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    1. January 2, 2025 7:?? pm

      by , 01-02-2025 at 08:06 PM
      Happy New Year folks, it's been a while since I posted in here for my sleep schedule has been too much of a mess as I work evenings/nights now.
      This is kinda my "hatsuyume" of this year as it's often measured on the second day, my first day can be found on Tumblr:


      I was in Amersfoort for a meeting for a cultural event or something (Probably Spoffin as I volunteered there in 2017 but never got around to it since while last year they had their final edition due to its lack of funding.
      At the meeting I'm hanging out with a group of people, including this guy I don't recall seeing there but somewhat resembles two dudes I befriended there. The guy asks what I've been up to and I tell him I lived in Berlin for a year and was about to tell him I'm employed in a theatre now but he interrupted me to express his fascinating how "my ship had sailed there" we were to continue to the conversation after drinks in the cafeteria, the cafeteria only has these mini Yakult sized fruit yogurt drinks, I order a banana one for three euros but wasn't sure I had enough money on my card. It was cash only anywayd but the person was looking for a mini wireless PIN device in their bag while I find change in my wallet and pay four euros as a small "spenden" which I have put in one of the random random duffel bags the cashier placed on the table. As i return from the food court and see the guy deeply in conversation with someone else, I briefly return to the meeting room to return my stuff in my bag, there I see a brunette girl who somewhat resembles a girl from my class when I studied media design who was the only one interested into taking the programming route, but with short hair. She also hsd this familiar look towards a woman I had seem somewhere before, at work or something. I still cannot recall, but I woke up.
    2. September 11, 2024 11:?? am

      by , 09-11-2024 at 10:27 AM
      I dreamed about working at the festival Amsterdam again but with my friend from Belgium. Halfway through the dream I suddenly work at a fancy restaurant in Paris similar to the one from The Bear (idk I haven't seen the show yet) and Rihanna casually visits talking in Dutch about her being allergic to "tonggoed" We hang out with her for a while. I then play Football with the staff's children inside the restaurant after hours and every time I ALMOST hit a valuable statue or lamp with the ball but ultimately miss
    3. ccxxxv.

      by , 03-08-2021 at 12:22 AM
      4th March 2021


      T needed a bug killer or repellent? Asks me for guidance on soldering and installing a micro noise generator PCB.

      Something Dark Souls-esque. I remember interact with a user interface menu, mostly having a look?

      6th March 2021


      After some sequence about trucks and driving and a very vast area in some kind of half-real/half-game world, exploring a map or level? Me and H are arriving at the building door for my old apartment building. There's a man in the lobby and I don't feel like going in? A car drives past, going up on the curb. It sounds like dad's car and is the same colour so I tell H to look. But then I realise it's not dad and his car because it's actually a Toyota (though in the dream I mistake it for a Mitsubishi, a mistake I commonly make in waking life, but for some reason realised instantly to be wrong as I wrote the recall).

      The car makes laps around the cul-de-sac. I remark that it must simply be using the same engine. At this point it feels like just before sunset. The shadows' directions in the dream would be agreeable to this.

      Then me and H are going around a mix of my old home town/L. We're checking off things from a checklist on my phone. It's night time and the area we're in is a busy part of the city. There seem to be festive decorations of some kind.

      I have some subconscious awareness of Covid but nobody is wearing masks, including myself. The next thing on the list is that we have to visit a chapel. I want to loop up the nearest one on my phone but I have a feeling there's one nearby, maybe an in-dream memory of one.

      We walk towards a riverside/quay area and H leads. As I try to look it up on the phone we gain some distance from each other but I also feel awkward looking things up on my phone, I feel embarrassed of someone looking for some reason.

      (recall gap)

      We are inside a chapel, it's really small and cramped. The ceiling isn't much higher than head level. There's a small altar with some stained glass behind it, making it evident that it is now day time, though I don't realise this change in the dream itself.

      I have an in-dream memory or something of talking to mom about this chapel and we discuss(?) something about the chapel being more valuable not for its physical worth but because of how it brings people together. Something then happens and there are a lot of people in the church now, getting into all the pews and some communal discussion is had?
    4. Flat Flute Festival, The Diner, Disarming Paranoia, and The Purple Leviathan

      by , 01-06-2021 at 07:54 AM (Oneironautic Escapades)

      I am on my way driving to some church event with people I recognize from my past. While driving I spray paint face with blues and oranges with a white streak down one side going through my eye. My cat is in my car with me, when I arrive I leave her in the car with the windows cracked a little. We are all standing in lines for some reason I am unaware of. Someone is talking to us in a preachy manner but the details escape me.

      The scene shifts into a new age festival of sorts with many sellers operating booths and with various items on tables in rows. The room is a long flat one story building, with tables lining either side, and windows every few feet. It almost feels like an opened up double wide manufactured home which is several lengths long.

      While walking around checking out the various vendors I notice two who share space side by sides. I befriend the two of them and notice they look strikingly similar to one another with slight differences. They are both round faced with round noses, bald heads and beards about the same length. Though their personalities are obviously of different tones. One of them sells flat flutes which seem like wooden Christmas tree ornaments with spacers and holes drilled at intervals as a flute should be, and one sells didgeridoos with original poems printed on fancy paper.

      They both have just met each other for this event but they are very similar in demeanour, though each unique. Like twins who took separate life trajectories. I play a flute from his table for a while, it sounds like a native american flute and any note progression is harmonious and effortless to produce. There is a girl who walks up to the table hearing the flute and wants to try it but she is shy. I encourage her to go for it, it is a beautiful instrument and incredibly easy to play. Whatever you play on the flute sounds great, she picks it up and plays for a few seconds. It sounds just as good as when I played, she is pleased. I want a flute, the guy attempts to sell me one but don't have a lot of money on me, the didge guy also wants me to buy one from him. I tell him I have three of my own at home waiting for me. He tells me to sell the ones I don't use and use the surplus to purchase another one from him. I laugh and say maybe.

      I am concerned about leaving the cat in the car even though the window is cracked. It is a sunny day and I'm incredibly cautious about animals in cars. I go back out to get her and bring her back inside with me. When I return, the festival seems to have turned into a waffle house type diner. It is packed out and everyone is hungry. There are full counter seats and tons of people packed in the booths around the place. I see the open kitchen with one cook struggling to take people's orders and cook the food at the same time. I consider jumping behind the counter to help cook. Though he does seem to have it under control so I decide against it and just wander around looking at people, everyone is calm and patient, feels like people are just grateful to be fed. The cat has befriended some people and become kind of a fixture in the diner. She sits on a stool by the counter and people pet her while walking by/waiting. People continue ordering and eating until the night comes.

      I notice while standing outside there is a large military supply surplus store that used to be on the corner across the street. The new location looks newer and brightly lit like a pharmacy. I talk to someone standing close to me about going in and taking a looking around. Though I am slightly concerned if I do so I will be put on some government list of nationalists.

      As fewer and fewer people are present we become a closer knit group. We are all friends now and we know each other quite well from our stories. One of us is cautious because he is wanted by a rival gang he knows may be coming for him. The lights get dim as we all sit around each other and chat on the floor. The restaurant is closed and it's just us friends communing now telling stories and laughing. The one friend is still very paranoid about other people coming after him, looking out the window as he expects it to happen any minute. He has a handgun on him and begins waving it around claiming they are coming, they are outside now he shouts. I know nothing good can come from escalating the situation so I take the pistol from his hand in a swift action and put it in my jacket pocket, he is dismayed but compliant.

      Someone else walks in the room and they are looking for him, they also have a gun in their hand. I immediately demand they give it to me because this is not the way to solve this dispute. They also comply. I disassemble the gun in seconds, dropping the clip, pulling back the slide, popping out the bullet in the chamber, and taking the slide fully off. This continues a couple more times as people come in trying to start trouble with firearms and me immediately disarming them before anything transpires. They then just stand around and have conversation with the others that are here. I now have 3-4 guns in my jacket pockets and pants pockets from the different people trying to start trouble. The people just stand around and talk once they have their gun taken away. The original guy who was part of our group asks for his gun back because he is still paranoid. I have so many in my coat I don't know which one was his. So I pull it out, disassemble it in front of him and drop the pieces on the floor at his feet. His mouth is stuck open in disbelief. I walk over to a table at the end of the room and begin to take all the firearms out of my coat and put them down. Someone else walks in behind me with a fully automatic machine gun, looks like an MP5 or something. I wave them over to me and say "Come on, gotta check in!" They oblige and I take their gun away from them as well. No one escalating, no one gets hurt. I insist all disagreements be talked out in a civil manner.

      It is now the next morning. We all seem to be arranging some type of trip. I think we are even taking air travel like hot air balloons or something. While getting people oriented I walk into a back room which is larger like an industrial loading dock and has a large metal garage door attached to it. On the floor to the side is a 30 ft long dead yellow boa constrictor. It has been tied in a knot in the middle and is contorted in weird ways. There is liquid in the corner around where it lay and the smell in the room is putrid. I gather is has been dead for a while, maybe a few days to a week. I step over it walking in and back outside several times. There are a couple people out in the field behind the building we are trying to corral to leave for our trip. The guy kind of looks like john favreau, he is with his wife. They are still distant in the field but coming towards us.

      Looking up I notice a very thick purple fog rolling in from the right onto the property. I think it is in the sky at first but then notice it in front of the clouds and things around us like the fence lining the yard. It is moving like a serpent with a massive menacing motion. It is thick and pearlescent, shimmering with light and dark purples. I am with Justin Theroux and we rushedly get the people inside while watching the huge cloud get closer to the ground and come towards us. It begins whirlwinding and the wind begins to whip violently. It forms a vortex on the ground of a thick purpley haze that you cannot see through. It Incredibly large and stretches all the way into the sky. We rush inside and look for ways to combat it. In a moment we both understand that the purple gas is flammable. Just need to make a torch of some kind to toss in it, hoping that will do the trick. The room is already wrecked with glass and objects scattered about on the floor. The wind is howling loudly and the walls rock with turbulence, pictures that were hanging fall. We are running through shouting at each other for supplies that can maybe be used. I find some lighters and some small miniature baseball bats. He brings some rags and accelerant from the other room. We craft makeshift torches while squatting on the floor and I wonder if the wind is too powerful for the flame, if the torches will stay lit for us to throw them in. We run to the back of the building again out the garage door, the twister is in full rage mode. A dark purple debris filled monstrosity tears at the ground 20 meters from us, the sound is deafening.
      We light the torches together, look at each other and I shout "HERE GOES NOTHING!" We both launch the fiery bats overhead towards the center of the vortex and the dream fades.
    5. J's Jam Fest

      by , 12-19-2020 at 05:51 AM (Oneironautic Escapades)

      I am with an old friend J. He wants to turn his indian dad's electronic store into a hangout spot after it closes for the day to smoke and chill in(he's white IWL). I am sitting in his car in front of the store waiting for it to close when I notice a short dark haired pixie looking indian girl in a car looking at me interestingly from the end of the lot. An older indian man walks out to it and I ask J if that is his Dad. He says no. They drive away together.

      After the store closes and the gathering begins. It is super small-time at first, just a few friends and some chill smoke time with low lights. There may be a blacklight or two, the walls are white and there's not a lot of furniture. At a certain point we are outside in his car again and he gifts me a whole art set with coloured pencils and brushes. I am grateful and mention how I value different mediums of expression. He also offers me a lit cig but I am grossed out by it and throw it away.

      Over time the party becomes big like a jam fest. Tons of people have shown up, the big crowds dancing in masses and spraying water on each other like a summer party at night. I realize this was his plan all along to host a giant party, I remember telling people he's had this vision for years. He is obviously super wasted and I can hear him goofing off on the DJs microphone looking for someone out of sight saying 'Where is he!? Where is he!?'

      At first I am apprehensive because this kind of thing usually isn't really my scene, I go along with it finally and embrace the party in full affect. I walk inside with no shirt on, baggy grey sweatpants, long straight hair, one of those dumbass flatbill hats and a black backpack. I gather the ladies find me quite attractive. There are tons of girls all laying around on mattresses pushed together on the floor all naked talking about being on molly. One of them mentions outdoing the guys by 3/4ths. There are not enough guys present so they are all hooking up with each other in various positions and super thirsty at that. They all look up lustily at me. One of them while on her knees with her legs spread points down at herself and commands, 'You eat this' then points at me continuing 'And I'll eat that'. I happily oblige and lay down proceeding to take turns enjoying multiple women in a row, it is a jam fest after all.
      'Days go by' by Dirty Vegas plays loudly in the background.

      The next morning I come back in after chilling outside some with J. There are more guys there in the morning and a couple of the girls who knew me from the night before are lounging around on a couch in the corner of the room. They see me and grin knowingly. I partially acknowledge them with a nod before plopping down on the couch and dropping my backpack on the floor. I notice there is some smoking paraphernalia laying around on the tables but no one is smoking, it's a typical burnt out morning after. The guy next to me is pissed that 'someone brought the bear around last night'. I gather he is talking about the cops showing up, I don't recall it.
    6. Bull Ceremony and Demon Hunting

      by , 12-11-2020 at 02:48 AM (Oneironautic Escapades)

      I am outdoors walking down a crowded sidewalk. There is some kind of festival with many people my age and younger. I see some people I know walking behind me. There is an open plot of land which is a farm with many cows in it between two houses in the neighborhood we are walking through. The owner is by their front fence with a few other people looking at the cows. One of the larger cows which was leaning over the fence jumps over it. There is a larger man who holds it in place by the horns in the crowd of people, still by the fence. I am amused by the cow and want to pet it. Somebody behind me holds me back and my vision goes black.

      I wake up in the upstairs of the farmhouse in a dark bedroom with someone babysitting me for some reason. I gather there are many people on hallucinagens at this festival and they were concerned I was trying to pet the bull. The younger blonde farmer chick is now babysitting me just sitting around making sure I am ok. I am confused because I didn't remember taking anything to impair my judgement. I just wanted to pet the cow.
      We walk together into the next room which is like a large open theater and has bleacher like seating. It's dimly lit and I gather there is a certain ceremony going on.

      I see some guys I grew up with all sitting in a mixed group towards the upper right of the seats. He tells me they have 12 portions of Corceps?(maybe a fungus maybe a flower I don't really know) And offers me some for the trip. A certain point is reached in the ceremony and everyone whips out their portion to dose. Everyone has a bowl of chunky looking bluish almost yogurt consistency liquid in wooden bowls. They all start drinking theirs. He encourages me to drink mine. I say hold up. I pull out my phone and Google the name he tells me. I am looking it up first before drinking it.

      A girl I know IWL from festival is sitting close to me and gets really upset that I am on my phone during the ceremony and gets up angrily telling me how I am messing with her vibe. I'm like, tough tits chick, I'm not just gonna take something I have no idea what it is even if my oldest friend I know just hands it to me. So I turn the brightness down on my phone and just keep reading.

      I read that it is a powerful natural hallucination used in indigenous ceremonies for journey. I see the words witchcraft and occult in one of the articles and decide that's good enough for me. I sit up to start drinking mine and grab a bowl which is already empty. I think someone has drunk mine but actually just grabbed the wrong bowl. My friend hands me mine and I smell it. It smells like blueberries. I bring the bowl to my lips to drink and the dream fades.

      I call a bank about withdrawing money from my Alexa account, the guy tells me to come in to do the transaction. When I get there it is a smaller strip mall bank that almost looks like an airport terminal kiosk.
      I wait in line but notice the guy I talked to is on the left side of the desk. There is an older guy there in the background sort of glaring at me. I gather he is evil and don't want to talk to him. I tell them I just called about an Alexa withdrawal and the guy on the left helps me.
      He asks for my ID which I panic thinking I don't have it on me. It is in my hat.
      When we finish he hands me my money and my cards back, only I have one extra card in the stack. It is a vertical card with some braille on it. It has a picture of the old guy on it and the name Micheal Flynn at the bottom with his picture on the front.
      I gather that Micheal Flynn is a demon. I have been marked with this card but don't understand the intention. I stand in front of the kiosk for a minute or so while looking from the card to back up at them with a raised eyebrow. The guy who gave me the card was my lead. He is helping me track down the demon.

      I go to my car which is in eyesight to the kiosk. I sit in the passenger seat and stake it out. While sitting I get tired but only pretend to lower my head while watching the activity intently. A girl with black hair a black shirt and a broom to sweep with comes out of a store next-door to the bank. When I look at her she ignores me and pretends to work. While I pretend to hang my head down so she can't see my eyes she just stands there staring at me while slowly lifting her shirt or pulling it down or something equally tempting my attention. I pretend to ignore her while I look up casually still watching the kiosk to the left of where she is standing. I have decided she is the demon I've been looking for.

      I get out of the car and approach her, the gig is up. I grab her while walking back into her empty store that is similar to a smaller department store with the same type of nooks and crannies as a clothing store.
      While holding her arms I notice her face go fuzzy with distortion when I poke certain parts of her back and neck and arms while she isn't struggling too much. She walks with me while I calmly explain to her that she has been found out, I know what she is. Whatever is going on here is going to stop, there is no room for evil in these parts ect ect. But I do mention if she weren't evil we'd probably get along fine. I attempt to be smooth about it as to not attract the attention of the security guard I know is working.

      He may have seen me as we tuck away into the back cubby corner of the shop. The outline of her face is still going buzzy every few seconds and I gather the entity inside her isn't pleased to be found out.
      When we get to the back I begin some incantation speaking words I do not recognize while she writhes as I hold both of her arms behind her back. I notice the guard coming up behind me so I let her go and immediately begin on some false conversational tangent about how her brother had a conversation with her and I just want to know what she told my sister because it was very important that I hear it from her (hoping my tone would falsely show the tension he may have witnessed while also implying this being a personal matter between two consenting parties, and not an exorcism).

      He stares blankly for a few moments while she just stands there looking between the two of us.
      "You can't do that here" he says. The gig is up I think.
      "If you want to get rid of that thing inside her you better follow me to the fire, it's the only way" he continues.
      I am shocked. He knows what I am doing and is offering help. Very cool. I walk her behind him and he leads us to another part of the store which has a fireplace in the wall. I gather the only way is to channel this being back into the fire from which it came.
      The dream fades as the incantations begin with her writhing in my arms once again.
    7. Dream fragments: Mom, uncomfortable bus, acid baseball music festival, bob sledding sombrero

      by , 06-05-2020 at 09:18 PM
      Was on a vacation at a hotel. Mom was there. I knew she was going to die in a few months and so did she. She said that she was really glad that we got to spend this time together and that I was able to appreciate her.

      I don't remember many details about hanging out with her but the memory has a positive tone.


      On a bus I sat between two girls. I was inches away from one of the girls faces and was extremely uncomfortable. She on the other hand did not seem bothered. It sounded like they were speaking a foreign language. At one point I said "sorry".


      I was at a baseball game from middle school in the outfield. There were about 20 outfielders and I ran out there to join them. The outfield stretched enlessly back and at some point evolved into the grass of a music festival. Someone said to me "I can't believe you took acid during the game". This shook me because I did not remember taking any acid. At that moment someone hit a fly ball to me. As the ball soared in the air and I reached my glove out, the sky started splitting and changing colors. The ball seemed to be coming from multiple angles simultaneously. I kept running and running until I ran into a huge crowd of people. There was music playing and it sounded distorted but pleasant. I found a fancy bathroom which had marble (and I should have called bullshit at this point cause their an't no marble bathrooms at a music festival) I tried to collect myself. I thought "your mom came out here to see you play baseball" That sobered me right up and I attempted to leave the festival and head back to the game.


      I never made it out of the festival though because the festival morphed into some weird bob sledding course made out of mud. At the top of a hill, someone was handing out sombreros to be used as a sled. I took mine and put my ass right over the top part of it. The run was really intense. Even though I was going down hill, people were racing past me in the opposite direction. I veered to the left to avoid a collision and then I cannot remember anymore.
      dream fragment
    8. March 24, 2019 Non-Lucid

      by , 03-25-2020 at 06:32 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      The dream scene was a festival in a field surrounded by some tall trees, an expansive lake to the right, and some mountains from the entrance. It was close to dawn. I had arrived and my view was shifting around the field to various people. I'm looking at a picture at some point that shows Lizzie is there smiling in a crowd, she was with Aly B. I believe my guide was there too, her and Lizzie possibly changing places multiple times. I'm now sitting in the field and Lizzie has her head in my lap. She sits up and looks at me like I had just woken up. I start to wonder how long I've been at this festival. I think I had fallen asleep and woken up. Her and I look up to the sky to see fireworks exploding. Some of them weren't like normal fireworks though, they were exploding but then the lights were forming these filled in shapes that formed a larger ring and were spinning across the sky and behind the trees lining the field.

      The field now has a building that looks like a futuristic temple connected to the lake. I'm wading into the water and see a guy in the water shooting the fireworks up into the sky. In a weird way he's almost juggling the fireworks. I think to myself that these fireworks should be brought into the waking world. That should've been a lucid trigger but I missed it. The guy starts explaining to a group of us, some in the temple opening and some around the edge of the water about different types of meats and sandwiches. It was meant to be comical, there's a fridge with a glass door where he's explaining different things inside. I'm now eating a sandwich that has meat on it, I think turkey though it looked like uncooked chorizo, as we're walking up a staircase in the temple to the roof.

      Jmike is up there and we start talking about wow, he starts to bring up a time we are in wsg and now we're in wsg chasing a flag carrier. My character is hitting a shaman as it jumps down in the flag room. I get it really low but he stuns me and turns into a bear running towards the gy. As we get outside he turns me into this small statue and sprints further towards the gy.
    9. October 6, 2019 Non-Lucid

      by , 10-06-2019 at 03:59 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      The dream scene was this giant crowd of people looking at a stage and cheering. I look at the stage to see my buddy Moo up there and he's about to perform a cover performance of Logic, but before he starts he gets out this little ring box, gets on one knee, and proposes to his girlfriend. She flicks the ring up in the air and it lands on her finger and then they kiss as the crowd cheers. Then Moo starts rapping a song. The crowd is now a bunch of rows of seats on a plane but you can't really see the roof or the wings, it's just the seats and we're flying through the air low to the ground. I'm running up and down the aisles talking to various people. At some point there's an old lady on the plane that we think is psychic who sort of mutters to herself that the plane is going down. People catch wind so everyone goes back to their seats and buckles up. We look in the distance and we see this massive explosion going off. We're in the mountains now on some highway system and our plane tips over and is now this 18 wheeler turned on its side sliding down the highway.

      We're now in this factory and someone is explaining out loud that this is a gang in another country where you can come and go as you please. 1/5 of the time you're doing legal work and the rest is illegal stuff. The factory shifts and now it's some sort of water slide attraction but you can also put skewers of meet in the water slide and it'll go through to be cooked. I see my Dad going through the slide and he tells me to get in. I'm leaning over the stream of water trying to grab some skewers to throw them in with us but keep missing. The skewers hit this little catch thing hanging down that let the skewers in systematically. I see some other people riding through the system.

      At some point I'm on a beach with my buddy thomas. The idea is that we're at a festival walking somewhere. We see this girl who we think is a porn star. Thomas decides he wants to get a picture with her so he asks this random person to take a picture of them. The person takes the picture tells me to go stand with them too so I go to the other side of the girl and smile for the picture. Thomas is doing some quick movements jumping around the camera. I throw up a peace sign and the porn star does this weird symbol with her hands like she puts her wrists together and her fingers jut out diagonally. We get the picture and start walking away. We see some attractions and we notice there's this row of computer workers all dressed in bathing suits like it was some perk of the job that they could tan and work there.
    10. September 24, 2019 Frag

      by , 09-25-2019 at 02:48 AM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      The dream scene was at a music festival, moo kolby b sam mason was there, some people went into the festival, some were drinking beforehand. It was morning at some point and people were hungover and we might've had to pack up. There was a constant pull between trying to go into the festival and wanting to chill at the campsite. The dream scene was very familiar though, I remember thinking through how to get into the festival from the campsite and I've had this layout plenty of times in music festival dreams..
    11. 10 Sep: With a hacker friend chased by agents

      by , 09-10-2019 at 09:50 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I have a friend who is a hacker or whatever and he has done amazing things. I am part of his activist group. He is being searched for by the authorities, but he leaves in a really strange place. A 10 sq mt glass house on top of a storage room, in a park, by the side of a kindergarten. One day I come by to tell him they might have found him and tell him to at least shut all his curtains. I help him out and just then, a van with 3 suspicious people stop by the kindergarten. A lady is driving and the two dudes wear shirts with the kindergarten logo, but they carry metal suitcases and enter through some backdoor to a service area. Clearly they are here to spy on him. I tell him he needs to leave asap as they are just gathering info to send in a SWAT team or something, if it isn't already positioned. His front door doesn't even close properly. I ask him for some alternative exit and he opens a trapdoor to the storage beneath and from there, there is a back door they provably don't know about because it is invisible from the outside. Then we make a quick run to some trucks stopped a few meters away. But they already had some big guys surveying the area who spot us and come after us. They were taken by surprise, so we have a head start. We split and I enter a warehouse. More agents come and one lady surprises me with a taser. But I grab something like a metal lid from a shelf and protect myself from her shot. Then manage to go around her and snatch the taser from her. She struggles a bit but I manage to get it and hit her with it. Then another guy comes and is also tasered. Then another. I run away. There is some sort of heavy metal festival on the park outside. I run to the crowd but I don't mingle so well with the people which is mostly wearing black and covered in tattoos. There is a lesbian film festival going on at a building, after some food stands and I blend better with the ladies there, but they still spot me. I mingle with the crowd of the metal festival again and head to closer to the main stage, where there is more chaos. Then a bunch of people in black faux leather surround me and tell me to lay low and I understand they want to help. They effectively make a human shield hiding me from my chasers. They safely escort me like this to a safe place at the periphery of this festival and take me to meet some old lady with grey hair that looks a bit like Judy Dench, at some corridor of a service area of a building. She tells me they are going to help and that they will come to take me soon to a safe place, but for now they must release me again in he world. She asks me to stay inconspicuous for a few days. I ask what about my friends and she tells me not to worry because they are also taking care of it. Then they tell me to cross the door and go back out and I find myself in a hotel lobby.
    12. 22 Aug: My guru throws me a grenade and fire in a festival in Brazil

      by , 08-22-2019 at 10:12 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I pass through a small secondhand fair. One lady is annoyingly wanting me to buy a book collection from her. I get away and enter a war game simulation area. But it turns real pretty quickly, as soon as I realize the bullets shot are real ammunition. I pick a gun from a guy on the ground, presumably dead and I go upstream along a river. End up in a garden with people dancing. No war here. But I was followed by a guy that threatens everybody with a grenade. He arms it and throws it at me. I try that trick from the movies, of kicking it away. But then Rinpoche comes out of nowhere once again, catches it and after throwing me a defying look, throws it back at me. I feel like "Whaaaat?" and panic a little bit. But almost immediately realize, with my absolute trust in my guru, that this grenade represents no danger and that I can do whatever with it. So I hold it in my hands and try to turn it into a lotus flower. Unfortunately all I succeed in doing is turning it into sort of a flower made of rags. I feel disappointed, but then Rinpoche approaches me and turns these rags into a tent and invites me to step inside it with him.

      With my parents having vacations in Brazil. We go to some festival which is in a semi rural and forested area in the outskirts of a little town. Soon after we arrived, we start seeing smoke from distant fires in the forest. We discuss how it might get dark sooner because of it. But we think we're safe. It seems very distant.
      I see banners from locals supporting Bolsonaro and I feel angry. I make a nasty comment and some man hears and he's not happy. I tell him that I love Brazil and its people, but I just can't accept that man they chose for president. Later we're walking through a street with restaurants and I spot some curtains of a place, on fire. Then look around and also see some vegetation on fire. As I raise the alarm, we notice there are fires spreading a bit everywhere, from sparks coming through the air from far away. We decide to grab our things and leave this area before it gets serious. But general panic ensues and to make things worse, as we head to the car in the parking lot at the entrance of the venue, there are landslides and large boulders falling onto the road we're taking and people are getting blocked. For a while I lose my parents in the crowd, but soon after my mom appears. As we find a safe way out, she complains about the things I chose to bring on our backpack and I don't get why she is commenting that until I realize we can't go back to our tent to get most of our stuff that we left behind and I feel awful for that.
    13. February 21, 2019 Non-lucid

      by , 02-22-2019 at 04:08 AM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      The scene is at the beach. We're on vacation. Bahar is there, I'm trying to be closer to her but it doesn't seem to work out.

      I'm at a festival. A few guys from my high school are there and we interact for a moment. Moo is there with me. We seem to be watching a trailer for the festival as it's happening in real time. There's a stage with a huge crowd listening to a dj but only certain people are jumping and dancing. I think it's really fake. I see there's groups of people going through a line where they have to do certain things like dance and jump through hoops or something. I'm inside a building drawing something on a piece of paper. At first it looks really shitty and then it comes out to be really well-drawn. It's a gray balloon.
    14. 9 Dec; Spiders coming out of me, robbery and a new food

      by , 12-09-2018 at 12:22 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      On my teenage bedroom, going to sleep late, keeping a light on.

      With some friends at a party hosted by Björk.
      I hurt a finger and burst a blood vessel internally, so I cut open a little bit of the flesh to squeeze some blood out, but instead come out little orange spiders.
      I empty my entire finger until it becomes transparent and naturally it refills with fluids and muscle. It starts working wonderfully and I realize I need do do the same procedure with all my fingers which are painful and stiff, but I can't find the courage to see more spiders coming out of me, I am freaking out at the thought.
      Then thorny vines start bursting out through my skin and I also try to remove them one by one and it is painful.
      Meanwhile I am feeling a bit hallucinated with all that is happening to me and I decided that maybe that was it: I was indeed hallucinating! and I enter a strange mental crazy state, dancing like mad and Björk asks me if I'm alright. My friend Nuno says I need to continue extracting the spiders to heal and I say "What, so it was real? You did see it?" And they confirm with a nod.

      Friend's mansion, looking for one of the many toilets, end up in the laundry room, which is bigger than my living room and dinning room together and has a fireplace.

      My own house is attached to a pharmacy which is all made of glass walls. One night I hear noise at the pharmacy door and I go take a look. There is a gang of guys planning to rob it. They see me peaking though a door, because there is an all night light on illuminating the whole place. I hear them commenting that I'll be the final prize. I get scared, because I know they can get inside the pharmacy easily by breaking the glass. So I go back to the house, lock the door behind me and go check all other doors in my house. Then freak out that they are all unlocked and I can't find the key.

      There is a festival promoting a new food, made from some sea creature or algae, that people never ate before. It is processed into some green waffle toasts and also a spread. I try the spread, tastes weird like raw pureed seaweed. They are asking name suggestions for the products. There are some names on the table already and I see one that looks like Okeje.
    15. September 13, 2018 Non-lucid and Semi-Lucid Frags

      by , 09-13-2018 at 08:19 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      The non-lucid I was with Sam h at what we thought to be a music festival. It looked like an indoor water park but the theme was a jungle so there were a lot of trees and brush all over the place. I believe there were water slides and hot tubs scattered about. There was a front desk. We had gone up to the people and mentioned that we had two tickets. At some point we saw Temple.

      The semi-lucid I was walking in Kings Charter. I was cutting through someone's yard to get to my house but I heard recently IRL that the owners of this house participate in beekeeping so I was trying to go around them when I realized that the house wasn't even there. In its place was a field and there weren't any trees or houses that are usually there. I became aware that I was dreaming but was very calm about it. I just thought that it must be a dream and that I should do what I want. I was now walking in that field and there were people walking near me. I thought in my mind that I would try to ask a dream character something. Before I could ask anything a girl walked by me and she said something like "you are a beautiful one" or "you are a good one", I don't think it was exactly that but it was something similar. I can't really remember. I kept repeating what she said to myself in awe and curiosity. Someone else walked by and said something else but I can't remember. I realized my eyes were very squinted. I was trying to open them up but the dream collapsed.
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