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    1. Protein Assay Before Wedding

      by , 08-15-2012 at 01:56 AM
      Non-dream Dream

      It is the morning of my wedding and I am in lab running a BCA protein assay. A few other people including my wife and JF are there too. I am in a lab coat with only my white briefs underneath. JF asks me if I want to go with him to get some clothes and I say "as long as I'm back in 1hr to finish the BCA assay." We head off. He is driving a black car with a manual transmission. We go through one of those exit arms - this one requires the 1st guy to call a number then we take a ticket to exit.

      Next we are at a bar with JF, BU and my brother and it is about 3hrs before the wedding. We take a few shots and have some beers. The bartender chick congratulates me.
    2. Fragments

      by , 08-15-2012 at 01:54 AM (Into the Whirlpool)
      Crappy recall night, just fragments:

      - Something about "the boundaries of the dream world" (meaning an alternate dimension within my dreams) into which I can follow DCs after they fall unconscious?? (I have NO recollection of this dream at all, I am just going by my notes.)

      - Jack and the Beanstalk and the trampoline doctor (again, no recollection)

      - Looking at provocative artwork on my computer, then suddenly realizing I'm actually at work
      Tags: wtf is this
      dream fragment
    3. Dark and Light

      by , 08-14-2012 at 11:25 PM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      ***abridged due to pain***

      Raven and I return to the Biodome. We go to the Balancing Pools, and sit in them to balance our dark and light energies. Selene and Pixy, Koomo and Michael, Angelina and Gabrielle, Hydro and Skyfire, my Witchblade and DJ Hope, and Francois and Aphrodite emanate out of me somehow.

      We become balanced. Raven's eyes are black and white. She smiles at me benignly.
    4. Dark Angels of Vengeance

      by , 08-14-2012 at 11:22 PM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      **abridged due to pain***

      I leap out of bed. I am a savage white werelion with a necklace of tiny skulls around my neck. I roar and create a portal with a bone-dagger.

      I leap through, spinning, and land on the moon.

      I am near the koi pond. Raven is watching the fish.

      She looks at me. I morph into a quicksilver dragon, then a giant three headed canine with the head of a pit bull, a wolf, and a chihuahua. I growl softly.

      "FLUFFY!" Raven laughs and hugs me.

      "Someone is going to have nightmares tonight." Raven slams her fist into her palm, and she becomes enwreathed in violet and black flame. Her dress becomes black, and she grows two horns. Her eyes become green and lavender. She laughs maniacally and creates a portal.

      A zombie-basset hound head comes out of my chest, and sniffs the ground. We leap into the portal, and end up in the bedroom of a fat want to be badass. He has posters of Sylvester Stallone on his walls and some dumbells on the floor.

      "So, this is the sadistic "bad ass" that tortures dogs for pleasure?" Raven asks.

      I leap on to his chest and smell him with my zombie-hound head. "Yep. This is our target."

      Raven chuckles, and I quietly growl with all four heads. The room vibrates with the rumbles. The man's astral body wakes up. I bark with my pit bull head, howl with my wolf head, bay with my hound head, and yip maniacally with my chihuahua head. The din is maddening.

      The man screams in sheer terror, trying to push me off of him. I jump off and he runs out the door into the street. Raven and I teleport outside, and Raven summons a wall in front of him which he slams into.

      I roar, and alter the landscape to be a giant puppy mill completely on fire. I turn the man's clothes into a dog costume. He runs around freaking out. Raven creates a small cage, which he runs into.

      We slowly walk into it. The man is backed up against a wall. The man's face is frozen in a silent scream. Raven creates a portal on the back wall. It looks sinister with black thorns swirling around it.

      "only one way out," Raven states flatly.

      The man looks at us. I am frothing at all four mouths. He leaps into a portal to Hell. We follow.

      The man falls down for hours, and lands on a boulder in a great cavern full of fiery pits. Demon dogs fly about in pain and anger. I leap upon him, and devour his innards. He writhes and screams in pain. Raven shoots a bolt of lightning into his mouth placidly. His body reforms.

      Raven and I merge into a great fiery angel-demon. We grab the man, and fling him into outer space, and follow. "here you will die, o 'brave warrior'," I whisper.

      "Who are you?" He screams.


      The man wakes up. We are in his room, a dark witch and monster. He sits up and sees us. "We are Nightmares." he screams and wets the bed. We laugh and fade away.
    5. Dear Reader

      by , 08-14-2012 at 10:24 PM (My Dream Journal)
      I have alot of dreams to write so please be patient they will come. Any dreams you would like me to work on early just comment and I'll make it my first priority.

      Dreams to come 8

      New story Butchered or surgery

      Updated 08-15-2012 at 12:10 AM by 57223

    6. Cherry tree

      by , 08-14-2012 at 09:00 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Our cherry tree was chopped up. And there was a pile of wood in the yard. I remember the wind was blowing hard. D and my pops were there.
      Tags: cherry tree, wind
    7. Tues. Aug. 14

      by , 08-14-2012 at 07:48 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      Car Theft

      I'm in a car with my family. I recognize the license plate of one of the cars in front of us--it's one of our own! The car must have been stolen last time my sister took it for a spin, and now we're following the guy who stole it to see where he takes it. I hope he doesn't notice he's being followed. After a while, he pulls into a parking lot off of the highway. We lose sight of him for a bit, but when we pull into the parking lot a few moments later, we quickly spot the place where the car is parked. I jump out of our car and dash towards the thief, quickly followed by my sisters. The thief--a heavyset man with dark hair--tries to run, but we surround him and get into a fistfight. I have a tendency to wind up my punches for a second or two before throwing them. It's dicey for a few seconds, but in the end we subdue him and frog-march him into the building he had been walking towards before we intercepted him. It's a bar or a restaurant of some kind, run by an ugly, middle-aged woman. There's a police officer inside, but she doesn't want to bother with the criminal. She hands me two pairs of handcuffs, so I can take care of it myself. When somebody asks me what's going on, I proudly reply that "This man is under arrest!" I have a bit of trouble getting the cuffs around his wrists. Fortunately there's a button on the side you can press to release the cuffs and try again, and I get it on my third try. As we're leaving, I realize that the woman who runs the place is probably a car launderer of some kind, one of several in the Chicago area, and she might change locations now that she knows the police suspect her.

      Spoiler for Churning:
      Game Over

      While playing a game (very similar to Skyrim), I come across a cave and decide to explore it. Now, I'm not new to this game, so I'm understandably frustrated when I run into some level 2 creatures inside the cave that JUST WON'T DIE, no matter how many times I hit them with my sword. I figure there must be some special weakness these creatures have that I can exploit, so I try using my fire spell. It works! But I'm low on health, so I run back outside anyway. Some of the creatures follow me, but it turns out they're weak to sunlight as well. They remind me of fireflies, burning in the air. I go back inside the cave, where my cousins have already figured out the secret to defeating the creatures, and are nearing the main room of the dungeon.

      In order to exploit this weakness for these creatures, I have to travel without any kind of light source. I feel foolish bumping into walls all the time, so I'm happy to remember that I have Night Eye! Quickly, I switch to it on my favorites menu and activate it. Soon, I'm down in the main room with the rest of the party, which consists of about a dozen of my relatives and neighbors, of various ages. There is a row of five deep, dark alcoves on the upper front wall of the room and swiveling mirrors all around the back. The floor is uneven, and it contains lots of concrete buttons for us to stand on, plus one white button we can push. Clearly, it's a puzzle room. I help the party pick up all the loot in the room, then ponder what to do.

      I push the white button. A passage opens in the front wall. I'm second through the opening, after one other guy. It opens into a tall hallway with several 50-foot doors along the right side, all draped with translucent plastic tarp. The other guy seems to have run through the first one, and there are terrifying sounds coming from the room beyond--roars, growls, loud crashes, and the clang of steel. After a few seconds, a boss crashes through the doorway, scattering stone everywhere. It's forty feet tall, with a body that swivels all the way around and sharp appendages, claws, and teeth sticking out in every direction. It hurtles down the hallway away from me, but now there are more of the same kind of creature coming out of the doors from further down the hallway. Dozens of them, headed straight for me. I swear there must be some kind of boss spawner down that direction. A boss spawner!

      I don't recall exactly how it ended, but next thing I know, we're back in the puzzle room from before the catastrophe. Clearly I was not supposed to push the white button. Presumably we've got to find a light source and reflect it into the correct alcove(s) on the front wall. Nobody else seems to have the patience for the experiment, though, and before long there's only one other person in the room with me, one of my older female neighbors. We exchange a few words, and then I think she leaves as well.


      I'm exploring a large area of the game map with my dad. He walks straight off the edge, though, and seems to be floating in midair. I'm confused. But then the ground beneath him pops into existence, and I realize there was just a loading error in my game client. We find a series of wooden scaffold-like buildings on the side of a cliff. We split up, and I find a sign that encourages me to try "ladder jumping," which I gather means jumping across a gap in a desperate attempt to grab the ladder on the other side. The sign also explains that this ability was a controversial addition to the game, since Assassin's Creed almost has a copyright on that kind of athletic move. But the sign also explains that the addition was justified, somehow.
    8. Frying Egg 08/14/2012

      by , 08-14-2012 at 07:13 PM
      I was frying egg with the stove on high. I turned it to medium so that I don't burn the egg. I waited for a while for it to cook but it's not cooking. I turned it to high again and the egg started to bubble. I tried to take the egg out but it was stuck to the pan.

      I dreamed about Minecraft.

    9. First WILD Experience

      by , 08-14-2012 at 07:12 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      I think I finally got this thing down, thanks to some advice I got from RareCola, who's currently in Sageous's WILD class.

      I went to bed at about 2am, then woke up at 5am and went back to sleep. Then again at 6:30am and went back to sleep. Then I heard the kids get up at about 8am, so I got up and shut my door. When I went back to bed, I got on my side, and after a few minutes I could feel vibrations. Not that uncommon for me to get there, usually I just lose consciousness and fall asleep after that. But this time, I remembered something RareCola had said, about what I should should do next time I get to the vibrations stage. I should look for the HI or HH to form, then open my dream eyes, and I should be in an LD without losing awareness from awake to sleep. So I stared at the back of my eyelids, and since it was already somewhat light out, it looked orange and blotchy. But the vibrations started making it look like there were flashes of light, with little sparks of electricity. I remember thinking at that moment, that I don't really feel any SP. But I didn't really dwell on it, I wanted to try out this thing. After a few seconds, the vibrations stopped, and the blotchy sparks on the back of my eyelids were beginning to form into an image of my bedroom. I had that brief feeling that if I opened my eyes now, that my real life eyes would open and I would wake up for real. But I've had past experiences with FAs like this, and I learned to just go for it. Anyway, it worked! I opened my "dream eyes" and I was in a somewhat deformed version of my room. It looked the same except it was orange and blotchy, like the back of my eyelids a little bit. I can't believe I didn't wake myself up from the excitement of this accomplishment. I got out of bed really slowly, and left the bedroom and went into the living room. It looked like a completely different house. Since I had already done both TOTMs, I couldn't think right away of something to do. So I went to my default gender change thing and explored that a bit. At one point I looked up to see my transformation in the mirror, and then it hit me "Mirror! I want to find an alien world by walking through a mirror!" I tucked the 2 feet of pipe back in (be jealous boys, be very very jealous), and went to the mirror I was just looking in. Strangely, this wall had several different sized mirrors. I kept deliberating and deliberating over these mirrors, trying to pick the right one. I finally decided on one that was barely big enough to squeeze my head through. But that's what I do, I almost never completely walk through these mirrors, I usually just take a peak first. So I stuck my head thought the little mirror, and I really had to push hard to get it through, and on the other side was what looked like probably just the next room lol. So I took my head back out, and I remembered that I wanted to use different numbers of knocking on the mirror, to act as a combination to get me to different places. I had it all worked out: One knock for werewolves, 2 knocks for vampires, and 3 for an alien world. (I had 1 and 2 totally wrong in the dream lol, I think one was supposed to be to go to Hogwarts, oh well.. the point was to do the 3 knocks). I knocked on the mirror 3 times, and stuck my head through. I saw something really strange. It was a shoreline, and it was entirely populated with these white creatures. They looked like a cross between a beluga whale and a seal. The beach and the water didn't look too strange, but the sky was really cool. The entire right portion was indigo, and the left side was deep blue. Separating these 2 hemispheres was an impossibly tall arch. The base of one side of the arch started in the sand, and it went all the way up to this cloudless sky, and ended in the sea. It looked like it was built by somebody or something. It was 2 toned, purple and white. It didn't look like it had a function, other than dividing the 2 sides of the sky. All I could think of was, "Damn! I need to draw this scene so I can post it on DV!" I was pretty semi-lucid or even non-lucid at this point, and the rest of the dream was me struggling to sketch the beach.

      Overall I'm just so happy with the seamless transition, and remembering to do the mirror combination, and actually making it to someplace that clearly wasn't earth. I wish I was good with photoshop or whatever it is you guys use these days, it was a really cool little place.
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    10. Is my guru still with his wife?

      by , 08-14-2012 at 07:06 PM
      This beautiful girl that was a top model wanted to go on a date with my teacher lama dudjom dorjee. I thought wow all the best things of the world comes to him, but he didn't seem to want any of it. I wondered if he wanted some of it or not. When I asked someone about his marriage to figure out if he was going to go on the date or not. The person I asked said he standing right behind you. Then lamala started being really nice to me saying all these great things about me. I thought he is always so happy I don't get it. We gave him a ride home and talked about this guy at the dharma that went to jail and came out insane. We were riding down 75 at night talking about this. The person I was talking to is not real person in waking life
    11. Assorted short dreams

      by , 08-14-2012 at 06:55 PM
      Waiting for the subway
      I'm waiting for the subway; a number of other people are also sitting around, waiting. We've been waiting for a long time. Somehow, I miss it. I ask someone how long it'll be and whether it runs on a regular schedule; it seems I'll be here for a while.

      Walking around downtown
      I'm walking with my wife around a rather nice downtown area with attractive buildings and lots of green space. It's fairly close to where we live. Katie's started selling in an organic market near where we are, so we should go buy something from her to encourage her.

      On the way we stop at a pizza place for my wife. She orders while I walk around and look at what's available. The restaurant is a large circular room with a cash register in the middle and glass counters (with food behind them) all around the edge. When I walk back over to the register, I see a bunch of plates laid out with slips of paper with names on them, waiting to have their order filled. I laugh because my name, not my wife's, is on the order. The cashier asks me if everything is ok, and I explain why I was laughing.

      The restroom
      I've just walked into a public restroom. I lock the door and turn around, but when I see that it's actually a fairly large bathroom with a number of urinals and stalls I unlock it again. There's one toilet sitting outside a stall near the urinals; there's no way I'm using that. I go into a stall and lock the stall door, but then I realize that the stall only has a half wall, and that I can see outside the bathroom through the gap.

      The restaurant
      I'm in a rather nice restaurant. Our table is near the main doors; the doors are open, and everything is wide open and airy. I go to find the restroom and end up in a cafeteria. It looks like any normal school cafeteria, except that instead of seats or benches, it has toilets. Everyone is sitting on the toilet lid; but people can relieve themselves whenever they need to.
      I go back to our table and tell everyone else about the cafeteria/bathroom I found. A couple of strangers start giving me a leg massage. I see Bob, and he looks really old, with lots of missing hair and lots of spots on his face.

      The field
      I'm in a fairly level, wide-open field. A couple of trees are dotted around, but mostly it's just grass. I'm trying to load stuff into our van. Seth is standing a long way away aiming a hose at us; my daughter is running around trying to avoid getting wet.

      Dystopian escape
      I'm trying to escape from something. I'm jumping between pieces of ground that are rising out of and falling into lava. Eventually, I jump to a piece that has a manhole cover on it, and I know I'll be safe, that this piece won't sink back into the lava.
      Now I'm in an apartment. Another man is here; he lives with me, but I don't talk to him at all. I'm worried about my friends; they decided to escape through the labyrinth, but I haven't seen them since. The leader gave me a phone number to call only in an emergency, so I call it. The woman on the phone wants to know how I got this number; I can't remember the name of the man who gave it to me, but I describe him to her, and she knows who I'm talking about. She asks if I'm interested in high energy particle physics, and I don't know how to answer. I explain that the other leader took my friends into the labyrinth to escape from the guards, and I haven't seen them since, and ask if she can help free them. I also explain my fears that they may have caught the plague down there.
      Right then, my roommate warns me that guards are coming, so I throw my tablet phone under the nightstand. Some guards come in to scan us to see if we're sick. I'm worried that the woman on the phone will speak and that they'll find the phone, but she doesn't speak and they don't find it. They leave, but they come right back and take my roommate with them.
    12. Therapy and Vacation

      by , 08-14-2012 at 06:28 PM
      Last night I could remember a dream I had,the last couple of night I could not.Sadly,it was not lucid.
      In this dream,I started in a small office like room in dark colors with some orange details.My father's friend was the therapist,I remember little of what it was like the therapy.By what was told to be 3 weeks,he told my father(the three of us were in the kitchen,my house's kitchen) that he found out about me having a condition,and that I needed treatment soon.After he left,my father complained about expensive medicine he'll have to buy.
      I was going home by car with my father and brother when he(father) passed straight through our house,saying we could not go there by now.It was dark,but all of sudden we were in a sunny street with green meadows.There was a man-made-like island very close to the continent,but it was bigger then the ones of Dubai.There were beautiful neighborhoods,although with no streets and about 10 as houses,and a area with some buildings next to the beach.We had to take a bridge,because the place we were was higher than the island.The bridge was thin,reminded me of those loops in Sonic's games.
      Soon,I was watching myself from profile view in bathing suit and diving in a pool.The room was a modern house with some traditional features,like columns.The water was very refreshing,I remember feeling very good,even as not much fan of pools.as I was swimming I got to the border to rest a bit,and met a chubby girl with dark olive skin,brown eyes and dark hair kept in a long braid wearing a reddish pink two pieces bath suit.She complained with me of how much she hated shaving,and as she said that I soon saw that her face was covered in stubbles and ingrowing facial hair.
      I got out of the pool,and found a news about a overweight woman that died by wearing a spiderman costume of her father,that didn't fit her,and made her loose body parts until she died,with her mother's quote "her ears started to fall".I got into a computer and found a website and forum for waring of wearing costumes to small for you.The forum was about a lot of things,even sexuality and gender issues.
      The dream was soon over
    13. Finding a DP Partner, Scholarship Store, Starting Up a Car

      by , 08-14-2012 at 04:35 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Finding a DP Partner (Non-lucid)


      Yes, the title is exactly what you think.

      I'm following a female who is fairly shorter than me. I'd said at least 5 feet tall compared to me being around 5'10'' or so. Something about this girl really enticed me, like some kind of lewd aura exhibiting off of her. She was wearing a white shirt that went all the way down to stop at her groin region.

      She resembled a lot like Gabby who was on the tennis team in a High School I attended. Short girl with huge breasts. She had light brown hair, looked Hispanic, just like the waking life counterpart, and I believe wore dark blue skinny jeans as well. I couldn't pay much attention to her visage because she was busy walking around looking for someone.

      The reason being is that she wanted one more person to do a DP act with. We're outside an area that has a lot of trees, which makes the whole area look dark, and I can remember the small specks of light hitting through the gaps of the leaves on the trees. It felt like being at a park because there was so much green grass all over.

      There were a few picnic tables all over, and I decided I should go ahead and sit on top of the table of one for the time being while this Gabby lookalike desperately searches for a partner who can do horrible things with her private parts. I start to speculate if I'm really part of the scene, but I'd assume so because I don't think I could deal with looking at people having sex alone when I would be a few feet from actually taking part in it.....

      Anyway, Gabby is so fucking nice to these people, it's hilarious, and even though I can't hear a word that she's saying when she's scouting potential DP partners, it's basically her saying,

      "Hey, wanna fuck?"

      I think she finds a partner, though I don't really pay attention to who, and we happened to find some random person who feels like he could be a porn star to me, or just knows way too much about porn. The guy is very muscular, pretty tall, is wearing a black vest and black shorts I think.

      I would say he looked like The Rock in a way, and he asked us something, probably to Gabby if she's actually going to engage in DP. I don't know who popped the question to him, maybe it could be me, but someone asks him about some porn scene that was also a DP scene.

      He thinks for a moment,

      "Oooohhh, uuuhhh, OH YEAH!"

      And he suddenly is able to recall the title of the DP scene....WOAH.

      All I could remember next is me, Gabby, and the DP partner saying our goodbyes to the random dude.

      Hmmmm too bad I can't remember what happened next...
      Scholarships Store (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside of a random supermarket type of place with a black flooring with a shine to it, probably because of the lights emitting from above. I look around the shelves from the left, and find that most of it is empty.

      It seems as if everyone took all the good stuff already, and I only could see a few things that would somewhat be enticing enough to look at. I already knew that this dream itself, and the items themselves are opportunities for Scholarships.

      Okay subconscious, I have little opportunity for Scholarships or something? Hmmm.....or maybe you're trying to tell me something else....sigh, if only I was competent to know how a part of me thinks.

      I looked at one item near the beginning of the aisle, and move it around with my hands a bit, and then put it back down. I looked at other stuff, but other than that, that's all I really remember.

      Starting Up a Car (Non-lucid)


      I'm sitting on the passenger seat inside of a car, and there seems to be a problem with starting up the vehicle. It feels like I'm in New York, judging by a few people that I know are there being in the dream.

      One man, let's call him Rob, an Indian man, comes in to turn the key for the vehicle all the way, causing it to accelerate like crazy while in the parking position. This finally starts the vehicle.

      Updated 08-14-2012 at 04:41 PM by 47756

    14. Electronic Ice Caves

      by , 08-14-2012 at 04:29 PM
      This dream started off in these ice caves that were way underground. I was with some other people and each cave had lanes carved into it and we were all racing eachother through the cave. We made it to the bottom and then began the hike back out. When we reached the top we found another series of caves and all jumped in for another race. It was pretty fun because it was just a big slide basically, and it went REALLY fast. After making it to the bottom of these caves, we hiked back out and made a strange discovery.

      So now the year is back to 1989 and we are all actually over in Japan testing out the Sega Genesis, which is soon to be released in North America. We had actually been sent inside the console itself to see what it was like. Since we all had a great time in the ice caves (which were the inner workings of the console) we said it was ready to go. Then they asked us to hop in for one more test, to see how a future game they would be releasing was going to go. I then climbed onto a little platform thing and shrank until I could fint inside the console. I then remember going inside and feeling the freezing cold. It was so realistic! Anyways apparently the year was now 1991 because we were now testing Sonic the Hedgehog. It was still basically the same though because we were all just sliding through these caves, although now there were loop the loops and stuff. Anyways, I then remember getting separeted from everyone and ending up way down inside this one cave, carrying a book. I had to meet someone there and give them this book, but I was starting to get really cold. I just left the book there, hoping they would find it. As I climbed my way back out, I woke up to the alarm although unfortunately I couldn't recall the dream to re-enter it for a DEILD. Still a cool dream though.

      Updated 08-27-2012 at 05:20 AM by 55858

      non-lucid , memorable
    15. August 14 Fragments

      by , 08-14-2012 at 04:19 PM
      I can only recall one fragment from last night.

      I was in my room and I was training to be an astronaut! It was wierd cause I wasn't realy official or anything, just kind of like NASA went "Oh hey, let's send some random guy on the space Shuttle" (Yes I know it's retired but that's what it was in the dream). Anyways, I then remember seeing myself and the other astronauts in the space shuttle from a third person view. 0_0 We then launched and started gaining speed. Then we stalled for a minute and randomly picked up speed again. That's all I remember.

      Updated 04-30-2013 at 11:30 PM by 55858

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes