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    1. Fake paralysed arms

      by , 09-05-2012 at 04:56 AM
      I was watching on as two people were resting in a hollow in the ground out in the wilderness. Suddenly they were surrounded by soldiers, pointing rifles at them. The soldiers, upon finding out who they were, put down their rifles and said they were there to rescue them. The woman claimed that her arms were paralysed. I took her to a nearby park bench where we all sat and played cards. I suspected that her arms were fine, so I started to torment her by putting things near her hands etc. Eventually she got mad and just grabbed things, and then everybody saw that her arms were fine. We all laughed about it (including her).
    2. Last few days' dreams: Superhero instruction DVD, Liz Taylor, Animal Abuse, NY minecraft, and AWANA.

      by , 09-05-2012 at 04:40 AM (Exterminate)
      Been too lazy to write dreams lately, gonna write what I remember. I should really start writing in a physical DJ by my bed instead of waiting until I get online.

      I was watching a DVD that had a scene selection of about 13 videos. Each one showcased a different super power. I recognized flying, so I skipped that one. I watched another video but was uninterested, so I put in a new one. This video was about transmogrifying, or bending objects midair. Making items into different items, etc. I thought I could do it, and after a few tries, got a mattress in midair and bent it. I tried with a heavier item, and found weight was no issue. Sweet. Now I have two superpowers. Next video was about telekinesis... I had to know telekinesis to do the previous skill, but I wanted to keep watching in case this video had anything to offer.The dream ended shortly after that.
      Two more things that happened in the dream, but I do not know when, or what connects to them. Me, my brother, and my mom were in this shop. I ordered like a milkshake or something like that, my brother orders a 176 slice pizza special for like 10 bucks, it also came with a container of wings. I remember thinking "Why didn't I get that..? Wanna share?" Another thing I saw was the inside of a company I used to work for, real quickly though, I think it was in the back of that place the tv was..

      Liz Taylor in Virginia City (9/3/2012)
      So me, a female church friend, my older brother, and my mom were in Virginia city. Pretty much everyone who came up to me told me to go take a picture with Liz Taylor, meet up with her, etc. "Ooh, shes famous, go meet her!"
      Well I didn't even know who she was..I met her, and she was like 20 years old, blonde, but very down to earth. She wasn't like "Oh I'm popular", it was as if she grew up here, and loves the town. On the edge of the town, there was a shop, my mom went in there for the rest of the dream. I noticed the road was all torn up, leaving big sections set apart, big holes going down in-between the road sections, and a huge yellow crane obviously having something to do with it. Me, my brother, and my friend walk around, then eventually want to get back to the town, as we drift away a bit. We follow this crane, but it leads us to some random government company that we sneak around hoping not to get caught. Well we do get caught, and instead of letting them throw us in jail or something, we ran for it. We ended up at this road, and instantly I know it is 2-4 miles away from the town, on the way to it. Instead of walking the road to get to town, or going back to the company, we see this path on the side of the road, and follow it, maybe it can bring us back to town. So we follow the path, it is very windy, and mostly dirt. At one point there is asphalt, so narrow, it is like 4 inches thick. Dream kinda ends here, as we are on our way back.

      Demon cats (9/4/2012)
      So me and my brother are at this government place, and we see two puppies. I catch one, and another is behind a door with like iron fencing with barbwire on either side. my brother grabs the puppy, and a pickup truck comes out of nowhere shines light on my brother. I try running, then decide I wouldn't get far, and I am not leaving my brother Kris. So we both get thrown in the back seats. A dangerous man is driving, and throws the puppies in the bed of the pickup. the pickup is not your normal pickup, as the bed of the truck was pretty much level with the back windows, so not much room, but a flat spot on the back of the truck.
      The man gives me and Kris two kittens and says they will be our death. He says some crap about their claws being so sharp they will kill us and something like if we get bitten by them after two minutes we will die from some chemical from the kittens... Kris and I weren't buying it.
      So what do we do? I pick a kitten up and grab it by the neck, put my thumb to its neck, and start squeezing. I last about a minute and stop, somehow as I am squeezing it is biting one of my fingers? I hand it to Kris and he holds both kittens and laughs through the pain, but as the kittens are slowly dying Kris makes like a trophy out of them by writing their faces on a large piece of paper, and signing it..
      Since the kittens are dead, the driver gets pissed, next thing I see we drive out of a tall building and I see out of the windshield the ground approaching fast in front, and I brace for impact, then out of nowhere the truck stops midair..or so I thought. the front of the car stuck into the ground and we were all safe. Tragically the puppies in back didn't survive the crash. The driver gets out and picks the puppies up then throws them on the ground in anger.

      I gotta say this dream had a lot of animal abuse... .-.

      NY Minecraft (9/4/2012)
      I am talking to the owner of this minecraft server I have been banned on forever, and tell him how I was originally banned unfairly, then an alt was banned unfairly, then someone else was banned unfairly, etc. I eventually get my main account unbanned, and since I was mod for 2 months on the server before, my mind assumes I am mod3 on there
      (a mod type on present on my normal server) with two mods from my normal server on it as well. The weird thing: It was first person, not a game, and it was in a grocery store. So I walk around, trying to use the /thru command that normally brings you though walls, but it wont work. I try spawning a compass and using that instead, but I realize the owner of the server banned /thru because he thinks mods would abuse it. As the dream progresses I find more and more I hate about the server.

      Strange AWANA location (9/4/2012)
      Another dream takes place as AWANA starts
      , and I am forced to volunteer. So I go there, and it is like 4 rooms in a hallway, then down the hallway is 1-2 more rooms. There were about 15 people helping out, which was a lot given the space, and amount of kids. I didn't do anything other than observe. As the AWANA thing finished, the kids were let out of their rooms, and as the last door opens Diane from our church looks inside, shields a kids eyes and yells "Oh my God!"
      Welp. You have my attention. I take a peek inside the room and wish I hadn't. Warning, it ain't pretty. What I see inside is a weird old dude in the back watching another old guy having sex with an old woman WTF. The people from inside walk out, after putting clothes on, and everything goes as normal.

      I assume it is like the next day or something, because here I am walking around some random store. I see a ramp and go down it, and I find myself at a shoe, casino, and general clothing section of the store. As if those things are really related. I look for a way out because I have no interest here at all. As I walk leave the store some bells go off. I see confetti and people start clapping. I walk back in after being told it was set up for a just married couple to walk through. I look for an alternate exit and see a few fire exits, but I know they are all alarmed. I see another normal exit and walk out of the store again. I do not know why, but I go back inside the store and I see an older couple look for an exit as well. They walk out one of the fire exits. As expected the alarm sounds off. I quickly run up to them and inform them that they made the mistake I just made, but they seemed confused. I return back the way I entered into this section of the store. I find the ramp and go back up. I check the time and AWANA is about to start again. I see a room filled with first graders and one has like bright red hair, like he just put dye in it or something. I walk into the main room of this building (It is like right outside the grocery store) and sit down in front of a desk. Someone comes in with a big brown bag and pulls Chinese food out, starts dishing it out to people, then the dream sort of ends.

      Updated 07-24-2018 at 08:01 PM by 57282

      non-lucid , memorable
    3. lucky day

      by , 09-05-2012 at 03:56 AM
      It started in my old home where I used to live when I was about 10... I started finding all of my favorite toys, and putting them in my pockets. Then, I ended up at my high school in the parking lot... Yet it was not my old beat up pickup truck, it was a really nice bmw, and all of these students were gathering around my car in awe.... Then, I was falling from the sky in a free fall... I was so happy. I realized that I was sky diving... what an amazing feeling :)

      When I reached the ground, I had landed in a pool full of flowers, it was the softest landing ever... I started swimming in the flowers and ended up in a lake with crystal clear water... there were dolphins in the distance jumping high out of the water... it was beautiful!
    4. DEILD Chain

      by , 09-05-2012 at 03:40 AM (Magic Box)
      Non-lucid Lucid Awake

      I came back from school at around 2 pm, since we didn't have any classes anymore. I did the SSILD technique until I rolled over and fell asleep.

      I was dreaming about a man chasing me in the mall, and he was yelling "La sangre! La sangre!" which means "the blood" in Spanish. I was holding a sealed vial of blood in my hand, and I was apparently hiding it from him. After a long chase scene, we stopped in front of a Korean hairstyle salon, and he suddenly morphed into the Korean guy on the poster. I reality checked and got lucid.

      (1) The guy vanished, and everything went really dark, like the mall was closed already. I tried shouting "Clarity!", "Light!", and some other commands, but nothing worked. I was afraid a monster was gonna pop out of the darkness. I was not necessarily afraid of monsters, but they might shock me into non-lucidity or wake me up. So I decided to lean against the wall and imagining coming out of a new dream scene on the other side. I closed my eyes, and felt like I was sinking into the wall. A few seconds later, I heard a distinct sound of a door creaking. The sound was very vivid, that I was awed while I was hearing it. When I opened my eyes, I had apparently gone through a door and ended up in my classroom, with my classmates and professor having a lecture. Cool, I thought. I changed dream scenes! I must have been smiling like an idiot by then. I walked around the back of the room, not minding the DCs having a class. I saw a door and entered. It was a really weirdly-shaped bathroom, with uneven corners and deformed structures inside. Then the whole room started to shrink or something. It felt really tight too, until I woke up from the dream altogether.

      (2) I stayed still when I noticed I had woken up. I started seeing blobs of white moving before my eyelids. At the same time, I noticed my head was throbbing too, like there was pressure inside it. It was very uncomfortable and borderline painful, but I knew it was all in my mind so that helped me to not panic. The white blobs looked really bright, until it just vanished, and I found myself in a room with several people. I was very amazed that the DEILD had worked, and that I was lucid all throughout the transition. The people in the room looked about my age. This time, I had no control though. I couldn't summon anything, nor could I fly out of the room to do other stuff. Someone mentioned that everyone in that room was a mutant, like in X-Men. A girl went to the corner and told us to stay on the other side. To my surprise, she turned into a huge shark. Like, HUGE. She filled half the room, and it was weird because..well she was a shark, on the concrete floor in the middle of a room. Lol. I started to wake up again.

      (3) I knew I had just exited a lucid dream, so I attempted to do a DEILD chain. I stayed still again, and soon enough, the same bright white blobs started moving behind my eyes. It slowly became less intense until I saw that I was in the mall I had just been in before. I immediately tried to remember my monthly goals, and I remembered one of them was to watch an aurora. I started to walk outside, while imagining the sky turning into nighttime, since it was daylight outside and an aurora would be better to look at in the dark. I didn't manage to make it nighttime though, only twilight. So it was still kinda daytime but kinda nighttime as well. Then I saw these really pretty colors. There were streaks of yellow, red and green stretched out like ribbons across the sky. I also noticed that there were some strings that were hanging in front of me, and they seem to have come from somewhere high above me. I pulled them one at a time, and when I did, the ribbons of colors in the sky seemed to be pulled along with the strings, like they were connected. I thought that was really cool. I pulled them some more, making the aurora dance to my liking. Then, I heard a commotion somewhere near me. I ran to a group of people. A man apparently died of a heart attack or something. Then I woke up again.

      (4) I stayed still yet again, knowing I had just woken up from a dream. My heart was racing at this time, because I remember being lucid just a few moments before, and I was excited. This time the blobs behind my eyelids weren't white. In fact, there weren't blobs at all. I just saw black for about 5 seconds, then the dream scene just appeared in front of me. I can't quite explain it, it's like..uhmm.. It's like I was closing my eyes and when I opened them, I was in the dream scene. The dream scene this time was the previous one, minus the people and the aurora. I was still quite aware of everything, so I thought about doing another one of my monthly goals. The one I could remember was to sing. I started singing the first song that came to mind, which was a Taylor Swift song. As I was singing, a band started appearing in front of me. At first they looked like foggy figures, until I reached the chorus, and the band was very vivid. There was a guy on the drums, guitar, bass, and a small guitar-like instrument (I have no idea what it was.) By the time I got to the bridge, I completely forgot the lyrics! I stopped singing, and the band stopped playing. I thought really hard, but I just couldn't remember. I thought about doing another goal, which was to be a mermaid. But before I could do so, I woke up again.

      This time I decided to wake myself up completely, because I was afraid I would forget the previous dreams and lucids. I'm not sure if that was a great idea, or a really stupid one. Should I have gone for another DEILD? Or did I make the right choice in waking up and making sure the previous dreams would be remembered and recorded?
    5. Killer

      by , 09-05-2012 at 12:20 AM (Robo's Dreams)
      -pre sleep-

      As I fell asleep last night, I saw in my pre-sleep imagery large double-doored gates, each opening to reveal another. There were two statues of a human figure, one on each side of each gate. I was fascinated by these gates and proceeded through them as they opened before me. I made it about halfway through these gates before I stopped. Fear gripped me, and the statues appeared malicious, still as they were. In a mild panic, I turned around and attempted to return from where I came, but quickly decided to open my eyes to banish the imagery, yet not the fear.


      Recall begins as I get into the back seat of a car as quickly as humanly possible, then slam and lock the side door. My pursuer, a crazed serial killer grabs the door handle and yanks on it several times as I get myself to the front seat to lock all the doors. I press the button to lock the door, and in my panic hit the unlock button, then the lock button once more. I get the key into the ignition and press the panic button. The siren starts blaring. and my assailant recoils from the door, clutching his ears. I watch as he falls to the ground, convulsing as if an electric shock is running through his body.

      I take a moment to calm my nerves. I let out a deep breath and take on another terrible fear of mine, driving.

      I take the car out of park and let it coast downhill, turning right at the first opportunity and parking immediately. Then I wake up.
      non-lucid , nightmare
    6. Short WILD

      by , 09-04-2012 at 10:12 PM (WILD Dream Journal)
      9/4 - WILD inside house

      Woke up this morning around 7 and worked on homework for roughly 2 hours. After I finished a section I decided to attempt WILD so I made my way to bed and tried to fall asleep.

      This WILD went very smoothly. Kept myself well anchored and made a nice transition into a dream. The imagery I experienced was from a video game. I "interacted" or influenced it and snapped into my dream in a flash of white light.

      I kept still for about 30 seconds to make sure my dream was stable and opened my eyes. I was inside my bed with the covers over my head. I could see the covers and they were well lit. I used this as a reality check because I knew that when I opened my eyes I should see black because I have a sleep mask. As I was getting up from the bed I felt my dog laying by my side. I moved her and got out of bed.

      I walked over to the railing (long wooden railing) and jumped up onto it, slid down and at the bottom I did a double back flip off it. There were two ceiling fans at the bottom of the railing that are not in my house, I noted them as I walked around the corner into the dining room. The dining room was empty in the center (has a large table) and it was carpeted. The carpet was maroon in color with a square pattern. There was a hutch in the far side of the wall that I also noted as I walked past.

      I went into the kitchen and saw a meal being made. There was corn on the cob boiling inside a pot and two on top of the pot, there were two steaks on top of a broil tray. I thought it looked very good and right as I was about to walk away I decided I've never eaten anything in my dream and Id like to try. I grabbed a piece of corn and took a bite out of it. My mouth was watering and I remember the taste of butter. I thought to myself, this must be hot i'll save it for later! I kept it in my hand and began walking to the porch area and as I rounded the corner my dream faded instantly.

      Notes: Light mask, ear plugs WBTB (2 hours)
    7. Tues. Sep. 4

      by , 09-04-2012 at 08:44 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)

      Towards the end of the women's choir concert, a soloist walks on. I don't recognize her as one of the members of the choir. Her first few notes have pretty bad tone, which I realize must be because she hasn't done any singing yet in the concert (so she isn't warmed up). As the song goes on, she doesn't get much better--although she does have a nice stage personality, so the song's still enjoyable. But eventually she stops and goes into the bathroom. It's kind of dark, so I'm not sure about this next part, but . . . when she comes out of the bathroom, it looks like she's not wearing any pants or underwear.

      Dreamer's Tales

      I'm reading from a random dream journal on DV. The writer uses a large, boldface font. The basic story is that he's incapacitated the leader of the bad guys, but he's still looking around for the rest of them. Then he realizes that in the time he's been looking, the leader may have woken up again. For all he knows, the leader could be standing right behind him, right now. The DJ entry stops there. I'm delighted to realize that I understand why: the sense of being followed is sometimes scary enough to cause the "Abort! Abort! Nightmare!" response. Overall, I'm impressed with this dream and with the way it was told.


      My dad is laughing about something he just heard from one of his friends. Apparently, that friend just received a call that his son was arrested in Philadelphia. As far as anyone knows so far, he got drunk with some friends, and they decided to fly over there to watch our state football team play an away game? Either way, it's hilarious.


      I'm writing in my dream diary when I realize that I'm running out of space: there are some more notes in the diary, below where I'm writing right now. I must accidentally have written on that page one time when there wasn't enough light to see what I was doing. I have plenty more stuff to write, though, so I need more room. I look back at the previous page and notice five or six blank lines on the bottom. I have no idea why I skipped those, but good thing I did! Now I have enough space to finish my entry.

      Accio Glasses

      I'm home between classes, working on something. When I look at the clock, I realize that it's way past time for me to be heading back to school. Class has already started. Even worse: I just remembered I have a worksheet due today. I meant to work on it during this break, but it completely slipped my mind. Hurriedly, I gather up my things from the room and start towards the door. I notice that everything looks a little fuzzy, and I realize I've forgotten to put on my glasses. I run back to the room in which I left them. They're all the way on the other side of the room, and my sister's sitting in an easy chair, reading a book. I suspect she's irritated about all the noise I'm making, so I try to make a joke.

      "Accio glasses!" I say, pointing my hand across the room. That way, she'll realize I'm in a hurry (since I wish I could just summon my glasses, rather than walking to them). Hopefully she'll also think I'm in a good mood ('cause it's a joke), and it'll put her in a better mood (since it's a Harry Potter reference). Anyway, my glasses case rises from its resting place and floats across the room to hover in front of me. It opens, and my glasses float out and unfold themselves. Bemused, I reach for them. But apparently they were expecting me to reach for a different part, because they helpfully dart a foot to one side, causing me to miss. On the second try, I grab them.

      Cast Iron

      I'm being chased by a wild animal, a bear or something. Right in front of me is an alley guarded by a cast iron gate. If I can climb over the gate, I'll be safe. But the bear is right behind me, so I have to climb quickly. Once I start climbing, my arms and legs suddenly feel like they weigh fifty pounds apiece. They get tangled in the gaps in the cast iron, and I know I won't make it up in time.

      I decide to try again. This time, I'm being chased by a gorilla with tentacles on its chin, like Davy Jones from PotC. But it's also farther back and I'm already halfway up the gate. I manage to get over in time. I watch as it runs up to the gate and starts climbing after me. Uh oh. I run to a door at the end of the alley, just a plain rectangle of wood, painted white. It opens inward, but the space behind is almost entirely filled by the door itself. I try to hold the door at just the right angle to squeeze around the edge, so that I can shut the door behind me.

      Presentation Day

      I walk into my English class, and the teacher says "Let's talk about [insert author here]." I'd completely forgotten about that reading. I remember him assigning it almost on the first day of class, but I thought he would remind us at least once before the day it was due! Apparently he expects us to keep track of everything we should be doing. Which is fine, except that I've failed that expectation. I'm supposed to have read an entire play, but I have no idea what it's even about.

      A small group of students goes to the front of the room to do their presentation. Sometime during the course of class, I accidentally scratch a girl's ankle.

      I wake up [falsely]. Taking a long, sharp metal stick, I go into the front hall and begin scratching the wooden floor, writing down my notes for the dream I just had. My sister walks by just as I finish writing the name of the girl I accidentally scratched. I notice she's looking at the name, and I'm worried she'll recognize it, or perhaps mistakenly associate the name with someone else she knows, who just happens to have the same name.
    8. Animatronic Pliosaur WILD (AKA failed TOTM)

      by , 09-04-2012 at 07:33 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      I woke up at 5:14am when Nicole woke up for school. Then again at 6:45am to get Chris ready for school. I dozed off again and got up at 7:10am to take Chris to school. I went pee, got some water, cleaned a pee puddle because Nicole forgot to let Bella out, then went to bed at about 7:30am. I woke up at 9:34am, then tried to go back to sleep. I lay a while before finally feeling some vibrations. A few waves came over me before I finally got that feeling of sliding involuntarily across the bed. I thought for a moment that I might actually roll off the edge like Xanous does in his DEILDs, but the sliding abruptly stopped. I felt like I was already in a dream, and still aware yay! But when I tried to open my dream eyes, they were glued shut. I was still dreaming, and I could feel my bed, so I just got up and felt for the door, blind and all. I opened the door and went into the hall, feeling my way all the while. I was already thinking about the advanced TOTM, but the chance of regaining my eyesight, going back in time and finding water seemed pretty bleak at this point. I clapped my hands, shouted for more light. I even wiggled my hands in front of my face and could barely make something out, but I was still for the most part blind as a bat. I found another door that doesn't exist irl, and opened it. LIGHT halleluiah! I found myself in an oyster dive, overlooking the ocean. It looked like a delta in the everglades, that stretched out to the gulf. Only thing between me and the water was the front door of the dive and a parking lot and some sand. I went out the screen door, and stepped into the parking lot. I could see the bright orange sun getting close to setting, so I knew I needed to work fast. A little dude dressed in a white suit, who looked like that little guy from Fantasy Island, was there to greet me in his car. He said he would drive me to the shore. I said no thanks, I didn't want to drive or walk because I'm running out of time and the scene tends to change on me when I do that. So I remembered my mistake from my last lucid, and that I should have flown to my destination. So I did a little running start, and managed to fly/hop like a wounded bird and quickly made it to the shore. The little dude met me there in his car anyway. It was still light out, but the sun had just set. And the water now looked black, arrrghhhh. I think of the task and don't want to blow it, so I bravely step into the water and start walking to the deeper part, preparing to dive in. I don't know how I'm going to see down there, and I'm not even in the Cretaceous Era. So I'm about shin deep now, and as I'm pondering how I can make time travel and light happen, I see two somethings under the water, racing straight for me, creating huge wakes. I turned around and ran straight out of the water, and angled right. I looked over my shoulder, and the little dude was still on the beach. Two gigantic animatronic pliosaurs shot out of the water, and one of them ate the little dude! I just kept running along the beach. I was having a hard time running AWAY from the beach, more like I just kept running along the shore line. I lost my sight again and either went nonlucid or woke up briefly, I can't remember.

      I'm glad I had my 3rd successful WILD with no breaks in consciousness, and that I made it in the water at least somewhat. And hell, my subC was even able to conjure some cretaceous beasts, so I feel like it was half the battle. Facing those beasts again though is going to be a struggle, especially since now I know I left one of them hungry:

      lucid , memorable
    9. Small dream about my meds.

      by , 09-04-2012 at 06:14 PM (Zechariah's Dream Journal)
      I haven't been dreaming a lot, but last night I remember a tiny fragment of a dream. I walked into my restroom feeling disoriented and picked up my anxiety pills. I don't know why I did what I did next, but I picked up the pills and took a few more than I should have. I knew it was too much. Then after swallowing them I came to my senses and wished I didn't. Good thing it was just a dream.

      Also I remember taking a sip of a drink that I don't currently have in my fridge. Just a couple fragments for today.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. It's just a Fantasy

      by , 09-04-2012 at 06:02 PM
      Commentary non-lucid

      I was on vacation for the weekend and didn't have a great chance to work on my dreaming. I had one dream that was memorable that I will relate.

      I went on a walk with my family. To my dismay, my dad brought along the family dog . While walking, it started shitting. It went several times in a large circle and made what looked like a mushroom fairy ring. The problem was that we didn't have anything to pick it up with. My dad was about to walk back to the apartment to get a plastic bag but I just wanted to get on with our walk. I walked into the street where there was a lot of trash. I thought there would be some bags available. There were but they were mostly dirty. I found one that was fairly clean and started cleaning the crap. Some punk rock looking people arrived and one of them who was pretty large started helping me put crap in my bag. He missed and the crap landed on my shirt and pants. I got pissed and started to argue with him. He was giggling that he did it and I wanted to start a fight. I put up my hands into fighting position and took on the form of many different fighters that I've seen including an old man fighting a young whippersnapper, a kung fu fighter, and some others. As this transformation was occurring, me and the guy started to lose our anger and it became fun. Other concerned people were descending upon us, about to break us up. I turned and reassured them with a song.... "It's just a faaaantasy, no need to woooory. It's just a faaaantasy...something something something." I don't know if this meant that I knew that I was dreaming or that I knew that we were just play fighting.

      Later, I was in a house where a party was occurring. I don't recall much now, but I know that at one point my grandfather died. I felt bad because it was my fault. At that, he came back to life and then just disappeared. We were like, "he disappeared!"

      Some people were trying to take a picture with me, but I didn't know who they were.
    11. Edge of a lucid, Flying food, New methods (LD #11)

      by , 09-04-2012 at 06:01 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Uggh. Crappy recall.

      This first dream was very silly. I apologize for the lack of detail.

      I can remember some dream that I had about me and my father, we were going backpacking in some mountains. I can't remember the dream very well up until the part where we arrived at this cabin.
      We sat down in this log cabin, Me, him and a few other DCs. My dad took out this GIANT slab of beef and started to take bites off of it. (It was a sort of cylinder shape, about a foot around and a foot tall.) I must have been giving him a funny look because he told me that he was so hungry from carrying a heavy backpack all day that he would eat the whole thing.
      He started to offer me various foods. I can remember trying some chicken and fried fish. Somehow when my dad took the food out of his backpack it would fly into my mouth.
      But the final food was the one that I remember most vividly, a piece of pizza. When I bit into it, the taste was vivid and realistic, the only worthwhile part of the dream.
      This dream had a rare ending, It faded back into sleep, instead of me waking up. Probably the reason for the lack of clarity.

      I can remember achieving lucidity after some dream character told me that I was dreaming. But as soon as I did the dream destabilized, and I partially woke up. I was stuck in this nether world between being in this lucid dream and being awake.
      I knew that I could either allow myself to wake up or attempt to stabilize the dream, but it was clear to me that stabilizing the dream carried only a very slim chance of salvaging it. I allowed myself to awake.
      The outcome of the dream was not what interested me. Being in that "between" state for so long was what interested me.

      So anyways, now that I am returning, I have come up with a strategy to achieve lucids. (And avoid crappy nights like this) And it is as simple as it should be effective:

      I will do a Mantra session, sit and think or say quietly that I will lucid dream and remember it. I will do this based on time (Starting out at 30 minutes each night) I will document my time with DJ entries the following morning.

      Once I can reliably lucid with 30 minutes each night, I will begin to reduce the time, a few minutes at a time. If I am struggling, I may increase the time that I do it.

      My ultimate hope is to get myself to the point that I can lucid dream every night with just a few minutes of mantra sessions, or better yet, none.

      So it is essentially an organized attempt on the MILD method.

      Updated 08-08-2014 at 05:59 PM by 53527

      Tags: minor event
    12. Xfactor and Cousin's house?...

      by , 09-04-2012 at 04:54 PM
      okay, so to start I'm in my own house but in the dream my house is my cousin's house in scottland.
      first thing I remember is waking up, we have to get ready for school. I go down stairs to get brecfust and its Ilse's birthday my youngest cousins so for breakfast were having 'Moshi Monsters cakes. None of the others of my cousins are down so I go back upstairs. The only people downstairs are My Antie Jo, and Uncle Rob.
      when I come back down, they are all in the living room eating breakfast, but this time its not the Moshi monsters stuff and there eating like massive biscutes. some of them are the sise of the plates there on and there is about five on each but at the bottom of the biscuits is a piece of tost, that are like, crusted with Sugar.

      The next dream I'm audichioning for Xfactor. For some reson, its not on the massive stage. Its in my Holiday home. It is with all the Judges from the TV series (the UK vershion)
      I start to sing 'PainKillers' by Lauren Pritchard. For some reson I keep going out of tune I know this sounds self centered, but I do not go out of tune... ever. Its the one thing that is actually good for my voice the juges seem to be nice enough. They ask me to try again, so I do a difrent song, and again I'm going out of tune. for some reson one of the judges is my teacher Mrs F who no longer teaches me they tell me that I'm through even though I sound dreadful.
    13. GRE Fail, Inside a Video Game, Searching For Liquor, and Star Trek Weirdness

      by , 09-04-2012 at 04:42 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was sitting at a desk in a classroom with many other people, lots of them I knew from high school. The desks were all set up in this huge square. We were taking the GRE.

      It was very quiet in the room, of course, as we all bubbled in answers on our papers. There was a test proctor walking around keeping time (it's a timed test). During this time, I remember looking across the room and seeing Rob, this guy I went to high school with. I knew he had taken the test quite a few times because he kept doing poorly.

      We then had a break to all get up and go use the bathroom and such.

      I then remember sitting back down, this time I feel like I was sitting around the area that Rob had been sitting. I remember my high school friend Sara being there as well, though her hair was shorter than I remember. We were about to take the writing portion of the test. I went through the opinion/argumentative writing part, and felt just fine about it. Time was called, and then we started the next writing portion, analyzing an argument, a part of the test where you have to be able to read a simple argument, and pick out its fallacies. The short argument was on the paper in quotations, bigger print and italics. I don't remember what it said exactly, but I spent a lot of time thinking about what to write. I had been nervous about this part of the test to begin with. During this time, I actually remembered that this was supposed to be a computer-based test now, not paper-based, but I just didn't worry too much about it.

      I wrote a couple of sentences on my notebook paper, but then erased them. Someone close by to me warned me they were about to call time. Not two seconds later, the test proctor called time. Fuck! I didn't have anything written! I was going to have to take it again. The score was going to be completely unacceptable to any of the graduate programs I wanted to attend.

      I then was in the same room again, retaking the test. The same group of people was in there. I don't remember details of this part.

      Then, the tests were taken up when we were done. They were put in colored folders, I seem to remember purple being one, on this bin/shelf that looked like it was in my closet, but it wasn't my closet? Weird. Well, I wanted to see mine and maaaybe correct some things on it if I could, but I knew that was cheating, and I'm sure they kept a close eye on them. I kind of thumbed through them, but didn't make any corrections. I was afraid I'd get in trouble just for touching the tests. I remember seeing the bin/shelf of results throughout the rest of the dream.


      I was with my friend Mike and some other people. We were in some video game. I don't know what our mission was, but it involved getting some items to someone behind a big door at the back of the bar. The door was inaccessible unless we had these items.

      We were in an old, dark, dilapidated bar sometime in the distant future. There was all this swamp area inside of it that would kill us if we touched it. I don't remember who touched it first, if it was me or someone I was with, but we all ended up just jumping in the swamp. I remember thinking it would hurt to die, but it didn't. I remember floating down into the swamp, feeling a little weird, and then, we were alive again inside the bar.

      We then saw the bar as it had been thousands of years prior. It had a few people in it, and looked brighter and, of course, it wasn't worn out and dilapidated. There was also no swamp area. We went up to the bar and the bar tenders, I remember for sure one was a woman, said something to us.

      Then, it started to age in fast motion. I watched out a window as the trees outside withered and died (apparently this was the end of the world or something), and the light looked more and more orange, like a sunset. The bar was then the same swampy bar we had originally walked into. There were still people tending bar, but they were, of course, not the same people as when the bar was young. One of the girls that was with us reached behind the bar for these orange drinks.

      I remember us falling into the swamp again, and this time, I was more prepared for the feeling. I again saw the swamp around me, and the people I was with falling inside the swamp as I was. We were then alive again in the bar shortly after falling into the swamp.

      I remember something about us having to collect hairpins for some reason? I don't know if we ever did, but I remember it having something to do with our mission.


      I was with Mike again, but this time, it was just us. We were 15 years old again for some reason, but we knew we had been older before. It was weird.

      We were outside on a sunny day, and Mike wanted to find some booze. I asked him if he wanted beer, liquor, or wine, and proceeded to explain where we could find each of them. I don't remember what he said, but we went to go look.

      We approached this extremely windy tunnel, and Mike had the idea to get out this black umbrella so we could block the wind with it (it was kind of video-gamey here). We opened the umbrella, put it out in front of us to block the wind, and slowly walked through the tunnel. You could see the white wisps of wind around us, again, like you probably would in a video game. We finally made it out to the other side, and the umbrella was tattered and torn. But we made it out!

      Then, we were in some bar, and asked for a bottle of some kind of booze, I can't quite remember which, though I think it was liquor.
      "How old are you?" the bartender asked.
      I had my ID out just in case.
      "15" replied Mike.
      Lolwut. He isn't going to sell it to us now, idiot!
      He then went back to get us our liquor. HUH?!? That should NOT have worked!

      We then saw him getting our liquor, and another male bartender, who was apparently pissed at for some reason, spit inside the bottle before giving it to the original bartender to give to us. Ewww. He then gave us the bottle of liquor. I tried to take a swig of the amber liquor, but it was mostly slimy, like spit. I spit some of it out, and took another. The same thing happened. It rested in my mouth for a second before I decided to swallow it. Just the idea that I had drank someone else's saliva was gross, but I didn't puke or spit it out this time. I guess when you're 15 and you find liquor, you just take what you can get.


      Weird half-asleep dream this morning.

      I was inside some volcano that was going to erupt the next day; it was inevitable. Spock from Star Trek was building this very small (and when I say small, think a child's playhouse) building out of small, square, crumpled white pieces of paper. I saw many were not squared off, so with my mind, I squared them off. It was all then white wicker instead? Other Star Trek characters were there as well.

      The building was supposed to be sacred, a shrine of some sort. I remember the floor of it being completely wicker, and I remember building a lot of it with my mind, though Spock was supposed to be building it. I then saw Spock with long, straight black hair, and he was sad. He said it was no use, it would be destroyed by the lava from the volcano. The tiny building was complete, save for a roof. He then rolled this white rack over to an opening in the wall of the building
      "These are hangers" he said. I then saw some hangers on top of the rack. I supposed they were for coats or something for people visiting the building. I guess no matter how doomed the building was, he was kind of in denial about it, in a way. He wanted to believe it would be ok, even though he knew it was going to be destroyed.

      Updated 09-04-2012 at 08:08 PM by 32059

    14. 9/4/2012 - Increasing Recall

      by , 09-04-2012 at 04:32 PM (The Medium)
      Seems my recall is getting better. Tonight I managed to recall 4 different dreams.

      The first one was a bit short, but strange. I was at work doing normal things... Sorta. I recall I had some sort of mecha that assisted me in adjusting many prices and labels quickly. I pass by another employee who I have never seen before. She just gave me a look like, "This day needs to be over, now." Returning a gesture, we go on our way. Right before the dream collapses, I hear what sounded like almost like my dad calling my name. It was clear and somewhat loud. The dream ends and I am wide awake at around 03:40.

      The next dream is a bit harder to recall all of the details. The main idea is a few friends and myself are in some sort of zombie apocalypse area, but feels like some sort of survival game. Lots of platforms and other such useless obstacles. I recall that something happens and my friend and I find ourselves in a pit with thousands of them. They pretty much leave me alone, but go after the other guy instead. Running to try to help out however I can (we are dead anyway), the zombies all stop. Circled around us, the leaders of the undead army are speaking with us. They have a ancient Egyptian ruler look to them. I don't quite remember what they said, but due to the death of someone living, they needed someone who is alive to rule the army, else they cease to exist. Looking at me, something happens, bright lights blind me, and proclaim me as ruler. At this point, the dream ends gradually.

      The next dream my brother and I are at some undisclosed location. It feels like a school, but is like an apartment complex. I really have no clue what the place is. Red brick seemed to be the common theme. Not much happens as the place is still under construction, but eventually a bunch of people are carrying my bro towards the entrance. He does not look good. They say he ate something, and suddenly cant move. The dream implies an ambulance took him to the hospital, and he recovers. Not long after that, my cat did the same thing! Very weird, so I decide to take him to the vet. Though this proves troublesome as we had a hard time keeping him in the vehicle. Which is weird since he should not have been able to move. The dream ends around this time.

      The last one not too much happens. I am heading to a relatives house, but decide to get some food before hand. I pick up some popcorn chicken from a generic chicken joint, but still manage to get a chicken sandwich. I get there and my parents are there as well. Not too eventful as it's just normal conversations that I can't recall.

      Month: Phoenix
      Goal: Fix Recall
      Dreams remembered: 4 (+2)
      Time: 03:00 - 08:00
      Length: Normal
      Clarity: Somewhat clear
      =End Stats=
    15. First Day of School, Breaking down, and biking!

      by , 09-04-2012 at 03:59 PM
      Hey guys! First dream journal entry here. I've been recording a few of my dreams lately and i've had about 10 lucids altogethher.

      Well here we go.

      The dream started at my old school in New Zealand, I was walking around talking to other classmates and the bell rung. I knew what my first few classes we're and I guess my dream decided to skip them. It came to 5/6th period and I realized I didn't have my schedule. Although I knew what my next class was, oddly. I went in and I couldn't figure out what subject it was. The teacher was telling us not to fear the class. I guess, somehow the class was about Octopus's? The dream, very subtly, changed abit and the class was filled with water. An octopus was latched to my leg, wrapping around it. It felt insanely weird but the teacher calmed me down and told me that it couldn't hurt me. Suddenly I was in a hallway and I saw my ex girlfriend, walking down the hallway with the other foreign exchange guy that had already left the states. I was thinking of asking him how he got back here, but my dream ended before I got the opportunity.

      A different REM period

      The dream begun at my old hometown in New Zealand. My brother had driven us to the town, and he was getting Fish 'n' Chips for us. I saw smoke coming from the engine of the truck, and opened the hood up. There was a fire! Me and a friend started trying to blow it out. After awhile of blowing the fire out, it finally stopped re-igniting. I'm not sure how my buddy got there, but he was gone after we had fixed the engine. Once the fire was out, I noticed that it had burned the whole engine and everything. The fire had resided towards the front seats of the car and there was a bunch of ash. I closed the hood, and surprisingly my old teacher from my school in New Zealand was there. She came up to me stressing out that I was back. The first thing she said, was in a condescending tone and she asked "Are you and your brother going to buy oregano???" I continued to convince her we weren't. (By oregano, I think she meant Marijuana ^-^) In the dream, and also right now. I found that extremely funny. I started biking back to our house, since the truck was trashed and I dont know how, but I ended up on the trails that me and my family were biking on the other day. And the dream ends!
      Looking forward to my next lucid, so I can post it on here!
      Thanks for reading guys and gals
      Tags: lol