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    1. Collossus

      by , 07-01-2012 at 10:05 PM (Dream Trek)
      In last night's dream, I was in a ruined city with no people, but towering buildings that were rotting away. It looked similar to Prypiat, the city near the Chernobyl power plant. The difference was that the towers were closer together and the cars were still brand new.

      I was on the run from some HUGE monsters, that were as tall as a football field is long. Therew were two of them, and they were covered in thick brown fur from their heads, which I couldn't see, to their elephant style feet.

      I had a sound meter in my line of vision, and if I made too much noise or got noticed, the bar would go up. At first, the monsters were chasing the hell out of me, but I eventually mastered stealth, and managed to run to the other side of the city... My original goal when I got there was to use my spear to destroy an SUV, because apparently destroying their cars kills them?

      But I didn't... I jumped into a parking lot with tons of parked cars, and I lied down next to a car, opened the door, and slipped into it.

      "Good... Tinted windows... I'll be safe and unseen here. Just hope these monsters don't crush cars for fun." It started getting hot in the car... I couldn't roll the windows down - SHIT.

      Then suddenly some girl JO gets in the drivers seat and scares the hell out of me. She's like "Wazzaaah, ain't seen you in forever!" And I'm all like "SHUT UP THERE'S MONSTERS OUT THERE"... And she's like "Wazzaaahhh!!!!" And turns the car on, rolls down the windows, etc...

      I'm like... NOOOOOOOOO!!!

      She looks at me and passes me some weed... ktb

      It was exciting, yes... But I focused on convincing her about the monsters and why she should turn the car off and roll up the windows before they come around the corner...

      And then I woke up.

      Updated 07-04-2012 at 03:56 AM by 54417

    2. Road trip

      by , 07-01-2012 at 09:48 PM
      I find myself driving around in my car trying to get to work, but every time I turn I end up on a road in a different part of town or another state completely. As I'm driving I notice that every time I hit the brakes they take a long time to take effect and I end up sliding around through intersections but still going pretty slow. After doing this for a while I find myself in the back seat of my car and my father is giving me a ride to my school. As we're going down the highway we run into traffic and stop when my cat from school jumps up onto the car and that lets me know we are close. My father decides to check under the hood for some reason, but ends up with me and him opening the trunk (though we opened the front of the car somehow we just jumped to the back we were opening it). We find in the trunk nitrous tank being fed into the gas tank with blue hoses. we take it out and from somewhere my father grabs some nuts and bolts, goes to the side of the road, tosses them up and smacks them with his hand. We get back in the car and I wake up.
    3. Two-part Dream

      by , 07-01-2012 at 09:18 PM (tardis(I just picked a word))
      I typed this out already, and it didn't save. So here goes take two. I've kept a dream journal for years so I have more written down somewhere but this is my most recent dream. Today, an hour ago.
      -> It starts at my roommate's house, in her backyard where we've set up a giant projector to play movies against the back of her house. We've dragged all the furniture outside and arranged it to look like the living room. I'm sitting in a reclining chair with another person watching the movie which is black and white and makes the whole yard glow a grey/blue fluorescent color. Everything is there in perfect deal, the other houses, the fences, the cars driving by in the front, people's shadows moving in their windows but it's all a strange color. I can feel the person I'm sitting with's arm and it feels so real that I begin to wonder if I'm dreaming.
      -> Next we are in that same friend's bedroom with all of the same people around and I keep saying "I can't tell if I'm dreaming." Because I really can't tell and I want someone to tell me if I am. Her room is that same grey/blue color and everyone in the room is that color, except for one person who comes in and tells us he's going home. He looks normal, and when he hugs me goodbye it feels like a real hug so I'm confused again.

      I wake up for a minute but I can still feel myself being hugged. I fall asleep again.
      -> I am home, at my grandparent's house, looking out the window at the neighbor's houses and describing to someone the people who live in them. We decided to take a walk and as we pass the house that sits on the curve of the street- a really mysterious house because I've never once seen the woman who lives there- what looks like a SWAT team comes racing out. Suddenly, there is a war going on and it is then that I realized I've been seeing this dream from the point of view of someone else, someone who isn't me, someone who knows what is going on because he is for some reason a part of it all.
      -> At some point, I lose myself. At the gas station in my neighborhood, the two sides are standing off but I know I'm there so when they start shooting at each other, I find myself and try to get us out. While they're shooting and fighting, we get outside and I use this white powder/dust to shrink us down so that we can use this Thumbelina-esqu bumblebee motorcycle to get away. The enemy follows and we're suddenly fighting this unseen, shrunken battle while the lives of everyday, normal people go on. They don't notice as we fly through their yards and past their windows until the enemy decides to pour the powder over everyone, to drown the streets in it. Soon everyone is either too small or normal and everyone is mixed up in the fight and I've lost myself again.
      -> I struggle to find myself now in the chaos, while people try to get me to help them find other people or to help them escape and while I'm still fighting the enemy. The whole world as far as I can tell is covered in that white powder, like snow, and nobody can control what size they are. I almost find myself, I can see me right there but then I'm suddenly back in the chair in that yard, watching the black and white movie.
      And I wake up.
    4. 7/1/12 No Dream Recall

      by , 07-01-2012 at 08:47 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      I was in a horrible mood before going to sleep, just too many unnecessary things that shouldn't be happening right now, and just getting them over with, and worrying that they cannot be met forced me to just sleep things out. I slept really late at night, like at 3-4 AM.

      I was watching NANA, the anime series, for the first time late at night. It eased my mind off some things in real life. I can't wait to finish this series sometime before college starts. Lots of romanticism in it I guess.
    5. Harry Potter, THe Joker, MR Freeze, and a train.

      by , 07-01-2012 at 08:04 PM (I hate Titles...)
      So my dream starts off with me (As a female harry potter) shoveling coals on a train with my best friend the joker. Then these three very smart children get on.

      We exchange some words that I don't remember, and suddenly I'm fighting one of them on the room of the train while Joker cheers me on. We finish the fight because I knock the other one off the train, only to realize that the entire plan was to make the train go fast enough to derail so the cargo we were carrying would break.

      I jump back inside the train, and start hammering on the brakes, but I can't slow down.

      Dream skips.

      I'm walking around in what appears to be New York? But it's got Gotham influences. I see something on a dolly in the street, It reminds me of the Mr. Freeze thing I had been transporting on the train. I go up and jump on it.

      Suddenly I'm stuck, and I can't move.

      The dolly pulls me downwards at an incredibly fast pace.

      I'm suddenly being pulled into a white space.

      Oh god! What's happening?

      Maybe next time you'll think before jumping on something.

      "What's going on?!"

      "You're either going to meet your great great great grandfather, or you're dreaming. And you're not meeting your great great great grandfather."

      Suddenly I can move my hands. I do a Reality Check (Because I think I'm under water at this point? I dunno.) Realize I can breath through my hand, and then I wake up because my room got too hot. >.>
    6. Harry Potter, THe Joker, MR Freeze, and a train.

      by , 07-01-2012 at 08:04 PM (I hate Titles...)
      So my dream starts off with me (As a female harry potter) shoveling coals on a train with my best friend the joker. Then these three very smart children get on.

      We exchange some words that I don't remember, and suddenly I'm fighting one of them on the room of the train while Joker cheers me on. We finish the fight because I knock the other one off the train, only to realize that the entire plan was to make the train go fast enough to derail so the cargo we were carrying would break.

      I jump back inside the train, and start hammering on the brakes, but I can't slow down.

      Dream skips.

      I'm walking around in what appears to be New York? But it's got Gotham influences. I see something on a dolly in the street, It reminds me of the Mr. Freeze thing I had been transporting on the train. I go up and jump on it.

      Suddenly I'm stuck, and I can't move.

      The dolly pulls me downwards at an incredibly fast pace.

      I'm suddenly being pulled into a white space.

      Oh god! What's happening?

      Maybe next time you'll think before jumping on something.

      "What's going on?!"

      "You're either going to meet your great great great grandfather, or you're dreaming. And you're not meeting your great great great grandfather."

      Suddenly I can move my hands. I do a Reality Check (Because I think I'm under water at this point? I dunno.) Realize I can breath through my hand, and then I wake up because my room got too hot. >.>
    7. WILD into a dark bar

      by , 07-01-2012 at 07:01 PM

      WILD (possible false-WILD)

      notes: The sensations were very quick to arise so it may have been a false WILD. I believe that I WILDed and FAed before entering the dream.

      I was laying in bed and trying to focus on the designs in my eye lids. They were forming patterns very easily. There were geometric shapes and zooming effects. I then noticed that I was hearing a very loud sound. It was rapid short pulses of trombone noises. When I focused on it, it went away and I realized it was a variation of the sound my fan was making.

      I went back to observing my eyelids. The trombone sound came back almost immediately. The designs in my eyes had become male faces that I didn't recognize. I felt awkward looking at them. I began to move and got up. The room was very dark. I semi-walk and semi-crawl forward to some bar. An intimidating Mexican guy was standing behind the bar. I can barely speak, but I am trying to engage my environment to stabilize the dream. I touch the bar and it is made of cardboard. I ask him if he has Katie Morgan (I was thinking of Kate Upton) behind the bar. He said no. I asked again and he says yes and heads in the other direction. I lose the dream soon after.
    8. Soundless Speeches

      by , 07-01-2012 at 06:51 PM
      Night 2

      Well, well, well. Here we are again! Falling asleep to me telling myself that I'll remember my dreams . (Dream started at around 10:13 A.M. Very late in my REM cycles) I Saw a man that I've never seen before sitting across the room from me on a blue-green couch (The same color as the platforms from last night's dream) The walls were the color of an eggshell along with the ceiling and a tan carpet. I felt as if I was sitting down but saw nothing, and there seemed to be light coming in from a large window to my left but I never actually looked around. The man had black hair and large thick eyebrows, wearing a light-tan shirt and khacki pants with brown shoes, that had a mirror shine. There wa also a small, glass top coffee table to my right but I never really payed attenton to it. The man had brown eyes and wore an analog wrist watch on his right arm but never looked at it. His lips moved as if he were trying to give me a speech about something but no soun was heard. I reacted as if I did and didn't understand what I was saying. All of a sudden, I heard my inner thoughts yell at me, "REALITY CHECK!!!!!" I did the nose reality check and the man stopped talking and looked at me strangely. I held my nose and could still breathe and realized that I was dreaming . I tried to look at my hands to anchor myself into the dream but it immediately started to hear a commercials in the background and the dream suddenly fell apart . I woke up and rolled off my bed, not allowing me to re-enter my dream state. Who was that man? What was he talking to me about? Was he my subcouncious? My Dream Guide? Or was he just another DC talking to me? Either way, I felt as if we were talking about lucidity, and that HE was the one that suggested to me to o a reality check. It felt, abnormal. Abnormal, but very exciting.
    9. Well That Was Disappointing...

      by , 07-01-2012 at 06:29 PM
      Night 1

      Hai guys, I'm new to LD's but I am very excited to have one. I'm currently trying to master Dream Recall. So, I'll stop with the intro right now and just get on with my dreams.

      I fell asleep telling myself "I will remember my dreams." I just kept saying it over, and over, and over, until I passed out. (This area started at around 12:05 A.M.) I noticed a picture coming in to focus. It was a game that I've been playing all day except something was off . The character I was playing as wasn't mine, it was the default and I was playing in third person! I, of course being new to LD's, just ignored it and watched the gameplay. I was just running around jumping from platform to platform with many other players. I remember a few of their costumes, one was a solid black cop uniform with badges and such on him, the others looked as if they just hit "RANDOMIZE" in the character creation menu. I then noticed I was in a dream! I paniced due to all of the excitement and I almost jumped out of my bed in real life . I took a look at the clock in my bedroom and saw the time, 12:07 A.M. Feeling depressed that I had made myself wake up I immediately went back to sleep . (This next dream was extremely similar but slightly different and happened at around 7:03 A.M.) Spotting yet another dream floating my way, I watched the same thing like in the last one I recalled. Except this time, the platforms were a bluish-green color and there were no walls around us, just an empty slate of dark blue waves as if we were in an ocean but were untouched by the water. Just as before, I noticed I was dreaming and woke myself up at 7:07 A.M. "
    10. Salvia Fragment

      by , 07-01-2012 at 05:46 PM
      Dream Fragment - Some guy was telling me and a couple friends about how much he loves salvia, and I agreed with some of what he was saying but he was making it sound way more controllable than it is, much more like a normal psychedelic like shrooms....
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. Medical Paddling, I Eat Monsters, Winner?, Work Sucks, Wal-Mart

      by , 07-01-2012 at 04:28 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      1)Medical Paddling

      I was having restless legs and i think thats what triggered the dream. There was a method to paddle your feet. Sort of alternate moving your toes. It was medically beneficial. I watched as some people worked out toxin build up. They had gray spots on their feet. A doctor had me try it.

      2)I Eat Monsters

      I see a floor vent appear on the foot of my bed. I am alone and in a different house. I mentally see the duct run under ground to a empty house across the street. Then, an evil clown doll (it looks a lot like the It clown) comes out to kill me. But I am ready. I swing at it and it goes back in.

      I am afraid but I'm really pissed it is bothering me. Then I am screaming at it. "Hey! Come one you little bitch! Let's go little bitch! I'm waiiiitiinnnng! What's a matter? You fucking bitch! Little pussy run and hide? Come on! Come on! Piece of shit!"

      Then it pops out and I have a pair of orange handled scissors. I try to chop its head off but it has the same pair and blocks me. We snip our scissors at each other for a bit before he ducts back down. I take the vent cover and slam it on.

      Then I see a little claw like a bears pushing the vent off. It comes out and crawls onto my bed. It is detached and moving on its own. I just watch and wait. It looks really odd like its made of a nutty bar. But I know it is the clown in disguise.

      So I quickly grab it and start eating it. Want to kill it so I just take bites and chew it up real fine and spit it out. I am a little scared to actually eat it. It is soft but tough like beef jerky. I find a metallic piece in my mouth. It feels like a earphone jack. I just chew it up too and spit. Chew and spit until its gone. I see chewed up evil clown bits on my white blanket. Then I see my daughter telling me something when I wake up.


      I win like $150 playing pool with Richard. Then it get weird the game is like some sort of machine and the pool balls are on cup things. I am taking my final shot and I win again. The machine spits out my winnings. I see Richard and he is drunk. I look at what the machine gave me and it is vouchers and checks. I look at his checks and it is just signed and has the amounts. something like $43.37 and $69.15. But there is no other information so I ask him but he is drunk and useless. I head to the bank hoping to get my money.

      4)Work Sucks

      There is something about the mold shop. I don't remember why I'm there. Something about Frank. He said he want to bid out. We seem to be waiting to leave. Then, I am leaving work and walking outside to my car. But everything is messed up. There are new out building and we have more parking area. I see Jeremy and Jon and I tell them something about how I miss one day and everything changes.

      Then I am alone. I am walking on a gravel road. I parked way out there. So I start jogging. I hear car coming too fast behind my. I heard the pops and crunches the tires make and it is real close. I glance back and see I better move. It is a truck and it goes around me fish tales on the curve. I notice the truck is gray with a darker gray bed. There are some sort of red decals on the side. The hubcaps are odd. They are gray and solid with something like a spider decal in the center. The windows were tented. I didn't recognize the truck and I couldn't see who it was. I just gave them a dirty look and shrugged it off.

      I try to remember where I parked. I am still jogging. I see really tall grass where I was trying to go and a lot of mud puddles. My car isn't there. I look on the other side. I think I see it past the tall grass. I start to run in there but I hear a strange sound like a snake. So I pause and go down a little more. I see yellow tubs were the grass is growing out. I finally see a path and take it to my car. I wake up.


      Fragment about working at Wal-Mart. I was going something in the back employee area and cash registers.
    12. July 1 Notes

      by , 07-01-2012 at 04:13 PM
      9:00 - OJ, Milk, Apple Juice, Banana
      10:00 - Vitamins
      10:45 - Go to bed with binaural beats
      2:30 - Wake up and start alarm
      Sometime in the morning - False awakening
      8:00 - Get up

      Ok so this alarm thing is freaking amazing. It actually wakes me up each time and both nights so far has caused me to have a false awakening. I am really working on reality checks now whenever I wake up or do anything relating to morning / nightly routine. So far it seems all of my false awakenings I always go the the bathroom first thing so at least they are consistent. All it's gonna take now is doing a reality check in a false awakening and lucidity here we come!!!!
      Any tips on reality checks would be appreciated.
      side notes
    13. Another False Awakening... Second Night in a Row

      by , 07-01-2012 at 04:07 PM
      Well, I had another false awakening last night. I remember I "woke up" and needed to go the the bathroom. If I was to do this in real life I would leave my mp3 player on my desk where it usually is, but NO, I just couldn't decide whether to bring it with me or not. As I was going I ended up pulling all the covers off my bed and taking them with me. It turned out I was in this hospital type area and I was a patient even thogh I was in my own house. I went to the bathroom and then went to go back to bed. Suddenly I had this urge to go downstairs for some reason. Then I randomly put my mp3 player on the floor and covered it with the sheets and went downstairs. When I came back up someone stepped on my player though and I was upset. I went to tell them to watch where they were walking and actually woke up. I did a reality check this time but I was actually awake.
      false awakening
    14. Shark Food

      by , 07-01-2012 at 03:46 PM
      Well, there are almost two dreams here but the setting was so similar I'm not sure if one dream just changed a little bit or if they were two separate ones. Regardless, I'm just going to write it down as one. Ok so the first thing I remember is that I was on this giant ship / submarine. I was downstairs in some type of dining area I believe. It was wierd though because it was all dark and there were no chairs or anything set up. It was just a big, empty area in the bottom of this ship that seemed like it should be the dining area. Suddenly, over the loudspeakers I herd the captain say something, I'm not entirely sure what, but it meant the ship was taking on water and we all had to get past the airlocks if we wanted to live. Well, I made it and then the door shur behind me trapping a bunch of other people. Then MY room started to fill with water. Thankfully, I had spotted a little elevator / escape pod thing so I climbed in there. Then I just stayed in there as the ship turned into a submarine and went to dive. Then it flipped over and we all tumbled around. That is about all I remember from that part of the dream.
      Before I knew it I was in this little shark cage thing that was spherical. I was rolling all around the ship and there were these HUGE sharks everywhere. Not just big for a shark, like really huge monsters. I remember thinking to myself that this was all the captains doing as pretty much every guest was in the same predicament as me. I also thought however, "Well, I am a main character in my dream, so I will be fine". (OK, I told myself that I was the main character in my DREAM and I didn't become lucid??) *bows head in shame* So anyways, it seemed that the submarine was divided into sections and the sharks were in cages. The captain would let a bunch of us into one of the cages and you can guess what happened. Then he would open the cage just enough for the survivors to float through to safety. I remember one of these events specifically where one person had lost thier cage due to the shark but was OK. My own cage had been damaged quite a bit, but being the *cough*nice*cough* guy I am, I asked if they wanted to shar my cage. Really though, I was planning for the shark to get them and not me. Well, the next time we entered the shark cage that's what happened. I KNEW I was dreaming and really could care less what happened to them but for some reason I didn't feel lucid. It was really wierd. There needs to be a category for semi-lucid. Anyways, that's about all I remember.
      Should I classify it as a non lucid nightmare? IDK what to categorize it as so I guess I will do that. Wasn't really that scary though. Ok, nvm. Just a non lucid memorable.
      non-lucid , memorable
    15. Evil eye

      by , 07-01-2012 at 01:55 PM
      When I was younger I had this repetitive and very distintive dream.

      It was dark out or the sky would be reddish. I was in my back yard that was surrounded by a fence. I had a small shovel and I was digging. There was a floating, beach ball size eye. It was red and black. I was it's slave and if I stopped digging it would get mad. I would try running and hidding behind my garage but it would find me. So I would run and jump the fence in the back yard and run throgh people's yards and I would run and run untill I couldn't reconize where I was. I found a hiding spot. It would find me. It was always there.

      And I would wake up. The dream always had a nightmareish feel to it.
      I would also have dreams like this, but instead of the eye, it would be a dark, muscular man trying to kill me.