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    1. Space station

      by , 10-26-2016 at 06:00 PM
      Flying through space on a dire mission. We are about to prepare for a war.
      A giant space station is created as we sweep in through space. It is made of many curving arms which are formed like the vapour trails of a plane as we move into place. The shape is like that of a massive many tendrilled sea creature. It is transparent and beautiful.
      I am praying that there won't need to be a war and this though is eventually transported to the person a stocky balded headed man, who is in charge. He stops dead in his tracks as he is unpacking something and says mission cancelled, but we might as well still unpack in readiness as we're here.
      I am much relieved. In the main area of the central hub? the officers wearing nice pink and some yellow with matching id badges are a bit miffed as the new recruits are allowed to sit up near the captain, lolz.
      The captain is a cross between some star wars guy and dr who, he seems very fatherly. I have a chat with him in his private courters, apparently he is my father or something. I never knew real love due to the characteristics he inherited from his parents.
      Meanwhile down on a nearby planet, I am now someone else who is being chased and so am keeping a low profile. I try to catch a ride with some people transporting illegals up to the space station.
      We are in some high walled area and they are taking off over the walls, flying strange craft that look like wagons driven by sand people and are making strange "ooh hee dee" noises.

      Updated 10-26-2016 at 06:08 PM by 89275

      Tags: glass, pink, space, war, yellow
    2. Transitions

      by , 10-26-2016 at 04:46 PM
      I did a counting induction into a lucid dream. I felt the transition but the reality check passed so unfortunately I did it too early. The transition was awesome though.
      side notes
    3. [26-10-2016: Car driving fragment]

      by , 10-26-2016 at 04:36 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I woke up from previous dream that I can't quite recall and attempted WBTB which failed.

      I recall a fragment, it was middle of the night. I was in some city, driving my car. I was somewhat scared of driving and couldn't drive properly due to that.
      Tags: car, city, driving, night
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    4. Spellbee Comp Night 12

      by , 10-26-2016 at 02:25 PM (dolphin's dreams)
      I woke up and tried to see through my closed eyelids. After a few seconds, I could see my room. I walked down a brightly lit hallway and noticed that the dream was a bit blurry. At the end of the hallway I noticed a large block of text floating that seemed to be an inspirational message to do what I love. I noticed that my feet were not really on the ground so I tried to feel the floor. The floor seemed out of reach though. I tried to make a dolphin appear in front of me, but I blacked out. I told the dream I wanted to see again and after a couple of seconds I could. I was now in a room. I noticed two mice. One of them pointed to a third one and said "Blind mice!" I saw the third one and it seemed to be staring off into space. I tried to summon some glasses for the little guy but woke up.
    5. Zinc Mines, Bad Sheets

      by , 10-26-2016 at 02:02 PM
      I don't remember a whole lot that happened last night... makes me sad. My recall blows lately. I couldn't even remember anything from the last few nights at all. But I have to tell myself it's fine, maybe just wasn't meant to be. Better to accept it than be mad about it.

      So, all I remember about this first one is that I'm underground, like Lord of the Rings where all the goblins are. There's fires lit everywhere for light and heat. I stumble upon a section of this underground cave where there are a couple of people working on mining zinc. I have no idea how I know it's zinc, it's like in a huge pile on the ground. It's silver, like granular. The pile is probably as tall as I am. There's a guy with a clipboard taking notes.

      I woke up because the dog jumped off the bed and then fell back asleep.

      Now I'm in my parents' bedroom. My friend Stephanie and her husband Ken are there. I guess they're sleeping over because they're trying to get into the bed. Stephanie runs her hand over the fitted sheet and says that it's rough. Too rough to sleep in. I'm embarrassed because I didn't fix the bed for them. I see the sheets that I had wanted to put on the bed on the nightstand. I start to take the sheets off the bed and Ken says not to worry, it's ok, they'll put the sheets on the bed.
    6. 10/26/16

      by , 10-26-2016 at 01:45 PM
      No dream recall.
    7. Spooky Comp. Day 12 - lucid after 2h, running around, summoning FryingMan

      by , 10-26-2016 at 11:18 AM
      early lucid. for the time it had a decent quality. some days ago i´ve read this thread and for some reason i remembered it in this lucid. my awareness was not that high to instantly remember goals but i just ran around and see what happend. thinking about it i had several lucids where i had no clue what to do and just go with the flow and for some reason the awareness was always not on the peak but the lucids where pretty long lasting (atleast felt so) and funny.

      i am somewhere with a friend of mine and we eat a kebab. mine is all gone already and i think about eating more. she is still eating and somewhat seem to not enjoy it too much. she has a small bone in her mouth? i thinking about taking the car and drive somewhere where i can get something to eat but i "remember" that i have smoked weed and its not a good idea. i remember also where i am (in a street in my hometown) and that its near a street where i can find a lot of restaurants. i start running. while running i get lucid and do a short nosepinch.
      i pass several restaurants and the dream is partially pretty dark and i cant see that far/good but i dont mind and continue running. i run through some chairs and a sign. i thinking about to fly but remember better not to and continue running. a good friend of mine crosses my way we say hello but i continue moving. i cross a street and phase right thru a person that crosses my way. i look behind (because a guy call me?) and has a skateboard in his hands and asks with his look if i want to have it. i think why not and he throws it in my direction. it lands on the street and i pull it to me via TK. i step on it and ride a small distance but trip and while i retrieve the skateboard i hear two kids. i look back and see that the kids (the dad?) wants the skateboard back and so i give it back because i am not depend on it.
      there is a crossroad and i see a lot of asian snack shops. i turn left and move down the street. my awareness rises shortly and i get the idea to summon Fryingman and let me show something. i put my hand behind my back and ask FM to grab it. nothing happens. not the first time. i move some meters further to one of the shops where two asian girls are standing around. i turn my back to them and try again [so in my mind there is a potential person that can grab the hand] i say "take my hand", feel a hand and ask "fryingman is that you?" i hear a male voice so i turn around. i see a guy next to me but the asian chick is pretty close too [i would hold her hand if i hadnt ask for FM i think]. unfortunately i cant remember how he looked this time i ask him to show me how to get invisible and he turns transparent. nice! i ask him how he does it but he says he down know exactly and sometimes he has problems getting non-transparent again. the whole time we are walking. we move around a corner and shortly after he turns into my girlfriend.
      we are standing infront of an asian sign with some rules about something, something with latex. we enter a small room that have similarities to a cinema and we sit down and decide to see what movie will be shown [i never watched anything for more than a few seconds] she says she needs to go to the toilet and i feel like i should go too before the movie. i look up and see a half broken sign where further toilets are
      and wake up shortly after

      i tried SSILD after around 7h of sleep but after SSILD i felt to awake and thinking about waking life problems so i gave up and stood up at 9 am
    8. double penetration

      by , 10-26-2016 at 10:21 AM
      I WILDED out of bed and teleported to another universe. I found myself in a futuristic office space. There were a lot of people there. Unfortunately I didn't stabilise my dream. I found myself talking to a DC, before I found that she looked rather hideous. Then I stopped talking to it. I wondered the office for a while, before I remembered to do one of my personal tasks-summon the Double Penetrating Unkempt Harold

      I did that and went to pick it up. Unfortunately, I just managed to kick it under a shelf. I went around to retrieve it, but the dream ended on me.
    9. Jumbo snails!

      by , 10-26-2016 at 08:18 AM
      Non lucid
      I'm in Italy, or maybe in Duckstad. I live with my parents in what reminds me of Donald Duck's house and on top of the hill instead of the building of uncle Scrooge there is a boring factory that has been closed because the hill is full of big snails. My mother associates big snails with lean proteins for free and she wants to start a diet full of jumbo snails lean meat. I refuse categorically.
    10. Chatting All Night

      by , 10-26-2016 at 06:37 AM (Cinder's Dreams Gallery)
      I was on Discord (a chat client) and I was bugging someone who didn't want to talk to me, and talking with people in a group chat. I also chatted with some people include one of my boyfriends (I'm poly, by the way) on Steam.

      There was some cartoonish representation of me and another person's Steam account being cartoon characters fighting, and mine lost. So I went to a person who sold Steam steroids. I took it and my cartoon was hyperactive and tried to challenge the other person again but they weren't interested.

      I woke up and I tried to do a reality check but I forgot that I was wearing a blindfold and I was still sleepy, so I instead tapped my fingers to my legs and ascertained that I was awake. I attempted a DEILD.

      I drifted into a "DEILD system" by Dreamviews which put me into a chatroom with other DV users. I mentioned that I thought it'd put me in a lucid dream, not a chatroom. (Dammit!)

      My dream transitioned to me sleeping beside my boyfriends.
    11. Spellbee's Spooky comp night 10

      by , 10-26-2016 at 04:19 AM
      I woke up from a dream that became lucid but it didn't go well w/ my dream recall. I found out an old friend of mine's mother died & I've been trying to figure out how & if it's possible for me to travel the 6 hours for November the 4th. The funeral had to be postponed for my friends daughter to make it into town. Anyway I got obviously side tracked so this is my entry. Life comes before dreams.
      Tags: side note
      side notes
    12. Lucid ocean; Flying; Indoors

      , 10-26-2016 at 01:45 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      I guess last few times I was doing classic middle of the night WBTB. I didn't do this since I tried it when I first started with LDing.

      I was asleep at 4 am when I heard the watch chime, I was just getting lucid, and then heard it again at 5 still lucid. Got up at 5:45 after some non lucid.

      Last night
      9:40 pm - bed
      1:27 am - 2x300 Alpha GPC
      went straight back to sleep to get up later
      3am - got up for a WBTB
      3:34 am - 2x4mg pure galantamine
      and going straight on a sofa with back raised to half sitting position, on my back.

      Was rather sleepy so when I heard my wach chime at 4am, I was already asleep. I decided to turn to my right side. I think I turned to my left next, before I got lucid.

      I was in a mall and we were apparently Canadian. Our canadian ID was getting us in trouble, so we went to a forgerer to get us some new IDs.
      He had a creek behind his place and I wanted to jump in a swim.

      I am outside and I want to fly. I float up and grab one of the branches of a tree that was growing somewhere much higher than I was. It looked like a jungle vine hanging from the skies. I held on to it and I felt it will help me fly. Then I thought I can just make huuge swings on it since it was so long and I did. That was awesome feeling. Going fast and feeling wind on my face.

      I dropped to the ground and wished hard for it to be an ocean. It changed into water and I sank down. The water stayed brownish murky but I made out outlines of some huge sharks and whales swimming by.

      I'm in a mall and I walk into a small side room. I drop to the floor and I want to swim in the ocean again. I look down and the floor is painted with an ocean scene. Beautiful blue water with sea creatures of all colors. I just flopped there for a while when I realized it's not gonna happen.

      I'm standing on a shore of a wide concrete cannal with a rather steep slope leading to the water. I look closer and there are fish swimming in oval shape in this completely clear water. I watch in fascination small fish, big fish, blue fish, red fish, haha, mantas and all kinds and shapes and sized of fish slowly swimming by.

      I'm showing somebody how to phase through objects. I pick a trashcan on the street and walk through it like a ghost.

      7. Last dream, already non-lucid.
      I think this is still at the forgerers place. Somebody wants to put fish into my aquarium and I say hell no, I barely waited the fish out to die, I don't want any more fish. They say "but they are alive" and sure enough, 2 tough fish are swimming around. The more I look, the more creatures I find living in there. I think I start changing the water.

      This should be a dream sign for me. Reading Ophelia's DJ last night during WBTB, when she said aquarium is her dream sign, I realized I have lots of aquarium and fish in a water dreams. And then I have both of them, haha.

      Updated 10-26-2016 at 04:00 AM by 50242

      Tags: fish, flying, water
    13. Oddities

      by , 10-26-2016 at 01:36 AM
      This entry will contain several dream fragments occurring in no particular order.

      In this dream I'm hanging out D. in a coffee shop which is quite fancy with all the commodities one would expect from an upscale cafe. I go to some device which is labeled "espresso" and I push a button to bring out the liquid. As the liquid is poured into my cup, the liquid solidifies into a brownie. Next, I bring the brownie to one the tables and begin to eat it.

      I'm in some sort of auditorium which to my mind seems like some sort of training area. There were computers all around the area with DC's sitting in front of them. I can't really remember anything that stands out in this area.

      I'm dreaming of in this run down house with a family. The house itself seems dilapidated with a musty feel to the furniture. There's one bed in the area. One of the family member's is making whiskey in this wooden tub-like structure(?). I'm in a first person perspective inside the structure. Another family member (possibly a woman) then complains that they're doing it wrong it wrong (something to do with the "mash").

      I'm chilling in the backyard which looks very similar to the one in waking life. I spin around to stabilize the dream area and to my delight everything seems so... coherent. This excited me to see the dream area remain the same no matter where I looked. I entered the door which goes to my basement. Things kind of get murky their and I suddenly remember I'm in some control room. There are DC's all over the area and I can't quite remember anything else.

      I'm in the my living room and being hurt by some roach biting my toes.

      I'm being tortured by some boorish looking character along with some other DC's. I take their first perspective as their being tortured.

      For some reason, I'm walking with my family and some other DC's and we come to some blue colored restaurant. My mother made a comment on how this restaurant will have burgers and stuff. There area seems to be some kind of resort/town area with walkways and beautiful vistas.

      I command a DC to give me an MDMA pill. The pill itself was yellow colored and as I ingested it nothing happened. The next subsequent dream, I was at my living room couch which surprisingly I was sleeping in waking life. I (sort of?) have a false awakening and I conjure up an MDMA pill. Now when I swallowed it I experienced some profound effects. I felt to my mind some very clean euphoria while having some doubts whether it would live up to the real thing (I haven't tried it in waking life). Suddenly, I flew outside the window to my right and the outside world looked tremendously beautiful. Interestingly, there was a glass like rectangular structure flying around toward me which gave the surrounding area a rainbow like haze.
    14. Who cares if the traffic light is red?

      by , 10-25-2016 at 08:24 PM
      I was taking a stroll through a city for no good reason. I passed by a friend who said that last night's party was great but that he won't have time to host one in the next time. I couldn't remember a party but I didn't give it a deeper thought. He wouldn't make up a party, right? So I walked on hearing how he said goodbye to other people from the party. For some reason I felt like I should get suspicious and what a good instinct that was!

      I thought "Okay, where was I before I went on the stroll?"
      The last thing I remembered was going to bed and then there is nothing. This had to be a dream for sure! I don't know how I got here, something I would never forget under normal circumstances. Just to be sure I made a jump and it instantly turned into a super jump. Allright, this time I had to finish up a competition task for once! The easiest thing that came to my mind was super speed. So I started to slowly pick up speed until I was runing with normal speed. On the way I noticed a dog and a puppy walking around alone. Usually I have bad experiences with dogs in dreams. Most of the time they just walk up to me looking trustworthy and bite me then. It is never painful but just a weird sensation of pressure. Those dogs were 100% peaceful though. Seems that I was lucky today.

      Time to accelerate to actual super speed! I reached a bigger road and some cars were driving on it. Right now they still passed me but that would change soon. Instead of getting the speed from the movement of my legs I accelerated myself with telekinesis basically. I applied a mental force on me that gave me speed. Suddenly my body felt so light. I was breathing heavily but I didn't feel exhausted, I felt my legs working but they didn't get heavy. How awesome. Now I started to easily pass the cars on the road and I shouted "YEAH!" while doing so. Suddenly I got aware of a traffic light in front of me. It went red just in that moment. Well, why would I slow down? It's not like anyone here cared. The dream ended soon after.
    15. Found a bag of food

      by , 10-25-2016 at 08:18 PM
      *I came across I bag of food. Then I ran into my Grandfather we talked for a while and were very kind to each other.

      *Someone saw my swiping on tinder. I made a comment on how awesome it was. I remember looking at a picture of me in front this huge house as if it were mine.
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