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    1. Incredible! Night of Feb 12th/Morning of Feb 13th

      by , 02-13-2016 at 06:37 PM
      I took dream leaf again, the alternative method really seems to work for me. Take a red pill the previous night and then the next night (which was last night) take the blue pill right before bed and then dream. I had a series of dreams, some of them repeated but there was something a little different each time so here we go.

      1st dream: I hanged out with a childhood friend named Jet and another friend (who I knew in the dream world but not in the real world) we were kid of offroading with a jeep somewhere out in the boonies and it lasting long enough for day to turn to night, around night time I pulled out my phone and explained I wanted to record what we were doing and we came across this large mountain, it was sitll in the distance but it turns out to be a Volcano and it erupted and large amounts of black smoke and very hot stones poured out of it and they kept we kept driving toward it and a very hot rock landed on my stomach and it burned and I said to turn around and we did. We had to do something and take a drug test later the next day but we decided to get really really high anyway (weed people calm down) and so we went for the drug test still very high and there were a lot of people who had to do it but this test was different then normal drug tests we had to sit at a desk and spit into a test tube but not only that we had to put a manikin arm in the tube and it would change colors depending on if we were high or not and also it would inscribe in the arm our names and birthdays. For some reason it enscribed the wrong birthday (my real birthday is Jan 16th 1996, but it said Jan 16th 1949) and trust me, in my dream I was still my young self. The guy next to me was for some reason FaZe Apex and we talked a little bit and my arm started to change colors very fast and it was like neon weird colors and Apex said "this guy is still really high wtf" and it got to a point where everyone was trying to take the test tube away because I was sitting there staring at the changing colors for a long time, I said hold on and I put it down and my dream ended.

      I had two lucid dreams but neither of them lasted very long, for some reason I would realize I am dreaming but before I could change anything I would wake up in a different dream and the thing that makes it even more weird is I was thinking about lucid dreaming WHILE I WAS DREAMING and I didn't recognize that I was dreaming in most of my dreams.

      1st dream repeat: This one was about going offroading again in the open jeep but instead of my childhood friend it was one of my current best friends (lets call him Alex) and the other dude was the same, I didn't know his name but somehow we were friends. We had to run down this large hill to get to the jeep and it turned into a race so what I did was I jumped off part of the cliff instead and I had that suit that can make a person glide down, it had like flying squirl arms and legs and I flew over Alex and I was like "I am winning!" Both of my friends said I was nuts but I pulled the parachute last minute and landed perfectly next to the Jeep. I got in the passenger and Alex got in the back we drove around a lot and as day turned into night I started recording on my phone again, this time there was no Volcano but we got into a clearing in a wooded area and we stopped, at this point I realized I was dreaming and I just said "You know, you guys are my best friends." I didn't get a response because when I turned around they were gone and I was alone by myself and Darkness started to envelope my world and my dream ended. I think the part of me that is so very alone started to kick in once I realized I was dreaming and it took away my friends and said "you don't deserve to be happy, you don't deserve to be with friends."

      2nd dream, it was very short, I woke up and I was a kid sitting in a bus with other kids and we were going on a field trip, I talked about my dreams but every other kid was mean and was a bully to me. I didn't let it bother me and I just woke up in a different dream. which was another repeat of dream 1.
    2. Welcome to the underground

      by , 02-13-2016 at 06:36 PM (Here be dragons)
      Got lost in a big city of old stones and neons light.
    3. Morning of February 13 2016

      by , 02-13-2016 at 05:49 PM (My paranoid adventure into the mind.)
      So yeah..... lucid dreaming practices is pretty much non existent for me as of now. Nothing special really, I almost never stay with my commitments (a flaw I'm trying to fix). This morning, when I woke up, I was still pretty tired so I tried a whack at WILd'ing, and oh boy was it worth it. I chained up to 7-8 lucid dreams (albeit being rather short)!

      I'm just lyin' there trying to WILD. One mistake I made throughout the process was trying to calm my heart rate, as I thought it was because of unconscious fear of hypnogogia and it would harm the development. I kept doing this until I finally let up, and there was a loud buzzing in my ears. Everything intensified and I was in the dream.

      The first dream had me right where I was in waking life. I immediately remembered one of the goals of summoning someone, so I tried calling out for them but at the back of my bed a monstrous arm lifted me up in the air from the back of my shirt. Of course, not being scared I recall saying, "hey! put me down buddy!"

      This next dream brought me into this school like building. The vividness wasn't bad even without engaging my senses, so I went around to look for some women. I was about to get the attention of one, but another one (who I recognize in waking life) walked by me and I went for her instead. I asked her if she wanted to do something cool, and without even waiting for a response I put my arm around her and strolled her along into, apparently, a mixed washroom. There was a large amount of people there in front of the mirrors just looking at themselves, as well as in the stalls, but I managed to find a free stall to start doin' da thing with her. She somehow disappeared when I went into it though, and the wall to the stall next to mine collapsed to reveal simply a hand stretching out across it.

      After chaining to about 2-3 more lucid dreams which I can only recall being fuzzy and short, my next dream had me in a grocery store. Contrarily to what I did in the previous ones, I took my time to ground myself and the dream became very vivid. Also, this time I did a good job of not thinking of my sleeping body, keeping me in the dream for longer. I walked around and met a helper and I wanted to ask him where I can find a product, but there was another man next to me asking something else. After he had left, he brought me over to an area where there was a shelf really high up and asked me to bring down two types of chips up there. When I did so, I seemed to have forgotten about him because he wasn't there anymore. The chips wasn't the product I wanted, but eh, whatever. I was about to take a bite when the dream faded and I chained into another dream.

      I was outside my house when it was around noon. It was really vivid and I wanted to fly to go somewhere else. After failing, I decided to just jump up the rooftops like a ninja instead. I backed up all the way into the neighbour's yard where he was sitting on the front porch, and after a running start I couldn't jump up high enough. I tried again on the neighbour's rooftop where the front yard was sort of like a hill so the ground was closer to the roof, but again I failed. I gave that up and went back to flying, doing a parabolic flight out on the street and flying back down near a car. The dream ended and, you guessed it, I went back into another one.

      This one brings me into a motorcycle race. There was about 3 racers and I had a motorcycle but wasn't in the race. They left off but one of the racers' motorcycle vanished, and I felt bad for him so I gave him mine. Since the other racers were long off, I gave him a boost by giving him turbospeed by putting fire behind his pair of wheels. I was stepping side to side in front of him to make sure nothing happened to the motorcycle while it was going so fast. He easily passed 1 of the other racers.
      It's complicated to explain. It didn't feel like the motorcycle was going SUPER fast that the speed I was walking at must have been the same, but it felt like the racers' time were slowed down. Despite it all, his motorcycle eventually caught up to my foot and he swerved to the side to hit a tree. Oops. I teleported to where the last racer was and he kept going to eventually win the race. Going the opposite direction to where he went, a woman on a motorcycle came up and parked right in front of me, right on the street. I walked up to her and simply said, "hey, beautiful," and she was instantly attracted to me. When I approached her, her appearance changed but it didn't really matter to me at the time as she was beautiful either way. Also, my appearance changed as well as I suddenly became buff and tall, as well as probably good-looking. We wanted to have sex so we started taking off our clothes, but it kicked into us that we couldn't do it right in the middle of the street! While still being nearly naked, right to the side of the street we found a hotel so we went right behind it to start. Right before our intercourse, two middle aged men walked up to us and said we can't do it behind here. I suggested that we could just rent a room in the hotel and do it but they responded by saying they don't allow that. I finally gave up and we went back to the street to find somewhere else but the dream faded.

      A couple of non lucid dreams that I can't recall here as I lost awareness.
    4. 2/12/16-ld

      by , 02-13-2016 at 05:35 PM (My Dream Journal)
      I am at Pizza Ranch, filling my plate with food. I then realize that the counter looks suspiciously like the counter in the kitchen at my house. I look up and realize that I AM in my kitchen. I decide to do a RC, so I count my fingers. They seen to flash by my eyes and my right hand has eight fingers on it. I realize I am dreaming. I go out onto my deck and decide to use the rail as a gymnastics beam. It isn't working for me, so I decide to just fly around in the woods behind my house. My sister is there and both of us are flying. There is one point where she starts to fall, but I lift her back up. I decide that I want to fly around in the mountains, so I go on YouTube to get inspiration. At this point I loose lucidity all together.
      During this dream I was lucid, but not really all that aware.
    5. A moment

      by , 02-13-2016 at 03:00 PM
      So last night was different. Usually I don't have dream fragments, I either dream or I don't ( or rather I don't remember it). In any case, last night I drempt about a hallway and I don't remember anything else besides the hallway. It wasn't scary I was just there. Interesting right? Oh well, more hopes for the next night I suppose.
      memorable , dream fragment
    6. Heist Repeater

      by , 02-13-2016 at 01:22 PM
      I'm on the beach, with normal beach stuff happening, and walk across the bridge to the Quebec side. On that side of the river, the majority of the women on the beach are topless, and I think to myself "I fucking LOVE Quebec!".

      I run into Jason, who has a couple of people with him, and I follow them inside a building as we walk and talk. Once inside, Jason and his boys start looting the place. Seems like they are competing with each other, the first to find something good gets to keep it, so they are running around tearing the place apart, looking for stuff to steal. Since I seem to already be involved, I join in. They rest of the guys are on the main floor and the basement, so I run upstairs hoping to get a head start on them.

      I was heading for the bedrooms, but I see glass display case in the main hall upstairs, filled with various expensive looking trinkets, which I stuff into my pockets. There's also some bags of money, how convenient! I stuff my pockets until they are bulging, then try to get downstairs, which is confusing, because there are four staircases connecting the first and second floors (it's a big condo/mansion). At the top of one set of stairs, a bunch of suits are piled on the stairs, with money on top, which I take.

      Having taken everything worth taking, we head outside, but there are police EVERYWHERE! The rest of the guys get pinched, but I manage to blend into the crowd on the beach. I try to pretend to be checking out some tents selling leather armor which look like they belong in a renaissance fair, which was a bad move. I though the vendor section ran all the way down the beach, but there were only like 3 or four of them, and beyond those, the beach was deserted, leaving me wide open with nowhere to hide. The police swarm in, and I'm busted!


      The dream resets to the beginning where we have just entered the house to begin stealing. I understand that this is going to keep resetting until I get it right, although I have a sneaking suspicion "getting it right" involves a moral lesson, which is "don't steal". I'm more focused on the thrill of the chase however, and use my knowledge from last time to go right to the good stuff, only taking the money so my pockets won't be bulging, which is what gave me away to the police on the last try. I get upstairs a lot faster this time, and encounter a guy in the house! He chases me into an elevator, which I just manage to close in time. He beats on the door, almost bending it open.

      I go downstairs and run out. The police are still there, checking almost everyone. Everyone except a guy in an expensive looking suit who looks like he belongs there. "I need a suit!", I think to myself, then remember the ones piled in the stairwell. Next time! I manage to sneak/bluff my way past the police with a confident gait, and make it across the street, where there are more police. To avoid them, I lift the bottom of a construction fence and roll under it, then enter that building. It's a car dealership, and I try to blend in by letting the salesman try to sell me a car. There's only weird looking race cars, and I tell him I was looking for something I wouldn't kill myself in on the first day. My ploy didn't work, and the police swarm me. Busted and...


      I know the easiest thing to do is just not get involved, but by this point, I'm hellbent on solving this puzzle. I avoid the guy, grab the cash, and dodge the cops. On this try, I get across the street, and past the building with the cars, but the po-po are still closing in. I'm running down the street and make it all the way to my apartment, where there is major construction going on, and I can't get the front door open. The cops are close behind, so I run up the arm of an excavator desperate to get away. I hear someone talking, saying how nobody can get into the building unless someone unlocks the door from inside, and there is nobody inside. From the top of the excavator arm, I jump and grab onto some hanging wires, flip over to some other wires and use them to swing into an open window on the second floor. Instead of getting angry for running on their machinery, the construction workers now think I'm a hero for getting in. I've narrowly avoided the police, I'm safe and sound, VICTORY IS MINE!!!!
    7. [13-02-2016]

      by , 02-13-2016 at 10:50 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I recall a short fragment. First I was at school, in the cloakroom. I was thinking about getting an electrical guitar and learning how to play it. Then I was in my house, playing it.
      Tags: guitar, school
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. #93: Suits / Talking hamster / Haram

      by , 02-13-2016 at 09:11 AM
      Donna and Rachel from Suits are in a car together. Donna is the one who is driving. The steering wheel is on the left side. I think it's evening already. I see the whole scene developing from the front of the car, as if there's a camera on the dashboard. They're talking about how Rachel doesn't love Mike anymore. She is fiddling with her engagement/wedding ring. I think it's Donna who mentions that Mike also doesn't love her anymore. Rachel is relieved by this news. This will make the break up so much easier. Rachel and Donna kiss for a moment. I think to myself that that's a stupid idea as Donna is driving. They swerve and the car ends up running into a building.

      Talking hamster
      I'm not too sure about the details anymore. I'm in a house which is supposed to be my cousin Xen's house. She's got a hamster which is really small and I end up befriending it. It sits on my shoulder close to my left ear and I can feel it nibble sometimes. The hamster is able to talk. It talks to me in Indonesian! We talk back and forward a bit. My mom and I think also my cousin probably think that I'm crazy. I want my cousin to treat the hamster better now that I've befriended it. I want to prove to them that I'm not crazy and that he can really speak. I consider having him talk to them, but for some reason that's not what I do. I also consider putting on a blindfold and turning my back to my family. They can then raise a number of fingers and the hamster can tell me how many fingers they raised and I can tell them, which should provide proof. Then I consider the fact that the hamster doesn't know how to count. Ok I'll just raise a number of fingers as well and the hamster can tell me when my hand matches that of my family member.

      I'm sitting in class. It's pretty full. To the left of me is a group mate for an assignment. She is wearing her hijab and she slowly but increasingly starts arguing with the teacher, who is also wearing a hijab. The arguing gets worse and worse, with my group mate calling the teacher haram. The teacher manages to 'out argue' my group mate. Throughout the argument I think about how stupid it is to argue like that with the teacher, as she still has to grade us. Eventually the teacher says she'll solve the problem by not allowing her to join the class anymore. I ask another classmate if she can even do that. I'm also wondering if it's just her that's banned from the class or our entire group.
    9. Him

      by , 02-13-2016 at 05:39 AM
      I've had this reoccuring dream for a few years now about a young man (pale, green eyes, good muscle tone, all in all attractive.) An until here lately I didn't think anything of it, until the specific details of my dreams drastically changed. Lately, whenever I have this dream the young man will tell me not to fear, to be patient, and he and I will soon meet. So, dream interpreters, I ask you what in the dickens is my unconscious trying to tell me? For someone of my age (I am incredably young) I would probably tell them to just enjoy the dream and never mind the details becuase the unconscious is a very fickle person all in its own. But the sudden change from unrealistic to incredably realistic seems to serve a very interesting purpose. Now I have done some research and unfortunatley, they all involve soulmates or something of the like. Which is bizarre in its own right and I'd like to stay away from that circus as much as possible. But please if you feel confident in your explanation, do share, even if it is as bizarre as this description.
    10. A Feel WILD

      by , 02-13-2016 at 04:56 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      At some point while I am lying down trying to rest. Small and large triangles appeared through my closed eye lids. After it all faded my vision seem altered. My eyes could see without the feeling of opening them. I then realize that I accidentally initiated a WILD. I could not tell where I was. The place is covered in thick brown wood all over. There is a girl standing near by, despite never seeing her I recongize her as lost cousin of mine. She makes a joke and I give few references to try to make it more funny. She then led the way to our other family members. That's when I saw my father,brother mom. I played basketbal with my father for somtime intill I forgot to stay lucid. The basket balls were actually blue paper towels. Lucidity Time: 30 seconds
    11. DJ#82: Dunking, School and Retirement

      by , 02-13-2016 at 01:25 AM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: I had to go back to high school for a few weeks before uni started to redo part of my media subject. I don't know if it was because I failed some part of it or what, but my little brother was laughing at me and I wasn't too happy.

      Dream 2: I was at basketball training, and it was much more serious than normal. The coach was yelling at us and threatening to drop us if we didn't perform. He set up a 9 foot ring for us all to dunk on, and whoever couldn't would be dropped. I did it an so did most people, but there was a lot of tension. I was walking outside and back home with my brother and mum.

      Dream 3: My family was with my grandma at a retirement village sort of place. There was another old woman there who seemed suspicious. We caught her at night stealing some stuff from the place, so my grandma went crazy and started screaming at here, about how she didn't deserve to be there and didn't build the place or spend any money on it. We tried to calm her down as the other woman was very scared but to little effect.

      Fragment: Playing a card game of some sort.
      Tags: non-lucid
    12. DJ entry #3 - Familicide

      by , 02-13-2016 at 12:08 AM
      Had a lucid dream where my imaginary girlfriend and i murdered my entire family in a storage facility. We were laughing like maniacs while chasing them down and killing them with magic. Before that we were driving my mom's dorango. She crashed,. My sister attempted to run my down, so i pushed the truck off the road, into a body of water.
      lucid , side notes
    13. Over the hills and far away

      by , 02-12-2016 at 10:19 PM (Here be dragons)
      Spent the night flying.
      Tags: flying
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. [INCENEOR] Early LD's - Hill field

      by , 02-12-2016 at 09:57 PM (Mika's Dreams)
      I'm watching TV with my dad and Fellowship of the Ring is playing. The scene with the battle of Dagorlad is happening and the scale of the battle is almost doubled. I'm mesmerized, but my father isn't even paying attention to the movie and hes about to start talking to he's phone. I hesitate and try to stop him, so he could enjoy the experience as well. I shush him to be quiet. Suddenly the elf army transforms and the troops look like stick figures out of some early 2000's video game. The orc army loses over 90% of it's mass as well. I'm left with an extremely poor movie experience. The dream moves on and my father looks at my computer screen. There's an mmorpg game that I used to play on the screen. He says something weird as he watches someone farm npcs on this island place. Then out of nowhere Patrick from Spongebob Squarepants pops up onto the screen. I tell my father : " This game has been around for twelve, no, eleven years already." He replies with : " Oh." I then tell him four times that Iv quit the game long ago.

      Kanji's 'Universal Mind' Theory-miemmes.jpg

      I get lucid when I'm sitting on my stairway's steps with some 8-year old boy. He is is sweet and he has blonde hair. I ask him for an atonement ( if that is the right word for "making peace between to people"), because I think he could be a nightmare in a disguise. He smiles at me, I guess he accepted and I smile back. I then say : " Don't move." I look at his black t-shirt that has some cool pattern on it, and I try to remember it so if I'd want I could draw it later to my dream journal. Can't remember it anymore, but it was white and complex. The dream hops me into our house's "basement" that doesn't really exist. It's about two and a half meters under the surface I'd say. I'm accompanied by two to three other guys that seem to be in their early 20's, and then there's the little boy too. I get an idea what to do with the lucid, and I start to prepare for a full blown Eldar war. There's a red door on the wall of the basement. I tell everyone to think about a battle field and war behind it. They do as I tell them and I open the door. A black sky and dark field opens in front of me, there's battalions of Eldar warriors marching everywhere. We then decide not to enter this scenery, huh. I'm confused. I remember "bringing my vision from the back of my head into my eyes like in real life." Every time I do this the dream's quality enhances. We're back in the basement I guess and I open another door, now from the top of some stairway. I enter into a sunny world with a blue sky and fresh air. The warmness of the sun hits my skin and I can see an yellow field down the hill. I have left a cabin I see, down the stairs there's still the basement and the other guys. I look to the distance and there's no ending to an evergreen forest. I tell the other not to look, because the sight is too beautiful. We could forget our battle plans. They come up anyways, and we just stand there staring at the landscape.

      With the war and fighting still in my mind I notice the earth trembling beneath my feet.
      I look behind the small cabin and there's an 80 meter tall evil robot running towards our hill through the woods. It looks like a garbage truck mega transformer of some kind. I'm the dreamer and I instantly accept the challenge. I can feel my body gaining height and in under a few seconds I'm 80 meters tall as well. I try to make myself Striker Eureka from the Pacific Rim movie. I somehow succeed, but I can't see my robot body. I run towards the other robot and we clash above the trees' tops. I jump to the robot's side and take a grab of a giant rusty tire on it's back. I rip it off with force. At least I feel like an 80 meter battle mecha if I'm not one. The battle is over almost as fast as it began and I'm back to my normal size. I decide to take flight. I point my hands forward in the air and I fly over the trees. As I make my hands into fists I gain extreme speed, like from 70km an hour to 700km an hour, and over. I see some ancient giant pillars in the distance and there's a desert as well. Because I'm so fast I'm there in ten seconds. I then want some to fly with me, but I fail to make anyone appear beside me.

      I'm at a city's center somewhere. I take off and fly to one of the nearby roofs. I land and I see that it's a luxury house's large terrace, I can somehow sense that it has been used by celebrities. A couple of dream characters have appeared next to me and I try to have some k-18 with them. They're not the type of people I want to do it with so I try to make more appealing ones appear. I turn to look away and then look back and there's different kinds of dream characters every time I do so. None of them pleases my eye, maybe I'm too picky. I give up after a while and drop myself to the lower terrace. I decide to give it one more shot... and hello beautiful. But the dream character then drops to the floor suddenly as I try to approach it. Only a puddle remains.


      Updated 09-29-2016 at 04:43 PM by 61227

    15. [12-02-2016]

      by , 02-12-2016 at 02:44 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      I was in some kind of temple mixed with a museum. There were cauldrons with blood -' six in a row. I didn't knew it was blood at first and drank from 5 of these cauldrons. I moved to last one, and a dude waiting there asked me if I really want to drink tainted blood. I dropped mug with blood that I took from previous cauldron inside the one I was standing close to. Dude shouted "What have you done! Now it's even more tainted!"

      Second dream

      With parents I was in the backyard oh my house. I found a mirror, and did something strange. I took out my penis, looked at it's reflection in the mirror and thought about body shifting. I had a weird, but somehow good feeling that my balls were sucked inside my body. I took pants off and saw that I have a vagina now. Parents just freaked out. I fingered it to check if that's a dream. Everything turned black, and just before waking up, I had a feeling that my balls just shoot out from within my body.