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    1. Stealing Art (vitamin b6)

      by , 03-05-2014 at 06:52 AM
      *First night taking vitamins before sleep*

      I remember me and my family (my dad, my mom, and my bother)(also my mom and dad were divorced so this was weird) just casually walked into an art museum at around 2-4 am (guessing by car activity and how dark it was) there was no alarms and it wasnt locked. We were gong to rob some painting but we saw this piece of paper on a pedestal in the middle of the hallway aprox. 15 feet from the entrance. The moonlight seemed to gleam on it. We went to get a closer look at it and we saw it had some kind of "lunar dust". Moonlight shined out of the dust and into the night through the window above. For some reason we fell asleep on chairs we pulled around it and we woke up about 2 hours later from the loud noise of a car door getting slammed out side. I remember running to the right of the main entrance to an other room on the right and out the fire escape . (the fire escape was more of a door to a gas station and also the parking lot was a small lot in front of the museum and it looked just like a gas station lot with the gas pumps and the roof) One of my parents grabbed the paper with the dust and some how we all got in the car and went *somewhere?* (can remember where actually ) The dream soon ended but i remember it being really vivid and it felt like i was actually there.
    2. Almost nightmare

      , 03-05-2014 at 06:21 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      3.4.13 Tuesday

      Today, I got up at 5am, instead of 6am, by accident. Took a shower before I realized that.

      Fell asleep on sofa in the afternoon and at 6:30 decided to take it to bed.

      I'm watching a documentary. They are investigating this deep lake somewhere in former yugoslavia. The movie is black & white. Shot from a perspective from bottom of the lake. It has another unique features, which is steep walls. I see a hammer drop on the bottom and kick up some silt.

      Dream is about to a nightmare, I can feel it. When mercyful boop of skype wakes me up. OH, and I'm sleeping on my back, which I realized when waking up.

      There was something else in a dream.
    3. March 04, 2014 non-lucid #50

      by , 03-05-2014 at 03:16 AM (A Dreamer's Dreams)
      *note to self: write full dream down. The dream was very long but I lost some of the details.

      -I do remember that I found this girl that was a nerd for mathematics. I really liked her.
    4. Stealing & Escape

      by , 03-04-2014 at 10:22 PM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      1. Me and Rane steal a treadmill from a storage unit full of them, because, “she [owner] will never notice, she has so many of them”. I’m initially worried but then realize the truth of that statement.

      Inspiration: (Nearly) stole an elliptical in a previous dream. Storage unit from a memory palace trigger plus a different dream. I think that because I don’t know a whole lot of people I see regularly, my sister kind of stands in. I’ve been trying to increase the faces in my ‘database’ lately though.

      2. I’m trying to escape a room I’m locked up in. The room is kind of messy with things scattered around. I’d already tried the windows in the main room but they were locked securely, so I went to another smaller room and took off all the coverings on the window to open it.

      I went back to the other room and started shoving things into a sack, including a few long-sleeved things and two of my pajama pants IWL (one with moons and stars, another with clouds).

      I went out the window, and there was a wooden porch, but there was a gap to get to the ground. As well, there was some kind of torch system going at intervals, and the only way to get down was to go around it, and risk getting burned. Plus the railing was thin, so I had to balance carefully.

      I carefully climbed around and tried to pass the fire when it was off, but it came back on and the heat of the flames burned my left thigh. It was intense but not a strong burning sensation. I hurried on and jumped down to the ground, where I saw some water trickling out of a gutter or something. I turned from it and let it hit my thigh. It was cold.

      Back at the house, some time seems to have passed since I escaped. A woman says to a man that it’s all his fault I left. It kind of felt like they were supposed to be my parents. Then I see a scene the man had set up. There was a small bag (think tea bag) labeled ‘Marijuana’ and a paper that had “Do it” written on it. He was trying to set the woman up for something.

      Inspirations: May be symbolic for how I feel about wanting to ‘escape’ my current lifestyle but can’t because I’m dependant on my parents. Also, I had a déjà-vu like feeling and remembered another dream like this where I was trying to escape a room out a window. The déjà-vu feelings tend to come on pretty intensely the more I work on my recall, but lately the feeling comes because I recall similar dreams. The porch felt like my grandma’s back porch despite the differences, in which case her house is one of my memory palaces and is a dream sign. Marijuana probably comes from the trigger ‘meth’ in my dream palace.
    5. 4-3-2014 ...And suddenly I had a monk's handwriting

      by , 03-04-2014 at 09:20 PM
      I was using a paintbrush with black paint to write something on a wall. Instead of my usual handwriting however, I actually wrote in a really neat and fancy style. When I noticed this I was quite surprised as one might expect, and my mother appeared and seemed impressed and asked me how I did it, to which I answered that I honestly had no idea. I wrote two sentences, of which the first had turned into some kind of cubic wood carving and the second sentence stayed in the wall the way I wrote it. They both dissapeared and I tried to do it again but only succeeded in creating the first sentence, which turned into a wood carving again. I decided I'd give that carving to my mother as a gift but when I took it from the wall it melted completely within a second. I tried to create another but didn't succeed before the dream ended.
    6. Important SC Reminder + Awesomely Vivid DILD, Scarlett-esque DC

      by , 03-04-2014 at 09:02 PM
      I feel like this earlier dream was an important reminder (from my subconscious I assume) to let the family of the deceased know that they are still in our thoughts and prayers(done this morning!). The deceased died very unexpectedly and way too young! In it I dreamed of M from A again, along with G who died almost 5 years ago this month (I think he was memorialized in dream the night before (foggy memory night before) that also had M from A for sure and who ties in closely with G). Yesterday it seemed like his name might have memorialized on jerseys which were green and blue. Tonight it was a memorial in a grassy hilly area and M gave me a State tie pin that was supposed to be connected to G.

      DILD: there is a party with family there and quite a few unknown people, quite crowded in some version of M Blvd but not really, perhaps my childhood home had some elements here as well. Someone says hey that sounds like a baby, do you hear that? I look around and I also then hear the crying and look down over my left shoulder and see very small baby newborn in a carrier on the ground. I go to pick up the baby with a big smile and very happy but then I realize that this baby showed up out of the blue and that I am definitely dreaming. I think of DutchRaptor-style tests of lucidity level and think to myself, since I am dreaming I have no problem dropping this baby back to the ground (from about 2 feet up) and I did so but it felt awkward and wrong before reminding myself...hey it's just a dream, move on. I think of the basic TOTM and I walk over from the living room to the kitchen and ask a female DC what her middle name is, there is a delay and I say nicely, I just need a name, your middle name. She says what sounds like "Frando." Then I am feeling a bit frisky and go around the house looking for an attractive DC passing my brother in law (one who moved about 1 year ago) and mother in law in a family room type area behind the kitchen and to the right of that my son is half awake on a bed in an odd spot in the open asking me what I am doing but I just keep going. I circle back around to the kitchen and two of my son's college age friends are there and I think, why not. I start kissing one after some flirtation and she gets a little too tongue-y for my taste and the other friend joins in kissing me as well...it becomes a little odd (too much tongue) and I fly up and out of the house. Looking at the night sky I think of the Bonus TOTM, alien abduction. I decide I will call out for them to come and get me but my voice doesn't come out right and it is garbled and I think that I was just talking to the DC with the middle name after becoming lucid, perhaps my SC doesn't want me to call out for aliens?? I think what the heck and I try again and I can talk clearly: "Aliens, come and get me" as I am floating maybe 200 feet up. I see a orangish-red circular coloration in the sky with a smaller circle in the middle but definitely not a ship, more like an aurora and nothing is happening so I say it again and then move on. I fly back down over a country-like neighborhood with maybe 4 houses including the one I came out of with the party. There is lots of space and land in-between and green rolling hills lit up in what looks like moon-light though I hadn't seen a moon so far. Out in front of one of the homes up and to the left from my downward view I see a woman in a long flowing gown with a young child just behind her and I swoop down. We talk and there is an obvious connection between us, I tell her that she is very beautiful. She looks a little like Scarlett Johansson (who I have been incubating an image of) but her cheeks are less pronounced and her nose more narrow. She grabs my hand and says, let me show you to your room. I say that I would like to stay with her and she says "but I have the kids (two) to look after" and I say that I can help her look after them but first I lean in for a kiss and we have a passionate kiss and I am so enthralled by the realism. I can hardly believe this is only a dream. She is so beautiful, she is so natural and not the least bit mindless and as we start to get on towards more sexual activity there in the moonlit grass I return to bed and I can tell that I am fully awake and there is no going back in but I am smiling from ear to ear, very enthralled. Perhaps this was my SC giving me a "true love" DC related to last months TOTM.

      A little different:
      Awareness work type: retracing my steps (&looking at myself from the outside)
      Pre bed: quick review of recent dream signs: stars, tram/variation, my fam, ex's
      wbtb: none planned but trouble sleeping around 6.5 hours(odd cycle, REM rebound?)
    7. Updating the DJ

      by , 03-04-2014 at 07:13 PM (Lunar Chronicles)
      Day 1
      I was playing a dota 2dgl game. My team picked bloodseeker mid for me. The game went very badly and we lost the game by far. I was in the bottom lane when we failed to finish an easy kill. Shortly after the, the game ended and i told the captain to pick me a 'proper mid' for the next game. While he drafted game 2 i opened a web browser and went on to DV to search for info on lucid dreaming, although a few things were unusual i didnt become lucid.

      Later i was at school with my friends and we decided to chase L down. I was shouting poetry while we chased after him and i had the intention to swipe him with plus 1 spell damage. He managed to escape to the public and i woke up.

      Day 2
      I emerged from a cave with lissa. We looked up towards the palace and saw that the people were still sick and dying of hunger. I guided her up the mountain and towards the palace. Near the palace there was a 100m high stack of cold drinks in 2l bottles. I climbed to the top and pushed the crates over so they fell to the ground. Instantly people started coming to get the drinks. I moved on to the fridge and saw many Tupperwares of cold stew. I removed the stew from the fridge and gave it to the people as I knew they needed it to survive. I led the princess back down the hill yo safety after curing the people. I felt anxious to help the people throughout the dream.

      Now suddenly I was in my car driving along the highway towards Pretoria. I was worried as it was my first time on the highway and I wasn't sure where I was going. After anxious about whethDr I found the right turnoff I found the place I was looking for. It looked like a bus station.but seemed to be an admin building. I walked up the stairs for ages until I.found.what i was looking for. It led me back to the bottom of the building and I asked someone where I.needed to go. They laughed and gave me a code I didn't know how to follow up on. Lawrence backwards was the name of my turnoff.

      I was on a train with my friends and I was called to the front. It seemed that Nikkei found out my matrix documents were not valid. My matric photo had a picture of me with my friends smoking bubbly in the background. She demanded that I rewrite the while thing and bring it back. I went back to my friends and rewrote it. They were all talking about stuff and my varsity friends.showed a video of their neknominations.

      After that I remember some people in the grade above me doing a nomination in a bar. They each took a sip of their beers and chose who they nominated. Something strange happened after that.

      Day 3
      Dream 1

      I was in my house in the lapa outside. I was having a lan with my friend J. My old friend Jas brother was also there with a friend having a lan. On the first day we let them have the comfortable table and we used a makeshift one. We played PC all day and then the following day we were going to swap tables. The next day the younger guys wanted to keep the big table and didn't want to swap. I walked inside the house and saw a man that I didn't really know. I ignored the man and walked into the dining room to grab a towel or sheet we were going to use at the lan. When I got back the other guys still didn't want to let us lan On the big table. I lost my temper and walked up the one guy and said" I remember hanging out with you when you were younger and you were pretty cool but now all you do is whine and act like a little brat. Then I turned around to the other guy and said something else. He got angry back at me so turned around and told him to hit me. After he hit me I told him to hit me again. He hit me on the cheek 3 times, each time softer than the last time. After the third hit, I turned around and punched him in the face. As he turned back towards me I hit him hard in the face again. I thought my point was proven so I walked over to my friend and we started to set up our PCs on the table. The other 2 didn't say much after that.

      Dream 2

      I was sitting in a classroom that was located in my junior school. The classroom was far darker than I expected. The teacher was a tall male with dark hair and blue eyes. I was sitting against the side window one row from the back. In front of we was a boy I didn't know and behind me was a girl called Symone. To the right of me there was a girl I knew from school but I don't remember knowing exactly who it was. The teacher caught us a lesson about computers. He drew a bit on the board and spone a lot. My phone was low on battery so I passed it to the girl behind me and asked her to plug it in. She plugged it in but it never seemed to charge very fast. Halfway through the lesson she left. I kept on checking on my phone and decided it wasn't charging fast enough so I handed it to the guy in front of me. The plug kept on changing from a 2 prong to a 3 prong. He eventually plugged it in but it didn't charge any faster. The teacher was asking everyone questions and eventually he asked my if it would be a good idea to buy a laptop that has no internet or memory because it's 30% off. I said it wasn't a good idea unless it was reduced more. He disagreed and said it should he decreased less. For the rest of the lesson I just watched and waited for my phone to charge until eventually I woke up.

      Updated 03-04-2014 at 07:16 PM by 34000

    8. 3/4/2014

      by , 03-04-2014 at 06:57 PM
      hit golf balls off of bridge, one was super curvy.

      was chasing dinasours in a jungle biome

      was exploring a sand dome with restaruants in it, 8 of em
    9. Married to my dog

      by , 03-04-2014 at 06:43 PM
      I am unhappily married to my dog. We're sitting in the couch watching a movie as I begin plotting the divorce. I'm not sure how to do it without hurting her feelings or causing conflict in my family.
      She jumps down from the coach and walks away in her green coat. What have I gotten myself into?

      I wake up.

      Updated 03-04-2014 at 08:35 PM by 68198

      Tags: dog, marriage
      non-lucid , nightmare
    10. Dreams for 2/28

      by , 03-04-2014 at 05:08 PM
      I was in an apocalyptic world and went through a tunnel and met this individual. We went around inside the tunnel and collected different items as it was just filled with different stalls that had dishes’s food and other various items. I grabbed a few bananas that were going bad soon as they were getting very brown. I went further and met my partner and was like did you grab any fruit I got a few bananas he was like oh yes I got a lot of those as well. He shows me our bag and there is perfectly ripped bananas. I say oh nice! Let me put these back then as I quickly put the bananas I had onto a table.

      I was outside of a home but it seemed and felt like it was mine. I walked around and decided to go to some bodies else’s house. As I got there they asked me to watch some stuff so I did and just walked around their house. The trees were scattered around as the house was in the middle of a forest. The house itself was a brown and light brown/cream color. I walked through a Zen garden looking at how beautiful it was. I walked back upfront and the people were back and said that they were going to be having dinner soon with some guests and that I was welcome to join them. I started to make a meatball pastry but it had no meat. I made several kinds that were very weird. There was a Sulfur, a peppemermint, a normal, and last but not least a vanilla one flavored pastry. Nob I brought over some ceaser salad to a gentlemen that was complaining that there was no dressing and put the bowl of salad into some pasta that he was trying to serve himself and said here is your dressing all over the salad.

      I was in a rocky mountain area and a lady was running about. I tried to talk with her but she wouldn’t listen and she would just keep running around. I would then think to myself am I dreaming? So I would do an RC but while doing the RC I woke myself up and ended up doing it in waking life making them fail. I did that several times but each time I was at least able to WILD back into the previous dream. After about 3 attempts at doing RC’s I gave up and woke up as the same outcome kept happening.
    11. Spontaneous Lucid With Stupid Problem

      by , 03-04-2014 at 05:04 PM
      Was wondering, if I journal this - but then.
      Such a stupid thing - I got spontaneously lucid just because it felt dreamy.
      So I started looking around - tried to tell somebody, I would be dreaming, but again - he was a bit away and I raised my voice - well - tried to raise it - nothing came out.
      Then it was tree-hugging and feeling - and my embarrassing problem from some weeks back again - I had an enormous urge to pee.
      I was even lucid enough to remember, how this ended up last time - but it just didn't help - so I woke myself up - and yes - again I didn't actually need to go.
      Made me really angry to find that out.

      I've read some reports of strange things happening, as if one's unconscious mind wanted to get one out of lucidity.
      I really hope, this is not my uncon's new trick on me.
      It was like - stop the car and search the bushes urgent.

      Now - I could of course have searched the bushes in my dream - but again - was lucid enough to worry about real life consequences.
      Maybe I should ask around, if something like this really happens - probably not - I've done it before.
      But that I didn't remember.

      Only good thing was this direct realization - no RCs, no dream-sign - just like that.
      Well yeah - and a minute only - baaah.

      Otherwise I was dreaming very enjoyably in my non-lucids - seems the mere prospect of the comp. does something to me already.
    12. The Old Man and his Various Musical Instruments

      by , 03-04-2014 at 04:34 PM
      Morning of March 4, 2014. Tuesday.

      I am at the airport in Brisbane, I believe. The seats are far more comfortable, almost like couches. My wife is with me. Our children may be there but not immediately present.

      A man of about seventy-five years of age is there and he somehow has all kinds of musical instruments in various locations around the area, most of them guitar-like. He does not play much at first, but I enjoy seeing the various items. Some are in a case, others on their own. He seems very friendly, but I do not know who he is.

      One of the instruments is a three-string bass (electric, I think). Another is never taken out of the soft case but may be a miniature violin (about half the size of one in real life) and I ask him about it and the answer seems to be yes. There are a couple music books which have very simple tunes, possibly melody lines only, for folk music.

      Later on, I am on another seat in a perpendicular location from the first but probably not that far away from the other location. It is probably aligned east/west, with the back to the north. We talk about different types of guitars and experiences with them. I play a brief, random “song” on one which seems to have seven strings instead of six - playing mostly one note per beat but three on one beat, which seems somewhat discordant. I also note that there are letters to indicate tuning on one, which appears to have too large a gap in the mid-range area, although it may create interesting chords or be made that way as a real-time EQ “notch” for other instruments that fit that range. (This would be more viable for anything other than a guitar, I should think, such as a flute or especially a recorder. Two recorders playing at the same basic pitch, for example, make absolutely horrid dynamics - similar to when two people sustain a loud whistle at the same pitch on each side of you and a very unpleasant swirling “roaring” is heard in the middle of your head.)

      There is a point where he has some sort of small accordion or concertina but, for quite some time, plays only the bass side (roots only) as a melody, yet it sounds beautiful and orchestral, almost like a brass band. He plays about three longer songs like this. I ask him if he has seen or heard the bass setting where a very high note is added to the bass root which gives a very intriguing sound to the overall song (when the full chords are played on the bass side) and he acknowledges this fact. I tell him about my father and the number of popular waltzes and polkas he wrote. The old man smiles but does not seem as interested in waltzes (or one-two-three) as straight one-two patterns as found in almost all modern music, other than songs like “Top of the World” by Plant P (Tony Carey), which is a breathtaking waltz mostly on synths, yet almost 1700s ballroom-like and epic, one of my favorite recordings of all time.

      Later, he lets me hold a very large guitar, apparently acoustic, and also very old. It is of a very unusual design. The entire neck is deeply indented almost like a series of enclosed backgammon sections (relating to each otherwise implied fret wire, which in this case is actually a higher “wall” for each note range change) all the way to the body. The neck is also too wide to play chords with the left hand. This poses two problems. In addition, I do not see how you could play a chord unless pressing more down over one side of the “wall” from the top and while mostly on the lap (rather than a real chord position grip), but it would not seem to possess the same dynamics at all, as a proper ridge/fret wire would create. I ask him about this, but he seems to know how to play it efficiently, but does not actually demonstrate.

      In a very loose association, my mind starts connecting the seeming backgammon wells series on the weird fretboard of the guitar. There is also the hopscotch reference again. Somehow the idea is triggered by the guitar’s double markers on the twelfth fret and how sections change from one square to two side-by-side squares as in the hopscotch court. At one point, the older man appears to pass out from a medical problem, but recovers and seems to be okay. The people he is with make comments on his declining health due to his age, but he seems to be doing okay thus far and I believe even has a concert to go to in another country.

      In an additional dream, I am in a kitchen. I think it is our present kitchen, although I sense the orientation is exactly perpendicular to how it really is. This has extreme vividness and clarity for the most part other than not fully grasping a prop to my right at first. I am not certain if it is a cylindrical pencil holder or if it is holding asparagus stalks. It is probably the latter as I cannot see a reason for having a pencil holder that close to the sink. While thinking on that, I move to wash a muffin tray with twelve wells. This is the second time in two consecutive nights that I have focused on the possibly important meaning of an array (the other was eighteen “wells” or facets).

      The muffin tin ends up exactly covering the bottom of the sink in a fairly snug and even fashion, though I am able to retrieve it by gripping with fingers in two wells (something similar had happened in real life years ago). I soon notice that the perfectly round and reflective drain is really large (it actually changes size, it seems, getting bigger a few times), up to almost eighty percent of the sink’s bottom in area. It seems to imply bottomlessness or at least a very distant point down into what is somewhat like a “light at the end of the tunnel” kind of presentation. There is a golden glow from way down below. A silvery light also encircles the implied route down in various swirling events. It is actually so large that there is a thought that I could go headfirst into it (yet not in a threatening or dangerous way), but do not, and there is no stronger vertigo, just a sense that I am very close to the portal between “here” and the space of “all light”. Although “down the drain” has a negative connotation, this is actually quite the opposite in what is sensed and felt about the potential portal into universality. It vaguely reminds me of a previous dream where vivid whale-song was emerging from the drain as the water in the sink was moving in a spiral somewhat - with a very blissful awareness.

      Updated 06-16-2015 at 07:51 AM by 1390 (Enhancement)

    13. take a walk

      by , 03-04-2014 at 03:27 PM
      1sy off i was in a store with hayllez i think.. we were browsing and i broke this green balloon. i trie to act liike i didnt break it but the store keeper caught me and he was all upset.

      then ssomething weird happened. the store turned into this ware house of sorts and some evil team showed up and started taking over the bodies of all the employees. they tried to take over my body but i jumped out a window. then i started running around the city like a crazy person...i was naked and dodging through traffic, people kept playing TAKE a walk by passsion pit which i enjoyed.

      finally i made eit to this abandoned hotel in San Fran where this cop and a few kids were hanging out in a jacoozie. i began explaining the story to everyone
    14. So Close!

      by , 03-04-2014 at 03:14 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Two Nights Ago

      I have been put in prison. The prison is really strange, each inmate gets a very small cell about four feet wide by four feet deep by eight feet tall. They are chained to the floor and the bars of the cell... well there are no bars its more like a wire weave from a chain link fence.
      I arrive at the prison late in the day. Some of the other prisoners are giving me dirty looks. I simply decide that maybe I can just lay down on the floor of my cell and lucid dream. I lay down and begin thinking my MILD mantra to myself.
      After a minute or two, I notice that I am having difficulty falling asleep. I begin to think about why I am in prison and I cannot recall.[/COLOR] Wait a second, I am already dreaming!
      False awakening. Into my own room, and it's time to go to school. I get up and change out of my pajamas and into school clothes. I then notice that I am late for school. Wait... I am never late for school! I am still dreaming!
      And I wake up.

      Last Night

      I am trying on different pairs of sunglasses. They are all very ugly.

      Somebody's house burned down while they were cooking broccoli for dinner. I think it was a family of four. After the fire was put out the fire department took them to the fire station. The family complained that they were hungry and the fire department got some pop-tarts out of their locker. The mom (who was some kind of dietician) demanded that the fireman who was serving them bring them broccoli. So he went to the grocery store and bought a vegetable tray for the family.

      Superhero Prison Break (Groggy Lucid)

      I am outside a prison or industrial compound location. It is nighttime and snowing heavily. There is a large chain-link fence around the perimeter of the compound with light posts every 10 meters or so. Beyond the fence it goes to woodland.
      I am hiding in the woods. Superman, Batman and Wonder woman are with me, and for some reason, we are preparing to break into the prison to rescue someone. Also, something about this situation seems familiar,
      like I might have had a dream about this setup before. And I feel like last time the heroes betrayed me and tried to use a sedative on me and then lock me in the prison.
      Just at that moment, Superman tries to grab me from behind. I flip him over me and slam him into the ground. (Guess I have superpowers too.) Batman throws batarangs at me and I blast them out of the air with little fireballs.
      Wonderwoman traps me with her lasso. Superman comes in front of me holding the sedation needle in front of my face.

      Then for just this moment, I become lucid. And boy did I think quick and clever...
      FUS RO DAH!

      Superman goes flying back into one of the light posts on the perimeter of the prison. When he hits it, it bends and partially tips over. The lights flash out on that post. Also, he loses the sedation needle in the snow.
      Batman compliments me on my quick thinking and states that he has changed his mind. He wants me to be a part of this team.
      I hear alarms in the prison. Guards start rushing out to get us and me and the other superheores set aside the fight and retreat.

      Updated 08-12-2014 at 02:52 AM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment
    15. spiders

      by , 03-04-2014 at 02:50 PM
      All I remember from my last dream is spiders coming out of my face. I have no recall of dreams sinnce then. that was weeks ago.