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    1. Night of Monday 1/29/24

      by , 01-30-2024 at 09:28 PM (Dreamlog)
      Jungle Flight:
      I'm driving my car up a steep hill.
      The car fails and I start to fall backward.
      I'm at a sort of car agency.
      A man in a suit is selling me not a car, but a type of hover-bike.
      I'm pretty excited about the hover-bike.
      I'm in a jungle environment, but the hover-bike has changed into a hand-held flight device.
      The area is beautiful, almost euphoric.
      I can't recall the exact mechanism, but the device is similar to one-handed flight devices from previous dreams.
      I carefully pilot myself into a tiki-bar looking area with a bar and restaurant, but don't land.
      I may have been on a tour of the area with others.

      My friend AG is admiring some wood polish on a chair and table at my Grandma P's house.

      Flying through the jungle using a handheld device.

      Updated 02-05-2024 at 10:21 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , memorable
    2. back?

      by , 01-30-2024 at 07:13 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Apologies for not updating recently, The wifi at home is worse than dial up. Can't even load a webpage to update my dj.

      Jamie dream (Almost a month ago?) I was standing outside somewhere with some family and saw my aunt smoking and standing by her Dodge caravan. Now I know she doesn't smoke so i'm really perplexed. I go to confront her on this. Someone calls behind me I look and at the end of the driveway is a woman with long brown hair and eyes light grey like a wolf. She's waving me down but somehow I don't recognize her, but I'm still focused on why my aunt is smoking so, I ignore the woman's "Ooh ooh, over here." and continue talking to my aunt. It wasn't until I woke up I realized it was a visit from Jamie.

      Second dream I am furiously writing Jamie a really long Facebook message... Dear God, I sincerely hope I never have to do that again. It's been 5 years?!?!?!? Since I did such a thing and no response indicates that she likely doesn't want one either.

      Dreams this week.

      1. In this one I go to this park forest area in the middle of a city and hang out with people in the middle of the night. very vague on the rest of the details

      2. Some skanky looking younger woman indicates she wants me to sleep with her. I take her number somewhat reluctantly, because i seem to be horny enough. But later in the dream and just message her that I'm no longer interested since I already have a girl coming in. (I think in the dream I was expecting Jamie to come into my life suddenly.

      3. I am on a roadtrip in the middle of the night. I'm tired so I find an abandoned hospital looking place to stay the night in. While there a couple pulls up to spend the night as well. It's Victoria and her boyfriend (The victoria I worked with that didn't die from covid )

      4. I find myself on a Date with a girl from India. We just get along really nicely. Can't remember much. just that she was leaning against a railing, we got talking and went for a coffee or something.

      Seems like most of the dreams were trying to distract me from finding Jami in a dream... hmmm.
    3. The river spirit

      by , 01-30-2024 at 06:29 PM (Lucid-Wannabe's Dream Journal)
      Notable day substances: No form of caffeine

      Dream 1

      I'm standing in the shallow spot of a river.

      I'm holding a 'water piccolo' that is attuned to the river. I jump into a deeper part of the river and the river spirit teleports me way downstream.

      I forget what I do here but I later find myself in the same shallow spot in the river later on.

      I wade down towards the spot where the river becomes deep again and I jump in, again holding the water piccolo. I expect to be teleported, but this time it doesn't happen.

      Instead, I can't control my legs now and I slowly sink to the bottom of the river.

      I gain the dream knowledge that the river spirit decides when it's your time to go, and this was my time.

      Struggling and losing clarity of mind is the default/beginner's way to die, the river spirit tells me. I try to pass in meditation.

      Dream 2 - Fragment

      I receive a package from booky. I open it, it's a VHS on machine learning that I 'left' at his place. It’s in a Blockbuster sort of shell, but it had a different name that began with an S, like Sharp or something.
      non-lucid , memorable
    4. stole booze, parking garage tunnels

      by , 01-30-2024 at 06:51 AM
      I was in the garage, I snatched some brown liquid which may have been booze off the ugly plywood shelf. one of my parents waled in the room so I hid the bottle behind my back and pretended I was about to do the dishes.

      I walked past a hot tub or pool, there were some people talking. I didn't feel like joining them so I walked into an area which resembled an underground parking garage. I was then walking in a large tunnel, like one a highway would go through. There were a bunch of people around me, most looked normal but there were more bums than you'd see in the average crowd. I saw some people in white aprons run into a wide hall. i followed them, they scooped noodles and chicken and a bunch of other chinese looking foods into plastic containers which they took to their stand in the middle of the main hall, so they could be sold for 3 bucks.I walked along more and saw an area with a few cars and some dirt bikes. I got into the back seat of a car, and a man outside gave the guy next to me money. I forgot who started it but we were suddenly fighting, the guy next to me was being strangled by the one outside, and the one in front was elbowing me. I then left the car and continued down the tunnel which led me into a whole foods. I walk back and now the chinese food stand has switched to sushi. I keep walking, I end up in a smaller room with a lot of clutter.