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    1. been a long time.

      by , 02-09-2023 at 05:21 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Probably haven't posted in over a month out of sheer laziness.

      2 Jamie dreams: One I was in a classroom. I was aware of Jamie in my periphials. Felt like she was going to ignore me so I couldn't bear to even look her way. As I left the classroom I dared to look back. She was staring at me, also she was a dark skinned girl. Both took me by surprise.

      Next Jamie dream. All i remember is being in a bedroom. She was waering something fancy... Almost mock victorian like. We weren't talking but she was staring at me as if expecting something. I'm always a coward when it comes to the first move...

      2 lucids: Don't remember much about them only that I wasted both telling people they were in my dream, and in one I proved it by flying around. ( I really ought to try the TikTok LD trend where you ask a DC the time. apperently they flip out or melt.)

      Last night: One dream where I kept finding a mirror that didn't reflect me bu someone else. The hair was wrong and they wore no glasses and seemed evil. I checked another mirror and My reflection was normal. I went back to the other mirror and that guy was stilll there.

      Second dream i was in a large room or hallway reminiscent of the backroom creepy pasta. There was a legless black woman there. She was telling me all about how her dad was some Dentist and invented some things that revolutionized tghe Dental industry making him a multi millionaire... In the dream I didn't know who she was. I guess falling asleep to the dark tower audiobooks finally got me some related dreams.
    2. 30 Jan: False awakenings and exploring a backroomy dimension lucid

      by , 01-30-2023 at 08:59 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I am between sleep and wakefulness and I hear my dogs barking outside, when suddenly I wake up with the sound of my front door slamming and I feel scared. I am confused and think that the only other person in the house is my mother on the ground floor and she would not go outside in the middle of the night for any reason, which worries me even further. Then I actually wake up and realize most likely no one slammed the door and also that my mother isn't in my home at all, it is Riverstone who is sleeping downstairs and I just had a false awakening. My dogs are also quiet, so I don't know if them barking was also part of the dream.

      With Riverstone on a van going up a road and the engine is not managing to pull it up. He is driving and he steps on the accelerator to try to reach the top of the hill, but on a curve he loses control and the van rolls over to the side of the road. As we tumble, it gets dark and Riverstone loses his consciousness. I shake him hard and he doesn't wake up. I am really worried. When he finally does, we are in bed at my mom's house and he asks me why am I shaking him up like that. I am confused and tell him about my dream. He says that I am just remembering a traumatic event and I say no way, I don't recall it ever happening in the past. He says it did, we had that accident. I feel more confused about what's real or not. Then we go to the kitchen for a snack as he says now he is angry and we reheat some pizza on the microwave. I think about how I would never eat pizza in the middle of the night, but I am starting to feel maybe none of this is real, so what the heck, I actually eat some and ask for more. Then my mom comes and asks what's going on, I tell her the whole story and continue to chat while eating. Then I am worried we might wake up grandma and mom says "you're really confused, she passed away some time ago, it's just us here". Then I realize once again I am still dreaming all this. Then we are at a fair, where we volunteer at a booth. It is a mix between art display, book sales and alternative medicines. I am rearranging some books on a table and again confused about what's real or not, when some friends come over from another booth and I tell about my confusion and the whole accident story and that I can't even remember my best friends' names. They show some concern, but then some wild boar enters the place running and causing much damage, until he gets killed and someone takes it outside to the back of the building and leaves it on the ground temporarily. I go take a look at it soon after and some dog like a Husky is trying to eat the boar. He is making a mess so I shoo him. He doesn't like and attacks me. He actually looks more like a wolf now. I climb some structure to get out of its reach but it is not enough, the dog or wolf jumps high and almost bites me. I stop it with my arm and a sort of punch to its head, which beheads the animal. The animal's head falls to the ground and the rest of the body vanishes completely. I am in shock and that's when I realize I must be dreaming. So I lift off flying up and as I leave the ground, I realize I am inside some giant barn like structure. But I try to get rid of logic and let my mind roam free, so when I reach the ceiling, it just inverts and then there is like a second barn upside down. I enter some sort of backroomy dimension with buildings growing upside down and sideways and I just go through them and through wooden walls, ceilings, etc, just trying to get lost in the nonsense, not trying to make it right, trying to make my mind maleable. Then end up in a version of my own attic, but looking like a 60s lounge, with lots of yellow pillows and puffs on the floor. I plunge again in the wooden walls and this time I end up floating in a void for while, almost waking up. After a few seconds I start seeing the inside of the wood in big detail, as if magnified or if I shrunk to microsize. I don't feel my body, just my head, so I feel an urge to lick the surface with my tongue and it feels scaly. Then I am in a regular room but decorated in cluttercore style. There are so many carpets, plushies, curtains, pillows and all sorts of colorful bric-a-brac all over. I feel compelled to just admire it all. I realize my mind is trying to distract me with stuff, lots of stuff, but I indulge for a while. I go from room to room and each one is crazier than the other. Some rooms I need to go up or down through some wall mount ladder to reach the next room. I then see a box of jewels and a mirror in a small cozy bedroom and can't help trying them on, feeling that I am falling for the temptations to distract me. When I look in the mirror, I look absolutely goddess like. For fun I make the jewels, hairstyles and hair color change. Then I remember that often when I look at myself in the mirror in dreams, my face starts shifting and becoming mosnter-like, so I decide to take control of the process and just cause it myself, to fight that fear. My face slowly melts and I become ugly, my eyes all dark, fangs, messy hair. It makes me feel uneasy, but not terrified, because I am in control. I think about meditating next for a while, but I wake up.
    3. Winter Competition 12.7.2022

      by , 12-09-2022 at 04:19 AM
      Taken from my offline dream journal.


      Dad and Guns

      I go back home (my old home) from somewhere. Or maybe I get up in the morning and go to the kitchen. My Dad is sitting there. Or maybe I was there and my Dad came in. Anyway, instead of talking to him, I start talking to my friend from Kenya over WhatsApp. Then I think that I should probably talk to my Dad, so I stop talking with my friend and talk with my Dad instead. I look outside, and there is a car pulling into the driveway. It is dark out, and if it was breakfast earlier it seems to be night now. I don’t recognize the car, and I think the license plate is from out of state. A woman gets out and comes to the door. My Dad goes to answer the door and the woman pulls out a gun and points it at him. I grab for a gun that is in a box on the table next to me and point it at her. She doesn’t drop the gun, and I start to think that my gun might not be loaded. I find my Mom’s Derringer instead, and exchange guns. Then the dream seems to become more concerned with whether or not my mother has been keeping a loaded Derringer around the house, which I don’t think is safe. I’m a bit conflicted though, because I think that it might not be safe to have an unloaded gun either (in case something like what just happened happened). But I decide that I should unload the Derringer in the end. I open it up, and see two bullets in the chambers. The more I look, the more chambers there are, and they are loaded. In the end, there is something like 20 chambers with bullets in them in this gun. I work on prying the bullets out.

      Former House Dream

      My Mom and I go to visit one of the homes we lived in when I was growing up. At first it’s more like I’m imagining going there, because I’m looking at things and thinking that if the new owners have painted over them I could remove the paint and restore things to what they used to look like. I touch walls and trim and say things like “hello, old friend”. My mother calls my attention to something splattered on the ceiling. We discuss what we might have done to make a mess on the ceiling. Then my Mom decides that we should leave. I say something like: “that’s a good idea. I have so many dreams where we are back in this house, and while we are here the new owners show up”. Then I look out the front window, and the new owners are pulling into the driveway. We exit the house and Mom locks up behind us (she has a key to the house). We go to our cars as the new owners reach the house. My Mom says something to them, and they don’t seem to concerned that we have been prowling around their house. Driving down the road, I think something about how it would be nice to be friends with the guy who lives there now, and to be able to hang out in the house.


      (1) For some reason I’m wearing purple lingerie (I’m a man, by the way). This includes some kind of skirt-like thing and a bra. I look at myself in the mirror and then think that I shouldn’t be wearing women’s clothes. “But,” I think to myself, “how do I know that these are women’s clothes? This might be a man’s bra.” Then I start thinking that there probably is no such thing as a man’s bra.
    4. 16 Aug: Robbing the rich and reflecting my guru on the mirror

      by , 08-16-2022 at 04:52 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Working as a maid at the mansion of some filthy rich dudes. Some alarm goes off and they go around looking for something suspicious, but no one can't find any intruder. But I spot him. He is dressed as the help and considering this is a huge palace with dozens of employees, no one pays attention or noticed he is not one of us. But I see him robbing silver and gold stuff, sneaking from one room to another. I follow him into an office and he realizes that I've figured it out. But he doesn't feel intimidated, he notices I am not yelling to denounce him. He just nods his head like saying "Go ahead, serve yourself of some to." and I do! I rob a bunch of gold necklaces and other jewels, wrapping them in table cloths and right under the nose of the bosses, hide them in my pockets. I then follow the other guy trhough a window to the garden and we leave.

      Looking at a mirror and instead of my face, I see my guru reflected on it. And he looks pretty aware that I am seeing him. Then it gets weirder and I have trouble explaining it in a 3 dimensional way, but it is like he is also holding another mirror in front of him and his reflection is me. And we are both aware that I see myself as him and he sees himself as me, but not straight up like a mirror image and more like a mirror within a mirror thing. Then I am suddenly not myself and I am some tibetan lady in the past with an intricate hairdo with really long braids with beads and other decorations. While I admire the intricacy of it, someone comes in the room and refers to me as princess.
    5. Friday, July 29

      by , 08-10-2022 at 07:24 PM
      I am going to do a float tank. I walk into the facility and have to use the restroom. I walk down a short hallway to the restroom and enter it. The room is fairly small but looks much larger due to the arrangement of mirrors on the walls. I’m looking straight ahead to a wall of sinks, and the room branches off to the right and left. I take a turn at random and am met with more options of directions to go. It’s hard to tell what is an actual space or not, due to the mirrors. This is a row of toilets or urinals with stall doors. I notice someone at the one to the right; I start using the one right in front of me. (Either in the dream or after, I think that this seems familiar from another dream).
    6. 27 October - Fun with my clone

      by , 10-27-2021 at 11:56 PM
      WILD. Vibrations. Suddenly, I feel like I am standing, I reach with my hand and can feel a wall with wallpaper to my left and a carpet under my feet. No vision yet.
      I follow the wall with my hand and take a few steps. I want to open my eyes, but it feels risky. Instead, I stabilize my dream body - I touch my face and proceed downwards. I begin to see. I inspect my body and legs under my nightie - everything looks realistic.

      I decide to try the TOTM task - have fun with your clone. My plan for this is to use a mirror to clone myself, pulling my image towards me. And maybe repeat it a few times.

      I walk around the room and look at the bed. My body and R's are there. There's a wardrobe next to it where a large mirror should be. I think to myself, there should be a mirror here, and when I look again, it's there.
      My reflection looks slightly different than me but nice.
      "Hi," I tell her. "Give me your hand."
      She stops mimicking me and takes on a life of her own (good!), but there's still a glass wall between us. I reach out to take her hand, but the mirror is solid. I remind myself that the mirror doesn't exist and try to use more force, but the glass doesn't let me do it.
      Then there's a big TV next to it, which I can stick my hand in without any problem. The stuff inside feels slightly wet and foggy.
      The mirror also changes size and position whenever I turn around.
      R, meanwhile, has woken up. I talk to him for a while and ask if he knows how to get my other me out of the other side of the mirror. He offers no advice.
      I decide to kiss the other me. For the first second or two, I feel cold glass, but then I feel soft and warm lips. I make it into a long kiss with my eyes closed, as a silent goodbye.

      I leave the room and want to go to the workshop to give the chance to the ring task. Is it even possible to do two tasks in one dream? I don't know, but I don't care, and the cloning didn't go as planned anyway.

      I walk through a couple of rooms that aren't in my house IRL. The last room has an industrial feel, with rough walls, a series of steps to a lower level, and a tiled floor. The door to the workshop isn't where I expect it to be, which confuses me for a moment, but then I see a door a little further to the right - it's glass, sliding, with a motion sensor. When I walk up to it, it opens.
      The workshop is a lot bigger than IRL, but a little darker. There are three benches, one with semi-finished jewellery on it.
      I look for some material suitable for a ring. On one of the benches is a large piece of gold, more bar than wire, high karat (18k or even 22k). It looks too thick for a ring, but I take a closer look. It's at least 10mm thick, definitely too thick for a ring.
      While I'm thinking I wouldn't even be able to bend it, I wake up.

      - While being completely invested in getting my reflection from the mirror, I completely missed that there was another me in the room that could be used as my clone - my body in my bed! I have to try to "wake up" my "real body" one day!
      - That chunk of gold would be worth something around $50,000. I certainly wouldn't mind finding something like that IRL
    7. 9 July - Mirror, mirror, on the wall

      by , 07-10-2021 at 12:16 AM
      comment lucid


      The post-WBTB part of the night started with a failed SSILD attempt. I vaguely remember doing 3 long cycles but I think I actually only did one or one and a half and did the rest in the dream. Which was a FA on a field next to a forest and then it developed into a longer dream… nothing to write about.

      Later in the morning, I found myself awake again (and reminded myself that SSILD needs to be done with the intention to expect FAs and to do a RC).
      I decided to do SSILD again, this time a bit more aggressively, to survive at least 3 and ideally 4 long cycles. But it actually put me into a WILDing position - there was motion hypnagogia during the 2nd cycle (bed shaking and similar sensations).
      R. was breathing loudly next to me, almost snoring. I considered using it as an anchor, but he changed position. I was doing my 3rd SSILD cycle and dreams or dreamlets were forming around me, but when I noticed them or engaged with them, they collapsed, like snapping out of a daydream. Imagining a scenario or location also didn’t work.
      I wanted to change position to the other side and fall asleep. I still gave physical separation a chance, even though I felt too grounded in reality - but as expected I moved with my real body and opened my eyes for a moment.
      I rolled over onto my other side and lazily did the last cycle. Knowing I wouldn't force my entry into the dream, I decided to just let go most or all of my awareness, to let my mind wander, just let the sleep come and the dream form, and to do a RC in a few minutes.
      There was a short semi-sexual fantasy (1 minute max). I don’t know if it was a dream or dreamlet or just visual thoughts, I was completely passive. I ended up half-sitting on my bed.

      Aren’t I in the dream already? I thought and tried to fully sit and get up. As I was getting up, my vision glitched and I thought “I did it”, not needing any RC.
      I slowed down a little and touched the sheets, they were silky. That made everything much better and I got up fully. I left the room immediately.
      The door to the second bedroom was bricked up. There was wallpaper around it, but there was only a wall where the door should be. And the hallway was extremely narrow, I could only just squeeze into the main part of the hallway. My first goal was to look in the mirror (in the hallway above the shoe cabinet). Almost there, I remembered that I’d wanted to look at my hands at some point (I've never used it as an RC and never examined my hands in my dreams). The front of my vision was blurry and/or my field of vision started 30-50cm away from me, I could only see my fingertips and my hands were disappearing in the fog. They were wide and strangely deformed and almost impossible to count. 6 a 3? I don't know.
      Then I looked in the mirror. It was clearly me. The image was distorted, but nothing disturbing - my face was a little wider and irregular and my eyes were a little slanted, but it was undoubtedly me and I was smiling, looking happy.
      I remembered that people use mirrors as portals, and since the plan today was to teleport (the main goal - to use the TV), I tried to climb into the mirror. It's small and it's high up, so I couldn't really do it, but it was obvious that there was space behind the mirror, I could stick my hand in and grab the frame from the inside.
      I wanted to put in a better location, so I reached behind me for a picture, but then I got a better idea - I went through the advertising flyers on the shoe cabinet and pulled one out. It had a beautiful landscape on it - blue sea, blue sky, green hill.
      I put it behind me so it would reflect in the mirror. It worked very well, the picture of the landscape filled most of the mirror and it looked realistic. I tried to climb into the mirror again, but as it was small, I got stuck and couldn't crawl any further.
      As I tried to use more force to push through, the dream faded.
    8. 18 Mar: Lucid through the mirror, walking maybe in Belgium and rural place

      by , 03-18-2021 at 02:24 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Taking a shower in what looks like my maternal grandparents kitchen in VFX. The shower is on an elevated platform with a very lose curtain in front of it, just by the left side of the door. I don't feel uncomfortable though and I am feeling a bit horny.
      I see the direction this dream is going and for that reason I get half lucid and decide to dry up and dress. Right in front there is another door leading to a proper WC. It has a large mirror on the wall. When I see it, I get fully lucid and I sink in it. Unlike other times, it just expands like a bubble and becomes transparent, letting me see that there are people working in an office behind it. I burst the bubble and join them. They look scared and some run away. One dude seems like he might attack me, so I manifest a bunch of money on his desk trying to distract him. Then everyone else goes crazy and I think I need to make more money to calm them down. So with some difficulty, I make it rain - there's notes falling out of thin air. Unfortunately, some just look like notes but are random pieces of paper, which again seems to enrage people. I decide to leave before they turn on me. I levitate towards upper floor and then go through a couple doors and I am outside. I feel the fresh air and find the sensation amazing. I also enjoy the view. Seems like I am in Belgium, the architecture looks familiar. I walk down a street looking for references and see a big sign saying Badesee or Badesek. Seems like an entrance to a station or a park. I almost lose lucidity in here, so I rub my hands. I am enjoying beautiful surreal things like trees with african pottery hanging from branches, a stained glass sky with beautiful sunset hues shining though it. Then I notice some weird guy kinda stalking me and I decide to fly over a wall to the other side. It's a more rural landscape on the other side and I see a huge snake in pastel yellow and green designs sliding through some wooden houses ad then turning into a girl in clothes of those colors. I find that lovely but also seems like she is a sign of caution from here on. Then I catch a glimpse in between houses, of some black guys running and I am not sure what they are running for or from, so I hide to see what's up. I hide between two very close walls of a couple ruined houses and I peek over a wall to see if they came my way. They didn't, they disappeared inside some other house or down the road. Then I see a man guiding a bunch of scared black women and children into a barn and other people hiding wherever they can in these old rural houses and barns. I don't know what they are hiding from but I am absolutely sure they will be found very easily when whomever is looking for them swipes the area. I want to help them so I plan to hover the place and shoot fire or whatever to their attackers, but I am distracted by my dog Lady who comes out of nowhere and joins me in that tiny space between walls where I am at. I hug her and all of a sudden I am in my farm and notice that all my dogs are outside the fence. Some idiot girl was passing by and when my mom arrived in her car, the girl leaned against the fence to get out of the road and she damaged the fence, and the dogs found a way to pass under it. Pissed of, I ask her to help me fix it while trying to bring my dogs inside.
    9. 14 Jan: Research team in retro sci-fi military complex in Colombia

      by , 02-14-2021 at 10:59 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I am part of a weird team doing some research on some underground complex. The place is made of rammed earth, seems ancient, yet these are like top secret military facilities. There is some kind of tech or being which was found, not sure if on these undergrounds or somewhere else. This being or thing can alter matter, reality or at least our perception of it. I just joined in and I am watching and listening to a couple older researchers on the team, discussing their latest experiences and how it relates to some memory from their life together (they are a couple). Strangely, the guy is the sociologist whom (in RL) sold me my house and she is some americam actress (can't remember whom). They send me on a test. I don't know exactly what is going on, but they send me through a sort of maze and I encounter strange people. First I see a strange man and a mirror. He points to the mirror and I start swelling like a balloon. I am sure it is a trick, but then I look at my body and I am actually swelling like a balloon and feeling it. First reaction, I freak out, but then I recall it's likely an illusion somehow and I laugh, not afraid. And indeed it stops. Then I continue walking deep into the maze and I encounter a very tall man who grabs me. A pair of extra arms come out from his mid section of the body and wrap around me. I also freak out, but then again remeber it is all a trick somehow and indeed the man reveals itself to be a person on top of another and not some kind of monster. Then it even fades away revealing the illusion is even deeper and all is just mentally induced from the beggining to end. They were testing what kind of weird fears would manifest and how I would get out of it.
      They then walk me outside to a pateo with grass and lots of people having some kind of networking party, with a corner where children are beinf entertained by a theather play. I notice everyone is dressed like the 50s and there is a retro sci-fi kind of vibe to this whole place.
      There are some planes in the distance or something causing a bit of a noise and people want to go outside and check what's going on. So many of them head for the doors that cnnect directly to the entrance of this building. Outside there is a short staircase leading to a very large square. Around this square are colonial style buildings. I see the locals and realize "this is somewhere in latin america". Then notice flags hanging in several poles in the surrounding buildings and realize it's in Colombia. So there were really planes coming towards this town. And they attack. So we are advised to go back to the complex, close the doors and go to the underground levels again
    10. meh

      by , 09-14-2020 at 09:10 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Well, i think i may have had one jamie dream but i can't recall it. she was talking. Honestly i think these dreams are drying up.


      I was looking in a mirror. I felt myself wearing a hat, but my reflection was showing only hair. I was pointing this out to someone, but they didn't seem amused. I bent the rim of the hat and could briefly see the hat in the mirror, but the image of it vanished.
      Tags: hat, jamie, mirror
      non-lucid , side notes
    11. Мой первый ОС. 1 ld.

      by , 05-17-2020 at 04:18 AM
      10 августа 2011
      Проснулся ночью. После сна некоторое время не мог заснуть. Вспомнил про метод прерываемого сна. Подумал, что теперь смогу увидеть ОС. Итак, я заснул.
      Нахожусь в какой-то комнате. Темно. Рядом висит автомобильное зеркало. Мельком увидел своё отражение, и понял, что я во сне. Решил осмотреть своё отражение, чтобы узнать отличаюсь ли я во сне от своего реального облика. Рассматриваю и думаю: "Да нет, вроде не отличаюсь. Только под правым глазом пятно какое-то". Когда проснулся, понял, что отражение всё равно чем-то отличалось. Далее я отодрал это зеркало, и поставил себе цель вернуться в предыдущий сон, точнее к людям того сна.
      Оказался на улице. Мне кто-то сказал, что нужные мне люди находятся в доме, в квартире. Я зашёл в дом. Поднимаюсь по ступенькам – тупик. Выше ещё ступеньки есть. Перелез туда – опять тупик. «Да, наяву такую архитектуру не построить». Пришлось подниматься по перилам, для того чтобы перепрыгнуть на верхние ступеньки. Вылез на площадку. На площадке было две квартиры. В одной была открыта дверь. Зашёл туда. Вижу стул. А на стуле свою одежду: шорты и футболка. Оказывается я голый. Одел их. Зеркало в моих руках изменило форму – стало круглым, и чуть больше ладони. Непонятно каким образом я его держал.
      Увидел в комнате мамину одежду. Стал искать маму. Зашёл в другую комнату. Там было темно. Сама комната превратилась в мою спальню. Я посмотрел в зеркало, перед тем, как выйти из комнаты. Увидел в отражении маму. Развернулся – никого нет. Попытался нащупать руками то место, где стояла мама – пусто.
      Выхожу в зал. За дверью у стенки вижу свою маму. Решил проверить её на зеркало. Но вместо того, чтобы смотреть через отражение, навёл зеркальной стороной на неё. Понял свою ошибку. Посмотрел в отражение. Увидел вместо мамы человекообразное тело. На самом теле была огромная непропорциональная голова в форме сердца с большими красными глазами. Заметив, что её разоблачили, она пошла на меня. Я как то сверху накрыл её зеркалом. Получился этакий зеркальный колпак, из которого она не смогла выбраться. После этого проснулся.

      1. Осознался с помощью техники прерванного сна.
      2. Зеркало - признак сна. Висело не понять на чём. Изменяло форму. Отражение немного отличалось. Зеркальный колпак на персонаже.
      3. Лестница - признак сна. Невозможная в реале архитектура.
      4. Одежда - признак сна. В начале сна был одетым. Потом оказался голым. Заново оделся.
      5. Персонаж мамы превратился в существо в форме сердца.
      6. Место действия: мой дом.
      7. Примерное время нахождения в ОСе 5 минут.

      August 10, 2011

      Woke up at night. After sleep, I could not fall asleep for some time. I remembered about the method of interrupted sleep. I thought that now I can see the LD. So, I fell asleep.
      I am in a room. Dark. Nearby is a car mirror. I caught a glimpse of my reflection, and realized that I was in a dream. I decided to examine my reflection in order to find out if I am different in a dream from my real appearance. I consider and think: “No, I don’t seem to be different. Only under the right eye there is some kind of stain.” When I woke up, I realized that the reflection was somehow different. Then I tore off this mirror, and set myself the goal of returning to the previous dream, or rather to the people of that dream.
      I appeared on the street. Someone told me that the people I need are in the house, in the apartment. I went into the house. Climbing the stairs - a dead end. There are still steps above. Climbed there - again a dead end. “Yes, it’s impossible to build such an architecture.” I had to climb the railing in order to jump to the upper steps. Crawled out to the site. There were two apartments on the site. One door was open. I went there. I see a chair. And on the chair his clothes: shorts and a T-shirt. It turns out I'm naked. I put them on. The mirror in my hands changed shape - it became round, and a little more than a palm. It is unclear how I held him.
      I saw my mother’s clothes in the room. I began to look for mom. I went into another room. It was dark there. The room itself turned into my bedroom. I looked in the mirror before leaving the room. I saw my mother in reflection. Turned around - no one. I tried to feel with my hands the place where my mother stood - empty.
      I go out into the hall. Behind the door by the wall I see my mother. I decided to check it on the mirror. But instead of looking through the reflection, I directed the mirror side at her. I understood my mistake. I looked in reflection. I saw a humanoid body instead of my mother. On the body itself was a huge disproportionate heart-shaped head with large red eyes. Noticing that she was exposed, she went to me. Somehow I covered her with a mirror from above. The result was a sort of mirror cover from which she could not get out. After that I woke up.

      1. Confessed using the technique of interrupted sleep.(dream).
      2. A mirror is a sign of sleep. Hanging did not understand what. Changed shape. The reflection was a little different. Mirror cap on the character.
      3. Stairs - a sign of sleep. Impossible architecture in real life.
      4. Clothing is a sign of sleep. At the beginning of sleep was dressed. Then I was naked. Dressed again.
      5. Mom’s character has become a heart-shaped creature.
      6. Location: my home.
      7. The approximate time spent in the OS 5 minutes.

      Updated 05-17-2020 at 05:15 AM by 90895

    12. Friday, May 8

      by , 05-11-2020 at 11:56 PM
      I am at Melissa’s house (though this house looks nothing like it). I’m in a larger, open living room that I think is mostly barren except for a short, wooden shelf with a larger TV on it. I think it’s off right now. The place seems somewhat dirty and doesn’t have the feeling of a home. In here is her mom, someone unfamiliar, and a guy that looks like Ryan. He has those same drug-addled features, and I instantly dislike him. I think the other is the same, and, sadly, there is something a little off about her mom too. They all seem to be arguing about something dumb, and I sense that it’s going to lead to a fight. Her mom starts talking to me for a while, but I’m eventually able to sneak away. I end up in a small kitchen with two counters, one at a diagonal to the other. Each has a sink, and I recognize the one facing the TV as the one her mom likes to use. I’m washing my hands in the other, notice I’ve left a small pool on the tan tile, and leave it there. I figure I can go this way to sneak off to Melissa’s room, and head that way. Suddenly, an old lady in a thin, pink bathrobe bursts out of a bathroom and rushes past me without a word. It startles me. Now I’ve made it to Melissa’s room (different) and notice that it’s kind of messy. She’s sitting at a desk in the corner, wearing what is either pajamas or lingerie, a matching blue set. They look like satin and lace. We start talking and I think I’m sitting or something, as she comes over, puts a leg up and pulls the bottom to the side, and I start licking her. I’ve barely started when a noise just outside the door causes her to jump back and straighten herself up at the desk again. I sit up normally, but am laughing as Brooke comes in. I don’t worry about it, as I could’ve been laughing at a joke for all she knows. There is a mirror across from me, and looking in it I move a portion of my hair along the part.

      Michelle is driving me and Melissa somewhere, and she is driving terribly. She starts driving the wrong way and only us telling her causes her to realize it. The cars that were coming slow and stop for her as she reverses. Having not reversed far enough, she hits the landscaped divider and then decides to drive right over it. She makes it to the other side, but we are still going the wrong way. We eventually end up going the right way, as I notice an old fashioned sheriff car turn right in front of us. I think ‘oh god’ or something similar and hope for the best.

      I am sitting in my car that is backed into the driveway. I know it is 6 am; it is light out but the sun is not up yet. The mountains glow yellow, pink, and blue. I had woken up, started listening to an early Pink Floyd show, and then came out here. I notice a larger family on the street in front of me. There are about three or four kids of different ages. All are wearing shorts and tee shirts and look happy and ready to go. They also look like they’re deciding which way to go, pointing and looking back and forth. The next thing I know, they’re walking up the lawn towards our house. I am on edge for a second, but then think they’re probably just going into the communal area. I’m now back inside and see my things on the bed where I left them. I think it’s my laptop and a dream journal. This room seems square and somewhat empty. I think about finishing the show, but Melissa is awake. Surprised, I ask if she feels awake, and she enthusiastically says yes.

      I’m in a parking lot with some others. It seems dim to dark out. We are secretly going to put a sticker or two on Felicia’s car (a white car or truck?). The sticker is three words, I think, including ‘fuck’ or ‘fucking’.
    13. Sophie the Ghost

      by , 05-03-2020 at 01:10 PM
      Morning of May 3, 2020. Sunday.

      Dream #: 19,494-01. Reading time (optimized): 2 min.

      In this dream from late morning, I maintain precursory liminality after I re-enter sleep. As a result, I recall Zsuzsanna and a few of my waking-life associations (including the instinctual perception of being in bed), though I lose recall of what a dream is (as I ordinarily do in this mode). Even so, it starts with my focus on our bed, but the setting is undefined at first. As Zsuzsanna and I are standing in a different room, I watch the sheet on the bed lift by itself and move back as if manipulated by an invisible person. (Note that this correlates with the management of precursory liminality and has happened in many previous dreams.)

      Zsuzsanna and I walk into the unknown bedroom, and I am astounded by the realistic detail and precise rendering of the events (a thought process that never occurs in waking life - how many people, for example, would watch a car go down the street in waking life while thinking, “Wow, that looks so realistic”). Over time, my dream resolves the room as having the essence of the Barolin Street house’s lounge room (where a bed never was in waking life).

      Eventually, the supposed ghost of a teenage girl is present and is responsible for the previous inexplicable activity. Her name is Sophie.

      “Are you the same Sophie from years ago?” I ask her, but my question does not make much sense. She cheerfully confirms that she is by nodding. (She is an older version of Sophie Wender from John Wyndham’s “The Chrysalids,” also published as “Re-Birth.”) I move my hands through her hair, saying how “realistic” it seems as imaginary somatosensory dynamics increase exponentially. (Note that in a different recent dream, this same process resulted in removing sandspurs from a resting wolf’s fur.)

      Eventually, with Zsuzsanna still in the room, another supposed ghost materializes. This one is Marcella Boyland from Daniel F. Galouye’s “Tonight the Sky Will Fall,” though I do not interact with her as much.

      The need to wake to use the bathroom integrates into my dream’s content, resulting in liminal management and its personification as an unknown male ghost married to Sophie, a status previously unbeknown to me. (His manifestation annoys me, as Sophie is “mine,” but discarding the waking transition would be unwise.) As a result, I gaze into a mirror (though I do not see myself at any point, as the mirror is higher than my line of sight), with liminal drop anticipation. From this, the sketchy drawing of a crow fills the mirror, part of it including random zigzagging lines.

      “Can ghosts influence what people see?” I absentmindedly ask the male. “I had that mirror back when I lived in Chicago,” says the male, which is the usual nonsensical response to questions asked in liminal mode. (Ghosts typically result from liminal management with waking-life identity being “incomplete” when between dreaming and waking.)

      The “ghost” walks into the bathroom, causing me to realize that I need to wake up and go.

    14. wow.

      by , 04-20-2020 at 09:36 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Jamie dreams

      first one seems to be in direct response to a facebook dream i was having the previous week. In this dream Jamie is interacting with me on facebook, although the act is nice, she seems to have some attitude about it. doesn't come across very loving.

      Second dream i am with her in high school. But she's too cool for school or even me for that matter. As she is too stuck up to even talk to me. She has a friend nearby who is an admirer and she says something like, "There's the most beautiful girl in the school, and then there's Her." Referring to jamie as if Jamie is above the rest.

      Last dream we are in a field with some east indian girl. They find a bathroom or something whoch is their hangout. Jamie asks me to clean the entire bathroom for her. And I'm like, "No."

      And quite frankly i'm not logging these dreams every week for her to play in a highschool popularity contest. Still miss my dream hugs.


      in this dream i am almost lucid. I'm in a room with a bunch of people and i start floating up and flying around. I start singing wierd al's Eat it, but with the pitch of michael jackson. The people below start staring at me.


      Me and someone are outside a bunch of abandoned houses looking for a haunted house. Seems to be the district close by that one dream i had with the black castle and the women demons who guarded it.

      We go up to a house with a mirror. In the mirror is a scene of people in a house pretending to be ghosts. I remember the face of a girl of the family trying to make funny but spooky faces. I ask them where the haunted house is. They don't know. I ask if this is a haunted mirror. The pull out their own mirror and create a ghost lady that walks into their mirror. I can't tell if they mean a huanted mirror is something you can walk through to the other side in, or if they are inviting me to walk into their mirror?

      We walk on and supposedly find the haunted house. We find a crawlspace inside which leads to... A large area something like a sears in a mall or something. There's all these women accompanied by really tall and pale men about 7-8 feet tall. I become semi lucid and begin to fly above them. I circle the area and fly up an escalator which has strange walls on the side. I become lucid for a moment and the dream fades.

      FA, I'm in a room with Dara, The tarot card youtuber who deleted all her accounts and videos. I think she's jamie or something. She seems okay with me and i say she was mad but now she's cool. Dara looks at me perplexed and then shrugs whatver. i say it's cool like this to be just chill. she agrees.
      work related

      I'm at work when everyone becomes frightened. Dylan goes into the walk in freezer and discovers a dead girl's corpse in there. I begin hearing loud alien like Thwoms coming from the freezer. In a panic i go get changed to go home and leave. I'm having heart attack symptoms, it won't stop beating fast and i notice I'm really sweaty as I take off my shirt and look for the other one.


      Im'm in some house and some evil guy that reminds me of thanos is there. Thanos is suddenly michael dorn without his worf makeup but he is still evil. I hide bhind a door and throw knives at him... they don't even hit him hard. He goes to attack me but I wake up.
    15. cviii.

      by , 04-02-2020 at 12:59 PM
      A few dreams though I only remember bits of them.

      Dream Fragment:

      I remember being in a somewhat dark room and having a discussion with some people about age, in the dream I was around an age when my hair would start greying, starting at the front and just lightly. Mom was there and she commented on how it was just like her dad's hair. I remembered a photo of him that mom has kept in her home office for years since his passing. Then I remember seeing a mirror and seeing myself on it. I looked older but unimaginatively so, but my hair did look a lot like his, except for the fact that his would have curled slightly.

      Dream Fragment:

      Perhaps from another segment of the previous dream, but I remember something about trains and a kind of alien (Mars-like?) desert. Day time, clear sky. There were some really high-tech-looking trains and one such train went up a hill into a rounded futuristic building. I was with a group of people (friends?) and we were walking in the opposite direction, though I kept looking. The engine carriage separated and sort of shot off on its own along the rails and quickly hit an end-track bit, bouncing back and then hitting the rest of the carriages. It was some type of freight train, and its ornamental features matched that of the building, featuring a warm orange.

      Dream Fragment:

      Something about me or captain Picard, in a large office room of some kind. Other people both friendly and not-so-friendly were there, and we were there to ask for money I think. Starting at 30,000 but then the guy didn't want to give us any more, so then there was this little scene where Picard walked closer to him slowly and then started punching him very fast until the guy, who was also kind of old, fell down on a spiral staircase. He didn't go all the way down or anything, just a couple of steps on his back, because the degree between each step was very small (less than half foot?).

      The staircase steps were marble and the handrail looked fancy, but I don't remember it in detail. I remember a woman speaking after this had happened and she said "well, now you have 25,000, since you have to take away 5,000 just for that". But then before the dream ended there was something about a million, I don't remember.

      - Recently in waking life I'd been thinking about how I don't really ever remember seeing mirrors in my dreams, so I think that's partly what brought on one's appearance in the first fragment.
      - Typically, despite being the result of a previous conscious thought during wakefulness, I did not realise the connection between the two things in the dream. This is happening quite a bit lately, which is frustrating at times. But it may just be that my recall is also decent lately, so maybe I just think I notice it happening more but it may just always happen this frequently and I haven't realised before.
      - Featuring myself as being older may also come as the result of conscious thought from waking life, as I often question why I'm always my current age in dreams. Although in the dream, until the hair thing was made obvious by the mirror, I did just feel like my current age anyway.
      - In the train dream, the group that was with me was a bit shocked with the collision, but I had been expecting it. The dream had a slight Borderlands feel to it.
      - There was a fourth dream fragment also involving trains but in a completely different context. I can't put the visuals into words now.
      - The dream with Picard may have just been some continuation of the first fragment. I'm really not sure anymore if these dreams were directly linked or not, because I don't remember any transitions and I had several awakenings this morning.
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