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    1. tried to get burger king, stole car

      by , 02-09-2024 at 05:19 AM
      I was at some sort of event, I was at a counter where blocky things that vaguely resembled SNES's were being sold. They had purple, black, and blue. I was disappointed there was no orange, so I grabbed a blue and started walking away.

      I was in my father's truck, he had told me to pick up some burgers or something. I had to pull up the seat and adjust the height because he's the size of a gorilla, anyways I back up, and speed around a small gas station like building with a burger king sign. I park outside and enter, there's some chairs and a table. I end up in a grocery store like section. There's some lettuce and a couple tomato slices just sitting on the shelf. I think it's convenient and take a couple bites, its messy as hell and I am somehow covered head to toe in juice. I toss my clothes on the floor and walk into the clothing section, I'm hoping the employees don't catch me naked, so I steal a pair of camouflage pajama pants and struggle to put them on.

      Me and some other guy are eaten by some giant monster, there is a room inside it, I catch one of the several strings attached to the ceiling and watch his shoe disappear into the darkness below. I see 3 doors, one has a green sign above it which says exit. Another has a red exit sign, and the last one has a blue sign above it which says not exit. I swing across the strings like a monkey until I reach the red door. I open in, and I get a view of a parking lot and some bushes. I'm about 10 feet off the ground, but I think the bushes will help break my fall a bit. I jump into them and miss a little bit, my butt slams into the asphalt, and my shoulders land in the bushes. I get up and start walking around [COLOR="#0088000"]I think the fall should have hurt a bit more, I remember that I wanted to steal a car. I see a maroon one with the door wide open, I'm about to hop in, but I think that they left their door open for me, so it doesn't count as stealing. I find a nice white one and try to phase through the door. I fail, so I just open it. I tell myself that it doesn't need keys to work so I don't have to look for them. I examine it a bit, where the radio should be, there's a blue button with a G on it. In the back seat there's a small instrument which looks like a ukulele, but the body's square, and it lacks a sound hole. I pull it out, and pluck a string as I run my finger up the fretboard. It has 7 frets and a higher sound than a uke. I toss it back, and push the brake and G. The car starts, I slam the gas to the floor and swerve right. There's a small group of people and one of them is in my way, unfortunately he dodges just in time. I remember that I was supposed to get something from the gas station, I leave the lot, and go down an empty highway with several curves and a bunch of tan walls around me. I end up is some other building, there's a small crowd, and in the center there's an old lady making her crusty white dog stand on an upside down metal bucket while she showers him with a hose. Some other lady is squatting a foot away acting like it's the cutest thing she's ever seen while the water runs off the bucket and soaks the carpet under her shoes. I go have a closer look, and I sit on the carpet, the old lady asks me how I feel about her dog. I'm trying to think of a response, when my father comes out of nowhere and asks me to give my mother's shorts back. [/COLOR]
    2. more dreams, some explanation. Yes, I am certifiable.

      by , 02-08-2024 at 11:20 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Some people have messaged me and/or left comments asking "Who is Jamie?" I understand my journal entries must seem like the ravings of a madman, I can assure you, I consider it a possibility every single day. Jamie is someone I use to work with in 2011, We were friends (the vocal pretext we had both agreed upon- the subtext however... slightly different story). Long complicated story I'm not going into. to the layman, (Someone who is completely atheist and is a scoffer at anything spiritual, or having anything like a god in the universe, supernatural, paranormal. etc) I suffer from a bizarre form of Limerence, and "Spiritual psychosis", and Jamie is the Idealized object of this. In more spiritual terms it is also known as "Twin Flame," or "Alien Love bite", Neither term I agree with, however I have read experiences from many people that I can relate to ( I watched a long youtube of a panel of people from the ALB community and listened to a couple explain how they were having mutual or shared dreams). Scoffers will scoff, fine. I define it simply as: Seemingly paranormal facilitation and interference in human relationships. There's also a psychosis in the mix as well, BPD, Both of us have levels of such a disorder. In my case I love bomb someone who shows interest in me and when I feel they are going to abandon me, I promptly dump them or cut them out of my life, and then horrifyingly try to "Win them back,". I was not even aware of this "Cycle," until I met Jamie and analyzed our friendship years later, and reading what BPD is.

      Years after, the "Discarding" of one another. I began experiencing paranormal events all over again. Seeing annoying "Angel signs," regarding her. As well as a sudden influx of dreams about her. I have a long history on this forum being able to share dreams with people. And i Still experience this to this day, the sharing of dreams. I began to wonder if it was a possibility, that we were somehow reaching one another in dreams. Such phenomena increased with such intensity (and things jamie was doing and saying in dreams) It became such a great concern to me that I was compelled to send her a handful of messages over a period of a few months. I told her from as many angles as I could what stuff I was experiencing. Just being open and relaying messages that I had learned. After the first message, In the dreams of her, she began to first act repulsed by me in the dreams and then began to be more okay with it. And after my last long explanatory message the dream her seemed fine. I did relay in my message that this dream journal exists, and that she can read it. These dream journals have a subscribe button, (I don't get notified of subscribers) and such people get an email every time I post an entry. It's likely I gave her a link to my dream journal when we were friends in 2011, and she has been subscribed since then. Or a few years ago she did. I'm not going to speculate. But it definitely seems like she reads my dream journal and then in later dreams she will react to what I dreamed about. She has never messaged me back however, But did mark my message as, "Read." sometimes she would leave a message, "Unread" So I take it as a sign of minimal respect for my efforts. In the end she has a disorder, where various people are discarded, and most of those people will never be in touch again. so no, I am not expecting a message back, or for her to be friends again. We both have some severe emotional problems that would probably end in complete disaster, or worse, all over again, if not handled EXTREMELY carefully.

      Unfortunately, I have had to move back to the area where I met her. and it's possible I may have run into her when I first arrived here, at a convenience store. The person, had to turn around and leave the store, after their purchase and I was standing in. She didn't look me in the eye at all, seemed slightly aware that it was me. but looked really pissed or at least annoyed that I was there. I was not surprised at this reaction at all, I even expected it, given what I know about the disorder. and then a few times over a few months. she had driven by me at least once or twice and was stealing glances at me. No, I don't imagine she is stalking me. This IS a series of small towns where you are bound to run into anyone you ever known in this area at any given day.

      This journal then is for Jamie to read as she sees fit. As long as I dream about her, I will keep posting entries.


      1. Jamie, is tied to a wall in a hotel room... she is naked. and some guy is standing near her. He had glasses, hair poorly bleached with brown hair at the part.

      that's all I remember. I wake up and The voice says,, "Why was I naked?"

      2. I dream my dog is getting really angry at me because I am playing with a cat. His mouth looked really strange and scary.

      3. I was in bed with someone, But it was this other girl, from Wal-mart. She is pregnant I start kissing her and she kisses me back. A strange thought of doubt runs through my head.

      I wake up. and fall back asleep.

      Note: it seems the past few weeks, I have been unable to meet Jamie in the dreams lately just have dreams about her. We both seem to have been dreaming about people who are "Distractions". The goal: to prevent us dreaming the same dream. I will pray and/or meditate on this.
    3. Low HR, low recall

      by , 02-08-2024 at 06:26 PM (Lucid-Wannabe's Dream Journal)

      Notable day supplements: No caffeine

      I didn't put very much effort into recalling my dreams last night, I guess I've gotten used to them coming to me fairly easily and thought I wouldn't have to try as hard. Turns out effort is still required, I didn't recall that much.

      Dream 1 - Fragment

      In my dream, I wake up in bed (different than my IWL bedroom). I feel kind of odd so I glance at my watch and see that my heart rate is fluctuating between 5 and 10 bpm. I'm alarmed but I try to really freak myself out to get my adrenaline going, which works and my heart rate goes up to normal.*

      Dream 2 - Fragment

      I'm flying FPV, but instead of flying the drone I have it's sort of a hybrid between two different models. I like its power balance and agility, I think I'm flying over the ocean at one point.

      Dream 3 - Fragment

      I'm with two girls and we need to drive somewhere fast, but we won't make it in time. They say that we should try flying. I say 'Wait, we can fly here?' and one of them says 'Yeah, but it's really difficult. You just have to 100% believe that you can fly'. One of the girls can slightly hover, but the other one and myself are struggling.

      * This dream was triggered by a reddit post I read just a few days ago where someone's heart rate dropped down to 10bpm.
    4. Night of Wednesday 2/7/24

      by , 02-08-2024 at 05:37 PM (Dreamlog)
      Sneaky Crabs:
      I'm at a party at somebody's apartment, sitting at a desk with a laptop in front of me.
      My coworker J from the lab is here. I noticed that I'm not wearing pants and feel nervous.
      I'm at my second Arizona apartment, and there is a group crowded around the TV playing a game.
      I watch the screen for a bit. It is a dark area, with tiny crab monsters all around.
      The player needs to navigate a dark pathway forward while avoiding the crabs.
      I brag that it looks easy. Somebody calls my bluff and hands me a strange controller.

      Something about my coworker G.

      A nightmare about shitting my pants.

      Updated 02-08-2024 at 10:51 PM by 99808

      nightmare , dream fragment , non-lucid
    5. Night of Tuesday 2/6/24

      by , 02-07-2024 at 10:57 PM (Dreamlog)
      The Zoomies:
      I'm at my friend D's apartment. He is holding a large chonker of a cat, and is about to weigh it on a scale.
      He has a boyfriend that walks out of their bedroom. I don't recognize him, but I'm happy for D.
      I smell something like a fish smell.
      I'm at a Coney Island diner with some people.
      We're talking about how times have changed, how the last generation "had it simpler."
      There is some discussion about time-travel.
      I ask my brother nearby if he can smell fish on my breath.
      He says that it smells fine.
      I'm at my current home with my girlfriend. We're cleaning up the house.
      Parts of the house are torn apart, with walls revealed that generally are covered up by furniture.
      There is some discussion about a concert with my friend M.
      I'm in the front driveway area, but there is an overhang with a carport.
      I'm surprised to see that my Grandma P is coming to visit.
      She's parked in a large SUV and waiting for me to come say hi.
      But when I approach, her and the car are gone. Her voice is now coming out of a PA system connected to the carport.
      She directs me to pickup a nearby hose, and try to control the jet setting on it with my mind.
      I successfully do this, controlling the water flow.
      I'm at a park on a sunny day. There is a field of grass and several small ponds up ahead.
      We have a golden retriever/australian shepherd that looks about a year old.
      It is running around so fast that it makes airplane-like noises as it passes us.
      The grass deforms strangely as the dog moves over it.
      For some reason, I make the estimate that it is running around 30MPH.
      I worry that the dog will go into one of the ponds and get dirty.
      So naturally, it does. The dog is now covered in mud and looks excited about it.

      Big Fast! Much Zoom!

      Updated 02-07-2024 at 11:11 PM by 99808

    6. almost fell down stairs, met santa claus

      by , 02-07-2024 at 09:52 PM
      I was on the top floor of some sort of indoor skyscraper. There was a sign with rules for people who wanted to go down, so I barley glanced at it and started walking down the stairs. I walk down a flight, everything's hunky dory until I start going down this one section, and one of the stairs crumples under my weight. I lose my balance for a second, but I'm holding onto the rail, so I step onto the trim that's on the wall, and make my way down like that. I turn around, and see Santa Claus stepping out of a square shaped hole in the wall. He looks at me and asks "Why didn't you follow the rules?" 'I didn't even look at them.' was the best response I could think of. He walks away like he's disappointed in me.
      Tags: christmas
    7. RVs, DV bans, and birthday stares

      by , 02-07-2024 at 06:05 PM (Lucid-Wannabe's Dream Journal)

      Notable day substances: No caffeine - was tempted today though.

      I woke up at 3:45 for WBTB, since I've done it many days in a row waking up at this time is really easy now. But I wanted to see how my dreams would differ if I had a full night of sleep tonight so I went right back to sleep (though it took maybe 10mins).

      Dream 1

      I can’t really recall this dream. I only remember that there was an RV that was full of movies. Also I was sitting on a couch with RacheL, I made a funny observation that fell flat.

      Dream 2

      I go to dreamviews, on the landing page it shows a list of recently banned users. I think 'Weird, I've never noticed this before' There's only one name on the list, 'Harlequin'. I think 'what?? What could've Harlequin even done to get banned?' I ponder about how the site has such little activity, over-protection as well doesn't help.

      Dream 3

      I'm in an old strange run down house sleeping against a window. There are glass window panels all around me and there are plants growing through the window, they’re all around me. I'm frustrated and hop off the window sill.

      Linda seems to be here. I leave the house and it's surrounded by sparse woods, mainly open untamed fields.

      Mayan comes by and begins guiding me somewhere. We travel through the woods until we're in a small neatly kept neighborhood.

      The front door to one of the buildings is open, and he takes us through it. We go to the living room, he sits me down on a couch and then he sort of wanders off.

      The furniture is organized in a circle facing inward and every seat is filled, maybe about 17 people or so. Before I sat down they were all laughing and having some sort of party or something. But now they all went silent and are just staring at me.

      I look at each person's face, and I don't recognize anyone*. From what I can tell this is a birthday party, most of them are a bit older - from early to late 40's.

      I apologize for dropping in so randomly and kind of jokingly point out how awkward this is but the tension remains. Very slowly people begin picking up their previous conversations but when I try to connect with the people closest to me everyone would stop again and stare.

      Eventually things were more relaxed. There were two guys off to my right speaking Russian, they were wearing very Russian jogging apparel. I ask them if they speak any German. One of them puts his index finger and thumb very close together and says "some". I responded "Ein bisschen?" (A little?) he responds affirmingly in German with a Russian accent - something I haven’t heard before.

      We have a short conversation in German where I mainly get across that I've been learning it for fun for the past few years.

      I hear tearing from my left, I look over to see one of the guys wearing a party crown opening a present. I ask him if it's his birthday, he says yeah. I say 'lemme guess you're turning.. ' I look at his features, I think 46 but maybe he's closer to 45' someone else says '46?' I respond with 'I was gonna say that too but my guess is 45'. Birthday guy says he's turning 43.

      This went on longer and eventually I got to know more people and it was alright. It was a very vivid dream. Besides feeling super awkward at first it ended up relaxed and boring even.

      * I can still recall most of the faces of the people there really well. Normally I forget the features of dream character's faces pretty quickly.
    8. water park place

      by , 02-07-2024 at 04:49 AM
      I was listening to some youtube video where a guy tells someone else's scary experience at a convention.

      I was going down a lazy river with my mother. I felt the floor scrape my butt so we got out and walked along it. It got a bit deeper later, but we kept walking. We then get to a ramp, she points out some frog coins and I grab them. [COLOR="#008000"]I feel the dream fade, I try telling her to come get me when my WILDs succeed, it completely faded before I got her response.[/COLOR]
      lucid , non-lucid
    9. Dream Journal Day 33: Night of Tuesday 30.01.2024

      by , 02-07-2024 at 12:48 AM
      I'm so annoyed with myself! I remembered this whole dream when I woke up (at 4:20) but I didn't write it down immediately because I was tired. It was really interesting, too. Now I only remember this fragment. This reminds me strongly of another dream which I never wrote down, I can't remember when it was but it was at least a couple months ago.

      I'm travelling on the underground trains, but my train is stopped for some reason so I exit. I remember standing in a wide square above ground. The ground is covered with yellow gravel and the sky above is clear and bright. I stand in front of a blocky stone monument, a large slab with words carved into them. I don't think I bothered to read them.

      I read about some artwork in two train stations and I want to go and see it. An artist carved messages into the platform walls, criticising two different British prime ministers. After waking up I felt like they were Tony Blair and Margaret Thatcher - but surely not... That would be funny. I take the train once again and get off at the station where the first one is. The platform is wide and its wall is rough-textured, as though there is a thick layer of cement on the outside.

      However upon arriving I am shocked to see the artwork almost completely gone. At the near end of the platform the beginning of one line of text is carved into the wall. At the far end finish two or three lines. Between is a smooth blank expanse of dark grey cement. I know that text once covered the lower part of this wall, but it seems to have been erased - smoothed over without leaving a trace.

      I suppose that because Tony Blair (why not) became Prime Minister after all, he had the work removed to avoid damage to his reputation. This thought weighs on me. The idea of political censorship leaves a bad taste in my mouth. On the platform, the next station is Victoria.
    10. Precision on a shot glass, clarity on a knife's edge

      by , 02-06-2024 at 08:18 PM (Lucid-Wannabe's Dream Journal)

      Notable substances: No caffeine, 5mg Benedryl 9:00PM (testing out some potential REM rebound effects)

      Dream 1 - FPS

      I was on one of two teams against each other, first person shooter style. It was slightly more real life than game. I used a shot glass to rest my sniper rifle on while aiming, I thought it was a pretty cool idea and I showed it to my teammates and they did too (even though it accomplished nothing). I took sight to headshot an enemy on another rooftop, I waited for the perfect moment and fired - it should have taken the other guy out but it was like he canceled it and he was annoyed.

      One of the guys from the other team came over to us and wanted us to surrender or something. Apparently the entire team were cops, outside of the game. They were somehow corrupt game cops, they demanded that we let them win.

      I’m not sure how that situation resolved, but it was over now. I was being shown a pamphlet for some lost dreaming ideas or techniques (I'm so oblivious).

      One of them involved a way to store many details about a dream you want to re-enter later by using a drug called 'Quona'

      As I was looking at it I heard someone speaking highly of it 'I'm not familiar with this but any guide made by (username that I forget) is great!


      I had an alarm set to 3:45am but I woke up before it went off at 3:36am - this was after about 4 and a half hours of sleep. I read some of Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming and then returned to bed at 4:20am after doing some brief stretches.

      I performed the tense-relaxation technique described in ETWOLD and did a bit of the 31 of the 61 relaxation points until I felt very comfortable. I tried to WILD but I kept catching myself almost losing consciousness. I was struggling on the verge for a while and then fell asleep.

      Dream 2 - Boat dream

      I'm on top of a massive aircraft carrier boat. There's a crowd of people on the shore watching me. I run and jump off the back deck tucking into a ball and flip as many times as I can before hitting the water, which was quite a ways down. The crows cheers. I vaguely recall swimming back to a dock where the crowd was.

      Dream 3 - Ceiling dream

      I'm jumping trying to hit my head on a drop ceiling. I can't, I announce some sort of challenge to see who can pull it off. There were a lot of people wandering around, they all simultaneously stopped what they begin jumping as high as they can to hit the ceiling with their heads.

      I get a running start, jump and this time I hit it easily, briefly lifting one of the ceiling panels with my head. Everyone's clapping, I say that their involvement was why I was able to do it.

      Dream 4 - Some violence

      I'm in this super-religious household*. Everyone is wearing old school dresses and stuff. Everyone including me seems to be around 20-ish, excluding the parents.

      I'm getting ready to go to school. Apparently I have a dream friend who wasn't present, and he had a girlfriend who is sick. I go into her room to check how she's feeling and she's doing okay.

      I realize that I'm actually not feeling that well myself. I go to leave the room but my shoulders are seized and I'm pulled back into the room.

      The mom of this girl was apparently hiding in the closet the whole time, which is who yanked me back in. She’s saying how great her daughter is and how great we would be as a couple and rambles about this almost incoherently, her eyes look insane. She wants us to get to know each other she says as she leaves the room and locks us in it. I'm very creeped out and am still trying to figure out how she had even fit in the closet, I just want away from this whole situation.

      A time jump occurs and now I'm standing in school. Then my dream friend, the boyfriend of the girl, comes from around the hall. He's furious, his face is red and he's clearly been crying. He has a black knife in his hand, he thinks I slept with his girlfriend.

      I start backing up, simultaneously saying that I need to explain what's going on (and try to figure it out for myself as well) while reaching into my right pocket to find an identical black knife as his. It's folded shut, I snap it open - the blade is probably 3 or 4 inches long.

      He's screaming "You fucked my girlfriend!!" as he takes a jab at me. I side step it and stab into his sternum, the bone is firm and the blade only goes in half an inch. When I pull it back a small shard of glass remains.

      He looks at me shocked and I repeat that we need to talk. He advances and stabs again, I grab the wrist of his hand with the knife and pull it towards and past my left side as I stab into the upper side of his other arm.

      This causes him to drop the knife and back away, I pick up his knife. I apologize for his wounds and say again that we need to talk.

      'I don't think so' he says as he takes out a long silver scimitar from behind his back. I considered using both of the knives for a sec but would rather have one free hand so I put the second knife in my pocket.

      The longer scimitar doesn't feel as threatening to me and based on how he has been fighting I don't think this will end well for him but I don't think he will stop.

      I say to him very plainly that if he continues this it will not end well for him. I begin to say how I am going to take him out but stop short at 'I'm gonna-' , I feel like it would sound cocky and insulting and I don't want to egg him on. He looks like he has a slight moment of clarity, like the rage was draining from him. I feel like this might resolve peacefully from here on out.

      Such a stressful annoying dream.

      Dream 5 - Talking cat

      I was walking to the H-town house down the long driving holding an old small cat. She was able to talk, and was fairly sarcastic.

      * Probably from a conversation I had recently about how I used to be religious when I was younger.

      Updated 02-06-2024 at 10:01 PM by 106

      dream fragment , side notes , non-lucid
    11. Night of Monday 2/5/24

      by , 02-06-2024 at 07:03 PM (Dreamlog)
      Brief recollection of being on a mall floor, assembling a snowman decoration.
      The decoration is in two pieces, with a central pole connecting them.
      The two pieces need to be pushed together to make a three-snowball snowman.
    12. saw cousin and giant wave lakes

      by , 02-06-2024 at 04:20 AM
      My cousin L and I were making our way into a house because my father had made a bonfire. I opened a drawer and grabbed a bag of mini marshmallows. She told me not to use the mini ones, so I found a bag that had regular sized ones mixed in and started picking them out. I noticed she was gone, so I went into the kitchen. She had a bottle of wine so I took it from her, I had a sip and poured into a pot on the stove. I was then in the backseat of the car, I watched pretty green trees go by, 'I wish my place had trees.' L asked me"Doesn't [name of the town I'm moving to] have trees?" I saw a couple trees covered in pink flowers 'Yeah, but not cherry blossoms'. I stared out the window, the strip of land we were on was getting narrower on both sides, the lake around us had giant waves. I told my father to stop the car and he did. I had a bathing suit under my normal clothes so I took them off and grabbed the towel that was next to me. I opened the door, and was about to step onto the ground.
      Tags: car, lake, relatives
    13. February 5, 2024 8:?? am

      by , 02-06-2024 at 12:52 AM
      I had a dream that my workplace decided to make e-learning videos and approached me for it through their chat.

      Boring ahhh work dreams, it'll soon be over.
    14. Night of Sunday 2/4/24 (DILD)

      by , 02-05-2024 at 09:00 PM (Dreamlog)
      Sci-Fi Rejection:
      I'm in a futuristic house with two levels.
      I've completed a nose reality check, and
      become lucid.
      I'm trying to start spicy content with a girl nearby, but she isn't interested.
      I lose lucidity.

      Updated 02-12-2024 at 08:16 PM by 99808

    15. Night of Friday 2/2/24 (DILD)

      by , 02-05-2024 at 08:57 PM (Dreamlog)
      Flight Over The Forest Chasm:
      I'm in a forest with giant trees, standing on a leaf.
      The leaf is strong enough to support my weight.
      The setting reminds me a bit of my childhood front yard, but sized up (or with me sized down).
      Out of habit, I perform a nose reality check and
      become lucid.
      In front of me, I see a large chasm. I decide to fly over it.
      I make it to another leaf across the chasm without issue.
      I start to think about whether I should stabilize.
      But I lose lucidity shortly after.

      Overlooking the Chasm.

      Updated 02-12-2024 at 08:16 PM by 99808

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