comment dream semi-lucid lucid The dream before the lucid parts wasn’t much coherent, my settings and my companions were very changeable, so I simplified it slightly, I am using the word companions instead of being specific and I am starting from a point from which I remember the dream reasonably well but it was actually longer. We were inside a building and we wanted to go outside to look for Karin, who was some kind of magical creature, maybe a fairy. She went out and didn't come back for a long time. I went outside and my companions came with me. There were gardens around us and it was dark, and we walked through the gardens and there were flowers, but Karin was nowhere to be found. Then we walked on the lawn around the building and there were soldiers walking towards us. They had the division number written on them - 100something. I knew their general and I remembered that I was in the 80th Division. But I didn't want to approach them because they would certainly want to know the details and I didn't remember the details. They walked past us and ignored us. Then I explained to my companions that it is our presence - that with our presence and attention this world grows stronger and becomes more detailed and real, that it is like the shadows in Amber and we travel through them like the princes of Amber... but I stopped because I understood that they didn't know Amber and my comparison or explanation didn't mean anything to them. Anyway, we should find Karin quickly and get out of here because more and more things are going to be happening around here. I also told them that it was fascinating how I remembered being in the 80th division, but that I was a little sad that it was actually a false memory. Then we were at some greenhouse or walled garden and I think we found Karin there and she came with us, or it stopped mattering. We were back in the building, now there were soldiers and infrastructure. We arranged at the window of a female clerk to hear us in a closed room. I also wanted her to arrange for me to talk to the general in private, as I was still feeling emotional about my membership in the division. We were in the room with her, me and two companions, there was someone there with her too, sitting across the table from us. I turned off the light and it was morning twilight and I said, "How about we make our own light" to my companions. "Or would that get everyone in this building on their feet?" In the sense that I wanted to make it clear that we were magicians, but again, not to stir up the whole building. I cast the Lux spell and so did my companions. I remembered that it didn't work in my recent LD (9 May) and now it didn't work either, my palm was empty. But there was something there, or was it just my imagination? I looked closely and there was a small light, the size of a pinhead. I tried to focus on it to make it bigger, but it seemed to be trying to escape my focused gaze. It glowed brighter for a moment, then I lost it for a second, and then it reappeared and was a cluster of little balls. It was still trying to move and escape. I physically grabbed it in my hand, it had a feel like plasticine, and tried to combine all the little balls into one bigger ball. At that moment I realized "I am lucid" and said it out loud. I was also immediately intrigued by the transition from semi-lucidity to lucidity. I debated whether to continue the dream story, but I figured I'd had enough of it (it was a good dream!) and it was time to do something else. So I was deciding where to go and what to do and I was tempted by something to do with water and remembered that my plan for Prague involved water, so Prague it was. Standing in front of the door, I quickly visualized the towers of the city and opened the door. Behind the door was still the corridor, but it looked different and the building was set up for an event related to my hobby activity (and related to Prague). I walked down the corridor further, to the left was the exit to the outside, straight ahead the corridor continued. I wanted to go outside, but on the corner between the turn and the continuation of the corridor was a lobby separated from the stairs leading outside by a glass wall, and I saw a table and a couple on it. Spoiler for sexual: I thought it was my friend L and he was having sex with some girl, so I went over to join them in a threesome. When I got closer I saw it was two girls, which was ok too, they were very petite, skinny and pretty. I started touching them, one wasn't happy about it, the other didn't protest, but continued to just lie on the table, without any activity, but still it felt nice to touch. I stroked her thigh, pulled her closer to me and started kissing her. It felt nice and she almost kissed me back, so I got my tongue more involved, which I don't really like IRL, but it was much better in the dream. Then I put my hand between her legs, she didn't want to spread them all the way, but she didn't resist. As I started touching her between her legs, I woke up. Notes - I really liked the Amber analogy. I've been recently reading a lot about dream control and dreams formation and this is how my brain connected things together. BTW I recently met Corwin of Amber in a non-lucid dream, I would love to meet him lucid one day. - Going lucid in this dream - the "I am lucid" as "I've always known this is a dream but now I noticed that I know and can do something with it". Like when you do something and then stop and ask yourselves "what am I doing" and remember that you wanted to do something else. Like being there the whole time but stopping being distracted. Very smooth transition into lucidity. - Regarding the lucid dream sex: I always wake up quickly. I know some people say it is about expectations but it is not - I used to wake up from dream sex before I even knew what lucid dreams are and before reading anything about them online. I wake up simply from physical arousal, sometimes even into an orgasm (not this time). In both lucid and non-lucid dreams, I wake up after a similar time, which isn't realistic to the progress of the sexual intercourse in the dream (20-30 seconds of foreplay, usually). I don't mind, I still like it.
12/05/11 I am in my bedroom. I come out into the living room to say hello to my mother. She says the cat is outside and I need to help her catch her. I go out the front door, which is standing wide open. There is a cat on the deck, but it isn't one of the cats I have right now. It's a cat I lost several years ago, a cute little tortoiseshell named Amber. Amber is sitting on the deck and washing herself, looking completely unconcerned. I head for the kitty to pick her up, but she gets up and jumps off the deck into the grass below. I go down off the deck to try to catch the cat. There are some kids in the driveway playing with a basket ball. I am afraid they will scare Amber. My mom asks how they got in the yard. One of them says there is a gate in the back that is open. I don't remember there being a gate… My mom says she wants the kids to leave before the dogs come out. She opens the front gate to let the kids out. I am yelling to her to not open the gate yet, I haven't caught Amber. I think there is more chance of Amber leaving if the gate is actually open. She doesn't seem to be paying attention to me. I feel something by my feet and I am relieved to see Amber is now rubbing against me and purring. I wake up and find out my waking life cat, Midna, is right by my face and purring loudly.
I am in the house with the girls ((J & S)) Agirl they know called Amber comes and calls for them..after a few minutes S comes in and says "Ambers hurting J, you've got to come quickly!" I rush outside and get to the park where they have been playing. I walk over to J, she is by the swings, I ask "whats Amber been doing to you?" she says "it's ok, I hurt myself", it seems like she is covering it all up, S then says "Amber grabbed her and smashed her into the wall" I see that everything is ok and leave. ((Dream Skip)) I'm back in the house and again S runs in and tells me about Amber being nasty, I've now had enough and go back to the park. I see Amber, I go over to her and speak to her. As I am speaking to J and Amber..Ambers mom and nan comes over, Ambers nan was on a push bike and pulled up beside us. Ambers nan looks at Ambers mom and says "I've only just got here and she's talking to her" ((lol)), I decide to bring my kids in because they aren't safe with kids like that!! Dream 2 I wake up in real life, I feel my head bang and hear the "swooshing" noise of SP, I decide to move my arm because I'm not atall comfortable, the noise goes for a few seconds but then comes back, Unfortunatley it only lasted for about a minute this time, it just slowly went again, ahh well, it'll be back lol!! I go back to sleep, I am in bed in my old street ((i am actually on the street in bed)) My Dad is sitting next to me in a chair. A girl called Leah is walking down the street, I see her and say to my Dad "That girls vulgar, you should hear the language from her, she's disgusting", she walks past my bed and I pretend to be asleep, I move my arm to my face so she can't see that i'm awake, I don't want her to speak to me. All of a sudden she walks past and quite loudly she is saying "Angie bastard, horrible cow, fuck her" , I look to my Dad and say "see what I mean" She then comes back up the street ((I used to live on this street when I was a kid)) She passes me as I'm talking about her and she keeps looking at me, I say something and Dad says "say that again, you sounded just like someone famous" I do and he says "you didn't sound much like him then" Dream 3 I am living with my Mom and Dad in my old house. I get a phone call from ASDA, they want me to go in and work on the self scans ((I dont work at ASDA)) lol....I say to my Mom "can you please call them for me and tell them I can't go in?" she says "yes ok" and she gets straight on the phone, she says "they still want you to go in", I say "I can't go in like this", I then pull down my trousers and show my Mom my ass ((LMAO)) I have stiches in both ass cheeks, I have a cross of stiches on each cheek, I also have stiches going from 1 cheek to another, they are very tight and bleeding and weeping quite alot, the pain I can feel is immense!!!!!!!. My Mom says "those stiches are far too tight, they are bleeding really bad". As I have my ass out showing my Mom my stiches my Dad happens to walk past and I'm really, really embarrassed ((lol))
Dream; Semi-Lucid; Lucid; Memorable; 1-4 My Recollection; 4; "What do Jedi call normal people?"... Saw girl, playing in snow bus stop, hangin out with Amber. 1; True? Dreams angels.... 3; Rage, dodging around trains, working on judo and realm, they where transforming a lot, slept with Rachel, called a train to appear.
Updated 05-27-2012 at 12:50 PM by 25261
I had found out that my mom was my adoptive mom and my real mom was black. My "adoptive" mom and I were in the car. We were drying through a back street to my old middle school. I was starting to ask why she had adopted me, but she interrupted me, pointing out the sunset behind the high white fence in front of us. I said it was pretty and that it reminded me of the movie Lilo & Stitch. I asked her if she remembered seeing it and she said no. I took a printed picture out of my pocket of Stitch giving Lilo a flower and showed it to her. I was at my friend Amber's house. She was having a pool party at her house and everyone we knew was there. The only things I really remember are that her whole backyard was a pool and that she tried to push me into the pool with my phone in hand.
Updated 01-30-2011 at 03:32 AM by 38294