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    false awakening

    False Awakening

    1. Brief LD-Night Of 4/10/24

      by , 04-11-2024 at 05:55 PM (Book of Cursed Dreams)
      Color Code
      Intentional Control
      Just open your eyes WILD
      I'm in the void as I enter the dream, I start flying upwards and let myself drop and begin falling, I decide that I'm just going to open my eyes.
      Like the last time I tried opening my eyes in the void I see that I'm in bed unable to move, but instead of closing my eyes and trying to wake up I imagine moving, it works. I begin rubbing my hands together to gain some stability but fail. I'm now stumbling through a dark distorted version of my room again there are lots of burst of ringing, I attempt the nose pinch RC and I have no hands, good enough. I see some rags or paper on the ground and remember my first three step task and banish them. They just blink away revealing the floor.

      I wake up

      Note: I'm not sure if this is me turning SP into a dream, a false awaking, or something else.
      lucid , false awakening
    2. Liminal lucid-night of 4/6/2024

      by , 04-07-2024 at 01:59 PM (Book of Cursed Dreams)
      what on your computer desk-screenshot_20240407_051529_samsung-health.jpg what on your computer desk-screenshot_20240407_051536_samsung-health.jpg

      I slept pretty well.
      All of my LDs thus far have been through WILD.

      Although I am able to get LDs fairly easily I'm still relatively new when it comes to lucid dreaming, before the contest I just let myself naturally have them when I could "sense" I was able to have one.

      I have this fearful feeling like "wow, I'm going to lose my mind." But I know I'm not losing my mind, I'm just becoming aware of it and feeling afraid.

      Color code
      Intentional control

      Uncontrolled Drifting: WILD
      I'm drifting through this building. Floating up through the ceiling from one floor to another. I'm rubbing my hands together in an attempt to stabilize and gain control. The dream clarifies a bit but when I go to land back on the floor I just phase right through it to the floor below.

      *I wake up and remain still*

      School to Minecraft: WILD

      *Before I enter this dream, I'm telling myself I want to visit school.*

      I enter a school; the hallways are long and dimly lit. Everything is stable and I'm able to walk around for a while. I'm not really trying to do anything, and I get bored.

      what on your computer desk-dimschool.jpg

      I begin to fly at high speeds into the wall. I phase through it an now I'm in Minecraft and everything is bright. I remember my last three step task, Mass telekinesis, I see about 10 mobs and beckon them, they begin floating. I continue flying beckoning every mob I see, causing them to float and follow me. I see a hallway leading into the school I was just in and turn around to see them still following me like balloons and dismissively gesture the mobs.

      what on your computer desk-mass-telekenesis.jpg

      I turn back and land in the hallway, back to reality, I see someone and begin chasing them, it felt natural for some reason, they begin running away from me. I see them turn a corner and open a door, I jump into the air and attempt to stop them from closing the door by slowing down time, unfortunately that slows me down too. The door closes and I'm now frozen in time. I look around and see a monitor about 20 feet away, it has Minecraft on the screen, I'm able to control and play it from a distance. I stop after about 3 seconds though as I feel the dream ending.

      "Don't be fooled by a false awakening I remember last time"

      False Awakening?

      My eyes open and I can sense I'm not actually awake. Attempting to move my arms fails. "Sleep paralysis?" I've already decided the next time this happens I'm not going to close my eyes. Everything is very dark, moving like normal doesn't work so I imagine getting up and walking. It works, it doesn't feel like walking though, it feels like I'm just seeing through the eyes of someone I told to walk, it's very slow and takes a lot of will power to move.
      I'm now standing and I'm fighting back fear. The room I'm in looks like a distorted version of my room. The door to the living room here is much further away then it should be and there's no bathroom door. Continuing my struggle I open the door and can actually hear the creaking. I see the TV already has YouTube on it.

      *I set an intention for this exact scene, the next time I wake up in my apartment I'm going to get up and watch YouTube on the TV*

      The living room looks very distorted, and everything is misplaced, movement feels more natural now, I go to sit down on the couch and read what's on the screen, "wok", "mill" and something else. It's just gibberish and I don't know how to play any videos.

      I wake up

      Note: I'm very close to completing my personal goals, I feel like I overcame my fear of retaining awareness after a false awakening, but I wouldn't consider this to be exploring a real place or watching YouTube.

      Also maybe I shouldn't chase helpless DCs if I want to talk to them.

      Updated 04-07-2024 at 03:43 PM by 100743

      lucid , false awakening , memorable , side notes
    3. Minecraft To False awakening-Night of 4/3/24

      by , 04-04-2024 at 06:33 PM (Book of Cursed Dreams)
      Having to give dialog to DCs??-screenshot_20240404_052910_samsung-health.jpg Having to give dialog to DCs??-screenshot_20240404_052850_samsung-health.jpg

      I was too anxious from the FA to fall back asleep; I considered stopping lucid dreaming I was so disturbed. My terror and dreams are separate things however, they can happen at the same time but they're not causally related.
      I'm not going to stop because I was afraid!

      Color Code

      Intentional control

      It's around 4:15
      While laying down relaxing I'm imagine myself walking in the dark. It starts to feel very real; I continue on and soon after each step I take gravity weakens until with a tap of the toe I'm sent into space. I float for a few seconds, "Well, why not visit Minecraft?" accepting the fact that I dream of it so often, I hear the sound effect of falling into a body of water.

      I still don't see anything so I imagine pressing a space bar on an imaginary keyboard so I can float up, just then I can see that I'm in a body of water. I make it to the surface and then float above the water. "What was my task?" it feels like the dream world is fading as I ask myself this question, I land then begin focusing on the tree's and notice some tall green Mario pipes with a 2d image of Kirby on them. Everything stabilizes.

      "Element control!" I turn back to the water and command, "Rise water, rise!!!" I bring my hands in-font palms facing up and raise my hands. A medium portion of the water is reacting but only lifts about six feet into the air, never disconnecting with the body of water.

      Satisfied I turn back to the Mario pipes and think about what else I can do, I phase through the Mario pipe to look inside, in the center of the pipe where the ground meets, I see another 2d image of Kirby.

      I fly back up in the air and circle the area just taking in everything. The dream begins to fade.

      *I think I wake up, I want to grab my phone after the lucid so I can record an audio file.*

      I sit up in bed and hear a swooshing sound and feel off, I reach for my blanket and when I grab it, I immediately notice that I can't actually feel anything. The blanket moved so realistically, I'm filled with a sense of terror, "Is my brain messed up?" "Am I awake but my body is asleep and that's why I can't feel anything?" I'm questioning my sanity at this point and simply decide to lay back down and close my eyes.

      I wake up.
      I should have known it was a false awakening and remained calm, the light was on, I heard strange sounds, I couldn't feel the blanket.
      This was my first time moving around while fully conscious in a false awakening and it really caught me off-guard.

      Updated 04-04-2024 at 08:15 PM by 100743

      lucid , nightmare , false awakening , memorable , side notes
    4. Parkour in minecraft LD

      by , 03-29-2024 at 07:38 PM (Book of Cursed Dreams)
      Color code

      I used wild to enter the dream.

      I felt my body floating as I transitioned into sleep, it felt like I was floating upward as visuals started to appear, it was Minecraft again. The terrain was unnatural and there were layers of floating land masses that were built using a single layer of dirt at various heights.


      There was an unrecognizable song playing as I was floating, I couldn't control the melody, but I was in control of the vocals. It was euphoric. "I will remain calm" I injected into the song's lyrics. I didn't want to wake up from excitement.

      I landed on one the highest floating blocks and began running forward, jumping to new blocks I looked down and could see my legs, they looked like my normal legs I noticed. I could feel my excitement growing as I continued running. I wanted to calm down a bit more, so I decided to turn around and see what was there.

      As soon as I did though, everything went black, and I could now feel body hallucinations as I became aware of my body. I opened my eyes and could see through my eyes as I was lying in bed and couldn't move, I thought this was a false awakening because the light was on in my room and I left it off, I was still disturbed because I couldn't move and closed my eyes again to finally wake up.

      Note: I need to stop derailing my dreams before they become grounded.
      Tags: minecraft
      lucid , false awakening , side notes
    5. Answering Jamie's difficult question.

      by , 03-19-2024 at 11:08 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Cold has finally started to go away, Yay!

      The other night. Asked for Raven's help again to break Jamie out of the jail thingy I dreamed about.


      I'm walking in a crowded city I'm crossing a street. At the corner there is a tall display, displaying some advertisements and media. Someone nudges or shoves shoulder and keeps on walking. I see it's the back of Jamie walking away she kind of looked back at me for a second and kept walking. Well that was rude! Reminds me of Highschool, when people didn't like you, They'd "accidentally" shoulder shove you from behind.


      Me and 3 other people are chasing a demon at night. It's short, pale, and has gremlin ears. We corner it in a car wrecker place. It vanishes and I see it's latent image down various rows. "It's slowing time." I tell everyone, "It's playing out every possible scenario we can throw at it." My memory fades after.


      I'm walking outside a bar in a small town. Street reminds me of the Didsbury bar stretch with two bars on opposite sides. I'm on the JD's side Jamie is standing outside by the door, and walking past nervously. Some other girl standing outside starts talking trash to me. I can't remember what she says. Jamie grabs me and pulls me close and tells the girl. "Robert is the sweetest, most patient and caring man I've ever known." the shock of hearing this wakes me up. If Jamie ever gave me a compliment like that IRL... I would die!

      Last night

      big house

      False awakening, I'm in a large house and have to pee. There are various rooms and people all over. I can't find a bathroom so I go downstairs. I wake up for real of course.


      I'm sleeping in the same bed as Jamie, she is sitting up and I am lying down. She says to me, "Slip it on." Okay. Isn't it more like ,"Roll it on."? I woke up there.

      Jamie's question

      I see Jamie in the familiar black space, she is staring seriously at me and asks, "Are you having a relationship with me in your head?"

      I don't even begin to know how to answer that. but I will try as truthfully as I can. If she means by in my head as in dreams? Thats already been stated. If she means by talking to a voice in my head that sounds like Jamie. Short answer: For the past two months or so, Yes. That's what her voice in my head has stated. I'll ask her voice, "But this is crazy! If I see and talk to Jamie IRL, am I to talk about this?" To which she will answer, "We are to discuss everything.". This is why i'd really like Jamie to talk to me, to get clarification. If I should be seeing a psychiatrist, I'd really like to know. I'd like to get past this stuff, with or without her. Do I believe it's really Jamie? I don't know. I've been stuck with this voice for the past several years. I've tried to pray it away so many times among other things. After a certain amount of time, It's now just a thing that is a part of my current existence that I live with. If one is to do a google search on: Hearing my twin flame's voice in my head. It will lead you to loads of Quora articles where people do indeed experience this phenomena. some of them confirming with their partners that: Yes both of them will experience something like a telepathic conversation in one another's heads. Now, what I want to know is why is Jamie asking this? One possibility is that: She reads my dreams journal and reads dream her is talking and acting like we are in a relationship, she's also read that I hear a voice like her in her head, She puts two and two together and decides to use dreams to ask me this question. or, She's asking because She experiences it too. So I could equally ask her the same question. In any case I would like this to be resolved soon because this is becoming a complicated mess. I will still try to be patient tho.
    6. Training Psychological Fortitude With a Demon

      by , 02-12-2024 at 10:52 PM
      Disclaimer: This dream journal is about sleep paralysis/demon encounters. I want to clarify that sleep paralysis and intense nightmares like mine aren't normal, nothing about this is normal. I don't recommend that anyone attempt to do this. I've been dealing with SP and demon encounters for over 20 years. It's not something to take lightly or recommend, this is just my own very personal dream life that I'm sharing.

      I also want to point out that there's a lot of misinformation in the LD community about LDs causing sleep paralysis, despite how useful LDs are at combatting SP. lucid dreaming didn't cause my SP. Rather, lucidity is the way I've learned how to get out of SP/nightmares and this dream shows how.


      As I fell asleep consciously, I felt a demon's claws sinking into my back. Its nails brought an uncanny electrical sensation through my spine, as if a poison was being injected into my spinal cord directly, shooting straight through my nervous system to the rest of my body. This caused waves of pain with occassionally intense spikes, growing more and more intense by the moment. It was dreadful.

      The demon was standing behind me (I normally sleep on my side). I don't know if I was paralyzed because I didn't try to move. My goal was to combat this mentally through calm meditation, not physical struggling.

      I already know how to break SP with physical movement, and that's not what I wanted to do here. This was a planned encounter. I invited a demon to induce SP.

      "This is fine. Keep going." I thought in my mind, wanting the demon to continue as I practiced my mental fortitude to combat the feeling, mentally wrestling with it and pushing it out of my mind. It was overwhelming, but I kept going.

      The demon cranked the pain up a tenfold. I started getting severe spikes of pain going through my nervous system every few seconds, increasing in frequency. I stayed calm and still didn't react despite the pain.

      I've been inviting this demon to come visit me in my sleep for a few weeks now. Why? Because I'm stagnating, I've exhausted my the resources of my personal dreamwork and I can't figure out how to push myself any other way... I need to grow, I have to keep going. My life is a mess right now and I'm desperate to become stronger so I can deal with it.

      The demon stopped after a while, since it wasn't breaking me. I felt its energy fade, and I too was fading into a dreamed version of my bedroom. The color of the walls, lighting, and layout of the house slowly changed in the emergence of the dreamscape. I was still technically my house, just an altered version of it.

      I felt an uneasy presence in the room and knew the demon was still standing somewhere nearbby watching me, invisible and waiting.

      I decided to walk out into the livingroom. This part I'm not going to share because it's too personal, but one of my insecurities manifested in the next dream scene of loved ones yelling at me, and it quickly snowballed. My calm demeanor slipped as I felt my mind spiral out of control from the insecurities. I was upset. In that moment of clouded thinking, I actually lost my lucidity.

      This was not normal. It's rare for me to lose lucidity when I'm upset. This went on for a few minutes before I regained my lucidity. Being upset normally triggers lucidity for me, so I got it back pretty quickly.

      I felt the demon laughing at me, though, and realized it did that on purpose. Impressive, I thought, but I was still freaked out. I realized that this demon had found one of my weakness. It couldn't get me with sleep paralysis and pain, so it had (successfully) targeted a psychological weakness instead.

      Challenge accepted.

      I quickly walked into another room, intending to change the dream scene to get myself out of that negative emotional state. If I could calm down, I could regain control and prevent the demon from weakening me any further.
      This was kind of thrilling, I have to admit. I like playing these mental games, and learning from my mistakes.

      I suddenly woke up for seemingly no reason, which is unusual for me. I typically always have a reason for waking up, whether because of an alarm, the natural end of a dream, a nightmare, or my own intention to awake... I don't just 'randomly' wake up from my dreams.

      So I sat up in bed, unaware that this was a false awakening, which is AGAIN unusual for me. I haven't fallen for an FA in a while, yet this time, I really thought I was awake.

      Now nonlucid dreaming, I walked back out into the livingroom and ANOTHER one of my insecurities manifested. Some of my personal embarrassing text messages were revealed to people I didn't want to share them with! Thinking it was really happening, I was mortified. But then I became lucid again (since negative emotions normally trigger lucidity for me) and was incredibly relieved that this embarrassing moment wasn't actually happening.

      The demon was laughing at me pretty hard though. I knew it had tricked me into having an FA and being nonlucid.
      I suddenly woke up again. The demon was trying it's trick a second time.
      "No. Not this time~" I told myself, laughing maniacally.
      Fooled me once, shame on me...

      I was kind of unsure though, so I did a reality check and it failed. My hands were solid.
      Whatever. I don't trust reality checks anyway, so I wasn't nonlucid just yet.
      I tried to use dream control next, going to fly upwards towards the wall. Normally my dream control works, but this failed too.

      "Huh... " I thought, starting to believe I might actually be awake...
      Reality checks and dream control can fail, though, I thought, so I still wasn't fully sold on this being waking reality. I was really thinking hard on this one.
      Could still be a dream.
      I was determined to not be tricked again and I was pretty sure that my uncertainty meant this was for sure a dream.
      What a puzzle.
      I normally ALWAYS know when I'm dreaming, so this was... really weird.
      The weirdness of it alone made me even more suspicious.

      I proceeded to have several more false awakenings, over and over again. Sometimes I knew it was a dream, and other times I wasn't sure, but I felt like the demon was flipping a light switch back and fourth repeatedly trying to break my lucidity.

      "Mother-" I cursed and laughed.

      Normally I'd be fine continuing this game, it was fun, but I knew I had to get up early in the morning and didn't want my sleep quality to be obliterated tonight (lucidity doesn't affect my sleep quality, but nightmares like this can when they go on for too long).

      So I decided I was going to end this by waking myself up.

      First, I found an alter for the demon in the dreamscape (which had offerings on it). "Thank you, that was impressive. No hard feelings~" I said to the demon as I destroyed the alter, shoving the whole thing off the table and breaking the artifacts.

      Then I woke myself up (for real). I checked the physical reality clock and realized... That whole thing only lasted an hour?!

      It felt like 4+ hours had gone by, so I was shocked. This is also unusual of for me, since I've specifically trained myself to not experience time dilation (I don't like when my time perception in dreams doesn't match waking reality).

      I reached for the protective pendant I keep on my desk (which keeps demons away, but I had intentionally taken it off before bed as an invitation). It was shoved under my photography lightbox for some reason, kind of wedged under there (not where I put it, but ok). I was going to put it on when I realized the chain was torn off.

      This was in waking reality. I searched high and low for the necklace chain. I found the chain on the floor and put my pendant on, did some other protection stuff in the room, and went back to sleep.
      Had normal dreams for the rest of the night.

      Final note: this dream happened the night before last.

      Updated 02-12-2024 at 11:19 PM by 99032

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening , memorable
    7. Night of Tuesday 1/23/24

      by , 01-24-2024 at 07:39 PM (Dreamlog)
      I get the sense that there are aliens who have the ability to shape perception such that they do not alert humankind.
      I false-awaken on the couch and my girlfriend is observing me strangely, and I suspect that she is actually one of these aliens.
      This scares me greatly. I wake up for real (still on the couch) and she is looking at me the same way.
    8. Night of Monday 1/22/24

      by , 01-24-2024 at 07:35 PM (Dreamlog)
      User Error:
      I'm getting ready for work and my smartphone's alarm is going off.
      I turn it off, but it doesn't stop making sound. I get very frustrated.
      My girlfriend tells me it must be user error.
      The phone is a Samsung Galaxy, which isn't the one I have in waking life.

      Something about Spongebob Squarepants.
    9. Night of Friday 1/19/24 (Comp Night 14: Final, WBTB DILD)

      by , 01-20-2024 at 06:07 PM (Dreamlog)
      Party Memories:
      I'm at a wedding party, but I don't know whose it is.
      The party is being held at an outdoor venue, and it looks like a mixture of IM's (from the Tots) and MM's (from highschool) backyards.
      It's night-time, and there is a hot tub on my right. I see BY from highschool in a full suit, and wonder if he got the memo that this was supposed to be casual.
      There is a sliding door on the left, and it goes into the sitting room from my previous home.
      I set up an area there, sort of "my spot" where I can feel less socially awkward, and gather up the people I know at the party.
      I'm in a local bar called Cornish Pasty. I'm sitting at the bar with MW from highschool.
      We're sitting where I sat a few months back with JV in waking life.
      He's there because I am getting married soon.
      MW tells me that there might be something in the mail for me, implying he's bought one of the wedding registry items.
      I'm feeling awkward, looking for a conversation topic, when I remember that I was at his wedding party recently.
      I bring it up, and he remarks how drunk everybody was, and how we are all singing.
      I tell him I remember that, but I don't.

      I'm waking up in my bed, and I remember that I had just returned to sleep from my 6hr/20m WBTB.
      I do a nose reality check and I can breathe.
      I'm dreaming.
      I'm in bed, but I can't move. I try to blink-teleport, imagining that if I can just change the dream scene I'll regain my movement naturally.
      So, I close my eyes and imagine a vast blue ocean.
      I open my eyes.
      Nothing changes, still stuck.
      The dream fades and I wake briefly.

      Loki and Oreo:
      I false awake into my bed again, knowing to reality check.
      I'm lucid again, but still can't move.
      This time I try something else. I imagine my old Doberman Loki (rest is peace, he was the best boy).
      The idea is that he will jostle the bed enough to kick my body into gear.
      I call for him "Loki! Are you here?" and he comes bounding into the bedroom and jumps into the bed.
      He, of course, lays down next to me because he always was a big lazy boy.
      He looks up at me, inquisitive as ever with his dopey eyes and large snoot. He looks so real. I laugh, and wonder if my girlfriend can hear me laughing in waking life (I asked later, she could not).
      My plan worked, when Loki jumped on me, that was enough to give me my movement back.
      I looked back down, and now Loki had changed into a different childhood pet.
      My longhair black and white cat, Oreo (also rest in peace, she was top-gangsta thug).
      I get out of bed and say "C'mon! Let's go!" and Oreo gracefully leaps off the bed to follow me.
      I see her characteristic "gangsta-prowl" as she moves and marvel at how well my brain is recreating my old pets.
      Finally I leave the bedroom and realize that I should stabilize the dream soon, worried that it might fade.
      The dream is a near-perfect recreation of my house, but it has blue hue to it.
      Otherwise, the best way I can describe it is "thin". I think to myself, maybe I am low on REM sleep.
      I start to narrate what I am doing as I do it "I'm walking in my hallway, I'm stabilizing the dream, I'm touching the walls..."
      It occurs to me that I need to spend less time in my own head, or the dream is going to fade.
      I make a concerted effort to engage with the environment, and not internalize too much.
      As is tradition at this point, I lick the wall to help stabilize. It tastes like wall.
      All this seems to help a bit, but I believe that I was simply low on REM, so the dream was going to be unstable no matter what.
      Then I remember that it was the last night of competition, and I had defined some goals.
      I recall my first goal of the three-step is to "summon" and then "ask for advice" so I go to summon Jordan Peterson.
      But wait, I changed my mind earlier on the plan. I struggle to remember, but then I do.
      During my WBTB 20 minutes, I decided instead that I would summon Daniel Love, because he would be able to assist me with a teleport.
      I start to imagine Daniel Love in my house. I call out to him "Daniel! Are you here? Daniel?"
      For a moment, no response.
      But then a head pops out from behind a door down the hallway on the right, where the bathroom is.
      "Yeah yeah I'm here!" he says, a bit flustered.
      But, before I can ask him for advice on teleporting, the dream fades out.

      Updated 01-25-2024 at 03:55 PM by 99808

      lucid , false awakening
    10. Sleep Paralysis Subway Train

      by , 01-11-2024 at 04:55 PM
      This dream was from 3 nights ago.

      I boarded a subway with sectioned rooms big enough for one or two people. Each room was empty with just a handrail.

      I stood inside, waited for the doors to close, and felt the train move. Stood there for what felt like a few minutes, thinking it was a bit odd that my dream wasn’t changing. I can normally sense the motion of my dreams and things change around me.

      Something felt off.

      Then I felt something wash over my spine (the sensation I get with SP). I noticed a presence in the room and looked up. There was something nonhuman hanging on the handrail above me. I didn’t want to see it, so I blocked it from my mind with a blur effect as soon as I realized it was there.

      it’s been a while since I’ve been scared like this, normally these don't get under my skin. I attempted to wake myself up, but did an FA into a room that looked nothing like my bedroom. I recognized it as a dream, but played along with it until I started feeling the sensation again of SP again and saw the creature coming back for more.

      Woke myself up for real that time.

      I kept accidentally DEILDing back in several times after that, though, and having waking hallucinations.

      So eventually, I got up and walked around to wake myself up enough to stop the DEILDs.

      I’m so glad this isn’t common for me any more. I used to go into SP multiple times per week and the experiences were a lot worse (this wasn't too bad). Once it would start, I would get stuck in endless DEILD chains.

      The dream control skills I’ve picked up from this community make a world of difference. I didn’t lose sleep or experience any panic like I used to. Pretty great improvement.
    11. Night of Tuesday 1/9/24 (Winter Comp Night 4)

      by , 01-10-2024 at 04:18 PM (Dreamlog)
      Coffee Splash:

      I'm in a long square-like room, sort of like a trailer.
      My Grandpa R has just died, and his casket is on display.
      I keep thinking that the body is going to stand up.
      Highly emotional feelings. My Dad is there with me.
      We're tasked to set the casket aflame in some ritual and we are hesitating to do it.
      Later in this process the casket goes down a serpentine system of pipes into fluid.
      Later I am in a huge banquet hall-like building, with a theater attached.
      I'm walking over to a concessions stand. I find a couple of fruits with barcode stickers and try to scan them.
      A woman nearby says that this cannot be bought, even though the scan goes through.
      I've come home to my current garage. There is a small circular folding table setup.
      My laptop is setup there, and my brother has an identical one setup for him next to it.
      My sister is with us as well.
      I'm having an argument with my brother. He thinks I'm being too easy-going, and not allowing our sister to mourn.
      This makes me angry, because I want to deal with grief my own way.
      I notice a cold mug of coffee on the table, and I splash it in his face.
      Trying to remove myself from the situation, I start to pick-up and leave.
      My brother grabs my laptop's power cord, preventing me from going.
      I wake up angry.

      Shooting for the Girl:

      I'm on a roadtrip with my girlfriend, her mom, and a young guy.
      The guy is a friend of my girlfriend's mom, and I suspect that she is positioning him as my replacement.
      I'm checking out at the counter, buying some snacks. I pay for the guy's food, trying to be cordial.
      He seems to appreciate it, not outwardly trying to steal my girlfriend. He is friendly.
      We leave and head outside. We are driving a large semi-truck.
      A middle-eastern looking man follows us outside and seems angry.
      He points out that I'm carrying wrappers, and going to make a mess in the car.
      I notice a dumpster nearby and try to basketball-shoot the crumpled wrappers into it.
      My shot is miserable. Embarrassed, I pick-up the clump and place it in the dumpster.
      I'm worried that bad shot just affected my chances against the guy.

      Game Night:

      I'm playing a Yu-Gi-Oh inspired card game with my girlfriend.
      Taking just a couple turns, I've already cleared her side of cards and attacking her life points.
      The values on the cards are in the single digits.
      Later I'm playing a mid-generation Pokemon game.
      Looks like it might have been DS or 3DS era, with animated 2D sprites.
      I'm controlling a Magneton, except it is made from four Magnemites instead of the usual three.
      I use an attack called Tetraelectro Blast or something similar.
      The animation has four distinct stages with accompanying sound.
      Basically, it looks accurate to the games.
      I'm in a Yu-Gi-Oh duel with someone in a large empty warehouse.
      The atmosphere is dark and foreboding.
      We have fully 3D virtual monsters, like in the show.
      My opponent has summoned the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.
      But it is multiplying. Four heads. Five heads. Six heads...
      It's the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Hydra now.
      The entire warehouse is filled with the oppressively huge heads and necks of the monster.
      This monster gets so comically large that I'm nearly trapped by the slithering necks moving around me.
      I see a light on my left side. I duck by one of the snaking necks and escape.

      The Blue-Eyes Ultimate Hydra. Made with Bing Image Creator AI.

      False Awakening:

      I wake up and start telling my girlfriend about the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Hydra.
      She has put a couple Monster Energy drinks on the foot of the bed for me.
      My room is perfectly rendered, down to the real-life detail that my girlfriend is up early for an important work meeting.
      I go over to the bathroom and look in the mirror.
      I see that my eyes are large and white, with the pupils faded like a blind person's.
      I start to freak out and wonder what is wrong!
      The eyes correct themselves after I blink a few times.
    12. The Trials and Tribulations of Trucker Life

      by , 12-14-2023 at 06:17 PM (The Internal and Subconscious World of DropTherapy)
      It starts out in an apartment, presumably around the Arden-north highlands area by the look of it. I was with a various group of people when a bullet crashes through the window. Me and everyone else get down in an attempt to save ourselves as we figure out the hitman's target. Turns out it's this woman who was with us. The shooter enters the apartment and I ask why he's doing this. He says it's because she won't reply to him on tumblr, which seems to activate a pity response in everyone, so we hug him and tell him everything is okay.

      After that situation settles, I, who for some reason am some heavy set white middle aged trucker dude in this dream, not unlike muscle man's dad from regular show, exit the apartment, climb down the stairs, and realize that in the space between buildings a couple of guy fawkes mask wearing killers are approaching me. Being aware of the dream at this point, I attempt to fly away to the bus stop I was intending to catch, and then I wake up, however I can't completely do so. I lose visual of the dream, but the audio is clear as ever, as well as the sensation of a blond kid pestering me about my wings and how his brother has the same ones.

      In the faux waking world, I am in the room of my childhood home at night, dodging various vague figures in the shadows whose existence is merely implied. I try various things, including screaming, singing "bring me to life" by evanescence, which comes out as pathetic whimpering, and hobbling over to the light switch whenever my attempts very briefly succeed enough for me to be semi-conscious. My entire body felt numb but I realized I had leverage whenever I scratched the back of my thigh relatively deeply. In the dream I was in front of a post as I was singing bring me to life while scratching myself, and eventually it works and I finally do wake up. Turns out I was literally just being restrained by my fiance, who was nearly sleeping ON me.
    13. sleep thing and gravity garden

      by , 12-12-2023 at 08:25 PM
      [COLOR="#008000"]I suddenly became aware I had no body and was in a black void. I recognized it as a state of sleep so I decided to wake up.[/COLOR] I was under a bed. I crawled out and decided I needed to stop sleeping under beds, because they were slightly uncomfortable to crawl out of.

      I was climbing on a plant which was just big enough to support my weight. There was one small twig poking out of the branch I was standing on, so I decided to turn it. I felt my weight start to pull me up so I pulled a leaf off a nearby tree and watched as it fell into the sky. I turned the twig back into its normal position and gravity went back to normal. Some other person was with me, we jumped to the ground. there was a woman under the nearby tree who was closely watching an ant hill. I jumped up on the fence in front of her, narrowly avoiding a green spider, so she blew a whistle at me a few times, and the person who was with me told me to run. I jumped off the fence and ran few feet up the path. I was then distracted my a pale pink lizard frog thing. I grabbed my bug net out of hammerspace and caught it. The person started saying something to me.

      Updated 01-31-2024 at 05:13 AM by 100014

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    14. Night of Wednesday 11/29/23 & Morning of Thursday 11/30/23 (DILD)

      by , 12-01-2023 at 04:09 AM (Dreamlog)
      Working Recovery:

      I'm at work, outside, on the garden path between buildings.
      NH from high-school marching band is there.
      He has some kind of injury to one arm and to one leg.
      The injuries, are exceptionally gory, like stumps where the hand and foot should be.
      NH seems like he is in a good mood regardless.
      I'm on the production floor, but the office cube area is reversed from left/right and under construction.
      There is a tarp that goes over all the cubes, indicating that they are inaccessible.
      Later I'm with NH at a back-area of the production floor.
      His injuries seem to be lesser now, with just bruised limbs where the stumps once were.

      I woke up after about 7.5 hours of sleep (11PM to 630AM) and then stayed up for about 45 minutes before going to sleep on the couch for a morning nap.

      False Awakening:

      I'm at home and taking out the trash. I notice that there are a few more trash/recycle cans than there should be. About 4 or 5 against the expected 2.
      I do a nose-RC and become lucid. I recall the 'pre-flight check' from Daniel Love's book, so I decide to attempt that.
      I say outloud "this is a dream, nothing is real, nothing can hurt me."
      I look around the yard, trying to interact and stabilize the dream.
      But this only lasts a few seconds or so, and the world fades.

      I vaguely recall trying to fit my hands into some kind of gardening pot by the front door or side of the house.
      I 'wake up' on the couch, and my family is there. Dad, sister, brother, and my friend DR.
      We are taking turns playing a VR game, where the perspective of the person playing the game shows on the TV.
      Later I'm in a different room, with pillars on four sides and 'open concept' entry ways.
      I'm struggling with some straps on the VR setup for my arms.
      There were also two different sizes for the VR goggles, and a smaller one fits me better.

      Recorded at 940AM.

      Updated 12-02-2023 at 12:39 AM by 99808

      lucid , false awakening
    15. Night of Friday 11/17/23 (DILD)

      by , 11-25-2023 at 07:00 PM (Dreamlog)
      The Bulldog:

      I'm sitting on a patio chair looking out to a sunrise. I'm high up, a few stories above the ground.
      The patio is made of large wood pieces, similar in style to Frontier Land from Disneyland. Within the lore of the dream, we had just built it (my Dad, sister, and I).
      I looked at my left hand and noticed that it had three fingers, and I looked at my right. It had four.

      I become lucid. The very next thought is that I want to learn more about my dreamworld, to serve me better later.
      So I decide to keep looking at my hands. They keep changing in finger count wildly, not fast or as if morphing, more like my brain kept trying to convince me that they had 'always been' said count.
      It was more like my perception was in flux than the actual visuals. Tough to describe.
      This activity doubles down on the fact that I truly am dreaming.

      I decide to get up and look around. I see a man down below in a pool, he's singing on a platform in the middle.
      Also, across the way there is another man singing. I listen to them for a while, but I can't recall the tune now.
      I noticed a bulldog down by my heel. I feel a massively comforting presence. I don't recognize this dog but I feel the comfort anyway.
      He is wearing some sort of skin(or should I say fur) tight dog-shirt.
      I remember that I should be stabilizing the dream, so I run my hands across the wood railing a bit.
      I notice that the patio is missing some pieces, and get concerned about the stability of the structure.
      I decide to go the the side of the house, and once I turn the corner, it represents the side of the house I'm living in now.

      The bull-dog is sitting in front of the gate that leads to the front yard. I go up to him and start to pet him.
      "Are you a bulldog?" I ask.
      "Yes, I am!" the bulldog replied with a British accent.
      "Can you tell more more about you so that I can find you in my world?" I ask.
      "Ohhh you shouldn't do that...because I have...my issue." the bulldog replies ominously.
      I notice he is drooling a bit.
      "Well, what is the issue?"
      "I....tend to wet the bed." the bulldog admits with some shame in his voice.
      I start to comfort the bulldog, but then I begin to lose lucidity.
      Instead, I start telling the bulldog a story of a recurring dream. It's about not making finals for marching band back in high-school.
      I try to recall the name of the girl who was our drum major who broke the news, but I can't remember her name (just her face).
      This isn't actually a recurring dream.
      An Asian girl appears behind him as if in response to the story, but she doesn't resemble anybody from it.
      At this point I seem to get my bearings, and I start to narrate what has happened up to now, to the bulldog.

      "So I've spent a lot of time in this dream letting things flow on their own, observing, doing RCs, keeping it low-key. Do you think it is OK if I try some dream control now?" I ask the bulldog.
      "Yes, that seems reasonable." the bulldog replies matter of factly.
      I walk forward and open the gate leading to the front yard.
      It's night-time over here.
      I remember that I want to try the teleport-sprint from another dream, so I position myself on the street with plenty of runway space in front of me.
      But there is a festival happening on the street. Lots of people. This prevents me from having space.
      I get the impression that the dream characters are not fans of what I am about to try, slightly hostile.
      They don't stop me when I went to find a new position, but one guy did bump me as I passed.
      I don't visualize a particular place. I break out into a sprint with the night-road in front of me and close my eyes.
      I feel my body shake, similar to the first time having a WILD transition. Feels like going through a wormhole.
      When I open my eyes, I see blackness. I assume I have woken up.

      I'm back on the patio with the sunrise, but this time I think I am awake.
      "Wow! What a cool lucid dream, I'd better go record it before I forget!" I think to myself.
      I enter the house through a doorwall and go to a computer.
      This home does not resemble one I have lived in.
      The computer has three or four monitors all setup, and looks super cool.
      Dream-me has a program setup that will record my dreams as audio, and then auto-tune them.
      So I narrate the previous dream as it happened in its entirety.
      I mess up the recording so I have to start and stop a few times.
      As I recorded it, the computer generated an animated movie, with the audio, as a musical.
      The graphics resembled Final Fantasy VII: Remake's.
      I'm invested in making the video good.
      I'm back in my actual bed. My girlfriend is by me, and so is a dog. It may have been a german-shepherd.
      Strangely, my sister is at the foot of the bed.
      We're awake because we are concerned that there is an intruder in the house.
      I felt safe, because the dog would be able to alert us if there was a problem.
      My girlfriend tells me I should give my sister the larger pillow, and I tell her that she is already asleep so there is no point.
      I reflect that the dog with us is not giving me an allergic reaction, so maybe I can have a dog after all.
      I'm back at my childhood home, and I'm talking about the intruder with my Dad.
      I look at the thermostat, and it reads '60 degrees'. I think it is low, but my Dad tells me that this is how it has to be.
      I look over to the living room and see my Mom playing a video game. She's losing so she calls me over to help and I do.

      Updated 11-27-2023 at 12:48 AM by 99808

      false awakening , lucid , non-lucid
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