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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Some fragments.

      by , 06-09-2010 at 04:39 PM (LUCIDMAX's max lucids!)
      Date : 27th May, 2010

      I had a short false-awakening. I realized after waking up from a dream that I was still in it. I got up, and started to look around. I was in my room. It was pitch dark. I tried to find my way out, but there was no door where it should have been. After messing around for a while, I give up. I was about to blast apart the whole building, but then I woke up.

      Date : 28th May, 2010

      Another very short lucid. I tried to FILD. I entered SP really slowly. Then, I entered dream state. But my eyes were stuck half-way. It was like seeing half reality and half dream. I tried to force my eyes open, but they wouldn't budge. I caught a glimpse of my 'dream' room, but nothing else. My eyes were too heavy too open, and I fell asleep again.
    2. Demonic Sword!!!

      by , 06-09-2010 at 04:37 PM (LUCIDMAX's max lucids!)
      Sword Goes Outta Control?!!

      Rating : ★★★☆☆

      Date : 24th May, 2010

      I was in a large and luxurious shopping center. There were three floors, and a lot of shops with weird stuff. I was with two of my friends. We all were eating a burger and drinking coke, and going around window shopping. (For some reason, we couldn't buy anything because we had only three million dollars.) I am walking a little faster than the other two, excited by the shops and the stores. We are on the topmost floor. There is a spot on the floor so that if you stand there, you could see the outside scenario and the entrance to the shopping center. I look out, and was surprised by what I saw.

      It was exactly like the image above, and the dragon was the same, too. I was a little amazed, but not enough to turn me lucid. Excusing the whole thing as movie props, I look down the glass window, seeing the entrance. It was normal, alright. I could see a lavishly decorated Mercedes Benz as a prize for a draw displayed in the front. I think, "Cool. I think I saw something similar in real life................huh? Real Life?! What's that supposed to mean?! This is.......This is a dream!"

      I become lucid. Wow. Cool RC. Anyways, the vision was not really clear, and the dream was unstable. After a round of the usual clarity and stability exercises, everything becomes crystal clear.
      I get an idea. Why not act like a freaky monster and kill all the people here. They are just DCs, after all. I summon my katana again. I feel a rush of energy through my body, and a great sense of excitement. Rushing towards the nearest DC, I slash him in half. I see the same black flames around my sword again.
      The surprised DC splits in half, alright, but after a while, a clean cut appears in the wall behind him, extending from one side of the center to another, slicing the whole building neatly in half. All the DCs there start to scream. I was surprised. I didn't intend to swing with that much force.
      I studied it closely. Everything was same, and it was vibrating and shaking, as if trying to get out of my hands. I could see the words "Espada el Diablo" shining and glowing brightly.
      Now I could feel a deep, dense, and dark aura from it. I could hear faint screaming from inside it. Now seriously considering destroying the sword, I look about for a means to smash it or something. As soon as I let it go, it breaks free of my grasp, points towards me and

      stabs me in the stomach. I was very surprised. I had never heard of a summoned object doing so in a dream, going against the dreamer's will. I could feel pain in the wound. It was very realistic. I could also feel the wound burning. I start to faint. I rub my hands, but nothing happens. I spin, but instead of the dream stabilizing, I fall to the ground. Not good, at this rate I'll wake up! I was helpless. I kinda hoped that Leona would come again, but she didn't. I was losing consciousness. I looked at the sword again, and saw this.

      Devil Jin. He was standing there, leering at me. In his hands was my sword. He started to laugh. A cold laugh that chilled my very bones. He took one last look at me, and swung the sword at me. An immensely powerful shock wave, and I wake up.

      What THE hell is up with me? Too much fantasy, I think.
      lucid , nightmare , memorable
    3. Got owned by Dante. :/

      by , 06-09-2010 at 04:30 PM (LUCIDMAX's max lucids!)
      I get beat up....

      Rating : ★★★☆☆

      Date : 19th May 2010

      I dreamed I was in my room. It was normal here. I couldn't tell it from real life. I was busy doing preparations for the trip to Alaska. I packed my clothes and stuff, inside a teapot. They all just shrank and zoomed inside the cup, fitting easily. It was almost like magic. But that was normal. Teacups are used as suitcases in real life anyways, I thought. I also remember putting in a toilet seat inside, for some purpose. When I had finished, I went out out my room. In real life, I have made a mental note to do an RC every time I open the door to my room. Following the habit, I look at the wall clock that hangs near my door. 1:30 pm. Quite normal. Oh yeah, I have to look twice. Almost lazily, I looked again at the clock, thinking that it was a waste of time. The time was now 1:15. Hmmmm, that's odd. Maybe I read the time wrong before? Oh well, I will miss my bus to the airport if I don't hurry. So I continue out again, but I find that the door is closed. I pull it open again, but no go. Now seriously doubting reality, I decided to nose-pinch. I could still breathe!
      I become lucid. I tried to sharpen my view. I spun around. I didn't feel dizzy, but my vision was certainly a lot clearer, as if some kind of fog had been lifted. I looked at my hand, just for extra lucidity. There were seven fingers in both hands. Again, my lucidity increased quite a lot. I open the door to my room again, but it was locked. I didn't want to do anything particularly powerful or exciting so early into the lucid. So I just kicked it away.
      But I was now inside a roman stadium. I was never good at history, so I probably didn't know what was going on. There was an audience in high benches all around. There were gold fences around me, but the arena itself had a floor of dirt, mud and clay. In the distance I could see split air-conditioners all around. Good. I don't like being in hot weather anyways. I was wondering what to do, when I noticed that the walls of the arena had cages inside them, and there were large tigers caged inside. They were wearing black and gold armor, and quite heavy ones at that.
      Suddenly, a stage comes up with a commentator on it. He grabs the microphone, and shouts, "Battle of the warrior! Start the fight!"
      Cool. Just what I wanted. Even my dreams know my preferences.
      The bars of the cage disappeared into thin air. A lump of raw meat landed near to me. It was a bait. Smelling the meat, the tigers in heavy armor rushed at it. One of them took the meat and swallowed it whole. Now they were looking for food elsewhere, and spotted me.
      My dream was destabilizing. I can tell when it's so because it starts to slowly fade/blur around the edges and then disappears whole. So I rubbed my hands. The faster I rubbed, the more the dream became clear. At last when it was clear enough, I did the nose-pinch RC again. I could still breathe.
      The tigers were now circling me. I summoned my katana from thin air, expecting it to be in my hand when I look at it again. I decided to name it Darkness. If you look upon the description, it fits, really. It slowly materializes. But now there is something wrong. It feel heavier than before. There are black flames already around it. What?! I didn't do anything yet. Also, it was harder to control than before. It started to vibrate a little. But when I touched the sword, I really felt a kind of sadness and a thirst for killing. When I put it away, it was gone, but as soon as I held it again, there was that feeling again. And all the time there were black flames wrapped around it. Strange. True I had it only once before, but why is it so weird?
      All this time I was pondering about my sword, the tigers were standing still, as if time was frozen. Now everything snapped back to reality. Dream reality, more like. I decided to fight using my sword, and just ignore the unusual behavior.
      One of them jumps at me. What was that guy thinking? I love special effects during my dreams, because they are the only times I get to do stuff I can not do in real life, and I try to take as much fun from them as possible, not start meditating and go around asking my DC's or even Leona about life. Get to the point, fighting.
      I am a pretty peaceful guy IRL, y'know.
      The tiger is now an inch away from me. I slash him, but the only thing my eyes can see is my hand blurring for a millisecond, and then back to the normal position. So this is what it felt like to have supernatural powers at will. A deep slash appears on the tigers middle, and he drops, making weird noises in pain. I take pity on him, because even if he's a DC, I don't like killing animals. I look away from him, and back again. Now he is completely cured, and small as a kitty. He meows a thanks. I said out loud to him, "Now go away before I unleash my passion of kicking kittens."
      Though I was kidding, he fled. I realized I couldn't fight the others. I just don't like animals in pain. So when I look back at the whole bunch, I expect there to be a large number of skilled ninjas. My best technique is the expectation technique, because it always works for me. Indeed, there are about twenty or so ninjas now. One of them comes at me, wielding a white katana, which is more like a dagger. I disappear, and appear behind him again. My favorite move. He hangs in mid-air for a second, and then his body splits cleanly in two. If I made them all like real men, there would have been a lot of mess, so I just make dust shadows. Fun to kill, and they don't make a mess.
      His body turns to dust and disappears. Enraged at the fall of their comrade, they all rush at me in sets of five or four. Too easy. I was going to use flash step again, but at the last moment my sword felt real heavy and started to vibrate quote violently. What's wrong with this thing?

      PS you might be wondering that how come my LDs are so long? Well, a picture's worth a thousand words, so divide all that text by thousand and you get a frame of the whole video clip. In short, it takes much more typing to describe the dream than it takes to experience it.
      Now the ninjas are dangerously near me. But I don't care. I can fight without my sword as well. I punch the one in the front in the face, and he flies back a long distance, hitting a wall and slumping to the ground. I beat all of them in about five seconds, and that includes the other ninjas as well.
      I was still in that same old Rome style arena. And the audience was still there. With the ninjas out of the way, I decided to check what was wrong with my sword. It was still emanating that dark fire, and still was heavy and vibrating. The more I looked, the more there was to see. To give you guys an idea of what my sword is like, here's a pic:

      But my sword is pure black instead of shining metal like the one above. I had never looked at my sword up close. There was the silver line along it's middle, alright. But now near the hilt, and on the blade, were engraved small words, reading "Espada el Diablo", literally meaning "The Devil Sword". Something to do with Bleach, I thought.
      Suddenly, a sharp pain pierces my back. I got shot! No wonder I did, standing in the middle of an arena looking at my sword. I looked at my attacker. He was Dante, from Devil May Cry.

      What the HELL?! I DO NOT play Devil May Cry!
      "Surprised?", he says. "I figured you would be pretty strong, having defeated Nero."
      So that's what it was all about.
      "Wait, you got the wrong....."
      He suddenly fires on of his guns at me. It was a direct aim at my head. I use my other favorite, rather instinctive move, tilting my head slightly to one side. Why, you ask? Because it looks cool.
      "I have got no time to kid around, and I don't take shit from anyone except cute girls. Just fight already."
      "As you wish."
      I stabilize my dream again, just to be sure. That way I won't drop unconscious in the middle of the fight.
      "Just to warn you, I am not that Nero guy. I am way ahead of him."
      I see. No matter, I will defeat this guy as well.
      I wait for him to make the first move. He suddenly appears on my right. What?! He was in front of me! Wait, he is still there! Two of them? The main one fires two simultaneous bullets, which I barely dodge in time. The copy, which I took for as being weak, kicks me hard in my side. It hits me, and I go flying over, smash into a wall, and fall to the ground. What the hell is with this guy? It's not like I am that weak or something, but this is damn crazy.
      Instantly, he is standing by my side. He points a gun to my chest.
      "I told you, I am not Nero."
      He fires, aiming squarely for my heart.
      A flash of blinding white light follows the blast. In real slow motion, I see Leona, in a dark cape, fly between my a Dante. Moving lightning-fast, she grabs the bullet heading towards my head in mid-air with her finger and thumb, then grabs me and flash steps a distance away.
      Now I notice that she is also wearing an armor of some sort. It's black and purple. Nice combo. She smacks me on the head.
      "OW! What the hell do you think you're doing?"
      "You are pathetic. Asking for a DC that powerful and getting beat up."
      "Hey, I didn't summon him, he came by himself."
      "Yeah, and you didn't long for a strong opponent all this time, did you?
      "Tch...............what an idiot. Can't even control your own emotions."
      She disappears from beside me. Now she is face to face with Dante. I get up to help, but my body is paining to much to even stand up. I feel a kind of vibrating and a burning sensation.
      "Just stay where you are. I'll take care of this guy."
      Hearing that, Dante says, "I'm sorry missy, but I don't really fight with girls. How 'bout we get a nice drink instead?'
      "Don't underestimate me." she says, glaring at him. In third person, I saw her eyes contract to cat-like slits, her expression angry and cruel. Her eyes were red again.
      She disappears from view. I deep wound appears on Dante's right hand. He drops his gun in pain.
      "I told you, don't underestimate me."
      Leona is behind him! He quick jumps back a good distance away, grinning.
      "I see what you mean. Sorry, but I'll have to go all out against you. No hard feelings, 'kay?"
      He disappears, and so does Leona. They are so damn fast, I can't even see them. All I see is just faint blurs, bursts of Dante's gun, and sparks of light. They finally stop. Dante is on one knee, panting. Leona is still unhurt, and is smiling. Dante gets up.
      "I'll have to use my ultimate technique."
      Suddenly, there are ten Dante-s all around Leona.
      "This enables me to make copies of myself, each as strong as me."
      They all open fire. But Leona is too fast for all of them. She defeats each and every single one of them in a flash.
      "Copies, eh?"
      Now there are countless Leona-s there. They all are moving independently. One of them says, "Then how about this? This is time control. Each and every one of these is me. That's because to you, I am here."
      Another one says, "And I am also here."
      Dante is standing in shock. He can't begin to comprehend anything. Time freezes. Or rather, Leona freezes time. But there are about 20 more Leona-s there. What the HELL?!
      One of them says to me, "I am freezing time every time I freeze time, creating loops of time freezes. That way, each and everyone of myself is behaving independently, is controlled by me, and can attack more than twice at once. My ultimate technique."
      This is too much for me to grasp. All of the Leona-s jump up, and send a huge wave of energy at Dante, who is frozen.
      I can see the instant the shock waves hit, and then feel the power. One of the shock waves, when I was hit by it, split my body nearly in half when Leona used that move. To think a single person would receive over 20 of those. The explosion was unfathomable, and Dante disappears, totally wiped out by the extreme explosion.
      I was losing control and vividness. I knew I couldn't hold on, the pain was too great. That was a powerful blow.
      "Hey Leona! Just tell me one thing, are you my DG or someone else's as well?"
      "Ah, you are worried after reading those posts on the forum, are you?"
      "How'd you know that?!"
      'I am your subconscious after all. But no, it's definitely not possible for two people to have the same Dream Master, thats coz DMs are manifestations of you personality."
      "Really? Does that mean my personality is girl-like?"
      'What an idiot! Don't you see any other quality besides being a girl? Never mind. I am only your subconscious. Yours only."
      "Sounds more like a love confession, you know."
      She punches me in the face. But there is a smile on her face.
      "Thats another couple of week's of hell training for you!"
      I couldn't do anything anymore. I feel my whole body shaking, then vibrating violently. I try to rub my hands, but nothing happens. I feel like I am floating in a void. I don't remember anything after that. Dozed off to normal sleep, I guess.
    4. Battling Nero with my Vampire Powers.

      by , 06-09-2010 at 04:20 PM (LUCIDMAX's max lucids!)
      Time to test the newfound Power!

      Rating : ★★★★★

      WARNING : a VERY epic dream!

      I was trying to WBTB. After waking up from a sleep for two hours and spending the last half hour on MILDing, I laid down at my bed. About after fifteen long minutes of staying still, I felt myself entering SP. At first, I only heard whispers, and something like wind blowing. Soon, I felt those waves of vibration going through my body. My hands and feet felt numb. I soon lost control over my limbs. Now I can see flecks of light darting here and there. They grow, join and multiply, forming geometric shapes and symbols. These shapes joined together to form objects. I could see a clock, a pillow, a pen and a hammer.
      Now a whole scene forms around me. I am inside an old building, or perhaps a storehouse. Everything here is broken and dusty. The place is three floors high, and quite large. I concentrate more and more, and I can see everything in perfect detail now. Just to be sure, I rub my hands, and start to feel here and there. Now the experience becomes life-like.
      I thought I might as well try to use some weapons. Bleach style. I concentrate on a sword, and it starts to form in my hands. It starts as a hilt of black color, then a silver guard materializes. After that, the blade forms. The blade is pure black, darker than anything you can imagine. Along it's middle runs a thin silver line. It extends, until it forms a curved, extremely thin black katana.
      I decide to try this baby out. Nearby is a pillar made of marble. I swing my sword, and it passes right through it. The pillar remains intact for a second, and then a smooth cut appears, and it topples over. Amazing, like a warm knife through butter.
      I decided to fight using this. I go out, expecting a large army to be outside the door. Indeed, I see a large number of monsters, perhaps a thousand or two, gathered in front of me. I grin. Battle time.
      Like a mad warrior, I run up to the whole army. They scatter before my blade, totally powerless. Their pathetic iron armor is no match for my sword, and I slice through them easily. I stab, jab, cut, and dice them. It was epic.
      There were still a lot of them. Good. I use magic again, and use it to merge fire with my blade. Suddenly, flames erupt from it. It looks as if my katana is on fire. I swing my sword, and everything within it's reach gets devoured by the unstoppable fire. I jab my sword into the ground, and flames spread from that point in a circle, instantly burning up anything within 20 meters radius.
      I start to lose lucidity. Not good. Again, I focus on the environment, and do a reality check to make sure my lucidity remains high.
      While I was stabilizing the dream, the monsters had rushed at me, and were a foot away from me. In a panic, I touched the tattoo on my arm. Everything pauses, as if time was frozen. Then my tattoo starts to spread throughout my entire body. A burst of ki energy follows my transformation, which is enough alone to knock down an elephant or two. I start to morph. I see my transformation in 3rd person view. My eyes become cat-like slits, and turn red. My nails turn into claws. I grow two inch long fangs.
      Now my view is back to first person. I feel an amazing rush of energy, a feeling no drug can provide. With a speed that even my own eyes can not register, I cut through each and every one of my enemies. They all stand for a moment in shock, and then split neatly in two.
      Too easy. I want more of a challenge. My hunger for blood can not be satisfied by these mere peons. I go inside a castle, expecting the ultimate boss to be there. I open the door, and find him already waiting for me. The guy is ---------

      Nero from Devil may Cry!
      I was surprised for a bit, because I don't really play DMC that much. But what the heck, as long as he puts up a good fight.
      I rush towards him wielding my sword. He catches it with his bare hand. WHAT THE HELL?!
      He brings out his own sword, a bright blue, beautifully curved one. He slashed at my head, but I dodge it in time. Concentrate! He disappears. I bring my sword to my back, successfully parrying his strike. I was so used to this move with the training from Leona. He throws his sword high into the air. I was surprised. He grins, and takes out double pistols, one in each hands, and opens fire.
      What's with this guy?! His aim is absolutely precise. I deflect most of the bullets with my sword, and avoid the others. I see an opening. If I can just keep avoiding and deflecting his bullets, maybe I can come close enough to attack him directly.
      I decide to test this theory. Swiftly moving and using a series of flash steps, I come up close to him. He fires five or so more bullets, all of which I neatly block with my sword. Finally, I am right in front of him. I expect him to be surprised, but instead I see a smile on his face.
      "Like I said......Amateur!"
      Oh Shit! I had forgotten about his sword. He drops his gun, and his sword, which had been air-borne all this time, falls right into his hands. He blocks my to-be-fatal slash with it. I grin.
      "You're the amateur here."
      I put my palm to the unsharpened side of my blade, and give it a little push. A huge shock wave comes out of my katana, severing his sword in half. The whole castle collapses. He is surprised. The top half of his sword falls down, and he can not see anyone there. I had flash stepped behind him.
      I say, "Like you said, amateur!"
      I pierce his back, and then slice it, so that his whole body is cut in half. He turns to dust and melts away.
      Man, that was an exhausting fight. My vision starts to fade. But I am too tired to do anything, and it looked like my LD time was over. I tried to spin, but it didn't work, and the dream faded.

      Updated 06-09-2010 at 04:25 PM by 31502

      lucid , memorable
    5. My dream guide is a VAMPIRE!!

      by , 06-09-2010 at 04:19 PM (LUCIDMAX's max lucids!)
      Leona = Vampire............. = ME?!!

      Rating : ★★★★★

      Note : This is a more detailed version of my previous post in the Lucid Experiences section.

      Fragment : I am riding the bus home. The whole bus is empty. There is a raging storm outside. I take out a cigarette, and take a puff from it.

      Fragment : I am on an endless bridge. Walking. The bridge never ends. No purpose, no goal. Just walking ahead.

      I was on an ocean liner, travelling to Hawaii for some reason. The view was beautiful. There was the sea all around me. I suddenly feel the urge to go to the bathroom. I find the ships toilet, and go inside. It was quite spacious, and exotically decorated to a light pink tint. I found it luxurious. I found the door to a stall, and
      Inside was a man, no a zombie. He had one arm missing, and blood was gushing out of his mouth.

      I ran back, and now was on a tropical island, with a lush forest, standing in the middle of the sea. Shit! Trapped! Sea on all sides! Anyways, I run away, but the zombie is still chasing me with that horrible limp of his. I went into the thick forest, hoping to find some cover. Bad idea. Now I can not find my way out. Plus it is so dark here that I can not see a thing. I can only listen to sounds. There are some incomprehensible sounds, but nothing else. I wait suspiciously, but nothing happens. So I walk in a random direction, hoping to get out of here. As soon as I took a step, the zombie jumped at me. I ran back, and somehow could see everything better than before.
      Now, there is a whole bunch of monsters, including ogres, chimeras, and every other disgusting monster you can imagine.
      The absurdness of the situation dawns upon me, and I become lucid. All the monsters suddenly charge at me. Too easy. I use super speed, that their eyes cannot follow. I disappear, and reappear behind them. There is a pause, and they slump to the ground, unconscious. Being used to Leona's speed and strength, these guys are small fry for me.
      There is still a large number left. Attack in numbers, huh? I take a pill out of my pocket, and flash step right into their middle. I quickly plant the pill in the ground, and flash step again to a good distance away. I snap my fingers, and the pill suddenly blows up, with a blast that could have turned a mansion into a pile of rubble.
      No go. I have killed a lot of them, but they don't stop coming. I need more destructive power. I use magic again, and those rings appear on my wrists. They are black rings, outlined with silver and having symbols inside, each standing for a different magic power. But these small rings are small scale only. So I put my left hand closer to the rind on my left wrist, imagine it sticking into it, and pull it away, making the rings larger. Now they start to turn and revolve around me. The symbols inside them start to rotate. There are ALWAYS the same six symbols ; fire, water, earth, air, light and darkness. Trust me, I have drawn them in my DJ upon waking up, and Googled it. They were that because I am greatly fond of those symbols, so they were bound to appear there.
      My vision starts to fade. Oh shit! Got too excited! I calm myself down, touch here and there, and concentrate on the environment to stabilize the whole dream. I am successful.
      I touch the light symbol, and immediately, my whole body starts to glow. Then a bright golden hemisphere starts to expand from me, engulfing everything. The monsters are twitching in pain. The light covers the whole island. It blinds them and tears them apart.

      Then I touch the darkness symbol. A wave of pure darkness follows the light. It eats up anything and everything it touches. Or rather, wipes it away, leaving not a single trace.
      Then the hemisphere of light starts to shrink. It vanishes soon. Now I can see blood and dead bodies every where. But they are still coming in large numbers. What THE hell?
      I have no time to react. They grab my legs and arms, preventing movement. One of them, a guy with a shark's head, bites my foot. Ahhhh!! Another one drives his horn deep into my stomach. Blood is pouring freely out of my wounds, and I cough out some of it.
      I was so embarrassed, caught up in the same situation again. And again, there was that flash of white light, and I found myself beside Leona once again. But this time, she did not defeat my enemies, merely rescued me.
      "You still have a lot to learn. And here I thought you were doing pretty well. Can't you tell they are all illusions?"
      "What are you talking about?"
      "Come on, a number of monster that survive double magic attacks, and at that level? Surely even you had noticed."
      "Oh yeah!"
      "You didn't notice, did you? Hmph. See that small guy over there, the one in black robes? He's the main one."
      "I see."
      Summon a sniper rifle, one that seems made by aliens. I aim quickly, and fire. A blue ball of energy flows out at a great speed and hits the guy squarely on the head, blowing his head off. At once, all of the monsters disappear, by turning into dust and being blown away.
      "Phew. Thanks Leona!"
      She moves closer too me, with this seductive look in her eyes. We are alone here in the building.
      Weren't we on an island in the middle of the sea? Oh well. She moves closer to me. I feel myself completely numb, unable to move. I was mesmerized. She puts her hand on my cheek, bringing me closer. I close my eyes. I could feel her warm breath. And then, I feel a sharp pain in my neck!
      I open my eyes, and see that she bit me. I could see my own blood pouring out of the wound in my neck. There was this amazing pain there. I pulled away.

      "What the HELL do you think you are doing?!"
      "I am sick of watching you getting beat up and coming to save you all the time. That's why I have decided to give you some of my powers."
      "Some of.......your powers?"
      "Yeah. I just made you a vampire."
      "Vam.......wait, WHAT?!"
      "Yeah, what's there to be shocked? In fact, don't you feel something in your body?"
      As soon as she says it, I became aware of a burning sensation in my neck, where there were two holes, that looked like they were made by fangs. Then I felt a VERY hot liquid moving down my neck, into my veins, then into my arms, and finally my whole body. I writhe and twist horribly in pain. The pain was very realistic, and agonizing. After what seemed like ages, the pain finally stopped. I looked at my hands and feet, and they were perfectly normal (or as normal as they could be in a dream). And now, I feel a rush of excitement. My body feels very light, and my movements become much more faster, more powerful and smoother. It was an amazing feeling, better than steroids.
      "Well, now you're a vampire."
      I am still too shocked to grasp anything.
      "But.....wait a minute, I thought only vampires could turn others into vampires. And what's with the neck biting and drinking blood and whatever?"
      "Ah, about that. I guess I haven't really showed you my true form yet, have I?"
      Then she stands up, and I notice for the first time, a vivid tattoo on her arm. She suddenly puts her finger to it, and it stars to expand, until it consumes her own body. After a few moments, she turns into a flying monster, one with fangs and wings and those narrow, slit-like eyes. I was either too shocked or excited by this, and I was slowly losing control. Maybe she sensed it, and she shouts, "To turn into a vampire, just touch the tattoo on you arm!" And then, the dream fades.
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    6. Killer Hell Training from Leona!

      by , 06-09-2010 at 04:16 PM (LUCIDMAX's max lucids!)
      Training Time!

      Rating : ★★★★★

      This was the roughest and most brutal training in my life. But, it's my DG we are talking about, after all.

      I went to sleep at about 9 pm. I remember waking up from a series of dreams after the shorter REM periods, but I couldn't recall any of them, just a few fragments. At about 7 or so in the morning, I had this dream. I dreamed that I was in one of those bullet trains. I was travelling to my grandma's, in California, for some reason. She doesn't actually live there. I started to walk around the cabins for a bit of a stretch. No one minded me doing so. As I walked, I looked here and there and saw that each and everything was perfectly normal. One one of the seats, I saw my ex sitting there, busy talking to other people. Notice the dream sign. Not wanting to initiate a conversation, I hurry forward. I take just one more look, and see that her hair is bright blue, unlike the dark black IRL. I start to think about that. Various explanations offer themselves one after another, but none satisfies me.
      I think hard about what it's like in real life, and the whole absurdness of the dream dawns on me.
      I become lucid. The train is moving quite fast. Looking out of the windows, I can see grassy fields. Quite a relaxing sight. Fearing that the dream would destabilize in a fast bullet train, I rub my hands, spin in a circle, and shout "Lucidity". The last one does not work. But the vision is good, so I continue my way through. One of my goals then was to produce tonnes of money. So I looked inside my back pocket, and find a wallet. Opening it, I see quite many $100 bills. I take out the whole bundle, which is now about double of what it looked like inside the wallet.
      I notice that some of the people around me were looking at me suspiciously, perhaps even envious. I continue towards a restaurant, which somehow fits within the small train. Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain pierce my side, and after that, another piercing sensation in my back. Everyone in the train starts to scream, and exits hastily through two doors that would have been large enough for a castle front gate. Again, the pain was almost too much to bear. Never having been so deeply stabbed IRL whatsoever, I find the experience quite unpleasant. I grope around my back, and find a large knife buried deep inside it.
      It felt that the knife had pierced my lungs, because I was having a hard time breathing. I look around for the attacker, and see a short, thin and bald man standing near me. He had a long scar running through the right part of his forehead, continuing through his temple, eyelids and cheek. He was looking at me with an evil grin, one that plainly says, "I'm gonna kill ya."
      He grabs all of my money, and runs out of the train. I am too injured to even move, and fall to the ground. My blood is draining quickly. I am starting to black out. My vision blurs. It's all too painful, so much that death seems pleasant. I catch a glimpse of a fast movement, a moving sensation, and a flash of blue, before losing consciousness.
      I regain consciousness. I appear to be in a black void. I remember now, someone stabbed me in a lucid. I realize that I am lying on my bed, concluding that I have woken up and still have my eyes closed. I open my eyes, and see bright sunlight. What the hell, since when was I sleeping outdoors? I realize that I am sleeping in a camping bed, with Leona beside me. A sudden, yet mysterious joy fills me. I am happy to see her again.
      I ask, " Hey, Leona. Where am I? How did I get here?"
      She says, "Well, you remember that you were stabbed pretty bad, right? That man ran off as soon as he got the money. I found you though, slumped on the ground like some dead rat."
      "I see, so you brought me here?"
      "No, it was my long-lost twin. Of course I did! Are men really that stupid?"
      "Well, not really......."
      "Never mind. Now, how do you feel? You can have weakness after injuries in a dream too, you know."
      "Now that you mention it, I don't feel a thing! Thanks!"
      "Don't mention it. Well, you seem pretty amateur at controlling your dream body. I think you need some training."
      "That would be great! I will start right now!"
      Little did I know that I was in for a surprise.
      I get out of the bed, and Leona leads me to an open area. It was quite relaxing, with the scenery and the cool air. Leona was to be my opponent in training. She told me that we should first practice hand to hand combat. She stands at a spot, with a mischievous little smile that says, "Come at me with all you got."
      Not wanting to waste my LD time, I stabilize the dream, and rush at her with all my might. I know she won't be an easy opponent, but what the heck. I try to deliver a punch at her face, but she dodges it with a simple tilting of her head, something like an amused expression. I knew that would happen, so I try to surprise her with a second one right after the first, hoping to connect with her stomach. She is just standing, and I am thinking, "Wow, I actually got her this time!", but all I feel is air.
      A voice comes from behind me. "I know you through and through, your martial art is good, but it won't work against me." Instinctively, I round-house kick, but again, she easily dodges it.
      "Come on! Don't tell me thats all you got!"
      I tense my lower muscles, and deliver rapid kicks at her head. They were fast. Much more than real life. But again she dodges them like she is being attacked in slow motion.
      Again, she disappears from my view, and again, appears behind me.
      "Heh, you are slow, I got time to yawn."
      I try to counter attack, but she grabs my wrist, and delivers a swift kick to my back, that knocks the wind out of me.
      "Thats just the beginning, I didn't really hit you."
      I get up, recover my balance, and charge at her again. I feint a punch at her, which she tries to avoid. I stop about half-way, which leaves her standing in an awkward position to avoid my punch. Seeing my opportunity, I try a back flip kick, aiming for the chin. I feel my foot hit something, and get real excited. Finally! Managed to hit her.
      "Very good, but the thing you are hitting is a tree branch."
      I look around, and see her right beside me. She has this glint in her eyes, and her pupils have become cat-like, narrow and long. Now I think about it, it could have been something related to vampires. Not giving me a chance to counter, she grabs my face, and throws me towards the opposite side. I am going so fast, what incredible power! I can't even righten myself, I feel helpless, with the sheer force of the throw. I crash into trees, breaking branches, tearing vines and messing up leaves. I pass through all of them, they can't stop me. I pass right through a bunch of trees, and finally collide into a stone rock. I hit it, bounce back a foot or two the way I had come. Such was the force I struck the rock with. I am sure that you all know how painful that is, so I won't go much into the feelings section. But every feeling was absolutely real. And painful. >_<
      The collision made a crack in the rock. It felt as if a rib or two had broken. But still, I could fight. I look in my pocket for a pill, and a hand grabs my fist. Leona is there. Whoa! She traveled all that distance in a flash? She says, "No pills or cheap tricks, only your body."
      I quickly step back a distance, fearing an attack again. I need to calm down. This is just a dream. No, it's MY dream. I can do anything here. Nothing is superior than me here. I focus my thoughts. I have to have greater speed. I need to be quicker.
      As I focus my thoughts, a silver and black aura starts to emanate from me. I focus on my surroundings, to clear my vision. The aura is flowing out of me, like dark fire. I suddenly feel my body is a lot lighter, and my senses much sharper. It was a pleasant feeling, but I couldn't afford to get excited. The aura around me is thickening. Leona smiles.
      "Now that's what I am talking about! Let me show you.....what is meant by 'power' !!"
      She disappears. No, not this time, I think. With raw instinct as my guide, I catch her punch in mid-air, which would have hit my head. The force delivered to my hand is so strong that the ground beneath my feet gets depressed, and I sink an inch or two. Seeing an opening here, I use my other hand to punch her side.
      With her still in my hand, she grabs my arm, so that one hand is trapped in mine, and the other is near my elbow. With me acting as a support, she jumps up, and lands behind me, making a full 180 degree turn in air. You know, the one you see in Jackie Chan movies. This happened in 2 seconds. Takes longer to explain it, tho.
      I am taken by surprise with this move, but can still follow whats going on. The dream starts to destabilize. No! I have to land at least one hit! Leona tries to axe kick my head, but I block it with my arms. I am still fighting with her behind me, don't remember why, perhaps because it was more of a challenge. She tries to punch my head, but I tilt it again, causing the punch to fly past my ear. I grab her hand, turn around, and with surprising speed, direct a punch at her face. Her eyes are wide open, and she is defenseless. I stop my punch half an inch from her face, and as it stops, the wind of the punch moves her hair. She is totally surprised.
      "Come on, you don't think I would really hit you, do you?"
      "Heh, guess not. Well, good work for today. You definitely got me there, and I would have been in trouble if you had hit me. But this is only one hit, you still have far to go."
      "Aw, man. Can't you be a little optimistic?"
      She smiles, and soon the dream fades.
      lucid , memorable
    7. Tasks of the Year Completed.

      by , 06-09-2010 at 04:00 PM (LUCIDMAX's max lucids!)
      Here are, in random order, the Tasks of the Year I have completed so far.

      The Apocalypse!

      Rating : ★★★☆☆

      I was in a bar, drinking some beer. My friend had given me an mp3 player as a gift yesterday, and in the dream I thought to check it out again. I took out the player, and was examining it. Then suddenly my eyes fell upon my fingers, there were only three! Two of them were simply not there, only empty holes for them. I became lucid. Apparently, I remembered the Apocalypse documentary I had watched right before sleeping, and I thought, what would it be like to actually be during the Apocalypse? And then I hear a resounding explosion. I look out of the window of my house (don't know how I got there) and see all the houses and shops shaking violently and crumbling. Then there spreads this huge fire, coming towards my direction. I try to run away (again I don't know how i got to the ground, my house is six floors up!) but a voice tells me that it is useless to run. I am semi-lucid and somewhat know that it is a dream, and I can feel everything I am touching, but I just can't stop the apocalypse. Suddenly, a huge hole opens directly below my feet, and I fall into it, falling for a LONG time, and never hit the ground, and woke up sometime later.

      The Grail Mess-Up

      Rating : ★★★★☆

      I had an FA after waking up from a dream.I looked around my house and saw my room, exactly as it is. Before I went to bed, I told to myself, if I am in an FA, I will remember to do the TotY. Thats why I realized I have to do this task. I exit my house through the window, and start to fly, by shape shifting and growing a pair of wings. I fly low, for the fear of losing lucidity, and do some clarification techniques along the way. Now that my vision is perfectly clear, I concentrate on boosting my speed. I somehow fly to Rome, and see a normal church, nothing special. I am not a Christian, but I think, What the heck, it's just a dream! So I go in through the door, and start looking for DCs who can tell me where the Holy Grail is supposed to be. I encounter some weird DCs, , but then I finally find an old man all dressed up like he was the leader there. So I go to him, and ask him, "Excuse me, but could you tell me where the Holy Grail is?" He says, "The quest for the Holy Grail is an index of the most complicated plots co-occurring within a series of brilliant minds combined to form a particulate of moisture." This is an exact quote. I reply, 'That doesn't even make sense!" He replies, "A bear must be bound before it can swim, so be it." "But that doesn't make sense either! Can't you at least point to where it is?" He point to a perfectly normal wall, and says, "What appears is not what it is." Finally, something sensible. I say thanks and run up to the wall, and start tapping it. It sounds like it is not solid, but there something behind it, like a passage. So I look in my pocket, and find a grenade (what??) and place it near the wall and wait for it to blow up the wall. Somehow I didn't run away, and the blast didn't even hurt me. I see a dark passageway, lit only by flaming torches. I follow the passage way to a door and upon opening it, I see and even older room, which is lit only by a single torch. I cross over to the other side, and see something like a safe in the wall. There was a notice on the wall beside it, reading "The key is hidden in this sentence, "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others." Enough with stupid quotes! I look in my pocket again, and take out a laser pen, the type you see in movies that can cut a safe by a laser beam. After a long and tiring search for batteries in the old room, I finally locate them in a small but visible hole in the ground. At last, I turn on the damn thing, and bust my way through the safe. Now I see a glass cup, something like a glass trophy, with the words HOLY GRAEL engraved on the bottom, and enclosed in a thin glass case. I carefully smash the glass case, and somehow, there is a bottle of fresh and cold water beside it now. I hurriedly pour the water in the grail, and drink from it. What a refreshing.....poof! fall onto the ground, unconscious. Thats the last thing I remember of the dream. Well, completed the TotY, but didn't get to enjoy the drink after all the hard work I put in.


      Reliving the Dinosaur Age.

      Rating : ★★★★☆

      Completed another task of the year last night. I woke up in the middle of the night, and had barely moved. So I tried to FILD, moving my fingers very slowly. This helped me remain in a conscious state. Soon, I started to feel vibrations or waves going throughout my body. I had experienced SP before, and was not too bothered by this feelings. I could see some Chinese or perhaps Japanese characters moving about me. I recognized only one of them, the symbol of fire. It was in Chinese. I couldn't figure out the rest of them. They started to revolve around me, going faster and faster until they were a blur. My body was falling into it, and I started to shudder violently. After a minute or so, it stopped. I could see nothing. I was in a black void. I thought of where I want to go, and remembered the ToTY thanks to the MILD I had done before sleeping. I closed my eyes, and imagined a pre-historic forest, with dinosaurs and wild tress and reptilian birds.
      I slowly opened my dream eyes, and found myself on a grassy mountain. It was cool here. I could see the sun in the distance, but it looked different somehow. Perhaps smaller and a little brighter.
      A large bird comes at me from nowhere, screeching and clawing at me. What a nuisance. I concentrate on forming an invisible force field around me. I was successful, the bird crashes into it and falls, before going away in anger. I look around and concentrate on the environment, to clarify the dream. The longer I look, the more there is to look. There are many wild trees around, and I can see a beautiful blue lake in the distance. The air smells of nature, and the environment is filled with exotic sounds, some of which I cannot identify. The mountain I am standing on is quite high, and I notice a cave behind me. I use the inside-the-cave method, the ancestor of behind-the-door, to bring out Leona. I call out for her, and she comes out. She is wearing a trekking suit, one fit for a hike. I ask her, "Well, how am I supposed to complete the TotY now? I am in dinosaur age, but there is no meteorite."
      "Well, why don't you cause the meteorite to hit?"
      "Eh, I can do that?"
      "*sigh* What an idiot."
      She picks up a pebble, and throws it high into the air. She raises her hands, and around her hands appear a weird lettering, inside a ring. Kinda cool. She says "Enlarge!" and time freezes. Now she points her palms at the pebble, and move her palms away from each other, increasing the space between them. The pebble enlarges considerably, and she drops her hands, which breaks the spell, unfreezing time. The pebble falls to the ground below me, except now it is as big as a large truck.
      "Cool! How'd ya do that?"
      "Just do what I did. Remember to use your aura for the spell, or you won't be able to do it."

      PS I don't believe in "Ki" or "Chakra" or "Inner Energy" or whatever it is, so I always use the word aura for it, which more or less satisfies me.
      I take another pebble, but I can't just toss it in the air. I need it to go into space and THEN hit the earth. So I summoned up this gun I was watching on a documentary, that can send bullets into space because the velocity of the bullet is more than the escape velocity needed to escape the pull of the earth. It looks like an alien gun, with a dark black body and electric blue patterns on it. I insert the pebble, that has somehow become bullet shaped. I load, and fire it toward the sky. The pebble get smaller and smaller, until it is a point on the bright blue sky.
      Focus, I thought. Whenever I use spells, I gather my energy into my hands, and then work it from there. Therefore I concentrate it into my wrists and palms, and my familiar bluish silver and black aura starts to some out of my hands like a small fire. Instantly, there appears the same ring around my wrists, with some wierd symbols revolving around it. The ring is black inside with silver lettering and outlines. Suddenly, time stops. The wind stops blowing, the trees stop waving, the birds freeze in mid-air. It seems as if it is all one big painting.
      Now the pebble is stopped somewhere in space, I can modify it's size. A rectangle appears around the pebble, with pointers/handles at the sides, like the one you get in picture editing softwares. Just drag those little things around and the image will enlarge. There is a similar concept here. I use my hands and point at the pebble, and spread them apart, so that the pebble is enlarged. I continue until it will expand no longer. Now it looks like a real meteorite. I drop my hands, and time unfreezes. The meteorite starts to fall towards the ground. In a matter of seconds, it is very close to earth. But something is not right. Oh yeah! It is not on fire! What good is a meteorite without fire? I get a sudden idea from reading a manga. I draw the Kanji symbol for fire in the air, (yeah, you guessed it, I am a fan of those symbols ) and my fingers leave a hot red trail, so that the symbol is brightly shining in air. I kinda "throw" the symbol at the meteorite, or basically, cause the symbol to race towards the meteorite, and collide with it. The second it does, the whole meteorite erupts in flames. The flames are of abnormal size, and I can feel the heat from them, even kilometers away.
      Leona makes an ice shield around us, (huh?!) to protect us from the heat. The meteorite is raging towards the earth. There is a deadly silence. Every living creature seems to have stunned, looking speechless at the large ball of flame. It is very close now, probably just a matter of seconds. Leona shouts, "Let's get out or we will burn too!"
      "No, you go! I'll stay! I have to watch it hit!"
      "Idiot. Well, I'll just go by myself, I am not fond of dying from a fake meteorite created by you."
      She crouches, and touches the ground with her palm. A circle appears there, a dark black one. It starts from her wrist, and expands around her. "See ya! Or not..." she says, and jumps into the circle, teleporting to who-knows-where.
      The meteorite is about to hit now. The heat burns up the trees and the bushes around me. The ice shield is still intact, but only just. With a resounding explosion, the meteorite hits. The blast was deafening. I felt the shockwave of it travel miles away to where I stood. Then came the heat of it. The ice shield couldn't hold on much longer. The meteorite throws up a mountain of dust, rock and ash, that form a mushroom cloud. The shield breaks. Now I feel the full heat of my own flames. So real. I can feel my body charring. It was agonizing. I couldn't do anything. And after some time, that felt like hours, I lose consciousness, and wake up.


      Gladiator Battle?

      Rating : ★★★★☆

      I was now inside a roman stadium. I was never good at history, so I probably didn't know what was going on. There was an audience in high benches all around. There were gold fences around me, but the arena itself had a floor of dirt, mud and clay. In the distance I could see split air-conditioners all around. Good. I don't like being in hot weather anyways. I was wondering what to do, when I noticed that the walls of the arena had cages inside them, and there were large tigers caged inside. They were wearing black and gold armor, and quite heavy ones at that.
      Suddenly, a stage comes up with a commentator on it. He grabs the microphone, and shouts, "Battle of the warrior! Start the fight!"
      Cool. Just what I wanted. Even my dreams know my preferences.
      The bars of the cage disappeared into thin air. A lump of raw meat landed near to me. It was a bait. Smelling the meat, the tigers in heavy armor rushed at it. One of them took the meat and swallowed it whole. Now they were looking for food elsewhere, and spotted me.
      My dream was destabilizing. I can tell when it's so because it starts to slowly fade/blur around the edges and then disappears whole. So I rubbed my hands. The faster I rubbed, the more the dream became clear. At last when it was clear enough, I did the nose-pinch RC again. I could still breathe.
      The tigers were now circling me. I summoned my katana from thin air, expecting it to be in my hand when I look at it again. It slowly materializes. But now there is something wrong. It feel heavier than before. There are black flames already around it. What?! I didn't do anything yet. Also, it was harder to control than before. It started to vibrate a little. But when I touched the sword, I really felt a kind of sadness and a thirst for killing. When I put it away, it was gone, but as soon as I held it again, there was that feeling again. And all the time there were black flames wrapped around it. Strange. True I had it only once before, but why is it so weird?
      All this time I was pondering about my sword, the tigers were standing still, as if time was frozen. Now everything snapped back to reality. Dream reality, more like. I decided to fight using my sword, and just ignore the unusual behavior.
      One of them jumps at me. What was that guy thinking? I love special effects during my dreams, because they are the only times I get to do stuff I can not do in real life, and I try to take as much fun from them as possible, not start meditating and go around asking my DC's or even Leona about life. Get to the point, fighting. I am a pretty peaceful guy IRL, y'know.
      The tiger is now an inch away from me. I slash him, but the only thing my eyes can see is my hand blurring for a millisecond, and then back to the normal position. So this is what it felt like to have supernatural powers at will. A deep slash appears on the tigers middle, and he drops, making weird noises in pain. I take pity on him, because even if he's a DC, I don't like killing animals. I look away from him, and back again. Now he is completely cured, and small as a kitty. He meows a thanks. I said out loud to him, "Now go away before I unleash my passion of kicking kittens."
      Though I was kidding, he fled. I realized I couldn't fight the others. I just don't like animals in pain. So when I look back at the whole bunch, I expect there to be a large number of skilled ninjas. My best technique is the expectation technique, because it always works for me. Indeed, there are about twenty or so ninjas now. One of them comes at me, wielding a white katana. I disappear, and appear behind him again. My favorite move. He hangs in mid-air for a second, and then his body splits cleanly in two. If I made them all like real men, there would have been a lot of mess, so I just make dust shadows. Fun to kill, and they don't make a mess.


      Neil Armstrong Pwned....

      Rating : ★★★★☆

      Date : 25th May, 2010

      I was in a space craft cabin. Everything was very clean and tidy, as well as neatly arranged. I was wearing a space suit. Somehow, I felt like I was familiar with all the weird vuttons and knobs in front of me. There was a middle-aged lady sitting beside me at the controls. I knew it was Neil Armstrong.
      I hear a voice saying, "Ten seconds to experimental quick spatial jump. Please remain fixed to your toilet seats." (again, an exact quote.)
      I find this comment quite normal. A large number appears in mid-air, displaying 15 seconds remaining. I justify it as a 3D projection, a hologram. The countdown starts. 15......16........100........31.......3#......6%.. ....O_O
      PS this is an exact reference. Including the "O_O" thing.
      I become lucid. I start to look around, trying to increase the detail. I could see a large screen, showing odd symbols and shapes in green in front of me. On my left was a coffee table, fully laid out. On my right was Neil Armstrong. He was back to a man now.
      I realize that we are at the moon already. Neil realizes this as I do as well. We both look into each other's eyes for a moment, and suddenly dash for the exit. The exit is made for only one person, and we both cram it up, getting stuck. I force myself out. Now I can see a ladder descending into the moon, but it looked more like a ladder you see in game shows, made of plastic and quite large, with obstacles in between to keep me from getting down.
      Neil was here as well. We both started going down the ladder. It's like a race, but it was fun. Now my view was like a game screen, and everything became cartoonish. The ladder was yolk yellow color. On the sides, for each participant of the race, there are small bombs, to throw at one another. I pick up a bright blue grenade, and throw it at him. He ducks, and shouts, "You missed!"
      But the grenade falls instead on his ammunition. He realizes what's going on, but is too late too stop it. The grenade detonates. There is an average blast, but now the grenade the closest to it also blows up. This causes a huge chain reaction, blowing all the way to the end at his side. He looks at me in surprise. I grin.
      I use flash step to get to the end. Zap! I am a LOT closer. Another ZAP! And I am at the end. Neil shouts, "Hey! No fair!"
      "Thats what you get for being a DC, dumbass!"
      I am now at the moon. Neil takes sometime to get to the bottom. I beat him! Completed another TotY! I was enjoying the landscape. The more I looked, the more there was to see. There was a whole colony of people, living under a huge dome. At the center of the glass dome, there was a huge tree, going a mile into the sky. It was all magnificent, in contrast to the black and silver landscape of the moon. In the dome, I could see shops, houses, factories. Generally, a whole city. There were people bustling here and there.
      I hear a lone wolf's howl. I was really enjoying myself here. I lose my lucidity to the landscape.

      I probably did something more, but I forgot because I lost lucidity. ^_^


      How to make fire ; A tutorial by me. ^_^

      Date : 30th May, 2010

      Rating : ★★★☆☆

      I was shopping outside with some of my friends. We were all going to a certain shop in the distance. The streets were quite busy with passersby. I noticed that one of my friends was wearing a black tee shirt. Seeing this, I did a reality check. I pinched my nose, and found that I could still breathe!
      I become lucid. I stabilized my dream by rubbing my hands. The vision was life-like, and my lucidity was also very high. I looked around for stuff to do, and remembered the Task of the Year. I might as well try to teach those primate humans how to make fire. I walked into a large mall, thinking how to go to that era, and viola! A whole forest was in front of me. There were tall, dense trees all around me. I walked ahead, and after a while, I came to a lake. It was so peaceful and beautiful here. There were all sort of weird plants near the lake.
      I spotted some monkey-like humans nearby. Good. I come near them. They seem to be scared of me. I yell out to them , "Hey! I am Max! Who are you guys?"
      They replied, but in a strange language that I could not even begin to comprehend. What the heck. I guessed they wouldn't know how to make fire. I decided to try it.
      I took a few twigs, and some flint stones that happened to be sitting nearby. I rubbed them together, and sparks flew out of it.
      But the twigs didn't like up. Shit. This is taking too long. I used magic, and just used my fire ability to light up the twigs.
      They were really surprised. The were scared to come close to the fire. But one of them bravely came up, and touched it. He yelled in pain. Seeing this, the other primates started playing with fire too. (shouldn't they be NOT coming near it, seeing one of them got burnt?)
      One of them picked up a burning twig, and started to wave it in the air. All of the others did the same.
      It was really amusing, watching them do this. Then a burning twig fell from the hands of one of the guys, and the grass caught fire. In an instant, the fire spread out to the whole forest, as if it was all kerosene or something.

      They all started to shout out excitedly, as if they has never seen a fire before. There were really happy smiles on their faces. They spread out, each in a different direction, and started to chase the still spreading fire. Then they started to make little fires of their own, shooting out fireballs and lighting up trees. I was standing by, watching them play with fire.

      Thats the last thing I remember, because I probably lost lucidity here, watching the whole scene.

      Beach party with Moses!!

      Rating : ★★★★☆

      Date : 3rd June, 2010

      I was on a beach party. The beach looked exactly like the image above, but there was also a cute little wooden beach house. I was along with five of my friends. All of us were in swim suits. I looked at mine. The were knee high drawstring trousers or something, colored blue, with a white image of a palm tree.
      There were really fierce waves. I mean REALLY fierce. The wind was strong enough to pull us out of course, and the waves rose more than five meters high. It was a cloudy day, but the sun's rays were just visible through the gaps in the clouds.
      I could hear a far off seagull's cry. We started to play beach volleyball, but the wind was too fierce and would cause the ball to go astray. Somehow, all of us found that extremely funny. We started to laugh, hard. We were laughing without stopping, without any particular reason except the ball's going off course. We laughed so much that it started to hurt my stomach, and tears came into my eyes. Finally, we hiccuped ourself to silence. Spontaneously, out of nowhere,
      I became lucid. Perhaps it was due to the fact that I live in a city in the middle of the desert, and that we rarely get such strong waves along the coast line. Whatever, now is not the time to wonder WHY I became lucid.
      There wasn't really much scenery there for me to stabilize, but I did it anyways. I used all of my senses, including activating the sense of taste by tasting some sea water. When the dream was stable enough, I spun in a circle and rubbed my hands. The clarity was already pretty good, so it didn't have that much effect. But the experience was life like, or perhaps even more vivid than real life.
      I walked around. I did not want to do something too exciting early in a dream, a golden rule of mine that works like a miracle. I used to instantly start smashing up stuff but it killed my lucid dreams, and not long after I learned my lesson and became more patient.
      I walked up to my friends. One of them, a guy, said, "Hey, see those waves, Max? They seem pretty big. Think we will get a sale on those?"
      Another one, a girl, replied, "Yeah right, everyone knows that summer sales are only on laptops. Besides, where are you gonna stash a surfing bear in that apartment of yours?"
      "Hey," he replied, "at least it's not as big as your belly, it doesn't need an acupuncture every half hour."
      I was laughing hard, again. But for the fear of losing my lucidity to their one-of-a-kind conversation, I intruded and said, upon suddenly remembering, "Guys, do you know where Moses is? The one who parted the sea?"
      Every one started to gape at me, like I was mad or something. Another girl said, "Like. duh! Don't you know that he is one vacation in Hawaii right now? Man, you gotta buy some fashion magazines, you know that?"
      "HUH?! Moses, the spiritual kinda guy, in a fashion magazine?! Are you kidding me?"
      They all start to look at me weirdly again.
      "Anyways, tell me which direction is Hawaii."
      They look at me in even more surprise.
      "Dude, this IS Hawaii."
      "Ah, I see. So then where is Moses?"
      "He is on the clearing around the forest. He was helpin' lil' kids to cross the ocean, you know. To make sure they don't fall into the clams at the bottom."
      "Okay, thanks for the info."
      I use the rope method to pull myself toward the end of the forest. I feel a tug around my waist, and I quickly transport to there. Then, I start to run, looking for Moses.
      WHOOOSH!!! A loud sound came up from ahead of me. The ground started to rumble. The wind suddenly became a heck of a lot faster. I actually had to use telekinesis on myself, imagining me glued to the ground, to avoid flying away with the wind.
      Then, the whole sea in front of me split apart.

      Wait, wasn't there a condition? Shit. WAIT A FUCKIN' SECOND!!!
      I snapped my fingers, and stopped time. I did that by imagining a movie being paused. Everything became perfectly skill, and a little blurred, or shadowed. I had suddenly remembered that Moses need to part the Reed sea, not jut any random beach.
      I tried a trick I had never done before. I concentrated any summoned a large banner that could be poked in the ground. But before writing anything, I did a reality check, stabilized more, and rubbed my hands again. I am taking no chances.
      I use my finger to write something up. But I see that I have written a jumble of random words that make no sense. No matter.
      I cause the letters to morph and re arrange themselves, something like Tom Riddle (Voldemort) does in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. The words now read, "Welcome to REED sea!"
      Not exactly what I wanted, but it was good enough. I planted in in the ground, and believed what it said.
      I unfroze time. Now, the sea was blood red. Maybe something related to the similarity between "Reed" and "red".

      Oh well, as long as it's a sea. The sea in now completely parted. Great! There goes another task of the year!
      But, Moses seemed to be having some trouble keeping it parted like that. Don't know why, buyt I went there to help him.
      I was standing on sand, which was supposed to the ocean bed. I built an invisible wall on both sides to keep the water from flowing in.
      "Whew!" , said someone near to me. It was Moses! He was in a white robe, with his hood down so I couldn't see his face. He was also wearing a golden armor on one hand.
      "Thanks for the help, kiddo. You could become a better Moses than me."
      "No problem. Tell me, do you only go around parting seas and stuff?"
      "No, but I am famous for it. Say, do you want a new dream guide?"
      "Yeah, I came here to become your dream guide."
      "Sorry, but I already have one."
      "Oh, that vampire brat?"
      "But I am much greater than her. I can show you the mysteries of universe. I can lead you to the divine. I can make you spiritual. Your dreams will be the strong hold of good."
      "Wow! Thats amazing. Leona never did that. Can you really do that stuff?"
      "Of course I am. Who do you think I am?"
      "Right. But the me something. Can you fight?"
      "No, I am a good guy."
      "Can you kill monsters?"
      "Can you turn into a vampire?"
      "Are you a hot young lady?"
      "No, of course not! But that doesn't mean I am.........pleasurable." (PS sorry if anyone was offended by this, but as you know, it was just a dream, nothing else.)
      "Sorry, but I am totally into women. Tell me one last thing."
      "Do you know how to pilot combat space ships?"
      "No, I don't."
      "Sorry then, but you are just not my type. I will stick with Leona for now though. Come once in a while to give me some of that divine experience of yours, will ya?"
      "Ah, that Leona. That mother fuc**ng bitc*h $/&^#!!!!!!"
      "Whoa there! You're Moses. You are not suppose to curse like that. Only teenagers can do that."
      "This is the 21st century, dude. So long, bi*ch!"
      He disappears into thin air. Oh well. I have to wake up now, before I forget the task of the year. I force my real eyes open, something I can do even since I was not lucid dreaming, and wake up.

      Finally got over my dry-spell.

      So wheels WERE used.

      Rating : ★★★★☆ (back to normal 5-star ratings. )

      Date : 10th of June, 2010

      I had this lucid dream after a bit of MILD and WBTB combined. I threw in a little FILD, too. Worked great.
      This dream occurred after I had slipped into sleep. My WILD failed, but I got lucid nevertheless.

      I was an archeologist. I was researching the Tomb of Tutankhamen. They said that whoever touched a certain stone on the grave died instantly. As this was a life threatening situation, we officials were sent by the FBI to research it for it's potential killing power, so that it could be used in weaponry. We arrived, with big, hunky men patrolling ahead of us as bodyguards. There were a few people with me. I remember seeing my friends dad, but the rest were all unfamiliar.
      We walked towards the pyramid. Though it was bare desert all around us, it was extremely cold. We were all wearing fur coats. Something about earth's reversing polarity.
      We went inside the pyramid. A group of paparazzi were following us, along with irritating media reporters. I think, "Damn paparazzi. Why are they spoiling my dream? Oh well." And I wave my hand. They disappear into nothingness. I did NOT become lucid. It's just that I have become so much used to LDing that this stuff happens.
      I continued my way inside. A foul stench greeted me, something like badly maintained public toilets. I went along a dark passageway that was lit by only flaming torches. I went inside a a stone door. There it was. THE tomb.
      The smell was unbelievable. It reeked of death and decay. It was toxic. No shit! We had forgotten oxygen masks! I go outside to get them, but now, I was actually in that period of time. I could see a dozen more pyramids and sculptures. There were people bustling here and there, all wearing nothing but a short cloth around their loins, and the women were wearing those.......things....you see in movies. White, old fashioned gowns with red necklaces.
      It was a little weird, but I justified it as movie props. I asked a DC, "Excuse me, but, have you seen my car?"
      "Sure. It's round the corner from here." "Thanks."
      I went to his directed path. When I arrived, there were just an ice cream stand. Good. I was feeling hot from the running anyways. I ordered an ice cream. The attendant there told me that there was no electricity here in this past world, and that I would need to "contact the authorities". Bummer. :/
      I saw a bunch of people walking by. They were talking excitedly, in a language I could not comprehend. Now I began to doubt reality. No way this could be real!

      I became lucid. I did an RC, just to be sure. I was dreaming! Awesome! I calmed down. It's good to have a lucid dream after a dry spell, but I can't end it soon. I watched around a bit. There were many pyramids, but most were of sphinxes and Pharaohs. I saw a DC wearing a suit and went up to him.
      "Excuse me, but where are the construction grounds?"
      "93 Berthingale Street."
      "Okay, thanks."
      God, my DCs suck at directions. :/
      I ripped open the fabric of time and space, creating a portal. It was my first time actually creating one. I jumped inside it, expecting myself to be at the place where pyramids were being built.
      I succeeded. I was in a large, open area. There were many pyramids under constructions, and there were numerous slaves going at it. The typical thing you see in movies, you know. There were some leaders that were cracking whips at the slaves, forcing them to do the work. I saw a cart pulling up gold statues pass by me. Wait. I thought Egyptians didn't have the wheel? I ask the DC that, and she replies, "Well, that's the big deception. We use the wheel, but don't tell anyone about it. Insolent little brats."
      And she walks away. I laughed to myself, and started to grow wings to fly. I was in the middle of the transformation, when I woke up because of falling from the bed.

      Short lucid, but it's not my fault. -_-

      Updated 06-18-2010 at 02:27 PM by 31502

      lucid , task of the year
    8. LUCIDMAX's max lucids!

      by , 06-09-2010 at 03:58 PM (LUCIDMAX's max lucids!)
      Oh my god! I have re-written this whole dream about 3 times and each time some shitty error came up or something and it all got erased!!
      *sigh* OK one last try!

      A False FA.

      Rating : ★★★★☆

      I dreamed that I was about to sleep in my bed. I was in my room, where everything looked perfectly normal. I try to WILD, and after some time, I feel my self (supposedly) entering SP. I was about to slip into dream state, when the doorbell suddenly rang. This snaps me out of SP. Somebody goes to open the door, and I hears loud, excited, and pleasantly surprised voices. Annoyed, I try to go back to sleep. Again, I was about to dose off, when my room's door suddenly bursts open, and one of my cousins come in, taking no notice that I was trying to sleep. She was one I haven't seen for years in IRL, but in my dream, she appeared to have come back from a holiday. She kept talking in loud voices, perhaps intentionally so I would wake up.
      Unable to sleep anymore, I get up, and go to the bathroom to wash my face.
      Good thing I didn't do anything else! After that, I go to the dining room, where everybody is having dinner, and talking excitedly. The atmosphere looked quite bright. I eat my meal, not noticing any difference between this and a real meal. Then I go back to my room to catch some sleep, now too tired to WILD, and soon doze of into a dream sleep.
      I wake up in the middle of the night, like we usually do. I realize that it would be a good time to FILD. Thus I move my fingers slowly, trying not to move the rest of my body. After about one minute, I look at my alarm clock. It's 1:30 am. Then I look away, and look at the clock again. It is now 4:25.
      I become lucid. The vividness of the dream wasn't that good, and it was unstable. I focus on the environment, and rub my hands. While rubbing, I notice that I have no hands, just a stub of a wrist, like the rest was cut off. I try to touch my non-existent finger, but I feel instead an invisible, jelly-like substance that I can not penetrate, preventing me from touching my fingers and palm.
      Now that my vision is clear, I start to go out of the room, not wanting to run through the window and fly so early in a dream in case it ends. So I walk to the door, and pull it open.
      IRL, there is a small corridor in front of my room, a large mirror on the wall, and my bird's cage, a Mynah, hangs there. But when I open the door, there is the corridor alright, but there is no cage. Instead, my pet bird is walking on the floor freely, along with a white duck and a white dove. Where did these two come from? Amused, I continue, and come to the mirror. I can see that my image is warped from the bottom. I continue towards the living room. I see a large coffee jar on the center table. I try my telekinesis skills, using the invisible rope method to summon the jar to me. But all it does is levitate a meter above the table and sort of wobble towards me a bit, like an object in space. Annoyed by this, I grab the jar in mid-air and through it violently on the wall, but it just bounces off it like a rubber ball.
      Defeated, I continue my way out.
      Normally, there is a spiral staircase that leads to the ground floor. But here, there are only two flights of stairs, one on right and another on left. They are in a very bad condition, which tiles coming off and the railings rusting heavily. Not bothering to climb down, I turn off gravity, grab the railing, and jump the whole staircase. It felt amazing, to do acrobats in a dream. I am slowly landing now, but then I grab a horizontal pole thats sticking out of the wall's side, and start to swing in circles. I let go, propelling quite high into the air, doing two back flips along the way, and land quite perfectly on the ground. Now I am in front of two ancient doors. The passage leading to them is very congested, making it difficult for me to get out. Finally, I manage to squeeze myself out, and now I am facing a highway, where cars are going by in high speeds. There is very little ground to stand on without stepping on the road. I am suddenly shocked when a large truck speeds past me, missing me by inches. I have had enough, I don't want to get killed in a lucid. So I look for a pill in my pocket, and take out everything inside it. I see some chewing gum wrappers, my mobile headphones, and other pieces of general trash found in the pockets of teens. ^_^ But there is no pill for me to grow wings with.
      I turn back the way I had come, but now there is no door. Instead, I am now standing on a large platform, made of brown, polished marble. In front of me, there are two pillars and a rectangular wall, arranged in a pillar-wall-pillar formation. The wall is blocking my view, so I run up to it, imagining myself passing through it. I collide with it, and fall pitifully to the ground. The wall, though looking marble-like in appearance, seemed to be made of a spongy material. Having learnt my lesson, I walk up to the side of the wall. I am amazed by what I see. There is a whole city in front of me, with everything made of exactly the same material.
      The platform is twenty or so meters high from the ground. Looking down, I see a not-so-busy road, and a line of shops. Turning gravity off again, (which I am quite good at) I jump off, again landing cat-like on the ground. Now I see a footpath, a few passersby going here and there, and a bench next to the road where three people are talking. I hear a guy saying, "Yeah, I heard burger king got flooded by turtles again." and someone replying, "They could make turtle steaks now."
      I decide to join their conversation, and see that there is a guy and two girls sitting there, all perhaps sixteen or so. When I come over, the girls are cool with it, but the guy looks irritated, perhaps even jealous. Suddenly, he gets up, and grasps my collar, challenging me to a fight.
      The landscape changes. We are now in a large open area, with barbed wires serving as a fence, so that none of us can escape. There is dark here, and no one around except us two. The guy has morphed into a gangster-like person, with quite some muscles and a chain in his hand. He runs towards me, about to attack me with a punch. I am calmly standing there, hands in my pocket, waiting for him to come closer. He is now inches from me, and I see his punch moving in slow-motion, about to connect to my face.
      I am a black belt in tae-kwon-do, no kidding. I tilt my head a little bit, and his punch misses. He attacks with his other hand, aiming for my stomach. I step swiftly and fluently to my side, ending my behind him. For those who know it, I jump up, and execute a tornado kick, that hits the back of his neck. He goes flying on his back, travelling quite a distance before falling down.

      In a rage, he gets up, and charges for a second time. this time, he is much faster, which surprises me. But still, this is my dream after all. I take out a pill out of my pocket, which is somehow marked as, "fire". Don't know why, but I crush it in my hands. Suddenly, flames erupt from it, engulfing my whole body. But I do not feel a thing, it is surprisingly cool. I raise my hands, and see a tongue of fire emanating from them. Concentrating my aura, I gather all of the flames into a ball of fire, and shoot it at that poor guy. The flames char his whole body in an instant, and he slumps to the ground, unconscious.
      I somehow end up in a bar, and thought I might as well order up a drink. I sit on the table, and notice everyone here looks like a bunch of juvenile delinquents. I continue to drink, amazed at how real it tasted. I look for my mobile in my pocket, but it is not there. Strange! It was there a moment ago! I look around, and see a bunch of people nearby smoking and leering at me.
      I go up to their leader, and beat him up. The other guys seem scared by this, and one of them hands me my mobile back. I take it, and go back to my table. I put my hand in my pocket, and my mobile is lost again! Damn! How do these guys steal so fast?!
      I go back to them, and the scene changes. I am back to the same ground. Now, there are all those people around me, with chains, knives, brass knuckles, and every kind of street weapon available. They all charge at me at once. I dodge a few attacks, smack a couple in the face, and kick more of them away, but there's still a lot of them. They grab my hands and legs, and start beating me up. One of them starts to violently punch my face, and another stabs me in the leg. They were really roughening me up. I was losing consciousness.
      And suddenly, there was this flash of bright light. Everyone stops, and looks around. About 10 meters away, Leona is standing there. She says, "Tch..." as if annoyed. Another flash of light, and I find myself free, crouching on one knee beside her. There is a split second's elapse, and all of the thugs fall to the ground, badly injured. I was amazed, she defeated them all, in just a flash!
      "You fool! You can't take on all of them by yourself! Not now, anyways."
      I was like, "Huh?!"
      "Believe in yourself. You are the master of this world. You have to believe that you can do anything. Hesitate, and you will die."
      She disappears again. I soon lose consciousness, perhaps due to the wounds, and wake up.

      Updated 06-18-2010 at 02:18 PM by 31502

      lucid , memorable
    9. I meet my dream guide.

      by , 06-09-2010 at 03:57 PM (LUCIDMAX's max lucids!)
      Now this is where the fun starts. Now, I don't have any more nightmares of this kind, so I can enjoy my lucids. Finally!

      Note: From here on, I will post my dreams in a rough order, because I don't remember the exact dates. However, once I have written all the dreams I can remember, I will update my DJ daily so you can read it in order. ^_^

      I meet my DG

      Rating : ★★★★☆

      My first WILD, by the way.

      I came home, very tired after a whole day at the beach partying with my friends, celebrating the beginning of summer vacation. I lay down on my bed, intending to WILD as it would be a good time to do so. I stay still, use some meditation to calm myself, and then start reverse blinking. I don't know how long I was going at it. After a while, I felt vibrations pulsing through my body. The vibrations start particularly with my hands, then spread throughout my entire body.
      Eventually, I begin to enter SP. I hear a sound, like a whisper, or perhaps wind blowing. And I can see red and black lines flying around here and there. I was pretty excited on finally making some progress, but I told myself to calm down. Slowly, these lines combined to form weird shapes, which were also jumping about. It's was an amazing experience. Now they began to expand. They expanded until I could see nothing else, and then I felt a sucking sensation, as if I was falling into the mass of shapes.
      I finally enter dream state. Just to be sure, I pass my finger through my palm. It easily goes in, but it leaves a hole in my palm. I remember I was very amused at this, and kept on punching holes in my palm until I was bored. Then I started to look around. I was in a vast, open area, with tall skyscrapers made entirely of glass. None of these buildings had a reflection. The whole landscape was completely deserted. I eat a pill that was in my pocket (another technique I am handy with) and grow black wings. I flap them and start to fly. It was amazing! I flew high and low, enjoying the feeling to my hearts content. This was the first time I remember being this happy in a dream. While flying, I do some stability techniques to stabilize the dream.
      After a while, I land, now in a street full of shoppers and passer-byes. I try talking to them, but all anyone can say is, "Whatcha?" Again, I was very amused. Then I started to lose lucidity. I yell, "Increase Lucidity!" Nothing Happens. I rub my hands to try and stabilize the dream, but in vain. As a last resort, I spin. I am still spinning, and the dream ends. I am back on my bed awake. Suddenly, my clock starts to ring. It's a glow in the dark type, and I can see it's 4 o'clock. Then I turn it off and check the time again. It's now 11:30. I was like, eh? Another FA? Cool!
      I slowly get out of my bed, but I find I can not move my body. Looking here and there, I see my usual room, but now someone was sitting on the chair of my computer table. It was a very pretty girl, about 18 or so, and looked French. She was wearing a deep blue dress, and was just sitting there, looking at me. As I saw her, I couldn't stop looking. I sensed an aura emanating from her, and I felt this sudden sensation of love and warmth, but with a hint of sadness.
      I have already described it in one of my posts. She starts to rise, and I notice I still can't move. She comes up to me, and is now standing directly above me. I am quite calm, knowing it's a dream, and besides, she didn't have a dangerous intention, I could sense it. (I am good at sensing auras ^_^) I can only gaze at her, mesmerized by her beauty, especially her shoulder-length hair, which were a blonde color.
      She asks me, "Do you know who I am?"
      "A dream character?"
      "No, I am your dream master."
      Confused, I say, "Huh? Do you mean dream guide?"
      "You can say that."
      "WOW! I have never met my dream guide before."
      "Of course you haven't. How dumb do you think I am?"
      "Sorry. Well, whats your name, anyways?"
      "It's Leona."
      "I see."
      "Well, don't just lie there! Get up, you lazy asshole!"
      I was shocked by that, and told her I couldn't move. But the she smiled and grabbed my arm, and pulled me up. "Follow me." she says, and leads me out of my room. I exit through the door, and come to a clear, green area, with only grass and a few trees.

      I ask her, "Well, what do dream guides do?"
      "I am here as your dream master, and I bet I can teach you a few things."
      "Really? Like what?"
      'Well, do you know how to summon objects?"
      "Not really, though I have heard of it."
      "Well, let's just try that first. First, focus on the object you wanna summon."
      "Next, raise your hand and imagine it materializing there. You have to feel it materializing or it won't work."
      I did as she instructed, and found the lightsaber I had imagined in my hands.
      "Cool! What else can you teach me?"
      "Thats it for now, I'm tired."
      "Hey, wait! I wanna learn some more."
      "Okay, this is a really cool trick. Imagine your real body lying peacefully in your bed."
      I did so. "Now imagine yourself falling back into it."
      Again, I did what she told me.

      And then, I woke up. I had been tricked! That B*TCH!!

      Well, thats it for today. I have perhaps four or so more dreams to share before I can post my latest ones. It's really late now, and I am tired of typing.
      Be sure to comment and rate! Thanks!

      Updated 06-18-2010 at 02:13 PM by 31502

      lucid , false awakening , memorable
    10. Battling the nightmare!

      by , 06-09-2010 at 03:54 PM (LUCIDMAX's max lucids!)
      Now, in the upcoming lucid, I FINALLY manage to solve my internal battle.

      I love you.

      Rating : ★★★★☆

      I posted my problems on DV, and I got some VERY helpful advice from DarkMatters. He told me to try and talk to her, which proved to be very helpful and got rid of this for good. Thanks, Darkmatter!

      After a long and tiring day, I feel asleep quickly. I was somehow reliving 9/11. I saw the two planes crash. I did what I could, warning people and telling them to get away. No one cared what I said, though. Then each and everyone of us witnessed the planes crashing, but in my dreams, they were more like space shuttles. I was inside the building at the time, and I got the full impact of the blast. I fainted, or perhaps died, and woke up. I thought, man, why do I get killed in my dreams. As I am thinking, I notice that my bedroom has a pink wall paint rather than the blue IRL. And I notice that my vision is blurred at the edges, and THAT was somehow making it difficult to breathe. I look at my hands. The are no hands! There is only my wrist, and my palm and fingers seem to have been cut off. I become lucid. I rub my hands to make my vision clearer, and it is successful. Now with real-life-like vision, I proceed out of my room. IRL, just outside my room is a big mirror, and I saw that in the dream as well. When I looked in it, I saw a corpse version of myself. I thought, eh? That reminds me of something! I have to try talking to that zombie girl! Maybe I can solve this once and for all! Now my heartbeat starts to race. I come closer to the mirror, and put my hand into it. The mirror is like water, and waves emerge from the point where my hand touched it. I climb into it, and teleport to where I thought I would find her.
      I am now standing in a dark valley. There is only one lamp, which is flickering feebly. It's is total darkness, darker than night. I steel myself, telling myself that it's just a dream. I proceed, and I see a door in the wall. I thought, Good! Now I can bring her out. Using the behind-the-door technique (my specialty), I manage it. I come into a room, which is bright with light. I can see that girl, crouched in a corner like something stuffed out of sight, not loved and not wanted. Suddenly, even after my horrific experiences with her, I feel pity for her. She suddenly notices that I am here, and gets up. I see the same familiar face, but it's wet with tears now. She tries to grab my throat, and I resist the impulse to run away. Instead, I make her hug me. Holding her close, I say, "I am not scared of you anymore. Why are you doing this? Why do you always scare me in my dreams? I can help you, if you want."
      She seems surprised a bit, the starts to sob on my shoulder. While I am holding her, she starts to transform, turning taller, as if morphing into an older person. I look at her, and I see she has changed into my ex. I was quite moved by this. Still crying, she says, "Why do you hate me? I couldn't help it."
      After which, she starts to mutter something which I cannot understand, all the time sobbing on my shoulder. I realize what was going on all this time. I hold her more tightly, and say, " I love you. Don't think that I don't. You are a part of my subconscious, and I love you as anyone else. Please stop crying." As soon as I said it, I felt her get lighter and lighter, until I realize she turns into a mere vapor and starts to fade away. I heard only one last word from her, "Thanks."
      I was a little sad, and I lost all my excitement after this. I was in no mood to try any stuff either. I found myself, somehow, by the seaside. It was still night. I was at the Bahrain Bridge, near to my home IRL. This is how it looks like:

      It starts to pour rain. No lightning, just heavy rain. And I am standing against the railing, lost in thought.

      I woke up after some time. It was a Thursday, so I was free. (We have weekends on Thursday and Friday) I lay in my bed for a good two hours, thinking.

      Updated 06-09-2010 at 04:14 PM by 31502

      lucid , nightmare , memorable
    11. LUCIDMAX's max lucids! My first few lucids!

      by , 06-09-2010 at 03:30 PM (LUCIDMAX's max lucids!)

      Hey guys!
      Finally, I have begun to type my dream journal on this site. I look forward to sharing my experience with you and getting your opinion. My LDs are usually sharp and clear, my recall is good (even if it is crappy at the moment) and I get a lot of LDs! So get ready to dive into the midst of my dreams where you will find excitement, danger, love, joy, happiness, thrill, suspense, mystery and darkness!
      Now with the boasting intro out of the way, here are the earliest dreams I can remember.

      Note: I can't remember all of my dreams, so I will only post that are particularly exciting and worth posting. Also, the dreams may NOT be in order, 'cause it's kinda hard to remember ALL of my dreams AND keep them in order. So I will write as many as I remember and then continue updating my DJ from now on.

      Reoccurring Characters in my dreams :

      1. Me.

      Forms : I usually appear same as real life in my dreams. However, I can morph into any form I want. The most common transformation I undergo is my transformation into a vampire by touching a tattoo that starts from my arms, spreads to my shoulders and then to my neck. In vampire form, I gain a burst of incredible energy, and I have clawed hands and feet, black wings to fly with, and red, cat-like eyes.

      Powers : Most often, I summon my sword to fight. I can use magic, the magic of wind, earth, fire, water, light and darkness. I do that by using rings that appear on my wrists whenever I wan to use magic. I also use flash steps in almost all of my battles. I can also create shock waves that are immensely powerful, that once sliced a castle neatly in half. Another technique I am very handy with is stopping time upon will. And I am pretty good at every other technique like telekinesis, summoning, teleporting, etc.

      2. Leona.

      Form : She is my dream guide. I met her a LONG time ago, and she appears in almost all of my dreams after that. She is a female of about 20 years, is slim and blonde, and has a very pale skin. Overall, I would say that she is hypnotically beautiful. but she has a very strict character, and it is very hard to get in her good looks. But sometimes she can be soft and tender and takes care of me for a bit. But that is rare. She taught me summoning, strengthening my dream body on will, a little but of telekinesis and has on numerous occasions, saved my life.

      Powers : Leona is INCREDIBLY powerful, and is my master in combat skills. She knows even better martial arts than me, a black belt tea-kwon-do pupil. She can use flash steps too, and her speed is phenomenal. I had a hard time defeating her with all of my power, when she was not even fighting at full power. She is a vampire, and it was due to her bite that I became a vampire. She has her own sword, which she can use with the skill of a master. She can also use all of the powers I have, and she can also create multiple shock waves, the power of which I can not even begin to fathom. Her ultimate technique is to stop time using magic, and then stop time again while in that state, creating loops of time freezes, enabling her to create infinitely more copies of herself that ARE her, but in different, um, frames of reference, so to speak.

      Devil Jin.

      Description : He is the spirit that resides within my sword. Actually, my sword IS him, in a sealed state. Somehow, perhaps due to my ignorance about not playing with evil stuff, he was created by me when I summoned my sword for the first time. He is extremely powerful, and is VERY hard to control. It took me all of my might and Leona's help to bring him down. I suspect he could be an actual spirit, but then again, he could be a reoccurring DC. But once defeated, I can use him as a sword, and extremely powerful one. He claimed that he is made up of a ll my "negative thoughts" once, and was created due to me foolishly fantasizing about being evil, dark and stuff. He has large black wings, bright blue eyes, quite a hunk of muscles and horns on his head.

      Forms : While in released form, he can fight on equal level with me, and is able to use all of my techniques. Additionally, he also flies around a lot during combat. He also had razor-sharp claws that he uses to slice up anything in his way. When he is sealed, that is the sword form, he becomes a long, extremely thin, black katana with a silver guard, silver handle, and a thin sivler line running across the middle of it's blade. Whenever I am really serious, a black fire starts to come out from it, perhaps it's my inner energy in that form. The black fire doesn't burn me or anything, it just flows around the sword. But I find that whenever that happens, my sword becomes unexpectedly more powerful. Has the words "Espada el Diable" engraved in silver on the blade near the hilt.

      My first LD!

      Rating : ★★☆☆☆

      Ever since the age of seven, or possibly five, I have had some awareness during my dreams. In most of my dreams, I remember questioning reality during a weird dreams. Whenever I would see something strange, I would think, "How is this possible? This is a dream!" Even though I had awareness in almost all of my dreams, I could not control my dreams, not knowing of lucid dreams. The most I could so was forcibly awake myself from a particularly horrifying dream, sometimes ending up in FA. Back then, I didn't know about FAs, and they freaked me out. It continued like this for some 6 or 7 years.
      However, quite a long time before, I was in a similar situation, and had high awareness. I didn't know about LDing even then, so I thought it would be the same, knowing it's a dream but not controlling it. But it turned out to be different. P.S. sorry for the bad recall, it WAS a long time ago, y'know.

      I was in my school's basketball court, somehow. I don't know why, or how, I just became lucid. I was VERY excited, and was wondering how can I move while in a dream? I have never done that before. Then I tried to move about a little more, and found it was extremely realistic. Then I touched a nearby pillar, and then again I was very amazed at how real it all felt. I was thinking, AWESOME!! Wait till I wake up!! Maybe it was due to the excitement and my own ignorance of lucid dreaming, the dream started to fade and I woke up, still amazed at what I had experienced.

      Now, this is the second earliest I clearly remember, which happens to be months back. Between my first LD and this one, there were many lucid dreams, all too short and disappointing, and all ending up in 10 seconds or so. When I had this LD, I had researched on lucid dreaming quite a bit and acquired a lot of skills, but still had some problems with clarity and stability. It was very hard to practice in 10 second series of dreams.

      My first lucid nightmare!

      Rating : ★☆☆☆☆

      I was with some of my old school friends. I am walking along a road, in my home city. We are all going to a restaurant that is just visible in the distance. We come to a bus stand, and some meters ahead, there is a telephone stand. I tell something to one of my friends, and without my noticing, the landscape changes. Now there are no more shops. An endless, barren road, just with that bus stand sign and the telephone box. Suddenly, clouds gather up in the sky. It begins to rain heavily. There is a flash of violent, purple lightning. We are all drenched in the cold rain. We decide to head back, but there are no buildings around. Just an endless road.
      Suddenly, we hear someone crying. It is an eerie cry. We can't locate it. But we can definitely hear it. The crying doesn't stop, and it fills us with despair and horror. I look for any shelter nearby, and decide to check out the telephone box. As soon as I come near it, the atmosphere changes.
      A true dread fills me. In the telephone box, there is someone standing. A little girl, perhaps 12 or so, wearing an old nightgown. She is crying, with the most horrific as well as sad crying you have ever heard. I am mesmerized. I can't run away. I can't scream. I can't help her. All I can do is look in horror, as she turns and slowly faces me. And I see her face. Her face is the most terrifying, by far the worst experience of my life.
      Somehow, I become lucid. I am still looking at her face, and I see her pupil-less eyes, her torn lips, the black tongue, the pale skin, and the blood in little drops all over. Out of sheer horror, I scream. I scream the loudest I ever have, one that is filled of true horror. I find the feeling in my legs, and turn around. No one is there. All my friends are gone. The rain is still pouring, and the thunder still flashing. And the same landscape. The endless road. And the girl is coming after me, hands held out. She is walking slowly, and I am now running fast, but she still remains about the same distance away.
      I locate a shabby building nearby. I run into it, out of helplessness. I find just one room inside, a long room with not much width, so if is spread my hands, I could touch both the walls at the same time. I enter this room through a door. On the other side, there is a small opening, about half a meter long and wide. Not enough for me to get through. There is a green gas coming out of that opening. At first, I am relieved, thinking that the gas will drive "her" away, but I soon realize that I am choking. I run back toward the door, but the girl is standing there. Trapped! I think, better lethal gas than her, and run toward the opening, hoping she won't be able to come.
      But I was wrong. Now she is coming fast toward me, still with that horrifying face, but which now has a smile on it. The most dreadful and cruel smile I have ever seen. She is still coming towards me. Her legs are rotating about like the wheels of a train. Up, and down. Up, and down, and in a circular motion. Just like a train. Now she is just a hand length away. She brings her hands to my neck, choking me. I am powerless to even resist her. I am still lucid, and the reality of it makes my body shudder violently with horror. She has long sharp nails, which are now digging into my neck. Still choking, she brings me closer to her face. This time, I scream with all my might, a scream no one can hear. The worst, most dreadful experience of my life. She hold me like this for a second, and smiles that wicked smile again. I beg in my mind, Please! Let it be over! Now, she opens her mouth, and a smell comes to me, a smell filled of rotting flesh and human blood. She bites my chest, and I feel an agonizing pain there. I can't take it any more. My bode starts to violently vibrate. A painful experience in itself. And suddenly,
      I woke up, seeing my mother's face and my father nearby, both having a tensed look on their faces. I learnt that my family could hear me screaming, and shouting something, and writhe and twitch in bed in pain. I also learnt that they had a hard time waking me up, I was moving so violently and looked like I was in pain. This experience left me traumatized for a week, and still, after all that time, I can't forget it.

      Zombified Little Girl? AGAIN?

      Rating : ★★☆☆☆

      I dreamed that I was in a town with some of my friends, and was staying over for a few days. It's was quite a remote town, with hardly any luxuries as there are in the city. We were walking along a deserted road, which was made of normal clay instead of the hard ones in the city. I was having fun with my friends. I didn't notice that there was an eerie atmosphere, nor that there were no street lamps and we could only see ahead of us only 20 meters or so. We were walking along the road and talking. My vision was surprisingly sharp. After sometime, one of my friends told us that there a rumor around this town, that there is a haunted house nearby. It was said that it was the scene of a brutal triple murder by a drunk man who killed his wife and two children. My other friends thought it as funny, and took it just as a rumor. I sensed some danger, but I decided to chill out and told myself that it's probably a rumor. After that we somehow arrived at a mall on one side of the road, and decided to enter it. The name of the mall was "Mall of Dhahran" This is a real mall IRL. So we went inside it, and found a large area with only a few shops, and the rest was cleared out as if still under construction. We saw one room for a shop under construction, but there was a ragged old white cloth hung over it, so we couldn't see what was inside.
      I sensed a strange aura coming from that area, an aura that reeked of evil, sadness and danger. Again, I dismissed it as imagination, and we went ahead. But one of my friends stopped and told us to go ahead and check the rest of the mall out. When we asked him where he was going, he said that he was going to check out that room we saw earlier. We all agreed and told him to meet with us 30 minutes later at a certain point, and we separated. I went ahead to do some more window shopping, and saw a shop named "Attitude"
      I am sure you have heard of it. Then I looked somewhere else, and looked at the name again and it had changed to "Aptitude" I became lucid. It felt so amazing, and so real! How exciting. I didn't know much or care about RCs and stability etc at the time, so I just went ahead and decided to continue exploration, but I realized that walking was taking precious LD time. I wished that I could somehow get faster, and as I was looking toward a certain spot far ahead, I was immediately transported there. Cool!, I thought. After spending some time looking here and there, I hear a scream. Again, a scream full of sheer horror. I run to the source, arriving there in seconds. I find my friend, the one who had separated with us earlier, crouched near that same room, screaming, and crying in fright. He is a grown up and is actually pretty brave, to make him scream and cry like that would take something truly dreadful. As I go near him, I see his clothes are ripped at various places, and he is losing a lot of blood. He is hiding his face in his hands, and crying.
      I go up to him and try to help him and calm him down. I place my hand on his back, and he raises his head, and looks at me. His face is all bloody, and there are deep wound that look like they were made by sharp nails deeply scratching his face. But his face is full of dread, and I realize that he is frightened of me.
      I say, "Calm down! Just calm down! It's just me! No one is there! It's alright now, just calm down a bit." Hearing my voice, he calms down. I ask him, "What the hell happened? Why are you all bloody and wounded like this?" He says, "MAX! It was her! She tried to kill me! You must run away from here! The house! The girl!" After that, there are no more coherent words. he seems to have lost his courage to speak.
      Again, that same change in environment, the same dreadful feeling, the same girl, the same horror. She is coming out of the room, which I realize was somehow connected to the haunted house we were talking about earlier. This time, my vision is extra-clear, and I faint with horror, with just one look at that face.

      I wake up, drenched in sweat, and the face printed in my mind, probably forever.

      Leave me ALONE!

      Rating : ★★☆☆☆

      I was sleeping in my TV lounge. I suddenly woke up but still felt as if it all was unreal. Then I suddenly remembered that today is my maths exam! oh shit, I look at the clock, the time is 8:00! I nearly missed it! Anyways, there I was wishing that I was at the school and without my noticing, I was at the school. I see the whole building is empty. I think that no one is here yet. I am early. After that, I feel a really strange presence, like one you get when you think someone is following you. I turn around, and see a small girl. Only she looks like some sort of zombie, with hands and legs switched, and a whole lot of blood. I am shocked for a while, and she comes near me with her hand held out, as if asking for help. I suddenly realize that this must be a dream, as you don't get zombified little girls in the real world. She is know very close to me. I yell at her, " Get out of here, leave me alone!" And suddenly, my dream begins to dim, but I rub my hands and hang on to a pole to stay in the dream. My vision sharpens, and now I am in a totally different scenario. I am in a country side, with green hills and mountains. Then I look for something in my pocket, and take out a pill, rather like the ones that contain oil. I think, if I eat this, I will be able to fly, and viola! I eat it and start to fly, without need of directing my flight. What an amazing experience. It lasted for a while like this, then I wake up. I think, what an amazing dream! Ah well, time to get up. I look at the time, it's 6:05. I start to get out of my bed, and my clock suddenly rings. I look at it, and see it's 4:25. What is going on? I check my hands, I am missing my second finger, as if it's been cut off. Then again I get that strange feeling, and a figure, much nastier than before is coming towards me. I start to panic, and unconsciously, force my eyes open. But my eyes feel REALLY heavy and it is quite difficult to wake up, as if the dream is trying to MAKE me stay, but I manage it, this time for real.

      By now, you all must have realized that I have a serious problem with this, but I finally manage to solve it, in my next LD.

      Updated 06-18-2010 at 02:10 PM by 31502

      false awakening , lucid , nightmare
    12. Simulated Dream World

      by , 06-09-2010 at 02:39 PM (Jonny's Dream Journal)
      Simulated Dream World. (WBTB)


      I wake up at 3oClock, not sure why. However, I had planned to force myself to stay awake for a while and instead of going back to sleep, I flicked the T.V on and endured 15 minutes of Takeshi Castle, before sleeping again.

      The earliest memories of my dream are of me arriving to this large building, the rest of my school year are also hear, apparently it's a school trip. The building is huge, one of those buisnessy buildings that try and look friendly, this one has a large fountain outside and looks very new and clean. As I walk through the double doors into a lobby, it occurs to me that we are all here to take part in an online poker tournement. (Probably because I was watching poker a lot the day prior.) So I go to a desk with a woman behind it and she ushers everyone into another room. The room is full of computers, everyone takes a seat and logs in.

      At this stage something changes, I forget about poker and enter a simulated world
      (I also watched the Matrix trilogy recently, T.V should have less impact on me.) There is a gap in my memory in the dream, I vaguely remember walking down a street, there were skyscrapers and lots of people, I recall being impressed that so many people could be simulated. -The gap occurs here, what is significant is that durin this gap I realise on some level, that this is a dream-

      In spite of this knowledge I am not thinking rationally, my mind somehow reasoned that despite me being in a dream, because I am in a simulated world, I have no control over it. So I continue as before, but now there is that realization in the back of my mind. I meet with a girl, she is strikingly beautiful. We walk for a while around the city, I forget most of the dialogue, but I remember two things, the first she told me her name, which I now have forgotten, but think I may recall soon, I did remember when I woke up. Secondly a patch of dialogue I remember immaculately. With the belief I was about to deliver some truely ground breaking information, I tell her "This whole world isn't real, the people, everything is simulated", to this she simply replies "I know." This confused me, I think I concluded that she two must be a real person logged into this simulation, the dialogue between us continues for a while. Finally our walk ends and we kiss, she leaves but we plan to meet again.

      In this gap my mind briefly skips back to the idea that this is a dream, however I find this information confusing. I perform a reality check, my hands appear strange but I conclude that they are not distorted but rather simulated. Unable to reach a conclusion my mind thinks of my friend Steve, because we often talk about lucid dreams, I believed that he would be able to explain the situation to me. Then I also remembered that I wanted to attempt to cross into his dreams, to see if there is any evidence for shared dreams, of which I am very skeptical. Despite the fact this was a dream, my mind was still caught up on the simulation theory, so I concluded that I would not be able to open a link between the two dreams. Conversely, I decided it would be possible to leave the simulation and get Steve from the room we were all in at the start of the dream.

      Surprisingly I find the room how I remembered it, which is unusual in my dreams, leading me even more to believe that this may actually not be a dream. Finding Steve at a computer, we talk briefly and then I am back within the simulated world, also how I remember it, but now we are both here.

      Steve is undecided, but we soon forget about that and I become pre-occupied in showing him around, he seems quite excited and I sumarise that it must be him. I introduce him to the girl (It's really agrivating her name was long, it had an extra syllable at the end like isa, or isy or a, or something.) Anyway we are all talking, and my memory for dialogue is atrocious, anyway me and Steve leave a Cafe, which is where the three of us had been conversing and we hear a, "Hey you!" or something to this effect.

      We begin running from these two men, dressed in face scarves they appeared more bandit like, than gansta though. We quickly get away by vaulting a wall and scrambling down next to a river, we hide on some rocks under the center of a large bridge. Then further down river, off the road above, we watch as motorcyclists drive straight off the side clearing the majority of the river, landing in the shallows and driving up a bank on the otherside. Three do this, the last does a backflip much like Trinity on the matrix, when she jumps of the motorbike, the difference being he lands back on it. Me and Steve start laughing impressed, but a little perplexed by the behaviour. Then suddenly two more bikes come from under the bridge in the water, I look closer and these are actually water bikes, or jet skis w/e the name is. On them are those two bandit men, and we begin to fight. Quite quickly I find myself withstrained, the other has followed Steve, who has made it to the bank, he grabs a white bag and throws it to me, before getting grabbed by the leg and pulled back into the water. I catch it and hit the bandit holding me with it, on closer inspection, the bag was full of rocks and thorns and proves to be an excellent weapon.

      I run over and hit the bandit off Steve, the bandit travels a reasonable distance and it is at this stage I finally realise properly that this is a dream.

      We make it back up to the road, I turn to Steve and tell him "I am the one", which is really a bit sad. Anyway, he looks at me sceptically, but I am now convinced. I say, "This is all a simulation, but that's within my dream, I'll prove it". We walk past a dream character on the street, I raise my arm and I say (A little bit sadistically really :S) "Die". For a moment nothing happens, but then she grabs at her throat and falls to the floor, dead. At this stage Steve stops talking, and I question his position in all this, I remember rationalising all this out loud. "Is this a shared dream? We met outside the simulation, but no both parts are a dream, and you were in the building from the start." I stare at Steve for a moment, amazed at how I can create people who resemble there real conterparts so well.

      I continue walking now alone, and find myself outside a bar. I look at my hands and say "Clarity" precautionally, because the dream is still going strong. I enter the bar and examine all the faces, I hadn't seen any of them before yet they were all just part of my imagination. Then my eyes come across Clarissa
      (I remember now, pretty sure that was her name). The pub was split into two rooms, both public, she indicates the other half with a movement of her head and cheeky grin, before walking seductively into the other half. Needless to say, I'm fairly chuffed, and begin to follow. A balding man is entering the room with a plate of food, and I realise how public this room is going to be, I grab him by the shoulder and pull him lightly, I say "Not you." Next thing I realise all the dream characters have dissapeared, I enter the room and Clarissa is their alone, I quitely praise myself for having such a brilliant subconcious. I walk over to her and we begin to kiss and... I typically wake up.
      Longest and best lucid I've probably had though. Writing it up doesn't do it justice.

      Updated 06-09-2010 at 11:50 PM by 32037

      lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    13. Lucidity at School

      by , 06-09-2010 at 01:16 PM (Hot Chocolate's Dream Journal)

      I went to sleep at 1:00 AM, I woke up from the following dream at 9:00 AM

      I was standing in the assembly hall of our school. I was holding a stand up comedy show. I had a sidekick, I think it was an animal, maybe an insect. He was making all the jokes, I didn't talk at all. After a while I looked at the clock twice. It changed when I looked away. It was an analog clock, not digital.
      I realized I was dreaming and did a nose pinch reality check to make sure. I could breathe. I thought about my goal to be more aware in my dream. I listened to the sounds and I felt the texture of a pole. I was more aware than during most of my lucid dreams, but not as aware as in waking life. There was a pile of coca cola bottles. I took one. Later I threw it away again when I saw a vending machine with ice tea. R. was standing by it. I pressed the rather large button a couple of times A 1 liter carton of non carbonated ice tea came out, I was hoping for the carbonated stuff, but I took it anyway. I went through a door and came in a store of sorts. I walked around a bit and I came to a department for sex toys. While I was there I wondered whether or not I should write this in my dream journal and publish it, well here it is. I continued through the store and entered a dark corridor. Deprived of any stimuli, the dream started to fade.

      I managed to stay in the dream however by spinning. I was in a room with a bed. The dream wasn't very stable. The room changed from a realistic view to a computer animated view a couple of times. The dream was a bit more stable now and I looked at myself in the mirror. I saw a naked female. I'm male by the way. I exited the room and found myself in a corridor. I wanted to find my dreamguide. To my right I saw a open door leading to a stretch of grass. I went through the door, it was raining. I was still naked and I felt the rain on my body.

      I wake up.
      Tags: dild
    14. Castles, Ice Hockey and Lucidity

      by , 06-09-2010 at 01:11 PM (Hot Chocolate's Dream Journal)

      I went to bed at 1:00, woke up at 9:45 to recall the following dream:

      I was at a small castle which I and some other people had to defend. We were outside the castle grounds, which we couldn't enter because there was a wall around it. I looked at the towers with those weather vanes on top. They were pointing towards the enemy. Outside the wall of the castle were small buildings through which we walked. We sneaked up on the enemy. We were standing at a corner, with the enemy on the other side. We charged the group of about six soldiers. I went for the back of the group. It wasn't a battle to the death, more like a game. We had fake weapons. I hit some enemy and took some hits myself. After a while, when I had taken enough hits, I played death, because it was a game.

      There's a gap in my memory here, I don't know how I got to the next part. Maybe it was a different dream altogether.

      I had ice hockey training inside my living room, I never play ice hockey by the way. Apparently I was going to be the second best ice hockey player in the world, and this was some kind of flashback. There was ice on the floor. I had a hard time skating. My left knee was on the ice for a while, while I skated with my right foot. We were wearing orange-black ice hockey outfits. The training ended and I sat down on the couch. The coach tells me to take more hits, referring to the castle battle.

      There's another memory gap here.

      I was sitting behind my computer. I was starting up a game of the castle battle the beginning of the dream. I remember to write down notes from my dream. The game was in a menu, so I didn't have to pause it. I took a paper and a pencil from my desk and wrote down notes on my dream. I wrote about the orange-black ice hockey outfits. Despite the game being in a menu, it continues anyway. I saw some kind of scene from God of War. I wondered if my computer could run that game. Kratos was standing on a bridge, looking over some buildings. Somehow I thought that I drew the scene on my computer. I wondered how I could've drawn that so fast. This made me do a nose-pinch reality check. I could breath and became lucid.

      I still wasn't convince however. I looked around the living room and kitchen, but I couldn't find anything out of the ordinary. I did another nose-pinch and I could still breath. This made me more certain. I walked a bit around the living room thinking about my goals and what I should go do.

      I edited this part out, to preserve my privacy. If you knew what it was about, you'd understand. I'll try to not do it too often.

      Lucidity gradually slips. I go downstairs, through the front door. As I walk through the garden I come across a football team. I greet all the players, who greet back. I go to the left and to my left are a bunch of tuned cars, with their owners close by. I touched the spoiler of one car , the owner makes a comment on this, I apologize. I continue walking down the street. There's a motorcade going on. I had to avoid a bunch of cars coming at me. I moved a bit to the left. There's a big crowd. I move further down the road, which makes a turn to the right. There's lots of confetti and smoke. There's a commentator saying that V., a teacher from my school who past a way a year ago, got a bunch of confetti over him. There's a strong wind blowing. I use it to jump up a 2 meter high wall. I look over it. Then S. tosses me, which makes me go even higher. I come back to the ground after a little while.

      I wake up.
      Tags: dild
    15. Attempted Rape

      , 06-09-2010 at 01:04 PM
      I was at school with my friends when suddenly the dream changed. Michele pushed me down and was about to try to rape me, but I kicked him in the balls and yelled "what the hell are you doing". He seemed to calm down a bit, so I got up and was going to fight him. Even though he could easily outfight me IRL, here he ran away.

      Suddenly the dream changed and I was in a hotel. It was supposedly 50000 (that's not a typo, it really says 50000) stories high. I was in the lobby, which bordered right on the ocean for some inexplicable reason. Suddenly, I saw an enormous (>300 feet) whale pass by, and marveled at its size to Michele, who was back and suddenly not a rapist. All of a sudden, though, I saw a multi-mile-high wave coming at me from a distance. I ran to the elevators, but it was too late. I was caught in the wave and swept to a terrace of some sort on the 589th floor, which was underwater. I swam to an elevator and went to the 43829th (really, I remember the exact number) floor, which was not underwater. There I rendezvoused with Michele, and we were discussing how to escape when I suddenly became lucid. I decided that I didn't want to stay in this nightmare, and woke myself up. It was an FA, but I woke up for real a second later.