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    1. Video guide

      by , 06-06-2012 at 08:37 AM
      I was travelling for a week and didn't do any active effort. I was mostly very tired and slept irregularly, anyway. This one, however, was memorable enough to stay with me.

      I'm drifting in and out of sleep, in an unfamiliar place, tired but cannot sleep well. When I enter sleep I'm usually aware that I'm dreaming and awareness of the sleeping body disappears. I practice flying. I start from the ground, a park with green grass. I figure I'm starting from my home town, and want to visit the Alps. I get close to the level of the lowest clouds when I hit a roof and come out of what seems like a set for a play. I wake up a little and notice I'm in a bed.

      I drift of again and decide to try flying horizontally this time. I'm not moving fast enough to get to the Alps in one night. I try to boost the speed with my willpower, then start saying "faster" out loud. This helps. I come to a scout camp site somewhere in Germany. Not quite there, I need to go southwest. I look at a wooden sign in the forest trying to figure out where I am.

      There is a disconnect. Now I'm in a room with a young man, a couple of sofas and a tv. He tells me I know why I'm there. I nod. He starts running a video about some spiritual stuff. I tell him I know the basics of most of these belief systems and we should get on to the real, experiential and technical stuff. I have a remote and I try to fast forward but instead, it seems, I turn the thing of. The man tells me this will take a long time if my technical skills are like that.

      I get distracted and I'm drifting to a non-lucid dream, when I hear the man say something about me being impossible. I snap out of it and return to the movie. Some new age stuff. I decide to sit trough it just to please him. I wake up after a couple of seconds, however.
      lucid , memorable
    2. 27 Nov: Lucid healing a friend and confirmed shared dream

      by , 11-30-2010 at 08:02 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      01:00 GMT

      Harassed at a temple
      I am visiting some new place. There’s a temple and pyramids and on this temple I recall seeing carved in stone what seems to be the Pokémon balls (I don’t know the name of the devices, ‘cause I don’t watch the series). I’m resting, sitting on the floor against a pillar, on a platform on the top of a tall staircase with a view to a square – actually it reminds me of the Inca or Aztec kind of pyramid temples, with view to a central square. A guy comes from behind me and he’s harassing me, trying to seduce me, but I know he is up to no good. Luckily there’s some other cute guy around with whom I decide to stick to get rid of the other and we leave together. Then some scene where I’m drinking coffee and writing a story for a newspaper.

      04:00 GMT

      Coming home
      Coming to my mom’s home by car, with my dad on the passenger side. I am hoping to find my neighbour Carla but she doesn’t show up. There aren’t parking spaces available, but a neighbour who was just looking through the window (I think) came downstairs and parked his car better so we could also park.

      7:00 GMT

      Leaving a friend's house
      I was at a nice home with some friends, maybe someone’s birthday party, but I was actually staying there for a few days already, when my mom and BF come to get me. I was surprised, like they came too early, so when I am at the door to go I remember I have left things behind, so I run back to a room where I was and see some of my clothes lying over the bed and some tupperwares with food. I gather all the food in one Tupperware and some guy who’s in the same room, looks disgusted that I’m doing that over there. I couldn’t care less about his feelings, but then the dream starts to shift and I realize I am dreaming. I almost wake up, but hold on to the flow of images passing by.

      Healing a friend and a confirmed shared dream

      I held on to the passing imagery and I entered a new dream lucid. My first thought was “Is this a WILD or a DILD?”, because I wasn’t really sure if I had woke up somewhere in the transition. But now in retrospective, I don’t think I did and I think it was a DILD.
      So the dream was an amazing Alps landscape. I fly and sit on top of a stone wall, with a view over the mountains and the green valleys. I start focusing to meditate but the wall starts to shake and some stones break apart. I almost fall and I almost wake up, but I remember I can hover, so I do that. I decide to sit back on that wall and hang on no matter what. Nothing will distract me from my intent. The wall shakes violently, like shaking me off and breaks apart and as I fall, I feel I’m being sucked by the dream and I am pushed through a succession of sceneries, violently thrown against walls, cars, trains and everything you can imagine. I keep still, I don’t lose focus and I meditate, hovering through this fast motion attack. Then all stops and I am standing in front of a mirror. I see my image reflected on it and don’t know exactly what to do. I should have continued focused, just meditating, but I remember there’s something I actually want to do. I want to visit Isabel and do something for her. She is a friend who is dying with cancer. So I cross the mirror but this time (lesson learned from last failed attempts) I picture she is right on the other side, no need to go through tunnels or worm-holes to get there. I cross and the only strange effect I feel is that the other side is upside down, so I fall with my head down in the other side of the mirror. The light is a bit dim, but I figure I am in an hospital. Looks quite nice, all the walls are glass and I have panoramic view. This building is in a valley surrounded by high snowy peaks. Looks like the Alps again. It’s still dark, like dawn. I see her in a bed just on the right external corner of this room. She looks sleepy and very skinny and weak. Much more than how I saw her last time in RL. I hold her hands, kiss her hands and kiss her in the cheek. She is happy and surprised to see me. I tell her I want to try something and ask for her permission. She says “Sure”. She gets up and sits on a chair by the side of her bed. I summon and try to visualize the Medicine Buddha coming to heal her and for some time nothing happens. I am getting desperate but then I see a blue star shining bright in the night sky outside. I focus on it and I notice it becoming bigger and moving. As it moves to the right in the sky, all of a sudden makes a U-turn and accelerates in our direction. As it comes closer I can distinguish a translucent blue entity. I don’t recognize a traditional Buddha shape though, but I’m open to whatever it is that is coming to meet us. Then it just crosses the glass wall in high speed, passes through Isabel’s body entering by her back and comes out through her chest and disappears in the air. I am amazed but she asks me “So? What exactly are you going to try?”. She didn’t see or feel anything. So I tell her I just want to do some reiki in her. I am still puzzled and preferred not to tell her the truth. I put my hands on her back for a while but then a friend of hers comes up and they start chatting. I hear her saying something like she would love so much to see Rinpoche (our precious guru) so I think about trying to help her on that to. I ask them to make a prayer with me to summon his presence. We call for his name and then a succession of characters that mildly resemble him enter through the door, but I know none of them is truly him, they lack his presence. But for a brief split second I did feel his energy and I try to pursuit it by flying out of the door and down the stairs. I feel him. I exit to the street and it’s early morning already. I can see the town square in front of me, a morning market being assembled by the locals and beautiful alpine houses. The air is cold but sweet. His presence dissipates in the air.
      I fly around a little bit the market and the beautiful amazing pastry store windows, with very traditional and fairy tale like cookies and cakes arrangements. I marvel at the amazing beauty of this and think that normally I would start a frenzy of eating all I could, knowing it is just a dream, but this time I didn’t feel the need. I fly back to inside the building and on the waiting room I encounter my mom.
      (SHARED)--> She is sitting on a bench, with a piece of cake on a plate, but not eating it. I sit by her side and she asks me if I saw all those amazing cakes and cookies. I smile and say yes. She ask if I want to share (she always does, not to feel so guilty, I guess). She says we can go get a dozen each and then exchange to try more flavours. I say I’m not interested. But then a friend of hers or a total stranger, I don’t know, comes to us and offers a plate with a half eaten sweet. She says she is full and that we can have the rest. My mom says why should she take it, when there are so many fresh cakes outside waiting for us. But I accept and eat it. She doesn’t get it, so I explain I’m trying to live according to this new philosophy: not eating unnecessarily, even if it’s a dream and I won’t get fat or won’t cost me money – and by the way, this is when I tell her this is a dream – but if someone offers me something with a good intention, then I accept it, no matter what, as a humble thank you for the meritorious action of the person. She is trying to digest that this is a dream. She doesn’t seem to believe, because it is so real, but I insist it is and since I am starting to feel it fading I tell her that as a proof, I am just about to exit this dream. <--
      (SHARED) And then I wake up.

      9:00 GMT

      Note: During the day I asked my mom if she had had any interesting dream (it was early morning, so I felt there was a high chance of recall) and she took some time to remember anything, but then she said “Yes, I remember cakes! Beautiful amazing cakes and pastry shops like those we saw in Belgium, those that looked like out of a fairy tale! But I didn’t actually remember eating any cake...” she said with a sad face

      Updated 11-30-2010 at 08:10 PM by 34880

      memorable , lucid , non-lucid