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    1. 2 dreams in one lucidity achieved with flight

      by , 04-16-2016 at 10:13 AM
      Thursday, 09/10/15
      Stopped smoking weed, drinking alcohol, and drinking coffee for 3 days
      Took Galantamine, Meletonin, and Lucid Dreaming supplement
      Slept in many stages waking periodically
      Achieved vivid lucidity
      Many dreams recollected

      Massive Boulder Island With Wild Animal Inhabitants
      ( Rock, Boulder, Water, Flying, Pterodactyl, Climbing, Alligator, Chimpanzees, Brother)
      I dreamt of this massive boulder rock surrounded by water. I was there with my brother. We tricked these blue flying creatures into flying into each other. They had a routine of all flying at once off the edge and we had another group flying up the other side at the same time. They all attacked each other and died. We had hoped at least one would survive but no one did. Ben wondered how we were going to get down because it was so high up and the water was to shallow. I found a spot to climb down and drop 6 feet or so into the shallow water. Ben was swimming and from above I could see a reptilian looking creature swimming near him. He said it was an alligator gar. I yelled for him to get out of the water. But he swam the other way where there was no spot to climb up. I jumped in and it bit on to me. I started to wrestle it. ~REALITY CHECK (abrupt scene change)~
      The scene skipped to inside a cave within the rock and I was strangling the creature except now it looked like an anaconda and there was commentary saying something about the tables being turned. Inside the rock were these feline creatures that looked like they were either dead or sleeping. It almost looked like a display from a museum. I saw one of their arms twitch and I got a little nervous because I felt no match for catlike reflexes. I went outside and there were these chimpanzees wearing sweaters. One was green with the #12 on it. Outside I was balancing on this hanging vine outside on my feet and I jumped to another one. The chimps were amazed and wanted to see me do it again. I thought it was weird that I would be teaching the chimps there own techniques.

      Deep Breathing Induced Flight High Above the Earth
      (Parents House, Night, Raining, Naked, Flying, Falling)

      I was in my old house. It was raining and dark out and I was naked. Some how I had an inkling that I was dreaming. I think it was because I had this floating feeling and I didn't remember getting there. I went outside through the front glass door into the rain and tried to fly. I began to float upwards but I leveled out a bit. I realized I wasn't breathing enough so I took a deep breath and raised higher into the air. It seemed that the deeper I inhaled, the higher up I went. I kept rising higher and higher until I was in the upper atmosphere. I remember vividly, looking down toward the Earth, weightlessly floating, admiring how vast of a distance there was between me and the massive planet below. Later I decided that I wanted to see what it would feel like to fall all the way down so I stopped trying to hover and began to plummet toward the Earth. The texture of the Earth became continuously clearer and cleared as I came closer and closer to the ground. But lucidity faded before I hit the ground.
    2. Dream Journey Goal Completed

      by , 04-16-2016 at 09:12 AM
      Can't remember much for now.

      Dream Journal Goal Completed [x].

      I recalled 19 dreams within 6 days.
    3. [16-04-2016]

      by , 04-16-2016 at 09:01 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)

      I was in my kitchen with whole my family. We were preparing the kitchen to start painting it.


      I saw two special agents in a restaurant of some kind. They were tracing paranormal phenomena. When they were just going to leave, another man in suit burst out of wall (still leaving it intact) and said something about his paranormal power.

      Following him through the wall I landed in some kind of archeological did site. There was my sister with some girls from my class. My sister was making some kind of movie. She needed actors, so I agreed to take up a small role. I only had a short one liner, but I messed up at first. Second time I did it intentional, and third time I wasn't able to say it, as someone did it before me.

      I looked at a desk and saw that they were using my laptop. I checked it's state and saw that it had two additional partitions and hard drive was fully cluttered. I asked brother how to remove them, and following his advice I used regenerate function and then deleted. Checking what's been installed on my laptop I saw that there was a game called "Wyrm" installed.
    4. 16/4/2016

      by , 04-16-2016 at 08:24 AM
      Competition night #6

      Annoyingly I awoke in the early hours, remembered a full dream and was convinced I would remember it in the morning.... all gone now. Only remembered 1 full dream.

      1) I was sitting in a canteen (again, why do I always dream about canteens??) with lots of teams of people one at each table. Some were identified by particular colours on their backs. Then I was serving with my wife. At one table we were serving a man and his young daughter, for some reason I asked if I should treat them as a 'couple'. Then I was at a table with lots of other people, I think it was breakfast. Everyone else had been served a rather odd looking starter. The person at the head of the table announced that if I wanted a shave I had an appointment at 8.45am and I had to rush off to it as it was almost time so left the table. Then I was at the entrance to an airport. I was pushing a shopping trolley full of food, and I had to go in to get a new passport, and I thought that I would be able to leave the trolley to one side whilst I got the passport. I pushed it up to the first barrier and was asked for my current passport which I didn't have. I knew that I wouldn't be able to get a new passport now and had to turn around. As I left the airport the trolley tripped over the curb and fell over, lots of electronic good fell out and I started to pick them up.

      I woke early and was unable to get back to sleep, so had a WBTB.

      2) I can only remember the end of the dream I was meeting a man in a long street in a seaside village. Suddenly I became lucid and immediately, without thinking of anything else like stabilsation shot off upwards trying to fly, I got to the top of the buildings and immediately woke up. Not a very satisfying experience, lasting all of about 1 second.

      Updated 04-16-2016 at 10:18 AM by 88643

      Tags: canteen
      lucid , non-lucid
    5. Competition night 6

      by , 04-16-2016 at 06:27 AM
      Let's look at it from the bright side, yesterday I had nothing, nada, zero

      Today there's a fragment:

      I have to write things on small notes, and we're all sitting in squares, my dad is involved again
      Tags: dad
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    6. #127: Moves / more moves

      by , 04-16-2016 at 06:12 AM
      I'm at a sort of apartment complex. The scene is about two students, a m/f couple. They're about 24 years old and the girl is pregnant. It feels as if there's a television programme being made about it. The white male presenter mentions something about that they're at least still getting free money (student aid). I don't like the comment. We don't know for sure that they do and it's wrong to pretend as if they will use it all on the baby in a irresponsible manner.

      There's a hallway / stairway leading to the 3rd floor. I go up and on my way say bye to the pregnant girl, who is walking down. She still has a flat stomach, so she's probably not far along. I look at her for a moment, but not too long cause I know my girlfriend is close. I reach the 3rd floor. There are a lot of people partying and there's music. I'm in Miami. There's a fence / railing in my way, so I go over it with a front handspring, with my hands on the bar. In the process I drop a small white towel on the ground, which I pick up. I see my girlfriend [who doesn't resemble my real life girlfriend]. She's smiling at me and I smile back. I feel good about myself for being able to do that move and I think she may be a little proud as well. She's dancing and just in front of her is a girl dancing with her pants a little too low. You can see some buttcrack. I continue my way. There's another railing which I pass significantly less elegant. I place my hands on it and jump with my legs extended to the left. My bad side. I pass it though. My friend in the mean time (I think it was Irli) takes a small run up and does a backflip so far that he just disappears behind a pillar a few metres away. What the hell?! That was insanely awesome.

      More moves
      I'm at my old elementary school. The buildings look more like what it was like when I still went there. I'm standing outside the building that was meant for the 3rd grade. My little brother and his friend Tony are hanging around there. I'm assuming they might get into some trouble at some point. I'm here to practice my parkour skills. I attempt different ways to climb up onto the roof of this building. There is one route that forces me to be careful because of two rows of spikes. There's another route where I first have to jump towards an emergency ladder and can then climb onto the roof. I practice jump that one, first practising what I will do in case I don't make it. I jump below below the ladder, land on the ground and roll away. I'm a bit scared of this one because it's similar to how I ended up messing up my knee in reality. I do it and manage to succeed.

      Other dreams I had were about my housemate tricking me into playing League of Legends and me not wanting to, having sex with a girl who I assume to be Japanese (all I know for certain is that she was Asian), playing a game of tic-tac which evolves into chess, moving to a city at the very edge of the country and driving a car on the highway (with my mom?).
    7. 16/04/2016

      by , 04-16-2016 at 04:08 AM
      I woke up in around 9AM in the school corridor with my mom besides me in front of the little canteen. The there is only a few peoples in the school. I saw a few 9th grades students walking and staring at us and we saw ahok (jakarta's governot right now) is mad at us

      *background changes

      me and my bestfriend are in front of our elementary school walking in the afternoon and we decide to stop and sit for a second on the side of the road because my bestfriend wants to tie his shoes first. while waiting him to tie his shoes i talk to one of our teacher. (But the atmospher is different, the road is usually dark and kinda scary but in the dream it's full of light and joy, i think? like christmas nightt on many movies haha)

      *background changes

      im walking in one of popular middle school in my city in front of its hall ( i once joined a competition in this school) and i meet my friend (who also joined the same competition with me)

      me : look, my (another) friend won because of you
      my friend : dont you win too on the 1st rank?

      and i get a bit upset, because my friend doesnt know that the 1st winner isnt me but another friend of mine who joined another competition (replacing me, i should joined that competition but i cancelled it)
    8. From classroom to the space

      by , 04-16-2016 at 03:53 AM
      So after a week of holiday, im sitting in the class on english class with our teacher. And she is asking about the previous project and we should submit it now, but me and my group havent do it, AT ALL so we are being told to move away to the corner and do the project at that time. But suddenly the background changes, me and my group are in the one of the popular shopping centre in its big place. We are watching movies about the planets and the space and there is my father explaining the movies like a teacher. But the special thing about this movie is that, we dont wach it on the large screen or tv..
      the environment goes black and we suddenly come in to the movies. we are like on the space itself the movie is like 3d real-like hologram Then my father needs 2 mechanical components i think for the project

      *background changes

      me, my father, my group are in my house right now and there is someone who is the knocking the door and when we see it's actually my mother giving us the 2 important mechanical components but in the dream we are being kinda skeptical about it but we still take it.

      *i woke up
    9. No dreams

      by , 04-16-2016 at 03:18 AM
      I haven't been dreaming lately I think its more than likely due to stress (finals are coming up) ...
    10. Stone Throne in the Clouds

      by , 04-16-2016 at 01:18 AM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      Third of three LDs of the night. I am on a tram on a sunny day when I look toward the window, place my hand against the glass and say "Bam, I'm lucid". (Something just seem to 'click' at this point, as though a critical level of awareness was simply reached). I turn around and decide to meet my dream guide. I am beginning to head through a wall to pursue the goal in another scene when I suddenly realize I actually intended to meet my 'Spirit Teacher' in the dream state. At this point, I dive through a stack of magazine piled up against the wall of the tram. This stack is situated next to a side room which is partitioned by curtains. I attempt to change the dream scene by diving through this stack. It is successfully (The most successful attempt I've had at changing scenes as I arrive in a new location with the intended goal, with lucidity). I find myself among the clouds on a a massive circular stone slab. The stone is engraved with jade carvings - intricate designs weave their way throughout the entire surface which is roughly 75m or so in diameter. I notice epic music playing once on this massive stone in the sky. I notice a female figure sitting cross-legged upon a throne on the far end of the stone. She appears to be elven. I get the impression that this was a manifestation of the spirit teacher I was seeking in the dream. I approach to speak with her, but the dream begins to fade, and I wake.

      Contributing Factors
      Techniques - All Day Awareness, Meditation, Mantra/Intention before bed, Daytime Suggestion,
      Herbs - Matcha, Reishi, Lion's Mane,
      Diet - Olive Oil, Dark Chocolate, Cranberry Beans, Coconut Cream

      Updated 04-16-2016 at 12:20 PM by 50425

    11. Yellow Grove Flight

      by , 04-16-2016 at 01:09 AM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      Second of Three LDs for the night. I'm walking through a field with my brother talking about All Day Awarenss as a method to become lucid. At one point in the walk within the grove, I spontaneously turn to him, levitate up quite a few feet, smirk and say "Now I'm Lucid". We are neara a long row of brown wooden picnic tables which were lined up. I had peviously run across all of these as I was explaining ADA. I see him run a bit on the ground as I ascend and say "[B]...if that's who you really are...". Beautiful yellow-amber sunlight comes into the grove, providing a Spring/Surreal feel to the entire surrounding. Rather than continue to fly, I decide to resist the temptation and focus on recalling a goal. I descend to the ground and want to focus on speaking with a guide within the dream. The dream begins to get dim as I walk across the grove along a line of evergreen trees. I remain focused. I begin spinning to change scenes. At this point I feel as though I am in the dream and simultaneously feeling my eyelids. I am very careful with how I manipulate vision within the dream as I become very aware of my sleeping body.
    12. The Darkened House

      by , 04-16-2016 at 01:00 AM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      First Lucid Dream of the night. I moved my head a bit upon awakinging and feel as though a great deal of the dream memory was difficult to retrieve due to this. I am lucid in my childhood house with no memory of a definitive starting point. I immediately think to begin on one of my LD goals, and meet a spiritual teacher within the dream. Before taking action, I head to the backyard of the house. I am by the sliding glass door in a very dark family room. I resolve to stay focused regardless of black-outs/voids which seem to be approaching. I continue to remember the exact nature of my goals in the dream, and run through my memory a bit more. I do not do anything to ground myself into the dream at this point as I am too focused on the purpose I wanted to accomplish. However, I am successful in sharpening my awarenss and moving through a period of dream blindness. At one point I head to the kitchen and see my mother out of the corner of my eye. I decide to head to the fridge, and open it. I decide to take a couple pieces of toast and put both pieces in my mouth at once and continue on with exporing. I noticed the strong sense of the class texture of toast on my tongue and on the roof of my mouth. It had hints of butter as well. I head back to the family room around this point and the dream nears a fading period once again. I regain awareness, and I believe at this point I arrive upstairs. I attempt to refocus the dream by changing the scene and continuing on with the goal. I head to the hallway and feel the presence of my brother in his room. I spin to keep stability and attempt to end up in another scene. This is all taking place in the middle of the hallway at this point. I decide that I'll head through the glass window opposite the entry hall as a new scene did not appear. I set my mind to encounter a new scene once I head through. I end up with a vision in the dream at this point as though only my awarenss is present. I am in a new location, with narration from a co-worker (I was talking to this person about dream a couple days prior). She explains that she has gotten good at changing dream scenes. There is a squiggly arrow leading up between a walkway. The walkway is situated between walls of two adjacent walls which appear to be enges of a lodge of some sort. She then explains she likes spending time with her family in this ocation. I wake up around this point. The entire dream felt to be roughly 12 minutes.
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