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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. kitten, bunny, and school

      by , 03-23-2011 at 05:16 PM
      okay, these are mostly fragments so... lol

      dream1: I was outside of my school (hmm I dream alot about school, dream sign perhaps?) and my PE/health teacher was there, along with some other students including my friend Ashley (or Ash. for short). I looked at her and asked what we were doing. She shrugged and I saw a large white bus/space ship like thing. Mr. C. told us to get in it. We did. I sat in the back (the seat was looking out the back window.) along with Ash. She mumbled something I think and I said something. We "took off" and were in the sky. I saw my other friend "Em" in another one. Suddenly I was poilet and everyone else was gone. I had to ram into Emily's "ship". I hit it hard and her's kinda exploded. I fell out but survived. I looked for Emily, but she was gone. Then I woke up.

      dream 2: There was a kitten & bunny. (another grey kitten, dream sign?) The kitten talked to the bunny and said something like, "We'll be best friends forever!" then they got swallowed by a whale. (by the way, I don't know where I was in the dream, I think I was invisible or something) They seemed to be in a forest though. They played and stuff, then I woke up. AWWW CUTE BUNNY AND KITTY!!!

      Dream3: Hehe, I was with a guy from church who I kinda like. (Not saying names) He talked to me, and I talked to him. Then I woke up.

      Dream4: uhm...I think I was on Noah's Ark or something... and I read a book.

      I think my dream signs might be:
      *Seeing a little grey kitten
      **sometimes she has wings
      *Seeing anyone from Skillet
      **with Ben sometimes singing
      *Being at school
      **Seeing my gym/health teacher
      ** *Seeing my science teacher/ him killing/liking me

      Updated 03-23-2011 at 05:18 PM by 39717

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    2. More dream fragments

      by , 03-23-2011 at 12:18 PM (My otherworldly experiences.)
      I'm in the church car-park smoking a fag, while being stoned off my mind. I then realise I've starting smoking again and get really upset with myself because I'm trying to stop it all, so I just pass it to my friend Niall who says to me ''It's only a fag man. Just smoke it.'' (or something like that) but I clearly tell him that I don't want to because I'm meant to be stopping.

      I got a new spiderman game for the 360 but I can only play it round my bro's ('cause I don't have a 360). It's an overhead view and he's got some pretty kick-ass moves.

      BACKGROUND INFO: My Dad recently had a very severe heart attack, thankfully survived, and is currently on the mend.
      I'm sitting on a bench (in college) with Dad and somebody else. Kyle Lorrie (some fat kid who gave me a load of grief during secondary school) then starts physically assaulting my Dad and throwing him around the place (I can't remember the dream well, but it consisted of things like this constantly with this Kyle fellow. Me and 2 of my best m8's were having some sort of war with him.)
      I clearly remember thinking at the time that this could go VERY badly because he's trying to recover, but feel frozen and can't do anything about it.

      I'm going out of the college grounds at night with somebody else, but there are loads of zombies/evil spirits out there, so I chicken out and go back in.

      I'm on my bike going somewhere.. near some sort of car-park. I then go through a door, up some stairs (I think) and into a ladies toilet room. There's somebody in there (a girl) who I talk to about something.

      I'm in school having a massive war with random people in my secondary school's upper school hall and the area round about (random guns/upgrades on the floor) which is awesome as hell. The only problem is, I run out of ammo and am then trying to get a new gun 'cause theres this girl I seriously wanna nuke. People keep knicking the one I'm gonna go for though
      Eventually they wanna put on some film though (toy story maybe?) so I go up to the big screen and take the disc out (it's made of paper?? ).
    3. The strange and awkward world inside of my head

      by , 03-23-2011 at 12:17 PM
      So this is the first time I ever made a journal entry with this new feature so I hope I'm doing this right. Tonight was tough because I didn't get much sleep but had a ton of dreams and lucid moments. I had been experimenting with wbtb and hadn't had lucids lately for some reason. Then I decided to turn the light on in my room and sit there and write down some dreams for about 10 minutes. I had real difficulty going to bed as I really felt like I had woken up all the way.

      Lucid moments are in green, though the rest is pretty lulzworthy too.

      It is the first day of the semester at college supposedly, I do find this a bit strange but don't question it much. I remember trying to find my way to philosophy class and getting lost. It look place outside in what seemed to be a construction yard. I find some other guy walking very slowly with a limp. I too notice that I am moving very slowly and I follow him, it seems he's having trouble finding his class as well. He eventually makes it to a small barn with a long plank coming out the front and says it might be his class. I eventually make it to philosphy which is in this garage area. We enter into a discussion about how a tiger attacked me on my way here (I have some kind of false flashback to this) and how I didn't feel anything because I had never been attacked by a tiger in the waking world. Now if a kitten where to attack me then I'd be able to feel it because I've been attacked by many kittens in my time. Suddenly the dream becomes 2d for the remander of it and some girl from class brought in this gif file of this girl being attacked by a black kitten twice, looks like cardboard cutouts. suddenly my teacher gregg turns into the grim reaper and is in a 2d bone yard and continues to talk about I don't remember what.

      I remember my mom accusing me of having a playboy magizine, don't remember what her reasoning was but it didn't make much sense. I protest this and admit that I watch porn pretty rarely due to a vivid imagination and this should not be a problem at my age anyway. I point out that if I had a son I would consider giving him a playboy mag at 15 years old and that it isn't going to turn him into a raging murderer.

      I barely remember another dream where my mom is talking about some special kind of hot chocolate she bought on her way home from work.

      At this point I wake up and do a 10 minutes wbtb.

      I remember a lucid I had at this moment, woke up all paralyzed and went into the kitchen. I asked my dad where my mom was and then I go into my parents bedroom. My mom is sitting there and she has a giant phallus that ejaculates with such force it almost hits me but instead sprays the dresser.

      I check to see if my digital ceiling display clock is on. I see nothing, I suspect that it is possible it doesn't work but I still get out of bed. I take note that my bed is in the correct area, for all the other false awakenings it was where it used to be. I walk into the living room which is pretty dark, my dog comes and looked upset at me. This dog looks more like my older dog. I take a moment to rub my hands together. I go into the living room which is lighter and outside it is light as well. My dad is standing there and my mom as well. I tell them I'm going outside. They tell me to not go because it is dark outside. which kind of freaks me out cause its light out there. The moment I step outside I try to fly alittle, I see the elementary school ahead and begin to fly towards it. I look again at the school and there is no longer a school but a giant city off in the distance. I'm a bit fearfull at first but I move towards it. I begins clear that the whole city is flooded and there is a fog off into the distance, the sky is an eery grey. I begin to shout some command to bring the water down. It slowly leaves the towers and soon the only thing blocking me onward is a deep fog which I manage to get to move away as well. The city no longer looks like a city but just some endless rooftops. I begin to fly onto them. Soon some guy comes out from one of the building doors and grabs onto me. He is upset and tells me I don't have a licence to be here, I try to dislodge him and run from him but eventually he catches up to me and the dream fades.

      I am with some asian girl, perhaps the one from scott pilgrim vs the world. She has something and we are trying to hide it near the school. It is night out. There are some guys coming around the corner and she quickly tells me to hide it on this stand behind some locker near this shed outside of the school. Then we go into the shed, she seems more nervous than me. Suddenly a guy walks in and has a giant machete. I am scared shitless at this point cause it seems pretty vivid. I start to run out of there but he doesn't follow. The dream ends breifly but then starts again with a long pipe in my hand that I played with early that day in the waking world. I go towards him now fully lucid and begin to attack. we mash our weapons together and he manages to get his past and slashes me. I go down and again begin reincarnate as myself. This time I've got a giant hammer with me or something. I want to kill him at this point. I go into the room and see him cowering behind a bed, he looks exactly like me I realize. I pat him on the head and he is glad I didn't hurt him and I leave.

      I'm in a pit with a frame of glass above it, it is clear that I am supposed to be frodo baggins. Suddenly a large man jumps into the frame and breaks it and lands on top of me. I now am in a pit of broken glass and try to get up to get out. As I enter the hall the fellowship is all around. lagolas is picking glass out of his feet and I look at my feet and find glass as well. Some of the glass leaves skin tunnels in my foot but there is no blood. As I step forward aragorn begins to speak about the power of friendship or something. I then come to the realization that this is a dream and a sense of fear overwhelms me. I enter a black void and feel like I'm falling underwater and it is kind of relaxing. Something tickles me lightly and I think that I wake up.

      I'm pretty convinced I'm awake in this. I just know that I am looking out my window and there is a creature out there who looks very strange. It is still dark and snowy. I think I am hallucinating this creature. It looks like a she but more alien. Her body is a thick wireframe square and the head comes out at one of the sides. The color is mostly white with some purple trim. I grow a bit fearful but I then remember my plan and just smile. She smiles right back. I then try several other faces, she responds to each one. Suddenly curious I try to get her to come closer but she doesn't move. I then try to slide the window open. I'm still convinced that this is just a hallucination and don't want people to see me. She hops over slowly and I stick my fingers out the window alittle. She sucks on one of my fingers and I can feel it vividly and this makes me pretty horny, and then I wake up for real.
    4. The Barn/ First LD with Dream Control - The Pool Cues

      by , 03-23-2011 at 08:07 AM
      A short dream during a nap.
      The Barn

      I was in my barn looking at where the basketball court is and there was a male DC and a female DC that had a living room of sorts set up. I did not interact with either character but simply observed hem. The woman was angry at the man, but not showing, it for some reason. She decided to leave the man, in a I'm going to a hotel for the night. The man did not seem affected by this. his attention was on something else, he was watching T.V. but thats not where his attention was. little was said between the two, but i felt I completely understood the situation at the time. As the women was leaving and I could see her better, I saw her face was a little disfigured. As she left the barn I woke up.

      This dream occurred about two weeks before this one
      The Pool Cues

      I have been training myself to ask on a regular basis if I am dreaming. No real method but to just look around and see if stuff makes sense. It turned out that one of the times I asked myself this question I was dreaming. I was in some sort of pool hall/mining site. I thought this can't be right and I realized I was dreaming. While in the pool hall I wanted to try and control my dream. Being a Star Wars fan I began with trying to lift a pool cue via the force. I struggled at the beginning but eventually had moderate success. My best attempt was lifting a pool cue, moving it to a table about 15 ft away and attempting to make, i believe it was the one ball. I got the cue to the table but before I could make the shot Someone walked in front of me and I got distracted. After this I thought it would be cool to turn one of the pool cues into a light saber. I was unsuccessful after a few attempts, though I did swing the pool cue into another one and i cut it in half. I later ended up in a sports bar and kinda forgot I was dreaming. There was a football game on TV that was a little different and thats the last thing I remember happening.

      Updated 03-24-2011 at 07:26 AM by 43749

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    5. (college lottery)/Billy

      by , 03-23-2011 at 02:09 AM (Into the Whirlpool)
      (fragment: college lottery)
      My father chooses which of his children will go to college (me or one of my two dream siblings) by making us choose an envelope. One contains a college acceptance letter; the others contain rejection letters/bundles of sticks?

      There is a recurring character named Billy. This person is either an old woman who dies alone in an old mansion (a family friend--friend of my dream mother, who's dead?) and who I regret never getting to know when she was younger and of sound mind; or a young mentally disabled boy (my cousin) that I've never met and have no desire to meet. I'm in my old house in Lancaster (on Main St.) and Billy (boy version) is coming over w/aunt G. I have the idea that he is going to see one of the upstairs bedrooms because he hasn't been privileged to see an upstairs bedroom in the past, and there's the idea that doing so will confer some sort of magical benefit. I'm in the upstairs bathroom, which is just down the hall from my room, washing my hands. I yell to aunt G to just take him into my room for a second--my room is messy, but it doesn't matter; the point is that she'll see there's no actual magic involved. She yells back something about how no, it's not that, it's that the Department of Education passed a new rule mandating that kids like Billy be allowed _______ (something I don't remember). As I wash my hands I accidentally get a sheaf of paper wet--it's a travel itinerary from Delta Airlines with my name on it.

      [skip] Downstairs (still in the Lancaster house) I'm trying to call the airline to ask why my grandfather's flight has been delayed. Actually, I already know why it was delayed: the flight was canceled and not auto-rescheduled by airline. However, the cancellation had generated an abnormal error message and the airline had apparently tried to call me three times, using three separate phone numbers, to tell me what the problem was--so I just want to hear their side of the story out of idle curiosity. I soon regret the call, though. The conversation starts out OK but devolves quickly as the airline agent seems to be unable to understand what I'm saying. Eventually I hear soundbites of Billy over the phone--he is very, very loud (I have to hold the phone away from my ear) and sounds like he has a serious speech problem. A prompt comes up on my phone asking whether his voice was the most beautiful thing I'd ever heard (yes/no). I answer no. This pisses off the agent, but I don't care.

      by , 03-22-2011 at 10:28 PM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      *I am riding a sledge on some really long track. It’s not really steep but really long. There is someone else on the sledge with me.
      **I am in a fight for good. It looks like some computer environment. Like Unreal Tournament or so. I can’t really tell what is the fight about, but I think it’s with George. Then we eat pork and cabbage. George has chips and I feel like I want to have one. LOL. We eat with hands….
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. catch-up

      by , 03-22-2011 at 07:20 PM
      3 nights ago:
      I appear to be in some sort of disaster-struck city. buildings are blown over and there is water everywhere. (I think i'm in Japan, hence the water) I hear a noise and look to the sky. There is a plane flying by, but it is dropping little green pellets. These pellets harm people somehow.

      2 nights ago:
      I'm in a large elevator. In one of the corners is a cute anime helmet type deal. (it's padded and has goggles... I think it had a design as well) I picked up the helmet thinking "dude this is so cool!" Woke up after that :/

      No dream last night...
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Loading Dock (fragment)

      by , 03-22-2011 at 01:09 PM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: March 22, 2011 – 7:45AM (USA Eastern)
      Text color legend: · NON-DREAM · NOTES · DREAM · LUCID ·

      I'm not certain why, but my recall is horrible this morning.

      I am at a large warehouse, helping a few others carry boxes from the back of a truck into a loading dock. A friend of mine is arguing with me about which box is the heaviest. Every box I lift is heavier, and I say, “This box is the heaviest.” each time I lift a box. Eventually, the boxes get so heavy that I can't lift them at all, so I slide them out of the truck and tumble them across the dock leveling plate.
    9. Bad Recall 3/21/11

      by , 03-22-2011 at 05:04 AM (Book of Dreams)
      I had bad recall last night, probably because I only got six hours of sleep, and I find I need at least nine to remember dreams vividly. I do, however, remember something about my mom, and for the life of me I couldn't remember her name. It was strange. I'm off to bed soon, and hopefully there will be more to report in the morning.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. 3/4 Sun: Weak Lucids

      by , 03-22-2011 at 04:53 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      I woke up 4 times to recall 4 dream and I am confident I was lucid in 3. They were very weak and hazy though, and they all devolved into sex dreams.

      I am lucid but not sure how. I know I am dreaming but am immediately tempted into sex. Coitus ensues.

      Something about my father and two large tarantula spiders. I'm getting slightly better with my phobia of spiders but not completely over it. In the dream, as long as they are far away, I can tolerate them. But then one gets near me. I am sitting in a chair and it is on the floor. It walks close and I try to kick it away. But I miss with my foot. It gets even closer. I wake with a start, kicking away the sheets. Just a dream... Just a dream...

      Another weak lucid like the first. I am lucid but not sure how. The dream ends up with sex.

      Yes another lucid, but not sure how. I am slightly more lucid in this one compared to the others this night. I recall touching a wall to stimulate my sense of touch. But then it once again devolves into sex. I recall this time it was oral sex.

      Updated 03-23-2011 at 10:25 PM by 35793

      Tags: family, insect, sex
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. Fixing Alarm/Indigo Girls in Dead Forest/Obama Nukes Russia: The Roguelike

      by , 03-21-2011 at 11:22 PM (Into the Whirlpool)
      Fixing Alarm
      I'm trying to fix an alarm (looks like a smoke detector, I have the idea it's from "school"). I just need to change the battery, so to be sure that I don't accidentally mess something else up, I'm removing everything from the alarm that has to do with numbers. This removal extends to things outside the alarm as well: I turn off the radio because it either mentions numbers on the air/has a frequency made up of numbers, and I delete e-mails with numbers in their subject lines. (One email I delete is about some sort of evangelical Christian organization; it was forwarded to me by an aunt/uncle with the note "Adam, we were going to delete this email but then we noticed the view count on it". Apparently I had somehow already looked at this email 20+ times, and they somehow knew about this before sending it?) The battery in the alarm is protected by a panel with a grille that I think can be unscrewed to be taken off. I touch the grille with my hand but realize my fingers are wet, and draw my hand back nervously. I wake up at this point, so I actually raise my right hand into the air in waking life. My fingers are numb.

      Indigo Girls in Dead Forest
      Amy Ray and Emily Saliers are dead (although they look perfectly normal) and have to figure out a way out of a dead forest maze - this is done by collecting giant body parts (eye, skeletal hand, vagina??) and using them as tools?

      Obama Nukes Russia: The Roguelike
      There's a wacky Japanese TV show that is somehow inspired by Yasutaka Nakata (who appears in the 3rd episode). At the end of each episode audiences combine a couple of items to make a new item; then, in the subsequent episode, they use the item they made in the last episode to make something else, and the pattern continues. There are three episodes and then the series goes off the air for 6 months, but eventually it comes back. I am in a grocery store and am using a kiosk in one of the aisles to assemble a montage of the first six shows. I put a whole bunch of clips together, then add some text in Impact font, promoting it as a great comedy. (Fragment here about meeting a yelling old woman in the store, something to do with her cart?)

      Episode 12 (the last one) rolls around, and I am in the store with several Japanese people waiting for it to start. Suddenly (and I know this is going to happen about 5 seconds before it actually does) Barack Obama walks out from the neighboring aisle, smiling. Everyone is shocked, whispering his name amongst themselves; no one seems to have any idea how they should conduct themselves. Obama stands in front of the people and kneels on the floor ... or at least he tries to. His legs are very stiff, like he can barely bend at the knees. Eventually he ends up thudding to the floor, one leg at a time, into a kneeling position. In a halting voice, he explains that he has let down the "flower of the Japanese people" by allowing the U.S. to be vastly outclassed in terms of nuclear power (the impression is that the U.S. will be annihilated shortly because of this?). There is an ASCII (roguelike) view of the situation, which somehow illustrates the predicament.

      A young Russian guy named Vinny speaks up. In a loud, brash voice that somehow morphs into a thick Boston accent (but only for certain words, like "car") he explains, using the ASCII grid, how Obama can maneuver himself around the board and extricate himself from danger. This is done in 12 moves, a number which is pointed out, like it's an achievement. Vinny is clearly very proud of himself and asks that the maneuver be named after him if Obama ends up using it. Obama thanks him; after a few seconds of thought, he says he will name the maneuver "the Luvie." He follows Vinny's steps, but I notice that they are subtly altered; somehow he is following Vinny's route but also managing to pick up several nukes as he goes. Eventually Obama reaches the staircase out and escapes from danger.

      At this point the scene shifts fully into ASCII. The store is gone; the scene is now inside a Russian nuclear shelter. Obama has departed and Vinny is pleased with his suggestion, still very confident that Obama will use it. He decides to go above ground; he knows that doing this will leave him unprotected, but he doesn't expect a nuclear strike to actually happen, so he thinks it won't matter. Outside the shelter, there is a forest; right by the entrance to the shelter is a wolf. Vinny has sex with the wolf; shortly afterward, Obama nukes Russia and possibly several other countries. Because he's outside of the shelter, Vinny is the only Russian casualty of the nuclear strike.

      Updated 03-21-2011 at 11:33 PM by 35578

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. 21/03/11 - Cool musical instrument

      by , 03-21-2011 at 09:49 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! That was one sucky night's worth of sleep. I had one of the freakiest nightly adventures ever which was kinda cool. Also to you who don't know what they are, here's a short briefing:

      Nightly Adventure: I guess it's me sleepwalking, only I'm awake. I wake up and have hallucinations and act out. Sometimes I wake up right away and see whatever is there, sometimes I wake up while in the middle of it all. I usually scream out loud to the intruder, throw something at him/her/it or run up away from danger which is in my bed. Have done countless retarded things during the years. I usually start to snap out of it gradually after ten or so seconds.

      22.10: Sleep

      23.55: Nightly Adventure
      *I wake up and I will die! The entire side of my room is going to fall down on me so I jump out of bed and run to my kitchen. I stay there for twenty seconds while hyperventilating and listening to my heartbeat which is beating away like a drum. What's happening? Is this real? "Monica?!" I say out loud. "Yeah...?" she replies from bed. I slowly relax and is shaking by the time I go back to bed.

      02.00: Fragments
      *I'm with a very hot chick clad all in black. We're at some kind of pawn shop. "I'll take a condom" I tell the guy in the booth. I smile to the girl. "Wait, I'll take three" I tell him and grab the condoms. The girl jumps me and starts dryhumping me on the spot. It feels good! Maybe a little bit too good... I don't want to waste this on a dryhump, but too late! I walk away and just walk around aimlessly in some corridors. Oh, another dream I don't wake up from after having an orgasm, cool!

      *I'm fishing with my brother Morgan. We're fishing for a very long time actually, and we get several sea bass. I manage to throw into the sea weed all the time. "Soon I've fished up half the lake's worth of grass" I tell him and throw the green slime back along with my worm.

      05.10: Guitars
      I'm with an entire school it seems. We're walking in a subway and I cut in line. I'm holding a black and white guitar and cover it up so that no one accidentaly breaks it. I spot an old classmate; Mathias, he's got a guitar aswell. I head up the stairs ahead of everyone and end up on a large square. I can see neon signs all around me and I figure they must be some kind of clubs. A bunch of people show up and I recognise them all. They're holding guitars aswell and we all sit down on a couple of benches after joking around a while. Victor's got an amazing instrument.

      It's a guitar, bass and drum in one! It's divided in sections of a few centimeters each, with different symbols all around. You can spin a section and if you tap it, a sound comes out. He starts running his fingers all around it, spinning several "wheels" at once, hammering away with his hands. I can hear which song he's playing; "Disturbed - Indestructible". He gives up after hitting the wrong ones. "It's too damn hard" he tells us, I think it sounded awesome.

      Jonas has an old guitar instead of an electric one which the rest of us has. He starts playing on it and I pluck away on my own. I remember looking at slash112's video of him playing something and I try to repeat it. It sounds okay.

      05.10: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 4 hours

      Supplements: None

      That's it! I had a VERY hard time sleeping last night and I didn't get much sleep at all in the end. Hopefully I will tonight, but a tiny lucid and a cool dream never fails to make my spirits rise!

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
    13. The Mountainside and The Buffalo, and a Band Fragment

      by , 03-21-2011 at 07:08 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid - AP

      I know I had some long dreams last night, but I can only recall a fragment of one. Stress is killing my recall.

      EDIT: I remembered part of another one! Yay!

      I was on some rocky mountainside with tons of other people. It almost felt like we were all Native American. I remember there were lots of men with dark skin and no shirts wearing nothing but loincloths. There were women there too. There was a king at the top of the mountain.

      There were levels of the mountain too, and depending on where you were sitting on the mountain had to do with how close you were with the king. I was located in the middle on the right side.

      Every so often, we'd all have to duck and get under these pillows, blankets, and big wooden shields, because herds of buffalo would stampede over us. It was a fatal experience for many. I remember ducking under my assortment of shielding objects a few times in the dream, because the buffalo were stampeding over us. I was always worried about dying. A lot of the times when they'd come though, they would avoid me. Sometimes though, I'd feel them trample me, but it felt like nothing more than someone dropping a small rock on my back.

      Then, I was located far up the mountain on the left side, very close to the king. In fact, I was pretty much right next to him. I was under the assumption that this meant no buffalo would trample me. I was with very few people on the top of the mountain. Then, the buffalo came again, and I had to duck. Again, I was not killed or hurt.


      I was getting ready for some marching band thing. I was putting the under part of my uniform on. I was going to wear this one summery tank top I had under it (the one I'm wearing in my profile pic). It was folded up in a pile of folded clothes. I picked it up and decided to wear something else under it, since the tank top was something I always wore under it and it probably didn't smell very good because I hadn't washed it between wears. I picked up another shirt, similar to one I just bought in waking life. It's off-white with flowy short sleeves. I put it on, and noticed it was a little too big. Someone commented on the shirt.

      Then, I was going to play in a clarinet trio, I think for school (similar to a waking life event from high school). My friends Leigh and Rachel were playing in it with me. I thought that the people listening would assume we were all great, star players since we were performing in a recital setting.

      Updated 03-21-2011 at 08:57 PM by 32059

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. 21.3.2011: Moving to America and fragments

      by , 03-21-2011 at 04:50 PM
      Dream Lucid Me DC SG

      I´m in a classroom with my classmates. Our teacher is talking about something and showing us a picture. In the picture a rich man is in front of a cáfe, giving a coin worth 10000 (Don´t know 10000 what.) to the owner, who then gives a coin worth 10 to a poor man. The dream changes to me being that poor man. (Well, poor boy, if that matters.) I´m wearing a detective style hat and coat. I think I was only a silhouette. I leave the cáfe and enter the back door. I buy a coffee with 1 coin and sit inside. A girl sits next to me. (Atleast I think it was a girl, she was wearing same kind of clothes I were, and was also a silhouette, so I couldn´t really tell.) She´s drinking coffee from a pink cup. We start to talk and I find out the girl has the same past than I do. (Not in real life.) She also ran away from her home. I start to tell her my story. Now i´m "me" from the past, a short, chubby boy. (Again, not in real life.) I´m in some shed. There´s an pot full of spaghetti. It has some green vegetables in it. I start to hear my voice telling the story. It´s something about how my trainer was really strict and mixed vegetables to my spaghetti to keep it healthy. (Laugh all you want, I don´t care.) I open the door and look around. Once again, i´m at my grandparents farm. There´s a man, my trainer, (No IRL.) standing near. He has his back turned at me. I quickly run to the field behind the shed. There´s some wheat growing on the field, and some of them have been cut. (My previous escape attempts.) I start running towards the road leading out of there, when someone shouts something to me. I think my trainer saw me. But it´s just my grandfather. (Not the one owning the farm.) I tell him that i´m going to escape and move to America. He says something about how the best thing to do something is to burn your house down. (Flawless logic.) Then the house is set on fire. I run away, waving to my grandfather and promising to send him a postcard. I run away fast, so nobody can catch me. I see many people running to the direction i´m coming from. Some are familiar, some are not. Suddenly i´m an adult and i´m in a futuristic city. I go to a store to buy a postcard, but can´t find any. I see police arresting some robbers. Then i´m driving a car and escaping some bad guys. I start to read map to know where to go when I wake up.

      Fragment 1
      I´m some kind of knight riding a horse in a desert with my friend. We get attacked by bandits and out horses, armor, everything is stolen. We make it to the closest city and do something.

      Fragment 2
      I´m hiding in a forest from some mutants. (Apocalypse.) I see a group of my classmates and go talk to them. They´re armed with some guns. We see some mutants and start to fire them. Suddenly i´m in my room. I decide to start playing my DS. As i´m about to start, a screen which has my teacher and some kind of exam about some decease (Cancer, I think.) appears. I hear my friends voice complaining about how nobody told us about this.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. Abandoned In The Tropics + Will Smith's House + Fragment

      by , 03-21-2011 at 02:55 PM (The book of mars)
      Abandoned In the Tropics

      I am on a stage with all of my friends and people I know. We are putting on some performance. I do whatever I can to not be seen by the stage, but everyone is looking at me anyways. I walk around big tanks of water. Eventually everyone is running off stage and I am the last to join them.

      The stage exit led to a very small tropical island with everyone already on it.

      The boat comes that will take us to shore. I don’t see it at first, and by the time I get to the little beach, everyone is on it except me and two guys named “Want” and “Need”. Everyone is laughing at us. They didn’t want us to come back.

      I’m angry but not that I’m stuck; I’m angry that I they left me, that they didn’t like me to this extent and were willing to perhaps kill me. The entire journey from here on is me trying to get back to them.

      A few hours later a boat comes by. He’s tugging along three or four jet skis. We holler at him and he says we can’t have them. We ask more and he finally gives us a red one, but it has no gas.

      We all get on it and the waves are moving in the direction of the nearest island. We land on it and get off. On this island, there’s a small wooden deck and then a store. Behind a counter are several racks with beautiful handmade island clothing. No one seems to be around so I take whatever I like.

      The owners come out and explain we can have whatever we want, they never get customers anyways. I’m relieved that they didn’t punish me for stealing.

      Scene change. Want, Need and I are employed by someone as gold diggers. We are in cave sitting barely on top of the water. The ground beneath us is watery sand. To get the gold, all we do is find little gold pieces already shaped into coins and pick them up.

      Aang, Katara and Toph from Avatar: Last Airbender come into the cave. They want to rescue us, because our employer doesn’t plan on coming back with his boat to get us this time. They have us search for a different kind of coin, one with a little black design on it. These are worth money somewhere else, where we will all be going. Momo, a winged lemur from the show, is here, too and in the corner he is making a little trail of gold coins.

      “Is that what you think helping is?” Katara says.

      We get a handful of normal coins and just three of the black design coins before we have to go. The ship we are getting on is mostly a big metal grate area with wooden walking areas on the side of it. To get on, we are kind of projected into the air. Toph starts yelling about a 10 piece gold coin in the grate but there is a sliding metal door to the boat that will make it unavailable if we don’t get it now.

      When we land, they all run toward the 10 piece coin. I saw a little bit of it when I was in the air. They don’t get it in time. I see that the grate has pieces of things and coins all over it. Katara tells us to hurry and get all the coins we can out of the grate. Unfortunately, when I landed onto the boat, I landed on the wooden area on the sides.

      The captain of the boat and their employer says he doesn’t take regular gold coins anymore: only the black design coins. All of my work collecting coins today was wasted, and I have only three coins to give him. He is unimpressed.

      Scene change. I am on dry land in a kind of mini-mall area. Someone warns us not to spend the black design coins because they are worth more when certain people buy things with them. I have three still, so I must not have given them up to that captain. I walk into a store. In the mudroom area between outside and inside, Wolf (a girl I know in waking life) is laying on the ground. Her girlfriend Rae is with me. She gives a black design coin to her and we enter the store.

      I look at everything and notice that if we bought anything, it would be extremely cheap with these coins compared to using the gold coins. We don’t buy anything.

      Scene change. I am projected from some place in the store into a long hallway. At the end there is a room kind of. It has an eerie feel, like the show Invader Zim. It just feels off. Heather is here and making a toy car go on a track that’s running on the floor to the wall to the ceiling to the wall back to the floor. She says the wallpaper recharges the car so it can go forever.

      Will Smith's House

      I’m walking and I meet Will Smith’s daughter Emily Browning (obviously not related in waking life). She brings me to her house which is surprisingly right up the street from mine.

      Inside, I sit down with her, her brother Liam Aiken (related in my dream because of their brother-sister roles in A Series of Unfortunate Events movie) and her little sister Willow Smith (actually his real daughter). His house is really disgusting and even my dream-self was surprised by this. All of the rooms are huge but filled with junk. The kitchen where we’re sitting in is really tiny and there are dirty dishes stacked everywhere.

      We are all playing some kind of card game. I’m across from Will. He looks really old and totally stoned. I feel bad that he let his life go when he clearly had much more at one point.

      We finish the game and he goes into his bedroom. The kids and I all go into the living room. To get there, we went through two rooms which both had giant fake white Christmas trees. In the living room I sit on their ratty couch. The place is gross in here, too. Emily sits next to me and we cuddle kind of. If I move closer to her, I can feel the thumps of Will having sex with his wife downstairs, so I can’t cuddle her any closer.

      “So, rockstar?” Willow says to me, trying to judge who I am or what I am doing with these “famous” people. She implies that I’m probably trying to be someone famous but I’m not. Emily explains that I’m not a rockstar or anyone famous, and that I don’t particularly want to be either.

      I get up and look around the house and find a more fancy suitable kitchen. A few of my friends stumble out, including my brother Holden and our friend Jamie. Jamie has always been kind of a hippy, but he’s really overdoing it in my dream. He has very long hair all braided and put on top of his head. He’s wearing some kind of hat that has blond hair extensions as well. We all go out of the house together.

      Holden wants to go to Redbox to get a movie and I say I think they are open past 12. It’s 2 a.m. We start walking.

      On the way home we run into three really fat and buff 12 year olds. I want to beat them up, so I egg them on. The leader who has some kind of miniature padlock in her septum comes up to me and starts trying to kick me. Holden comes over and uses his elbow to hit some spot on their heads and they all just pass out automatically.

      “You have to learn the Child Beatdown in those situations,” he says, and explains the move to me.


      I am in some room. I have a cup full of hot chocolate powder and I begin pouring different flavored water into it from tiny tea pots in a circle around me. I spill some and Beth comes over and helps me.

      While she's doing that, Katie, an old friend of mine who recently got divorced and is now having sex with everyone, comes up to me and Holden. She says she wants to fuck him, and he jokes about it but I tell him she's serious. He says okay finally, and they plan to do it at 5 p.m. I ask if she does ladies too, and she says sure, and I just wink.

      Updated 03-21-2011 at 03:15 PM by 42137

      non-lucid , dream fragment