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    1. Jamie dryspell

      by , 04-24-2024 at 01:58 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Well, we got attacked again. I tried to get Raven to help but of course, her dream friends also got attacked, so she spent some nights trying to resolve that.

      Suspected Jamie drive by again. This time outside my place as it was getting dark. The car turned down the alley where my backyard is facing. Although it was hard to see due to some branches, it was the quick head turn that was the give away, and the hair. This on the same day of my distressing post. Maybe she was checking on me? Different vehicle again... Maybe I'm just paranoid and seeing what I wanna see. Maybe she borrows a family or friends vehicle. This reminds me of a Tik Tok post Emily King made a while ago on this sort of thing: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMqVB6sw/


      I was forced to work in a strange warehouse. There were these tiny rooms against a large wall but they were all connected. Everyone was supposed to go into the tiny rooms and do something I forget. I was put into a room and there was a tiny window next to me. I looked inside and saw two men being gay. Won't go into detail.

      Then I had false memories of Jamie being with me earlier, but people had separated us.

      This made me angry so I smashed through all the walls and knocked some people over. Some short black guy teleported to me trying to fight. He was jumping up and down really fast trying to be hard to hit. I put my hand on the top of his head to keep him there. He couldn't escape but then my memory fades.

      The rest of the night I had 2 short dreams. I was trying to find Jamie but kept running into two women with cloth gags in their mouths. They kept saying Jamie was busy but to play with them. I wasn't having it

      Next night.

      Left on read

      I was in a construction place with my dad and brother. I kept pulling out my phone and looking for messages from Jamie. There was an old message saying she needed space or something. Work was boring but when we had to leave, my dad was in a wheelchair and had an oddly shaped head.

      Last night:

      Maybe a dream about my Dog and some dogs.


      Dreamed I was leaving work with some people. We all had separate vehicles. I followed them to some cul de sac area. We waited and chatted. Can't remember about what. I drove off but there was some confusion about who should leave first.

      Drove into a downtown street like a cross between the two downtown's of Didsbury and Carstairs. There was all these people on the street blocking the way. Suddenly instead of driving, I was walking. It was night. I ran into my cousin, and said the one restaurant that I use for pickup was closed for the holiday. He mentioned a couple that were open. I asked about the one where Jamie worked (apparently she works at a bar in the dream). He said that I'm still not allowed in there, or something because of Her. Then he said it was BS because he heard Jamie say that she was okay with me, but the owner still wouldn't allow me in. Then my memory fades.
      Tags: cousin, dog, jamie
      non-lucid , side notes
    2. 20 Aug: My cousin is sick and my house is taken over by body snatchers

      by , 08-20-2022 at 07:19 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At my house, but it is much bigger. My dad comes by, unnanounced, with my uncle Zé, aunt and cousins and I have a meltdown because my house is a total mess and I am not feeling well enough to receive guests. Nobody cares. They take my cousin Duarte to a bedroom where he is looked after by two nurses. He is on IV, taking shots, crying in pain. I hold his hand lovingly in support him and ask what's going on but he doesn't say.

      I return home after some time away and I am appalled to find it occupied and in very bad condition. The bathroom has water dripping, the sink is clogged, there is trash all over. Then some guys enter the bathroom completely naked and someone else is recording and taking pictures of them while they mock me. The place seems to have been taken over by a bunch of people who are basically shameless pigs. They invite me to join them for a meal but I refuse. They get pissed and take me and other strangers outside where they reveal they will take control of our minds and bodies, like parasitic zombies. They do something and I lose control of my body, they move it like a puppet, but my mind resists. Eventually I break out of their control and I escape and run to a mountain where I encounter a resistance group.
    3. cclxxix. Taking an item and not paying but remembering it's a mistake

      by , 06-02-2021 at 02:28 PM
      2nd June 2021


      In a supermarket. I'm with my family, including some of my cousins though I don't recall who's here immediately around me. I remember then we're leaving the store, heading to the exit after we'd paid for some stuff. Just near the exit, I grab a 2 litre bottle of Coke Zero and walk outside without paying for it. I soon realise what I've done and give the bottle to C, who still looks like a child as I remember her from years ago.

      I rush back into the store, past a security guard who hadn't even noticed what I'd done and I walk over at quick pace to a reception in order to explain what I'd done and to pay for the item.


      - In the dream I didn't think about it, but it was foolish to leave the bottle with my cousin instead of just bringing it back, paying for it and then leaving with the receipt. At least, that would have been the easy solution to the issue had it been in waking life.

      - It's odd that my cousin was so much younger, though I realise now that she actually hasn't looked very different over the years. Perhaps she has something like H's sister, and I never realised/knew.

      - This is one of a few recent dreams about supermarkets and so on.
    4. Why Pewdiepie

      by , 11-09-2020 at 08:42 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      And this post is above another user who posted a Davie 504 dream. Are youtubers trying to take control of our dreams??? *Cues x files theme*

      I think I had jamie dreams I just can't recall them. Just woke up a few times with a feeling that she was in them. I miss the constant or weekly vivid dreams of her since they've been my constant companion for over 2 years now...

      Small lucid

      Just Walking into a room with my cousin there. I become lucid for no reason at all. I stand by a window and try to push through the glass into another dream. but i wake up after.


      I'm at some bar or party. It almost has the same layout to the 21 club here in lethbridge which i haven't even been to in some years. Use to go there to talk to no one, buy expensive beer, have some drunk girl slap your smoke out of your face for no reasonand call 3 different cab companies then wind up walking home because the cabs just pick up any drunk idiot int he parking lot. No thanks.

      As i walk in I see Pewdiepie standing where everyone smokes. I want to say hello but walk in. I walk in and out of the building a few times. I say "Hi," to him a few times but he doesn't respond. (honestly my pewdipie phase ended when T-series Passed him and subs) eventually I manage to get his attention. I try to tell him I have his old wired Razer headset which i've had for 3 years. I can't speak and sense my physical tongue is to dry to speak. This makes me lucid but instead of doing anything I keep trying to talk but wind up saying nothing. Pewdiepie seems more interested in that I'm having trouble trying to speak. He kind of gets the gist of what I'm trying to say but he just kind of thinks my problems are funny.

      Not sure what else i recall. I work nights and can say my lucids are in my second cycle during the day. I go to sleep around 11 am or noon. Wake up 4 5 Pm. Back to sleep around 6 and fall asleep around 7. the short later period has been giving me very vivid are almost all lucid dreams.
    5. 3 Nov: Working at a VIP event, making out with my cousin and attempted kidnapping

      by , 11-03-2020 at 10:39 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At some foreign country in need of a job to support myself. Meet some girl who brings me to a place where they need people to welcome and serve some VIPs. All seems very proper and respectful. Most are scientists, Nobel prize winners, rich investors, all dressed up for a gala. I am helping at the entrance, checking out who's listed or not. When things calm down, the lady boss managing the workers comes to ask me if I would like a better paid job, joining a special group of girls entertaining a few select guests at an upper floor. My friend encourages me, excited about it, but I immediately think it can only be prostitution and in fear of falling into a prostitution ring and just become a sex slave, I refuse to do it. They insist I'd enjoy and I could just go take a look, but I am afraid they'll kidnap me. Later on, I find out it was merely an entertaining position, like a geisha, nothing sexual is meant to happen.

      At my grandparents home in Moita, but a totally fictional situation. My late cousin Rui is there and the garden and the house are magically maintained as in the old days. We are sitting in the couch talking about our past. Incestuous feelings take over and we hold hands and I cuddle his hair. Then we kiss exactly when his mother comes in and reacts with great shock. She then pretends she didn't see it and sits by his side, says he needs to cut his hair. Goes get a scissor and starts doing it. Then she also cuts bits of my hair with the clear intention to make me look awful as a punishment, but she ends up giving me a very avant-garde asymmetrical look that with a few adjustments looks pretty cool.

      Staying with a community living in an abandoned school and exploiting it as a hostel. I stay there for a couple days while I am meeting with some friends. Then it is time to go catch a train and I realize I don't know where my backpack is. I suspect they stole it. They deny and say they'll help me look for it, but first they need a hand preparing lunch for the guests and insist I help them. Someone shakes his head slightly and tries to warn me about something. I have the feeling they wanna keep me there for forced labor and won't give me my documents and stuff to keep me stuck there. But for now I play their game, because they don't know I can fly and have other powers and I know I can easily escape later if I want to.
    6. Reviewing life moments after death | [06.09.2020]

      by , 09-07-2020 at 01:06 AM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Reviewing life moments after death
      I am in complete darkness, and the only thing that I can still sense are my memories. There is a sort of sad music, but it has a happy and ethereal to it, like I was done now and no longer had to worry about anything, but now it is all over in exchange. It was some sort of synth instrument maybe, but there was definitely piano. I relive the memory of when I was 4 and apparently a cousin and his mother were coming up to visit us. I came to see them. Then, probably a few years later, apparently the house of them were now right next to ours, only about 8 meters needed to walk to the other's house entrance. It was night, and the cousin was visiting. At some point later we apparently flooded their house, which was extremely big, with phosgene for some reason and left to my house. At some point I looked to the window and it was pitch black outside. My mother smelled something weird at some point, and I suggested it might be the phosgene, so I closed our windows. Had problems closing the left one, though, and it had a weird design. Back in the black, I kept thinking how I really wished that you could just turn back time. At some point I also thought about my borther.

      That was deep.. also, that phosgene part was weird.
    7. Waking up DILD

      by , 08-29-2020 at 04:00 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      Was having some kind of nightmare dream with guns also some unwanted dreams of people. Became lucid and decided to wake up.
      Tags: blood, cousin, guns
    8. Memory Lane 2 DILD

      by , 07-01-2019 at 04:19 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I had 2 lucid dreams.
      Tags: cousin
      false awakening , lucid
    9. Chest Pain

      by , 06-13-2019 at 08:00 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I was walking along side my cousin and was showing her around the area. My captain at work was behind me for some reason and told me to follow him as he had something important he wanted to show me. I look back to my cousin and wave bye to her as I told her to go back home. As I am following my captain we enter an abandon warehouse and I notice only one light was lit. This look wrong to me and I began to enter a flight or fight mode. That's when a man in a hoodie and wearing a protection glow vest came out from the shadows. He held two guns both in each of his arms. Pointed at me and my captain. I look around for an exit and ran. I bust down through one of the doors and jump off a building not sure where I would land. I woke up from a nightmare and found myself unable to move on my bed. I notice everything in my room was darker than normal. And my bed was at the end corner of the wall. My eyes look up at the ceiling and my mouth was then force open completely by an unknown force.I became lucid and I started trying to close my mouth to no avail. Then the blankets around my neck started tightening. It began to crush my throat and I felt myself having trouble to breathe. I began choking in till I woke up again.
    10. Feeling Strange 2 DILD

      by , 05-25-2019 at 09:44 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I was with my father and my cousin and aunt. We were in my old house and I thought it was odd that they were there. I was trying to remember when did they arrive in America. And then I caught my self in the thought and realize there's no way they could possibly be here. I haven't left America to travel to their country yet. I became lucid but it was like the dream was trying to pull me out of it to wake up. I tried my best to hold on to the awareness but instead everything went dark. I lost my lucidity and found myself seeing a gray screen with static. As if I was inside the screen of a television with no signal. I became lucid again during in this void and suddenly as I am looking around notice I have no body. I wake up.
    11. Strong Connection DILD

      by , 01-11-2019 at 02:48 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I am in my old father room and was sitting on the bed. On the side of me was a woman who talk to me about a deal that was done in the past and if I had settle my mind on it or decided to change my mind. I became lucid once hearing this and I told her what did she think of the deal as of now? She told me she believe the idea I had was for the best and that sticking to it was for the best.

      After that I got up from the bed as my family came home and I realize I needed to look for something. The woman I spoke to earlier follow me and said she knew where it was. I go to what use to be my mother room and started searching for it. She confirms that it was the greece in the container. I grab it and walk down the stairs. Once reaching the bottom I could see her eyes were glowing white.

      I open the front door and toss it out and walk to my mother and father. That's when I lost lucidity.
      lucid , non-lucid
    12. 2 Lucids

      by , 12-18-2018 at 06:28 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      It was snowing and met a few people I knew. I went out from a window to escape those coming after me. My cousin was my get away vehicle as I hop in the driver seat. We both drove away
      Tags: cousin, fight, snow
    13. Happy Birthday DILD

      by , 08-28-2018 at 07:03 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I appear to be in a house and my brother shows up. He says he would like to see the new s9+ phone I got a few days ago. I show him and he and I began talking about it and it's features. Eventually I notice my brother get tired and started laying on the floor which is something he does often. I notice from the window that it was dim sunny outside. I become lucid once I started walking to the front door.

      I open it and took a nice breath of fresh air. And began walking more while observing my environment. I notice the house was by itself with in a huge land of short trim grass and a few trails. I notice a playground connected to the left end of the house with a wire fence. I continue walking, looking up to the sky wondering about stuff. Then I decided I wanted to see my cousin as I could sense she was around and knew today was her birthday. I retrace my path back to the house and continue going a little bit to the opposite direction.

      I then notice her with a group of other older people. She was sitting down seeming to be talking. I greet her and ask her how is she doing and that it's good to see you. We greeted each other and I lose my lucidity after the dream change to something else.
    14. Day 108 & 109: Hey, Me.

      by , 05-30-2018 at 06:33 AM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Fell asleep at: 11:00 PM

      Woke up at: 7:00 AM

      Dream 92: Reflections

      In the car with my brother, daytime. We're driving down the highway. My brother next to me is holding the phone camera to my face, and I'm trying to get it off of me.

      I managed to steal a glimpse of myself in the mirror. It was oddly clear and high res. I think it looked a little more attractive than I do in WL (Heck, I felt like Dreamy Luigi from M&L: Dream Team. No real difference except I looked better).

      Dream 93: Ham and Anger

      In the kitchen with my sister and her boyfriend, morning. They had just made me food (Migas with ham on the side). I was also watching Hulu on the Switch and I had my headphones on (The ones I lost a couple days ago).

      My cousin (Let's call him Quiet J, because why not) walks in and, being as standoffish as he is, says something to me while failing to acknowledge I was wearing headphones. I remember it being some kind of insult but I didn't want to make him angry while he was there, so I let him get his food and go to my sister's room.

      I ask my sister what he had said to me. She responded with something I don't quite remember. I then told her, annoyed, "I didn't ask how 'pretty' he thought I looked, I'm asking 'what did he say about me?''' That shut her up real quick and the dream ended shortly thereafter.
    15. Imani 4 DILDS

      by , 04-18-2018 at 08:27 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      A dream scene ends of me and my father waiting in a room with a group of people. The new scene appears and it is me at a store, appears to be a clothing store. I look through a few in the section I am in. I notice a book that seems to be a part of the bible. I read some of it verse and brought it back to where I had originally pick it up. I then notice I was around a lot of baby clothes for children.

      I look around the corner where I heard a group of people talking. When I saw them I notice one person that means something to me. It was my cousin. She appeared different, as if she had gain a lot more weight recently. When I observe further as I notice her picking up baby clothes, it became apparent that she is pregnant. I continue browsing in till my path cross with her.

      I simply smiled and waved while walking away. I then decided to look for clothes that I could wear since I needed some new ones. That is when the dream scene change again in to my room. I had assume I was awake as it identical in every way, it was night with no lights on. But something was feeling off to me, I decided to ignore it. As I sat up from my bed something happened to me that I don't know how to explain. I felt like I lost control of my surroundings. I was standing up at the front door of my room.

      That's when I heard screams , it felt piercing and loud. It was a girl voice screaming in pain. I started looking around my room asking what's going on. That's when I started pacing my room to see if there was a way I could find her. For some reason information was toss in to my head against my will, that told me this girl I am hearing is my daughter. Even though I do not have children.

      There was such a desperate urge to help this person, that I started screaming when I kept hearing her. That's when I finally woke up, I was slightly breathing hard and clutch my covers. I was wondering why my dreams were a bit tense lately. Then some DC mentally answered my own question by saying some dreams are bad/ I ask mentally in my head is there a way where I can always have good dreams? He said unfortunately dreams are always good and bad depending on the individual.

      I was going to ask why in till I became lucid on sensing something was wrong. A voice began mentally speaking to me saying , so you have now seen apart of my inner world. Now you see how scary it can be when you will now have to suffer and I will be coming back. Once I heard this I told her no don't bother me anymore. No do not do this. The dream scene change again to me waking up in my bed. It was another false awakening. I got up out of my bed as I was finish sleeping. As I stood up on the floor that's when the feeling hit me again.

      I became lucid and was beginning to see another person in 3rd person and yet I could still see through my own self as if I was in 1st person. I notice someone running aimlessly in grey. Then I completely was back in 1st person with this intense fear around me. The shocking screams began again and I couldn't help but panic to try to find this girl that was in so much suffering. I kept looking around in my room and started saying this can't be happening to me. That's when my window turned in to a grey realm. I ran in there as I continue to follow the loud screams.

      However the grey realm only led me back to my room to where I couldn't see anything. I began to scream as I hear the screams of the girl and my own echoing endlessly. It made my head go numb after hearing that after constantly screaming I open my front door and bang on my father door. His door was lock which is not normal for him as he usually leaves it unlock. I began yelling him to open up the door and that I was being attack by someone. I could hear his television set come on as the door opened.

      I told him I needed his help and I was beginning to talk to him about what was going on. I wake up. This time I think I am really awake and the first thing I do is open my door to get to my father and to explain to him what is happening. I began knocking on his door again as it opened. His TV once again came on and he was not in a good mood. I told him something is wrong and that I was being attacked by some person. He doesn't care and tells me to leave me alone and ask me do you know how early it is.

      I look at the time and see that it is 2:02 AM . I told him he still has plenty of time to rest. He gets angry and tells me he is done helping me. That's when I found myself waking in my bed again. No I said, I was already lucid and yelled why are you doing this to me? That's when something on my bed sprang around like a spider. A woman out of no where appeared sitting in front of me on my bed with red hair. A voice told me in unintelligible words that it was angry with me. I knew it was anger because of how intense the sensation was around me. I began saying I am sorry for what I have done.

      It began showing me images and a vision that I would understand. I knew what the issue was now and said I was sorry. But it didn't matter I could tell nothing I was saying was getting through to her. Whatever this thing was. That's when I woke up again from my bed. I was already lucid and the same terrifying scenario happened again and again. I couldn't stop screaming and I remember falling to the floor which somehow made me continue falling endlessly further down. My head felt so much confusion that I didn't know what to do or think anymore.

      I didn't know when I had waken up or if I was awake all this time. My eyes were just staring at the ceiling. It was like I had been in a trance. I place my hand on my head, my head felt empty as if nothing was in it. I sat up to check the time and could see it is 2:02 AM. I am sorry.
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