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    1. [10-02-2016]

      by , 02-10-2016 at 01:21 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      Nothing recalled.
    2. DJ of 2/10/2016

      by , 02-10-2016 at 01:21 PM
      MILD day 2

      Did my mantra before going to bed, was much better at not drifting thoughts.
      Woke up and usual 2:00 AM remembered a dream. Went back to sleep trying to repeat the mantra.
      Woke up an hour later and remembered part of a dream.
      Alarm and morning routine.

      In conclusion, dream recall became better, should have written down dreams right after waking and attempted to WILD. If I did not remember them, I would FILD.


      I was at school, or that I could see from outside. I was running to a tractor-trailer that was your generic black tractor and white trailer with no corporate markings. It was daytime and it was raining lightly, why I was running to the truck. Next I am in the truck and the dream suddenly transitions to me in a garden of some sort that is in New York city. I am standing there amidst this garden where I do not know where exactly I am. There are apparently chickens around me. Apparently I pissed one of and it starts to go after me, flying and pecking at me. I try to shoo it away so I don’t hurt it, but it keeps coming at me. Then it goes for my ears, that’s the last straw for me and I grab the chicken by the neck and chuck it as far as I could, I run into a garage that has some sort of an SUV and I pull out of there as fast as possible so I don’t get attacked by the chicken anymore. It ends.

      I am sitting in my school’s lunchroom and we are having some sort of a special lunch. All that I can remember is that there were tater tots. We eat the lunch, (nothing happens) and then we are clearing the lunch. All of a sudden there are hundreds of tennis balls that start to bounce all over the room. The lunch manager is not looking happy at this point and tries to collect the balls. Then I walk to the science room where there are many people and I walk up to a friend and show him something on the computer, recent tabs for some reason. He says my life could be ruined and walks away. I wonder at that point. Then the recent tabs change to Java programming and my counselor is there and he seems all amazed by what he sees and attempts to write some code on the whiteboard, which does not work very well, I chuckle. It ends.

      No LD’s tonight.
      Tags: mild, vivid dream
      non-lucid , side notes
    3. My WILD attempt

      by , 02-10-2016 at 12:26 PM
      My plan for the last night was; set up alarm 4 hours into sleep, try to WILD in a different position than my usual sleeping position, eat gab's calzone http://imgur.com/o8q2APe

      What happened was; the alarm couldn't woke me up or i shut it off in my sleep, woke up at 12 am (8 hours into sleep for me), tried to WILD in a different position, i really tried but no luck Continued the WILD attempt in my usual sleeping position. My body felt numb enough and i started to imagine; i'm at my house feeling some objects, walls etc. I didn't felt the transitioning but i found myself in the living room!

      The living room was a bit different than usual, lightning was a bit off and the wall between the living room and the kitchen was gone. The tv was on, it was a music program, maybe a music competition program. There were 2 people in the house that i don't know. I was sure that i was dreaming but just for the kicks i wanted to do a nose plug RC. I couldn't breathe o_O But i felt a very strong pressure in my ears and the music coming from the tv just got louder and louder. It was coming in all directions! I've worked with beautiful music systems but this was at another level. It sounded like the whole building was a speaker and i was inside of it.

      The guy front of me said something, i didn't hear him well so i yelled "shut up! i'm dreaming!" and wanted to jump from the kitchen window but the closer i get to the window the dream faded more and more...
    4. #91: Mac & dread / Court

      by , 02-10-2016 at 08:34 AM
      Mac & dread
      I'm sitting on the couch in my room in my student home. I'm checking out my new Macbook. I'm trying to figure out what it is that's wrong about it. Then I realise that the bottom has been unscrewed. I have to put it back on. The bottom 'lid' has some of my hair stuck to it. I try to peel it off. I examine the lid and discover that it should just slide back on. It uses a pneumatic system to close and open the laptop. Along this dream I keep messing with my hair. First half a dread comes loose from my head. Then I slowly start to feel like I'm losing more hair. Fuuck.. well I suppose I could go with millimetred hair....

      Court *potential slight spoiler for the show Suits*
      There's a court decision coming up. Mike Ross from Suits is standing outside a court room I suppose with another white man. The court is gonna give a verdict soon about the legitimacy of a law that will have Mike convicted for being a fraud. They're probably gonna rule in his favour, but Mike wants to do something to prevent them from ruling like that because he wants to give someone else a chance to... I don't remember what. The man tells him that he's crazy. I don't remember the actual verdict.

      In what is probably the courtroom, but what looks a bit more like parliament, Mike is standing somewhere with I guess Rachel close to him. She takes a few steps back and bumps into the guy she cheated on Mike with. Next thing they bring their faces really close together, but at the last possible moment decide not to kiss.

      Mike and Rachel are at a train station. He's walking away from her and she is chasing after him, apologising. Somehow the tables get turned and suddenly he needs to apologise. Huh? What? No man, that's not right!
    5. Log 286 - Hurry Through Lunch

      by , 02-10-2016 at 02:00 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Tuesday 09 February 2016

      Couldn't remember anything of other dreams, save for the one below.

      Dream 1 - Hurry Through Lunch

      The visuals were pretty clear. I was sitting in one of the back desks within a small classroom, a number of early highschool aged kids around me. The teacher, a dark haired, light skinned 50-something year old woman, was busy filling things out on her wooden desk. Built on the white wall behind her were a few shelves, each directly underneath a row of windows below the ceiling, dim sunlight peeking in.

      This began with me working vigorously on some kind of writing assignment, which I eventually finish and turn in. Wasn't much to do then but look around at stuff.

      At some point, two figures hurried inside. Both were wiry, bespectacled young girls, 10-12 years of age, and each with light skin and blonde hair. In fact, the two looked exactly identical. Anyway, the teacher ignored them as they ran around the classroom. Must have been her daughters?

      A while later, the teacher begins returning composition notebooks back to the students. Upon handing mine, she claimed something of doodling too much and not keeping to task. I just knew I wasn't going to get graded well for this, and assumed I got lazy with homework to begin with. Still, I was confident that I'd finally rid myself of this course easily when I aced the exam. There was something on the teacher calling on specific students for some review, but I'm not sure.

      After that, the teacher admitted to having no further lessons before the exam, which was about a week away. So she had us pass the time by watching movies on some black CRT TV screen on a rolling stand. But I wasn't to interested in that, instead taking my time to look through the notebook. There, I found some familiar doodles, the very ones my nephew and I have scribbled for fun. Did I turn in the wrong one, I wondered?

      I then noticed those girls laying on the shelf, as if hiding for a game of hide and seek. The furniture didn't seem as if it would hold.

      Things get a bit fuzzy for a while. I know I exit the classroom and wander the hallways for a while. Eventually, I find myself waiting in a long line, which I somehow knew was for entry to the cafeteria. The register was occupied with some tan skinned, spiky haired Asiatic guy, who was a bit impatient. When it was my turn, I fumbled to reach for my wallet, during which several others behind me were attended to first. I then paid in card, reaching for the pin pad next to me, but it seems this was charged in credit rather than debit. Likewise, I found it a bit odd at not having to sign for this. There was also some confusion on me having to tear off a long, bar-coded sticker for some reason, which I folded together to keep it from having it getting stuck in my pockets. Anyway, I felt I held the line up for long enough, and hurried along.

      Inside was a relatively small, overcrowded cafeteria. There, I found yet another line, which I went to. I waited for a while, before noticing the time from a clock nearby. It was about ten minutes to ten, which I knew meant I hadn't much time before the next class.

      Eventually, I arrived at the serving area, which was more as a buffet than a traditional lunchroom, with the customers serving their own food from glass-shielded counters. After grabbing a paper plate and a few plastic utensils, I noticed a variety of meat and tomato sauce stews, mostly chicken drumsticks, and one that I smelled as pork. But these seemed too watery, rubbery, and generally unappetizing, so I didn't take much of either. I then saw several kinds of pastry items, guava pastries and honey glazed filo meat pies amongst other types. I took as many different varieties of these as I could. There was also several kinds of desserts in the center of the room, including squared, whipped cream topped key lime tarts, but I hadn't time for that.

      At that point, I noticed some kind of checkout area in the front. Realized this was where that sticker would come in handy, making me lament having folded it. I fumbled to take it out, and had further problems unsticking it. The attendant there, having had enough, just bade I continue on. It was kind of embarrassing.

      Well, I rushed down to a seat and chomped down at the chicken, which was about as tasteless and poorly textured as I expected. I glanced at the clock to see I hadn't even a minute to spare. So I tried reaching for more, when I noticed I instead grabbed on to an orange handkerchief, which was apparently covering my plate. All very confusing. Anyway, I began scarfing down the guava pastry (which, I would admit, was especially tasty) and grabbing hold of the other stuff with my hands to run off with them. All with much reluctance, as I knew I never washed my hands earlier.

      The dream fades as I hurry out the door.

      Updated 02-10-2016 at 04:04 AM by 89930 (Added date; grammar check)

    6. Doughnuts from Church

      by , 02-10-2016 at 01:31 AM (My Dream Journal)
      I am at my church eating doughnuts and m&ms. When I sit down in the pews, I am next to a girl I don't recognize. She recognizes me, though, which is strange. Then all of a sudden I am outside with my dad. We are walking up a long, tall stairway. When we reach the top, the girl from church is sitting there. I ignore her. I see my friend sitting down on the streets far below. She shouts up at me, asking me if I am going to Iowa. I tell her no. Then, she throws me a snowball, and I drop it. It lands right in the center of a garbage can, and I give her a thumbs up to show her that it was a good throw. I walk around a bit and suddenly I am at the entrance of my church. There are tons of different political signs. There is a lady putting up Hillary Clinton signs really fast, and I am rushing around like crazy to take them around. I remember also taking down a Marco Rubio sign too. When I walk back into the church I go to get another doughnut. There aren't many m&ms left, but I eat them any ways. Then all of a sudden my grandma is there and my mom is telling us that we are going to go to Pizza Ranch. My grandma says that she isn't going to come with us. So, just me, my brother and my moms are suddenly at Pizza Ranch filling up our cups. I fill it to the brim with Dr. Pepper and it starts to overflow, but I drink it before it does. We are in the car driving away from Pizza Ranch. My mom makes a turn onto the highway, and I think that she did I good job driving.
      Lately either in DEILD, naps, or during WBTB's I've been able to gain a small amount of control over my dreams, but I loose control very quickly.
    7. Demon Possessed Corpses

      by , 02-10-2016 at 01:20 AM
      There was a battle between humans and demon-possessed human corpses. After fighting off the demons in a few locations, me and the crowd of people I was with settled into a large house near the coast that faced an inlet. There were only a few of the demons roaming around there. I had no weapons and could not fight the demons so I would close the door of the house to keep the demons out. I was very scared of them.

      I don't remember the exact moment I became lucid but I had frequently been taking trips to the locations where the demons had been conquered. I had been flying to the locations and then hovering around trying to find out what was going on with the demons, why they were invading and why there were so many of them. I eventually realized I was dreaming because of the flying and floating. Even though I realized I was dreaming, I was still caught up in the story of the dream and worried that my body was sleeping in a place where I was vulnerable to demons. I took a couple flights through the sky but mostly hovered and levitated around the house, showing the other people, including my parents. My parents did not like it, but a teenage girl did like it and was very excited to tell her mom. None of the other dream characters could fly.

      Some of my flying attempts were unsuccessful and I would jump up and gently land on the floor. I had to maintain a relaxed concentration to hover or fly well. I was so excited about being able to fly because the demons in their corpse bodies could not fly so it was the perfect way to avoid them. I also thought I might use powers like shooting energy out of my hands to fight the demons. I did eventually realize that since I was dreaming there weren't really any demons, and that was kind of disappointing. At times the dream became so ordinary, just me being inside the house with the other people, that I had to convince myself that I was still dreaming. I did so my telling myself that if I weren't dreaming anymore I would have remembered waking up, and I hadn't remembered waking up, so that is how I knew I was still dreaming. Then I just looked around at how real everything looked.

      I eventually lost lucidity and the dream continued until I woke up.
    8. 2/9/16 - Familiar Beach/World Beyond the Wall (SLD/FA-DILD)

      by , 02-09-2016 at 10:20 PM
      Ritual: I had time to sleep in this morning so I was motivated to get lucid. Went to bed at midnight and woke at 6am to feed the cat. Didn't do a full WBTB, but took a few supplements (alpha-g, choline, l-theanine) plus a tiny amount (between 1-2mg) of very old galantamine. I lay down on my back to delay sleep onset and practiced progressive relaxation, a few SSILD cycles, and counting. Couldn't count very high (usually not past six, my focus is terrible these days) but clearly noticed onset of hypnogogic imagery and managed to put in a number of rotations before falling into dreamless sleep. When I awoke after a few minutes (guaranteed if I fall asleep on my back), I turned on my right side and let myself fall asleep normally, feeling adequately primed and hoping for the best. This "kitchen sink" approach has pretty much become my standard and despite being really haphazard has a decent success rate, often resulting in WILDs. This time I had an NLD or two that I don't remember well, then the following semi-lucid that turned into a DILD.

      SLD: I am on a beach. All is not well: there are what look like tiny floating islands approaching from across the sea, and on each one stands a little stone tower and a menacing-looking figure in black armor with a horned helmet. The armored figures to be using the islands as transportation. Though not quite lucid, I remember that I have certain broad powers in this place, so I walk along the beach until I spot a couple empty islands, and try to summon one toward me. It turns into a little white sailboat and promptly sinks. I try to summon the second one, and the same thing happens. So much for island hopping. I turn right and continue to walk along the waterfront.

      Something seems oddly familiar about this place—I've been here before, haven't I? I note the urban architecture up ahead, the sprawl of a city just past the beach and I'm distinctly reminded of a particular dream I had once, years ago now. It was here, I am sure of it, though this corresponds to no earthly place. I don't remember much about that earlier dream, except that it started in one of the apartment buildings a few blocks from the beach and then I went down to the parking lot, but saw the beach in the distance. [I think I actually found it, an entry from 12/29/13, but I misremembered the order of events: I was in the parking lot initially, then dropped by the beach before going up to the apartment.]

      Various people are wandering around the beach, and a distinctive figure approaches. He is a thin old man with stringy, longish grey hair, carrying three lidded boxes in different colors, each about eighteen inches square. "What do they call this bay?" I ask him. "Sigismund?" he suggests, then modifies it. "Or Sigisroot?" He seems uncertain. I am about to ask the name of the city, but we are interrupted by the approach of a huge wave. We try to scramble up the beach but don't make it in time, and the wave crashes over us. I have to struggle against the pull of its wake, meanwhile trying to reach around to find the old man, to help him if possible. I grab someone's hand in the water, but it turns out to be a short, dark-haired woman. After helping her to shore, I come across the old man again on the beach. He has made it to safety, but lost two of his boxes. I feel partly responsible for the loss of his boxes, so I go back to the water to look for them. I locate the boxes but their contents have spilled. Apparently they contained cassette tapes, so I dredge as many as possible out of the water and wet sand, restoring them to one of the boxes. After I've grabbed as many as I can find, I return the boxes to the old man.

      FA-DILD: The dream resets, perhaps a half-waking, and I am in my house again. I start reviewing what just happened, and write down the name of the bay, both variations—not sure I realized at the time I was writing in a dream notebook. As I think over the events of the dream, I realize I must have been semi-lucid at the point where I was trying to summon the islands and then recognized the setting from prior dream. I reason that if I was semi-lucid then, I must be actually lucid now. Dream logic is terrible, but this time it did the trick—thinking about lucidity made me recognize that I was still dreaming. Since I was back in my house, I decided to do the TOTM of walking through the wall. I had interpreted "my room" to mean the bedroom, so I head in there and immediately turn left to look at the wall. I'm pleased and surprised to find an ample stretch of wall between the door and bookcase (surprised because in WL there is no free wall space in the room at all, to the point where I thought I would have to do the task by going into the closet!) Instead, the dream has obligingly provided sufficient room for me to stand in front of the wall, so I press both hands flat against it and concentrate. The wall resists the pressure at first, so I increase it, then watch as my right hand starts to sink into the surface. The wall crumbles under my hand like weak plaster with an impressively realistic texture and sensation. As I continue to push, a whole section about two feet wide dislodges and falls inward under my right hand, and then I push my whole body forward and break through the rest.

      I find myself in a cramped, closet like space, empty yet messy somehow, like it was poorly constructed—for instance, there are exposed 2x4s at odd diagonals. There is no visible way out, and I remember back to a time I was exploring the use of mirrors as portals and got stuck in a labyrinth of empty rooms that became ever smaller and more claustrophobic. [The dream I was thinking of occurred on 4/17/14, and the earliest experience of this kind I recorded on 12/18/10]. Simply recognizing the dream's tricks gives me the confidence not to be waylaid by them again, so I turn left and push through that wall too. Unsurprisingly, I am in an even smaller, darker, and more cramped space. I remind myself to remain optimistic and keep pushing forward with the expectation of getting out. I push through a couple more dark, tiny, empty spaces and then find myself in one that is different. It feels like an actual closet, with coats. What catches my eye is the style of those coats: they remind me of the cheap winter coats we wore in the 1970s, made of smooth synthetic cloth in drab colors and augmented with wide fake-fleece collars. I push through the coats and finally tumble free into an outdoor space.

      It's one of those transitions that are so striking in dream. I had been struggling in narrow claustrophobic space with poor visibility, and suddenly everything has changed: I'm in open space, the air is clear and fresh, the light is bright, colors are vivid, my vision is sharp, and I feel a surge of ebullience. I remind myself that it is worth it, all the trouble I go to over dreaming, even if dream isn't always cooperative, because of experiences like this. I even notice that little flutter in my solar plexus that I associate with deep dream.

      I move forward, on my hands and knees at first. I am at the base of a steep hill, and there are a number of animals sitting on the hillside, placidly watching me, including several ape-like creatures. As I crawl through the grass, I note the distinct texture of it: it might not be grass at all, actually, but some kind of ground cover with stiff, spiny stalks that flatten rather than bend under my hands. When I get to my feet, I see that a number of these stalks have actually adhered to my palms. They look like black tubes about three inches long and only a couple millimeters across, hollow, with a longer thin hair sticking another inch out the end. I try to pluck one out and it won't come off. I have the impression that even if I manage to pull off the outer tube, the hair will be left behind. It occurs to me to wonder if this explains the ape-like creatures, which seem unusually intelligent and anthropomorphic: did other people come here before me, and end up with so many of these hairs attached to their skin that they became furry?

      I consider flying, but decide not to: I'm really interested in this place, and flying would destabilize me from this particular scenario, if not the dream itself. So I continue walking forward on foot, reminding myself both literally and figuratively to stay grounded. As I reach the end of the flat terrain at the bottom of the steep hill, I look up at the animals arrayed on the upper terraces, who are still quietly watching me. What should I ask them? I never seem to get anywhere asking the names of things, so I decide to be clever, and call up to them: "What would be a really interesting question for a newcomer to ask?" No answer. I repeat myself, but still no reply, so I start climbing up toward them.

      When I reach the upper terrace, things get complex. I can't remember what passes between me and one of the creatures, who is more man-like now, before he pulls a knife on me—though it is unclear if he he is using the knife to threaten me or the grizzled, older-looking apeman creature who is sitting to his left. I wrest the knife from his grasp, which knocks him off balance. He nearly falls off the cliff (which suddenly seems a lot steeper now, almost vertical, than when I climbed up it a moment before) and grabs on to my waist to save himself. I check my moral compass and find that I feel no compulsion to save him—something about his attitude puts me off—so I peel his arms away and he falls to the base of the cliff, presumably to his death. The elder creature has retrieved the knife, which is now lying at his feet, and I go over to look at it.

      When I pick up the knife, I find it to be a wide, cleaver-like implement made of thin cardboard with silver foil stuck to it. There is writing on the cardboard side, and I read through a whole confession, apparently by the creature I just sent to his death. The text describes an elaborate scheme that involved getting me pregnant and then killing me after the child was born, because it concludes, "I won't regret killing you when I see your features in the face of our infant." I find this repulsive and it resolves my lingering doubts about whether letting him fall was the right thing to do. I ask the elder creature if I can keep the knife, and he doesn't speak, but I take his silence as assent. I notice that there is a second knife on the ground, made of roughly-forged steel or iron and elegantly curved like a viking blade (the handle a loop of the same metal), that resembles like the one I wrested away initially, so I swap out the mock-up I'm holding for the real blade, and walk forward on the hilltop.

      I encounter another man, this one entirely human in appearance except for a strange feature: his face is completely wrapped in grimy white bandages, leaving only a bit of forehead and his hair explosed. The bandages are thicker over his left eye, but seem to adhere closely to his right—I can see the shape of the eye bulging under them—so I conclude that must be the one he somehow sees out of. Despite his odd appearance I feel an immediate affinity for him, in contrast to the last guy. He leads me into a building, where a girl approaches us and asks me, "Who made that knife?" I look at the blade in my hand. It doesn't bear a long text like the mock-up, but there is a row of runes along the top edge that I can't read. "He's dead now," I reply laconically.

      In the entryway of the building, we immediately go through a door to the right, into what looks like a machine shop. The machines are in the center of the room, and two people are operating them, but I can't tell what they're making. The machines have some kind of spinning disk that either cuts or polishes. The bandaged guy is telling me about a hardware store somewhere. "That's where the first ship came from." I have the impression he is talking about a spaceship, and gather that there is a whole complicated plot behind all of this, but I don't know the details. By the time we finish walking through the room, I am waking up.

      Updated 02-09-2016 at 10:25 PM by 34973

      lucid , task of the month
    9. DJ#79: Bus, Minecraft and Skyrim

      by , 02-09-2016 at 10:20 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Bad night of sleep but 3 dreams and fragment recalled so its all g :p
      Dream 1: I was travelling to school on a bus but for some reason I missed my stop. I then had to wait an extra 15 minutes for the bus to turn around and come back, but I had plenty of spare time so it was ok. I started talking with a girl in my class about this book we were reading. The book was by lady Gaga about divas or something like that, and we spent a good deal of time discussing the implications of the book.

      Dream 2: I was helping my younger brother play minecraft. He was trying to build a garden/house underwater and was struggling. I told him to go into creative mode to which he replied he was going to do that anyway. I then built a little house for him showing how to make roofs and stuff look nice. He didn't seem very appreciative but whatcha gonna do haha.

      Dream 3: I was in some sort of Skyrim like world with a woman as my companion. We needed to get into some vampires castle due northwards of where we were. We moved out from the outpost we were hiding in and then, seeing a mass of guards to the north, travelled east to a small, weed choked village. Once there we sought refuge in a small cave home from another patrol of guards. I think we found some manner of weapons or armour in there, which we quickly donned and then moved back outside. We rushed back north west, ducking and weaving behind vegetation to not get caught. We eventually made it to the vampire castle, but we were spotted by guards. We jumped into the castle but they had prepared for us and I think we died.
      We then respawned as such where we were before and attempted to get there again. This time we hid in a house halfway there, but there were a few guards in there we had to kill. We then made our way back to the castle for another attempt but the dream faded.
      (Side note: I really need to investigate this sort of thing as a trigger for lucidity along with gravity. Many times I have noticed, in both video game dreams and regular ones I sort of redo things, as if I have respawned and are trying again. I think I need to pay attention to feelings of deja vu or doing things multiple times.)

      Fragment: Something about water jetpacks/boards.
      Tags: non - lucid
    10. Me, My Sister, and Charlie

      by , 02-09-2016 at 10:02 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      Non lucid, but super fun rpg-ish kinda thing! I'm a little foggy on the order of events, as dreams tend to have that non-linear thing going for them anyway. I'll try my best to make it make sense for us all. There's going to be a Part I and a Part II. The two parts are only slightly related, but can stand separately, in case you want to read one or the other but not both.

      PART I - The Cube, the Sphere, and the Triangle

      I have no memory of my sister's name, or mine. Just her boyfriend, Charlie. They met at a Ramen Noodle house and fell in love and started dating. Charlie was a scientist, and he was working on inventing something that was pretty controversial. Meaning everyone either believed he couldn't do it, or that he shouldn't do it. My sister unfortunately, was occasionally on the "shouldn't" do it team. Not because she really felt that, but because she was bipolar bat shit crazy. Half the time she was my sweet, smart, pretty, blonde older sister who I looked up to. But then she'd randomly spaz out and get these fits of paranoid delusions and try to start attacking people. Charlie and I started to get a little closer about the time my sister started trying to attack him with syringes.

      Why my sister went cray cray: I don't recall my past, but I believe I was raised by our parents. In England. Because I had an English accent in the dream (don't laugh) but hers was American. She was kidnapped as a child by a freaky American woman who claimed to be her Aunt Ruth (<< I remember it was a name that started with R). Sweet Aunty Ruth told my sister that she (my sister) was brain damaged. She wasn't really, but she grew up believing it. I don't know how or when we were reunited, but the damage had been done. Most of the time she was normal, but you never knew when she'd have one of these fits, or what would trigger it.

      Charlie was almost done with this project, that was basically a tiny but powerful apparatus. It reminded me of that thing Doctor Oct was trying to make in Spiderman. But instead of this thing having the same power as a small star, it had the capability of producing massive quantities of water. Oh yeah, there was a water shortage on earth. Charlie set it up in a park, hoping to help keep all the plants and animals there alive, and then see how green things could get from it. It's hard to describe, but he set this little shiny metal box inside a giant clear sphere. The sphere was full of teeny holes. When the box was clicked to "ON" I guess haha, it just exploded with water. Once the sphere filled with water, the force of it shot out through all the tiny holes in very fine sprays. And there was some electricity involved because I remember he turned it on at night, and the water reflected all these different colored lights. It was AWESOME I wish I could draw it. It looked like a very fancy water fountain installation, except the water came from itself.

      My sister had tried to stop him at the apartment we 3 lived in earlier that day. She attacked him with syringes and he fought her off. She ran off and we hadn't seen her since. So I went with him to the water installation site because I believed in it, and him ofc (yeah you know where this is going). The sphere put out sooo much water, that it began to form a small creek that was moving downward through the park. I grabbed Charlie's hand and pulled him into a run, so I could find where the water was headed. It was already connecting to the town river, which had been dried up for ages. He said it was better than he had planned, and I felt proud In retrospect, I sure hope the cube had an "OFF" switch

      Later on Charlie and I were back in the apartment, waiting for my sister. We talked about her past and stuff, and he seemed to have an unspoken forfeiting despair about her. Or was that just wishful thinking. Hey it's MY dream We stayed up a while, and I remember him trying to do some experiments on the drugs in the syringes she was attacking him with. Turns out they were tranquilizers. Where on earth did she get those? Anyway, we both laid down on opposite sides of the same bed. I think it was my bed, yeah it was, because my phone and charger were on my bedside. We both fell asleep, but my phone went off at 5am, and I swear that this was a glitch alarm. It went off and Siri said "It is 5am, and you need a massage." "Charlie, I swear that this is a glitch on my phone, I didn't make it do that." He just laughed and started rubbing my back anyway. A moment of silence please while I recall the massage ............

      It was not the kind of massage that you give to your girlfriend's little sister, I don't care HOW crazy she is. But I was the one who supported him and believed in his work, and you were the one attacking him with needles then running off.. [shrugs]. Neither of us said a word, he just kept rubbing my shoulders and back, while we laid on our sides, and I kinda kept scooting closer, and so did he, until we were practically spooning. Then he stopped, and took one of my hands and just held it over the covers. BUT he held it over the part of the covers where is tra-la-laaa was. And I could tell that the massage had an effect on him too, and he was making me painfully aware of it. Many times. I rolled over and laid on his chest, and wound my fingers around the elastic band of his boxers, but went no further than that. His heart was pounding in my ears. It was too much, I felt guilty. So I got up and so did he, and we sat at the breakfast table playing with blocks, waiting for my sister still. I got sleepy after a while and decided to go back to bed. I kissed him on the back of his neck and that was the last time I saw him. Because after I went to the bathroom (didn't go back to bed), and put on this amazing costume and did my hair and makeup, I went back to the kitchen and he was gone.

      Part II starts out as me looking for Charlie, but ends up being something quite different.

      Part II - I'm an Ancient Wizard on a Mission

      Charlie was gone, which was too damn bad because I looked crunk! I was wearing a dress that looked like something Arwen would have worn. Lots of dark maroon crushed velvet and black lacey stuff. My hair was down, dark red and all the way down my back. I looked like some kind of ancient sorceress. No idea why I did this, but I believed I WAS an ancient sorceress too. I guess crazy runs in the family. I left the apartment and was now in a huge fancy hotel. I felt like a wizard in the wrong time. I was confused by elevators and phones. But I managed to find my way to the lowest level bar, which was decorated to look like something from the dark ages. It was as if the hotel was holding a convention for LOTR, because folks were dressed that way there as well. Ahhh! My kind of people. Maybe they know where Charlie went. I walked around the bar, and people looked at me with mixed fear and interest. I got a few wolf whistles and ended up shoving an approaching man away from me with magic. No Charlie here..

      There was a section of the bar roped off for VIPs, but at the time, I didn't know what VIP meant. I just knew that there was more bar to search for Charlie. It just had one guard, so what. "Ma'am this section is restricted for.."
      "I LIVE HERE!!!!!" I opened the door furiously with more magic, and he let me by. There weren't many folks in this bar, and none of them were Charlie. I asked a waitress if she had seen him, and she said she hadn't, but if I would like she could contact me. All she needed was my cell number or an email (wtf is a cell phone or an email?) "Not necessary, I will be back." (Cue Terminator Theme) I walked around a bit more and one guy had a pet wolf. The wolf ran up to me growling, but before it could attack, I tamed him with a thought. Then he wouldn't leave my side until I decided to go. I gave some verbal command in a made up language, and he ran back to his master. As I tried to leave, my foot got caught in a phone cord. "Damn you 21st century!!!" I hissed. I tried to hang it back up the way it was, but you could still hear the dial tone. I just looked at the waitress and said, "It appears to be broken." And then I left. Had some trouble with the elevators then woke up.

      Charlie was played by none other than the very handsome Paul Greene:

      Ahhhhh.... thank you subC.

      Updated 02-09-2016 at 10:08 PM by 905

      non-lucid , memorable
    11. Competition and flowers.

      by , 02-09-2016 at 09:41 PM (Here be dragons)
      I'm in a competition, something in english I don't remember. I win the big prize, a trip to Venize. It doesn't look like the real deal at all; it's a big, green and lush prairie, with low, soft rolling hills. I walk around a little, listening to the murmuring grass. I spot a old, gnarly tree with a very dark, almost black bark and big off-white flowers. Their petals are thick, fleshy, with a waxy sheen and a very soft, floral smell. I pick a butch of them, the twigs holding them snapping easily. I try to put them into a pan filler with water, but the are so big I can't make them all fit.
      After that I'm vsiting a house with a small group of people. It's mostly one long room, with green rottin furniture, fairly used; in place the rottin is faded to a soft, light gray. There's also potted plants clustered here and there, painting touches of colors in the house.
    12. Doing some magic!

      by , 02-09-2016 at 09:24 PM
      I thought I had posted this here. Apparently not.

      November 28, 2015
      Had a really awesome lucid dream, with magic.
      Color code: Non-lucid, partially lucid, lucid, notes

      I woke up after about 5 hours of sleep and took 8mg of GalantaMind. I don't use the stuff very often.

      Eventually, as I lay in bed and feel myself going back to sleep, I imagine moving my hands. It becomes more realistic until I sit up out of bed in my dream body.
      I say “I did it!” But I still can't really see. I rub my hands together and move around until my vision improves. I am partially tangled in the blankets still. I say “Go away blanket!” and try to ignore it as I go out into the hallway.
      I stabilize the dream by rubbing my hands together some more and pinching my nose shut and breathing.

      After I do some sexual stuff in the lucid dream, I wake up and enter another dream, still fully conscious.
      I am outside of a building from my childhood, just walking around. Some cars drive by and I say to myself “What am I doing?” I also comment on how it looks just like normal waking life, with nothing unusual around. It's very realistic.

      I find a multi-trunk tree near the building. Like a group of little trees, but it's all one tree. Under the tree is a large old book, with a fuzzy leather cover. The cover has swirly decorative designs in red, blue, and yellow on off-white. I say I wish I would remember what it looks like. It is a magic book. Inside is mostly art, paintings of fantasy scenes and creatures. It is full color, though prominently green because of plants.
      I try to read some of the tiny text, but can't really make it out. I say what I think it says, or make up what it says.
      In the middle of the book I find a short, thick-ish stick, about five or six inches long. It is meant to be used as a wand.

      I point the want at a field and wave it around, saying something like “Make a dinosaur!” Several triceratops-like dinosaurs appear in a group in the field. They're like the kind with no horns. They are many yards away. I am excited but keep my distance.
      At some point I return to the tree and say to it “Thank you tree,” and give it a pat.

      In front of the building is a crowd of people. I want to show them what I can do. I wave the wand and say “Dragons dragons dragons!” A creature appears for a moment and then takes the form of a woman wearing overalls. When she turns around I see that she has a tiny tail.

      I wake again and have another short, sexually charged lucid dream. Then wake again and return to the same place with the crowd of people.
      I have the magic book again. I say “I wish I could bring this back with me to waking life.”
      I don't have the wand anymore, so I just pick up a twig from the ground. I wave the twig around and say “Cows cows cows!” and a stampede of cattle appears. Everyone runs away from it. I wave the twig again and say “Wolves wolves wolves!” Brown wolves appear, or maybe the cows turn into the wolves. They attack the people.

      I say to the wolves “Dissipate,” or maybe “dissolve!” but instead the wolves float into the air over our heads. Am am amused and say “Or float... and then vanish.” I blink and the wolves are gone.
      I then try to use my magic to command all the people to lay or fall down. A few of them do, but most do not. I try again, and also say “Freeze!” but it is not working.
      I say “Hm, it's harder to control people. Interesting.”

      Now the crowd is hostile toward me (possibly because I have been a menace). Some of them have wands of their own. They are all facing me. But I am not afraid of them and say “You can't hurt me.” I try to make a pedestal to stand on so I can seem taller, but that doesn't work either.
      I tell the people they are a part of me so if they kill me they will kill themselves. I tell them that doing what I want is also in their best interest.
      (Thinking back now, that's probably not true).

      I wake up thinking “That was awesome” and that it was the best lucid dream I've had in a long time.

      Updated 02-09-2016 at 09:27 PM by 36900

      Tags: magic
    13. [09-02-2016]

      by , 02-09-2016 at 06:48 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      Can't quite recall anything.
    14. 9 february 2016

      by , 02-09-2016 at 06:23 PM

      The dream started with me moving to a new home with a dream friend. My luggage arrived at night of my first day there.
      They laid it in the snow on my front lawn. (the visual reminded me how some movies i've watched where dead bodies are arranged in the snow.
      like all dirty and bloody in crisp freezing ice.)
      I went to pick it up, and almost all the cases were damaged with holes/opened.
      A cat had rummuged through one of the bags and pulled out a lot of items to create some sort of shrine in a whole in the ground.
      I shined my phone light on it, the hole led to separate tunnels. Fruits and random things glowing warm red light sitting everywhere.
      Didn't want to touch because cat was crazy. Took luggage into my seperate garage/shed. Girl was standing in the room terrified and yelling.
      Floors and walls absolutely covered in blood, pictures of girls laying on the floor. I wasn't concerned about it.
      I told her to chill out and tried to leave, a "ghost" was holding the door shut. I got it open.

      Now I'm in an old house redesigned as a baseball museum, with some friends. We're drinking and messing with all the displays.
      We steal some stuff, good time. I return the next night and everyone is acting weird around me, like i had done something unspeakable.
      I had cocain in my pocket but no one knew about it, and i decided not to tell them.
      A friend from highschool appeared in a real sexy/90's outfit and asked if i wanted to go to a different party.
      we left but i never told anyone about the cocain.

      i remember the visual of the freezing cat shrine very well, magnificentenenet.

      Tags: blood, cat, musem
      non-lucid , memorable
    15. [INCENEOR] Early LD's - Loss

      by , 02-09-2016 at 06:10 PM (Mika's Dreams)
      The dream starts with me reading a novel. Suddenly I'm inside the novel and I'm "playing" the story line as if it was a console game. I'm flying a wing-machine besides a big airplane that has an air conditioning hatch on it's side. I jump out and go stand on top of the airplane near the hatch. I press the "B" - on my invisible xbox controller that is "behind the screen of the dream in another dream where I'm "playing" the novel." I get inside the plane through the hatch. The cargo-bin and cockpit are in the same space and the main villain is there, but he is already beaten by other good guys of the novel. We give the novel to him so he could read the last pages and learn the plot twist about himself. As he has read the part one us shoots him instantly. The dream ends with us arriving to an airport.

      Very long and vivid dream. I'm with my brother and some random forty-year old man. We're buying weapons in a house that looks like it was taken directly from the Godfather movie. There's a counter and a man behind it, he's the one selling the weapons. There's a boss of a mafia buying weapons at the same time as we are. He is far more richer than us. I try to irritate him while the weapons dealer stacks huge amounts of guns to him. We want those guns from him, and just then the dealer goes through the back door to check something. The mafia boss takes one of the guns and loads it, I say : " I bet that you want to kill me." He looks at me like I'm an idiot. All of a sudden the forty-year old man shoots the mafia boss. What the. Now we have to act quick! We are desperate. We're trying to quickly carry the mafia bosses body away from the room and I'm starting to dress into he's clothes. So I could pretend to be him. Agh! I drop the idea and go and try to stall the dealer from entering the room. The dream hops and I'm at my cousin's apartment. I ask her : " Which is more effective, a landmine or a grenade?" I then go into the kitchen and open the dishwasher. I pick up a coffee mug and I'm about to eat it when my cousin looks at me confused. I tell her : " I have eaten these before." I didn't get to eat it, I'm returning to the dealer's room but I end up in a medical center - looking area.

      As I arrive there I leave the nearby ruins so the characters from the last dream won't come and shoot me. Some random gangster also threatened me briefly. I go to a well and take soap from a soap bottle into my hands. I'm starting to apply it to my hair and my hands when the scenery changes. I'm at the corner of some camping area and I see my brother, sister and mother briefly, but they soon disappear. There are others and they're spread around the camp. I see some brown haired boy and he seems nice. He looks at me and I smile. I'm now suddenly waxing a blue motorcycle. The boy I saw earlier is coming to me and I think that I could try to take make friends with him. Actually I think he want's to make friends with me as well. I'm not sure what I should say when he'd get to me. Then some older friends of mine suddenly pop in front of me and the boy goes to hide behind a wall. They ask : "How's it going?" I reply : " I'm fine." Other teenagers join us and we begin to sit down in a circle. The boy also comes to join from behind the wall. I have vibes that he's kinda like me, we could be good friends if we had the chance to get to know each other. I take of my fleece jacket and I sit near the boy. Others presume I'm the "leader" of the group and I hesitate, I don't know what to say. So I ask : " What kinda grades do you guys get at school?" Numbers are told, I brush my hair with my hand. I then leave the circle and I appear at my old junior high-school. My sister's dog is there too and I'm playing with it. It gets loose, oh no. The dog runs through the doors of the hallways and then outside, I try to call it back by hissing and calling it's name. My sister sees what I have done and says : " This better be the last time." I go back to the hallway and start to apply gel into my hair. I see my brother, hes... hes stalking me! He suspects something. I shoo him away and I notice that he has set up an camera recorder on to the floor. It's pointed at me.

      But then I'm already hopped into another scene by the dream. I'm now in the canteen of the same school. The classrooms' places have switched and the canteen is a bit bigger than it really is. There are students discussing their grades. Some have gotten A+:ses and some LNAD:s, that means an F. At least that is what the dream says. A young long haired kid enters the canteen from the back aisle, he's holding a gun. He's about to shoot but he doesn't know how to use the weapon so I quickly run up to him and take a hold of his arms. I try to point the gun away from everyone and myself. He shoots. He hits someone's thumb. He shoots more. I don't know where the bullets go. I disarm him and run away from the front aisle towards the front doors. I freeze. I see a teenager lying on the lobby's floor. I break to tears. He's the boy from the camping site and he's been shot. He's dead. There's a girl lying next to him, she's dead too. They turn into glowing stick figure-looking beings as I pick them up into my arms. I start to carry them outside and as I get through the front doors I'm no longer carrying the girl, only the boy I wanted to be friends with.

      Fainting...what does it mean?-silverhandpin_1_large.jpg

      I realize it's a dream, but I don't care, I'm still devastated. I say to myself : " ... this is a dream."It's a bright day outside and the dream is life like. I turn to look to the basket ball court and there's a gladiator made out of pure silver looking at me. He's wearing green warrior robes and he looks very powerful. He asks me about my promise, that I'd challenge him into a duel for fun. ( I never really had any promise like this). The silver being I'm looking at seems very wise, so I ask him for help. He walks to me. There has appeared a giant silver hand statue in to the middle of the front square. The hand is opened towards the sky. The gladiator being takes the boy from my arms and places him onto the palm of the hand. He stands up on the palm in front of the boy and raises his hands into the air. I ask if he could sing a memorial song in the boy's honor. I say : " Music..."and a soothing melody starts to play. I can't remember how the lyrics go but the song is very touching. The gladiator sings about heaven as he is looking up the skies. A beam of light hits the statue where the boy is lying on and where the gladiator is standing on. An angel of pure light appears from the light and takes the boy into her arms and rises up into the heavens... I lose focus, but another dream starts.

      I fly a black small airplane thing and I fly past the hand statue. I think it symbolizes knowledge and the pursing of it. Everyone has disappeared. I have machine guns in both of my hands and I'm shooting everything I see. I get to a stadium and land in to the field. There are small shops and children with their parents. I take off and fly back to my junior high-school. Now the statue has disappeared too. I then suddenly get transformed into an anime character and some weird Japanese k-18 action starts to happen, but it's too weird to be posted here. And FINALLY the dream ends and I wake up.

      Another dream begins as I fall asleep, and it's a lucid one. I'm in our stairway. I start to run towards the stairway's windows and I jump. I glide through them effortlessly into a dark and snowy dream world. I fly calmly and it's quite warm. Everyone is asleep. I put my fists in front of me like Superman and I gain a little bit of speed, but I want to go slowly for now. I think to myself that this might be what O.B.E is like. I fly above my neighborhood with no hurry. I go to this science center place near my city's train-station. There a river running close by so I go and glide above the frozen surface of it. The stars reflect from it. I glide and glide for good two kilometers at least, but the time it takes is quite short, near thirty seconds. I rise up to the roof of this tall hotel besides the main highway. I realize I'm in a good spot and say : " I could go to the Everest now." I begin to recognize giant mountains in the distance and I take off. Snap of fingers, it's day time now. Some tubes appear into the air in front of me and as I go through them I gain huge amounts of speed. Okay this is enough, some semi lucidity from now on I'm getting tired of writing this journal entry. There might be some typos, sorry about those.


      Updated 09-29-2016 at 04:52 PM by 61227
