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    1. Nada.

      , 07-24-2012 at 11:06 PM (My Nighttime Experiences)
      I dont remember anything really, I went to bed late and was tired.. I might have been standing in some line though.
    2. the haunted mansion

      by , 07-24-2012 at 10:48 PM
      this one is a little scrabbled but I’ll try ok I’m outside on a street with a friend reeas Jones and his best friend that was a werewolf talking to a guy that wants us to go into a haunted mansion idk why. we walk up the street to the house and go in the floor and walls where white there was a big glass chandelier in the middle of the celling and two big curved stair cases leading up to the second floor then were in a room with tan carpet and a TV we were going to watch something but then a very loud howl from down stairs it’s the werewolf guy reeas starts to cry I start to feel scared I say something like it’s ok I ask him something then the howl is getting softer and softer until its gone and hes dead.
      Tags: nighmarish
    3. Non Lucids with Control

      by , 07-24-2012 at 07:52 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      I've been having some frustrating dreams lately. Non lucids with high levels of control, low regard for consequences, but no lucidity. I even have been getting pretty frequent and intense vibrations. I just can't figure out exactly what's missing.

      Anyway, early this morning I woke up at 7am and had really strong vibrations, but I just couldn't sink into them. They were more just, jolting. I took 2 5-htp last night too.. cheaters never prosper.. or rarely do? At any rate, here are the non lucid bits I remember:

      • I went outside to check on my garden. It was really really foggy. I couldn't see past 1 block either direction. I noticed my mimosa tree was having some issues, like it was growing up at an acute angle. I lifted it slightly, then looked around for a stick or branch that I could prop it up with. Then I noticed people emerging from the thick fog down the road. I didn't know if they were neighbors or what! I started to panic, and I let go of the tree. It flopped all the way over and rested on the ground. I could see where it was severely bent at the trunk, but not damaged (mimosa trees are really flexible.. should have seen that sucker during that last hail storm, I thought I was gonna loose it!). I ran-climbed up an oak tree, trying to focus on the people emerging from the fog. Then I heard my son say "Hey mom, whatcha doing?" Then I looked back at the people, and they were just the neighbors doing yardwork. I got out of the tree and went to the driveway, when Chris suddenly ran at me all hyper like he does, talking a mile an hour. I snapped my fingers and said "AH! Turn around, go back to where you started, and walk toward me slowly, speaking clearly." We had to do this a couple times before he got it right, just like in real life. Then a lady came at me doing the same thing, which also took several tries to get her to shill the fuck out. She looked like that alien in mel's avatar lol. That's all I remember from that one.
      • Then I had had a m-f-ing FA. I can't believe it, I haven't had one of those in ages that at least didn't turn into a brief lucid. Anyway, I got out of bed because Chris wanted his friend Jordan to come over and play. He was already in the living room, playing x-box, and fighting like they always do irl. I pointed at both of them and spoke loudly "If you two do not stop fighting, the x-box turns off, and Jordan goes home." As I said this, the boys cowered and shrunk down to the size of 3-years-olds. before I could even ponder this, my cat Ziggy woke me up irl.

      There were some other tidbits but I forgot them.
    4. July 23 -=Small Fragment=- |Entry No. 1|

      by , 07-24-2012 at 07:44 PM
      Opening Statements
      Now, my journal begins! Though, unfortunatly, it has just occured to me that I am absolutely terrible at recall!
      Which, actually, is why I started this in the first place! So, let's begin.

      Black = Dreaming
      Blue = Aware That I'm Dreaming
      Green = Lucid

      Fragment: I was at my aunts cabin by the lake, sitting with a couple of friends.

      Ending Comments
      Wasn't that just the most detailed thing you've ever read? well yes, that was my first entry, thank you for reading, cheers!
    5. 07/23/12

      by , 07-24-2012 at 07:00 PM (Dreamscapes)
      Went to mothers with bbaron. There were cars that were driving outbox control and I wAs scared for baron. A car blew up and I ran inside. Mother was home. I immediately noticed something was different. I asked her about it and she said everything was normal. I did a nose check like 10 times and was shocked to find out it was a dream. I laughed and kept telling mother that it was a dream. She didn't believe me and I went outside. I started by using telekinesis to push her into a wall. She was amazed. In the back yard I made trees fly out of their root and into the sky. I realized I was destroying too much and I wanted to create. I started making trees grow from the ground. I went next door and went into the neighbors house. Alex's sister was really young again and I left to their back yard. Alex was annoying me so I killed him and started making trees grow out of his body. It was funny to me. He came back to life and attacked me. I worried that all this would wake me up and it did.
    6. The lucid of achievement

      by , 07-24-2012 at 06:37 PM
      (I do not recall doing a RC, in this dream I was simply lucid) the dream begins and I already find myself trying to fly. I close my eyes and begin slowly floating into the air, as I open them I am extremely excited (flight has been a long working goal for me) I turn and float through the air head first. I can feel the cool wind on my face, and the smooth sensation that comes with this mode of flight. I come back to the ground and gracefully land, I am in what appears to be an abandoned carnival, but I do not mind by surroundings, there is Optimus prime and star scream from the movie transformers here, however only about half their suposed size. I try to take off in flight again, this time by forming metal around myself, however it fails and I end up simply jumping. So I try the first way and I succeed, I take off into the air for the second time. I cut swiftly though the air and then I reach a wooden platform suspended in the air high above the ground. Written all over it is wretten "Top Secret, you can not see" ignoring this I just phase through it and teleport to ground, I nope stand nexto a large body of water with a group of people in tubes near me. I leap tward the water and land in a tube. The water is dark in color and the sun will be setting soon. I then see the two transformers from earlier and one says "we are re entering the dream" as a yellow car drives into the water and floats, I hear it speak again "the wheels are indestructible" I look away and back, all of this has vanished. I begin paddling (as the dream fades out I say) "who wants to race me" to the other tubers. Before I try to stabilize be rubbing my hands together. ( the dream ends anyway)
    7. Dragon chasing me and some hero sex.

      by , 07-24-2012 at 04:56 PM (Chard's DJing This Party)
      Flashes of euphoria into ecstasy. Today's dream is about control, as I feel the pleasure in my brain there are sometimes neural offshoots down into my body that if I let get out of hand can wake me up. So I keep them short and sweet, never traversing past my shoulders.

      I'm being chased by something up a giant curved hallway, with a step upward every few paces. I look back and see it's a kind of giant dragon/monster hybrid. I have something on my mind I want to ask, so I wonder out loud "How do we communicate with beings across the universe?" Last time the answer was that there's a special structure within our cells that allows us to do so. This time I am reading through some writing, come to the bottom, and see information on a dragon ring. I stop running and ask the dragon/monster about it, and it shows me a glowing cyan ring it's wearing. After it takes the ring off, the glow stops, but I put the ring on and the glow reappears. I notice the monster is gone, so I try communicating with it through the ring. It works!

      I am gliding along a path in between 2 forests, with a clearing between the path and the forests. I am looking for T. I see her just ahead, but notice there are trees set up around her like bowling pins, and between me and those trees are giant bowling balls that could roll down and crush her if I'm not careful. I figure this is a way for the dream to test my level of control. I slow way down, gliding around the bowling balls. I walk around to the back of the trees, hook the one that's blocking her escape and pull it down, then invite her to walk out. She does and we head off down the path. We stop and get down and dirty. She's wearing a blue dress with a yellow skirt. I pull up the frills of her skirt to see she's wearing panties. I pull those off to the side, then have some middle-of-the-forest hero sex with her. I reach climax (only in the dream), then the dream ends.

      There was a bunch more to this dream I wasn't able to recall.
    8. my future and anime?

      by , 07-24-2012 at 04:46 PM (The Dreamer)
      i walked into a room with floating dimonds i steped on each one and walked to the center then it was like a boss fighttwo huge eyes appeard and my sword from my room in waking life appeared in my hand and i knew i was dreaming but the only thing i could control was my voice so i beat the boss by stabbing its eyes and then he turned into a man with a black coat and gave me a black cb pokemon game i threw it back and he said wheres the (i think it was AS or AG) on your tonge i said what then he tried to cut my hand but i wouldnt bleed he said your the dreamer the one who comes every night you are the hero of this world then the scene changed and two anime girls where fighting on the air in a city but the one girl won then another sene change happen and another anime girl was fighting the one that won and she beat her to and she bursted in the room and said wheres quinton then i woke up shocked at how the dream characters where acting.
      memorable , lucid
    9. Secret hero

      by , 07-24-2012 at 04:17 PM
      Im in this church and there planing somthing for me im sopost to go on a mission for them .get this girl somwhere. so I go outside and start to run at this girl I jump and tackle her in the air I hold on to her and fly us into the air I fly realy fast and some how now where to go we get to the party and I think about how to land I stop in the air and hover then just drop and land on my legs I set the girl down and she fixes her dress.

      I take off again and start to glide like fly around then I start to run in the air like im on a invisible platform I see some drunk DC out the corner of my eye and there yelling at me and saying he proubly thinks he god we should shoot him I fly faster im fly back to my house I live in a apartment I feel like people would come after me if they new were I live
      Tags: flying, girl
    10. 13th lucid

      by , 07-24-2012 at 04:05 PM (Just the lucids)
      -WBTB WILD

      Happened after only like 3 hours of sleep so I was really tired. Vibrations came in like 30 seconds But weren't very strong. But when they went away, I could just tell that I was dreaming. I got up and did a couple nose plug RC's. My nose was sort of stuffy but It worked. I was in my bedroom as always and I flew like superman down my hallway to my living room. My dogs jumped off of my couch and ran to me to say hello as they do every morning. It felt so real to pet and hug them For some reason I thought it would be funny to take one of my dogs flying, so I picked him up and tried jumping to take off but he was pretty heavy and I had to put him down and it wouldn't work. I walked back to my bedroom to see if I would see myself sleeping there, but my bed was empty. I jumped on it and took off flying out my window.I landed on my neighbors garage roof and noticed that there were orange autumn leaves on the roof so it wasn't summer. Shortly after I lost focus and it went to a non lucid about halloween :p probably because I knew it was autumn
    11. Really long dream O__o

      by , 07-24-2012 at 03:43 PM (Dimension X)
      Ok this is probably one of the longest dreams I've ever had... So all I remember is that I was in this parking lot, and there were a few people around me and I had a cell phone in my hand, which is weird because I don't actually have one. Then I was in a convenience store looking for something. I remember at some point in the dream I had randomly gotten $40. So I was looking for something to buy I guess. Then I remember the convenience store somehow turning into a full-blown grocery store. So I went further inside and I remember the things I got. I bought only 2 things, or at least 2 that I remember. A box of Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookies, and a can of Chef Boyardee ravioli. Apparently it was the last can of ravioli too... The inside of the store itself was bright white and the shelves were shorter than regular ones. So I was taller than them. Some of the items were open, and their contents spilled, too. That's all I remember... It was probably one of the longest dreams I've had, but what I find weird is that I was only semi-lucid. I knew I was in the dream, but I still went along with the "story".
      I've had quite a lot of dreams where I'm in a store or somewhere public. And in all those dreams, it appears as though the main focus is always to get home. O_o
    12. Day 1: Hyperdimensional Tentacled Alien Reality Factory, New Phantasy Star Dungeons, Karaoke Game

      by , 07-24-2012 at 03:40 PM
      Supplement Dose: 10 mg Melatonin, 50 mg Zinc, 250 mg Choline, 100 mg Vitamin B6

      #1 - Hyperdimensional Tentacled Alien Reality Factory [Non-Lucid]

      This dream was fairly long if I remember correctly, but as it was early in the night and has a significant ending I've forgotten much of the beginning. My old friend D and I were back at our middle school, though we were still our same ages as now and didn't seem to think much of it. We got in my car, which was parked right in front of the school (in the parking lot), and we drove probably less than 100 feet, parked in a different spot, and got out and started walking back to my house instead. The park in between the school and my house seemed odd; the layouts of everything were arranged incorrectly and there was a ridiculous amount of very confusing construction going on. It seemed that in every direction there were lines of constantly moving shapes and out-of-place colors and textures (which is kind of hard to describe). The trees in the forest also took a very different path than they actually do. Of course none of this tipped me off to anything, I just turned to D and said something along the lines of "Wait, why are we walking? We could just go back to the car and drive there." We went back and got in and slowly got on the road in line with the other constantly-moving vehicles, though we had to drive on the sidewalk over lots of construction to do it, and we became part of the Escheresque conveyer belt just like everything else. As we approached the area where there was normally a bridge that crosses through the foresty part of the park, instead we were carried (because the road dropped, so we were more like floating now but it was more of a telekinetic pulling sensation) through what I can really only describe as some kind of yellowish-beige hyperdimensional caverns that also appeared to be some sort of fantasy town filled with enormous (like, their heads were bigger than my car) tentacled but vaguely humanoid alien monsters that emitted an aura of being some kind of hyperspatial entities with various astral powers. As we were pulled further into this it became clear that all of this was actually just part of a gigantic plane of perception that existed as a singular object which was simply modifying its own structure but was still just one thing.... And then my recall fades out and soon I woke up. X)

      #2 - New Phantasy Star Dungeons [Non-Lucid]

      I was hanging out with N, R, and J, and R and J had been playing Phantasy Star Universe apparently and N was showing me how we could use our PSPs to connect our Phantasy Star Online (which is not even a PSP game) files to their Universe files and together we could all play on brand new maps, including an insanely detailed forest where we fought a boss that I can't remember now, and sort of a Star Ocean-like medieval town that was in a circular shape and caved in to a sewage drain in the middle where we battled some kind huge red robot monster that was designed to have these really curvy claws and body structures.... Also hard to describe, but I thought it looked cool. >w< However, R and J had passed out for most of it, and N was slipping in and out of consciousness, so for the most part it was either him and I or just me playing. Near the end, N commented about how we need to "slow down on the rum" for some reason, but then I woke up.

      Dream Fragment - I don't think this dream ever fully formed, it really was a legitimate framgent. What I do remember is that I'm pretty sure Linkzelda was there and we were talking about schizophrenia, and I vaguely recall either putting on or already wearing a two-piece bathing suit that releases dopamine, which sounds insanely awesome. XD

      #3 - Karaoke Game [Non-Lucid]

      My cousin K and some friend of hers had left a karaoke game at my house and I played it with her friend since K had already left I suppose, but I didn't really know any of the few songs they had already unlocked so I wasn't doing very well. Later the girl just kind of vanished and I went to turn off the game, originally thinking it was in my GameCube but then realizing that it actually had its own system set up next to it. I looked through the menus a bit more and noticed that it was a Disney game and the characters were all kids and moms. I specifically remember seeing a little boy based on Mickey and a tall, completely black-and-shiny-skinned voluptuous woman based on Minnie. o.o I turned the game off and wandered into the kitchen and started getting really nauseous for some reason. I looked at the clock and noticed that it was almost 11:30 AM, and I thought to myself that it must be because of all the dream aids I took. () I went to grab a cookie to eat to try to make the nausea pass, but then I woke up, thankfully not nauseous for real.

      Spoiler for Reflections:

      Updated 07-24-2012 at 07:11 PM by 50803

      non-lucid , memorable
      Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Spheres of Influence-tentaclealiens.jpg  
    13. Recent LDs (Notes)

      by , 07-24-2012 at 03:17 PM
      I have had 5 LDs in the last month or two that I haven't recorded. Not sure why I have been so lazy in getting them written up. For now I will start with a some key words to make it easier to come back and write them up.

      LD#1: Jeff falling, flying in canyon

      LD#2: Flying

      LD#3: Falling back off roof, sex, closet

      LD#4: Asking questions, kissing

      LD#5: Fish, question, flying over London, red canyons, break machine, girl/guy, sick
    14. LD: Flying fish, flying, jumping rooftops

      by , 07-24-2012 at 03:14 PM
      I had another LD a few days ago.

      I was in a room with all these fish tanks. I noticed a tank sitting on what seemed like my bed, the water and fish were spilling out becasue it wasn't level. I scrambled to pick up all the fish I could find.

      The dream went on like this for a while. I kept trying to pick up fish that had jumped or spilled out of their tanks. At one point I reached my hand in a smal tank with baby fish. They all started sticking to my hand like little leaches. i tried to get them off and back into the water, but some of them smeared. It was stressful.

      I also remember picking up a dogfaced pufferfish off the floor. I remembered thining that it was odd that I had a pufferfish since they were salt water fish and I had only fresh water tanks.

      And then I noticed all the fish "swimming" in the air.

      This was the thing that finally made my question my state. It only took a second to realize that this was a dream. Of course at that point I wondered why it took so long to figure it out.

      Suddenly I was with Carl so I took him flying. I noticed how vivid the wind and motion of flying felt. We were at my grandparents house. I also wanted to jump from rooftop to rooftop like I had in the past, but I didn't have very good luck. I remember flying towards my grandparent's neighbors roof, but I don't think I got to any other roofs. I'll have to keep trying that one. When I did it in the past it was so exhilerating...possibly better than flying.
    15. Battlefield, Road Trip

      by , 07-24-2012 at 02:35 PM (Dream Trek)
      These are dreams from recently that I have just recalled...

      First dream, I am in an apartment complex somewhere in the middle east, and there is battle all around us. I'm armed with an assault rifle and I'm with 2 or 3 other men who are also armed. We are hiding in the outside stairwells of the apartment building while helicopters patrol the city and other soldiers engage in firefights all around us. Our goal is to hide somewhere while the fighting dies down, because our side is losing.
      I don't know how I got there, but I didn't know I was dreaming, so I was freaking out for my life... We were hiding in the shadows, when a helicopter pulled up around the other side of the building... I could have sworn that it saw us... But apparently it did not. So me and the other men ran downstairs and busted into a room in the building on the bottom floor. It appeared to be a small school house, with a teacher and a bunch of students of various ages. There were about 4 book shelves in the room, with old books. It was obviously a very poor school house. There were windows lining both of the outside walls(the building was on the bottom floor, on the corner).

      I was thinking to myself: How do they live like this... Knowing that any day bullets could come flying through the windows, they could be bombed... Whatever... What a scary way to live... All I wanted was to get the hell out of this wretched place... It was plagued with war - gunshots were always heard in the background, and you never want to go outside for fear that you'd walk into the middle of a fire fight.

      Road Trip:

      I was riding down a high way with my dad, and I remember two sights that were pretty bad-ass. The first was a dirt road that seemed to connect two highways together... What was so peculiar about it was that the entire area was totally flat. except for this dirt road, which was EXTREMELY high... Like 150 yards tall, and so steep it seemed it would be impossible to drive down it, let alone UP it.

      The second sight was a bad-ass futuristic hotel that consisted of dozens of tall and skinny towers, with a series of balcony/staircases on it. As soon as my dad saw them, he turned the truck around and we went to stay there. Then I woke up