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    1. 25th Apr 2013 Fragments

      by , 04-25-2013 at 09:01 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Not much recall again, probably because again got to sleep later than usual.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was playing some RTS game and there was some kind of zoo.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      There was some platformer game that later turned into 3D maze with brown walls and then there was boss fight in some kind of metallic area.
    2. 4-25-13 Dream Journal

      by , 04-25-2013 at 07:25 PM
      Technique: I have been incredibly focused on WILDing. I figured I would start from the basics again, since I felt that my technique had been getting sloppy. I had stopped counting because I thought that it was keeping me to awake, and I would never actually fall asleep to transition during a WILD. I didn't ever realize that since I have stopped counting, I have had the opposite problem. Lately, I have been falling asleep to quickly which is really frustrating. So I started counting again last night to anchor my mind while my body is falling asleep, and it kind of worked. I got back to the point where I will be drifting into a dream, realize what is happening, and snap back out of it. I will then start counting again and repeat the process. After this happened five times I got frustrated and just fell asleep. I am having so much difficulty transitioning into a dream.

      Results: Color Code: RL/Comments - Non Lucid - Lucid

      Dream One: I am on a road trip with my Dad. We are traveling in a huge van that we have rented that is more like a small house inside.

      Inside the van we each have our own bedroom, and all the amenities of a house.

      We stop at a gas station to take a break and get a drink.

      The gas station is kind of dirty, so we both quickly get our drinks and head to the counter to pay. Right before we pay I notice that they have a flavor of soda that I somehow missed. It is a Kirby flavored soda?

      I go back to get a second drink, I mean how could I possibly pass up a Kirby flavored pop?

      When we go back to pay somehow a line of twenty people has formed in front of the register!?

      My Dad is pissed and so he decides to just cut the whole line. We go to the front and they just make room for us... great.

      We go to pay and there are two problems. First our card isn't working and my Dad has gone behind the counter to argue with the employee. Second I have taken a drink of the Kirby pop, and it has the side effect of producing Kirby star stickers in your stomach, which I am regurgitating and passing around.

      My Dad and I get into an argument about how to pay, but finally manage to get the card to work.

      Dream Transition:

      We are walking back to our rented van. We are walking towards an intersection with a street light. There are three shady looking guys already waiting, and they are inspecting two pops that are on the ground by the light! I run ahead and tell them not to touch those, they are mine! How did my pops get ahead of me? I must have set them down?

      They three guys start following us towards the van. My Dad is arguing with their leader, who starts singing a Ramstein lullaby to prove his point. This makes my Dad even angrier for some reason. But I am listening to the song, I have never heard it before and it is great! The dream fades.

      FA One: I get up out of bed and start focusing on dream recall, I would really like to remember some of those lyrics from the Ramstein song. I grab my note pad and start to record my dreams. Then I get up and head towards the bathroom. Things start looking weird and I wake up.

      FA Two: I wake up again. Man that was a FA! I can't believe I didn't RC! I grab my pad again (which is empty) and start recording again... wait... I forgot to RC again! This could be another FA! Right when I thought this I knew I was dreaming. But I went ahead and nose plug RC'ed just to be sure. And of course I could breathe through my plugged nose.

      I focused for a second on stability, but I was already calm and engaged. And I knew that this FA wouldn't last long so I just skipped this and moved on.

      I started to think about my dream goals. Maybe I should try the advanced TOTM?

      But I knew that I didn't have long in this FA so I decided to spend some time exploring to see if something cool happened.

      I walk out of my bedroom and see my mom calling me in the kitchen. NOOO!! IGNORE! (I have a problem with engaging my family in LD's and losing lucidity)

      I walk away from her with her calling after me. Keep ignoring.

      I see a strange dark hallway that is not there in RL.

      I walk down it and come out in a massive Library entrance room.

      Cthulhu waits dreaming-library.jpg

      I look around for a second. It is big and pretty, but not really that interesting, moving on.

      I see another dark hallway, I walk to go down it.

      Now the dream is starting to fade and things aren't working logically.

      I am heading towards an exit, a group of Werewolves comes out and is guarding the door. I move on

      I am heading towards an exit, a group of vampires comes out and is guarding the door. I move on

      I am heading towards an exit, a group of Frankenstein monsters comes out and is guarding the door. I move on

      I am heading towards an exit, a mob comes out with torches and pitchforks they are guarding the door. I move on

      This time I feel a presence behind me. I quickly turn! but to late! Voldemort is right behind me and he stabs me in the back with a stun baton and I wake up!

      I wake up. I quickly RC to see if this is another FA, no such luck. Oh well... that was freaking awesome!
    3. Melatonin Experiment

      by , 04-25-2013 at 04:03 PM (Raven's Roost)
      I tried to go to bed early last night in an attempt to WBTB. I took melatonin at 10:30PM and I got in bed at 11:30 with the intention of WBTB at 4:30, however yesterday was really nice out so everyone in my college decided to go party and scream in the streets. I mean SCREAM. It was the most frustrating thing ever, and I wished death upon more than one of them. They finally quieted down around 1:45AM, and by then I had to push back my wake up time to make sure I would be in the middle of REM sleep.

      I had some average dreams, and when my WBTB alarm when off at 6:00AM, it was just too late. My dorm room is right on the road so all the trucks and cars were loudly whizzing by and I couldn't focus. Fell asleep for another hour or so, and had vivid dreams but didn't remember most of them...

      Here are the fragments:

      Fragment 1

      The following are from my phone, I have no real recollection of writing this or dreaming it:

      • Samuel L Jackson
      • Gandalf
      • Keeping incest rates down (what the actual fuck?)
      • Prometheus II (Evidently I was in another sci fi dream?)
      • Lady trapped.

      NO idea what any of that means.

      Fragment 2

      I am with my dad and sisters and we go to my step-mother's new house. We are having a family get together and everyone is there. I eat with my grand parents on the patio, and kids are running around their fenced in yard.

    4. Electric

      by , 04-25-2013 at 03:47 PM
      Sitting on the porch of an old cabin, there are others here. They feel comfortable, normal, familiar. I don't see their faces, but I know they're there and they're friends.

      The paint chips from the cabin, it once was white and now a dull chipped grey. I have Zilla on my lap (my dog) we're peaceful looking off into the mountains.

      The sun is setting over the mountains, a nice combination of colours ranging from yellow to orange to pink to red.

      Off into the distance I see a light blue emitting from just behind the mountains. I hear gasps of panic behind me. Then a loud crashing follows the now dark blue sphere engulfing the mountain side.

      I get nervous, Then realize an electrical bomb was set off.

      Everyone starts running, I start running. I make it off the porch and just behind the cabin before I'm in another scenery. Everyone is running into the ocean.

      I feel sand crunching beneath my feet. The water rushes in

      I'm electrocuted and have this odd feeling that we're all irradiated.

      Oh yeah, and dead.

      First time I've died by being electrocuted.
    5. Under Construction

      by , 04-25-2013 at 03:47 PM
      The good news for this LD is that the light switches worked great! The bad news is that my prospective memory wasn't the best and my DC summons didn't work like they should, but I had fun trying. Some more focused mental prep and reminding myself of my goals would have helped, I think, so I'll just blame the short WBTB.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #89: Under Construction

      I'm walking down a hall in my office with my friend "Leroy" and one other guy. The hallway is dimly lit and even though we're far from any windows, somehow I know that it's night outside. We're looking for some room that we can use to host a remote meeting that's scheduled to start in a few minutes.

      The door at the end of the hall has been replaced with a thick sheet of plastic and the entire area looks like it's under construction. I think, "How do I know that this isn't a dream?" and
      I become lucid. I run my fingers over the wall, and it feels just like the walls at the office. "[Leroy], I'm having a lucid dream." Leroy doesn't respond and just stares robotically ahead. I continue to mutter about how I'm dreaming, but the target audience is really just me -- Leroy seems to have checked out.

      We reach the end of the hall and I phase through the plastic into the next room, which should be a large, windowed room of cubicles, adjoining offices and meeting rooms. The windows are there but all of the furniture is missing and the room is incredibly dark. I reach for a switch on the wall without looking, knowing that it will be there, and flip it. The lights come on and I watch as the room quickly populates itself with gym equipment! I see a treadmill, a couple of stationary bikes, and a weight tree with 45-pound plates appear. I stare at the weight tree for a moment, and the image wavers self-consciously, forming odd little rectangles and finally disappearing entirely.

      I decide to "give the room a moment", and look over my right shoulder at the wall for a few seconds and then look back. The room is still mostly the same but now there are five or six arcade-style redemption games arranged back to back in a circle in the middle. (The sort of ticket-winning games that you might find at Chuck E. Cheese's.) I take a quick lap around the games to size them up. During the lap I notice that Leroy is still standing by the room entrance and still seems unresponsive, so I don't worry too much about him.

      I have the nagging sense that I'm supposed to be doing something but I can't remember what it is. I try to think of the tasks that I had planned but nothing comes to mind, not Task of the Year or Task of the Month. I remember talking with NewArtemis about trying to see whether her DC could shapeshift the way that she can in dreams, so I attempt a handshake summon, averting my eyes and extending my right hand. I do it incorrectly, though, more asking for her to show up rather than expecting that she will. Nothing happens for a while and at the end I rather pathetically say, "[NewArtemis], don't leave me hanging!"

      Now I've become fixated on summoning so I decide to try getting Xanous to join the scene. Again I do the handshake summon, but the result's the same. I think of shapeshifting again and realize that Xanous can do this too. For some reason I remember that he uses the term "blutbad" in conjunction with shapeshifting so I randomly blurt out "Blutbad!" like that's going to help somehow. No idea what that was all about, but it doesn't work!

      Edit: I remembered one more part of the dream. I give up on the summoning for a moment and try speaking directly to the dream. "Show me something important!" Nothing happens, though, and I try this twice more before giving up.

      Amazingly, the thought of simply phasing through the walls and flying off into the night doesn't occur to me. I turn my attention to the redemption games, hoping that this could be fun and might even reanimate Leroy. I stand in front of one machine that's about 6 feet high and has a joystick on the front and a tall, tapering tower of lights inside its case. The lights are illuminated in a wave that moves repeatedly from top to bottom. I place my hand on the joystick, noting the little red button on top, and the dream starts to fade. I feel it coming and ready myself for DEILD, but
      when I emerge from the dream I'm too awake to go back in.

      Updated 04-25-2013 at 09:56 PM by 57387 (added one small section I had forgotten)

    6. Post 2013 Visits To DreamWorld Castles/Grounds Here

      by , 04-25-2013 at 12:49 PM (levi's lucid dream journal)
      well i made it to the castle in a non lucid dream. parts of it was hazy but im sure its safe to say i made it. i started out walking along the castle wall berier i looked at the outline of the wall and it surrounded the castle in a circle or oval shape i didnt get a good look at the castle but it was there. also there were stairs and ladders in certen spots on the inward side of the wall. there were some stairs in the middle of it too that led to some rooms or an under ground passage or portals to the inside of the castle not sure which one though. i was on my way to a meeting or something and after walking the path on top of the wall i went down a set of stairs that went into the wall. once i got to the bottom i dont remember what happend but i apeared in a castle room. it looked like a modern day class room sort of. although there were no desks just some circle and sqaur tables with chairs. there were book shelves against a stone wall with posters or paintings on it. the floor had white tile and the lighting was dim other then that i dont remember what els was around. i saw a lady that looked like my older sister bloned hair with glasses. im not sure if it was her or not. she was there to tell my dream past and dream future so to speak, with a deck of cards. the cards were holographic and the pictures moved. i couldnt make them out very well though. i dont remember much after that exept that she pulled out a card that folded out into a map of an island and said we are here. lol well that was my short visit to the dwa castle. i will try when lucid to see where those stairs do lead to and/or explore more of the castle i will also try to meet some cheracters that dont seem or look like some one i know.
    7. Harry Potter/Spell casting Dream

      by , 04-25-2013 at 11:57 AM
      So last night I was trying to have another WBTB WILD, but my alarm didn't go off so tonight will have to do instead.. But anyway, I can recall 4 vivid dreams from last night. This one was me outside my house and I as talking to my brother in his room upstairs through the window, and then he was like "oh shit", And I'm like "What?" And then this like sorcerer came out the ground a few metres in front of me and summoned this huge purple and black/grey ball of sort of I don't know, magic haha But I jsut remember feeling like oh shit this spell is going to kill us. So I used a spell called something close to "Shining light" Or "Shining beam" or something, which was this HUGE area effect yellow blast of energy that kills anything bad in the area, but took like a TON of my magic capability. And once we got rid of that sorcerer. I was like, wait a second, I'm freaking dreaming! And I became lucid, And it was really juicy, like it was so vivid that I felt like the dream was really stable, so I was like right I'm going to do some BEAST things here So I thought I'd start by looking at my hands, they were blurry like so much, then I did my other reality check which is push my hand through my other hands palm, but it wouldn't go through, instead my hands were like SO blurry I was SO happy I attained lucidity after a failed WILD anyway And then I was like alright I'm going to fly, So I jumped up and sort of floated around a little, then my lucidity started to fade alot, and I tried rubbing my hands together which helped a little, but I just lost my lucidity and that point. Then I woke up, went back to sleep, and entered the same dream without being lucid, and I was flying around with my brother Liam, and he was like "Oh my god is this the tunnel that you were telling me about?" (I don't get that but yeah ) and I was like "Yeah" and we were flying through this tunnel at night and it looked really awesome, then we went down this like tunnel and sort of crash landed haha, we were in the really dark room. And there was a rat there and I tried to use "Avada Kadavera" (The spell from HP) on it, but the green energy from the wand would come out but not the spell. And then I was arguing with Liam about using an illegal spell. Then we got back inside after being trapped in the room for a while. And my Mom and Dad were like "Where's your new shirt?" (They had bought me a really nice shirt that was white/Orange checkered the day before) and I was like "Oh shit it must be in the tunnel still" and then dream ended.
    8. Work Kept Us Apart on New Year's Eve / Do Not Redesign Illogical Design If In Use

      by , 04-25-2013 at 11:46 AM
      April 24
      To bed around 10pm

      Around 3am headache continues from evening - woke up with headache

      In my dream my husband and I were working n same company on same project. It was New Year's Eve, and my husband was away on a business trip. I got to see him though through video conference at company party. I could see him but he could not see me. I was a bit sad. (Side note: This makes sense because my husband had a work conference call in the evening, so work infringed on family time.)

      Same dream different scene? there was an improper design to our system, where something that should be in one table was in two for older data, but not for newer, and I had at first suggested that this be fixed. But then when we established that some functionality was actively using accessing these tables,we discovered that this could not be fixed. Someone I actually collaborate with but in different role, nickname Bow Tie, was trying to accommodate this change, and then found out that it could not be done, but then forgot, but then got reminded. I explained it further, and he remembered. (This makes a bit of sense in that we now have some things that are illogical at work but are in use, so this could be a warning that fixing them may not be a good idea? Or maybe just my mind realizes the difficulty of fixing things while in use, and questions whether it is worth the risk of breaking things even more.)

      There was more to this dream. It was long, vivid and convoluted. What does not make sense to me is why my mind insisted these two are part of the same dream - they appear separate.)
    9. 25th Apr 2013 Short lucid and some non-lucid fragments

      by , 04-25-2013 at 11:42 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's naps.

      Nap #1(fragment):

      I am walking around my room and shortly i feel an familiar feeling, like the feeling that i get when i become lucid, i decide to rub hands and indeed, the same feeling. But before i can do anything, dream fades out and i wake up. I attempt to DEILD but it seems like it's the end of the REM.

      Nap #2(fragments):

      I was in the helicopter and i was preparing to drop onto the roof of the tall building and do an assault operation, there was a pool and i dropped onto the garbage platform on it. I jumped around a few more platforms as they went down and pool looked to be very deep. In the end i failed one of the jumps and dropped into the pool. It was apparently very shallow and suddenly i was indoors and both the scene AND the storyline changed and i was just talking with some people and getting out of the pool.
      Later on i was at home and was talking to mom about something, it involved menu which used icons from AI War for some reason.
      And after that there was scene in some indoors area with yellow walls. There was a woman in black with an black hole generator device of some kind, which looked like three black rings that rotate randomly, as an part of the arm. She also had an companion which looked very stupid but was pretty smart. There was an talk between them and somebody else and after it dream ended.
    10. Three Short WILDs

      by , 04-25-2013 at 08:48 AM (Masonc1's TF-Filled Dream Journal)
      I got into bed and just decided to go through my usual process for WILD instead of turning off completely. There are a lot of naps I take where I just practice going to sleep instead of practicing WILD. This time, I just went with my old strategy of not talking to myself and actively reminding myself not to talk to myself without using any words.

      So I go to bed laying down on my stomach in a very comfortable position. HI starts up extremely fast. Or maybe I missed it. I began to feel a little funny and it wasn't SP. The lower half of my body begins to lift off the bed with a sensation that felt exactly like the times I had inflated myself before. I contemplate going with that, but I'm still not anchored into the dream and I didn't want to do anything that was going to interfere while I could still feel my real body. I tried to move my hand and it didn't work, so I could tell the dream wasn't quite ready.

      I try to replace the floating sensation because there's an association with inflation and waking up in me right now. (I'm trying to remove this, because I do like the sensation otherwise.) The dark dream like state fills with water and it has a very refreshing feeling. I'm content floating in it, but I didn't really get rid of the inflated feeling. The water has the pattern of beach waves, and I get tossed forward and backward gently, floating halfway in the water. I don't offer any resistance to it.

      I take my hand out of the water to see what would happen, and some bubbles appeared. I laughed, because I didn't have to think about the bubbles for any to come. The subconscious expectation has such a power that I can barely wait to start messing with it. A wave knocks over my head and I'm breathing underwater for a moment. I think about how dangerous this would be if I couldn't choke in real life.

      I took another WILD nap today and had basically the exact same dream. The only difference, was that at the beginning, instead of avoiding inflation I tried to embrace it. I remembered that if I could initiate flight I would get some points for the LC. I didn't really start the transformation (that I could see, but I felt a little different) but I at least started floating more definitely than last night.
      The dream still filled with water despite me not going for that this time, so it really seems like a huge copy.
      I was going to try getting out of bed when my phone rang.

      So I waited until the usual time before taking a nap again. I did more or less the same thing, but saw a bit less HI. I was planning on summoning the persona of someone I knew.
      The same as the last two nights, I had a feeling of being lifted off the bed. The difference was that the previous two nights, it felt like I was being hoisted upwards by myself (A consequence of associating the lift with inflation), but this time it really only felt like my bed wasn't there. This was how my mind was presenting sleep paralysis onset, so I waited for sleep paralysis this time. Once the floating sensation transitioned to sleep paralysis, I did a DEILD roll and entered a complete dream version of my room at night.
      I thought about summoning that dream character, but I didn't get very far before it destabilized. I don't remember what went wrong here, but I probably didn't strengthen the dream vividness enough.
    11. YuGiOh cards to rebuild after the apocolypse.

      by , 04-25-2013 at 01:53 AM (Lucid Time!)
      It all began with me making my way through the woods. I cannot entirely remember what was happening but it had something to do with looking for a small package in the woods. I found it eventually.
      I began making my way back to wherever I had come from. I fell and tripped on a vine that was covered in thorns, and cut my ankle pretty bad.
      Eventually, I made my way out of the forest. There was a large desert opening out in front of me. About a quarter mile into the desert there was a small sandstone outcropping with (get this) a submarine on it.
      The submarine was old and rusted, with holes in the hull as though it had been there for years. It was leaning into the rocky outcropping with the tail end going up at roughly a thirty degree angle.
      The entire thing was in a huge desert or salt flat, surrounded by woodland.
      I made my way inside the submarine, into a large open room inside the submarine. The story came into my mind. This was taking place after an apocalypse and some of the last human survivors used this submarine as a city to live out of. Because the submarine was so old, people had rebuilt parts of it using scrap metal.
      Because the submarine was on a slant, the floor had to be built in steps to remain level.
      It started raining outside, and because of the holes in the hull, it was difficult to find a place that was dry. At the same time, some culinary students were using the submarine to hold a banquet, and I was having difficulty finding a seat that would get me out of the rain.
      I eventually settled on a set near the kitchen. This part of the submarine had been rebuilt using scrap metal and was warm from all of the stoves and ovens that were deeper inside.
      After I had eaten, I went back outside. The rain had stopped. Just outside the submarine, and down the rocky outcropping my cousins were there, and had set up a card playing table.
      We were all playing YuGiOh, (I don't even like YuGiOh) and I sat down to play with them. My dad was there and he told me that (enter dream logic) my YuGiOh cards held a mystical key to rebuilding the earth after the apocalypse.
      Just as he told me that, someone up on the submarine came out onto a scrap metal balcony and yelled that there was a fire, and that the nuclear reactor on the submarine would go critical and explode.
      I started running.
      I continually looked over my shoulder. I could see the other people who had lived in the submarine who were evacuating on cars and pickup trucks made out of scrap metal. The fire was spreading rather quickly, despite there being nothing flammable on the submarine.
      I realized I had forgotten my YuGiOh cards. (Remember these were somehow important for rebuilding after the apocalypse.) I saw my dad running after me, only about 100 feet behind me.
      The entire submarine was engulfed in flames by now. I could only wonder how big the blast would be, and how much longer before the blast would happen.
      A massive (yet beautiful and realistic, for a dream) nuclear explosion. A blast wave of sand rippled through the ground. I was still running, and watching as the wave got closer. When it hit, I simply ducked down and pulled the hood from my jacket over my head.
      I stood up. There was a hip-deep dust cloud as far as I could see in every direction. The nuclear blast was now a thin column of smoke, distant in the sky. I looked around.
      My father stood up, Triumphantly holding the YuGiOh cards. I woke up.

      I want to come back and edit this, explain it a little more clearly. I remembered most of all of the important details for this dream, but I just think that the wording for some parts of this DJ entry is rubbing me the wrong way.

      Updated 12-15-2014 at 04:01 AM by 53527

    12. 04/21/13 Treasure on the Mountain

      by , 04-25-2013 at 01:44 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Treasure on the Mountain
      I am in a green field lying on a blanket, staring up at the clear blue sky. Someone is standing over me with a sword, and it looks like he is going to run it right through me when he gets struck by lightning. I hear, "Pii… kaa… chuuu!" as the lightning bolt goes off, the attacker collapses to the ground smoking slightly. I sit up and see there are more enemies around me, and a pikachu sitting right beside me. An angry pikachu. He uses his thunder attack on more of the people standing around me, I recognize them as Templars… I use Battery and add my lightning to Pikachu's storm.

      Templars are taken out in a massive lightning storm. The field of green grass is now clear, though there are some burned spots on the grass where Templars got struck by lightning. I remember that the plan was to get to the moon and do some healing. I open a portal to get to the moon, then I go through into the area around the balancing pools. Nomad is already there, as is Winter. Winter is floating in the water as if asleep, she is a mermaid just floating in the middle of the pool about a foot under the surface of the water. I get in the water and feel its relaxing warmth, I focus healing energy into Winter and through Nomad's foot as well. Nomad has said the injuries on his foot are just about gone, which I am glad of. I focus more healing energy on Winter. I drift in the water for a few more minutes, or it might have been longer, I can't be sure. Nomad gets out of the water and I follow him to the moon tower. Inside the control room there is a display showing the deck of the Black Pearl, I know what ship it is because I can see Captain Jack Sparrow on it. A portal opens near the display and Nomad goes through it, I follow him. On the other side Jack doesn't seem surprised when Nomad and I just appear from nowhere. I notice we are sailing rather close to a sheer cliff on an island. The rock face climbs into the sky, it looks virtually impossible to scale. I see a ledge far up the cliff, almost to the top. I know that is where we are going. Jack says we have arrived just when needed as usual, so how do we go about getting to the treasure cave? I activate my tiara and form raven wings, flying up into the air briefly and then landing. Nomad transforms into a winged black feline, a lot like a large winged panther.

      Jack says something about how having a pair of wings sure would be useful… I use Of Wolf and Man to transform Jack to a winged form, his wings turn out to look like the wings of a giant sparrow. He flaps them a couple times and easily takes flight. All of the crew are watching the three of us with their eyes wide, no one says anything about wanting a pair of wings of their own, however. I pick up a golden monkey statue before taking to the sky and flying up to the cave entrance. Nomad and Jack follow me. Inside the cave there is a pedestal near the far end of the cave. There is a spot on the pedestal that is the right size for the golden monkey. I set the monkey on the pedestal, it fits into an indentation like a key. It sinks down farther into the indentation and then a door slides open in the back of the cave, a door that had been completely invisible before. We go through the door and down a long passage before coming to a huge chamber. The chamber is illuminated through a hole in the roof of the cavern through which I can see blue sky. The room looks even brighter than it would otherwise look because there are piles of gold coins scattered through the room, huge piles, it definitely looks like a dragon nest. And in the middle of the room there is a large golden egg nestled in a particularly large pile of gold.

      Nomad has gone over to the egg and is looking at it closely. I comment that without its mother's flame to warm it the egg won't hatch. Jack asks what I know about dragons, I tell him I have seen a dragon egg hatch one time before, and this one looks like that egg off of Harry Potter. Nomad transforms into a humanoid winged black panther and takes the egg carefully in hand. I look around and see Jack Sparrow collecting some gold in a large sack. He looks and sees me watching, he says his crew won't work for nothing… There is so much gold there that the small amount Jack collects isn't even noticeable. Nomad suggests taking more, the egg probably needs to be in gold when it hatches. I collect a bag full of gold before we leave the cave and fly back down. The door to the treasure chamber closes when we remove the monkey statue. We all fly back down to the ship where the crew is still waiting in the Black Pearl. Jack tosses his bag of gold over amongst them, telling them that is their cut to divide amongst them, they look in the bag and seem very happy with that. Someone asks what about the other bag, and what is with the egg? Jack says he's going to be a father… then indicates a chest, which I pour my bag of gold into. Nomad sets the egg in the chest carefully. I tell Jack it's going to need some fire to hatch… fire like its mother would provide if its mother had still been there. We build a nest out of hay, grasses, and some wood, and then I use a small fireball to set it on fire. The fire caresses the surface of the egg. Jack tells his crew to gather what they can find that will burn, that fire can't be allowed to go out. They start bringing various items over. I wonder if the egg can still hatch, how long has it been without its mother? I am still wondering this when I wake.
    13. April 23,2013 and April 24,2013

      by , 04-24-2013 at 10:46 PM
      Playing LoZ Skyward Sword but it is much different, requires detective like skills.

      Am in the hood and my brother starts talking shit and gets his ass kicked, i intervene and we leave.

      Am at my friends house, we hang out,watch lost, and go eat some burgers.On the way home i witness a murder and he shoots at me and i drive recklessly home hitting cars and objects.

      April 24,2013
      My dad takes me out to eat at a local mexican restaurant,go home and my mother asks me to go to store to shop for groceries,she gives me bills that have asian symbols on them??I go there and my sister works there and she explains that the dollar bills are acceptable.
    14. 22 April 2013

      by , 04-24-2013 at 10:34 PM
      Am at somebody's house,the owner has ruthless dogs that i begin to runaway from,as i am running away i get stuck on a chain and the dog proceeds to bite me.

      I am a gangster for a notorious druglord,the other people with me are weird and ruthless,they rip out each others eyeballs and eat them, i try to stay away from them and let them hurt one another.Turn on tv and watch the basketball game,Kobe is returning from his ankle injury.
    15. WILD - early realization

      , 04-24-2013 at 09:44 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Wednesday 4/24/13

      last night bed 1am - 8:50am

      Today nap 11am - 1:20pm

      Nap WILD

      I was getting close to WILD, so I imagined I'm flying upwards and I started to feel sensation of flying up, then I imagined falling down, and got that strong sensation.

      Here I thought, that I must be already dreaming, no need to wait for any clues and decided to get up. I payed attention to my body standing up and it felt as my real body.
      Went out on my balcony and thought I better confirm, before jumping off. I did a thumb/palm and it was going in easily. Didn't push it all the way through, because I was a little grossed out. Then I pinched my nose and I could breathe. I didn't do these RCs in a long time. Even so, I was just climbing down on the outside of the balcony instead of jumping off, just in case.

      I'm walking through neighbors yard. Looks like it's winter, trees are without leaves, maybe with some yellow, spring flowers. I walk over to our yard and neighbor is looking at me and waving, calling my name. I yell back, yes, you can see me, because you do meditations (he does IWL). But he can't hear me, so he stops.

      I perch myself on top of the fence and start singing. Beautiful voice, melody, cool words. I'm very happy with myself. (As WILDing, one of my requests was let me hear some beautiful music. So I guess this was it? I guess I need to specify "not sung by me")

      My dad and my mom are in the yard and it's so real, as if I was there for real. Dad in red tshirt, cleaning vegetables.

      I don't know what to do, so I say this is also nice, visiting family. Then I remember I wanted to go to starship Voyager. So I say when I turn around, there is starsip Voyager. I turn around all smiles, but there is only open field.

      I walk through the fields with a little girl and we are finding lots of toys in bags. I ask her if she would like them. Principal walks by.

      As I get out of this LD, I start to iniciate another flying/falling sensation and it works. At some point I can feel both up and down falling at the same time. It was awesome. When it was over, I smiled to myself and said ok, now we can go and have a lucid dream. Again, I said to myself no need to wait for clues, I just get up. The moment I got up, neighbor came home with such a ruckus, sounded like she is moving or something. Damn. Then I just got up and will continue tomorrow.
      Tags: backyard, family, wild