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    1. Not much recalled (Winter comp night 4)

      by , 01-10-2024 at 08:01 PM (Lucid-Wannabe's Dream Journal)
      Had one of those nights where I just couldn't get to sleep. Then I was tossing and turning a lot, just total garbage sleep ughh! I was initially planning on a WBTB.

      Dream 1

      I’m in the kitchen of the PA house. Audrey is there and she’s about to head out, she’s adjusting her shorts over and over again. I ask her if she’s okay and she says “Tight shorts don’t really work well when you have a penis!” I just accepted the fact that she must’ve always had a penis and asked her if she was planning on doing some sort of surgery at some point to remove it?

      She says that she plans to someday, but it costs $800. I was shocked that something like that would cost so little and was contemplating giving her the money right there.

      Dream 2 (fragment)

      This one is fuzzy, I was on some sort of adventure with Rachel. She was very confident about our every move and we were going to lots of places.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Winter Competion 2024 - Nights 1 - 4 (06-09.01.2024)

      by , 01-10-2024 at 07:32 PM (4th DJ-Attempt)
      Night 1:

      Dream fragment: …/I’m standing on my way home from work at a park. I see wagons from my work coming right where I am. I arrange some stuff on them and let them turn to my left and let them move along the street/…

      Night 2&3:

      No recall

      Night 4:

      Dream fragment: …/I’m traveling in a bus that has white tables on some seats disposed in zig-zag. Some people are complaining because of the asymmetrical distribution of the seats with tables. I see nothing wrong with that disposition, it must be that way/…
      Tags: bus, wagons, work
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Competition Night 3: Pumpkinhead and more

      by , 01-10-2024 at 04:59 PM
      Fragment 1: My Friend the Actress

      My friend H- is in a movie (or TV show). She seems to play a villain. I watch the first of these. In the movie, she is very beautiful (she’s pretty attractive in real life, but in the movie she was exceptionally well presented). I find her later and tell her that I saw her in the movie.

      Dream 1: Disorientation Party and Brainwashing

      Some young people (college students?) are having a party. I am at the party, and as I walk around, I notice how weird it seems. There are a couple of people dressed in what looks like plain-colored business attire. A girl gets up and jumps on a scale, and then jumps back down. She and another guy are comparing weights, or something. I continue walking and go into a room where there are a bunch of picture frames. There is something odd, like the pictures in the frames are missing or off center, or something. Someone begins to explain to me that this is a party in which things are intentionally mixed up, so that people won’t have a “point of reference” and will become disoriented. Indeed, many aspects of the surroundings don’t seem to have logical coherence to them – even the games, like the girl jumping on the scale.

      But then I start explaining to the guy that there is one thing that ties everything together. Then I stop and say we should wait until we get away from other people because I don’t want to ruin the experience for them. When we get to a less crowded place, I explain that since the intention is to disorient people, that intention is what ties everything together and gives it coherence. But then as we continue walking, I realize that this technique has been used for brainwashing (not sure if it really has or if I just dreamed it). Since it has been used in the past, maybe it really does work.

      Now, this starts to tie into a plot. There is a family that has moved into a small town. Things seem normal at first. There is a man and wife and a couple of kids. The parents read to the kids. But as things progress, it appears that they are being brainwashed by some people in the town. On closer inspection, the books that they read appear to have propaganda material in them. There seems to be a similar disorientation attempt as in the party, people doing weird and random things. The children, for example, will alternate from crying to being happy when the parents look at them and then look away. One child puts on a creepy mask.

      There is a cake shaped like a frog. It looks tasty, but is also reminiscent of something disturbing that happened. My Mom (?) and I are going to eat it, but I wonder if she wants to because of its resemblance to this thing. She says it’s ok. As we slice into it, there are words revealed on the slices. These seem to be disturbing somehow.

      I, or someone, catches on. There is a scene where this person is laying on a couch. Some things happen, involving a bag with pickle juice being poured onto this person as part of a plot. This person eventually goes undercover as a woman. He rides a scooter or bicycle to work (?) stumbling around and appearing drunk (but possibly just not used to the high heels).

      Some of this might be taking place at my Aunt’s house, or in her barn. Anyway, I have her house mentioned in my notes around here and I don’t quite remember what was going on with that.

      Dream 2: Family Get-together and Silver Coin

      My family is having a get-together at my grandparents’ house. I’m still in my pajamas as people begin to show up. But that’s ok, as it seems that others are still in their pajamas as well, even though it’s afternoon. The get-together is apparently taking place in the evening. I have one of those scenes where I’m struggling to get dressed quickly. I don’t remember if I get fully dressed or not, but I join the group at some point. People are exchanging gifts. There is a big to-do about a large silver coin (about the size of a plate). It might have belonged to my grandfather, and the family took it and had it cleaned up as a gift. We are passing it around and looking at it, and my mother accidentally breaks it.

      [Not sure if this part belongs here, but it makes sense so I’ll put it here] I go to find a broom to clean up the shards of the mirror. I go outside and look around, apparently thinking that there is a broom (or large stalk of grass, which I think would work too) in a garden or behind a compost pile. As I approach the spot, the broom seems to be gone. I turn around and see one in another location. I get this one, and go back into the house.

      My mother had been given a fancy vacuum cleaner as a gift. But she doesn’t like it. In fact, she is telling my grandmother how much she hates it. My grandmother tells her that it isn’t very nice to say that. I take the vacuum and start cleaning with it. Someone goes on and talks about how people were planning to give her attachments for the vacuum as gifts. My mother then pretends that she likes the vacuum, seeing that my brother (and maybe other family members) are in the adjacent room. My brother makes some sarcastic remark, which seems to hint that he overheard my mother talking about how she hated the vacuum cleaner.

      At some point, not sure if it’s in this dream or where, some kid runs around trying to find a place to throw up. He ends up throwing up off of the edge of a dock in a harbor, in front of some girls.

      Fragment 2: Three Arbys’

      Someone is talking about how it sounds bad to say that he hopes someone dies. Or is glad that they are dying, or something. But then he explains that “how many Arby’s do you need all together?” There are three Arbys’ restaurants together in one small location, two of them right next to each other. I mention how this seems to be the case with fast food places – they will tear one down and build a new one right next to it.

      Fragment 3: Pumpkinhead

      Someone is fighting a creature with a pumpkin for a head. It was kind of threatening at first, but the person gets the upper hand. Pushing it so that it’s leaning out over a bridge, she starts slashing at its neck with a sword. Now the Pumpkinhead starts pleading that it has a wife and six children, or something. The woman attacking the Pumpkinhead slashes off the head, but it doesn’t seem to phase the creature. I think it explains that cutting off its head doesn’t really do much, for some reason. [I get the idea that this dream was inspired by watching a few episodes of Attack on Titan before going to bed. But I can’t specifically prove that, so I won’t count it for points]

      Who's from England...I need some guy tips-pumpkinhead.jpgWho's from England...I need some guy tips-_60fa3d10-32f8-43d2-b6b4-ad44d15f7923.jpg

      Updated 01-11-2024 at 01:47 AM by 97618

    4. Night of Tuesday 1/9/24 (Winter Comp Night 4)

      by , 01-10-2024 at 04:18 PM (Dreamlog)
      Coffee Splash:

      I'm in a long square-like room, sort of like a trailer.
      My Grandpa R has just died, and his casket is on display.
      I keep thinking that the body is going to stand up.
      Highly emotional feelings. My Dad is there with me.
      We're tasked to set the casket aflame in some ritual and we are hesitating to do it.
      Later in this process the casket goes down a serpentine system of pipes into fluid.
      Later I am in a huge banquet hall-like building, with a theater attached.
      I'm walking over to a concessions stand. I find a couple of fruits with barcode stickers and try to scan them.
      A woman nearby says that this cannot be bought, even though the scan goes through.
      I've come home to my current garage. There is a small circular folding table setup.
      My laptop is setup there, and my brother has an identical one setup for him next to it.
      My sister is with us as well.
      I'm having an argument with my brother. He thinks I'm being too easy-going, and not allowing our sister to mourn.
      This makes me angry, because I want to deal with grief my own way.
      I notice a cold mug of coffee on the table, and I splash it in his face.
      Trying to remove myself from the situation, I start to pick-up and leave.
      My brother grabs my laptop's power cord, preventing me from going.
      I wake up angry.

      Shooting for the Girl:

      I'm on a roadtrip with my girlfriend, her mom, and a young guy.
      The guy is a friend of my girlfriend's mom, and I suspect that she is positioning him as my replacement.
      I'm checking out at the counter, buying some snacks. I pay for the guy's food, trying to be cordial.
      He seems to appreciate it, not outwardly trying to steal my girlfriend. He is friendly.
      We leave and head outside. We are driving a large semi-truck.
      A middle-eastern looking man follows us outside and seems angry.
      He points out that I'm carrying wrappers, and going to make a mess in the car.
      I notice a dumpster nearby and try to basketball-shoot the crumpled wrappers into it.
      My shot is miserable. Embarrassed, I pick-up the clump and place it in the dumpster.
      I'm worried that bad shot just affected my chances against the guy.

      Game Night:

      I'm playing a Yu-Gi-Oh inspired card game with my girlfriend.
      Taking just a couple turns, I've already cleared her side of cards and attacking her life points.
      The values on the cards are in the single digits.
      Later I'm playing a mid-generation Pokemon game.
      Looks like it might have been DS or 3DS era, with animated 2D sprites.
      I'm controlling a Magneton, except it is made from four Magnemites instead of the usual three.
      I use an attack called Tetraelectro Blast or something similar.
      The animation has four distinct stages with accompanying sound.
      Basically, it looks accurate to the games.
      I'm in a Yu-Gi-Oh duel with someone in a large empty warehouse.
      The atmosphere is dark and foreboding.
      We have fully 3D virtual monsters, like in the show.
      My opponent has summoned the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.
      But it is multiplying. Four heads. Five heads. Six heads...
      It's the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Hydra now.
      The entire warehouse is filled with the oppressively huge heads and necks of the monster.
      This monster gets so comically large that I'm nearly trapped by the slithering necks moving around me.
      I see a light on my left side. I duck by one of the snaking necks and escape.

      The Blue-Eyes Ultimate Hydra. Made with Bing Image Creator AI.

      False Awakening:

      I wake up and start telling my girlfriend about the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Hydra.
      She has put a couple Monster Energy drinks on the foot of the bed for me.
      My room is perfectly rendered, down to the real-life detail that my girlfriend is up early for an important work meeting.
      I go over to the bathroom and look in the mirror.
      I see that my eyes are large and white, with the pupils faded like a blind person's.
      I start to freak out and wonder what is wrong!
      The eyes correct themselves after I blink a few times.
    5. CN3- couple fragments

      by , 01-10-2024 at 03:26 AM
      I was in an empty gray museum room talking to a guy about if height is really a factor in wether shorts look good on someone or not.

      I was walking in a parking lot. I was about to do one of my routine reality checks.

      [COLOR="#EE82EE"]2 fragments -1
      rcs -2
      breif medietation-0.5
      comp total-12.5[/COLOR]

      Updated 01-10-2024 at 03:35 AM by 100014

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    6. Biometric dog jaw scanners and parking lot antics (Winter comp night 3)

      by , 01-10-2024 at 12:25 AM (Lucid-Wannabe's Dream Journal)
      WBTB attempt:
      I went to sleep around midnight and then woke up at 4:30am. I went out to my livingroom and sat with the lights very dimmed as I worked on waking up my mind. I didn't move around much to keep my body from waking up too much. Went back to sleep at 5:00am - unfortunately no lucids but these following dreams were fairly bright.

      Dream 1

      I was walking by a bunch of very small stores side by side like a strip mall. Looking in through the windows I notice that they all seem to be mainly selling books, one store sold magazines.

      The owner of the magazine store was walking with me and I was going to show her my store which was maybe 5 stores down from hers.

      As we are walking I suddenly know that these stores have very cheap leases. I now begin to wonder if some of these stores are personal libraries of some people and not stores at all.

      We reach the door of my store, there is a finger scanner I use to unlock the door. But then I notice there’s another scanner beneath it. The second scanner appears to unlock the door via a ‘jawprint scanner’ that a dog bites into with a small enclave going into the wall for a dog to stick its snout into to bite on for identification.

      As I’m looking at this weird second scanner I notice there’s drool on it, so a dog (my dog?) must have used it to unlock the door recently.

      My shop is also full of books, we end up having coffee at a small glass table out front of the shop. Before we went out I grabbed some paper towels to clean up the dog jaw scanner.

      Dream 2

      It’s night out and I’m a floating perspective coming down into a parking lot. My view is zooming into one of the many cars there which I am to understand is mine, it’s not the same as my waking life car.

      A van hurriedly drives beside my car and someone gets out and crouches by the front bumper and does something then quickly jumps back into the van, the person was dressed in black with a ski mask on.

      There was an old man parked on the other side of my car, we were parked nose to nose. He seemed to be living out of his truck as it had all sorts of trinkets and really random items in it.

      I’m no longer a floating perspective and I’m now looking at my bumper where the ski mask guy was. I can’t tell that anything was done to my car but I have the feeling that a RFID tag or something similar was applied to some part of my car in that area.

      So I went over to the old guy in his truck to ask him if he may have seen what happened. He had a white scruffy beard and really well worn clothes, he had a beanie on his head.
      I asked him if he saw what the guys did that pulled up a moment ago. He seemed really aloof and asked me to repeat myself a few times and sort of hinted at not seeing anything but it was hard getting any direct answers out of him.

      He then gets a little more lucid and is proud to tell me that he has been scientifically tested and proven to be one of the least likely people to ‘say yes, to trying new things.’
      OMFGz0rs t3h greys, they are coming!!!!111one-1.jpg

      Updated 01-10-2024 at 08:05 PM by 106

      Tags: wbtb attempt