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    1. Morning of June 11th 2010

      by , 06-17-2010 at 03:24 PM (Slash's Mind Cave)
      This was a morning's dream just before I woke up a few days ago, I was too busy to write it at the time, so I'm just going to write what I remember of it, because it was such a strange dream.

      I'm a bit fuzzy about the order of what everything happened, but the first thing I remember about the dream is that me and someone else with me (I'll call this person "Person X" from now on), and we were being chased by people from Valve (The company that makes Half-Life, Portal, Team Fortress, etc.). In this dream, Valve were evil people who take people as slaves, and the work these slaves do allow the games on Steam to work.

      So, the first part I remember is that we were on an island, and we were in a cave which had quite a high ceiling. There were gaps in the ground, and you would die if you fell into one. And there were big rocks placed inside the cave, which we often used as cover.

      I think at this point, we had super powers. We could fly, and there was something to do with shooting red stuff from out hands. In fact, this stuff looked very similar to the stuff that comes out of the Medigun in Team Fortress 2, except it was slightly more lightning/electric looking.

      So, at this point, there was a sort of battle going on in this cave with the Valve bad guys. Me and Person X were using our powers as much as we could, but the Valve guys were more powerful.
      So, we took cover, then I did some sort of telekinesis push at Person X, in such a way that he/she fell into one of the gaps, but safely. I did it in such a way that he/she was able to grab onto the walls of the gap, but he/she was deep enough down so that the bad guys thought he/she was dead. (So I did it to save him/her, because I knew we were about to be taken)

      So about 2 seconds after doing that, the bad guys came round the corner of the rock and grabbed me, and took me outside.

      Outside the cave, the island looked very similar to that of a Halo 1 map. The Halo map I am referring to wasn't an Island, but the cliffs on that map looked very similar to the cliffs near the shore of the island.
      I think I then got loose and flew up. Then my memory is fuzzy, the next thing I remember after that is being with the bad guys again, and Person X was there I think.

      My memory is fuzzy after that again, now the next thing I remember is being with the slaves, it was much like a community of slaves. Like a village, except everyone was miserable and dirty. Then, I think someone, as punishment for something, was strapped to some sort of platform thing which was on a train track. And the platform rolled away into the middle of nowhere on the tracks.

      Then my memory is yet again failing me, but the next thing I remember now is me going on one of those platform things into the middle of nowhere. But I think I did it deliberately, I deliberately got into trouble so that I would be able to escape on one of those things.
      So, there I was in the middle of nowhere, I was able to struggle out of the ropes holding me in, and I started walking away from the tracks, for miles and miles. I reached this big white building. I think it was where the business of Valve goes on.
      Then, I remember something happening which made me run away. I think it was just someone coming out of the building who I didn't want to see me. And I also remember Person X being with me again at this point.

      We ran off to some sort of construction yard type place. And there was this box thing, it was white, and the walls were made of the same stuff the walls in portal are made of. Same colour, same texture.
      Example: (The box was much smaller than that room)

      Then, in the middle there was a strange looking ball thing with an orange glow coming from inside. It wasn't transparent, but there were sort of cracks in the ball with the light escaping from them. The ball also strangely reminded me of the type of thing you would find in portal, or possibly half life.

      So me and Person X were in that box hiding from the bad guys, and we were fascinated by this strange ball. I think we somehow came to the conclusion that it was something used to suck the energy out of people (Which is how they use people as ways to get the games to work)

      Then we noticed helicopters and tanks and stuff coming after us into the construction yard, and we were trying to figure out how the hell to get away from this one.

      After staying hidden for a little while, I think we decided to make a run for it.
      All I remember from here is running out of the box and then jumping on top of a crane, kind of like the way the guy in Assassin's Creed would do it. and the crane was low, and the box was high, so it was like how he would jump from roof to roof.

      Then that's all I remember. I think that might have been when I woke up.
    2. super mutant town

      by , 06-13-2010 at 03:28 AM
      Quote Originally Posted by r2d2651 View Post
      Super Mutant Town... (Non-lucid)


      I was in the same super mutant town I was in in the last dream but no Cameron. I was in the same building that I let cam into. And I went outside and found a building and went inside and found 2 cats on some metal shelves and went into another room in fear... I then found a futuristic yellow car and hid inside the back from the super mutants and it drove itself away...
      Tags: game
    3. Super Mutants!

      by , 06-13-2010 at 03:27 AM
      Quote Originally Posted by r2d2651 View Post
      Super Mutants! (Non-lucid)


      I remember trying to go into a building with Cameron but I heard super mutants from Fallout 3 shouting behind us. Then I had to make a choice... My life or my little brother's who would go into the building first? I tried to go in but I felt bad and moved out of the way to open it for cam... All I remember...
      Tags: cameron, game
    4. Oh no! Here we go!

      by , 06-13-2010 at 03:16 AM
      Quote Originally Posted by r2d2651 View Post
      Oh no! Here we go! (Non-lucid)


      I was in a weird place it was all white and GLaDOS was in another room. I remember using boards like in zombie panic and putting them over the doorway to GLaDOS and then me and some other people in the room with me stood atop bumps in the floor and green gas came out and it changed us into lizard people for a test or something.

      After that an alarm sounded and we all darted out the door while what I think were combines came out from behind pillars behind us and proceeded to run and shoot at us. We all turned left and had a show of hands for who WAS NOT succesfully made into a lizard we repeated this process for a few times and the last time I was the only one not a lizard

      Updated 06-13-2010 at 03:21 AM by 29105

    5. Anchor?

      by , 06-13-2010 at 03:13 AM
      Quote Originally Posted by r2d2651 View Post
      Anchor... (Non-lucid)


      I was going to a glass tunnel that was really frosted up with Tristan and I said to him as we were walking "I really hate you and I hope that when the Rapture happens. AND IT WILL. That you go to hell and burn for all eternity" No response. He enters first and then I enter and it's really cold. It leads to a bus for school. And the seats are all weird and they sway to the side. Someone said to "Put your books on the armrests of your seats." (To create a cold spot or something to help warm us up) Then after a minute some lady came in to show us something. It looked like a miniature gray Antlion creature that can fit in your hand like in HL2. And when she squeezed it it lunged its head forward and opened it's mouth and bit at the air and pulled it back. The lady called it an "Anchor" She brought out a bigger antlion creature roughly the size of a dog and squeezed the mini one causing it to bite the big ones throat... Killing it. She called the bigger one a "Shark" we are all given a message to keep our pets safe from Anchors....

      I Find myself on some street looking for pets in danger. I see a couple of pet beds in a dumpster gate with one dog in it. I thought the dog was an Anchor in disguise but I continued my search. I stumbled across a weird house with a big front porch I get on it and see Andraya next to this guy which I assume is her boyfriend. But it turns out to be her brother I get offered a cup cake by her dad. It is chocolate. I eat it but it falls ALL OVER the place! Huge piles of crumbs and chunks everywhere! It looked like 20 cupcakes worth! I bent under the table the guy was sitting at (Reading the Paper) to scoop some up. He asked what I was doing and I said (Emberassed) "Oh just cleaning up a bit" (Or something like that)
      Tags: andraya, game, pets
    6. Lucid Restaurant & WoW (2 Dreams)

      by , 06-13-2010 at 02:47 AM
      Quote Originally Posted by r2d2651 View Post
      Lucid Restaurant! (DILD)


      I was in a restaurant with drew and a bunch of other people I know and I was just screwing around and having fun and I think I was doing some sort of competition thing. Then I ended up somewhere else and got some juice poured for me by some lady then I asked if she had any 2% milk she said yes in that box over there so I looked inside and got my milk. Mom had me take a melatonin. I popped it in my mouth and then went to get a drink but I couldn't swallow it! So I choked a little and hacked it up after panicking for a minute.

      I was in the house doing a race thing. First I was in my room and I ran on dads bed (with dad sleeping in it) And went around the edges and then slithered through the drawer in our bunk bed that is broken (turns out it leads to the restaurant) So then I was back at the restaurant and then I thought about "My head being on the pillow in real life" And I KNEW that that would stop any lucid dreaming so I did some reality checks such as spinning around and rubbing my hands together to create friction but I didn't feel any heat...


      WoW (Non-lucid)


      I remember hearing in school that Andraya plays World of Warcraft so I joined her in playing at a place I have been in before in another dream.

      Updated 06-13-2010 at 02:50 AM by 29105

      lucid , non-lucid
    7. The Loading Screen

      by , 06-13-2010 at 02:30 AM
      Quote Originally Posted by r2d2651 View Post
      The Loading Screen (Non-lucid)


      I remeber seeing a castle with a lake surrounding it. In the top right of my vision I can barely see a spinning circle there were beige borders on the top and bottom of my vision. The world cycled through day and night as it cycled the sun and moon did not come from the horizon it appeared as if they orbited the earth. Of you were looking at the moon then behind you would be the sun. I suppose that is why it wasn't very dark at night. Over time pieces of the castle dissapeared. I specifically remember a dragon statue sticking out of the left side of the castle. There were some green hills and trees in the distance. What springs to mind here is Oblivion.

      Updated 06-13-2010 at 02:39 AM by 29105

      Tags: game, oblivion
    8. Morning of November 8th 2009

      by , 06-08-2010 at 10:08 PM (Slash's Mind Cave)
      Just remembered my dream/couple of dreams.

      I was playing CoD 6 Modern Warfare 2, I must be because I am really exited and I can't wait till it comes out (in two days).

      I had a gun that was shown in one of the trailers, it felt really good. I think I was actually IN the game, rather than just playing it. I was doing really good, I don't think I died at all.

      That is all I remember from that dream, I also remember being on my computer in another dream, I was on DV, and I can't remember what I did any more.
    9. Morning of October 16th 2009

      by , 06-08-2010 at 10:00 PM (Slash's Mind Cave)
      I was in this big room kind of like the first room of the "Nacht der Untoten" Nazi Zombies map on Call of Duty World at War. And instead of zombies coming, it was spiders. I think there was someone else with me, and we were kicking spider butt.

      I woke up, I sat there on my bed, I couldn't be bothered doing anything, so I went back to sleep.

      The moment I fell asleep I was in a dream and I said to myself, "I think I will just have a regular dream", then I said to myself "hell naw, if this a dream, I want to be lucid", and of course I had realised I was dreaming.
      But, as I said that, my dream slowly faded away, I started to feel my real body again, I was panicking at this point, which didn't help.

      Then after a good few seconds I was awake, I was quite annoyed, so I lay there, not moving, picturing that dream scene in my head and telling myself I will keep awareness. And I slowly came into a dream (lucid) I could see everything was back the way it was. But, I felt my real body again, I could feel the really uncomfortable heat of the sun coming through my window. And the dream slowly faded away again, this time it was like object by object, rather than the full thing fading away.
      And I woke up, I did the whole DEILD thing again, and I saw my dream scene again then woke up.

      This happened a couple of times before I realised it is pointless, because that sun was just making it so unbearably uncomfortable, it just woke me up every time.

      So I just left it.

      Updated 06-09-2010 at 09:18 PM by 22655

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. Morning of October 15th 2009

      by , 06-08-2010 at 09:57 PM (Slash's Mind Cave)
      First off, I ended up not doing a nap WILD. But I aim to at some point when I get the chance.

      I remember a dream where I was on the computer (surprise surprise) and I went on the game "Runes of Magic" and it seemed normal, and I would not have known it was a dream at all right now, had I not gone on this game after I woke up, I played the game and noticed something that wasn't there any more. And I then remembered, the time when I got that thing that isn't there any more, I was in a dream. (p.s. that thing I am referring to is a diamond)


      The last dream from this morning involved me and my cousin getting the death sentence, I can't remember the details of the dream, but I remember the whole big dream was us being brought on a big journey to where we get killed, I was very upset the whole time, except for bits when I tried to cheer myself up, then I would remember again what was about to happen. But it got to the point where I realised all the things I wanted to do with my life that I have not yet done, and I even said to my cousin (in tears) "I don't want to die, I have wanted to do so many things before I die, which I haven't done yet. I swear to god, I really hope there is a heaven, no joke".

      I got very upset, and that was when I woke up, to find tears on my face.

      I had never realised how scared of death I am.

      Updated 06-08-2010 at 10:13 PM by 22655

      Tags: computer, death, fear, game
      non-lucid , memorable
    11. Morning of October 9th 2009

      by , 06-08-2010 at 09:48 PM (Slash's Mind Cave)
      This dream was non-lucid the whole way, I had it this morning just before I woke up.
      I was in a strange place which seemed to me to be a lot like the map "Castle" from Call of Duty World at War, except a lot bigger. I had an awesome red suit on with a sort of cape on it. There were other people too with their own suit, their suits were similar to mine except different colours and decorations.

      I was at the highest point of this strange place, I looked down and I jumped down trying to glide down with my cape. It didn't turn out the way I had wanted it too. I didn't glide too well down, I just kind of jumped to the bottom, very "un-gracefully". But, when I landed at the bottom, you will never guess who was there; Slayer. And he had a red suit on too, but his suit was darker red than mine.

      Slayer told me that if I press "G" I could glide with my cape.

      Confused yet? I wouldn't be surprised if you were. The thing is that I felt as if I was in a computer game, when he told me to press "G", I didn't actually even press anything, I just sort of had it in my mind and I felt as if I had used that control. It has happened in a few dreams before.
      So, I did what Slayer told me to, I got to the top and I glided down perfectly. And, CanceledCzech Followed me down. His suit was green. I gradually learned to be able to fly, rather than just glide.

      After a while of messing about flying around with Slayer and CanceledCzech, I went behind this hut looking building, next to a gate. And what do you know, Lulian was there.
      I can't remember properly, I never wrote this down when I woke up, but I think his suit was in fact this sort of colour.

      Then while we were there, This other guy came in, with a strange name, something like "Gonatron" or something of that sort that started with "G". He had a black suit on with a red, lava pattered, dragon head mask on. He seemed like a bad guy, But I think we all ended up good friends, then something bad happened to Lulian, I wasn't sure what, but he ended up needing to share a body with that "Gonatron" guy. They were then deciding upon a name to call themselves, They came to something like "Golulion" or something.

      This dream was full of DreamViews members related stuff. There was Slayer, CanceledCzech and Lulian. And they all (as I remember) had the colour of suit that their colour of text is in chat. (including me, I had my red suit which is what I would use a lot in chat, when I'm not using black)
      Also, That thing that happened to Lulian, I think that was to represent the fact that Lulian was banned yesterday. And the thing with him sharing a body with someone else, I don't know why, but that just makes me think that would represent that I think he probably made an Alt, or hacked into someone elses account. (In no way am I accusing him of doing that, but it just seems like the kind of thing he would do for a laugh)
      And of course I am sure the reason Slayer was the one that helped me with the "game's controls" was because he is a gamer.
    12. Canoe Game

      by , 04-08-1998 at 10:08 AM
      Morning of April 8, 1998. Wednesday.

      My wife Zsuzsanna and I own some sort of large game, which is as long as one side of the Gellibrand Street kitchen (the side with the internal door, the north wall), where a toy canoe goes across a conveyor-belt-like mechanism that simulates a journey by river where you have to gather a few things worth points as well as go around areas that come up from trapdoors in the “river” (playing field), such as (toy) alligators. I suppose in some ways it is like a real-life mechanical version of a computer game. The game seems mostly made of plastic with metal features. Gears cause different things to come up out of the simulated water imagery.

      Tags: canoe, game, kitchen
    13. Operation Game Version

      by , 10-29-1976 at 08:21 PM
      Night of October 29, 1966. Saturday.

      I am involved in a seeming prototype (first version of a dream theme that appears in more complex forms later on, especially after moving to a new home) of what appears to be a variation of the (originally) Milton Bradley game “Operation” (which is fairly new at the time). It reminds me just a bit of the “nostalgic” noise and lights of a carnival on a much smaller scale (and according to some sources, actually was based on games in funfairs so maybe that is a typical association). The main distortion is that it has a red telephone (receiver only, but probably only about half the size of a real one) in a recess on the left side, nested on its side though does somehow become full-sized at times. (This may be from a distortion of the actual shapes relative to real game sections, which are somewhat reminiscent of a telephone receiver shape.)

      I am not quite sure if the telephone allows you to somehow talk to the character in the game and receive information on his present status, but it seems a bit strange at times as if I am “expecting” an eerie “contact” at one point. No conversations ever ensue, however. My dream remains nonthreatening.

      Interestingly enough, I did not live in a home with a telephone until 1978 (we never had a telephone all the years I lived in Florida and only my sister had a telephone in the Rose Street building in Wisconsin).

    14. "The War on Brenda Wilson"

      by , 04-04-1971 at 10:04 AM
      Morning of April 4, 1971. Sunday.

      My dream renders what is intended to be an area of the West Elementary school grounds for playing games, though it is in an incorrect (though not regarded as incorrect by my dream self) featureless location that is implied to be northwest of the elementary school building.

      It seems to be late morning. My schoolmates are sitting in a circle and a game of “Duck, Duck, Goose” is in progress. In the back of my mind is a vague idea that I am in a movie that is presently being filmed (which was a recurring aspect of my childhood dreams that suggests subliminal conscious self awareness of being in the dream state, yet without viable lucidity).

      In this version of “Duck, Duck, Goose” I am aware that the person who is caught is to eventually marry the person who catches them. I find myself walking clockwise in a circle around the seated group of our schoolmates, with Toby a few feet in front of me (even though there is only one “it” in “Duck, Duck, Goose”). Toby intends to tap Brenda on the head, much to my dismay. However, instead of Brenda being tapped and getting up to chase Toby, she dodges Toby’s attempt to tap her and the roles become reversed. Toby ends up chasing Brenda around the circular group of seated schoolmates.

      I decide to start running after her as well, to get to her before Toby does, though I remain at a distance. Still, Toby never comes any closer to her than about six feet. We run around and around and it seems to go on for a long time. The three of us never leave the circle to run elsewhere. For a time, I contemplate the adult paperback Western “The War on Charity Ross” (by Jack M. Bickham), which I had recently read. I start to contemplate that this event is “The War on Brenda Wilson”. There is a sense of drama and anticipation, though my dream eventually fades without a victor.

      The failure of my personified subconscious to perceive the setting as wrong yet still possess the memory of a paperback I had recently read is typical of the unusual erroneous neural gating of the dream state.

      My dream designates Brenda as the Vestibular System Personification (a waking alert factor which RAS mediates due to the biological vestibular system ambiguity of being unconscious), though she does not fall or fly but runs in a circle, though there is the implied vestibular-system-based flight symbol of being a “goose”.

      Even here at age ten, my dream self was thinking of life partnership. Brenda was validated, in a prescient sense, to symbolize Zsuzsanna long before we met (even though Zsuzsanna often appeared literally as herself, though sometimes as part of a composite which also integrated Brenda, even directly before Zsuzsanna first made contact with me, mainly because I did not learn that Zsuzsanna was a real person until March 1991). Zsuzsanna and I were married on April 9, 1994. (One of the stories she wrote when she was fourteen was called “Wilson’s Dream”, which was about dream state adventures into other worlds. Her first tribal name from the PAIA was “Magic Pen”, which I viewed as a play on female swan, which has a loose association with “Duck, Duck, Goose”.)

      This online dream journal entry was reformatted from the source material, abridged, and clarified on Wednesday, 21 February 2018.

      Updated 02-21-2018 at 09:58 AM by 1390

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