a bunch of explosive stuff, and then tricked them into going over there somehow. I remember a camera panning from them to the mine, which activated at that second.

      The old woman said, "Maybe we should move up." Will said, "Naw, let's just keep doing it, baby." And they kept doing it...

      I moved up to the now-unguarded mine, and went in. I think I was looking for diamonds or some mineral. I saw some monsters patrolling the mines. They weren't scary, but they were in my way. I killed a few of them. The dream ended before I could get to my objective.
    2. My Current Dream Signs

      by , 07-14-2014 at 10:14 AM
      Dream signs I've noticed:


      - Flying
      - Fire/fire magic
      - Talking with no sound coming out
      - Turning on light and it doesn't light up the room
      - Running, but at an extremely slow pace
    3. Lucid Dream Bucket List Challenge

      by , 07-14-2014 at 10:05 AM
      Hello everybody!

      Like a regular bucket list, I've made one specifically for things I want to do in a lucid dream. I will be keeping an update on what I've achieved (in no particular order). I will keep you updated if I achieve any with my DJ in regards to what I did, how it went etc..

      Only rule is, is that it has to be lucid and controlled WILLINGLY for it to count

      Lucid Dream Bucket List:

      - Fly (with wings)
      - Use magic (conjure fire, electricity etc..)
      - Turn into an animal (wolf, bird, deer)
      - Become some form of animal hybrid (have a tail, animal ears, claws etc...)
      - Fight a dragon
      - Ride a dragon
      - BE a dragon
      - Go to a fantasy/fictional world
      - Create a fantasy world filled with creatures and people I want
      - Meet fictional characters (from shows, movies, books etc..)
      - Go to Hogwarts (befriend favourite characters)
      - Try getting to platform 9 3/4 by running at the wall
      - Travel to Hogwarts via the Hogwarts Express
      - Train surf the Hogwarts Express
      - See what Hogwarts house I get sorted into
      - See what my patronus would be
      - Talk to my subconscious
      - Have epic background music as I fight someone
      - Punch a random DC in the face
      - Summon someone I dislike and punch them in the face
      - Gain inspiration (for art, writing etc...)
      - Meet a celebrity/someone I admire
      - Convince a dream character that they're dreaming
      - Get a dream character to convince me I'm dreaming and deny it to see if they become impatient (or me, technically)
      - Go hunting with Sam and Dean from SPN (SPN = Supernatural)
      - See what happens between hunts (SPN)
      - Have a tour of the bunker guided by Sam and Dean (SPN)
      - Visit Crowley in the dungeon and just chat (SPN)
      - Run at abnormal speeds
      - Eat something
      - Summon monsters and fight them along with my DCs
      - Create my own creature/monster/animal
      - Go through a werewolf transformation
      - Gender swap - see what I'd look like as the opposite sex
      - Receive an assassination mission from a DC and carry it out
      - Teach the Macarena to Hogwarts students
      - Streak through Hogwarts' Great Hall whilst Dumbledore is giving an inspirational speech & see the reactions
      - Play a bunch of instruments and/or sing effortlessly
      - See how far I can throw something
      - Make something out of something impractical (eg; make ice cream out of a rock)
      - Pick a starter Pokemon from Professor Oak and train it (Charmander preferably)
      - Enter the world of Attack on Titan and shrink all of the Titans for comedic purposes
      - Enter the Game of Thrones world, find Jon Snow and follow him saying "You know nothin' Jon Snow"
      - Resurrect Joffrey, kill him, resurrect, kill him etc..
      - Go on an adventure into space with The Doctor (Doctor Who)
    4. Crash!

      by , 07-14-2014 at 05:18 AM (Hopeless Wanderings)
      I know my posts are getting shorter and shorter. My dream recall is getting worse from not practicing. :/

      Me and Niki were in my front yard at night time and we watched as a plane flew across the sky. For some reason, I had a bad feeling. But it passed over us and I let out a sigh of relief, when, it turned around and headed straight for us. I shouted, "I love you best friend!" and next thing I know Niki is dead and I'm still alive.
      Tags: death(notme)
    5. Awesome! Exploring a Beautiful Hotel Felt Like I Travelled to the 1920's

      by , 07-14-2014 at 03:00 AM
      7/13/14* Awesome! Finally one of my recent vivid dreams became lucid! Similar calm, highly lucid, exploration like my grassy sea lucid and right after seeing the closest thing I have seen to a grassy sea: I just watched Gravity for the first time last night and there is a scene where you see a grassy vegetation growing up out of a large body of water. When I saw that scene in the movie IWL my heart fluttered emotionally with the memory of the wonderful lucid dream it so much reminded me of and it must have inspired another awesome LD. I think it solidified the point for me to slow down and explore all of the wonder right around you. I have also had similar experiences IWL.

      One of my earlier dreams was very vivid. At the end there is a squirrel that got into a house with a gathering or party. After trying to lead him out an open door, I was able to catch it but it reached back and bit my hand. I moved my hands further up his body to the base of his head to keep him from biting me again. All I could see from the injury was what looked more like a bloody scratch. I woke with the thought that the squirrel biting me should have made me lucid.

      I am on a trip again, a common theme. My family and I are heading to quarantine area where they are going to apply some treatment to everyone via spray in the room so that no one carries any diseases into this foreign country. In a seemingly semi lucid moment I put my arms around this beautiful woman who takes to it kindly at first but then pushes me away. I sit on the floor apparently wearing a baseball cap as my view is slightly obscured looking upwards. Two cute kids are playing with me as I sit there. My wife is sitting on a ledge above on the perimeter of the room and a guy next to her is apparently stinky and she makes a face. I asked my wife where our son is. She didn't seem sure and didn't seem worried. Doors to the room opened up to let everyone out and transport trolleys are coming in and I'm the last one still in there and the doors closed but I'm able to scurry my way to the door and open it and go out. It is a beautiful countryside with
      green hills reminding me of where I was in 1993. Lots of people hanging around outside but no wife and son. I just wait knowing they would know where to find me. People are sitting at an outdoor table talking while most others mingling much like a party but it is daytime, outside and of course in the beautiful scenery. I see a group walking down the road maybe they are with them up that way. I pass a place that raises collies apparently, the dog breed. I strain my neck to see and a dog runs up to me to jump or bite me...ah dog dream sign (One of the dream signs I thought about during WBTB...I'm dreaming.. fades and I clench my eyes to try to reenter the dream. It probably never ended, probably just the void, it's hazy but I can see a little bit and I think of the task of the month and I start to visualize an elevator...nothing at first but then a big red button appears and I press it and at this point it is more like I am visualizing an elevator door opening and seeing the elevator car and stepping in.
      I can feel myself going up up up in what feels more like an open-air elevator car and still hazy. I am not satisfied with experience due to the lack of visuals. I think that I wake up but wait remember always check when waking up. I do feel that I'm still in a dream, an FA, laying in bed. I get out of bed. I'm in a hotel room with strange striped wallpaper. I end up face down on the floor and struggle to crawl up to the wall to lift myself up. How tricky the transition is to an FA. Try to stick my finger through my palm and it indicates that I am awake. No! I am sure that I'm dreaming so I look at my left hand and there are five fingers. But, I have a small appendage or extra little finger sticking out to the right of my left index finger going out from a spot about 3/4 of an inch down my finger. I think again of the elevator task...a hotel should be perfect. I go through two sets of doors to exit my hotel room but before I close the door I take one
      more look at my hand and it looks just like before surprisingly...five fingers with a little extra one. The hallway of the hotel is awesome it looks maybe 1920s!! The walls are adorned with a beautiful rich dark wood paneling up and down. I go down to one end of the hall and there's a short flight of stairs up straight ahead, maybe 5 stairs and I start to go up and I think this wouldn't be the way to an elevator but at the top I see there's a small opening or space and there is a small door not more than a foot and a half tall . I go back the other way down the hall past where I came out and circle around to the right and I see a man and a woman in an open area with curtains that are opened. It looks like an opium den and/or a brothel. I keep going then I come to an opening in the hall there is a weird creature or boy sitting on the floor with his back to me. I decide to turn my back to him...out of sight out of mind. I continue down another hall and
      walk past this man who had first looks like a guy in a suit and tie. Still not seeing an elevator I decide to go back to the man who now looks more like a bellman , an old fashioned one. I asked him if there's an elevator here. He says that the elevator will be ready in 1 to 2 weeks. I then think perhaps I can teleport to one of the neighboring buildings it seems like I'm in a big city downtown with lots of buildings back at the early part of the century from everything I see in this hotel and the way that guy is dressed. I'm amazed how vivid this dream is and how beautiful everything is. I ask if there's another building around with an elevator. The guy says that actually I can ride their elevator but I just have to sign a waiver. I ask him where will it take me. He says it will take me up to the top. I ask him what is there? He says the tree. I say the tree? Is this construction, unfinished? No he says it is solid. It used to house our Communications
      department(?). I follow him towards the elevator down the hall that looks like a maintenance corridor and I'm having trouble standing up straight. I am leaning heavily as if I will fall to my left down a stairwell but I am hanging on to some bars or pipes that line the right side. It seems like the guy I am following is growing impatient at how slow I am. I'm in a dilemma. I'm not sure if I should let go and have faith that I can walk straight or keep going while holding on. I think it's okay if I fall it is just a dream but I might lose the scene and my path to the elevator. I also I think that I could teleport. I got probably 20 feet down this hall hanging on
      before I finally woke up for real. Still very cool lucid scenes and I wake up smiling. My day practices up until yesterday were focusing on doing the elevator task next for whatever reason. Yesterday I thought I started incubating the idea that I should meet up with Dreamer first, but next need to incubate that a bit more. Might have gotten to that task if I had ever completed the elevator one! 173
    6. Special Guests, Drama On The Pitch (14.7.14)

      by , 07-14-2014 at 01:19 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1
      Recorded at 7.25am

      I'm home with a few people I know, but not sure who they're.

      People have been invited over and I skip or do some sort of excited jumping all the way to the door. I see a car with 2 girls and a guy. One of the guys is Lombard, who I haven't seen since high school.

      A girl comes up to me, I recognise her face and she tells me, did you do that skipping thing to get a look at who was out the front of the house?

      The fellas and myself are sitting at the bench when Lombard arrives. I greet him and notice he gets a bit freaked out by something on the bench top. I figure he's scared of spiders or something and tell him there's a huntsman spider behind him on the ceiling to see if I get a reaction. To my surprised I don't get much of a reaction from him.

      Soon after 2 more people arrive. They're MMA fighters, Shaun McKorkle and Matt Mitrione. Mitrione has a strange looking nose which looks a little disfigured.

      I can now see Stefan Struve, he's another MMA fighter. He's trying to prove that he's medical condition of an enlarged heart is no longer causing him issues, so he has a full contact striking match with Matt. They go back and fourth, striking blows and dazing one another. Now Stefan is fighting a pro boxer and is lighting him up and giving him a good old ass whooping.

      I'm now on a couch with Josh, Cousin Trev and some girls.i don't think I'm at my house anymore as the surroundings don't look familiar. Everyone is being social and I'm smiling a lot but not doing much of the talking. According to Josh I got a kiss on the cheek by one of the girls because it was said that I don't get much love off of people. Josh says to go for girl, as she's keen on me. I take a good look at her and look her up and down. She's pretty good looking and love her style of blue sparkly tights. I see pictures of her as if I'm looking at her Facebook page.

      I may be a little late on getting the girl on this one, as my cousin Trev is attempting to weave his game on her and I'm not too keen on spoiling his party.

      Dream 2
      Recorded at 9:17am

      I walk into my lounge room and see that the cricket is being played. I ask Dad what we scored and he said 700. When I first heard it I was a little disappointed but then realised that's a unbelievable total.

      Australia is bowling against an African team. Siddle claims a wicket with a slower ball. Things get heated and one of the black Australian players says something to the batsmen which went out. Batsmen gets in his face and Australian throws a couple punches. I think poorly of the act from the Australian, as it's unprofessional.

      I tell Dad not to give me the batsmen score and I'll check the replay later.

      I see one of the Australian outfielders take a awesome catch, but unfortunately it was over the line and given as six runs.
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