Color code Non-lucid semi-lucid lucid *There was a lot of dream story I can't remember before this point* My mom was driving her van as she answered her ringing phone. It was from a lady at a school, they were talking for a bit when the lady realized that my mom was driving while talking. "You shouldn't be talking on the phone while driving!" The lady hung the phone up. *Some stuff happened after this and somehow, I ended up driving the van, trying to bring it back to my parents' home* I began to approach a drawbridge; it was only wide enough for one vehicle at a time. There were three semi trucks driving down it, as soon as one exited I drove onto the bridge despite the fact that it was too narrow. Alarms stared to sound and I stopped to put the van in park. The bridge deck started to lift up allowing a boat to pass under. As the bridge deck lowered I could see that the two semi trucks were still coming, I pulled off onto a pocket to allow them to pass me. After parking the van on the pocket I could now see there was no way to drive the van over to the other side of the bridge. Now walking down the bridge I was met with a fence that I couldn't get over. I noticed a trap door and I thought I could probably pick the lock to get inside of it. "Hold on my friend I got the key" I heard from behind, looking up I see that it's Cruz. *he works for the general contractor at the job I'm currently at.* "It's okay I can pick the lock" I reassure him. He ignores me and tries to hand me the key put drops it into a container of glue. "All the more reason for me to pick the lock" I think to myself. Undeterred he picks the key up and opens the trap door anyway. I climb down the trap door and somehow end up in my parents backyard walking up to the home with two other people. "Oh no, I left the van behind" I remember. "Well this is just a dream so I can just imagine driving the car to bring it back here" I think to myself now closing my eyes. Everything is now dark with some swirling noise in the background. Unfortunately, no matter how hard I'm trying to imagine it I can't seem to see it, I can't even feel that thought to make any sense. It's as if my will is being suppressed by the expectations of the dreams logic. I open my eyes and see that I'm still walking with the two men up to the house. We were right outside the house now, the two men set up a latter to climb up to the roof. They pull one of the shingles back to reveal that there was no tar sealing them in. "We're going to have to take down all of the shingles and reseal everything", After they said that I could now see my dad, he had an embarrassment look on his face, as if he should have known about this. Note: This was the second time that I could remember where my dream self knew I was in a dream but I wasn't fully lucid.
Updated 03-29-2024 at 06:46 PM by 100743 (wrong date)
Partway through a dream I entered a sort of virtual world, green like a woodland or jungle that someone had modelled (possibly as an academic project) and added lots of billboards all along it with floral and artistic designs and possibly some jokey / advert ones. It turned out my school friend J [DREAM SIGN: school / school colleagues] was walking along in the environment with me and he told me there was a hidden model of a military leader in an area of dense trees between two paths. I looked there and it was like a really giant statue. Around this point he told me he was having a lucid dream. I fairly matter-of-factly told him that I must be having one too then. (SEMI-LUCID / PSEUDO LUCID or LUCID DREAM?) We started climbing up something pretty close to where the statue had been but it was almost like a giant beanstalk though I wasn't paying a lot of attention to it. Instead I was asking him about how he kept from waking up or maybe was asking whether what we were doing would help to keep us from waking up. I think at that point the dream abruptly changed scene into us climbing up some kind of slightly cramped, gloomy, industrial or urban looking staircase (spiral or rotating flights of stairs) in ISTR either concrete or maybe red painted metal. I think in the back of my mind the idea of pronlonging the dream or avoiding waking up was still there and the dream seemed to literally fragment like these little rounded bits of glass or bits of an image with ISTR blackness maybe between. I possibly have a very vague memory of an outdoor concrete scene with white metal railings on a fence (like a school car park or something, maybe with a school or library building to the left) [though this could be a fragment from another dream]. Then it faded to nothing and I tried to see if I could get back into another dream but I just woke up after a few moments. I'm going to call this one a PSEUDO-LUCID simply because I didn't get to exercise any interesting conscious control, act on or think of any dream goals (other than an attempt at dream prolonging / dream duration control), or do any reality checks.
This was my last dream of the night. A couple dream characters and I were fleeing from an evil therapist, stuck on a dead-end bridge and staring into the void. I turned around and faced one of them, a man with tan skin and bright green eyes, holding my hands up. "It's okay guys, no need to worry, I'll just make a wormhole," I assured them. "Then we can fly through it and we'll be safe." They voiced their doubts, but I shut them down. Suddenly a thought popped into my head: Wait a minute, the last time I flew was in a dream... doesn't that mean this is also a dream? I almost performed a reality check but stopped myself. The dream was so vivid and I was enjoying the plot. (I had managed to do a DEID from the previous dream after being disappointed over how short it was. I didn't want to risk lucidity destabilizing anything, even if it was due to my own schema.) So I deliberately tried to suppress that awareness. It mostly worked, but then I remembered the TotS task to find your own forgotten DJ entries and wanted to try it. As I unfolded the wormhole (it was like a collapsible tunnel) I imagined it leading to my WL dream journal. Unfortunately, while flying through I fell into the void and completely lost lucidity. I guess I'll add it to my LD count since it's enough to count as semi-lucid, but ugh, what a wasted opportunity. The dream lasted for quite a while afterward.
Another short semi-lucid, this one a bit more fun than the last. It was my third dream of the night, and during WBTB I tried to mentally explain to someone why I wanted to become lucid, as per Harlequin's suggestion. I thought, Well, you see, lucidity is just cool... I mean, you can do so many things that you can't in waking life... why wouldn't you want that? I think I have a good chance of becoming lucid in this next dream, you'll see, I can feel it. Yeah, I'm not too good at it Did SSILD afterward and went to sleep at 4:30. (Forgot the entire beginning of the dream, but it started out non-lucid, so it wasn't a WILD.) First thing I remember is walking down a path by the lake with my brothers and mom. All of us have been attempting dream control for a while, and I've failed to fly multiple times. I run ahead of them and for no real reason flop down in a patch of grass. A specific type of anticipation comes over me, like I need to concentrate, yet at the same time avoid focusing too hard on what's happening. Suddenly a gust of wind pushes me into a sitting position, and with minimal effort, I begin to hover in the air. A grin spreads across my face and I unsteadily fly higher, cheering and showing off to my familial unit. My brother records me as I spin and flap my arms and make little circles in the air. I land in front of them, and my mom asks how I did it. I tell her about the gust of wind and think to myself that this kind of "external assistance" is typical in dreams. Later my brothers and I, along with their friends Ethan and Marcus, are lying on a picnic blanket watching the video Z took of me. I apparently do another cool thing at the end, and halfway through Z says impatiently, "Why is it taking so long?" I wonder why he doesn't just skip ahead, and wake up. You can tell this wasn't a high level of lucidity by my reaction to the flying. I've done it countless times, and it usually comes naturally to me, even in non-lucids. This was closer to role-playing. But still, it was pretty exciting.
I had two other dreams, but they're so disorganized that I'm only logging the semi-lucid here. Slept at 2:00 am, possibly very lightly before that, but I was trying out new sleeping positions so it took a while. My phone was on a pillow and for some reason thought I was in South America. I searched something up on Google and found an article claiming that the U.S. gets the most unpredictable rainfall, with quotes from citizens like, "I was just minding my own business, eating a Chick-fil-A sandwich, and BAM! Hurricane Katrina!" I somehow ended up at a swim center, sitting on the bleachers outside the pool, waiting for a swim coach to finish up with her students. She was a generous woman and gave out food in trash bags. After I ate mine I was still hungry, but most of the others had name tags so I was hanging around to ask for seconds. I remember one of her students came back and pooped in a bag, offering it as a present, and the coach freaked out. At some point the bleachers filled with water, so I was swimming around in them, but the lifeguard blew her whistle at me. "You can't swim while lessons are in session," she said. Then she sighed and leaned back in her chair. "That little kid can't tread water no matter how long she spends teaching him." I glanced at the coach and the student she was with, my brother's friend Javier. He's not little at all, I thought. He was almost as tall as his dad in elementary school, and even body-slammed me once... I didn't say anything though, because she might have been referring to my youngest brother N. He was being taught in the other pool and was struggling to tread water at that very moment. I looked at the sky, and, blending into the clouds, saw a huge illusion of my brother Z. He was foggy and see-through, particularly his arm, but I whipped out my phone to take a picture. The time read 3:27 am and I worried I'd get in trouble for staying up so late. I had the sense that I'd seen illusions like this before that had never showed up on camera, so when this one did, I was quite surprised. "Finally it's clear!" I exclaimed, but slowly awareness started to dawn on me. "Ah, wait... it's only clear because this is a dream. Yeah, that must be it. Why does this always happen?!" I was annoyed that I wouldn't be able to keep the pics IWL, but decided it was fine since I could show them off to dream characters instead. Woke up at 3:30-ish before I could, though. The lucidity level was quite low, and it might've just been the result of my imminent awakening, but I'll take it
I've been super busy this week 'cause for some dumb reason every single important exam and project is packed into May. Therefore I haven't been able to be on dreamviews much, or even to spend much time on daytime techniques... but I had these LDs anyway! I decided to try out present tense with 'em. Dream #1 (Non-Lucid): Actually this isn't a dream, because I can't remember anything about it. I woke up at 1:40, opened my DJ to a random page, and wrote "book," "reddit," "water," "dad," "crazy," and something illegible. Then I went back to sleep. Dream #2 (Semi-Lucid): First thing I remember is me and my brothers getting locked in the basement. There is a long backstory as to why, but I can't remember. All I know is that we're in a very oppressive environment and will likely be punished severely, even killed, when we're let out. We want to escape before that happens. Z asks if there's any way to break the glass of the sliding doors. I press my hands to it and shake my head. "Are you kidding? This thing is like ten inches thick." "True," N says. Z grabs a crowbar from somewhere and is about to try anyway, but I stop him because it will make too much noise. I fiddle with something complicated and half-unlock the doors. (Two out of four unlocked.) My brain isn't functioning properly, but I figure out that I have to move this giant black printer off the desk. At first I carelessly slide it off the edge, but at the last second I catch it and quietly lower it to the ground. With it out of the way, two switches on the wall have been revealed. I press one of them and the third lock clicks, the second one causing the same reaction in the fourth. I go to the door and, after undoing both locks, open it. Z blows raspberries to cover up the noise. "Why are you farting?" I ask loudly, playing along. Then the door is open and we run out. I tell them we have to keep running till we get to the lake, then we can take a break. But I forget about that plan and eventually we are just running in no particular direction. I'm worn out already, and it's hard to move my legs in that typical dream way. "Why are you tired? We've only ran 50 (something), that's not a lot," Z says, turning around to see me hunched over and catching my breath. "I'm out of shape," I say defensively. "Also, I'm having a lot of trouble moving." Then I have a "flashback" to the facility we were apparently stored in, the one we just escaped from. I am in a white hallway with glass windows, teenage subjects filing past me on both sides. A "professor" is talking to some girl, and I walk up to him, saying I can't run properly. He gives me some semi-useful advice, and the girl next to him says, "What helps for me is focusing on lowering my left arm at the same time my right foot goes down." That seems like a wise suggestion, so I try it, but her opposite leg-arm thing feels weird. I align them instead, but I can't focus on my feet planting. I vaguely think, Because this is a dream. Then I forget about it and return to the present. I'm a little better at running now, but it's still weird. Z and N turn into a mix of Avery and S, 90% Avery though. I take her to a restaurant and we buy food. I somehow end up with boba even though I don't like it. The boba is cube-shaped and green like the drink, and my straw sucks it up automatically. At first they are sweet and pretty tasty, and I think, Boba might not be so bad after all. But then a sour aftertaste kicks in, and when I drink more it tastes like coffee (which I dislike). I figure they must not have separated it from the cacao beans because it's "normally" served in lattes. I also have a ziplock bag filled with them, but I don't want it and neither does Avery. I feel bad for the waiter, who's standing next to our table, watching. At some point a group of college students come in, our in-dream classmates and part of the same facility we escaped from. I pray that they won't tell on us, but they don't seem to care much. I have an interesting conversation with one of them that I don't remember, and then Avery and I leave. We hear slow police sirens in the distance, which apparently means they're carefully searching and sifting through each neighborhood. Eventually we end up at a boardwalk-carnival place, where another Avery is sitting on a bench. She spots us, goes "aha!" and types something on her flip-phone. I know she's reporting us. "No!" I yell and fly into the air, out of her reach. Despite my distress, I think it would be funny to introduce the two to each other. [I must have been slightly lucid because I remember believing there were two Averys in real life as well, and technically, there are—my childhood friend, and the current stranger.] They seem acquainted though, as My Avery stomps up to Evil Avery, shouting with fury, "Avery!" Evil Avery smirks, ignoring her doppelganger and saying to me, "I got you last time, too." It's true, I do have the sense I've dreamed this before. [Even now.] I don't respond and keep trying to fly away, half Superman-style and half Flappybird-style. I feel a little hesitant about leaving My Avery behind, so I yell at her to run. We both flee, her on foot, me by air, but we don't get far. I don't know why, but I just keep flying in elaborate circles around the rides and tents. When my mom comes though, I stop that and actually try to get away. There is a grove of trees in front of a large concrete wall, and on top of the wall is an even larger spiky chainlink fence. I scale it and My Avery leaps over the trees to do the same, somehow having gained super-jumping powers. She vaults the fence and drops down to what looks like the roof of my school. I am a little scared even though I "know" it's a dream and I should stay confident. [I think I might've been semi-semi-semi-lucid this whole dream, it just shined through in flashes like these.] A random narrator says, "Good thing (Evil) Avery wasn't able to use either the chain links nor the spikes to climb the fence!" I turn around and sure enough, Evil Avery has fallen into the grove of trees, her eyes impaled by a couple branches. Her appearance has transformed into that of Kalluto Zoldyck from Hunter x Hunter, but I don't notice. I cry out her name and rush to her. In the back of my mind I'm thinking, So the plot calls for me to still care about my childhood friend, evil or not. How touching. She is alive but badly hurt. I pick her up and take her to a nearby hospital, which means getting captured again but that doesn't matter now. My Avery follows, and as we're screened into the building, we have to classify ourselves with a number stating our danger/rarity level. She says "8v6"—apparently she has been here before and her rank is higher than before. I say "10v4." I tell the guy in charge (who looks like Milluki from HxH except with white hair) to help Evil Avery, but he is apathetic, which surprises me more than it should. I think about leaving or destroying stuff, and over the intercom he says I can destroy whatever I want, since nothing matters. Maybe he is testing my abilities. I "know" this is a dream, and this time I hold on to that knowledge. I look up to a spiraling arrangement of pipes and try to telepathically slash through them, but I can't. There are some lightbulbs tied together on the wall like big Christmas lights, so I break them, but it's weird. I focus on one, and the one next to it breaks. Then when I try to fix it by zeroing in on a black bulb with gold decor, I hear a shattering sound, but it only appears broken when I look away and look back. After a while of this I get worried about my vision and the half-blind thing happening, so I step through a doorway into a warehouse area. My mom is there. I feel like any minute now my vision will go out, and I wonder what I should do. I remember a convo I had with Harlequin that day and decide to try out a command. "Clarity now!" I shout, and for a split second I don't expect much because I didn't direct it toward the dream. But then the scenery pulses and ripples and at the same time I feel it the effects within my body. When it stops, my surroundings are clearer than before. "Wow..." I say. My mom asks what happened, and I tell her, "I just experienced something amazing." "What?" She's kind of smiling, and I'm surprised she's not mad at me for running away. I don't want to tell her it's a dream in case I jinx it, but I also don't want to ignore her. "Next time you're dreaming, realize it," I explain, well-aware I'm oversimplifying it. "Then say 'clarity now,' and you'll see." She just keeps smiling as if she understands. I lose lucidity and the plot returns to Evil Avery. I carry her out of the building, pressing down the feeling that it shouldn't be this easy. I say that if Milluki won't help her, I will go to every other hospital in the area, even the "community center" if I have to. He seems more hesitant now and maybe agrees. He tells me that Cinderella's parents died when she was young and that's why her kids and grandkids and great-grandkids are so messed up. Her great-grandkid is apparently my "mom" and works at the facility. I am able to watch the story in a thought-bubble like screen, and this Cinderella looks more like Kyouko from Irisu Syndrome. "Wow," I say. "I'll break that chain, then." Even though I say that, I have the sense that I just isekai'd into the body of Cinderella's great-great-grandchild and am actually someone else entirely. Then I wake up. ——— I woke up at 6:07, and it took me until 7:30 to finish writing down this dream Well, that was mostly because I kept spacing out in between each sentence. Then I set an alarm for 8:45 and went back to sleep. ——— Dream #3 (Lucid; DEID; Non-Lucid): Me and someone else are watching a video of some pink-haired livestreamer, and I notice the background is almost exactly the same as my room. I point each matching detail out, particularly the photographs, and become lucid. My vision immediately blacks out, but I say, "Clarity now! Clarity now!" and it comes back. I do a finger-through-palm RC and it makes the back of my hand extend an abnormal amount, though it doesn't go all the way through. I head downstairs and as I'm thinking about what to do, I wake up. Just for a second! I am 85% sure it wasn't an FA. I close my eyes again and do an unintentional DEID, not DEILD because I'm not lucid when I re-enter. I check the time and it says 8:37, then Nile runs out of the house. I catch him and bring him back inside, only for my mom to yell at me about not making sure N ate his 30 rice cakes. I'm confused and walk into the living room to find N sitting at the dinner table, a miserable look on his face. In front of him is a bowl filled to the brim with rectangular, reddish mochi. ——— I woke up soon after at 8:43, two minutes before my alarm was set to go off. Interesting that the dream time aligned so well with reality. I rushed the notes for this one because I had to leave the house at 9:30, that's why it's not very detailed. Additionally, the reason I say this dream was lucid while the other was semi-lucid is because the other felt more like roleplaying, whereas in this one I had more awareness that I was actually asleep somewhere in real life. Even though I didn't remember my goals in either And here are some pics of the dream scenes:
Updated 05-21-2023 at 09:15 PM by 99938 (semantics)
Yesterday when my friend J and I were walking home from school, I asked her what she would do if she could do anything she wanted, including supernatural things. Her answer was "teleport." This is relevant for later. Went to sleep at 11:30 as usual. Dream #1: Non-Lucid I don't remember much of this dream. I was climbing a super tall tree, a popular one, so a bunch of other people were doing it as well. I was thinking about the different types of acrophobia (fear of heights), that mine was the type who doesn't get scared until they're really high up. [Actually, in real life I get scared just from being six feet off the ground.] I thought it was the most dangerous type because you would lead people to believe you could do more than you were truly capable of. We had to play videogames to progress, and each of them would fill the entire "screen." I specifically remember a racecar game but it's hard to explain, at first I was losing but then I put in more effort and managed to pass the few other people playing. At one point my car shoved aside someone else's and went down a narrow path, the other car pushing me from behind, unintentionally helping me out. Then we were back in the tree and there was a young man near me, he said he didn't know anyone his age who saw colors as badly as he did. (I guess he was colorblind.) My vision was messed up as well; I could see colors fine but my head was spinning from fear so I couldn't concentrate on anything. I kept looking down at the large patch of grass far, far below us. Eventually I couldn't stand to be in the tree any longer, so I forced my locked-up limbs to move and climbed down to a ledge, nearly falling to my death in the process. The way I pulled myself over a branch was so awkward and I was shaking horribly but I managed to get to the ledge. I breathed a huge sigh of relief and woke up at 3:25. Was extremely tired but jotted down the dream anyway, falling back asleep within seconds. Dream #2 (Non-Lucid): Remember even less from this dream, and I can barely read my own handwriting. I was on the bus, sitting between J and a girl named Sarah. It was really dark in there for some reason, and on my phone I was watching an animated version of Genshin Impact. The style reminded me of Animal Crossing, though at the time I couldn't remember the name and just settled on Animal Farm. When we got off, I asked the bus driver how to save (as in download) something. She explained it to me but was a little too helpful in my opinion. She kept talking and asking if I needed help and I started to feel awkward because my only responses were nods or shakes of the head. When she finally stopped I yelled, "J!" because she and our friend K were leaving me behind. I wondered if the driver was surprised by my sudden outburst since I didn't say a peep to her. J and K walked back to me, and I thought, It's as if I summoned them. Then I woke up at 4:50-ish. Dream #3 (Non-Lucid): Another short one! I was with my childhood group of friends (as our current ages), but they had all ostracized this kid named Sam H. (He wasn't part of our group in real life but he was another childhood friend of mine.) He kinda reminded me of Yu Yang from Here U Are so maybe he was gay, but I don't think that was the reason they disliked him. I was the only one to take his side. I went up to one of the group members and told him off for being so mean. He threw a rock at me but I caught it one-handed and glared. Then there was a flashback to Sam H. and Sam G. (another member) talking. Their hair colors were switched for some reason. Sam H. asked who in the group the other Sam would want to get rid of [not exact wording], and Sam G. basically said that they were all too precious to him to choose. (Which was ironic considering his treatment of Sam H. in the future.) After a pause, he said sheepishly, "Maybe S though?" (I don't know how but this somehow implied something else, something romantic.) Then he added, "To get them off my back." (Which removed the implication.) I thought it was hilarious and texted S about in in the present, since they had a crush on him back then. But I kept stumbling on how I knew about their talk, since I wasn't there. My thoughts were all jumbled up: "Sam G. told me... no, Sam H. did... hm..." At some point I was with my dad and he was talking about Animal Crossing, but calling it Animal Farm. He searched it up and asked if that was the correct name. I saw the style and thought of my last dream, telling him yes, it was called Animal Farm. But I was still uncertain. ——— Woke up at 6:05 and after writing down that dream, I tried to do WILD by staying focused on my breath and repeating "This is a dream" in my head. I also briefly thought of the conversation I had with J, but decided that "teleport" was too vague a mantra and I'd just have to remember to do it once I became lucid. [The reason I wanted to in the first place was so that I could report the dream to her, motivating her to put more effort into LDing.] Fell asleep around 6:20-ish. ——— Dream #4 (Chain of Semi-Lucids+FAs): The WILD must have worked because next thing I knew, I was in a dream and semi-lucid. I was talking to S in Sarah's body, using my voice recorder to record what they were saying. [I had asked them a question but was more focused on the recorder and my thoughts than their response.] I was hoping that I could bring it back to the real world and show S what their dream self was like. But as I was "waking up," trying to stabilize by rubbing my hands together, I realized that since I had started recording in the dream, it wouldn't be able to come back with me in reality. I told S this and they wailed comically in despair. Then I had a false awakening and was disappointed. Went back to sleep, using the same WILD technique as before. Now I was outside of J and L's house, except it was actually S's house and neighborhood but functionally it was J and L's. They were both freaking out about something, maybe these silver flecks all across their collarbone areas. (In the dream I believed it was a skin condition they've always had.) They were trembling and whimpering and being really dramatic, and I asked, "Why are you guys freaking out? I mean, I get L, but why you, J?" I don't think they answered, but that's when I remembered the conversation J and I had yesterday. "Hey, stay here," I told them, and dashed off a little ways away. Apparently Laila followed because she was sitting on a doorstep nearby. I told her I was going to teleport into her house and doubtfully she asked, "Is that really possible?" "Anything is possible!" I declared, and flew into the air, spinning with my arms outstretched. I consciously made black lines trail from my fingers through the air. L seemed impressed. Then I thrust my hands downwards, imagining being in J's house, and yelled, "Teleport!" A golden glow engulfed me from below, but something went wrong. The dream started falling apart. I thought that I should've opened a portal on the ground in front of me, and another in front of Jude, then jumped into mine to appear before her. I had a false awakening in my bed; it was so realistic! I quickly went back to sleep to try again and ended up in the same place. This time both J and L were in the spot I'd told them to stay. Instead of instantly trying to teleport, I got on all fours and crawled on my stomach toward them to stabilize the dream On the way I passed by these guys throwing each other across the street. I figured I should question things so I asked what they were doing, but they didn't answer and I honestly didn't find it that strange in the first place. I picked up a green paper and threw it in their direction. The sound and sensation were very vivid. Alas, I woke up anyway (FA). Frustrated that my stability rates had become so low despite my best efforts, I went back to sleep once again. I was now at the top of some stairs in a basement area. It was part of my school in the dream but it doesn't exist in real life. There were a ton of students having a club meeting down there, circled around a teacher that was like a mix of my long-term Theatre sub last year and a young sub who always talks nonstop about gaming during class. He was telling them about LDs and I said, "I had three lucid dreams just now!" I crawled down the stairs on my stomach, but they didn't pay much attention to me. The students muttered amongst themselves about what a lucid dream was, if it was something demonic or a ritual or whatever. Mr. R didn't seem to know much either and was fumbling with his words. I went to his side, crouching for some reason, and said, "A lucid dream is when you're aware that you're dreaming while you're dreaming. That's it." "Ooh." They seemed more open to me now. I noticed this guy named Daniel in the back of the crowd, it's kinda funny that he was there because he's in a million different clubs in real life. I wondered if they all thought I was a natural lucid dreamer, and considered recommending that they form an LDing club, but decided against it. Later I was sitting on the couch with all of them when I suddenly realized something. "Hah... you all are talking about lucid dreaming—of course this is a dream." They seemed a little confused, so I got up and said, "Watch this. I've been wanting to try this." I held my hands close together and tried to summon a fireball in between them. I could only manage to impose a translucent flicker of realistic-looking flame, and only for a short time. The girl next to me made a biting remark, and I thought with some bitterness, You're only saying that because I'm thinking it. I gave up and instead thrust my hands in front of me, trying to launch a line of fire from them. There was a girl in the way but I didn't really care. It didn't work at all though; I was trying to at least feel heat on my hands but nope. This is harder than I thought it would be, I thought. [I still think it would be pretty easy with full lucidity.] Then I had yet another false awakening! I woke up in the same basement, but this time it was in third person. I was an anime boy buried in a mound of plushies, my face flushed and my eyes literal spinning circles. There was a kid checking up on me but when I opened my eyes he retreated as if he'd been doing something wrong. "You okay there, Meiseki? Looking a little hot," someone said. It was a friendly, gym-teacher-like voice. "Yeah." I dug myself out of the plushies and the perspective returned to first person. "I had a dream about fire." I still kinda knew it was a dream, but at the same time thought I had to sleep to enter another one. So I buried myself in the plushies again, this time on the couch, and waited for sleep. Soon after, a delivery guy came in, trying to sell his own plushies and insulting a giraffe one near me. (It was made by a different brand or game or something.) "Hey!" I said in a jokingly offended tone. "Don't insult the giraffe!" He held up his hands and smiled. "It's part of my job, I have to say it. I don't actually hate it." Satisfied, I continued trying to fall asleep. In front of me there was a guy flipping through my DJ entries from tonight (all the ones previous to this one including the semi-lucids), comically horrified at their length. There were drawings at the end, one of which was of the club members and I sitting on the couch, me in the middle, smiling. My vision was fading out, and up until this point I believed I was drifting off, relieved that I wouldn't have to write all the previous dreams when I woke up since apparently I already did. But when I saw that drawing, so detailed and professional-looking, I realized that they were false entries and I would have to write everything "again." That's when I finally woke up for real at 6:45, actually remembering to do an RC. I now fully realize and appreciate the importance of RCing every time you wake up, no matter what... just one would have boosted my lucidity level so much... probably Anyway, it seems I have more luck with LDs after 6:15. Maybe because I can focus on WILDing better, idk. Too bad I have to get up early 5 days of the week... This was so interesting though, even if it took foreeever to write I'll be adding it to my LD count as a single lucid, since it all technically took place in the same dream.
I'm only gonna record nights with lucidity-related dreams here, and this is my first one since creating this account Dream #1 (Regular): *Warning: Poop and vomit involved, very gross. The first thing I remember is flushing the toilet after taking a dump. Of course, it flooded. I moved my bookmark and my brother's clothes out of the way just in time, while the toilet kept asking me questions like "What're you gonna do about this? You saved the bookmark, but what about the poop? You have to clean that up too." I thought it was strange but weirdly comforting that it was speaking to me. For some stupid reason after I was done cleaning up the mess I flushed the toilet again. It overflowed again and this time there was even more poop on the ground. I cleaned it up but was extremely disgusted, thinking that I'd have to tell my brothers NOT to flush the toilet ever again unless they were absolutely sure it wouldn't overflow. By the time I was done I was so disgusted I actually threw up a little, which I was surprised by because I've never thrown up from emotional disgust. I thought, "I need to clean up my Invisalign." I looked in the mirror and my reflection was oddly realistic; my expression could only be described as "out of it." I think I was waking up because I started thinking about dreams and how this was the "perfect practice for becoming lucid"? I definitely had another dream before this one and kept getting flashes to it while writing it down, but couldn't hold on to them. It was 4:40 a.m. when I finished, so I went back to sleep. Tried to do WILD but I must have gotten distracted and fallen asleep. Dream #2 (Semi-Lucid): I then had what was probably a dream about a lucid dream. I was in my house, not sure exactly where, and for some reason "knew" I was dreaming. I went through the steps I'd memorized: first, check for false memories. I said aloud, "I'm [real name], born 2006, 11th grade" and remembered what my room looked like, but as I was doing this my vision went dark so I tried to stabilize the dream by touching stuff... except I don't even know what I was touching. Then I went outside, though I don't remember walking through the house or opening the door, or what sidewalk I was walking on. I do remember there was a sakura tree nearby. I was reciting my goals: "[something something], dream guide, yes, I wanted to find a dream guide tonight, oh but first I'mma do a reality check." I plugged my nose and tried to breathe, expecting it to be like breathing through a stuffy nose like my last lucid dream, but instead after a few seconds of nothing happening it felt like an explosion of air went off in the bridge of my nose and forehead. "Ugh," I said, "I hate doing that." For some reason there was a narrator in my head agreeing with me and I asked him, "You think that could possibly wake me up?" "A few reflections never woke anyone up," he assured me. [He said this because the explosion had somehow reminded me of mirrors.] I was going to do another reality check but felt my armpit itching in real life, and after a brief internal struggle moved to scratch it, which woke me up. I think there was another dream before this one as well but I remember it even less. The reason I say it was a dream about a lucid dream rather than a real one is because my awareness was so low; I didn't notice anything strange and it felt like I was simply reciting steps, even after the reality check... but I guess props to me for remembering the steps at all. I won't add it to my LD count though
Updated 04-13-2023 at 09:30 PM by 99938 (added lucid tag)
I was chaperoning a school field trip with my husband where the kids went to observe a prison. The prison guards escorted the kids and us to an upstairs viewing area behind chain link fence with barbed wire on top. the kids sat down in front of the fence and were observing the prisoners while my husband found a spot to peek through as well. The kids were having a good time and talking and pointing, but they were unusually well behaved. Even though the viewing area was ~ 12-15 feet off the ground, we were on the same level as some of the prisoner's heads since they were abnormally tall. The guard begins to give a speech, but the dream changes.... me and my husband are at the jail's waiting area/loby alone. We are sitting together on a bench. the area is in an open air patio with entrances to the prison on our left and right. In front of us are some vending machines with a large oak tree providing canopy. I begin to see an hotel room out of my left eye as if im slowly opeing my eye while sleeping. This makes me think im dreaming. the rest of the dream switches to the hotel room scenario where i am laying down in a bed and have the familiar tingly feeling of being semi-paralyzed. i think to myself 'since im already awake, i should try AP once again'. I do the rocking technique, but something very strnge happens. Just like I was seeing the image of the hotel room out of my left eye as if i was opening it, I began to see the image of my room since I had begun to open my real eyes. So I was seeing the dream and my actual room superimposed on eachother. In the dream and irl i began to sit up and leave my body laying down. the dream faded, but as soon as I was done sitting up, my astral body slingshotted back into my physical body After this, I felt like my physical body was not calibrated with my astral body: I felt about half a milimeter further ahead than my physical body, and the tingling sensation remained in the back of my head. The feeling is gone now that i have written this, though my head still feels a bit tingly.
I dont remember too much from tonight. here are the fragments I remember. I was in an auditorium style classroom built in the architectural style of Frank Lloyd Wright. There were large slanting windows as walls to the left and right, as well as a glass ceiling. In front of us was the professor explaining something about time dilation or time manipulation (I cant remember too clearly). The classroom was a time manipulating room. As the professor was explaining this, the stars visible outside through the glass began to streak through the sky like in long exposure photographs. We were either moving through or outside of time. ...... I was at the same school as the fragment above, but after class in the daylight. Me and a group of other people were walking along the top of a wall (or maybe it was just a thin path). I was ahead since I think I wanted to show them something. We may have been following another group who was much further ahead. I turn back to look at the group and see, to my horror, there was a luminescent purple mark hovering a few inches above the path I had just walked across. The mark was circular, about 5 inches in diameter, with either an X or some other mark in the center (I cant remember too well). In the dream, I had seen this before which made me realize I was in a time loop. I fell outside of time into some kind of void. ...Not sure if fragment above led to fragment below since there is a lapse in memory between the 2, though the transition would make sense... I fell into the 'void' (A place I have been before during meditation and AP, but never during a dream.) and out of the haze saw scary demon faces materialize. They looked like Aztec Quetzalcoatl depictions or maybe like Japanese masks, but its hard to tell since they were so hazy. I demanded to see the one in my psyche trying to scare me and then saw a figure materialize in the distance and walk toward me. I felt no fear during this, but im sure I would have if i was lucid. I dont remember anything after this. I don't remember what brought on the 'lucidity', but I would assume it was DILD. Though it is strange that I dont remember the moment at which I became lucid, or if I was lucid at all.
What started out as trying to find more about a VR Undertale/Deltarune plot eventually devolved into a meta-commentary about how my dreams tend to change a lot. Within the dream, there were a few figures that appeared to be changing the dream for their own benefit, and one of the figures . Dr. Cor[..] appeared to want to kick off the events that lead to me discovering that they were making my dreams' environments unstable, I remember his name having 3 syllables to it in total The Eggsmith A mysterious figure that was obsessed with luxurious bathroom equipment and bathing. He's probably why I tend to see extensive bathrooms and comfortable equipment in my dreams. interestingly, a miniature trans pride flag was dangling from the big sink he created. I vaguely remember seeing him in another dream, in which he was represented by chicken eggs on legs. He was also a capricious and whimsical figure. Jim hall (approximate name) The creator of a lot of arcades and recreation in my dreams, as well as probably some cinemas, He warped the environment into his domain, a funhouse, and summoned me to come see him. Eventually another dreamwarper thought I knew too much and put me into a false awakening. Chara (ya know, the kid from undertale) Disappeared and appeared randomly, was ambivalent to the politics of the dreamwarpers, and appeared in both male and female forms. Overall, I'm probably going to have the plot of this dream resolve in another night. Oh, I also remember this playing during some segments of the dream for some reason.
Updated 02-11-2022 at 03:29 AM by 65287 (spelling)
After checking out an abandoned local mine, I checked out a yard next to it, and saw a bunch of deactivated, unmarked arcade cabinets. Apparently, someone had set up a video arcade in their home. After perusing the arcade for a bit, I started to watch a video about a man with a horde of fluffy animals, due to dream logic, I wound up meeting him, and eventually I settled into the sofa, where I was swarmed by cats and rabbits. One of the rabbits got grumpy when I stopped stroking him, and kicked off, grumbling and stomping. Eventually, the dream became about travelling to the distant past of the Elder Scrolls universe to correct the timeline into something more "hopeful". The bullet points of the premise were... the King was ambitious, aiming for the whole of tamriel the King had a son eventually, during a hunting accident, the King's son suffered a stroke. the son died, and the King was left in mourning. the King died soon after. Eventually, it turned into an escort mission with me casting spells left and right trying to ward off threats and heal the king and his son.
Dream #1: Kanye West comes over to my cousin's house, which my family and I were at. It was pretty weird seeing him there because my family had absolutely no relationship with him whatsoever. I also noticed Kim Kardashian was there, I believe with one of their children. I also remember turning on a Nintendo Entertainment System, but my uncle didn't want me to turn it on, so before he noticed, my cousin quickly unplugged it. Dream #2: It was a scary dream and I was in a hallway in my house. I remember my mom doing a very creepy truth or dare smile in the dark, and when I'm dreaming I usually know I'm dreaming but can't take control -- but that changed tonight (kinda.) As I've been trying to lucid dream more, I guess my ability to take over a dream has improved, and I realized it was a dream, but everything started turning white so I tried to grab on to the wall because I read in a r/LucidDreaming post that it can help you stabilize your dream. It didn't work for me though.
comment dream lucid I woke up half an hour before my usual wake-up time and assumed I wouldn't fall back asleep, but after a while, I did and had a long, very shifting dream. Fragments (not sure about the order and transitions between them): - I'm packing my things for some big trip with my mom and my brother, packing a big suitcase. I'm almost ready, but they're not, and I'm rushing them because we have no chance to catch the plane. But they ignore me for the most part and I'm nervous and stressed. - There's a magician, a dangerous man, but he trusts me, probably because I'm willing to work with him and not ask questions. I go out of the building to dump something in the trash for him, probably magical waste. It looks like a pear in a plastic bag, plus some kind of box, but I know better than to check what's in it. - I'm out with my brother, we're going somewhere. Then we sit on a bench and I empty the mess out of my shoe and show the shoe to him. He says he doesn't want running shoes. I show him how it has a soft sole and offer him the shoe to try on. Then the magician is there instead, and there's a railing behind us and stairs deep down. Somehow my shoe falls down - either he throws it there or somehow accidentally causes it to fall. I look him in the eye and tell him he should bring it back. He looks at me, surprised that I have the audacity to say that to him, but without a word he gets up and walks down the stairs. I follow a few steps behind him. Leading to the lucid part I am traveling in a group on horseback, including family members, the plan is to travel on horseback through several countries and then by train, this is a replacement for the original plan. Then we walk through pastures and someone tells us there is a dangerous cow, but now there is just an older, very playful, calf and sheep playing together. We walk along a field track, there are fenced pastures all around, and there is a rhino in one. It's very dangerous. I wonder if they have something like a mini zoo and why they have a rhino if it's so dangerous. I get to the garden where there are some roses, new varieties that I've been talking to someone about online, and also a small-flowered clematis. There are more beds and I want to see more, but I'm disappointed, there's not much else, just weird vertical structures for vertical growing and some shade-loving plants. There's a woman I know from a gardening forum and she says it's not finished yet. Then I'm with some people, half in, half out, as if the garden has turned into a spacious interior. People are supposed to go through some doors, but they don't really want to, probably afraid of the rhino that's still out there somewhere. I walk through the door and someone asks me if I'm the last one through, and I say no. I get a yellow and black frilly dress and am told it comes with trousers. There is a group of girls around, each in different dresses, but all in black and yellow. I put the dress on and someone helps me pull it over my head, and someone else hands me the black trousers. Something weird is being done in the group, maybe magical. The woman near me - I recognize her as my former classmate, H. - is having a nervous breakdown. She asks, "How can this be happening?" She's hysterical and clutching her head. "Am I dreaming?" I chuckle and say, "I am, and so are you." I kiss her passionately on the mouth and tell her, "Go and enjoy it." Like I'm sending her out to enjoy her lucid dream. I say this semi-lucidly, not having the slightest intention of detaching myself from the dream. But as she disappears outside, I feel some responsibility for her and I follow her. I walk out the door and I'm in a large square. Directly in front of me are steps down to the main area of the square, and then to the right are more gradual steps up, probably along the town walls. H. is already a little ahead of me, he is now with someone, they have started to levitate and have flown across the gap between the steps and are now flying faster, up over the steps, and disappearing in the distance. I call out, "H., wait!" and I envy her such skill in the first LD and I know I won't catch up to her. I put my hand forward and begin to concentrate on catching her and her companion in an imaginary loop, then pull them back by the force of will. She stands in front of me, a little confused, but she understands that my abilities are greater than hers. I think to myself that I made a point, but that maybe it wasn't necessary, and let her go. I tell myself that since I'm so good at telekinesis, I might as well do what she did - try using telekinesis to fly - use it on myself. I'll give it a try and try to levitate down the stairs.I float a little, but at the same time, I am inevitably falling until I'm back on the ground, a few steps down. I try again and this time I try to focus on myself/catch myself into the imaginary loop and add the impello spell word, but it doesn't help, the same result as before. Like I can't use telekinesis on myself. I wake up after this. Notes: - Another semi-lucid into lucid type of dream. Sometimes I think I am sort of natural in semi-lucid dreaming, my dream me almost always knows it is a dream to some extent but it's hard to tell unless the dream plot makes it obvious. The breakthrough from semi-lucidity to full lucidity is still hard for me, though. And sometimes, it isn't a breakthrough at all, like it is all a spectrum.
Updated 06-24-2021 at 11:18 PM by 98406
comment dream semi-lucid lucid The dream before the lucid parts wasn’t much coherent, my settings and my companions were very changeable, so I simplified it slightly, I am using the word companions instead of being specific and I am starting from a point from which I remember the dream reasonably well but it was actually longer. We were inside a building and we wanted to go outside to look for Karin, who was some kind of magical creature, maybe a fairy. She went out and didn't come back for a long time. I went outside and my companions came with me. There were gardens around us and it was dark, and we walked through the gardens and there were flowers, but Karin was nowhere to be found. Then we walked on the lawn around the building and there were soldiers walking towards us. They had the division number written on them - 100something. I knew their general and I remembered that I was in the 80th Division. But I didn't want to approach them because they would certainly want to know the details and I didn't remember the details. They walked past us and ignored us. Then I explained to my companions that it is our presence - that with our presence and attention this world grows stronger and becomes more detailed and real, that it is like the shadows in Amber and we travel through them like the princes of Amber... but I stopped because I understood that they didn't know Amber and my comparison or explanation didn't mean anything to them. Anyway, we should find Karin quickly and get out of here because more and more things are going to be happening around here. I also told them that it was fascinating how I remembered being in the 80th division, but that I was a little sad that it was actually a false memory. Then we were at some greenhouse or walled garden and I think we found Karin there and she came with us, or it stopped mattering. We were back in the building, now there were soldiers and infrastructure. We arranged at the window of a female clerk to hear us in a closed room. I also wanted her to arrange for me to talk to the general in private, as I was still feeling emotional about my membership in the division. We were in the room with her, me and two companions, there was someone there with her too, sitting across the table from us. I turned off the light and it was morning twilight and I said, "How about we make our own light" to my companions. "Or would that get everyone in this building on their feet?" In the sense that I wanted to make it clear that we were magicians, but again, not to stir up the whole building. I cast the Lux spell and so did my companions. I remembered that it didn't work in my recent LD (9 May) and now it didn't work either, my palm was empty. But there was something there, or was it just my imagination? I looked closely and there was a small light, the size of a pinhead. I tried to focus on it to make it bigger, but it seemed to be trying to escape my focused gaze. It glowed brighter for a moment, then I lost it for a second, and then it reappeared and was a cluster of little balls. It was still trying to move and escape. I physically grabbed it in my hand, it had a feel like plasticine, and tried to combine all the little balls into one bigger ball. At that moment I realized "I am lucid" and said it out loud. I was also immediately intrigued by the transition from semi-lucidity to lucidity. I debated whether to continue the dream story, but I figured I'd had enough of it (it was a good dream!) and it was time to do something else. So I was deciding where to go and what to do and I was tempted by something to do with water and remembered that my plan for Prague involved water, so Prague it was. Standing in front of the door, I quickly visualized the towers of the city and opened the door. Behind the door was still the corridor, but it looked different and the building was set up for an event related to my hobby activity (and related to Prague). I walked down the corridor further, to the left was the exit to the outside, straight ahead the corridor continued. I wanted to go outside, but on the corner between the turn and the continuation of the corridor was a lobby separated from the stairs leading outside by a glass wall, and I saw a table and a couple on it. Spoiler for sexual: I thought it was my friend L and he was having sex with some girl, so I went over to join them in a threesome. When I got closer I saw it was two girls, which was ok too, they were very petite, skinny and pretty. I started touching them, one wasn't happy about it, the other didn't protest, but continued to just lie on the table, without any activity, but still it felt nice to touch. I stroked her thigh, pulled her closer to me and started kissing her. It felt nice and she almost kissed me back, so I got my tongue more involved, which I don't really like IRL, but it was much better in the dream. Then I put my hand between her legs, she didn't want to spread them all the way, but she didn't resist. As I started touching her between her legs, I woke up. Notes - I really liked the Amber analogy. I've been recently reading a lot about dream control and dreams formation and this is how my brain connected things together. BTW I recently met Corwin of Amber in a non-lucid dream, I would love to meet him lucid one day. - Going lucid in this dream - the "I am lucid" as "I've always known this is a dream but now I noticed that I know and can do something with it". Like when you do something and then stop and ask yourselves "what am I doing" and remember that you wanted to do something else. Like being there the whole time but stopping being distracted. Very smooth transition into lucidity. - Regarding the lucid dream sex: I always wake up quickly. I know some people say it is about expectations but it is not - I used to wake up from dream sex before I even knew what lucid dreams are and before reading anything about them online. I wake up simply from physical arousal, sometimes even into an orgasm (not this time). In both lucid and non-lucid dreams, I wake up after a similar time, which isn't realistic to the progress of the sexual intercourse in the dream (20-30 seconds of foreplay, usually). I don't mind, I still like it.