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    Memorable Dreams

    1. I love epic long lucid dreams

      by , 03-24-2014 at 05:09 PM
      I was in the basement of a big house in the mountains, laying down with some girl. She suddenly disappeared and I became fully lucid. I floated through the wall and up into the sky. It was almost pitch black outside, no stars or moon. So I waited for the sun to come up and it started to, slowly. I flew towards it as it began to illuminate the landscape with that early morning glow. A small lake came into view and I swooped down and grabbed a fish out of the water then dropped it back in before landing on the shore.

      There were these two Chinese guys that were standing out there like they were confused or something. I thought it would be fun to use them to form an RPG group. So I went over and claimed them as group members in my FF7 game formation. We started to battle monsters and level up while I would sing that battle song from FF7. Eventually during our travels we came across a super market. We went inside and this clerk was being a real dick of a DC and wanted to see their passports. So I magically pulled them out of my back pockets, he was satisfied. As we walked away I stole a bunch of candy and ate it while we walked to the other side of the store to get out. In the parking lot there was a car that I wanted to get into but one of the DCs really wanted to drive and he got into the driver seat immediately. I tried to make another driver wheel form on my side but it wasn't happening. I thought, okay just don't get us into a crash. Woke up because I had to pee really badly. One strange thing I remember about this dream is that it started to fall apart several times but each time I did no stabilization, I simply waited for the dream to become more stable before performing anymore actions and it always re-stabilized.

      This was another mountain dream, but I was with another girl that was from France. We were jogging along the road for a long time when I realized, damn I can really run far and not feel tired or winded or anything. That made me lucid and I took this beautiful girl DC and we went up a hillside and eventually came to a SNL set. After watching a skit I decided to join the cast and mess with them a little bit. I saw next to Kenan Thompson and tried to convince a DC that I had magical powers. I turned his skin super white and then super dark, but the DC said it was just fancy makeup. So I changed his eye color from brown to blue to green and the DC said, "Ha, you can't trick me! Those are fancy lenses". This DC was clearly too clever so I gave up on him and performed in a skit. After the skit I summoned Jennifer Aniston. But I transformed her into the young Jennifer Aniston from the beginning of Friends. Damnnn she was hot. I gently kissed her, teasing to build up tension and then a passionate release. She was probably one of the best dream character kissers that I have come across. The show ended and everybody got up to leave, but I didn't want the fun to end so I took off Jennifer's clothes and bent her over but my dick wouldn't fit inside her I hate when that happens. Then I woke up. I left a ton out because I don't feel like writing it all but these lucid dreams in total lasted over 6 hours, it was glorious.
      lucid , memorable
    2. Dream 24th March 2014

      by , 03-24-2014 at 01:31 PM
      I was going to watch AFC Rushden & Diamonds play, which was at the old clubs ground Nene Park.

      My cousin said we couldn't go to the match as Mark & Ben were watching the football on the television.

      Therefore I was on my own, I knocked at a door, and my cousin Caroline said it was the wrong door, so I went through the correct door to the ground. I gave the lady at the turnstile £10 to get into the ground, I had to wait for my change, which was £4, there was a queue of people behind me waiting to get in also.

      Once I was in the ground, a number of us had to walk on the football pitch, while the game had already begun, the ball kept hitting me which I denied! Paul Underwood one of our former players, was on the ball, shouting instructions in a Geordie accent (he's not a Geordie)...

      When we all eventually got off the pitch, we got to the main football stand (The Peter Debanke Terrace).. which was completely gone, all that remained was a sign-post with "The Peter DeBanke Terrace" on it
    3. Success! 2/1/14

      by , 03-24-2014 at 05:05 AM
      color legend: non-dream dream lucid

      Lucid #6 Success!

      I'm in a classroom with a friend. We are sitting cross legged on the floor talking and laughing. We talk about lucid dreaming. For some reason I get cocky and say "Hey watch this!" And I look at my backpack on the floor and try to make it fly to the ceiling. At this point I didn't know I was dreaming, but for some reason I still tried to make it levitate. As soon as I tried it zipped up to the ceiling and right back down to the floor again! I was astonished.

      I know I’m dreaming and immediately nose pinch reality check and rub my hands together to stop the dream from fading from my excitement. I get up and try to fly. I can’t even get off of the ground. Disappointed, I step out onto the balcony and see that I am in New York City! This time I think of heaven and I rise off the ground and start flying upward over the city! I’m a bit scared to look down and when I do the view is astonishing. The sun is setting so the city is framed in shadow and an orange glow. The feeling of flying is too amazing to describe. You feel so free. Anything is possible. I see a huge glass tube extending into the sky from the city streets below. Curious, I fly into the pipe and zoom down it. I get shot out at the bottom like a bullet and zip through the streets with incredible speed. I fly sideways along the sides of buildings and

      I have a memory gap. I am in a room with a bunch of random objects around me. I try to use telekinesis to make them fly around and succeed with a few, but the majority just stay where they are. I get frustrated and I wake up.

      Updated 03-24-2014 at 05:26 AM by 66724

      lucid , memorable
    4. Crazy Night 12/24/13

      by , 03-23-2014 at 10:22 PM
      color legend: non-dream dream lucid

      Lucid #5 Crazy Night

      This was absolutely insane, it was about 9 in the morning and I fell asleep after an hour of trying. I have a memory gap but the first thing I remember is being Lucid in some sort of nursery. I remember there being a baby and an old woman in the room. I rub my hands together but I become conscious of my real body.

      I wake up and without opening my eyes and deild back into the nursery. I try to fly and I get maybe an inch off the ground. The scene shifts to me standing on a newspaper, and only a newspaper. As I look at it, it gets bigger and bigger. Probably twenty feet long. I imagine a dream door in the paper behind me. I reach back, take the handle and jump in. next thing I know I’m in a black and white town from the 20s.

      I wake up and deild back to the black and white town scene. I try flying again and don’t get much luck. I get a few feet in the air and fall. I try to put my finger through my palm for a reality check but it won't go through. I do my normal nose pinch reality check and I can breathe in. this blows my mind as usual and I try to fly again and I soar upward! on my way up I find I have to flap my arms like a duck-.- some brown haired man says I look like I’m having some trouble I grab his hand for some reason and take him with me. He doesn't slow me down at all. I realize I’m actually going really fast. My goal is space. When we get close he tells me that I won't be able to breathe, but I assure him I will. I let him float back down to earth and I plunge into space.

      I wake up and deild once more... Into space again. I imagine I have huge wings like in the maximum ride books that I loved when I was younger. I imagine them unfolding from my back and extending them. I have pretty black wings with some brown and grey mixed in. I try flying this time but it feels weird. Then a small pink boy with wings flies over to me from nowhere and tells me the tips of my wings are caught on my shirt still. So he helps me, and my beautiful wings unfold all the way. 13 feet long wingspan and amazing.

      I wake up before I can try my new wings out. This time I wake up for sure because I want to remember the dream so I can write it down. This was a very long lucid for me and a very crazy series of my first deilds.
      lucid , memorable
    5. Cats

      by , 03-23-2014 at 08:23 PM
      This is a short info summary from the 15th

      Pre bed: l-arginine (500)

      Natural wake: l-tyrosine (500)

      Didn't do wbtb, no notes on pre bed work. Focus was on sleeping, no review in mind or notes taken until final wake.

      The dreams were extremely vivid, wonder about the effect of this combo. Vividness may have also been boosted by lack of sleep in the days before.

      NLD: In some very green neighborhood that transitions into a forest, very vivid experience. I notice there are cats everywhere, more and more of them (DS). Further there's a place where this DC is giving a presentation about getting rid of the cats and making some sort of lucid camp on the same place, teaching people how to ld.

      Short ld: In the early part of this dream we are in a cool mansion where there is some event and I'm collecting various food items. We (me and some random and changing DC companion) then leave the mansion and I shortly get a game like view of the map where the mansion is. We decide that something is chasing is and go back in the mansion to find some item to helps us with that. The mansion is now deserted, this thing is supposedly after us, we end up jumping on roofs and climbing down couple of trees. I know it is a dream when climbing down, somewhat low awareness here.

      On the street, I look at the DC and tell him to repeat this is a lucid dream and remind me of it later on as I would actually like to continue with this scenario. It's a bright sunny day and I catch part of a greek temple/baroque building behind the near buildings and contemplate whether to explore it. Decide to run through my goals first but the dream ends.

      Updated 03-23-2014 at 09:26 PM by 61764

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    6. Blood On My Hands - March 23rd - 12:00 AM to 8:30 AM

      by , 03-23-2014 at 05:24 PM
      I was in my 2nd period class.
      Math, ugh.

      I was sitting down, and I turned over to notice this girl started yelling at my and calling me names! I was sick of all this, this was my threshold, in dreams and IWL.

      I yelled and pinned her on a desk, and I screamed in her face something I don't remember.

      I turned around and strangled this kid that annoyed me alot but not the most.

      He was dead.

      So I had this random broken broom in my hand, and I heard people yelling

      then this bulky kid chased me, so I picked up a chair and hit him in the face and he backed off. I heard music and I pounded my feet to the rythm, mixed emotions flowing inside of me about what I did.

      I walked around the school, running and smiling in a devilish way.

      Then we were at gym, about to dissect a human.

      Then I woke up.
    7. Morning - Non-lucid - Devil-fighting

      by , 03-23-2014 at 03:22 PM (Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream)
      Part twooooo of the same dream, after I fell asleep again~

      Dream - Devil Destruction ?? wow that sounds really lame
      So I was back in the same convention center as before, only this time I was an established hero in my own right, and the Justice League and bear/Godzilla were gone. In their place was a new opponent: the devil. Or basically some dude in a red suit with horns and a goat's tail and all that jazz, wandering around the center with these two inflatable devil minions of his. People were kinda wary of the guy, but I don't think it was the general consensus that I needed to take him on. Too bad though 'cause that's what I did! I wasn't really a hero of the people or anything, more like some suspicious powerful person wandering around looking for threats to dispense with. A sort of semi-paranoid protector. (Also my IRL family wasn't part of the dream anymore.)

      So first I encountered him 'n' his two minions and I was like, are those... actually minions? They look like inflatable demon decorations (they were about as tall as he was and super wide), but then they started sort of toddling around on their own, one just sort of pacing a route in the middle of the floor, the other following close by him. People were giving the pacing one a lot of space, but didn't seem to mind when the devil and his other minion wandered off in their midst.

      I decided to take down the pacing minion, which wasn't particularly hard and was actually pretty stinking rad. The low-level lucidity was gone, but my expectations were still sort of managing the dream, so when I noticed that the minion could only toddle around on his little legs, MY movement leveled up. Then I had some kinda torch or a brand or somethin', and the fight consisted of me dancing around the dude, dodging his pitiful rushes, jabbing at him with the torch/brand, and moving in this exceedingly quick and graceful way that was just, loads of fun. I quite enjoyed that. Also Imma call that a dream power.

      In the end, the minion was just a little deflated pile on the ground. He hadn't even touched me. And the people around me seemed borderline disapproving, but I didn't caaaaare~

      After that, it's a bit harder to remember the different pieces of what happened. I remember an interlude where I was sitting in a classroom doing schoolwork, when the clock caught on fire. This was our cue to get out before the place burned down, but I chilled there still working, and so did a few other cool kids, though some left over time. At one point a girl and boy walked by, and the girl noticed I'd dropped a bunch of hair bands on the floor, and decided to claim them for herself. Think I gave her an evil look. Eventually the clock just stopped being on fire, which was sort of anti-climactic.

      Another part seemed to be some TV reporter woman trying to explain, on camera, why she couldn't do a certain thing... which had to do with efforts to stop bad guys. They wanted her to be part of the offensive somehow, maybe owing to some power she hadn't known she'd had, but she was pretty persistent in saying it wouldn't work out.

      Lastlyyyy the dream took a rather more dark turn and seemed to be falling apart, with details getting mixed up with various thoughts I was having. I do remember that I entirely ceased to be quick and/or graceful, and my method of taking out the devil culminated with me straddling his chest on the ground and wildly stabbing his eyes out with some sort of dual-hooked claw. Also I was watching myself from third person—I seemed furious and out of control, and the devil guy wasn't putting up much of a fight at all. Then I stopped, seeming struck by the carnage, and my thoughts turned to what could've inspired this, which resulted in a shot of some eyeless woman in a white dress. And then I think the same thing happened twice, or something. Which is always just confusing as anything. Repetition is a no-no, dreams.

      Think I woke up after that.

      Updated 12-09-2015 at 10:23 PM by 39676

      Tags: dream powers
      non-lucid , memorable
    8. Dreaming I have a sister

      by , 03-23-2014 at 02:49 PM
      So I am an only child, i'm 17 and recently i've been thinking about how if my parents ever passed away suddenly I would have no-one, My dad has no siblings either, my mum has a brother but him his wife and 2 kids live in australia so I rarely see them.

      Anyway a few nights ago I dreamt that I was sat on the sofa in my lounge (except the sofa was bigger) and I had a sister who was sat to the right of me, dad the other side of her and mum next to me and we were all cuddled together reading a story. I don't know who she was now.

      Last night I dreamt I was about 6 or 7 and again I had a sister who was about the same age, and our parents had adopted this other girl called Kazeema, we all had separate bedrooms but we were planning on 2 people sharing one or something so we were running round finding a tape measure and measuring the rooms to see who's was the biggest so that the 2 people sharing could have that one.
      non-lucid , memorable
    9. 03/22/14 "Exploration"

      by , 03-22-2014 at 07:00 PM (A Dreamer's Dreams)
      Journal Entry Lucid #14 Dream,Lucid, (Comments)
      Background: I woke up at 12:50 and watched a movie, Waking Life, now my favorite movie. I have watched it 3x now and every time I notice something unique about the movie. I watched it until the point in which he talks to the biker guy in the bar, (not to include any spoilers). Since my dream recall went back up since I started meditating, I was desperate for a LD. I realized that it is the end of the week. My heart ached for a LD. I know that most of my other LDs were when I was in between longing and serenity. Where I had my intention but my intention did not make me anxious. I listened to some music that I enjoyed. I tried relaxing it took a while. I then let my imagination take over as I kept telling myself the next thing I will see is a dream.

      Dream fragment 2 from 3:20am-5:00am"":
      The dream was interesting, I was in church and I said hi to some guy. I thought I knew him, but I didn't. I see the kids from church running as usual. This guy was telling them about LD. One child believed it and got into trouble. Then I was on the internet, watching some show on youtube. I found this clip of teens, supposedly uncontrollable teens. I am now an observer no longer on a computer. The teens were acting wild they tried to act like they were adults. They were kissing very sexually while holding each other. I then saw a girl and a guy have sex like in the movie scene where you don't actually see it but it is implied. I see the girl and the guy behind her. I then float my eyes to a different room. As I was doing this the dad walks up to me like I am the camera. He said, "do you know what my daughters told me? My daughter told me THAT THEY WOULD PLAY WITH THEMSELVES UNTIL THEY WENT TO BED, they claim they have a sleeping problem". He shakes his head and walks away. I see two girls sitting in the room with their hands inside their pants or in each other pants. Then one girl wrestle with the other. The cover goes over them this served as a transition like the movie.

      I am still a spectator, I am in a cartoony environment. It was a tale about the emotion "anger" represented by some big bluish monster. The cartoon's theme was blue and purple which glowed in color. The voice was talking a lot and as he did the environment along with what is happening changed. I don't remember it clearly but I remember the voice say, "...it was in everyone of us..." The voice kept going. I was in awe by the whole experience not understanding what I was experiencing. I paid attention to the details while being in the dream. I woke up, I had the hardest time walking. I thought wow trippy dream, and now I feel trippy too. It felt like my legs was ahead and too slow when I wanted it to do something. I walked into the bathroom, it was dark as if someone replaced the lights with candles. I started peeing inside of a bucket. I thought oh crap I peed in the wrong place. I thought about it all and I thought I could still be in the dream. I did a nose plug. I could breath. I did it again, I still could breath.

      I became lucid. I walked out of the bathroom and realized that I wasn't wearing any cloth but a boxer. I thought ah the clothes will spawn later. I see my sister's friend watching me weird. I also see my grandmother putting on her shoe to leave. I went to her room. I did a nose plug check, I still could breath. I started rubbing my hands then I looked at my hands it was blurry and had no real form. It floated all over the place. I went out of grandma's room. I then looked around everything else was spot on. I then lifted my hands and began to fly. I put had down and I gently went down. I knew what I wanted to do, I saw the blue sky when I looked through the back door. I wanted to fly to the clouds. I walked through the front door. I wanted the front door to serve as a portal. The moment I got close to the front door I became anxious and I could feel heart racing for some reason. I thought man I am going to wake up I woke up and I laid there. I was pleased with the LD even though it was short. I didn't move that much
      I woke up and started walking around the house unsuspectingly. I was in the dinning room. I was talking to my grandmother. As I was doing that I lifted my hands and my sister's friend got lifted off the ground. Time froze my body was frozen but I was not. She was frozen. I then went to my grandmother, she showed up a picture of my first dream I had today. It was about a women I was talking to. She had a bizarre look. My grandmother said, "look at her face that should have made you lucid, and now this". I looked at it and realized it is a dream.

      I was so grateful. I walked into grandmothers room and I saw a man sleeping there. I was rubbing my hands to enhance the quality of the dream. I started noticing him in more detail. I saw that he had a brown hair, beard, and blue eyes. He looked confused. I was confused why he was in my grandmother's room. I thought this might be the weird logic of dreams, maybe that is my grandmother. I was grateful for my actual grandmother making me lucid that I told him I love him. He looked shocked at first then passive to it. I walked out. I see my grandmother and my father in the dinning room. My grandmother was on far left, closest to the backdoor, and my father was on the right of the table. As I was walking out I told my grandmother willingly in my language, "I love you". I wanted to see how I envision my house to look like in my dream. When I walked out I touched the wall. They were very smooth. The wall of the house was circular which didn't represent my house at all.

      I then realized that I could fly. I started flying with my hands raised up to my mid section as if I was using telekinesis. I told myself I wanted to fly without the use of my hands. While in mid flight I lowered my hands and started rubbing them together to get a vivid experience. I stayed up. With pure will power I started to fly any direction I want. I saw my backyard and it had a tennis court. I think also a swimming pool. I turn around and noticed that my house was located next to my school. I flew just a little bit and landed. I touched the ground and felt the cold floor. I thought I must not be wearing shoes. I felt every pressure that I applied. The school looked some what like it did when there was no construction crew around. I see students holding books walking around. then saw a girl sitting down wearing a bikini, I got distracted she got up and started running. I turned around and looked at her butt. I caught myself and tried to focus. I turn around and I see death, but closer analysis showed that it was just a guy wearing a costume. A lot was happening at once. I smelled the air, the smell of roses. I tried to stimulate all my senses. I then wanted to do an awareness with the just my vision alone without rubbing my hands. I was losing clarity, NOT LUCIDITY but Clarity. I knew though that I might start losing lucidity soon so I went back to rubbing my hands. I started rubbing them in a circular motion to get a different feeling.

      I wanted to find a door and make a portal to a "training facility" like the one in Matrix, so that I could practice telekinesis there with Morpheus(this has been my LD goal for quite sometime now). As I was walking I saw my friend from school, EK, and IN, they just walked passed me like any other dream character. I called their names. EK turned around. I took out my fist to fist bump him. He then took out his and started throwing his hands around very quickly. I thought what is the point, he is just a DC anyways. I walked away. I looked up and saw a dark cloud appearing. I wanted to go inside the building, which now looks nothing like my school(*form transformation). It started to rain. I hear thunder. People started panicking. I didn't feel the rain. I became confused and tried to make sense out of it. The DC started running for the door as if the water would kill them, they were in pain. I was confused I lost lucidity for some reason maybe it was the confusion or maybe I tried to make sense out it and got distracted.

      I watched them take a guy into questioning. He was being accused about something. They took out a box, his "weapon". They started explaining how he would use his weapon. He got angry and he said,"you guys don't even know how to use it". You don't know what goddle particles are. He turned in on. And pointed it towards the man accusing him. It started eating up his stomach. The man fell to the floor and died. We were in my kitchen at the time. The device went straight through the food, bread. I started feeling weak and thought maybe it was the device releasing radiation. I quickly put it into a plastic bag. I kept saying that we have to move out now. They didn't listen. I ran around the complex house and I found trash outside. I threw it in but realized that it was sinking in. I knew that I had to throw it some where very far. I told them to leave. My grandmother comes back to check on it. I got angry and frustarted that she didn't listen. I thought that thing gave me cancer. I didn't want my family to suffer. I tried to help my grandmother out of the garage but ended up with this opening that read luch box.

      I woke up in another scene that looked like "waking life". Narrator said, "I was now just like everybody else". I see the main character entering the bar, sitting down. His face was gone. I thought trippy dream and remembered that I was dreaming and I didn't write down my other dreams. I realized I had to write down my other dreams, so I decided to wake up before I forget.
      I did forgot some details though.

      Became lucid by: DILD (awareness and nose-plug RC)
    10. Morning - Lucid - Firetruck Lift

      by , 03-22-2014 at 05:26 PM (Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream)
      LUCID SUCCESSSSSS just in time for the end of the competition (#17)
      Imma try extra hard to get the dream timing figured out AHH I feel like my recall is so bad now, I keep losing important pieces of the dreams and the timing gets so confused whyyyyy
      To be fair I've never tried to recall dreams every morning. So that might be why. But this is a LUCID DREAM. WHY WOULD I FORGET THE DETAILS OF SOMETHING LIKE THAT ...
      is my recall getting worse or am I just gradually becoming more demanding...
      you know what, looking back I'm pretty sure it's that I'm being more demanding. I want to have PERFECT RECALL and when I don't I act like that's some huge problem. And my poor brain's just trying its best every time, probably, and I'm just running it into the ground because nothing's ever good enough. so I think I'll just accept what happens and not worry too much about somehow forcing my brain to have non-stop perfect recall.
      step one for having a less stressful liiiiiiife~
      plus I just feel like crap, maybe I'm getting sick or something. Huh.

      *some caffeine later*

      expect some tense changes at random 'cause it took me forever to write this...

      Dream 1 - At the Beach (Lucid #3)
      Alright, I remember for sure this is the first dream I had.

      So I think the family's driving to this beach and we pull up, in the dream I was like "aha, this is [Spring Whatever Beach Name from IWL]!" like we'd been here before and it was familiar, but now I'm realizing it was just some place my brain made up. Weird.

      Whatever let's call it Spring Beach, we hop out and it's this sweet, Stone Harbory sort of place, with white sand and hotels by the shore. Very nice.

      We head into the hotel and get situated. We're all in some room that reminds me of a college dorm or something, and I'm off near the back, closer to the window while the rest of the family's having a grand old time taking pictures. Of each other. In a way that wasn't weird at all. *blacks out memories* Then Ben wandered over to me asking why I was chilling over there and I was like, eh. Just 'cause.

      Next, mom and dad had wandered off, and Jess and Ben and I were kinda meandering the hotel because that's the best thing to do when you're at a hotel with your siblings, and then it just starts storming like crazy. I look out this large window to the right, and see the white beach with the waves crashing and all that good stuff, and lighting going from the sky to the sea, looks pretty amazing. And then, probably because I'm anticipating when the lightning stops, it just kind of keeps going, just lightning pretty much all the time. Scary. I start thinking about how close the hotel is to the ocean, and how oceanside storms are crazy or whatever.

      Then I look left and there's FLOODWATER WASHING UP AGAINST THE WINDOW. AND RISING. I'm like WHAT. I think this is about when I did a reality check and became lucid, but since I can't truly remember I ain't countin' the reality check. I just know I became lucid at some point.

      Uhhh I don't knowwww why there's a hole in my memory at this point, but I believe I wandered outside and I remember quite clearly attempting to summon matches (like I'd been planning since I picked my three-step tasks for Scionox's: pass hand through object, because I'd never done it before, pull matches out of my pocket, and then make a fire and control it). I reached into my pocket (which was very small and tight because jeans) and dug around for a sec, experiencing a brief moment of doubt before discovering a box of matches and pulling them out.

      I opened them and took a match out, and was considering striking it ... but I was standing in grass in front of a forest, and some old forest guardian was freaking out because he thought I was going to burn the place down, so I just dropped it on the ground instead.

      HMMM I think I woke up. I also know for a fact that I flew around at times, but the memories are hard to fit anywhere.

      Oh well I suppose I'll give up on this one.

      Dream 2 - FA (Lucid #4)
      So I'm lying in bed face-down thinking that I'm going to fall asleep soon, when I feel this crazy wave of vibrations go through my body. It basically felt like, uh, vibrating. I was going to get all fancy and describe it but I can't totally sum it up. Felt familiar though, for some reason. I experience a bit of fear that this might be another SP episode and for a moment it almost seems that way, but then I realize I can move? Or something? GAHHH MEMORYYYYY

      Anyway I didn't really get what was going on, was lying still again, then felt a second wave of those crazy vibrations and had the idea that this was my dream body. Did a reality check, success, sat up in bed and looked out the window. Crazy. The blinds were raised or gone and looking outside I see my front yard, except it's not my front yard because it's far more fancy. It looks amazing, actually. Much better than my REAL front yard...

      I want to get outside, so I start tracing a hole in the glass. Once I complete a circuit, the enclosed glass just falls out and basically vanishes. I do this a few times, then stop and try to fit through and fail, so I keep doin' it. Eventually I manage to fit through and drop to the ground.

      There's a road leading away from my house, which quickly becomes a city street that branches left and right (visual aid: T). I proceed and go right, then left into a sort of alley that opens up into a nice behind-a-restaurant eating area. There are two black cows chillin', and I decide to try to use my arm cannon on them, but it fails. Maybe I just can't make up my mind what exactly is supposed to happen? Then some dude runs up behind me panicking because I look like I'm about to blast his cows. Apparently he came all the way from the countryside chasing these dumb cows.

      Think I had another FA, but this time when I did the nose pinch check, my IWL nose kinda sniffled and I realized I was close to waking up. I focused on immersing myself in the dream until I felt that I was fairly distant from my IWL body (sniffling stopped), and then proceededdd...

      It was raining and I was thinking about how I'd already done match summoning, and now I had to do elemental manipulation. I decided to try to control the rain, and reached out towards a car going down the street to my right, trying to imagine the rain somehow converging to stop it. Not much happened.

      Next I decided to try simply moving cars around (the idea being that it was metal manipulation somehow), but that failed as well. Then I saw a giant firetruck and stepped out in front of it, holding out my hand and imagining it coming to a stop, which it did—but I figured it was because the drivers hadn't wanted to run me over. The firetruck was so large that I only came up to its grill; the window the drivers were looking out of was well over my head.

      I reached out, put my fingers under the grill somewhere, and started lifting, still thinking about metal manipulation, and the firetruck suddenly became as light as anything, and the whole thing lifted off the ground. I tried to throw it, but it being so light it sort of drifted backward through the air unsatisfactorily, instead of crashing to the ground with an earth-shattering rumble. I'm not sure it ever really hit the ground, but it did arc somewhat.

      I was going for some kind of elemental manipulation but yes, under the stress of the moment I performed mass-TK instead.

      And then there was one last bit where I was at some kind of theater and tried to clear a space on the wall for a portal, moving bulletins and junk out of the way only to find more under them. Finally I'd cleared a semi-workable space and drew a tall rectangle on the wall, four sides with four colors, and then tried to imagine Stone Harbor on the other side. It didn't quiiite work...

      And uhh one last fragment where I was by my window again, but this time there was some ... video-game, anime sort of girl sitting to my left, wearing odd clothes (black but with bright colorful highlights as well), never seen her before. I demonstrated my ability to drop out pieces of the windowpane by drawing two parallel lines at the same time, horizontally right across the window, at which point a wide, flat rectangle dropped out.

      I'm callin' that two dreams 'cause who knows. Could've been more, maybe less, so I'm working with the middle. HMMM.

      Updated 12-09-2015 at 10:21 PM by 39676

      Tags: dream powers
      lucid , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment
    11. Robots, anime figurines and a sliver of lucidity

      by , 03-22-2014 at 11:21 AM
      So, I had my first "Succesful" WBTB this morning, which means I didn't immediately fall back to sleep. After reading a little bit in my pathfinder core rulebook and watching some TB Vs Crendor Gimmick-a-Thon, I decided to attempt a WILD, and failed.

      So I fell asleep. First tihng I remember is walking through a mall built into a temple (My dream architects have no respect, but they surely are original.) I was being chased around by robots (Didn't really classify as a nightmare though, it was more exciting than scary in my opinion) I don't really recall the specifics, but at a certain point some sort of ops team breaks in to take down the robots, and so they do.

      The dream after that was clearer: I was standing in a fairly dark store, which I recognized being in the main shopping street in my little town, in the spot of a toy store. For some reason, I went there to get my figurines "scanned" (I bought a few in Japan last year) in a machine that would print a book with pictures and information. Little did I know that the figurine I was scanning had heat-influenced paint that rendered her clothes invisible when exposed to heat. And that machine was quite hot. I was unaware of that fact, and DC's in every direction shot me some rather strange looks. After having a conversation with the store cleric about how to greet customers I left the store.

      After that I ended up in (what seems to be) a fairly fancy clothes store, where they, to my surprise, sold figurines of 2 animes I was familiar with: A Certain Scientific Railgun (Which was probably triggered by a certain avatar on this forum, I haven't seen the actual anime in ages) and Soul Eater (One of my personal favorites). At which moment I had the reaction of "I WANT ALL OF THESE!" and so I grabbed all of them. Then I froze. Wait a second, I'm broke. Maybe I can buy one of them though. But which one?At which moment it dawned on me. Why would a fancy clothes store, especially in Holland, sell anime figurines?
      That must mean I'm dreaming! I can get all of these for free!But on the other side, they're not real either, that's too bad. At the moment that I realized this fact, everything felt extremely vivid and realistic, which was felt awesome! And then... everything went black. I focused on stabilizing my dream and painting a dream scene at the same time, when I feel my dream throwing me a curveball, a false awakening. My mind goes "I read about these, I should do something against this before I lose lucidity!" and resisting this false awakening, I woke up for reals

      Although my lucidity was only brief, it has left me hungering for more.
      Time to practice my WILD technique a bit more!

      Feel free to leave any questions, I'll be happy to answer them.
      Sweet dreams!


      Updated 03-22-2014 at 12:03 PM by 68415

      Tags: anime, dild, mall, robots
      lucid , false awakening , memorable
    12. WBTB (5 hours) - Non-lucid - Broken Recall

      by , 03-22-2014 at 10:29 AM (Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream)
      UH SHOOT. I dreamed something... then I woke up at some point and remembered it... and then fell back asleep and then at some point alarm went off, so gg.

      I think when I started doing WBTB's my intent and my mind were so in sync that I would wake up from a dream to my WBTB alarm, and BAM: fantastic recall. But now I'm slackin' off in that regard, so I wake up a bit earlier, then fall back asleep and forget ... which might mean I'll have to get used to getting up even if my alarm isn't going off. And if that's the case I may as well put my computer next to my bed so I can blind myself with the screen's light at will. We shall seeeeee~

      Also I tried somethin' a bit different for this WBTB: turned on the light and drank a cup of apple cider while I was writing this. Maybe it'll make some kinda difference? Also gonna try sleeping for another 1.5 hours and then doing another WBTB. Maybe.

      Uhhhmmm okay so one part that I remember was that Mom and I were walking to some kind of bus stop as part of the larger dream (which featured a fairly evil Big Bad), and then I started using dream powers of some sort. Wasn't lucid at all, so they were just dream facts. Think I mighta been hovering around. There was some sort of larger point to that scene, and my actions.

      Uhhhhhh... the overall scheme of the dream revolved around this Big Bad sort of guy, some kind of mega-evil ghost or god of some sort, and the Saturday-morning-cartoon-style child protagonists who dared to defy him.

      Not that it worked out for them in a saturday-morning-cartoon sort of way. Had a bit of an Animorphs vibe, I think. I can sort of remember a bit where some Jake or Toby-esque (from Animorphs) leader kid was physically trapped in some kinda inescapable magic hold of the evil guy's. For now the bad guy was just talking to him .. but he was the sort of villain that could drive a person crazy just by talking to them, just by very deliberately toying with their mind and emotions and whatever else he could use.

      Also, it didn't matter to him that his opponents were children. The fact that they were challenging him was, in his mind, justification enough for him being utterly ruthless. But he did seem to realize that they posed less of a threat, and with apparently no other, more pressing issues to face, he made slowly and deliberately taking them apart his sole and temporary focus. He was immortal for whatever reason (leaning more towards god than ghost), so he had that sort of "entertain me" or "alleviate my boredom" vibe that immortal people tend to have in stories.

      Over the course of the dream some crazy things happened that I don't recall, as the bad guy proceeded to gradually win and convince some of the kids that fighting simply wasn't worth it anymore, and they might as well switch to his side. That's about where the dream ended, I think, with a shot of a room strongly featuring his presence, and with a few dejected kids sitting around waiting for his orders or whatever.

      Anyway I'm callin' all that a fragment because the dream as it exists in my memory is a mere shadow of its former self, and while the story's background remains relatively strong in my mind, any events of the story have, for the most part, fled. Which is kind of annoying because it was such a weird and unique and interesting story, to me, and the only copy was in my mind and I dropped the baaaallllllll~

      Updated 12-09-2015 at 10:19 PM by 39676

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    13. Tall Sporadic Lemur Monster & Searching for the Man in the Red Shirt

      by , 03-22-2014 at 01:19 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Tall Sporadic Lemur Monster & Searching for the Man in the Red Shirt (DILD)


      Things start out in a spectator point of view, and I eventually shift into a third person view of myself. I’m walking, being able to feel the soles of the shoes every now and then, and then focusing on my torso region for a bit. There’s several dream characters walking with me, and one I can’t really recall decently enough, but with the other two DCs, I presumed she was a female.

      One was a small chimp or monkey in a 3D cartoon style composition. It had a fairly odd head shape, and the anatomy of it definitely correlated to a cartoon-ish look. It has light brown fur, and a milky caramel color for its face, hands, and feet. I had a feeling this little guy was going to be very crucial for whatever it is we’re going to do.

      Then there’s the next DC that’s very tall, and looks like a lemur with white fur, a dark blue face, hands, and feet. It looks like it wants to murder me anytime it feels like it, and the worst part is that it keeps following behind me. Apparently, if the lemur, that was probably 10 feet or more tall, wanted to cause harm on me, the little guy would hum some kind of tune, or use some form of communication to calm it down.

      I had to deal with this cycle of what felt like every 15-20 minutes in waking life. Thankfully, the little guy knew how to protect me. The other dream character that I couldn’t see was most likely female, and maybe a dream character that resembled Natti in waking life. I’m presuming this because another dream where I was with her and a lemur, it seemed as if I was looking at her point of view, and seeing myself through her, just like how it was the same occasionally in this dream.

      I have a feeling that we were communicating, but I put off recalling this dream for most of the day that I can’t recall anything except for the fact that we’re searching for an individual. This individual apparently would be wearing a red dress shirt of some sort, and over time, I had a feeling that he looked a lot like Dickson from Xenoblade Chronicles:

      There were a few regions on his visage that were a bit different from Dickson, but overall, he looked the same. For his outfit, he was probably wearing a red version of the picture above along with a dark gray version of the white jeans he wore as well.

      The dream environments looks fairly barren, and the closest connection for it would be akin to the environment of Gerudo Valley from Ocarina of Time:

      Except, it was a lot more detailed, and less blocky. It wasn’t the exact replica of the environment, but there were moments in the dream like walking through mini-wooden bridges, and small cave entrances here and there similar to it.

      Now, for some reason, we didn’t want him to know that we were following him, and I had to resort to stopping time in order to see where he could possibly. This seems to be the first time I resorted to manipulating time in a dream, and actually being able to pull it off as if it’s second nature to me. The dream atmosphere turns into a Sepia overlay fluctuating with a light brown overlay as well. I can feel my dream body waving left and right like water for a bit before being able to stabilize myself in the stillness of everything and everyone else.

      At this point, all I was fixated on was walking a linear path, and getting a feeling that I’m getting closer and closer to this man in the red dress shirt that. It seems this guy is still able to walk, but very, very, very slowly, and I quickly turn back the moment I find him. I’m not sure if I communicated with the DC that was actually a human, but it didn’t seem like it would matter at all.

      At some point in this dream, the lemur monster seemed pretty close from inflicting damage to me, and the little guy managed to save me in the nick of time again. I’m really not sure why this lemur is being sporadic, and it seems to have a contrasting demeanor to the more reserved and calm female type I saw a few weeks ago.

      The direction of the dream starts getting blurry, and I can only recall a few patches here and there. I recall being inside a building, seeing the man in the red shirt preparing to enter a large cave, and then some random DC suggesting something to me in what seems to be some kind of gym.

      lucid , memorable
    14. Second Lucid

      by , 03-21-2014 at 10:47 PM

      Updated 06-23-2014 at 06:40 AM by 68183

      lucid , false awakening , memorable
    15. First Lucid

      by , 03-21-2014 at 10:46 PM

      Updated 06-23-2014 at 06:41 AM by 68183

      lucid , false awakening , memorable , task of the month