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    1. Flying From a Fight Into a False Awakening, Extreme Sports Dreams, and a Visit From Mogadorians

      by , 01-07-2014 at 05:16 AM
      Sep 22-23 (Lucid)

      It wasn't super long, but I was being attacked by some crazy powerful dude who had more powers than I did, so while he was charging one up I ran away and while doing so I realized it was a dream so I started to try to fly. It was working to, like superman style flying. I tried to go insanely fast like warp speed but couldn't do it, then thought what if I fall, and I started to fall. So I landed and thought about how weird it was that my body is laying down sleeping but I was there moving, but at that moment things started to fade and I became aware of my actual body. But it was a false awakening because I woke up in a car drenched in sweat waiting for my guardian to come turn on the car? But I totally fell for it and forgot I was dreaming haha. Then a few minutes later I actually woke up by alarm.

      Also I've had some awesome dreams this weekend about extreme sports and super powers. I've gone like dirt biking down a hill with a glider on top so if I hit a jump I would get a ton of air and glide down slowly. Then I also had a dream about sky diving and stuff and it felt crazy.

      A Mogadorian (from the series I Am Number Four) was going to take me sky diving, told me he was going to grab 2 more scouts, it seemed sketchy, my dad told me to get shotguns, so I picked up this weird looking block that was supposed to be a futuristic shotgun. The Mogadorian came back and I tried to shoot him but he was all defensive and said stop, but seemed sketchy with a sword and trying to get behind me.
    2. The Mansion/Bunnings Warehouse/DEILD/False Awakening

      by , 09-19-2013 at 03:02 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream ended - 5:50am
      Time Lucid - 20 secs
      Non lucid - grey text
      Semi Lucid - red text
      Lucid - blue text

      Dream 1
      I was in a mansion. I was with some people I knew. Only remember Jane. I saw my Chloe (Dog), she was laying on her bed. Next to her was Rex (Dog), doing the same thing. I was excited to see Chloe, because she isn't alive any more. I giving her a pat and a hug, putting my face to her face. I gave Rex a pat. I must have been sky diving, because I laid on the ground pretending that my parachute didn't deploy (acting dead).

      DEILD 5:50am
      I think as I laid down on the ground I woke up and did a DEILD. I remember being in the same dream, except I was levitated off the ground, as if I was laying in a bed. I rolled out of bed and did a RC (Checked hand, conjoined finger, turned away to double check, now had one of my fingers cut almost completely off). I walked over towards the mansion and was greeted by Rex, I gave him a pat. I was trying to stabilise the scene and rubbed my hands together (for some reason, it feels weird when I rub hands together). I entered the house and the dream ended.

      Dream 2
      I was at Bunnings Warehouse with my friend Josh D. We picked up a air compressor. I was now wheeling a bike through the store and it felt as if the bike's brakes were rubbing on the tire, as it was hard to wheel the bike around. There was a female standing outside the door. I was looking for Josh, and figured he would be parked in the delivery area. I saw his car in the distance and told him I would meet him out the front, as I forgot to bring the compressor with me.

      I was now on roller blades. I was near the entrance we used to play cricket/footy as kids, except there was a massive incline in the ground which had puddles through out it. I roller bladed through it, skimming the water.

      Dream ended.

      False Awakening
      I woke up in my bed I think. I had a strong feeling this was a false awakening and tried to get out of bed, but struggled. I then woke up.
    3. lucky day

      by , 09-05-2012 at 03:56 AM
      It started in my old home where I used to live when I was about 10... I started finding all of my favorite toys, and putting them in my pockets. Then, I ended up at my high school in the parking lot... Yet it was not my old beat up pickup truck, it was a really nice bmw, and all of these students were gathering around my car in awe.... Then, I was falling from the sky in a free fall... I was so happy. I realized that I was sky diving... what an amazing feeling :)

      When I reached the ground, I had landed in a pool full of flowers, it was the softest landing ever... I started swimming in the flowers and ended up in a lake with crystal clear water... there were dolphins in the distance jumping high out of the water... it was beautiful!
    4. Lexus and skydiving

      by , 07-30-2010 at 02:31 PM (scumpy's journey to lucidity...)
      Again I didn't have very good recall, I actually suspect that I had a few lucid moments but didn't maintain them very long.

      I'm driving a Lexus except it doesn't use normal controls it uses a Wiimote kind of thing. Some of my old school friends are there. Walter from fringe is in the car and comments about the heated seats at some point. We're traveling towards the yacht club in the town where I grew up. Instead we go to my house and I argue with my dad about being late. I try to find my own car to leave and can't find it.

      not sure if this is the same dream or a new one... Some girls that I knew from school are at the same house as above, the house and next door are busy undergoing alterations. We go inside... the dream fades

      I sky dive with some of my friends into carrington road from very low altitude. One friend opens his shoot too late but lands on it and he's fine. We pack our chutes hoping to find a place to base jump.