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    1. Sitting at school

      by , 02-22-2014 at 03:14 PM
      I only recall one dream last night as i completely failed the rest of the night.. I went to sleep and around 3 am -4 am i began to dream I had a dream that i was at some kind of school i dont know where or to much about it but the atmosphere was simply like a highschool. I walked around with some random DC's and made my way to a class. I sat down in the back and the teacher began to ask the class to begin talking. To make awesome noise for video games such as in most FPS games. HEADSHOT! Rampage! GODLIKE! several people in class could not do it and were simply saying the word. the teacher would say to them no no no try it but with more ump and more style. I kind of chuckled as i knew how easy it was for them to just sound it out like the games but they couldnt the teacher then asked me to. I attempted to so Godlike at first but nothing was coming out. I tried and tried and finnaly i belted out GODLIKE! and then HEADSHOT! but when i did this I woke myself up in realife as i was saying them outloud . I fell back asleep but moments later my alarm went off. I wanted to try this method to become lucid. I got up for 20 minutes just sat at my desk got on here and read some dream stuff got up went to the bathroom and got a drink came back and tried to induce MILD. I layed in bed for an hour thinking and seeing the world i wanted to enter. I tossed and tossed it in my head and then i tried to sleep. But nothing nothing came i tossed and turned I got comfortable and tried again i put my arms up put them down felt numb and so relaxed i did my turn to the side and layed there. But nothing i still felt like i couldnt sleep. I did a few RC's and knew I must of overslept longer than i planned missing the begining of my rem sleep.
    2. candy shop - 21st to 22nd february 2014

      by , 02-22-2014 at 02:32 PM
      today i dreamt i was in some candy shop, it was at the peak of that city
      near the mountains, i was inside the shop and was seeing the seller having his
      business going well, many customers were inside, he was selling a lot of candies inside
      those boxes he was picking up which candies people would choose, i saw a blue candy tape.
      with many sugar, i thought to myself.
      "So delicious :p"
      "I also want to open a candy shop, so i can eat my own candies and sell to people of course :p"

      Dream elements:


      Technique used: WBTB

      hours slept: 4 hours
    3. Finding 1 euro and becoming lucid - 21st to 22nd february 2014

      by , 02-22-2014 at 02:25 PM
      Today i dreamt i was in my appartment hall, i was climbing up stairs trying to find money
      i crouched on the stairs and i found 1 euro, my mom was on stairs above me i showed her the coin
      and she said "So it finally was there" i was happy to find it, and i was looking for further more.
      i found 1 more coin. then i decided to go to the last floor, i climbed the stairs and stopped on the middle
      of the stairs and where it was the 2 doors, i looked above. then i did a reality check. it was the thumb-handed one.
      i saw my thumb and my other hand, slowly my thumb collapsed with my other hand, and i clearly saw it got through.
      and i said "I'm dreaming" Although i had no control, and my body wasn't on the dream environment either :/

      Dream elements:

      -in my appartment hall
      -1 euro

      Technique used: WBTB

      hours slept: 4 hours

      Updated 02-22-2014 at 02:33 PM by 62470

    4. Crying!

      by , 02-22-2014 at 12:26 PM (Welcome to my dreams!)
      1. [Non-Lucid] [Emotional]
      I am playing this game where I have to mimic this dogs facial expressions, I seem to have done quite well. (yep pretty strange)
      Now I go walking down this street to go find my mum and talk about it, when I finally got there there were many people gathered around a round table talking about stuff, so I tried to grab my mum's attention but she wasn't listening.
      I leave walking back up the street, as I'm walking I begin to cry so I wipe away my tears with my black jumper sleeve but the tears keep coming until I'm full blown crying, (Everything around me is blurred, everything is so colorful, it looked beautiful) my dad had been following me, he overtakes me and notices I'm crying.

      2. [Non-Lucid]

      I'm in my living room and I get transferred from the sofa into my wheelchair but then I notice this my old manual wheelchair, (that I no longer have or use) I ask to be put into my electric wheelchair but it didn't happen.
      I get pushed into my room and I try and get under my desk but I can't as the footplates don't fit under, Now I'm getting frustrated because I can't use my PC nor can I self propel a manual wheelchair.

      My dad is now here so I complain to him about the situation, not sure what happens next.

      [Non-Lucid] [Dream WILD Attempt]
      I'm in my bed, I think I'm attempting to WILD but there's a super thick blanket on top of me and its almost covering my face so I thought screw it and gave up.


      Possible dream signs:
      Dad, Mum, Manual wheelchair, PC desk
      non-lucid , side notes
    5. Just being an idiot

      by , 02-22-2014 at 11:31 AM
      It started with me being on a ledge and there was sea all around me i summoned a giant humanoid statue that would carry me across the sea to the first island i saw.
      I saw an island and it was all in cubes i said to the statue to go away and it vanished while i was exploring the island and i thought i should apologize to my subconscious for ignoring it all these years, i said im sorry and i heard a reply saying its ok, then i asked it if it could help me get lucid more and i got a reply yeah, the dream ended there.

      Updated 04-11-2015 at 02:14 PM by 63048

    6. Dinner with some guys and beatriz silva - 21st to 22nd february 2014

      by , 02-22-2014 at 09:14 AM
      Today i dreamt i was sitted on a black chair in the kitchen, the lights were turned on and there was at night.
      I saw beatriz silva and other guys talking. for some reason i went crazy and went near the microwave going insane
      such as saying random things and fall to the floor, there was someone trying to control me but i couldn't
      i was really angry to see beatriz silva talking to other guys than me.

      Dream elements:

      -in my kitchen
      -Beatriz silva

      Technique used: ----------

      hours slept: 4 hours
    7. I am with light yagami visual - 21st to 22nd febraury 2014

      by , 02-22-2014 at 08:53 AM
      today i dreamt i was at school at night, i was coming from the
      soccer field it was raining and i had my hair wet. Then i noticed my hair was different.
      i got to see myself in a mirror, my hair was similar to light yagami's
      i had a part of my har crossing my eyes, but my clothes were from hogwarts uniform (WTF BRAIN?!!)
      my hair was light brown, then i felt really nice being light yagami in my school, i walked around the school
      here and there. then i got tired and went to the soccer field again, the weather was now cloudy and daytime.
      The soccer field is near the balnearies, i climbed that little degrees to see the soccer field, and then i looked back
      and saw tiago parreira, he smiled then i asked him while he was entering to balneary "will you have physical education?"
      he said: "yes" and i asked: "With this rain?" and he simply gone without answering.

      Dream elements:

      -light yagami
      -tiago parreira
      -in school

      Technique used: ----------

      hours slept: 4 hours

      Updated 02-22-2014 at 09:15 AM by 62470

    8. “Speak to the landlady” (with Rick Springfield)

      by , 02-22-2014 at 08:22 AM
      Morning of February 22, 2014. Saturday.

      This is a more positive variant on the recurring King Street dreams (which I have had off and on for over twenty years) where I often owe a lot of back rent and am wandering about at different times through a former or present room. There have been many variations.

      I end up looking around in the south-most apartment on the east side of the big boarding house. It does not seem to be the place I had lived at recently (and I never had that particular apartment in real life). There is not that much activity or movement from other potential tenants. Later on, there is a first-time (I think) variation in this type of dream. The landlady comes up and says I can have that particular room and I will actually be paid to live there. This seems a bit unusual, but I guess that is how it will then be (in my dream). I still believe that I should be paying her, though.

      Apparently, I had actually been living in the middle room (as I had once in real life) on the east side of the building, before wandering off and living elsewhere (unknown) or being homeless for six months or less, I think. Someone else, however, had been living there for a few weeks though my belongings were all still in the room exactly as I had left them.

      My belongings, other than a few clothes, turn out to be a large number of mostly hardcover science fiction books (including Isaac Asimov’s “Foundation”) and 33 rpm record albums, mostly in larger cardboard boxes. As I move them to my new living location, a couple others help, and the other tenant (about nineteen and likely a local university student) seems somewhat relieved that he has more space for his own possessions.

      Then comes the somewhat disjointed and more unusual part of my dream. For some reason, I put on the video of Rick Springfield’s “Speak to the Sky” (a song I played often in my youth - yet did not know he was Australian and from Sydney). This is not like the one I actually have.

      It is not any real video, though, and it does not even look like him. He plays an acoustic guitar (with a large mic and amp, I think) in front of a small audience on a mostly featureless and inconsequential stage. There is a strong focus on some sort of eerie buzzing effect on one of the guitar strings every two measures or so - probably the low E string. He supposedly makes this sound by placing a stick just close enough to the string to cause the additional sound each time. I suppose I should be wondering how he is able to play the guitar with both hands and hold the stick at the same time. I do not question this obvious impossibility, though. At times, it looks like an ordinary board from the outer wall of a wooden house.

      (In afterthought, this may be some sort of play on George Harrison’s “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” and possibly also with the saying “Speak softly and carry a big stick”). From there, not much happens other than a bit of idle conversation and look around at my supposed large record collection, spread out over about seven or more boxes as well as the same for the books. “Speak to the Sky” has appeared (or rather played) in my dreams more than other songs, I would say.

      Updated 06-15-2017 at 07:34 AM by 1390

      Tags: landlady
      false awakening , dream fragment , non-lucid
    9. Kidnapper Escape

      by , 02-22-2014 at 04:29 AM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      I had a dream which was kind of short the other night, but it was a pretty interesting one. I dream I am at my friend Connor's house, only in the dream it isn't his house, rather a kidnapper's home. My friends and I visit the home and we are kidnapped by a man by the name of Rick. He also manages to kidnap my dog as well. We are held captive for awhile until if I recall right, my friends distract the man in some sort of way. They might've attacked him, but my memory isn't clear on it. Anyway, I take this moment to try and escape. I run off and for some reason I take my dog with me. I've got nothing against him, but why would anyone take their dog with them in this situation, when they would oblivious to what is going on? I don't take this into account and continue running away. I make it to the fields of the local high school and I continue to run. My dog now starts barking, and I knew that we were a dead giveaway now. This is until I see a police officer nearby and I grab his attention. I tell him a man named Rick has my friends kidnapped and is going to kill us all. As I say this, Rick and his partner show up. The police officer then pulls out a revolver and shoots Rick's partner square in the face without hesitation.

      Damn! Talk about merciless! He then tries to kill Rick but fails before Rick can kill him. I see that the revolver is still on the ground in front of me, and I grab it. I check the bullets to see only two left. I put the loader back in and fire multiple times, only to hear clicks. Then a round fires and misses Rick by mere inches, and then another round fires, this one hitting him in the chest. Rick is down for the count now, and we're free!
      That's all I can remember.
    10. February 21, 2014 non-lucid #41

      by , 02-22-2014 at 03:49 AM (A Dreamer's Dreams)
      Journal Entry non-lucid #41 Dream, non-dream (Comments)
      Background: I tried to prepare to do a MILD. I did the relaxation, the visualizations and the mantra.

      Dream fragment 1, 8:20pm-1:10am." Epic Battle between DCs": I watched a battle between two DC. One of them a women and another a boy maybe about 10 or 11. I don't remember when it started but they were flying in the air. Everybody in the city started to evacuate, by an order of the government. They flew at each other. She hit him threw a wall. His body blew up a building. He got back up and blasted purple energy beam at her. It destroyed many buildings leaving holes and ruble behind. She had the same power as him and she fired back. They were fighting for some time without injuring each other but the city was destroyed.

      Dream fragment 2, 8:20pm-1:10am."": Me and a friend, only in the dream. He wanted to surprise his girl friend on valentines day so he took a card from my other friend. He told me this when I asked him where he got the card. We were talking about something for a long time though.

      Dream fragment 3, 8:20pm-1:10am." Sleeping Under the Desert": I was in my house and my sister brought her friend home. I was talking to my mom as she cleaned the bathroom sink. I went to speak to my sister but she ignored me. I got angry. She came later on to talk to me. I said to her, "why did you brink her I wanted to talk to you". My sister tried to signal me to stop because the girl stood right next to me. I saw her with my peripheral vision. I tried to act casual and started to look around. The room transformed into the grand canyon filled with deserts. I failed to notice the change. I saw a car crash into a canyon and I casually looked at it. I then turned to face her. She looked at me in disappointment. I got tired so I picked up the floor of the desert as if it was a bed sheet and put it over me. It felt warm and comfortable.

      The environment changed yet again. Now I am in the garage of my home. This old man that I didn't know was cutting wood. The other DC needed to use the bathroom and so did I. They left. I wanted to go but the old man needed to use the bathroom as well. I told him he could go before me. He put his head down as to thank me. He pointed at something and he said there is a rat over there. It was a huge rodent about the size of a kitty. We started chasing it out the house. A cat appeared out of nowhere and started hunting it. My sister and someone else got distracted and chased the cat instead. I told them to concentrate. I told them to stop. They got the cat. I walked next to it. It jumped in my face, screeched at me, then it scratched me on the neck which woke me up quick.
      When I woke up, I felt a moment of paralysis and a sensation around my neck which quickly faded.

      I got up to do WBTB. I read a little about LD. I had some cereal before going to sleep.

      Dream fragment 4, 3:51am-6:17am." Mystical Creature in a play": I was with TO, he wanted to show me a drama thing he saw in a dream. We walked up to this stage. It was like the stage was the book that we picked. We saw a hole in the floor. We looked inside of it. At first it was cardboard looking you know the kind that would be used in waking life drama. Then it transformed the characters became real. I saw a owl with its wings raised nearly to its neck. It looked bizarre, and as it was trying to fly away I saw four legs. He wanted me to show me something. I distracted him when I noticed the night's sky. I saw a shooting star. I said, "look even the sky looks real". Then I looked down one more time.

      Dream fragment 5, 3:51am-6:17am."": I was in SY house. I made up the place I never been to his house. It was mostly made of concrete and I touched one of the concrete, it felt cold.
    11. Pictured Spear

      by , 02-21-2014 at 08:57 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Now this to me was a weird one, and there is going to be a lot of side notes to go along with it.

      Dream: I am in my elementary school music room (Kind of a weird setting for a dream.) and I am have the spear from this cartoon that I drew of parallels to my dream characters.

      And the actual content was rather lame. I had the spear, and I was in the music classroom. Non-lucid, just twirling it around and practicing with it calmly, trying to feel for how much control I had over the spear.
      For those who don't know, this is a personal ensign that I created, meant to represent the letters L D (For Lucid Dreaming) I have this ensign drawn on post it notes that I place around the house, and on the covers of my schoolbooks. It is a sign to remind me to reality check. If I can get this sign to appear in my dream, then bang! easy lucid!

      I also had a particularly interesting semi-lucid dream. I was playing some sort of video game and the main character was a young African American girl who lived in a small tribal village setting. I somewhat knew this was a dream or a "mental simulation" of sorts.
      Anyways, this mental simulation/video game was similar to an RPG and you could level your character up by doing certain tasks. I decided to focus on running and achieving maximum speed. So I ran from the village into this forest area where I encountered some large hermit crabs that were supposedly enemies in the game. But they fled when I came near them.
      I then encountered (and I'm not kidding here) a tyrannosaurs rex that chased me. Luckly my running skill was leveling up and I was able to outrun him. I returned to the village area where I would have to eat and sleep and prepare for the next day of game-play. Also, because the dream was in third person it was not very vivid.

      Updated 09-21-2014 at 03:12 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid
      Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Smarties!-dream-self-storm-bg.jpg   Smarties!-lucid-dream-symbol.png  
    12. Simply driving a car

      by , 02-21-2014 at 03:41 PM
      *I knew I was dreaming driving a car in a parking garage. Just a moment of lucidity. Then I ended up out of the car throwing up. At this point in the dream I was not lucid.
    13. homless shelter and other stuf

      by , 02-21-2014 at 03:26 PM
      i was working vallet on some bridge in sf, it was really intense and i ended up like stealing a cacr and driving it all ovfer hte bridge . i say apollo from high school

      also i recall seeing hayley, she said she just broke up with her boyfriend cuz she was interested in some new guy... we were justtalking and i asked about the new guy and she said he was more sympathetic and would treat her better. i got us a vegitarian meal and we went swimming some where

      later i was at a dinner and then all these homless people were going tosppend the night tehre cuz thats what the dinner did. i bought really old souviner ciagertes that were from like the 1950s. then i got into a conversation with some war veran.

      then my dream shifted to some guy who was in the mob. its 630 now im going back to sleep part 2 coming soon
    14. Heat online in facebook - 20th to 21st february 2014

      by , 02-21-2014 at 03:02 PM
      Today i dreamt i was on facebook, i saw a post about heat online.
      I found it weird and cool at the same time.

      Dream elements:

      -heat online

      Technique used: ----------

      hours slept: 8 hours
      dream fragment
    15. World falling apart; Gataway; Supply run

      , 02-21-2014 at 02:13 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      2.21.14 Friday

      Last night, bed 11:30 -4:47am

      All 3 dreams remembered in the morning, with some of them memorized maybe an hor before awakening last time.

      DR 1: World falling apart
      I'm walking with a friend of mine on a walkway, that looks like one from "Thor" movie. The one that leads to the teleportation machine. It's made of energy tiles, that have all different colors, and they change as you walk on them.

      The world is falling apart, and this walkway has became available to few. Someone points to the right and says: "Look, New York is already torn away". I look and chunk of earth with NY on it is halfay up to the skies.

      We are thinking that the walkway will fall apart and not let us finish going to the next world, that will be safe. It's falling apart in front of us, and it's coming towards us. But it stops just before us. In fact, it becomes more solid. I realize that I don't have to walk, just hold on to, and it will pull me. I just have to brace and my feet will slide forward by themselves.

      DR 2: Gateway
      I'm a soldier. We are in a sandy area. Looking towards a black hole of 3 feet in diameter, that is in a sand hill. Inside of a hole is pitch black. Sometimes we can see lights and we realize those are cities and cars at night. I think we can use it to get there from this place. It's like a teleportation device.

      We also expect enemy from there. But not from the cities with cars. So a friend of mine lays down in a way, so he can see the opening, in case enemy comes through. And here they come. I walk fast among fallen soldiers on my side to look for ammo or functioning weapon. I see many fallen soldiers and a few live ones. There are handguns, revolvers, and one Maxim machine gun. But I think we are all out of amm. I bring a flashlight back and shine it into the opening from time to time, so they can't sneak up on us.

      DR 3: Supply run
      I'm in frozen world. It's so cold, that it can kill you. We can go out only when it warms us. We are all dressed up as in arctic environment. There is a small hut we go to to get supplies. We ahve no idea how soon will the freeze start again, but then I see large numbers sitting in the snow, that are counting down from 177. I tell my friend, that we have 177 seconds before the freeze. So we hurry and fill the sled with food supplies, so we have enough before we can go on another food run again.

      Wow, 3 alien world feeling dreams in one night. What did I do to deserve it? makes no sence. I was quite upset last night. Anyway, thank you.