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    false awakening

    False Awakening

    1. Night of Wednesday 6/14/23 (Comp Night 14)

      by , 06-15-2023 at 07:18 PM (Dreamlog)
      I didn't get the WILD or dream control I was hoping for, but there is a lot of recall here...so that's a plus!

      Before WBTB

      Sci-Fi Feeding Time
      It's dark, night-time at a stable on a farm.
      There are horse-like creatures and other monsters in sci-fi fleshy body bags.
      Some of the horse-creatures are sitting on their backsides...and have huge upright dongs.
      Like straight up into the air, 3ft diameter and 5ft high...
      Someone is showing me how they care for the creatures.
      They have one mature creature chew up food and spit it out.
      Then they collect the mush and feed it to the younger ones.

      The whole situation is very strange and I kinda wish I would've forgotten this one.

      Fireshots and Frogskins
      I'm in a team at Hogwarts and we are in the middle of magic combat with another group.
      They are Slytherins or otherwise dark magic users.
      It isn't a friendly duel, they are trying to hurt us.
      I shoot some fire attacks at one of them and set their robes on fire.
      I remark that the spell was meant for aesthetic uses, but very useful here.
      I shoot off some stupefies and experlliarmises, and notice that I have multiples wands and they break as I'm shooting.
      They sort of snap like twigs.
      It feels similar to how durability works in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
      Later I'm in a downstairs living space or maybe a lab.
      Mr. Weasley is there. He has a big frog creature. About 1ft tall.
      I'm wanting the frog's shed-skin shell from him.
      There is also information I'm needing. There was another person I was planning to bribe with the skin-shell.
      But I realize that Mr. Weasley has the same info.
      The room looks like my childhood kitchen now, with Mr. Weasley standing near the sink.
      I ask him for the info, and indicate my understanding that I don't need to bribe him.
      He pauses, gives me a look, sarcastically pauses...maybe a bribe IS needed...
      But then gives me the info.

      Cave Battle
      JM from work and I are planning a dangerous trip to get treasure.
      Later we arrive at the site.
      I'm in an underground cave with a large rock blocking the entrance above.
      Similar to a bombable wall from Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
      There is a horde of orcs/goblin creatures above the wall chasing me. JM is above as well.
      I'm searching the cave for the treasure. The monsters are getting closer to opening the rock.
      I start to look for a weapon instead. I find a bow, but the arrows with it are dull.
      They break through. I try to hide.
      3 goblins make their way to the back cave chamber where I am at.
      They chase me around the room and shoot arrows at me, I try to grab fallen arrows to fight back desperately.
      J!!! HELP!!! I scream.
      He shows up and helps me fight.

      After WBTB
      I head back to bed and focus on the forest I want to WILD into. I wait a long time, and multiple alarms go off interrupting my attempt. I eventually slip off to sleep without a WILD.

      False Awakenings
      I'm in my bedroom, thinking that I've wasted my time for the last day of comp.
      Crap. I do a half-hearted nose reality-check just to be sure...

      And I'm dreaming! But it fades quickly into another false awakening.
      This happens a few times, but I never get real control of the dreams.
      Only counting it as one dream because it all was sort of a blur.

      Hey, You, You're Finally Awake
      I have metal chains binding my arms together and I'm riding a cart through some valley.
      I'm a prisoner, similar to the opening of Elder Scrolls: Skyrim.
      My right eye is bound shut somehow and I can't find a way to move my body to free it.
      I think about how maybe I'm sleeping with my eye covered...

      I must be dreaming!
      Despite being lucid, I can't do anything to free my eye.

      When I woke up, I confirm that my right eye was, in fact, lodged into my pillow. Go figure.

      Carpet Shower
      I'm at my Grandma P's old house (the one with the big upstairs area and Jack/Jill bathroom).
      My dad owns it now. He's talking to his friend about how great blowjobs are. I mean, I can't argue with the man.
      There is a stuffed animal on a chair alone in one of the rooms. I don't see the significance of it, if any.
      I'm searching for a shower and I find one in the middle of one of the big bedrooms over the carpeting.
      It doesn't strike me as strange that a faucet is right in the middle of the bedroom wall.
      I start to shower up, but my Dad interrupts me and I have to leave the room.

      Unexpected Assist
      I'm in an apartment similar to H and A's from a few years back.
      We're down some stairs. H is giving me a strange look and I feel like she is into me.
      Her and my girlfriend S are aware of my WBTB and WILD attempts, and are trying to help.
      They set up a bed for me with a stuffed animal to help me sleep.

      Panther Dinner Time
      I'm in a fancy restaurant sitting outside. It reminds me of where we sat and got ice cream in Disneyland/California Adventure.
      There is a large panther approaching the seating area.
      It's aggressive and the crowd freaks out.
      Then a man appears from out of the crowd and seems to know the panther.
      He commands it, and manages to get it to jump onto a nearby brick wall and hang there.
      The situation is resolved.

      Medium workout
      Light dinner
      Bed on time
      6hr/30m WBTB
      Yuschak Primary Trigger (8Mg Galantamine, 250Mg Choline Bitartrate)

      So I still didn't get the result I was hoping for. There were some alarms my girlfriend had go off during the attempt, but I'm not sure I can 100% blame those for the failure. I think that given the challenge of falling asleep once again, 30m might be too long of a wake period. Intent was 20m, but by the time I had taken the supplements, recorded my dreams, used the bathroom, and reviewed my goals 30m had passed. I'm undecided if I want to test 6hr/30m WBTB one more time, or move on and try 6hr/20m in earnest.

      Updated 06-15-2023 at 07:30 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment , lucid
    2. Summer comp 11

      by , 06-12-2023 at 09:38 PM
      Non-lucid frag: +0.5
      Wbtb: +2

      Lucid: +10
      I don’t really remember this lucid, but I did realize I was dreaming then woke into an FA.

      That is all.
    3. June 8, 2023 1:17 pm

      by , 06-08-2023 at 12:29 PM
      I've been very sleep deprived from work as well as having dreamless nights lately, took a short nap during my lunch break.

      I dreamed that I was in my bed, trying to fall asleep when I suddenly realised that my room became bigger, the wall next to my bed was moved a few meters further. There's a darkskin girl with me in the room and my roommate shows up back from the barbershop with bright white skin and light grey curly hair and a beard like an ancient philospher statue. It made the three of us laugh out so loud I felt my brain throbbing.

      I knew I was dreaming and walked into my bed to try and wake up, noticing the dept of my surprisingly big room as well as my unrecognisable roommate flash between odd and normal like flickering lights. I suddenly thought about that Joey Bada$$ interview where he talked about astral projecting at that moment, but I knew that I had to get back to work soon. I was, however still dreaming even though the dream was literally me lying in my bed.

      I then briefly wake up and doze off again dreaming that I'm traveling to the Friedrichstraße station, but I was naked and my clothes were in a storage locker in w different train station. This time I knew I was dreaming and woke up, just relaxing in my bed before the alarm went off.
    4. Comp Night 6 - Woke Up a Lot

      by , 06-08-2023 at 01:14 AM (MeiSEKAI)
      Slept at 11:10, earlier than usual because I was tired. Actually, I'm still tired.


      Dream #1 (Non-Lucid):
      I was in S's house messing around with a girl my age, who was apparently my Japanese tutor. S's mom at some point was holding a razor doing something dangerous, but S took it away from her. Their interactions were very much like a parent-child role reversal. I(?) went up to the bathroom to do something, and their mom said, "It's definitely not the bathroom." [I have no idea what that meant or what was going on here, memories and notes are both vague.]

      Later the Japanese tutor pushed me into "my" chair (one among many) and shoved the back of it, sending me flying down a hallway. It rolled like a wheely-chair despite having no wheels and I was facing backwards. I held on tight to the seat and the dream went into third person until I hit a towel and came to a stop.

      The tutor recorded it all but messed up the editing, even though it was live? In the beginning we hadn't liked each other very much and all my awkward jokes flopped, but by this point we were best buddies. The camera zoomed in on each chair, upon which the "before and after" of different aspects of our relationship were displayed.


      Yeah, this dream made no sense. Woke up at 3:31, remembering nothing and tempted to go back to sleep without trying. But I pulled myself together and ended up remembering these two fragments—point-wise, they're the same as a full non-lucid dream.


      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      My mom was hosting a dinner party in our backyard, which looked more like J&L's backyard. The house was way bigger than it is IWL, and one of the guests was our neighbor Diana. I was dealing with a troublesome situation involving an animal(?) named Candy, but I can't recall the details.

      I texted J and S in a group chat, asking S when we would meet up, since yesterday they said we had to talk [true]. They didn't answer, and J suddenly sent a "Happy birthday!" message. S did the same, adding a party emoji. I checked the date on my phone and sure enough, it really was my birthday.

      I wasn't surprised, but a gloomy mood overtook me and I started complaining about how, on top of dealing with this Candy fiasco, I had to find out that no one remembers my birthday—not even me. It was a bit hard to type because my phone kept glitching, but even IWL that's normal.

      My mom came inside to grab some tablecloths for the party. I looked at her with a deep frown, the kind a child makes before bursting into tears. I didn't even know what age I was turning, but I couldn't believe she forgot my birthday. [This would never happen in reality unless she got dementia or something.]

      "What? Why do you look like that? You're on electronics too much," she said, and I started crying. "Oh, guess it's not that then."

      She went back outside without asking what the problem was. But a few seconds later, I heard her let out a terrible wail. I knew she'd realized and went out to see if she would apologize. She was hunched over on the ground, but when I went up to her, she raised her head and smiled. "You thought I forgot your birthday? Don't be silly."

      Startled by the change in attitude, I said, "Stop lying."

      It was already 3:30 in the afternoon, so if she truly hadn't forgotten, what was she planning to do? And why had she been despairing just a moment ago? There's no way she could remember yet not acknowledge it. Still she insisted, and although some doubts crept in, I refused to believe her.

      Abruptly woke at 4:11; WBTB.

      Dream #3 (Non-Lucid):
      There was a group of horses talking to each other, awkward and relatable, practicing Japanese with flashcards. They took out the kanji for month/moon, but on closer inspection it became the kanji for rain. On even closer inspection, it didn't look quite right.

      Next thing I remember is being in my room, looking at an imitation painting I made of the horses. One of them was biting the other's tail, and there was a dragon on its saddle. A stone tower loomed in the distance, and two more dragons were piled on top of it. The painting was able to move like a live photo. I thought it was very futuristic.

      I had a false awakening in which I wrote down the dream, and after that I had another false awakening in which I did the same thing!
      When I woke up for real at 5:11 I was confused and lay there for a while trying to figure out what had happened. Forgot much of the dream, but the FAs actually helped me recall the details of the horse part.

      Dream #4 (Non-Lucid):
      Andrew Tate was dating a teenage boy. I saw a video on TikTok of them kissing. The caption read, "He's even a pedo now!" There was a child next to the two of them so I worried about the implications of this.

      After the kiss the (teen) kid walked away blushing. He was wearing a Hunter x Hunter shirt, and on it Killua was blushing too. I wondered if the video was fake because it's weird for non-anime people to blush like that, and the matching shirt seemed unrealistic.

      Sudden false awakening. I debated whether or not I should write down the dream, deciding to do it later since it was almost 6:15. I went over it in my head and thought, Even though it's short, it's not a fragment because that was the whole dream. So that'll be one point.

      My brothers N and Z were both awake. Z was in my bed with headphones on, watching something on his phone. I lay down and covered my ears with a blanket because N was being annoying, but when I put the cloth over my ears, I heard loud piano music and singing. It was definitely a cover of a PowaPowa-P song, not sure which one. Even though the singer's voice was shaking and too-loud and full of voice cracks, I didn't mind because I was fascinated by the hallucination. If I pressed too hard and covered my ear canals, I couldn't hear anything, and eventually the sounds stopped altogether.

      I told Z about it and he told me to shut up and stop talking to him, not meanly though. I kicked him and we both kind of laughed. I announced that I needed to pee and since it was 6:14, I figured it would be fine to get up now. I climbed down from the bed, gathered my clothes, and headed to the bathroom. But for some reason, N was about to walk in first.

      What the heck? He's in middle school, he doesn't need to get up yet. Bet he just wants to go on the computer. I told him to stop, and he backed away from the bathroom as if repelled. Behind me, I heard my 6:15 alarm going off. Oh yeah, I forgot to disable it.

      I turned back to do that…
      and woke up to my real 6:15 alarm going off. Kinda crazy!

      I may have forgotten a dream in between the third and fourth, but maybe I'm just confused. I'm disappointed in myself for missing so many dream signs, I even questioned my surroundings multiple times. But what can ya do...


      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream (x4) - 4 points
      Dragons Theme - 5 points
      (3 comments - 1 point)
      Tonight's sum: 10 points
      Previous sum: 70 points

      Comp total: 80 points

      Updated 06-08-2023 at 01:16 AM by 99938 (fixed title)

      Tags: competition
      non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    5. Comp Night 4 - A Very Confusing Lucid

      by , 06-06-2023 at 02:55 AM (MeiSEKAI)
      Y'know, I really love these podcasts with CanisLucidus and OpheliaBlue. They always seem to say the most useful things right when I need to hear it... even if they said it years ago.
      Anyway, on to the dreams

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      A girl was on the subway, heading for Japan. She was confused about Chinese versus Japanese pronunciation. Someone abruptly stopped her at 3:30 to ask a question.

      That's all. Ironically, I woke up at 3:30. Logged the entry and went to sleep, attempting WILD as usual. I used CanisLucidus's "99, I'm dreaming, 98, I'm dreaming" method this time.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      Spoiler for suicide:

      There was an immediate scene change. Now I was not even in the dream, but the "camera" was on a guy wearing a turtle shell, and he said to me, "So, you're trying to WILD? Just give it up." We both became simultaneously alarmed by his words. "I mean, no, no, never mind.... I don't know anymore, you schmuck."


      I woke up at 4:21. After recording the dream, I lay awake for at least 35 minutes, doubting if I would be able to get back to sleep at all. But I was thinking of LDing and WILD the whole time, and eventually I drifted off.


      Dream #3 (Lucid):
      Where do I even start? The order of this dream is so scrambled... I'll try my best.

      I was on a spaceship, in a small room with my mom and a cabinet of spices. Lucid from the get-go, I remembered my first three-step task: flying! I jumped up and hovered in the air, being careful not to fly through the ceiling in case the dream blacked out.

      Wriggling in midair, I bragged to my mom, "This is a dream! This is a dream!"

      She clapped and praised me
      , yet at the same time, I heard her shrieking at me to do my work. It was weird, but the image of her in that room was super vivid. I remember being amazed and hoping I didn't wake up.
      Then I had a false awakening.

      I attempted WILD by imagining my mom as she was before, and she kind of "booted up," but in the end it failed. So I went to sleep normally
      and the next thing I remember is being in my living room, lucid again. I pushed my brother aside and jumped into and through the front door, trying to teleport. I emerged in total blackness.*

      At first I assumed I had woken up, but then I thought,
      Wait, what if this is the "void" CanisLucidus mentioned? Remembering how he hailed it as an effective teleportation tool, I tried to summon up a scenery. Grainy graphics resembling the ATNRPG logo popped up.** (I started playing it yesterday.) There were four letters instead of six, and they kept changing, most of them somewhat Greek-looking. I wasn't surprised; I was glad for the typical dream sign.

      I entered what I for some reason believed to be a WILD transition. I was in the woods in front of a stream, mentally comparing it to its real life counterpart. This one had more greenery, and the trees were packed more densely. A kid from my ESS class appeared, floating face-down in the river. (I was reminded of Dazai from BSD.) But he wasn't completely limp, rather suspending his waist over the water while keeping his head submerged.

      My friend A was with me and we pulled him out, despite his struggles. "Can't you see I'm trying to die here?" he snapped.

      "You should do a better job of it then," I said coldly. "Besides, we'll get in big trouble if we're caught turning a blind eye."

      He pushed us away and even started throwing punches. A was distressed but I figured it was a good opportunity to solidify the dream. Unfortunately, I couldn't feel anything.

      Don't remember the end of the scene, maybe it was another FA+false DEILD.

      I was on a spaceship again, literally on top of it, mostly non-lucid. My body was a mechanical bunny, and making it walk was quite difficult. A little astronaut was with me, and we had to avoid these moving concrete traffic barriers; touching them would be fatal. (On some level it was a video game.)

      He opened a door for us but I somehow entered the wrong one. I came across a device with the ability to change the background of my alarm clock. I was like, "Oh wow, I never knew that my alarm clock background could change!" (I was a little bit lucid since I assumed it would change it in real life.)

      A selection of anime-style backgrounds filled the screen. I scrolled through the various themes, among them Irisu Syndrome, Yume Nikki, generic night skies, et cetera. I was going to choose the first, but I couldn't buy it because I needed 30 "tickets" and owned none.

      How am I supposed to get tickets? Never heard of 'em, I thought grumpily. I accidentally pressed a button but canceled it by hitting "esc." I think it also teleported me to the correct door and sent me through.

      I was lucid again, more than before, walking through the spaceship's hallway with a bunch of people. I decided to go with the flow and follow them, wondering if they would take me anywhere important. We went through one of those futuristic, automatic, semi-circle-shaped doors into a room I didn't pay enough attention to to remember.

      I thought of the competition, under the impression that this was its own separate dream, unaware of the false DEILDs. I said hello to a reporter lady and she happily greeted me back. Then I tried to push my finger through my palm but it didn't work at all, so I looked at my hands instead. Totally normal. For a moment I assumed it was because the dream was so stable, but perhaps I was just being cocky. I looked closer and bam, suddenly I only had three short fingers on each hand! It was so creepy I actually said "Eek!" and shook them out. I looked away and in my peripheral vision saw them return to normal.

      I worried the repulsion would wake me up, so I distracted myself by flying. It was unusually difficult; I had to kick myself into the air and flail around to stay afloat.

      "Stop that," the reporter scolded. I did, and she led me over to a marked circle on the ground, asking me some questions I didn't listen to nor answer.

      I wracked my brain for the memory of my next three-step task, but nothing came up. Again I worried about waking up, and maybe the dream dissolved, or I had an FA, but this is the next scene I remember:

      My memories of this part are particularly fuzzy, and I wasn't even in it. There was a play going on (in the same spaceship I believe) but a couple actors had been abducted—a gay boy and a pretty blond girl. An image of the latter flashed across the screen, anime style, of course. Short wavy hair, long eyelashes, a floppy hat, and a white sundress.

      Someone said, "Oh, I knew that gay guy was going to get abducted someday."

      "Well, I knew that girl was going to get abducted someday," someone else put in. [The visuals were very bad.] "[Name], you should have watched her better."

      [Name] was a teenage boy who probably had a crush on the blond girl. "I thought it would be creepy to watch her too much..." he mumbled.

      They were about to set out on a rescue mission, but before they did, I woke up for real at 5:36. There was a sort of hypnopompic transition into wakening, similar to the turtle guy but less vivid. A monk was facing the "camera" and talking about lucid dreaming. I don't remember what he said.


      The reason the order of everything is so confused in my brain is because I didn't write it down right away. When I first awoke, I still believed all those false awakenings were actual DEILDs, and I tried to do another one. But after a while I realized that this time was different than the others and I needed to hurry and write down the dream, or I would forget.

      Anyway, this is my first LD of the competition! YAY! Maybe I'll draw some pics for it tomorrow.

      Edit: Pics!

      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - ½ point
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point
      WILD - 10 points
      Fly + First Chosen Task - 10 points
      Interact with a Dream Character - 2 points
      *Does this count as Fully Phase through Big Solid Object if I lost lucidity afterwards? - TBD (Edit: Yep, 10 points)
      **Is this Advanced Summoning? - TBD (Edit: Nope)
      Reality Check / Stabilization - 1 point
      Tonight's sum: 26.5 (Edit: 36.5)
      Previous sum: 25 points

      Comp total: 51.5 points (Edit: 61.5 points)

      Updated 06-07-2023 at 01:56 AM by 99938

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment
    6. 6/04/23

      by , 06-05-2023 at 06:03 AM (Oneironautic Escapades)
      Gun Game

      Firearm situation with teams of people against each other
      I am with friends it is very tense like an action sequence
      Arming myself with various weapons and matching clips/ammo
      Have long x-ray scope I can snipe with, on some random rifle
      Take out two of the other team on the rooftop of the opposite building
      One enemy is in our building
      He casually walks through the door of our hotel room wearing a silver vest and smiling, he looks like liev schreiber
      I unload both clips of the auto pistols I have that look like pez dispensers
      He seems fairly unaffected and I instantly think he's cheating
      He shoots me a bunch with his auto but they feel like bbs or airsoft pellets while saying he messed me up really bad
      He has also stolen several pairs of my colored glasses and pulls them off his hip and hands them to me, I note they are colours I don't normally don't have like white and several brighter shades of green
      (Note: I hardly play fps games and do not own a firearm)


      I am in a dark large house on the second floor that has banisters wrapping the walls covered in fancy paintings
      A toddler maybe 4 or 5 runs at me shouting a play name for me "Nooooowwwwiiiiieeeee!" and they hug me like they are glad to see me after some long time. I say thanks I really needed that and the dream fades

      White Carpet

      The room becomes a very nice house
      I arrive out front of a very open all-glass wall seated in a rock wall with the front door wide open
      I realize I just woke up on the driveway with my head on my pillow
      There is a man who looks like Anthony Fauci sitting in a small round car that looks like a jetsons car with wheels, he is watching me stand up slowly
      I pretend to be ready to work, so I wave as I carry my pillow inside
      The foyer is all glass and opens to an ultra-wide stairwell leading down into their home
      The wife is in a flurry is getting ready to leave for work
      I tell them the service guy is here because I don't know what work I'm doing
      Now realize I am doing contracting work for a friend
      Long open floor concept spreading three of four rooms across and she wants all the white carpet ripped out
      I say no problem as she leaves for work
      I go outside to call Chris to double-check he's coming with the truck
      I am transported to the work warehouse and I'm hanging onto the back of the truck while talking to two other female employees
      One is obscured by a forklift
      We are back in front of the house
      The woman is finally leaving the driveway
      It is a very ritzy neighborhood and I see other fancy cars driving by
      For some reason, I ask her if the Bidens live up here
      I go back inside and start ripping the carpet up
      It is double layered and I realize it will take twice as long
      It's also double-sided with a black suede flowers pattern on the underside
      I now notice there is a difference of off-whites between the carpet in the kitchen and the carpet in the middle room as I haphazardly start to rip it up with a pair of scissors I found
      Realize I don't have any of my tools or kneepads and it's going to be a long day

      WBTB- Drank some blue lotus stamen tea, awake around 30-40 min
      Dream is nonsensical and a mishmash of the previous locations and people I interacted with. Did not get it written down

      Fragment of trying to journal my dream on my phone with little success
      Continually delete what I typed and tried several times to just get a single word to input correctly
      The dream fades and I wake up realizing I never journaled my dream
    7. Night of Saturday 6/3/23 (Comp Night 3)

      by , 06-04-2023 at 09:27 PM (Dreamlog)
      Before WBTB

      Russian Ride
      I'm traveling internationally and I don't speak the language where I am at. I'm getting off a train or bus looking for the airport. I see another bus leaving and I wave my arms and chase it, yelling for it to stop. It does. I try to ask the driver where the airport is and he tells me (in English) that the bus is full. It clearly isn't. I wonder if there is some law saying there must be X number of open seats. Regardless, I stay on the bus and he doesn't kick me off. I make my way to the back of the bus. It resembles the CATA bus system from back home. In the back car is a girl with one leg. Short hair, kinda "bad-girl type". She has khaki pants on, and the missing leg has it tied to cover the stump. I sit next to her and ask for help. She's friendly.

      Some time later we are back at her apartment. It's a big studio, kinda messy with paint and art all over the place. I realize that I'm a girl, and that she may be gay. I get the impression she might have been coming onto me.

      Later I'm running from Russian agents. I'm running through an apartment complex, entering and leaving through doors/windows. I'm really high up. When I go outside I'm sidling on just-big-enough edges to not fall. I don't know why they are chasing me. I eventually make my way down from the tall complex and make it to the ground but I haven't shook them.

      I'm in a down-town Chinatown type area at night. There is a big crowd of people and I'm trying to use them to escape from the Russian agents. I'm at a bar with two floors open to the outside. There are some TVs running with couches set in front of them. There are some dark corners I can hide in. I try out a few and crouch down, but I decide that none of them are good enough and keep moving. Then I stand up face-to-face with one of the agents. He looks like Dr. Brenner from Stranger Things.

      Running again. This time it was short. I ended up in a stone building on a grassy hill, hiding underground. But they've just found me. There is the leader (Dr. Brenner) and two thug-types. They are going to torture me for information. I tell them I've only killed one time, and I wasn't sure if it was me or my uncle who pulled them trigger. I guess I was trying to intimidate them. It doesn't work. They casually talk to me about something and then without warning Dr. Brenner shoots my right ear off with a pistol.

      I cry out in pain (S hears me and tries to shake me awake). It doesn't hurt as much as I expected it would. They tell me that they will shoot off the other ear if I don't comply.

      I wake up and tell S I am OK.

      After WBTB

      W Aged Up
      I'm at my Grandma P's house in the bedroom sleeping on the bed. I've slept in later than everybody else. I roll over and see some old drawings I made in my childhood on the wall. My grandma will have decided to have kept them. They are hyper realistic and drawn in pencil. Somehow, they are holographic. I think to myself that maybe I should get back into art.

      W, my brother's son who is due in September, bursts into the room with his friend, Ian. He's four years old. I can't tell who is who and I feel bad about it. But now I know it is because W isn't born yet. One of them has buck teeth. I follow them around the house and then one kid is missing. I find W/Ian eating dish cleaning tablets under sink. Standard kid behavior I guess

      Lucid Fragment
      I'm in a large mall, reminiscent of one from an old marching band trip from high school. I do a nose reality check and realize I'm dreaming. I double take...crap! I was dreaming that whole time before with W! I think to myself that step one is to find my DG...but my lucidity slips and I wander off.

      Medium workout early in day
      Big dinner
      2 drinks of alcohol
      Stayed up late
      6hr/30m WBTB
      Yuschak Primary Trigger (8Mg Galantamine, 250Mg Choline Bitartrate)

      My theory on what happened here...sleep cycle issues. Instead of jumping into the same sleep cycle I was just in, I jumped into the beginning of a later one. I stayed up until about 2:30am playing Zelda and then set an alarm for 8:30am...so about 6 hours after sleep. I know that 5h45m has been a good target for me, so I was experimenting with a larger time to test and see if it can be improved. One problem though is that I didn't have an established wake-sleep rhythm. Plus, I stayed up longer than the typical 15m during the WBTB. I planned slightly longer at 20m but it was more like 30m. I don't think the alcohol will have mattered much because of the later timing, but it could have played a part. Lesson learned: Next time, have an established sleep rhythm. Gonna say data inconclusive about 6h/20m WBTB setup.

      Updated 09-05-2023 at 08:05 PM by 99808

      false awakening , memorable , dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid , nightmare
    8. Summer Competition Night 3

      by , 06-04-2023 at 06:04 PM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      Robes Summoning Attempt Four (WILD) 06.04.2023

      I realize how quickly I am falling asleep after my WBTB so I do a nose pinch RC and confirm my WILD worked. I get out of bed and have a hard time stabilizing.

      I summon my robes of Anorak and try pulling up a HUD but without luck. I destabilize and DEILD. Again I try the robes. It DEILD many times and get discouraged.

      I try taking out my phone wnd calling Juliana. She anawers and gives me some encouragement. I try pulling uo the HUD and it works! I tap the search bar abd say "Juliana's Cottage' and snap my fingers and then I am there.

      I go through the door and Juliana is there. I feel tired because of all the DEILDe so all we do is talk for the rest of the dream.

      Update 5:45 PM! This is Juliana. I suddenly remembered my memories of my perspective of the dream. I was sittimg in my cottage in the dark. I don't know why I didn't light the fireplace. I waited for half an hour and then Monkey showed up we talked but I don't remember what we talked about.

      Updated 06-05-2023 at 01:46 AM by 32125

      lucid , false awakening
    9. Summer comp 3

      by , 06-04-2023 at 05:39 PM
      Don’t remember the context of this one, but I realized I was dreaming (+10 for DILD), and then everything started to fade for no reason.
      So, I quickly did something to reform the dream so it didn’t completely go, and it ended up becoming an FA when it was reformed, so I lost lucidity, thinking I missed my opportunity.
      But I walked into the living room of my house, and did an RC quickly (+1 for RC / Stabilization), which made me realize I was dreaming again.
      I then walked out to the front yard with no footwear on, then onto the road.
      I was thinking of burrowing into the ground and completely phasing through it for the three-step task, but unfortunately I woke up right before that.

      For a very long time while I was awake (+2 for WBTB), I tried hard to remember the context to me getting lucid in that dream, but I couldn’t. I eventually just gave up, wrote it down, and returned to sleep.

      I was playing some ULTRAKILL, and I quickly realized I was dreaming (+5 for subsequent DILD). I was in the middle of fighting a malicious face, an enemy which can fire a hitscan laser.
      The malicious face’s laser can be deflected if you throw a coin right at the beam (this is called a chargeback).
      So since it was a dream, I thought I would go for some chargebacks on it. I tried backflipping while throwing a coin, but the coin missed the laser and I almost got shot.
      I think I woke up a little bit after that.

      I was in the middle of falling asleep, when I regained consciousness and realized I could form a dream really quick with WILD, so I focused on random imagery that kept popping in my head, and it worked. (+10 for WILD)
      I entered a dream in my living room. With haste, I moved to the porch, and tried to plan what to do. But once again, I woke up before doing anything.

      Man I really have lucid length issues huh? I really needa fix that.
    10. Summer comp, day 1

      by , 06-02-2023 at 07:30 PM
      My dreams were all over the place in terms of recall. Only remembering the last couple scenes from them.

      First thing I remember is finding screenshots of several people I know online saying horrendous things. I don't remember what these things were.
      After a memory gap, the very next thing I remember was being in this aquatic area, where I questioned why exactly I was there.. Then I woke into an FA, of course.
      When I was in the FA, instead of checking if I was still dreaming, I decided to recall everything so I can journal it.
      Then I woke up for real.

      I remember getting delivered 'ETWOLD 2' in the mail. I immediately went to go read it in my bedroom.
      When I opened to the first page, I couldn't read any of the words properly, dream-brain issue.
      Got into an FA after that, where I finally figured out it was really weird to ever think there'd actually be a sequel to ETWOLD.
      Drifted back into a regular dream plot, at my house.
      An old friend of mine (that no longer lives in the area) was riding a bike down the dirt road.
      Memory gap.
      I was at a foreign location in some town, heading into a building. A dog followed me in, then I got kicked onto the ground by someone.
      The dog promptly dove for my neck and ripped my throat out, wow.
      Then I quickly drifted back awake, quite unphased by it all.

      I was in a foreign building. There was various individuals from my old school, and maybe some family members.
      I don't really remember what happened here, though.

      Dream 1: +0.5
      Dream 2: +1
      Dream 3: +0.5
      WBTB: +2
    11. WILD Transition and Teleportation!

      by , 05-27-2023 at 02:00 AM (MeiSEKAI)
      I was complaining yesterday, but today I rejoice, for I had an EPIC lucid dream! I reached the 30-minute mark of this podcast, right in the middle of their teleportation discussion. Slept at 11:30.

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      I wanted to refresh myself on the major and minor chords of piano for a summer program I'm enrolled in. I searched it up and found a forum similar to Dreamviews. Someone had posted a YouTube video explaining the chords, and other people were sharing their own specialties below.


      The way I woke up was very interesting. I was mostly unconscious, in a half-dream state, when I thought, No wait, I need to wake up! and my eyes flew open. Not sure if I checked the time before or after writing down this fragment, but it was 4:58. I lay back down and after 5-10 minutes of getting comfortable, I started a WILD transition.

      Now, I am not sure when it went from lucid daydreaming to actually being in the dream. Luckily I use the same green for both LDDing and semi-lucids, so it works out. But up until the blue, I really thought I was just daydreaming! (I now believe I was fully dreaming the majority of the time.)


      Dream #2 (Lucid Daydream/Semi-Lucid; Lucid):
      This is a dream.

      That is the mantra I repeated each time I caught myself daydreaming. The first concrete scene I remember is someone explaining how every time Kagome from Inuyasha returns to the modern era, the feudal era ends! Rather than them existing simultaneously, she travels through time to the future, where everyone from the feudal era is long dead. As proof, they mentioned the episode where a Shikon Jewel shard was embedded in a tree in the modern era. The jewel only shattered into shards after Kagome's first visit, so clearly what happens there is the direct past of the modern era.

      The scenery came into focus. Kagome was standing in the yard of her shrine-house, and a boy was explaining the above to her. He proposed that there might even be evidence of her from that time in this world. She quickly shot that idea down, but then he brought out a life-sized cardboard cutout of herself (apparently from the Feudal Era) and propped it in front of her.

      Kagome's jaw dropped to the floor in shock, and she circled around the cutout, holding its hands and straightening up so she would be taller than it. Then they forgot about it and went to a restaurant.

      I sat with them in a booth, thinking about telling someone how I distinguish between lucid daydreams and actual dreams. In a lucid daydream, I'm still aware of my WL body and can't see or feel anything clearly, but the plot is as random and elaborate as a proper dream... [Kind of ironic now that I can't tell.]

      Kagome was telling the boy that gakuran uniforms were required for everyone in her old middle school. (She was a high schooler in this dream, wearing her usual seifuku.) I had never heard of that before, and the guy was confused as well. "Required?" he asked.

      "Yeah," she confirmed, then stood up and left, presumably to get food.

      "Guess she likes wearing a skirt now, though," he said to me.

      "Yeah, well, it makes sense." I spoke with the affectionate tone one uses when they know a friend well. "I can just hear her voice in my head: 'I don't want to wear pants! A sailor uniform is way cuter!'"

      He asked what I would choose, and I replied, "Gakuran, obviously."

      "Huh," he said. I wasn't sure what to make of that, but then the "daydream" ended and moved on to the next.

      My brother Z, best friend S, and I were in a hotel room S had booked for us. I didn't question it because I was still repeating the "this is a dream" mantra in my head. It was a nice, expensive-looking room. A bunk bed was pressed against the wall, and although S and a bunch of bags were on the top bunk, it was apparently mine. Z got the bottom bunk (which was concealed by an intricately designed blanket-curtain), and S got the regular bed next to us.

      Eventually my brother and S left and I was alone in the room. I'm not sure about the order of events after this, but I'll try to arrange them in a way that makes sense.

      I went to the bathroom and did my business, for some reason deciding to throw my dirty toilet paper in the trash can. [IWL I find that disgusting.] For a moment I got confused over whether it was really a trash can, since there was soap(?) in it as well. But then I saw a pile of TP and pushed it aside to dispose of mine, revolted that I had to touch it. I hurried to the sink, wondering why they had to make it so confusing.

      Still, this place is so nice, I thought as I washed my hands. The faucet handles were the indented, circular type, and underneath the clear surface of the left knob was a casual pink color. Everything was so homey and comfortable, from the lighting to the furniture. There was even a couch in there! I wondered how S could possibly afford this, then reminded myself it was a dream.

      Suddenly Shippo, Miroku, and Inuyasha appeared. Shippo was talking about how weird it was when Inuyasha flirted with him (he was possessed by a flea in that episode), but the reason he found it weird was either because he was a fox or a boy. Both Miroku and I were thinking, It's weirder because you're a child...

      I told them it was okay because Inuyasha was brainwashed by a flea at the time and wasn't actually addressing Shippo. Some other stuff happened that I don't remember clearly; I think I touched Inuyasha's face and clothes to immerse myself/stabilize.

      I somehow ended up in a place that looked like my living room but was still part of the hotel. There was a really muscular guy sitting in my chair. When he leaned forward I sat down behind him, though I wasn't sure why. He got offended and grabbed me, body-slamming me on the couch. I struggled to escape, but it was hopeless.

      Luckily he transformed into a giant cob of corn. The weight on my chest reminded me of how some people describe sleep paralysis, and since I still thought I was daydreaming, I assumed the feeling originated from my physical body. I couldn't figure out why though, as I have been sleeping on my back for years and long gotten used to it. Nonetheless I tried to ignore it; I didn't want to give up the WILD.

      I managed to roll the corn off of me and fell to my knees on the floor. Everything had become dark and unclear, so I stared at the coffee table, the couch, and a tissue box to re-stabilize. I wanted to hurry and transition into a full-fledged lucid dream, so I held the tissue box in my hands and tried to make it three-dimensional. It only worked a little.

      Next thing I remember is sitting in the hotel lobby, clarity no longer an issue. There was a TV fixtured to the wall, displaying previews of Pinocchio-P songs. One of them was a creepy vampire-person bearing their fangs, and I worried it would seep into my dreams and give me my first nightmare in years. I turned away from the screen.

      Then I had a false awakening in my bed, the same painful pressure from before weighing on my chest. Actually, it was worse this time—I could hardly breathe.

      I struggled to sit up, telling myself without much hope, It's okay, this is a dream, this is still a dream.
      I did a nose-plug reality check and it worked effortlessly! It was so unambiguous that there was no question about it: I was (properly) dreaming!

      Wasting no time, I climbed down from my bed and left the room, glancing at N on my way out. I tried to immerse myself in the scene but my vision became patchy, so I focused instead on my destination. I had run through my goals very quickly in my head and settled on snowboarding. I went down the stairs and headed for the front door, gravity so light that I might as well have been walking on the moon! I grinned from ear to ear 'cause it felt so cool.

      I wrapped my hand around the handle and thought, Beyond this door is a snowy mountain, the same one I went snowboarding at in middle school. I remembered CanisLucidus's words and tried to imagine it in as much detail as possible. When I opened the door, though, it was only my neighborhood... except blanketed in snow and decorated with Christmas lights! Pretty awesome, but not what I wanted. (I wondered briefly if it would be cold but didn't want to waste time finding a jacket or boots.) I closed the door, intending to try again, but the wood had become glass. I doubted the technique would work if I could see what was outside, so I accepted my fate and exited the house.

      After walking a short distance, barefoot yet not cold at all, I looked to my left and saw the snowy mountain right there! Complete with a ski-lift and everything! I sprinted to the top oddly quickly and saw that there were a bunch of kids snowboarding already. It appeared to be a competition, and reminded me of the LDing comp in less than a week.

      The kids' stuff was scattered around in the snow, so I stole a snowboard out of a bag labeled "Olivia." It was light blue and on the small side but whatever. I looked around for socks and shoes, since I didn't think it was a good idea to strap myself in barefoot. I spotted a fuzzy pink pair of socks, but they were a bit thin and, frankly, ugly...

      A little blond girl ran up to me, eyes sparking with excitement. "We're making some awesome socks over there! Wanna see?"

      How useful, I thought. I smiled at her and said sure. She took me to her parents and I kind of forgot about the socks. The dad pointed to two other children and said, "This is her brother, and this is her identical twin sister."

      The twin was a lot darker-skinned than the first girl, I guess because the mom was white and the dad was black. [I know that's not how identical twins work… 99.9% of the time.]
      Without warning, I woke up.


      The clock read 5:28, so taking into account my time spent getting comfortable, I was only asleep for 20-ish minutes, same as yesterday. I was shocked because it felt like at least an hour! But I couldn't go back to sleep because I spent the rest of my time writing. (Wish I could use my phone... sigh.)

      Anyway, this does count as teleportation, right? It's similar to the closet method, after all. Either way, IT WAS SO COOL!!!

      Some sketches of the dream scenes:
      Why do you believe in God?-img_20230526_205130150.jpg
      (P.S. I have noticed when hovering over pics on my DJ, that they are named after random threads like "What is the nature of will?" and "The Unknown Dreamer" and "HALLOWE'EN". Does it appear that way for anyone else? I wonder what this one will be called.)
      (Edit: It's "Why do you believe in God?" LMAO)

      Updated 05-27-2023 at 02:08 AM by 99938

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment
    12. 20th Lucid Dream

      by , 05-25-2023 at 10:30 PM (MeiSEKAI)
      Last night I listened to 15 minutes of this podcast before going to sleep at 11:20.

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      All I remember is that there was this whole thing at school about taking a break from cheering by playing Hearts. My dad was especially hung up about it. Later, I was at my house and Z said he ran "10 miles yesterday," followed by N saying he ran one.


      That's it. It's sad because I have the sense this was a ginormous dream, and also because I didn't wake up till 5:30. I jotted the dream down and poorly did SSILD till I fell back asleep at 5:40-ish.


      Dream #2 (Lucid; FA; Non-Lucid):
      I can barely read my handwriting for this but I'll try! The main character was a guy in his late twenties, and his companion was a girl who could've been anywhere from 19-24. They were in my house, but in different rooms. She was "off-screen" in the bedroom, and he was in the bathroom with the lights turned off. He was perched on top of the door and holding his breath, hiding from a monster coming up the stairs.

      Not sure how that scene transitioned into this one, but the monster was now in the bedroom about to kill the girl. MC ran in and knocked it off of her. I can't recall its appearance, only that it was big and dark... maybe wearing a tophat and bowtie? Anyway, the monster turned on him, trying to poke his eyes out.

      MC held it off but was starting to feel a little nervous now, so he said in a silly voice, "Why do they always go for the eyes?!" [They had fought multiple monsters before this; not sure if they were false memories or not.]

      His attempt to lighten the mood worked. The monster backed off and became friendlier, though MC could feel it was still a threat. It gave him a watch and headed toward the exit, saying something neither MC nor I (as the nonexistent observer) could make out. Right before it left, though, the words "come to that place later and meet me" could be heard. MC agreed, but I don't know if he really meant it.

      Later he turned into a child, except it was only an illusion. (Not sure how it worked.) He really wanted to be a kid again. I was now a character in the dream, viewed from third person, following him through a library. On either side of us were windows revealing kids playing with blocks and toys and each other. He wanted to join them, but he couldn't because he was an adult. I think I asked him something, but he didn't reply.

      We came to what looked like a mall play area. The unspoken rule that adults weren't allowed was less heavy here, but it would still have been odd. I asked another question and he said he just wanted to pet the cat. Sure enough, at the end of the room, on a stool, was a black cat. He pet it with his tiny hands. I could tell he wanted to give off an air of childish innocence, and I faintly felt a mix of disgust, pity, and affection.

      Then something happened and he bolted out of the library, planning on running away from home. I took his place (as in, I was dealing with his situation, but in my body) and he disappeared. This world was more technologically advanced and I knew the chances of me escaping were slim.

      I climbed on top of a wall and somehow knew this was Washington DC.
      Then out of nowhere, I realized I was dreaming. "Right, that's right, I was trying to have a lucid dream!"

      My first instinct was to slow down and stabilize before doing anything. I felt the wall with my hands and feet, looking out at the city and the night sky, and wow, it looked so real! Until I looked back down and everything got blurry, that is. I tried not to worry about the half-blind problem, but I couldn't help it, and although it didn't happen, the dream still faded and
      I woke up.

      It was a false awakening. I checked the time and it was past 10:00. Huh...? Do we not have school today? Well, that's good, I'll try to have another lucid dream then. I thought that and went back to sleep.

      The scene switched. I was now preparing for some competition at school. The purpose of it was to give "losers" another chance, whatever that meant. But even non-losers had to participate! I was apparently a non-loser in this dream and questioning why I had to go, whining at the top of the stairs about how it's not fair.

      The tone of my voice ticked my dad off and he started yelling an "explanation" at me from downstairs. I don't remember my reaction, I just went into the bathroom and
      woke up for real.


      It was 6:02 when I woke up, so this dream was only 20 minutes long. Still... WHY ARE ALL MY LUCIDS LATELY SO SHORT?! And low-level as well... hopefully things improve over the weekend.
    13. Something Moved the CPAP Machine

      by , 05-15-2023 at 08:23 AM
      Type: Regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      This was another false awakening, and unlike the previous entry, this was an actual nightmare. It was pretty in-tune with how my nightmares usually go. I'm wondering if I had this nightmare because I fell asleep with a polyester blanket on top of my head and became too hot, as overheating has historically resulted in nightmares for me. I've remembered details from a few other dreams this week, but they're quite minimal so I won't even record them as fragments. Hopefully my recall improves some more.
      I woke up in bed, and the room was dark. I sensed that it was the middle of the night. I was initially lying on my stomach, but I pulled myself upright into a sitting position, criss-crossing my legs in front of me on the bed. I generally don't hang my legs over the side of the bed in real life, and I didn't want to do it here, either. There wasn't much to see, but I could feel the bed underneath me, and I knew I was wearing a CPAP mask on my face. However, unlike in real life, I couldn't feel the mask on my face. I just "knew" it was there. This didn't strike me as odd.

      As I breathed normally, I heard the quiet inhalation and exhalation noise from the CPAP hose. The noise itself seemed normal, but it seemed a bit out of sync with my breathing. The placement was also wrong. It was supposed to be coming from my nightstand area, next to my pillow, because that was where my CPAP machine was located in real life. But in the dream, the noise was coming from further down the the bed, near the foot of it, which implied the machine had somehow been moved onto the floor there. I vaguely wondered how the machine got there, but there was no accompanying fear or trepidation, or curiosity enough to find the source. I wasn't bothered about the reason. I just wanted to put it back where it was supposed to be.

      I shimmied over until I was sitting closer to the foot of the bed. In the dream, I believed if I could simply find the hose and move it back, I could move the whole machine back to its proper place too without ever picking it up. I wasn't thinking logically either - I didn't realize that if I wanted to find the hose, which was connected to my mask, I could've just felt my mask on my face and gone from there. Oh well. It was still dark and I couldn't see, so I knew I had to feel around for the hose. I reached out into the darkness next to my bed. As soon as I touched what I "knew" was the hose, I felt something grab my hand tightly. I heard an inaudible yet somehow loud scream, and I knew I was about to die. There was a brief sensation of what I could only describe as the frightened, resigned knowledge that I would be pulled into an eternal purgatory of murky shapes and presences underneath my bed.

      Updated 05-15-2023 at 11:02 PM by 28408

      false awakening , non-lucid , nightmare
    14. Why Does This Keep Happening??

      by , 05-15-2023 at 12:33 AM (MeiSEKAI)
      Title is in regards to the lucid. Went to sleep at 11:45, a little later than usual because my brother's explosive fart startled me awake as I was drifting off.

      Also, happy Mother's Day!

      Dream #1 (Fragment; Non-Lucid)
      Spoiler for self-harm:

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid)
      I was in J and L's car. Their mom was driving us to the school so they could sign up for something called "NASSER." [We're learning about him in history but in the dream it was just some program.] I was thinking about joining as well until I realized it was a cheering thing.

      Eventually the plot changed and I was going to a bunch of side characters' houses (that's actually how I thought of them in the dream). I knocked on one door and a young, straight couple answered. I stared at the man's face, making sure I recognized him.

      He smiled awkwardly down at where I was, for some reason, crouching. "Uh, do we know you?"

      "Yes!" I exclaimed. "I'm the one who came to your doorstep crying earlier, like this!" I mimicked a wailing sound, hoping it would be more funny than weird. Not sure if that event actually happened or if it was a false memory. Either way, it seemed to jog their memory, and they let me in.

      I sat down at their table and watched them. The gf was scolding the guy for not taking care of their little cat-child. [Not a neko-person—a literal cat, which was somehow their child.] He held up his hands and tried to laugh it off.

      Some time later, a bunch of weird battles happened. We'd get in a giant heart-shaped balloon and fight other balloon-creatures. It was pretty cool, but eventually we got overpowered and had to flee. A bonafide car-chase ensued, complete with suave spy music and everything.

      A keychain was sticking out from the napkin holder, and the dad pulled it out, revealing his cat-child! "Oh, thank God, thank goodness, [gf's name]..." Apparently she had put it there. It nuzzled against his fingers and we continued driving.

      We passed by a giant Mr. Krabs in his own balloon, and I wanted to fight, even though I knew it wasn't a good idea. We got out and into our giant heart-balloon, and I started to have regrets...
      Then I woke up.


      It was 5:30, which was pretty distressing for me since I usually wake up for the first time at 3:00-4:00. I jotted down some quick dream notes but didn't fall asleep till after my 6:15 alarm went off.


      Dream #3 (Lucid):
      I was dropped off at my school, I guess for orientation or something. These two blond girls got out of the car in front of me, one with the appearance of a 1st grader, the other a 5th grader. I think they were supposed to be freshmen.

      The older one took the little one's hands and said sympathetically, "[Name], I'm so sorry that you won't be having as many dreams now that school is starting."

      The little one responded solemnly, "No, [name], I'm sorry that you won't be a natural lucid dreamer anymore."

      That's not how it works, why would she say that? I didn't think it with words, but it's how I felt. The OG looked troubled and dropped her hands.

      I was excited to hear people talking about lucid dreaming, so I kept my eyes on them as we walked toward the school. The OG was still talking about it and doing a series of reality checks. I was a bit surprised she knew about/performed them despite being a natural LDer.

      Uncharacteristically, I approached them in the middle of their conversation. "Do you wanna know the best reality check?"

      The LG stared up at me with a neutral expression, but the OG jolted away and shrieked in disgust. "Get away, don't touch me!!"

      I wasn't touching her in the first place but I backed up, thinking, What's her problem? I tried to play off my wounded ego by continuing: "Okay, okay, gosh... but do you really not want to know?"

      It didn't seem like she did, and she still looked disgusted, but she said, "Fine. What is it?"

      "The nose plug RC! You just plug your nose and try to breathe through it."

      For a few seconds she just looked at me with an inexplicable expression. Finally, she said slowly, "I've tried that in a dream before. It didn't work."

      "Oh, really? Ahahaha, okay..." Now I felt stupid. "I've also had some failed RCs, they were all finger-through-palm ones, though... Anyway, I've only had 15 LDs so far but I think it's really cool that you're a natural! Okay, bye!"

      I turned to flee, but the school doors were right in front of us, so I held them open (with some difficulty) for the two girls. When I turned around, though, they were gone. This big brawny kid was trying to get in, but I practically looked through him, croaking out pathetic sounds of confusion.

      Then I had a false awakening. As I often do, I was thinking about the dream without knowing it was a dream yet. Sitting up, I thought, I should've added that if the nose-plug doesn't work at first, you could try moving your tongue so that only the tip is touching the roof of your mouth. [I wonder if this would actually help...]

      Eventually I realized it was just a dream and I needed to do an RC now. A weird wave-feeling rushed through my head; I assumed it was the excitement of possibly being lucid, and that one could wake up from it if they weren't careful. I plugged my nose and breathed. Nothing happened at first, but when I paid really close attention,
      it did seem like a little air was getting through. I couldn't believe it! I was really dreaming!

      Okay, I should make the floor light up as I walk, even if dream control is harder in FAs... should I try to find an unusual pet instead? I considered my options as I climbed down from my bed, but as soon as my feet touched the floor, HALF OF MY VISION WENT AWAY!!! The left half this time! I tried to ignore it and walk out of the room, but in a matter of seconds the scene dissolved and
      I was awake, my eyes trained upwards.


      This is the third time this has happened... I can only assume that I'm opening one eye in real life. It doesn't happen all the time, though... maybe only when I'm nearing the end of a dream.

      It was 7:20 when I finished writing, but I went back to sleep because I could.


      Dream #4 (Non-Lucid):
      My memories of this dream are pretty fragmented, but I understand the gist of it.

      I was with J in my neighborhood, and we were trying to get to school. She had a map but couldn't read it. Eventually I noticed that not only was she holding it upside down, but it wasn't a map to the school in the first place! "Isn't that a world map?" I asked, laughing.

      I don't remember her response, but she gave up and we started walking. I noticed a wrestler-looking guy trailing behind us and took J behind a fence. As expected, he found us. I stepped in front of J and demanded to know why he was following us.

      "Do you know The Phoenix?" he grumbled menacingly.

      I had no idea who that was, but just to mess with him I said, "Do you mean... THE Phoenix?!"

      "SO YOU DO KNOW!" he roared, and the ground exploded, a wrestling ring rising up from the earth and surrounding us. I thought it was hilarious, until a flying tiger jumped into the ring. Then I grabbed J and ran, leaving them to fight each other.

      Later the main character became a girl who was sharing a lucid dream with her friend. There was a whole backstory I don't remember, but at one point she was watching these AoT characters reel in a broken piece of the dock from a bay? I don't know what was going on anymore, but it was pretty epic in the dream.

      Then she woke up, did DEILD by forming a glowing golden ball in her hands and absorbing it into her chest. She did this multiple times, but I don't remember any other specific breaks.

      Now she was in a port city and had a DC friend who was both jealous and money-grubbing. The MC could form giant metal Mecha suits of armor around herself and used it to fight evil. She was able to incorporate the DC friend into the armor as well, but chose not to this one time. For the rest of the dream the DC friend was being a sulky brat about it, until the MC sat down in my house's kitchen, waiting to wake up.

      She was using a voice recorder, intending to bring it back to the real world to see what the transition between sleep and waking sounded like. Other people were also able to hear through it. It was here that she half-became me, and the DC friend became my friend A. She was dressed in her handmade black dress and was teary-eyed.

      "A, why are you crying? Just because I didn't include you in one fight? It's not like it'll always-" Something cut me off, not sure what. "What do you even want?"

      She pouted at me, before saying, "...You."

      "What?!" I yelled. "A! You know we're being recorded right now?!" I shoved the recorder in her face. "You're too cheesy—stop saying things that can be misunderstood!"

      She burst into tears. "I don't care! I just want you to love me again!"

      I had no idea what she was talking about, and before I could figure out how to placate her,
      I woke up for real at 9:45.


      This entry is probably of lower quality compared to my others, my brain isn't working today.

      Oh, but the day after my chain of semi-lucids, I had a semi-semi-lucid where I successfully managed to teleport! Nice

      Here are some pics of the dream scenes:
      i need random facts-unnamed-8-.jpg
      (That flower is so annoying, it's on every other page.)
    15. Chain of Semi-Lucids and FAs

      by , 05-06-2023 at 06:50 PM (MeiSEKAI)
      Yesterday when my friend J and I were walking home from school, I asked her what she would do if she could do anything she wanted, including supernatural things. Her answer was "teleport." This is relevant for later. Went to sleep at 11:30 as usual.

      Dream #1: Non-Lucid
      I don't remember much of this dream. I was climbing a super tall tree, a popular one, so a bunch of other people were doing it as well. I was thinking about the different types of acrophobia (fear of heights), that mine was the type who doesn't get scared until they're really high up. [Actually, in real life I get scared just from being six feet off the ground.] I thought it was the most dangerous type because you would lead people to believe you could do more than you were truly capable of.

      We had to play videogames to progress, and each of them would fill the entire "screen." I specifically remember a racecar game but it's hard to explain, at first I was losing but then I put in more effort and managed to pass the few other people playing. At one point my car shoved aside someone else's and went down a narrow path, the other car pushing me from behind, unintentionally helping me out.

      Then we were back in the tree and there was a young man near me, he said he didn't know anyone his age who saw colors as badly as he did. (I guess he was colorblind.) My vision was messed up as well; I could see colors fine but my head was spinning from fear so I couldn't concentrate on anything. I kept looking down at the large patch of grass far, far below us.

      Eventually I couldn't stand to be in the tree any longer, so I forced my locked-up limbs to move and climbed down to a ledge, nearly falling to my death in the process. The way I pulled myself over a branch was so awkward and I was shaking horribly but I managed to get to the ledge. I breathed a huge sigh of relief
      and woke up at 3:25. Was extremely tired but jotted down the dream anyway, falling back asleep within seconds.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      Remember even less from this dream, and I can barely read my own handwriting. I was on the bus, sitting between J and a girl named Sarah. It was really dark in there for some reason, and on my phone I was watching an animated version of Genshin Impact. The style reminded me of Animal Crossing, though at the time I couldn't remember the name and just settled on Animal Farm.

      When we got off, I asked the bus driver how to save (as in download) something. She explained it to me but was a little too helpful in my opinion. She kept talking and asking if I needed help and I started to feel awkward because my only responses were nods or shakes of the head.

      When she finally stopped I yelled, "J!" because she and our friend K were leaving me behind. I wondered if the driver was surprised by my sudden outburst since I didn't say a peep to her.

      J and K walked back to me, and I thought, It's as if I summoned them.
      Then I woke up at 4:50-ish.

      Dream #3 (Non-Lucid):
      Another short one! I was with my childhood group of friends (as our current ages), but they had all ostracized this kid named Sam H. (He wasn't part of our group in real life but he was another childhood friend of mine.) He kinda reminded me of Yu Yang from Here U Are so maybe he was gay, but I don't think that was the reason they disliked him.

      I was the only one to take his side. I went up to one of the group members and told him off for being so mean. He threw a rock at me but I caught it one-handed and glared.

      Then there was a flashback to Sam H. and Sam G. (another member) talking. Their hair colors were switched for some reason. Sam H. asked who in the group the other Sam would want to get rid of [not exact wording], and Sam G. basically said that they were all too precious to him to choose. (Which was ironic considering his treatment of Sam H. in the future.)

      After a pause, he said sheepishly, "Maybe S though?" (I don't know how but this somehow implied something else, something romantic.) Then he added, "To get them off my back." (Which removed the implication.)

      I thought it was hilarious and texted S about in in the present, since they had a crush on him back then. But I kept stumbling on how I knew about their talk, since I wasn't there. My thoughts were all jumbled up: "Sam G. told me... no, Sam H. did... hm..."

      At some point I was with my dad and he was talking about Animal Crossing, but calling it Animal Farm. He searched it up and asked if that was the correct name. I saw the style and thought of my last dream, telling him yes, it was called Animal Farm. But I was still uncertain.


      Woke up at 6:05 and after writing down that dream, I tried to do WILD by staying focused on my breath and repeating "This is a dream" in my head. I also briefly thought of the conversation I had with J, but decided that "teleport" was too vague a mantra and I'd just have to remember to do it once I became lucid. [The reason I wanted to in the first place was so that I could report the dream to her, motivating her to put more effort into LDing.] Fell asleep around 6:20-ish.


      Dream #4 (Chain of Semi-Lucids+FAs):
      The WILD must have worked because next thing I knew, I was in a dream and semi-lucid. I was talking to S in Sarah's body, using my voice recorder to record what they were saying. [I had asked them a question but was more focused on the recorder and my thoughts than their response.] I was hoping that I could bring it back to the real world and show S what their dream self was like.

      But as I was "waking up," trying to stabilize by rubbing my hands together, I realized that since I had started recording in the dream, it wouldn't be able to come back with me in reality. I told S this and they wailed comically in despair.

      Then I had a false awakening and was disappointed. Went back to sleep, using the same WILD technique as before.

      Now I was outside of J and L's house, except it was actually S's house and neighborhood but functionally it was J and L's. They were both freaking out about something, maybe these silver flecks all across their collarbone areas. (In the dream I believed it was a skin condition they've always had.)

      They were trembling and whimpering and being really dramatic, and I asked, "Why are you guys freaking out? I mean, I get L, but why you, J?"

      I don't think they answered, but that's when I remembered the conversation J and I had yesterday. "Hey, stay here," I told them, and dashed off a little ways away.

      Apparently Laila followed because she was sitting on a doorstep nearby. I told her I was going to teleport into her house and doubtfully she asked, "Is that really possible?"

      "Anything is possible!" I declared, and flew into the air, spinning with my arms outstretched. I consciously made black lines trail from my fingers through the air. L seemed impressed. Then I thrust my hands downwards, imagining being in J's house, and yelled, "Teleport!"

      A golden glow engulfed me from below, but something went wrong. The dream started falling apart. I thought that I should've opened a portal on the ground in front of me, and another in front of Jude, then jumped into mine to appear before her.
      I had a false awakening in my bed; it was so realistic! I quickly went back to sleep to try again and ended up in the same place. This time both J and L were in the spot I'd told them to stay.

      Instead of instantly trying to teleport, I got on all fours and crawled on my stomach toward them to stabilize the dream On the way I passed by these guys throwing each other across the street. I figured I should question things so I asked what they were doing, but they didn't answer and I honestly didn't find it that strange in the first place. I picked up a green paper and threw it in their direction. The sound and sensation were very vivid.

      Alas, I woke up anyway (FA). Frustrated that my stability rates had become so low despite my best efforts, I went back to sleep once again.

      I was now at the top of some stairs in a basement area. It was part of my school in the dream but it doesn't exist in real life. There were a ton of students having a club meeting down there, circled around a teacher that was like a mix of my long-term Theatre sub last year and a young sub who always talks nonstop about gaming during class.

      He was telling them about LDs and I said, "I had three lucid dreams just now!"

      I crawled down the stairs on my stomach, but they didn't pay much attention to me. The students muttered amongst themselves about what a lucid dream was, if it was something demonic or a ritual or whatever. Mr. R didn't seem to know much either and was fumbling with his words.

      I went to his side, crouching for some reason, and said, "A lucid dream is when you're aware that you're dreaming while you're dreaming. That's it."

      "Ooh." They seemed more open to me now. I noticed this guy named Daniel in the back of the crowd, it's kinda funny that he was there because he's in a million different clubs in real life. I wondered if they all thought I was a natural lucid dreamer, and considered recommending that they form an LDing club, but decided against it.

      Later I was sitting on the couch with all of them
      when I suddenly realized something. "Hah... you all are talking about lucid dreaming—of course this is a dream."

      They seemed a little confused, so I got up and said, "Watch this. I've been wanting to try this."

      I held my hands close together and tried to summon a fireball in between them. I could only manage to impose a translucent flicker of realistic-looking flame, and only for a short time. The girl next to me made a biting remark, and I thought with some bitterness, You're only saying that because I'm thinking it.

      I gave up and instead thrust my hands in front of me, trying to launch a line of fire from them. There was a girl in the way but I didn't really care. It didn't work at all though; I was trying to at least feel heat on my hands but nope.

      This is harder than I thought it would be, I thought. [I still think it would be pretty easy with full lucidity.]
      Then I had yet another false awakening!

      I woke up in the same basement, but this time it was in third person. I was an anime boy buried in a mound of plushies, my face flushed and my eyes literal spinning circles. There was a kid checking up on me but when I opened my eyes he retreated as if he'd been doing something wrong.

      "You okay there, Meiseki? Looking a little hot," someone said. It was a friendly, gym-teacher-like voice.

      "Yeah." I dug myself out of the plushies and the perspective returned to first person. "I had a dream about fire."

      I still kinda knew it was a dream, but at the same time thought I had to sleep to enter another one. So I buried myself in the plushies again, this time on the couch, and waited for sleep.

      Soon after, a delivery guy came in, trying to sell his own plushies and insulting a giraffe one near me. (It was made by a different brand or game or something.)

      "Hey!" I said in a jokingly offended tone. "Don't insult the giraffe!"

      He held up his hands and smiled. "It's part of my job, I have to say it. I don't actually hate it."

      Satisfied, I continued trying to fall asleep. In front of me there was a guy flipping through my DJ entries from tonight (all the ones previous to this one including the semi-lucids), comically horrified at their length. There were drawings at the end, one of which was of the club members and I sitting on the couch, me in the middle, smiling.

      My vision was fading out, and up until this point I believed I was drifting off, relieved that I wouldn't have to write all the previous dreams when I woke up since apparently I already did. But when I saw that drawing, so detailed and professional-looking, I realized that they were false entries and I would have to write everything "again."

      That's when I finally woke up for real at 6:45, actually remembering to do an RC. I now fully realize and appreciate the importance of RCing every time you wake up, no matter what... just one would have boosted my lucidity level so much... probably

      Anyway, it seems I have more luck with LDs after 6:15. Maybe because I can focus on WILDing better, idk. Too bad I have to get up early 5 days of the week... This was so interesting though, even if it took foreeever to write I'll be adding it to my LD count as a single lucid, since it all technically took place in the same dream.
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