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    1. Alyzarin Grinds Me?, Giochemistry, Running on Track Field

      by , 07-15-2012 at 02:22 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Alyzarin Grinds Me? (Non-lucid)


      Alyzarin told me that she grinded me before, and when she told me that, I see what seems to be myelf in first person perspective.

      Alyzarin looked like an anime girl, I believe she had light violet hair, green/white panties that were pulled down near her thighs, and she's getting ready to grind my penis.

      But again, the dream doesn't go all the way, it only shows me some anime girl near my penis, and I'm not even sure if this is my penis anymore.
      Giochemistry (Non-lucid)


      Ha ha ha, way for my mind to TROLL on me. This dream had to happen because I'm worried that I won't be able to get the right courses in for my major. Either my mind is telling me that changing my class to fit my Biochemistry degree is no problem at all when I have to set up an appointment with my adviser, or maybe it's just trolling me.

      I'm inside the house with my father, it seems that it's early morning, because the silk curtains covering the blinds aren't emitting the bright and natural lighting from outside. There are a lot of clothes stacked on the couch and sofas in the living room, though I didn't pay much attention to this.

      I told my father that I'm ready to go
      (to go for for what?). He asks me if I'm sure,


      Then something came into mind right after I sai that, I had an image of some screen or paper saying that I need to finish one of the few steps before I can register for classes or something. Apparently, all I had to do was giving my home address, probably just the apartment address that I'll be residing this year, and then the system is going to give me options to choose some classes to switch, without setting up an appointment.

      The options were:

      (Lmao, what the hell is that? What's funny is that G is diagonal to "B" on a QWERTY keyboard.....this feels like a mind TROLL

      Something medicine, one Genetics course, and something else I can't remember. The Giochemistry that I thought was supposed to be Biochemistry is what caught my attention the most.

      I quickly collect my thoughts back again, and I quickly asked my father what's the maximum or latest time he can reach there.
      Damn it, reach WHERE?

      He declared something, but I forget what it was, guess it wasn't really that important. I go back to spacing out by lookng at the screen coming into mind again, and I have to finish this application until 7 something (I don't know if it's PM or AM though, even if the dream setting looked like it was in early morning.

      I think I look at my laptop
      (THERE WE GO, I'm looking at a laptop now instead of seeing things like I'm crazy) for the time, and it's 6:52 something....

      I have a little "mini-heart attack", and then I quickly calmed down because it would just make it worse with a worried mind. Then for some reason, something in my mind tells me that I forgot to set my timer an hour back.

      What's funny is that the moment I typed that in the dream journal system made by Banhurt, I realized my actual laptop in waking life is set 1 hour after Texas' Central time.....LOL....guess mind isn't trolling on me, I just had to pay attention........yay me for actually making use of the dream!!!!!

      Now that I realized this, it's only 5:52 something, so this makes things WAY easier. I believe the dream skips a bit, since entering a few addresses wasn't that hard. But before the dream does that, I remember the section for the addresses involving two planes.

      Not airplanes, planes like Astral planes, you know, dimensions and all that totality of infinties....hmm...

      I can't remember the two new planes shown to me, and maybe I'm confusing this with "lanes," but still, something tells me these are some kind of dimensional planes I could access in a dream.

      By this time, I ignore my father, not worrying if he's waiting for me to get ready. I think I finally switched two classes, and everything is okay.

      At least in the dreaming world....not waking life....I hope I can drop and add classes like that so quickly.
      Running on Track Field (Non-lucid)


      The dream setting is set to early morning, no surprise there with homologous variation and all that. (Stephen Berlin's usage of that word in his Youtube videos is starting to become addicting to use now =P).

      There's a small boy, and he looks like a elementary/middle school friend I had in waking life. Let's call him Clearance, since I doubt he'll even remember me, or even know about Dream Views. Clearance is wearing one of those sports powerhouses shirts, the ones that are so tight to make you look fit, when it's just there to be some kind of stripper clothes accessory for males. xD

      The outfit is red, and he's wearing black and tight long sports pants, I don't even try to look there, just too disturbing. He's jogging a little, adn then he stops a little to walk. The track field is red-orange, with the white marks as lanes.

      I think I tell him I can run at a certain pace, and I believe it was either 240+ kmph or 240+ mph. I think Clearance starts running to see if what I'm saying is true. He runs a little faster, and I have trouble catching up to him.

      I'm almost catching up to him, but I forget what happens next.

    2. Night of Sat 14 July 2012

      by , 07-15-2012 at 02:18 PM
      As with the night before, I don't remember much of the earliest dream of the night. In fact, I only remember that I had a dream, because I woke up after it and attempted to make myself remember what it was.

      I don't remember the start of the second dream, either, but my memories of it start about halfway through. I was with my friend Kellee and it was night in a city, I think it was the same city from the dreams from Friday. We were either working or at school together, even though it was night, and we had decided to take a break. We were jaywalking. We had made it to the middle of the street, but traffic was pretty thick and was blocking us from crossing the rest of the way. A group of five or six girls showed up though, and crossed anyway, so we crossed with them as it was unlikely that any of the people in traffic would risk harming so many people. We went to McDonalds, but it wasn't a full service McDonalds, it only had a few menu items, kind of like a mall McDonalds. We ordered milk shakes. My friend Ashton who works at McDonalds in real life was the manager there and we talked a little, though I don't remember what about. I think the dream went on from there a little, but I don't remember what happened. I woke up for a few minutes after this dream for no reason I know of.

      The third one was mostly about fighting demons who were taking possession of people who could conceivably bring about the mass destruction of the human race, through plague or nuclear war, and I was part of a team of people who went around tracking them down and trying to thwart their master plan. One of our lookouts alerted us to a potential demoniac scientist at a bioengineering laboratory, so we went to investigate. The scientist indeed turned out to be possessed, and we had a crazy fight with the demon. I had some kind of magical weapon I was testing out: a thick dark brass or light bronze club about a foot and a half long, very ornate, and with a thin but sharp spike coming out of either end. Even though the demon didn't like the club very much, I was not effective at wielding it. The demon escaped. Slightly later, in kind of a "scene" I wasn't in, it was revealed that our lookout's girlfriend was possessed and the lookout knew, but didn't know what to do about it. I briefly woke up after this dream when my boyfriend got out of bed.

      The next dream was at my boyfriend's parents' farm, only the farm was much bigger and they didn't only raise fish and turkeys, but also had crops. There was a creek that crossed the farm instead of just a pond out beside the houses. A bunch of my friends worked there, and a few of my enemies. There was some task boyfriend's dad wanted me to do with one of my Shannon friends (the proud geek) and we went off to do it. We encountered this one crazy chick who I don't know, but who seemed pretty awful, and she was being weird and talking about aliens. We did the task, whatever it was, and then I had to go to a doctor for my fibromyalgia. The doctors found that it was caused by these tiny little cysts in my body rupturing and releasing a small amount of an unknown toxin. They prescribed me a bunch of herbal medicines as well as two different types of pills, and I went back to the farm. Then I woke up for the day.
    3. Gliding With Dinosaurs. July 14th 2012.

      by , 07-15-2012 at 02:15 PM (Dream Journal)

      I really liked this dream, although it was very weird. I also missed a really obvious dream sign D:.

      I started off walking through a minecraft room. There were brick fire places everywhere, but instead of fire, there were chests. There was also a torch on the left side of each fire place. The room pretty much consisted of fire places. On top of that, there were zombies. Everywhere. They were not minecraft zombies though, they were real. I breached through a door, leading to the fire place room, then done some hand to hand combat with a couple of zombies. I then fell to the floor, then watched myself in third person as I got my head chewed apart. I attempted to pull my head away but it got eaten. I managed to get up and recover, so I ran away from the zombies while looting chests. The zombies all disappeared as I started watching a youtube video on one of the fire places. The video went into 'full screen' mode and it seemed like I was inside it. It was a guy just riding horses up and down a canyon-like area. I eventually got bored and moved onto another fire place and searched a video about pokemon. The setting was the same, but this time, the guy was riding a Zebrastrika, which is a horse pokemon. He started slowly galloping down a long path then sped up to a fast speed. A few minutes later, he rode past a giant dinosaur with huge arms. After that, I started to control instead of the guy. I didn't have the horse, I was just walking, while observing the dinisaurs. I then found a path which led to the right, so I walked up. I saw a Pterodactyl and another type of dinosaur. I attacked the Pterodactyl and then it started to glide round and attack me. The other dinosaur was angry too, so it glided off of the cliff, but it did not have wings. It flew into the air then glided back to the hill. The Pterodactyl was just gliding around. I then felt the urge to leap off of the rocks by the cliff edge, so I did. I opened out my arms and legs, then began to slowly glide. I only went out about a meter, because I was scared. I then turned around and landed safely on the rocks again. Just as I landed, I ran away as fast as I could...but with no energy or breath left. Usually when this dream sign occurs, I would perform a reality check, but I didn't. It puts alot of pressure on me, so It's really hard to perform a decent reality check. As I was running away, I turned around and said "Goodbye, thanks for the fun!". The dream faded as I walked up another hill.

      'Twas fun, but I really hate that chase dream sign. It's hard to get lucid because of the pressure, and it feels horrible not being able to get away. Thanks for reading .

      There is a typo in this, but paigeyemps told me not to change it because it's cute. Dinisaurs.

      Updated 07-15-2012 at 02:30 PM by 54841

      Tags: chase, game
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. My Sister is Demonic; Again?, Underwater

      by , 07-15-2012 at 01:10 PM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      My Sister is Demonic again (Non-lucid)


      I remember in the dream that my sister Ken was some sort of demon. I don't know how, but she would trick people (mostly kids) into doing bad things and becoming like herself.

      I remember that she got me and my mom alone in an old schoolhouse. She was trying to "entice" me to do bad things. Almost like that voice in the back of your head that goes, "It's okay, no one will see you."

      At first she compelled me, and I shared half of her... demonic spirit. But then I think my mom stepped in. She helped me.

      I can't remember what happened, but I do remember that my mom and I were spying on Ken to see where she was going. We walked about 10 yards behind her, hiding behind buildings to avoid being seen. When all of a sudden, a young lady thought to be her friend walked up to her. I also noticed the woman had on a police's uniform. "Uh oh." My mom breathed.

      I can't remember what happened next.

      Underwater (Non-lucid)


      We were at some sort of camp I believe. I was with a couple of people I didn't know. The first day of camp, the councelors took us out to a flooded area. It was about 2 feet over our heads, so we had to tread water most of the time. The councelors let us swim in this, I don't know why though.

      I remember there being a creek in the middle of the flooded area. That part was the deepest, and it was kind of creepy looking if you looked down in there. Whenever you swam over the creek to get to the other side of the water, you often brought a 3 foot long, pirahna looking thing with you. (They didn't bite, though) He would often stay around the water where you were until the councelor threw him back into the creek, only to come out again.

      I swam over the creek. Luckily, no fish came with me. There was a bank on the side I was on (the left side, according to where our councelors were, who were on the right side of the creek)

      I climbed up the steep bank, grabbing for roots or anything that would hold me up so that I wouldn't fall back into the water. The rest of the part was very steep, but if you got to the very top of the bank, you could slide down a waterfall.

      I decided against this, knowing my councelor would probably reprimand me for doing so. I climbed back down and eased myself into the water. I swam back over the creek and brought one of those pirahna fish with me. I went underwater to look at it. It had long teeth sticking out from its mouth, and yes, it was 3 feet long. I saw my councelor bend down and pick it up, throwing it back to the creek.

      Staying underwater, I looked toward some kind of skinny rock that stood above water, but was also below. A girl was sitting there, on the floor, back against the rock, minding her own business.
      I felt sorry for her.

      Then the dream ended.

      Updated 07-15-2012 at 01:23 PM by 32984

      non-lucid , nightmare
    5. 15/07

      by , 07-15-2012 at 12:26 PM (WILD attempts log)
      Date: 15/07
      Alarm after: 6:00
      Brief description: Woke up after 6:00 even though alarm was at 6:30. Stayed up for 30 minutes this time. Tried to wake my mind, and ended up using the PC. Then I was too awake and couldn't fall back asleep. Counted to 321, switched sides, counted to 87 and gave up.
      Why it failed/succeeded: Stayed awake too long during WBTB OR 6:00 is too long OR 6:00 didn't fit with any REM periods

      I guess I'll stay up for 10 minutes tomorrow, without any electronic devices.
    6. An extended challenge?!

      , 07-15-2012 at 12:26 PM
      In this dream, the challenge that my school made me endure had been extended, and there was a bunch of imagery relating to Majora's Mask. Eventually, I got told I had to make a 75 page brochure. This resulted in me somehow becoming lucid, and I said something along the lines of "F*** this dream, I'm going to wake up!" And then I did wake up.
      This was the first time I even attempted waking up from a dream
      lucid , non-lucid
    7. The Dumbo Stick

      , 07-15-2012 at 12:18 PM
      In this dream, my friend, Eric, gave me some envelopes which were addressed to me. One of them had "Dumbo" wrote on it. However, I accidentally handed them into my English teacher with some work. Then, when I was having lunch, one of my other teachers gave them back to me. I opened the Dumbo letter, and inside was a stick, just a stick. Then, I realised that someone else had wrote on the envelope somewhere between the time when I handed it in to my teacher and the time when I got it back. It was from the mayor of my town! And they thought I was called Sithis.
    8. A Girl's Test Drive Adventure; Women

      by , 07-15-2012 at 11:20 AM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      A Girl's Test Drive Adventure

      I was walking down a hallway. Someone was behind me. I acted out my thoughts as if a I had some for of terrets. I was nervous, and was thinking about punching the person, so I turned around and and punched, though I pulled my punch. When I realized it was a girl, I felt really bad.

      She was a cute blond with medium length hair. She was sad and I felt bad I had reacted nervously like that. We came up to a door leading out and I said, "Let me at least open the door for you.

      The girl was upset. Outside I realized she was being bothered by the mob. A gutter from a house was across her car, and she was now driving it towards me. Now I'm in the car with her and someone else. We have had someone install new parts for a lot of money.

      Now there is a guy in the car showing us the new steering wheel. It is supposed to be really nice and offer super comfortable, responsive steering. I am very fond of the girl.

      She continues driving. Testing the car, she goes through some tight spaces at a Krystals and a bank. We went through the parking lot and ended up at McDonalds.

      In McDonald's I have a false memory of a cute, heavyset worker. She had short hair and was cute. She liked me. She tells manager and another girl behind the counter that she likes me. Then she is on my side of the counter washing something in sink that would be in the back. She complains about her work just to have something to say to me.

      I tell her she's doing a good job. She hugs me. I took the opportunity to hug her back, close and tight.

      I really don't want to because she's too big for my taste, but she is cute, so I hug her and push into her. Then we break away.

      I see the manager. We know each other, but he is also a false memory. I've come in there with my wife. I'm afraid he'll say something to my wife.

      Now I'm in a car-parts store attached to the McDonalds. Whole Lotta Love is playing through really bad speakers which I also remember as a false memory. I sense the grime everywhere. I think that the poor quality speakers make appropriate distortion for the song where Plant is moaning, but makes the song, but it ruins the song (That is not how I feel in waking life).

      Now I'm ordering and paying for a $6.00 part for my car, while a friend is ordering a cheap part for his car. I look at his receipt to see where I'm supposed to sign.

      The End


      I had my face up to my wife's lower region. As if she had to v's, I cupped one in one hand, and the other in my other hand. I thought about licking her.


      I called for my father and he answered. I quickly realized that it was too good to be true. I called again and he answered again. I should have gone lucid because I knew that he couldn't be answering.

      I discussed it with my brother and asked if he heard Dad answering. He said "Yes." I called again. I don't think he answered again.

      I tried to imagine myself going back to sleep holding a J. M. from my childhood. I couldn't make that happen.

      Later I dreamed that a black girl needed consolation. She hugged me and brought me to her bed. She wanted a little. I started kissing the top of one of her breasts and liked it. I was going to try to get more of it, but I woke up or quit dreaming.

      Updated 07-15-2012 at 02:37 PM by 41873 (Adding Dreams)

      non-lucid , false awakening
    9. Everyone Goes Psycho

      by , 07-15-2012 at 06:28 AM
      Non-Dream Dream

      Dream 1:

      My dad goes completely psycho. We are watching someone's wedding to get ideas for mine and he starts playing really loud music on some kind of device. He continues to do similar things to disturb the wedding and I am very embarrassed. It gets so bad that my mom wants to divorce him.

      Then my fiance goes psycho at a fair with my cousin LG, her husband CG, their friends and some co-workers (now that I think about it this dream might have taken place at my work, not a fair). We have TONS of weed. My fiance totally embarrasses me by being rude to everyone, always saying the wrong things and she even crashed her car into 4 other people.

      Then we are at a party at my cousin LG's house and there is a huge slip n slide with boats going around it. They laid some kind of paste down on the slip n slide to make the boats stick to the path.

      Then I am taking all of these people to the airport. My fiance's co-workers are there talking mad shit on my fiance - saying "she likes drama, she likes gossiping," some other stuff and that "this time she went too far." i have to pay everyone for the damage she has caused and I think they forgive her. One of my best friend's (AC) brother, NC, starts giving me a ton of shit too. He starts talking shit on my fiance and my mom. He wants to fight my mom for something really minor and stupid. I calm everything down again
      (common theme - in all these dreams I am resolving problems).

      Dream 2:

      I am REALLY good and hockey and soccer. I am playing a game that is a combo of 1/2 hockey and 1/2 soccer. I score 14 goals in one game.

      I don't play these sports in real life so it was kinda fun.

      Dream 3:

      I am visiting a college and they are having some kind of baseball all-star event. Chone Figgins is there (location looks like the small science quad by Charles Young Hall at UCLA) and he is on the Colorado Rockies. I am hanging out with some cool kids and they trick me into doing a bunch of weird stuff. They get me to do some sort of ritual - I eat a large bowl of what they call bread (it was really just pretzels and some other snacks) then I go to a public shower and put water over my head. This ritual is supposed to turn all of the water into blood (not sure why we wanted to do this). It doesn't work. I am very pissed off because they have wasted 1/2 a day of my vacation to humiliate me. I laugh it off, pretending it didn't bother me, but then I punch one of the guys in the throat (hard, I can rarely throw punches in dreams so this was also cool). I tell him that if he ever pulled shit like that again I would kill him.

      He apologizes and later comes up to me scared shitless and says "we can just keep this between us, right?" I say "no problem." I walk around until I find the all-stars again. They are swimming or something. I move on to the all-star football game where the kick-off almost makes it out of the stadium. I almost start playing in the game but I wake up.

      Note - Before the shower incident i am running around trying to find the shower and some chick is running next to me, late for class or something. She is very cute. She thinks I am a weirdo for running next to her so I pretended to be racing her in a funny way. I look back at her and say something clever (I am very witty at this moment). It is obvious that she thinks I am cute and says "oh, well hello" seductively. Unfortunately I am in a rush to get to the shower so I just say "hello" back. I have the feeling that it was enough to score with her later.

      Updated 08-07-2012 at 06:30 PM by 56962

    10. July 15, 2012 - Rise of the Mirror Emporium

      by , 07-15-2012 at 05:01 AM (Jenos's Garden of Dreams)
      Regaining Dream Recall
      Well it's been awhile, hasn't it? Almost half a year now, I think. Well after my first hardly-successful lucid dream, I gave up. I don't know why. A couple days ago I decided to get back in the game, and stared keeping a private journal (you know, in the waking journal section), but I digress.

      So here I am, and here you are. If you've read this far, then boy do I have a treat for you. That's right, you get to read about my snippet of a dream.

      I'm following my dad along this road. The road doesn't exist in the real world, but in the dream world it's near my house. I'm following my dad somewhere, and take a look to my right. There's a big lake. Water reacts weirdly in my dreams apparently. Instead of only parts of the water reflecting light (like you see in a pool) that whole damn thing does, as if the sun were in the water. We go a further for a while, I don't really remember much until the part where we turn around. We walk by some winding street that goes up the side of a mountain (a mountain in Rhode Island? hat should have put me right into a lucid) on this street that are big houses, twice, maybe three times the size of mine. One is a beige/pinkish color, and kind of a medieval style. The house closest to the road that we're walking on is a pale blueish color, with a hint of purple. I make a remark to my dad about how rich you would ave to be to live in these houses, or something like that. I look to the left, and the once huge lake is now but a small pond next to a house that is more appropriately sized. We walk further and I turn around to notice a fat dog trailing me. It's a golden retriever, and it looks tired. (I actualyl don't know when this part occurred, but I know that it did). I pull out a map and see that the pale blueish-purple building that we had passed is in fact a mirror emporium! My dad make some joke about my saying that only the rich live there or some hooblah like that. We continue and take a right onto another street and the memory of the dream fades.

      Well that turned about to be a bit more than a snippet, didn't it? Guess my dream recall hasn't suffered too much.

      Updated 07-15-2012 at 05:12 AM by 52385

    11. The green screen

      by , 07-15-2012 at 02:49 AM (Oneironautic Escapades)
      So last night was the single craziest night of dreaming I've experienced in my entire life.
      True Story.

      But first, some background

      Took 2 sleep aid gummies containing about 25mg of Melatonin immediately before bed.
      Which was around 1148. My plan was to core sleep and attempt WILDing when I usually naturally wake up in 4-6 hours. Using an OBE timer a friend of mine sent to me in mp3. I repeated three words to myself as I was falling asleep, EPIC LUCID ADVENTURE. As I have't been fully lucid in a few weeks I was ready for some fun. I dropped off sometime between 12-1230 as I have clock chimes on my phone to keep me aware of objective time. Recently I've been sleeping with earplugs which assist me greatly process of falling asleep. I awoke at 455, for some reason took out my earplugs, went to the bathroom, got some water, and decided to set the OBE timer on my phone and laid back down. I was excited as this was one of the first times I've ever used a timer to help induce a WILD. I must have been too excited cause every mental excise I went through to calm my awareness completely failed, just as I would start to fade the timer would go off and the beeps would snap me back to complete awareness.
      I laid on my back for an hour straight without loosing consciousness once. I was so freakin pissed. The beeps annoyed me since I couldn't fall asleep in between chimes. When six hit I was overly frustrated and decided to get up and vaporize some hash. Only a small amount, as I have heard before that THC can inhibit REM, fuck it, might as well and see what happens. I was finished and head in pillow by 630. My mind was swirling with thoughts, intentions, feelings, and the hope of dreams.

      The following is my best attempt to properly order the events which took place

      I woke up in my room, I knew immediately that I was dreaming, did a nosepinch and confirmed I was in fact non-physical. I looked around and it was kind of dark but everything was still clearly visible. I shouted 'Clarity!' and things got slightly clearer but not hyper-clear, so I figured it was probably just a regular dream and not a wild. I have wanted to converse with my DG for a real long time as he/she is a re-occurring character in my non-lucid dreams. 'Show me my dream guide!' nothing happened. My room looked exactly the same and my lack of control lost me my lucidity and I decided to go back to bed. This is when things kind of took off.
      After falling asleep in my dream, all I could see was a green panel that wasn't quite rectangular but looked like a screen, with foreign/alien symbols divided into 3 lines horizontally. The screen felt to me like a loading screen for a video game, I anchored the belief that I was awake when I saw the screen and I was just waiting for my lucid dream to load. When the loading was complete I nosepinched and lucidly entered the dream.

      I was in a run down school with no one in it. Looks like it has been abandoned for quite some time. I move things with my mind and run my hands along the wall as I walked down the hall to immerse myself in my senses all while repeating 'I'm dreaming..I'm dreaming.. What do I want to do in my dream?'
      'OH YEAH, summon my dream guide!'
      'I DEMAND TO SEE MY DREAM GUIDE!!!' I shouted in the empty hallway, no one appeared but for some reason I now knew that someone was in the back of the kitchen in the cafeteria to my left. As I was walking through the cafeteria I heard a woman/girl humming that sounded soft and warm. Entering into the kitchen there was little light coming through dusty windows , but I saw her immediately. Her figure is unmistakable, she was faced away from me but slightly to the side, she looked at me over her shoulder and smiled. I walked up to her smiling asking if it was her, she nodded. I took one finger and ran it from behind her knee, up the side of her hip, up her back and slid off her shoulder. Taking in every detail. She was wearing tight faded jean bellbottoms and a light blue tank top that barely covered her midriff. Her hair was long and wavy, with highlights of light blue strung towards her tips, I then realized she looked almost exactly like one of my friends ex-girlfriends when she was 18. Her nose was pointed and her skin pale, I was drawn in and lost my lucidity, so excited I took her hand in mine and started on some monologue about myself, my friends, and my father, somehow tying the non-sense into the fact that she was there. She just smiled and humorously nodded as an adult humors an excited child. I realized her demeanor mid-monologue and it shunted me "awake"

      Back to the green screen there were scrolling symbols still I couldn't understand, I just knew I was waiting for the next dream. When I reached up to nosepinch I sat up backwards out of bed. I was back in my room. SHIT, did I wake up? Nosepinch, nope, still dreaming, Oh kay. I FOUND HER. But shes not here now, I'm still in my room and everything looks like it did before.. Weird, I must be in a dream in a dream. Whoa, alright, I need to get back to her. So I looked at the door to my garage and said with intent 'When I walk through THIS door, I will be in the cafeteria!' I barged through the door, and surprise, it was the garage. DAMNIT. I repeated 'I'm dreaming, anytime I felt myself fade, to keep the clarity of the dream. I walked to the car garage door and phased through it, I was outside my house in the driveway. I looked around, the sky had the same orangey color it was when I first WILD'd a few months back. Weird, there was no one around and my lack of interest faded the dream and I "awoke"

      Staring at the green screen I re-iterated the feeling of being awake, only this time every few seconds the screen would slide to the left and show me a brief picture or setting then back to the symbols which were constantly being updated. I watched it for a few seconds and when there was a large red Semi-truck in the frame, looking like it was on a highway, I nosepinched, and the picture grew all around me and became the dream.

      I was standing in front of the very same semi on a highway of non-moving traffic. There was a gun fight going on all around me, and I was already lucid. Sweet, time to cap some foos. I swung my arm out of my field of vision and felt the pistol in my hand, I whipped it back and started shooting dream characters immediately and mercilessly. Realizing I didn't want to be needlessly violent in a completely open ended lucid dream I stopped firing and they all just looked at me. I dropped the gun and made a fake gun with my pointer and thumb, I 'pew pew'd a car several meters away from me and it exploded into a fiery mess. Sweet. Pew pew hands. Forgetting my original agreement I decided explosions were much better than bullets. Everyone ran away from me as I walked down the road 'pew pew'ing everything I could. Towards the end of my Armageddon chaos I'm fairly sure I 9/11'd an 11-story apartment tower that looked familiar. I smiled and "woke"

      Back to the green screen I still felt awake, knowing all I had to do was wait for my dream to load and I could be lucid again. This time it was just symbols still in their three horizontal rows. My nose felt like it was running and I sat up. (I've woken up with nosebleeds many-a-time IWL and felt this was the case) Raising off my pillow everything seemed dark. I could feel the warmth running out of my nose as I tried to sniff it back in. Fuck it, I'd rather dream than clean this shit up, so I put my face back into the pillow and the green screen appeared once again. This time only one screen of symbols, and the rest were pictures. I was made allowed to choose my destination. Random images of places familiar and not slid in and out of the multi-green off-rectangular screen, when an image of a homey Brit. castle appeared, it seemed to be of an old college, like Cambridge mixed with Hogwarts, I know. I know. It seemed appealing and I was drawn to it, so I nosepinched.

      Like before the night grew around me and I was standing in on the side of a street, under a lamp, looking at the very same building.
      'SHOW ME MY DREAM GUIDE!' I hollered into the brisk night. I saw her, she looked like Selene from Underworld this time, only with longer and brighter hair. She was a short distance from me so I couldn't see many details of her. I waved to her and smiled, she smiled back and shouted 'Follow me! Quickly! We must hurry!' She immediately jumped into the hair and started flying the opposite direction of me. Shit! I better follow, I started floating with my traditional style flying(which I felt as though I needed to exert energy for flight) and it was slow and clumsy. I saw her speeding away over rooftops when I decided I needed to get a move on. Knowing I was dreaming the whole time I thought logically that it didn't make sense to have to 'try' to fly. I should just will myself forward, like I do in my running/jumping LDs. With this thought I rocketed forward, nearly catching up to her. We were probably a couple dozen feet from tree-tops, street lamps and the old style buildings in the campus we were now leaving. She was moving faster. I noticed the more I looked around, at the ground and sky I started to loose lucidity. 'I'm dreaming, I'm actually dreaming, I need to follow her'. She started getting away from me as my flight slowed. I shouted 'HEY! SLOW DOWN! You're gonna wake me up!' Realizing I could keep up with all the details I tried 'dimming' my resolution so I could stay lucid. I must have taken it too far because everything became game-like and computer animated. She landed in the middle of some trees and as I approached her I was focusing too hard on her and I gained a 3rd person view of her as if she was my WOW character. I 360'd the scene and she just looked up at me with one eyebrow raised kind of giving me one of those 'really?' smirks while lowering her head. I couldn't re-form and "woke"

      Only this time I woke up in my bed, wet faced down in my pillow. I was still sniffing, my nose was still bleeding. I tried to hold it to but I could just feel the blood running, I nosepinched to see if I was actually awake and it failed, still dreaming. My mother was in the room with me this time, I asked her if there was blood all over my face because I couldn't see it. She said yes and tried to hold something to my face. I declined and told her it was ok, I was just dreaming and I knew how to fix it. Back to bed, in the pillow I go.

      Green screen, and one of the first images was of me flying over one of the buildings where I just was. SWEET! RESPAWN! Nosepinch, and I was in the air.

      I was flying over the same buildings as before, same sensation as I reminded myself I was dreaming. I noticed she wasn't around any longer. I was more interested in exploring my environment than needlessly following some chick. I saw an apartment building that one of my friends lived in and I figured I would pay him a visit. I flew over and landed on his balcony. I saw 4 of them sitting on the floor all playing some sport video game on the television. My friend (who I don't know IWL, but I recognized him in the dream) saw me through their glass patio door. I placed my hands on the glass, said 'I'm dreaming' and forced my way through without breaking the glass. It felt like plastic wrap going through my body.
      'Sup man'
      'Nothin much man, just hangin out with my friends, they're all sleeping and I can't wake them up so I'm just gonna chill here and play with them.'
      'That's cool, I think I'm gonna explore some more'
      'Alright man, I'll probably see you around'
      I walked to their front door and sort of headslammed into it, well more like through it. I felt my body pass through the wooden door and steel frame kind of haphazardly. I was a lil dazed on the other side but still lucid. Looking down the hallway I saw her again, she signaled me to come with her down the hall when we emerged onto this huge stone balcony on the side of a mountain, there was a carving that went up many stories to my right that I couldn't identify. The balcony continued out and around the mountain, where there was another high entrance/exit with stone carved overhangs like an ancient cathedral. There was a shrouded man in white standing between two large, wide shoulder men, and one jester looking humanoid figure that was in a fitting full body couch cushion fabric with weird symbols embedded from toe to head. It came up right below his nose and the hood came over clamshelling his head shadowing his eyes and facial features. He started toward us.
      She shouted 'SHIT, we need to get out of here, NOW'
      'Neeeh, this is MY dream, I'm gonna fight this guy!'
      'NO! You don't understand!' and she bailed, disappearing from the scene.
      I approached the hooded jester looking individual but he leaped towards me at incredible speed. One massive blow and my body was knocked limp on the ground. I was pushed back out of it as I peered down at my body I gathered I was non-physical (outside my dream body) again. The figure was looking at my body, when it slowly looked up, directly at me and said 'We're going to find all of you, you're not going to change anything'

      This is the best I can recollect from everything that occurred.
      There were several other fragments and brief experiences that I don't much remember.
      Christmas decorations, more telekinesis, and an autistic girl named Mary.

      When I finally rejoined the physical plane at 8am sharp. I felt as thought I had well over a dozen dreams. Though the 'Dreaming within dreams' probably convoluted my recall a bit.Trying to focus on the bulk experiences I cemented as many details as possible before I got out of bed. Really need to get that bedside notepad, recall would probably be heck of a lot better.
    12. painful memories

      by , 07-15-2012 at 01:57 AM
      Had a dream that I dislocated my thumb at all joints, felt the pain then relocated the joints back in place, wasn't pretty
    13. Grocery store with friends

      by , 07-15-2012 at 01:42 AM
      Hrs Slept: 5 ish

      My first Journal Entry! I have never had a Lucid Dream, so for now I'm just trying to build up my dream recall.

      I went to Dillon's with Becca and Ashley. Our plan was to get a pizza from a hot food place inside the store and we all needed different stuff too so we split up. I was heading towards produce and I saw Becca ahead of me at this "kiosk" for the store where you could look up the location of stuff in the store. And for some reason she had a broom. So I continued shopping and got what I needed which was a bag of lemons and another bag of produce, not sure what it was. Then I went and got in line to check out and put both my bags of produce and also two cups full of liquid that looked just like cups from work. One cup had water and the other was full of lemon juice. So as my cashier is checking out my items I pick up a cup and take a drink, intending to drink water but I actually drank the lemon juice. But it was oddly refreshing and citrus-y. At that same moment I looked down and see a pizza on the conveyer belt. So I said to my cahier who was Lindsey K. “That’s not my pizza” and she apologizes and says it’s hers so she quickly takes it off. There are also some other Dillon's workers around (all wearing red frocks) who witnessed this little scene. At that time I also knew Becca was getting the pizza we were going to eat with Ashley.
    14. Leaving Earth

      by , 07-15-2012 at 12:09 AM
      I was walking around outside my house and I looked at my shoes which had been cut into pieces. Most of the pieces were gone because I had ate them sometime in recent history. I was a little perplexed by this. Why would I eat my shoes? And how would I go on runs from then on? It slowly came to me that I was dreaming.

      Ok, I am dreaming. I walk into my kitchen and just try to look around, but things are a little strange and flickery. I pick up my passport, which is covered in strange words, and page through it. I go through it backwards and it looks like a strange book. I get to the picture and it is changing faces about 5 people per second. I recognize my friend Grace's image there. Okay that was weird. I go outside an decide to fly. But I really take off this time. Like a rocket! I end up about five to ten thousand feet above ground. There are lakes below, and I feel myself start to stall and return to earth. I face my palms to the ground and decide I can go higher. I take off again, I watch a tree in the distance turn into a dot, then the same happens to the planet. I wake up.
    15. lucid me vs DC's

      by , 07-15-2012 at 12:00 AM
      last night has been my first lucid in a while, it was a wake back to bed DILD after getting up at around 4am for about an hour i decided to focus my awareness on dreams as i lay with my eyes shut. i can remember the full dream as i was woken quite quickly but i do remember the dream was quite intense about 2 sort of gangs, the small one i was in (helping or some sort) and the very large one that was after us. we had decidedthat we had to get to a certain point and that would be us safe. we were creeping around back gardens of my old home town and trying our hardest to keep out of view of anyone in the other gang, this was working quite well but next thing the rest of our guys came running round the corner with ALOT of people chasing them, they caught up with us and we ended up in some sort of dead end. as they came round we were backing off and at this point the dream started getting a little scary and i thought "shit we are fucked" (these are normally the parts of dreams that i have a little thought to myself, the only thing that could possibly help now would be the fact that i am dreaming as i started to think this i already knew i was dreaming so done the finger RC and bang the odds have suddenly changed. hundreds of angry DC's vs lucid me. i started to punch people and they were flying and i even stopped to show a DC how to throw fire from my hands, at first this didnt work and the dream started to get a bit mor intense and i began to lose lucidity. then in front of me was, what i can only describe as "THE BOSS" it got scary again this reminded me that it was only a dream but the boss had some sort of tridend or lance, either way i thought "dreeaming or not i dont want stabbed with that thing" then i thought wait if i shut my eyes (eyes were now closed) he wont be there when i open them. he was gone but then i decided to try throwing some flames from my hand again, rubbed my fingers on one had together until i seen a small flame then threw my hand out in front of me and shit loads of flames came out.... cant remember anything after that.