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    1. Night of Sunday 3/10/24

      by , 03-11-2024 at 04:05 PM (Dreamlog)
      Summoning F:
      I'm at my Grandma M's condo in the kitchen. There are a few of my family members there too.
      I notice there is a game on the table relating to prospective memory.
      I recall that I've been working on prospective memory for my lucid dreaming practice.
      I perform a nose reality check and
      become lucid.
      I try and summon F, but it doesn't work. I recall that sometimes it is easier to summon using a door.
      I leave the kitchen and go to the laundry room, shutting the door behind me. I imagine F standing in the living room.
      I open the door.
      It works. She is there. Either my family is gone now, or I simply ignore them entirely.
      I go over to start some naughty stuff. I feel the dream stability "shake" when we embrace, but it doesn't fall apart. I feel relieved about that.

      I've lost lucidity by now. I'm in a downtown city area underneath a highway. I'm with F, looking for somewhere to continue.
      I notice that there are cameras all over the bottom of the highway above us and tell her this is too public.
      F is now a man wearing a trenchcoat, and the story changes such that he is my buddy cop partner or similar.

      I'm in an elevator filled with water in an inner tube. I'm with a bunch of other people also in inner tubes and wearing bathing suits.
      This is some kind of ride at an amusement park. Over an intercom, a man announces that we will be racing the 1st years.
      I get excited and sarcastically say outloud to the group "WE'RE GONNA CRUSH THOSE KIDS!"
      One other person and me get pulled aside and removed from the race. Apparently this was unsportsmanlike conduct.

      Updated 03-12-2024 at 02:34 AM by 99808

    2. Where did she go?

      by , 03-11-2024 at 12:53 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Jamie seems to have vanished from my dreams lately.


      Was in a parallel universe or something. In a bunch of futuristic looking buildings. I was exploring a set of rooms with some people. Some girl went into a dark room with a giant slab screen or something but never came out.

      Wound up in some lobby where a bunch of the slab screens were. On the screen was a scrolling social media just like Tiktok or yt shorts. V. I kept scrolling through the feed for a while. Some girls in the video kept mentioning that a girl named "Jamie". After a few more videos of this I realized they were talking about my Jamie. I started feeling really sad, and then it was overwhelming. I put my face in my hands and started crying. The darkness of my hands made me wake up.


      Had a FA and I was sick in bed. I was hot and sweating. I was not looking forward to being sick. Then I woke up for real and I was okay.

      Couple other small dreams. In one some guy invited me over to his place to hang out. He wanted me to come to his bedroom, but he was on his bed and waiting for me naked... I wasn't having any of that so I ran out of the house. In another some redhead girl was trying to seduce me or something but I wasn't interested. In the last dream I was walking at night time somewhere. I'm not sure but Jamie might have been behind me. Or, I was just thinking about her .

      I want my dream girlfriend back dammit.
    3. Sunday, December 31

      by , 03-09-2024 at 11:25 PM
      I’m in some house with Melissa. The master bedroom is right off of the living room, and there’s a walk-in bathroom with a walk-in shower right off the bedroom. I’m up and getting ready. I think I thought it was late, but now I see that it’s actually much earlier than I’d usually be ready, at 6:45 am. The shower is brown stone with an inlaid ledge or two that we’ve put plants on to a really nice effect. One looks like a pothos; I inspect it and am distressed to find a couple leaves fall off at just my touch. The rest of it still seems healthy though. Another of the plants looks like a succulent, and I wonder how it’s going to do with the humidity. Out in the living room now, Melissa and I both see something move of its own accord? In a window, I see the reflection of a small, gaunt looking girl that’s not really in the room with us. We confirm that we both saw the same thing and I believe that this place is indeed haunted.
      Tags: ghost, house, plant, shower
    4. Saturday, December 30

      by , 03-09-2024 at 11:24 PM
      I’m at work, in the warehouse. It’s currently unbelievably cluttered; carts, boxes, and carts full of boxes are everywhere with seemingly no organization or good way to just get around, Zoe is here too, and it’s just a stressful environment right now. Matthew comes over to me and tells me to come outside to meet his new daughter. (It seems like, in the dream, I’ve already met her, so I’m not sure what this is about). His wife and daughter are in a car out here (the side yard), but he starts talking to me in a low voice - the real reason he brought me outside. He tells me that some people are going to have to get laid off and my name came up as towards the top of the list. I can barely hear him, but make out most of what he says. I don’t understand why I’d be one of the first to go, compared to some of my coworkers who hardly do anything. I feel distressed.
      Tags: work
    5. Friday, December 22

      by , 03-09-2024 at 11:24 PM
      I am going to a wedding. I walk into the small venue (just a room?) through a small hallway. There’s someone greeting people - he recognizes me from ‘last time’, bringing up how I had too much to drink, in a joking way. I think I have a memory of this (in the dream). It’s okay, because I don’t plan to drink any alcohol tonight. Now, some others are here and we are queuing for a marathon. I guess I’m going to be part of this. It’s longer than I thought, even for a marathon, and everyone else looks pretty serious. Somebody opens the door, and we’re off. We start on what looks like a sidewalk. Some start with speed, and some start with a pace that they intend to keep throughout. The surroundings are now what looks like a room filled with maybe a couple of feet of water. The room is completely bare and a dark gray? I run laps on top of the water. After a while, I find out that I’ve won. I’m excited, but I also start to think it might not be fair if everyone else was running where we started and I was here. They give me a journal as a gift. It has pages of good quality and they’ve written congratulatory notes in the front. I still can’t believe I had no idea what I was getting into and then ended up winning.
    6. Thursday, November 23

      by , 03-09-2024 at 11:23 PM
      I’m walking out of a parking garage. I think I’m with somebody else. We end up running into Ally. Kass also joins us a moment later. Ally talks to us, but Kass seems aloof. We end up at Basecamp. It looks slightly different, with the check-in counter and common area on a ledge under the outdoor wall. There are many bags all over the ground, with hardly any space for more. Now I’m at a different section of the place to rent gear. It’s dark out and Brian Sweeney and Lucas Larson are standing out on the porch? (it looks somewhat like a house). I try to ask Brian for gear and he gets visibly angry. They both look really drunk. He does get me gear and also becomes more friendly as we start talking.
    7. Wednesday, October 25

      by , 03-09-2024 at 11:22 PM
      I’m in a house with Melissa (it feels like Granny’s old house). I think either carpet or hardwood floor is being put in, so we have to be either up or downstairs while they’re doing it.
      Tags: house
    8. Monday, October 23

      by , 03-09-2024 at 11:21 PM
      I am seeing a scene of Alex and Sierra in what looks like a luxury hotel room many floors up (I can tell because at least one wall is entirely a window). It’s like this is a video they’ve sent us. Sierra is lying face up on what looks like a massage table, arms folded and eyes closed. Alex is telling us she’s been ‘diagnosed’ and to guess with what. It seems like it’s supposed to be some sickness, but then he reveals that she is pregnant.
      Tags: hotel, pregnant
    9. Friday, October 20

      by , 03-09-2024 at 11:21 PM
      I’m in the old house. I’m alone, and it feels like it might be late at night. I hear something in the backyard and go to look out one of the windows. (They are in the spots I remember them really being, but there are curtains over all of them that we never had. The house also seems empty, devoid of décor or furniture). Getting close to the wall to look behind/between the curtain and window without moving it, I see a small Asian? woman on the phone, trying to look into the house. Without much hesitation, I dial 911. They answer immediately, then the call cuts out. I call back and it never gets through (*I wake up at this point). There was also something about someone ringing the doorbell at the old house and me answering it. It was two men asking if we had dog food to spare, and I think I gave them some. It was slightly suspicious.
      Tags: house
    10. Monday, October 16

      by , 03-09-2024 at 11:20 PM
      I am driving somewhere (it doesn’t really seem familiar). It’s a surface street, and it feels like I’ve pulled out of a shopping center. A small red car comes up besides me and then cuts in front of me, scraping my front bumper in doing so. I think he might just keep driving, but he pulls to the side immediately after. I notice that the car has a California plate. I get out after pulling over too, and don’t notice any damage to my car. We agree to exchange information, just in case. He is lanky and darker skinned, in a beanie and sweatpants and has his mom or grandma with him. The interaction is amicable.
      Tags: car, driving
    11. Saturday, October 14

      by , 03-09-2024 at 11:19 PM
      I’m at work and going to be reading a book aloud. I stand between listing and the CP counter, facing the warehouse. The book looks like a kids book, and there are people sitting in a few rows of desks. I prepare myself and also can’t find the beginning of what I’m supposed to read. I say something to them to stall and become self conscious of my voice being the only sound in the room. When I glance up, almost everyone looks disinterested in what I’m doing, which helps with the self-consciousness. I begin reading, stumbling over almost every word, apologizing and trying to continue on level-headedly. Again, nobody seems to care. There is also a shelving cart right in front of me.
      Tags: book, reading, work
    12. Strange call in a new place

      by , 03-09-2024 at 06:12 AM (Lucid-Wannabe's Dream Journal)
      Last night I was testing out a wireless EEG headband and some REM detection software I made for it. I have it connected to my PC which then sends a sound to be played on my phone once REM is detected, unfortunately it unpaired with my PC before I got to REM sleep. My sleep was pretty poor since I was semi-aware of that process going on in the background.

      Dreams - 11:10pm - 10:09am (I can’t believe how long I slept)

      I’m in a house with Tami, it feels like it’s a new place we had just recently moved into. My phone rings, I pick it up and I can recognize it was DF by his voice. I wasn’t really interested in talking to him so when he said “Hello? Is this (my name)” I awkwardly responded “Uh.. No it’s not, you must have the wrong number!” We awkwardly end the call.

      A man enters the front door with five other guys. I assume this is the landlord with some guys to work on the house in some capacity. Tami is in the kitchen. I’m suddenly back on the phone with DF and we’re having an awkward conversation. He seemingly wants to get to know me better or to be friends outside of a professional setting but it’s just awkward. I can tell he’s watching tv in the background as we speak.

      A lull in the conversation comes up, we’re both silent. I’m suddenly wracking my brain for something to talk about, as if this was a really important meeting or interview or something. I let my mind go blank and tell myself if there’s something I want to talk about with him then it will come up, otherwise it won’t.

      I’m pacing as this is going on, I see Tami in the kitchen grabbing something out of the sink and one of the repair guys is standing right beside her, reaching to the top shelf for something in the cabinet. It dawned on me that these people came into the house without any notice, and the fact that this guy was going about what he was doing and seemingly crowding in on Tami's personal space really bothered me. I put the phone down for a sec and shouted across to the guy “Hey you, get out of here!” Tami turned and said “Oh, no it’s okay I’ve got him helping me! ” As the guy handed some spice he was grabbing from the top shelf to Tami. Now I feel kind of silly but also happy that he wasn’t bothering her, so I return to the call and resume pacing around.

      I admit to DF that earlier when he called that it was me. He says “Well, I did think it was you. It was your number, and it was your voice” (lol). I realize that there is some sort of bent up wire going around from the back of my head and close to my mouth - encircling my head. It was like electrical wire but the part right in front of my mouth the insulation was stripped showing bare copper. I felt like it may have been a mic.

      This whole dream felt like a gross fever dream, I woke up with an awful headache.

      Updated 03-09-2024 at 08:11 PM by 106

      non-lucid , side notes
    13. sorry

      by , 03-08-2024 at 02:04 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Okay, another longish entry with very small dream fragments. (It's a thankless job.) Apperrently I can't save drafts anymore, it automatically just posts WTF DV!


      A dream I got re hired at a mcdonald's I use to work at. Tina, the Operations manager gave me a return gift. I sat in a restaurant lobby that also had apartments inside? And leafed through the bag. An orange juice, some snacks and a flip phone... I was a bit perplexed at the flip phone. Honestly though, I would kill to to work at a mcdonald's job again. Both working and living with my dad and my brother is awful. The hours suck. My dad is a micromanaging, pedophelic, angry boomer, who doesn't know how to give instructions and expects me to just "Figure out the obvious.". And my brother who takes a 20 minute smoke break every 5 minutes, and always seems to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown... Oh well, I got an epic tax return and will be using it to gt my piano tuning business of the ground in not time.

      All this morning.


      Flash of Jamie driving me into the middle of the country, and we were passing a lot of pickup trucks. Plans were to park somewhere discrete and um... You know. She plan on just nabbing me someday and getting it over with?!?!?!?


      Helping Jamie with braids again... okay is this a thing. If I get with Jamie, am I going to have to buy a hairstylist hair dummy or something?


      Flash of Jamie sitting in a chair with a giant book. Seems to be The Bible. She pauses and looks up at me and says, "Umm, I'm really having a hard time with this."

      I wake up for a moment and a voice that sounds like Jesus goes into my head, "Give her something simple." Alright. Not Sure where Jamie is on her walk with this. I did have dreams years ago that she was talking to Jesus. I don't know if Jamie considers herself, "Saved," or not. So, I personally believe in "Saved by grace through faith alone." Doctrine. Main verse to back that up is ephesians 2:8-9, but there are also many others. I wonder if she knows what she is being saved from. Basically, all religions and spiritual practices address that everyone has a , "Sinful nature,". Ever got cut off in traffic and got mad? that's a sin. how about sex without marriage? also a sin. So, in Christianity God's standard for entrance into Heaven after death is Perfection. Everyone on earth falls below that standard even if we have sinned once, we are all destined do a death separated from God. God, however does not desire that anyone in his creation to perish this way. So He sent his Son: Jesus, who is also God in the flesh. Who lived the perfect lived the perfect life, was crucified and killed which was payment for our sin debt, Rose To life after 3 days, all according to the scriptures which came before. So, whoever repents (The greek word for 'repent' is metanoia, which is a word to "change your mind") and believe Jesus is real and did all of this for us, Gets his perfect sinless record, credited to our sin debt account. And since we get his record credited to our accounts, we don't spend death separated from God.

      It was actually in 2011 I felt this "nudge" from god, after watching a video. I felt a presence, and I prayed fro the first time in years, "Are you real?" I watched a movie about Jesus, fell asleep and had this dream: https://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/man...f-jesus-19690/ . Now I ignored that dream, got addicted to psychic readings, Met Jamie, and the rest is history.

      Simple task: Read ephesians 2:8-9. Start on the gospel of John and see if Jesus indeed preached "Saved by grace...". don't try to read the whole gospel if you don't want, just find some examples. Pray before hand, "Ask god if he is real or to reveal himself to you." But be sincere. if you don't like reading there is a Visual bible: the gospel of John, on youtube (I personally like the one with the actor who plays 'Desmond,' from LOST.") it's pretty much a word for word movie of the Book. Stay out of the "Hard to swallow pills" of the old testament for now. For that I recommend Chuck Missler on youtube, "Learn the bible in 24 hours", who also has some old testament bible studies. He's very sciency, Doesn't yell (I friggin hate preachers who yell or get overly emotional). He has a tendency to go off on tangents, but still really easy to listen to. Don't fall asleep to his speeches though unless you want to be ear blasted by annoying religious instrumental music at the beginning and end of each episode.

      Jamie conversation

      I'm in an addict with Jamie. She's wearing a very fancy, but old fashioned "wifey" dress that is white. She is asking me to go through boxes of her memories, so she can figure what to say to me in person. We have a small argument, but none of it is heated at all. it's something like. "You will hear from me Robert, But, you're going to have to be very patient with me." I say something like, "Ok I'll try. It has been how many years since you have even spoken to me? (Good portion of that is on me though, I always seem to forget that, especially when hangry and i think too much about it) After all this time it still really bothers me." To which she says, "It has been extremely hard for me as well, Robert."

      Well damn. These are the words to speak to me. Okay, I guess I will somehow learn to be patient. On it!

      Jamie flash.

      Similar dream. only there is no conversation and Jamie's dress is black.

      Black and white huh? I know what that represents.
      Tags: jamie, jesus
    14. Calling off sick and twisted

      by , 03-07-2024 at 08:49 PM (Lucid-Wannabe's Dream Journal)
      Dreams - 10:54pm - 3:00am

      Calling off sick and twisted

      In this dream I have a forklift warehouse job and I really don’t want to go to work, I just feel tired and uninspired. I call off saying I’m taking a mental health day, I’m speaking with a lady. Suddenly I’m transported to her in person and we continue our conversation. I’m in an underground subway area that reminds me of the one in one of the Matrix movies, where the ‘conductor’ traffics rogue programs around or something. I have the feeling the train hasn’t shown up here in a long time. There are some office cubicles set up in the waiting area.

      The lady says she’s going to send me to a doctor that will give me some Reactine (An allergy medicine). She says “He’s good, because he won’t peel the glans in half”. I recoil from this statement and say something to the extent of “WTF are you talking about?” She shrugs it off and says that it’s just what some places do, some guys even request it and that even she’s done it for a patient before.

      She goes on to ask me if I’ve ever heard of some really extreme body modification topics before, and I tell her that I have but I’m not interested in it. (This was influenced by the dream I had the other day I’m sure.)

      During this conversation my surroundings are morphing from the subway-office to the PA living room with the call continuing again over the phone, I’m laying down on the couch. Katie is pacing around, excitedly and impatiently waiting for me to finish my conversation to get my input on something. Between her pacing and checking in on me and the weird conversation I’m having on the phone I get annoyed with the situation.

      Sole survivor

      I’m stranded on a distant planet, it’s a space mission gone wrong and I’m the sole survivor. It’s very dark and I’m enveloped by very fine black sand that is blowing against me constantly. The only illumination is from what might be my nearby spaceship and some other nearby equipment. The blowing sand against the dim lights could be mistaken as swarms of insects. There is a powerful laser-based machine beside me that can build things, it’s shaped like a cube. I don’t know how it works. I try turning it on and it shoots hundreds of lasers downwards from a grid on the top of the cube to the ground. I grab a piece of rusty metal on the ground and test out swinging it through the lasers, all of the rust is cleaned off by the lasers revealing chrome metal underneath.

      Lego world

      I end up on a planet where everything is shaped sort of like lego or minecraft, everything is very cube-y and pixelated. There are grassy areas with a light dusting of pixelated snow. Against a dirt wall I see a samurai looking statue which has a mempo mask on. I gain the dream knowledge that Jensen Huang, the CEO of NVIDIA owns and runs this planet. I find myself in a cavernous cube shaped room. There is a waist height two foot by two foot section of dirt removed from the whole perimeter of the room, it could be used as a dirt desk perhaps. There are symbols etched into the deeper part of this carved part of the wall and I have to touch them one by one sequentially around the room. As I do this the section is slowly closing downard, I realize my arm may eventually be crushed while trying to press one of the symbols if I’m not fast enough. An image of Jensen watching this event maniacally from above the scene appears in my mind.

      Dreams - 3:30am-6:32am

      Again at the PA house

      I feel like I’m in the H-Town area. I’m in a disgusting basement, it’s damp and moldy. There are people here troubleshooting something. There’s a water heater in front of me on it’s side, leaking onto the floor. Sue is there, RacheL is too and she appears similar to around the time I first met her.

      Going upstairs takes me to the livingroom of the PA house. It’s dark out and raining. I stare out the front window for a bit, nothing is happening. I’m alone and bored. I think to myself “I wish I could just jump forward past this boring part”.

      I notice “I MONSTER - Daydream In Blue” is playing. I have a conductors baton and I begin pretending I’m orchestrating the song. I stand by the fireplace facing both staircases and continue ‘conducting’. My dad comes in from the front door, makes his way to a seat near me and sits down. I carry on conducting.

      I’m not where this fits in but there was a man making chrome dental grills that spelled out “CHROOOOME”

      Updated 03-07-2024 at 08:55 PM by 106

    15. What a mess!

      by , 03-06-2024 at 02:54 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Recall still shit. All I'm getting are flashes. I miss my longer dreams, even if they are non lucid.


      Was falling asleep briefly yesterday morning, Vaguely entertaining thoughts on Katelynn... when I had an Hypnagogic flash of a stop sign. Well, It's pretty clear what that means...


      A brief dream, that was entirely a shade of blue. Seemed to be having 2 dreams at once. In one I'm in Fortnite (Yes, I finally took over the household internet and briefly indulged in some video games) Someone shot at me and I did a 90 or something. suddenly I was in a restaurant and a familiar man was sitting at a table and having a coffee. He looked like Robin Williams. I went up to him and stated, "Wow, you look like Robin Williams!" He said that yes, he was Robin Williams. We began having a conversation when I woke up.

      Jamie 1

      I'm in the familiar black space with Jamie. She is turned around and I am helping her with a fancy hairstyle or something (I blame TikTok for this one, my feed started showing me how to braid and women's hairstyles. And well, I'm a guy, I like women with long hair. so, I found it satisfying to watch these videos). While I'm doing her hair She says, "Robert, My boyfriend..." And I'm thinking, "Her boyfriend what? Who's her boyfriend? and what was she going to say about him?" Then I realize that the tone she said it in sounded more like admiration and pride more like, "Robert My Boyfriend!" Ok, since when? How far into delusion land have I gone here? I guess in the unlikely scenario that Jamie reads my dreams, and we are connected telepathically through dreams, and she is deciding to actively participate in this. With all the dreams we've apparently shared and all the things we have done in them, I guess within the realm of only dreams and not physical reality, Her statement is true. Now I can live with that. But for how long?


      I'm in the black space again walking towards Jamie. It sounds like she is talking to someone that isn't there. She says, "Robert, I'm not breaking up with you."
      I go up to her and tell her I am right here. She keeps arguing with a voice in her head that apparently sounds like me. I then notice something behind her in the shadows it looks kind of like me but it is made up of burning papers or something... I grab Jamie's shoulder and turn her around and say, "Look, that isn't me." that's all I remember.
      However, I have written some years ago, that I was at that time experiencing something like a voice in my head that sounds like Jamie while awake. (I also had a dream at that time that Jamie was sitting in a chair and she was hearing voices in her head that sounded like me, So I wonder if she experiences this as well?) Me, being a Christian, we are all taught the devil likes to attack us through the mind, so, I am extremely skeptical. I've tried deliverance prayers, renouncing the voice i hear. I have even tried arguing with the voice telling it, "You're not real, leave me alone. Shut up!!!" etc. This stuff is the icing on the cake of what I experience that almost convinces me that I should check myself into a psych ward. If only there was a pill or some type of therapy that could make it stop. however, in conjunction with paranormal phenomena, dreams, impossible coincidences with messages, I'm convinced it's spiritual in nature. Especially now, since moving back to the area where she lives. The frequency of Jamie Dreams has increased as well as the intensity of the voice. The voice has Jamie's moods, seems thoughtful and loving, at most times. And also sometimes maintains her push/pull style. Here are some interesting experiences I've had with the voice:

      in 2019, I was into ghost hunting especially using EVP apps like "Echovox,". Well, the day after I sent Jamie my long message admitting everything, to her. I was on night shift with my co worker at mcdonald's. Mcdonald's night shift is terrifying, those places are haunted AF (A girl's hair was pulled in the freezer. A lot of staff members heard voices including me. Tongs flew off the table sometimes. not to mention when we had a power outage and everything was pitch black.) So on our smoke break, The day after I msgd Jamie, Me and the coworker decided to play around with the app. The second I turned it on, Jamie's voice was speaking, "I LOVE HIM, I LOVE HIM!!!" but it sounded creepy like she was saying it as she was breathing in. The co worker thought it was his girlfriend's voice. But he clearly heard the same thing. I once in a while, would play around with the app, to see if I could get Jamie's voice back. I eventually stopped it though due to the voice, in my head and on the app complaining about it and urging me to no longer use it.

      In recent instances on the day I saw Jamie in the store. On my way driving there I heard the voice say with OOMPH!, "You're going to see me today!" And I was like arguing like, "Yeah right, are you driving behind me?" "Maybe I am." I check and no one is following me. I go into the store, She's right there. Doesn't look at me when she leaves, and seems mad I'm even there. Well, for days I gave the voice shit, "Don't hype yourself to me, if you won't even look at me or even acknowledge my existence." The day I saw Jamie in the SUV I hard the same voice with OOMPH, "You're going to see me today!." Hours before. I notice this time she smiled and was looking at me.

      Another thing that might lend credulity to the voice. I was scrolling TikTok and came upon some Christian based descriptions of this paranormal interference and delusions in human relationships. Soul ties, and Kingdom Spouse. Again, I lump this in with Twin Flame, and Alien Love Bite category: take these things with a grain of salt. I focus more on the personal experiences that people go through and compare it to mine. I especially was fascinated reading the comments on the soul tie videos written by women, "I hear what he thinks, I know when he's eating, when he is sleeping..."

      So, If Jamie reads these entries, and she does indeed hear voices, and if she knows Jesus. Pray about it. For the past month, I do 20 minutes to half an hour of prayer daily. Only asking for the truth about all of this. Sometimes it quiets the voice, but not for long. If she feels that she is hearing multiple voices that sound like me. I experience that at times. Especially lately. Prayer should work. And if it's not working maybe there's something we're both doing that's inviting demons it. It could be an abuse of the voice. It could be something dream related... Whatever it is, we should probably stop doing it for a while, and see if it stops.

      And if all this is in my head and she reads these. Please let me know. I want to be free from this.

      This is also the 629'th dream journal entry.
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